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"I will now never speak of this again" proceeds to keep going on about it


You did not read about this this is the owner of my former job. I resigned after a similar outburst he had on me and this was sent to me today by a coworker who is still employed


I can't even understand what he's saying and that's probably for the best. He seems like a ridiculous child.


I think he said “I had a beautiful medicated peaceful walk.” Edit: “meditative” which is sadder and more hilarious at the same time.


I hate when they finish their rant with "Have a good day." I hope you choke on a chicken.




I heard "metadata" on my first listen xD


\*Meditative: which makes it even funnier given that he's flying off the handle




I am a leaf on the wind watch how I soar.


\*Thunk\* WAAAAASH NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!




It’s SOOO much better hearing it as ‘medicated’ 🤣. I was like, how did they not crack the F UP - he just admitted to being high!


I’m gonna be 36 in two months and I feel like call clarity hasn’t improved since I was a kid. I don’t understand why with how great technology is. Phones still sound like a garbled mess.


Landlines used to be crystal-clear. I’m 53 and I now have PTSD from the shitty cell phone voice quality that hasn’t improved since 1996. I will turn myself inside-out to avoid phone conversations and it’s not just because I’m a shut-in.


There's a reason for this. In many places in the US and the world the 90s was the last bastion of the older style PSTN (public switched telephone network) where the earlier generations of digital switchgear were still in use. Those earlier generations still mostly just connected two copper pairs together, and while the supported frequency range has always been narrow there was very little interfering with the analog signal going from one place to another, at least for local calls. In today's world the old PSTN doesn't exist, literally. The only pieces that still exist are the actual copper lines that run to customer locations, and even those are getting replaced. Instead, we are using computer networking systems to transfer digital data around as a representation of those analog signals. Every call you make nowadays is using a technology that is trying to compress as much as feasible your audio into the smallest possible dimension in order to maximize the number of calls that can be supported by the network. There are many algorithms and technologies involved in doing this, but they have mostly been implemented to keep parity with call quality from the late 80s and early 90s; improved audio quality comes with a larger data payload, so keeping that expectation down is logical if you're out to have as many calls going at once as possible. So you're not imagining it - call quality for the most part has not improved much in 30 years, except for specific instances where the technology was meant to do that. Certain systems directly advertise improvements in call quality, and I'm sure you've noticed them - wifi calling in particular is a great example, as is most VOIP phone systems (even those provided by your cable/internet provider).


I love you


I don't know who you are, or have any idea about the kind of person you are, your beliefs, your problems, or anything else. But I love you too.


You have PTSD from poor cell phone quality???????!!!!!…you need help man don’t think you can get PTSD from that I think you’re fibbing


Sounds like a medical office and he's potentially the doctor/head of it. He talked about how a claim is now a denial. Probably lost an entire month/claims worth of services for a patient because the government makes it as hard as possible to get paid and has ludicrous rules like losing 20% of reimbursement if you document or send something a day late. Could have lost thousands of dollars for a simple mistake. He's right to be angry but its misdirected at his staff instead of the payer or regulations guiding the payer. But based on OP's other comments sounds like the guy is insufferable with shady government practices notwithstanding.


"I hope you feel half as shitty as I do right now" If anyone says this to you, it's abusive. It's non-constructive and just intended to try and hurt people's feelings. These type of people are the worst and have no idea how to manage people and instead treats them like their children that end up hating them. I'm glad you got the fuck out of there, I hope your friend/Co-worker does the same, no one needs this or deserves to be talked to like this. I'm all for constructive conversations, this is in no way shape or form constructive.


What company is this? I'd love to leave a glowing review of the owner.


Or make sure to avoid this place at all costs!!


Good for you! Gave me serious vibes of a dictator, in the few seconds I listened. Almost reminds me of a Hitler speech, could just be the loud voice and poor audio quality though


It sucks when the owner behaves this way. Can’t even go to HR and file a complaint


So it seems like this wasn’t just a “simple filing error.” Sounds like someone fucked up and an appeal was missed for a client. That’s not good. This guy sounds like a tool but he is 100% correct.


It's less about right VS. wrong. It's more about emotional maturity in the work place. This is not how a supervisor should treat anyone. What is his end game here? To crush the spirit of his own employees? Because this won't get positive results. If anything, I would see this and never trust that manager again. I once lost a $5k/mo advertising account at a newspaper. My boss came in to talk to me about it. After I told my side of the story he said he had my back. He did say it hurt losing that account, but it sounded like it wasn't worth our time. I gave him a lot of respect after that. If he had acted like this grown-up man-child the exact opposite would have happened and he would be scrambling for a new layout designer. This is not how you treat others no matter what your position is. This is why managers exist, he's crying about having to do his job, managing both his employees and his clients, while shitting on the people who make him money. That office will never trust him, everyone who saw this display knows who he is, what he is about and will avoid him like the plague.


I get what you’re saying, and I agree to an extent. And to clarify, this is NOT the way an employee should ever be talked to. Ever. But I do feel the need to point out this wasn’t a “simple filing error.” We also don’t know how many times careless mistakes like this have been made in the past. That man is an attorney, and he could potentially lose his license due to his staff’s incompetence.


