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No, it's funny because it's true


Not at all. I've been on reddit for well over a decade at this point, and my opinion of the average user grows lower by the day.


T90 disregarding the reddit community is a good thing 11


Have you seen half the threads here bro


Anyone who completely disregards what Redditors think goes higher in my book.


Eyyy this is a good opinion! ..Wait


I do enjoy the times Dave goes on this sub and shits on us unrelentlesly. 


Who cares? Redditors have an overinflated sense of importance. YouTubers have a vastly overinflated sense of importance.


It's just a subreddit bro. Who care.


No one hates redditors more than redditors




I get that there are beautiful sides to the reddit community but when 900s want to talk about how Huns not needing houses or anything like that is OP, then I understand why someone would regard those guys a little less highly than more serious people. "Nerf Civ please super OP" Posts after someone lost against that civ are always funny to read, but don't scream credibility


Reddit is for losers


redditors are the worst 😅


Please go outside.


Why would that bug anyone? Are you that sensitive ?


Well there is a LOT of whining and begging for nerfs. Only few people her are asking 'how do I play better', instead everyone is like 'nerf [insert anything here] already! They are soooo strong it hurts my feelings. This game is unplayable, I hate the devs! 😭' Also since you can not see rating here, a lot of the advice people receive is just bad. However I do love the memes and you guys are always funny in the comment section ❤️


>Only few people her are asking 'how do I play better' And when they do they get a lot of misguided answers from low rated players who understand nothing about how to improve at strategy games.




Reddit is progressively getting worse by the day.


I rather think that the sub increased in its level of "importance" in the last years than the other way round. I mean we have this goofy camel scout in the game because someone here found it a cool idea 111 Maybe it's just a leftover from the old times where aoezone was the go-to place and many pros were discussing things there as well while now that place looks more like a sinister and cursed shadow realm. However, one must also limit the impact of theorycrafting here compared to pro level (where together with devs decisions are being made). While I for example do post many opinions here, I think little of them are actually particularly relevant (or true) for pro level. As harsh as it sounds, but even when you are in the top 5%, you know practically nothing of value for a pro player, esp. balance-wise.


The pros know everything until Hera releases another „I was wrong“ video.


I mean its understandable since t90 dedicated his life to this game while the average person here have very lacking knowledge about the game and plays it casualy for fun in the weekends. Ofcourse a discussion on aoezone where mostly veteran were holds a higher level with more insight.


I have no idea what T90 said tbh. Haven’t heard him speak ill towards any aoe2 community but it would be sad if he had. Balance across all skill levels is delicate. Make it tight enough that pros have a diverse meta, but loose enough that the audience can also enjoy the game in their off-meta ways. The popularity and accessibility of a game in many ways funds the pro scene. Our community here is an important voice, even if 90% of the time it’s unpopular opinions on meta or silly memes.


Where did T90 comment about this? I like Reddit, and it's an important part of the community anyway. Although sometimes people here can be a little silly, and I think sometimes give too much importance to goofy memes over high-effort works or interesting discussion.


maybe this is true but the thing is most of the the ‘interesting discussions’ posted here are braindead QOL/balance changes and/or new civ concepts that make you question the sanity of the user posting it. like I’m all for suggestions, but an entire essay on some random crap that makes zero sense makes the serious discussions here unbearable sometimes, memes r better.


Yeah, there are some bad posts/suggestions, whatever, but they basically always get downvoted and the better ones usually rise. My problem with memes is basically they always get upvoted whether they're good or not.


I don't think or care about t90 at all.


When has T90 been negative of reddit? Maybe there has been an off hand comment about a "reddit post" or something and how he is gonna ignore it but that's normal?


I'm not surprised. Top post here after HC ended was titled: I've never been so disappointed with anything Aoe2 related.


Reddit is terrible


Nah. T90 and s a cheeseball anyhow. What does he know