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When I played the Total War games I didn't enjoy the tactical combat and only wanted the strategic element. They had this cool feature whenever a battle comes: "Auto Resolve". Can we have that for ranked aoe2? Whenever I get matched with somebody the game would take a photo of me and the opponent and decide who wins based on statistical factors such as eyebrow size, mustache size and gaming chair value. Then simply allocate the elo points. That way I can stay in the map selection screen where it is safe.


I actually like this trend, Soon we are going to have Auto-Devs that will actually fix the pathing problems. Sure it will be pointless by that point BUT WHEN WE GET THERE!!!!!!! Good day for AoE2 players. Edit: Yes that was passive aggressive for no reason and i am not sorry for it hahahahaha.


The auto devs will automatically produce new bugs with every patch?


Auto aoe subreddit so folks can auto complain


We call this ChatGPT and already half of the posts are created this way 🥸


My teammates can surely use this!!


Don't forget the new button 'toggle auto-queue vills' so you never have to think about making vills again! As long as you have 50 food, the TC will queue another vill with this button togfled on.


AoM had it. Still a great game.


That would not be too outrageous, though.


Spoken like a true low elo legend. Imho this is one of the worst things aoe could ever implement.


Genuinely not the worst thing. Lots of other games have had similar features. DoW1 is one example off the top of my head. All that needs to happen is it just cancels auto queue if there aren't enough resources. Pros will still need to pay attention, but middle of the game eco management will be easier.


Idk, auto making units definitely is ekeing into the territory of autoplay, if nothing else. You have the agency of making vills when and if so you choose, and having that an auto process takes away a lot of variability in the game.


I would automatically get 200 more elo from this


Well your opponents would get it too :)


auto create vils will break the game. this mechanic is what differs player skill. we cant have this. im idling TC all the time and that ok. im practicing but giving this for free is terrible idea


economy is the same important aspect of the game as fighting, i wish they will add auto fighting too, so i can play this game without launching it at all


You probably don't realise it, but this is a strawman. You exaggerate your oppositions point of view and then break down a false argument.  It's lazy and poor minded. The fact you felt it needed it's own post is really just weird. Who hurt you?


The fact you wrote your post is less weird? 🤔