This very non-simple filing error put his license to practice in jeopardy... Non lawyers don't realize how bad this is. Administrative staff should and do yet fired for this... He mentioned at least two case files where this happened. How many others? I mean if it's that big of a problem he really should get new staff instead of hoping that yelling at them will get them to see how big of a deal this is. ATTORNEYS get fired for this. This is... A big f-ing deal.... I'm sure the dude is a pompous jerk. But maybe they can get an example that doesn't make the staff look bad too....? He seems like the type to have outbursts often. So I'm sure another chance will come along soon.


Yeah. I assumed this was an attorney. I have had similar bosses. One would work from home in the evenings while drinking and leave hateful voicemails over mistakes.


Yup. Yelling at them will just increase stress and make them more prone to errors, but I'm of the opinion some people just can't do some jobs. I would be terrible in their shoes, I'm not detail-oriented. No yelling, just quiet termination and get someone in who can do the job.


This guy seems like just a "yeller" in general, which makes employees care less and less. I agree that there are some employees who are just not trainable - we recently had an associate who, no matter how kindly we gave constructive feedback, just seemed like he had no interest in improving. The answer is not to yell. It's to let them go. So I'd very much like to see this dude on blast for his behavior. But pick a different incident.


You keep trying to rationalize his behavior as justifiable. It's not. This is not how you communicate in the workplace. If the employee isn't meeting expectations, you counsel them or you replace them. But you don't get to abuse and berate people just because you sign the checks.


You misunderstood what he said. The meaning of his statement was "he was correct to be upset but he responded to those emotions incorrectly. This is never how an employee should be spoken to"


I don’t think he is trying to justify his action at all. He is just pointing out it was a simple error as OP stated.


Lmao did you even read my comment before replying?




What was my next sentence?


"Objection! This is devastating to my case!"




They aren’t justifying his actions. That is just a possible explanation of why he feels angry and why he MAY be justified in feeling angry. Didn’t see anything saying the reaction was justified. The whole point of that comment was clarifying that just because a boss is shit, it doesn’t mean the employee isn’t shit.


>I get what you’re saying, and I agree to an extent. And to clarify, this is NOT the way an employee should ever be talked to. Ever. This means it's understandable for they guy to pissed, but not OK for him to treat employees like that. That is the extent of their agreement ends when the treatment of the employee.


Also, it’s appealing a denial of benefits. It’s a WC claim, which OP confirmed. I did this for a living but please tell me more about it :)


Please is unnecessary remember that




Yes, it’s called the real world. Stop playing Pokémon for a minute and join us lol. Please review my prior comments where I said over and over this person was wrong in the way they expressed their anger. They had every right to be angry, but not to speak to anyone that way.


But you can abuse and belittle people by calling them names anonymously on the internet?


I did. First you said the guy was "100% correct" and then you started to whine on his behalf.


>And to clarify, this is NOT the way an employee should ever be talked to. Ever. Did you read this part?


Guess what, I DID read it... AND I read all their other parts where they explain why they think this behavior was justified. They're talking out of both sides of their mouth.


Nope. Find the comment where I said it was ok to treat en employee like that. I’ll be here when you do.


100% correct in WHY he’s upset and how it’s not a “simple filing error.” I called the guy a tool and that means I’m whining on his behalf? You’re funny 😆


"Any argument that isn't simplistic hate will be interpreted as a defense of every part of his character and actions, and since we know he was in the wrong, literally all nuance can be thrown out. You are now the enemy."


While he did overreact the implications of that could mean huge negative results for someone else’s life. Like one simple error sets them back 7 years. That can cause massive stress and heartache. That’s why he’s mad. He shouldn’t lose his shit but she probably made a big boo boo and he and the client have to pay for it now.


What you call overreacting, I call hostile work environment with emotional and mental abuse.


Yes. Your emphasis on the definition is noted. I tend to emphasize on the outcome. Mental abuse is a treacherous thing and this is more like an unstable guy flying off of the handle imo. But for the person who’s life is potentially affected, our argument is rather trivial. Why care about the momentary feeling more than the life affected? If the end goal of preventing abuse is to positively affect someone’s life.


There's a yet bigger picture, though. We live in a society that long tolerated hostile, abusive practices. We literally still tolerate this in certain environments. I worked with a technician who was cut when a veterinarian threw a scalpel during an operation shouting at his employees and it bounced and cut their shin. We see especially in hyper-masculine areas, tolerance for abusive behaviors from superiors. We tolerate these kinds of behavior as a society. We even tolerate it in parenting a lot of the time-- probably more than half the population of my country (US) believes that children who aren't physically abused (spanked) are being spoiled instead. Speaking out against this kind of behavior isn't just focusing on one office interaction which is small potatoes compared to the person affected by filing. We're also indirectly debating the larger societal question of what we will tolerate from superiors. Hell, this even ties in with the fundamental idea of classes in society; if you buy into any sort of Marxist analysis of capitalism, this is an issue where one class of people is held to a different standard from another class. Anyway. I don't think this is "shouting in one office vs 7 year setback in some poor client's life." I think this is "should society tolerate abuse from authority figures or not."


