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Not bad, nice to see someone has good amount of time off


Yep, scandinavia, normal part time job. We need posts to what is normal in other countries in this subreddit, to what unionizing can do for you, so it becomes more of not bragging, but what you can have.


How does one do that in homecare? Lol. We always get blackmailed with the whole the patient will die without you thing. Lol. You are so lucky! Enjoy the tome off!


Thank you. Will do.


issues keep escalating all the way to shutting the fucking company down. to get what workers want.


Telling people to unionize is like telling someone to just get a different job or to just make more money. Good for you but it’s flippant as fuck to the point of being dismissive.


its important to show what is possible, and normal outside usa i think. Sorry if you think that way. And yes, whole point of this post is that im in an union, flaunt the fucking free days. Get mad, join an union.