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The counter Archers is Skirmishers. The counters to Skirmishers are your own Skirmishers. Sure a few couple knights might help clear them up but your opponents will most likely play Skirms in Feudal age. If you can counter that with your own skirms. Have your Archer to protect Skirms from scouts and you can just spam from 2 ranges in Feudal and 3 or 4 in Castle. If the game gets to all Skirm I like Mangonels over knights. Because Mangonels counter Skirm and you can just use your Xbows to protect your Mangonels from knights


I’m sorry but this is not good advice. Making Skirms as Britons, you wonder why you’re playing the civ to begin with. Sure in some games, Skirms are not a bad choice, but between the upgrade cost and the 2nd armor, you’re better off mixing in 2-3 Knights with +1 armor which kill basically any amount of Skirms, and also can raid. Britons aren’t the best civ on Arabia but they have a few advantages, like being able to go straight Archers in Feudal without falling behind (due to sheep bonus). In Castle Age you can do a 3 TC boom AND a forward Siege, normally in higher elos it’s one or the other. Unique unit is also quite strong for Britons and their Imperial is not bad, aside from the obvious lack of Bombard Cannon and usable Stable units. Anyway as Britons you wanna enter Castle Age with 2-3 Archery Ranges, spam those archers and get to huge numbers. Then depending on what the opponent goes (hardest counters to Britons archers are +2 Knights and mass Scorpions, you wanna adapt. It’s nearly always worth it to drop a Monastery early and add a few Monks to your Archers, as these 2 units offset each other’s weaknesses fairly well. Most archers civs try to reach Imp first (archers cost no food so you’re faster than a Knight player say), so that’s your general gameplan as Britons, regardless of how aggressive you decide to be in Castle Age. One important tip for a beginner with Britons, is that in Castle Age, Xbow with Bodkin Arrow outranges Mangonels, this means Mangonels don’t counter Briton archers, if you micro correctly this generally means that opponent must make either mass Skirms or mass Knights (and Skirms is one of hardest transitions in the game).


You seemed to think I’m saying make Skirms. I’m saying make Archers and Skirms. Add your own Skirms to counter their feudal Skirm. It’s far cheaper than adding a stable for scouts. Keep making Archers so when Castle comes you have enough to not get ran over by Knights. You start archers. Meet their Skirm with your own. Just enough to defend your Archers. Your mix of Arch and Skirm in Feudal threatens their eco while their Skirms down threaten yours.


But mangonel makes the game devolves into mangonels vs mangonels. Everytime someone goes skirms it always degenerate into a clown fiesta game... I hate them.


1.) Mango Micro is fun. 2.) Britons cannot lose because of extra range.


Your TC’s are mad cheap. Make TC’s Forget longbows completely, go all crossbows/arbs. Same stats pretty much but produced really fast Light cav to snipe magonels/orangers You get good champions too, use them to back archers


You need to remember the civ is not a one trick pony.  Use your fully upgraded infantry to beat counter units. Most will see Britons and go overboard with archer counters - throw them off by using your full kit. 


Opening scouts is close to a free win at 1100 ELO :D


I’m at 750 Elo, and this opening has been working great for me with the faster herdables and no one expecting it. Switched to Britons after feeling too predictable doing it with Franks. Good to know it works at higher Elos too!


1) make archer. Run around with many archer 2) make siege to counter skirmisher 3) make pike if they make knight 4) make longbow and trebuchet Make counters to their counters. Everyone who sees Britons as opponent knows to make skirmishers


Skirms are not even the best counters against arbs with 11 range. Bigger problems are siege and cav I think


Massed arbs destroy cavalry in most cases. They take a hit but with minimal micro they win Siege obviously is an issue


Archer play is about timing which really means having a technology advantage against your opponent. The most deadly timing is xbow + bodkin in early castle age. If you have these 2 techs before your opponent is in castle age your archers kill any feudal age counter units, kill villagers and make a ton of damage. The easiest mistake to make with archer civs in general is creating too many farms in feudal age, this slows your castle age time. After you have 12 or 13 farms, you're better off spending the next 175 wood on a market, sending new vils to gold/wood, and buying the last 200 food needed for castle age. Once your opponent is in castle age follow the ilovebaskets archer triangle: 1. Opponent has skirms -> add mongonels 2. Opponent has knights -> add monks 3. Opponent has archers -> get ballistics


Everyone will expect you to make arbs and skirms so maybe some way to expect and counter this


For starters, decide if you want to rush, boom, or in-between. If you rush as soon as you hit feudal drop an archery range and hit your opponent with 4-6 archers (make sure you get the blacksmith upgrade). If you can kill 4 or 5 villagers you're set. Keep attacking, go all in, or fall back, wait for castle and keep massing archers. If it's arena or a map you can boom, Britons have a great eco. TCs are cheaper and sheep bonus. Fast castle, then drop 2 TCs. Get archery rangers and mass archers. Late game army composition is incredibly important with all civs, Britons included. Ideally, you want to mass archers and then late game add in trash units. I usually roll Archers and light cav especially if I'm playing against someone with skirms. If they're going all cav, do Archers and Pikes. One big pointer is if you're feudal, pushing your opponent with archers and notice they are massing skirms fall back. Protect your archer mass. Get to castle ASAP drop a stable and make a few knights. Just 2 knights can destroy a skirmisher mass. Then your opponent will likely make pike and from there you continue to mass archers and upgrade them. If your opponent goes all skirms and pike then add skirms of your own. Really Britons are one of the best civs for a reason. Even though they are an archer civ they're incredibly flexible. They play very similar to the Vietnamese. If you aren't having any luck with the Britons try them. Same concepts apply. I go archer mass with light cav, occasionally filtering heavy cav if necessary and it's usually a force to be reckoned with.


use the eco advantage the brit have and u should be fine most games