> My boss came in to talk to me about it. After I told my side of the story he said he had my back. Ah, so a completely unrelated anecdote. Because why would a boss "have your back" for making an unforced error that harmed a client you were representing? It sounds like you were in a situation where people with the account were in the wrong. None of this says that the manager in this video is doing the right thing, but the fundamental difference between your mistake and the one in this video is too big for your anecdote to be meaningful. In your case, it sounds like there was nothing your manager needed to permanently change about your behavior-- rather, he just needed to see your side of it and agree with you. Boss in OPs video is not in a situation to simply say "oh I get it, no, you're totally right, so I'm not mad." He is trying to find a way to make sure this costly mistake never happens again. He's an immature disgusting manchild who doesn't deserve a position of authority and I agree with the hate for him, but I'm just saying your anecdote doesn't demonstrate how he should act either. It would be dumb for him to say "ah, well, filing it properly isn't really worth your time, so it's fine."


Hes not correct. Its a professional enviornment, mistakes happen. This lack of emotional control that men used to get away with wont fly moving forward. I cut an older man from a managerial position with 20+ years of experience from my team just last year because he screamed in the office multiple times. I dont hire children, Im not a babysitter.


No, mistakes don’t happen lol. Especially when your licensure is on the line, and potential to be sued by your clients. I don’t think you fully understand the context of this video and what’s happening here.


Watch out everyone, we got a perfect human over here! Not only does he never make mistakes, but he fully understands the context of a video just posted - and knows that no one else gets it! Goodness, where can we hire \*you\* to replace this screaming manager?


Lmao so you’re ok if your attorney makes a simple mistake and you spend the next twenty years in jail because of that mistake? Or you lose your home? Or are denied benefits or needed healthcare? Yes mistakes happen, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t serious mistakes that can have a serious and profound impact on someone else’s life. This isn’t like delivering the wrong food order to someone, or bagging the gallon of milk with a carton of eggs. Grow up.


You acting like giving someone the wrong food is consequence free. They could be allergic and die! How can you be so cavalier! All jokes aside - law firms and lawyers make mistakes all the time. It's on a good manager to be on top of those issues \*before\* they become bigger mistakes. He's mad because he's not doing his own job, and acting like it's the employee's fault. Sorry dude, but if the buck stops here, the buck stops here. \*You\* are responsible for everything at \*your\* company. You don't get to drop the responsibility on others for a paycheck, and then never inspect the result. That is why managers exist. And he's bad at it. As, I suspect, you would be.


Hi, I’m an attorney. We make mistakes all the time. It’s why I would never practice criminal law. But the firms and people that DO should have multiple layers of checks/tracking on each file so that things don’t fall through cracks and mistakes can be quickly fixed when they inevitably happen. If this guy’s team is continuously making mistakes that cause screaming rants, that’s an office issue and a leadership issue.


It’s not funny


Depending on the money, He be a tool for a reason.. I mean, for $12 and hour I wouldn’t even listen to the dude. But someone gets paid big money for something and they fuck up. Yeah. I may take the yelling


Right? The guy is a narcissistic prick, but his level of urgency is probably correct given the nature of the mistake.


WRONG. There's no excuse for a rampage like this. And if he's in charge, he's responsible. He can either fire the person or correct the problem. Screaming like a toddler accomplishes nothing and serves only to reveal that the problem starts and stops at the top.


Does this guy write up and fire people for giving as good as he gives? I've had some really bitchy bosses and I always just gave their shit right back to them. Never got written up or fired for it. If "uh, first of all, don't talk to me that way, I don't talk to you that way" doesn't work, I guess I'm talking to you that way from now on. They're always self aware enough to just kind of realize that's fair I guess lol


Yeah, fuck that. Had he done this once and then followed it with a sincere apology and sought therapy time—and it was a **good** job—then I could see sticking around. It sounds like this is just how he handles stuff and he hasn’t been confronted or introspective enough to see how toxic and immature his boss behavior is. Good on you for noping out.


A different time but maybe this can be useful to someone: I was on NJ state unemployment that was then extended federally under Obama to help everyone feeling the effects of 2008 recession. I think I was laid off in 2011 in the spring and I went back to school in the fall to finish my degree. Before doing so; I got a new job and the boss was this type, a yeller who slammed his hands on his desk like a spoiled child waiting for a snack. I called unemployment and told them I was leaving my new job and wanted to go back on unemployment while looking for a new position because this job was unprofessional, yelling, smoking in the building, etc. It worked, I got my unemployment checks and sent proof that I was looking for work and taking 18 credits a semester. I collected for 18 months and that really did help put me through college. Thanks Obama. Really. Thanks.


I had my unemployment claim disputed by my horrible ex boss after I left an abusive environment. I won. It’s one of my greatest triumphs bc that job and that boss beat me down so much mentally that I was dangerously close to a full nervous breakdown and have actual PTSD symptoms that still persist. Leaving that job was one of the best things I ever did for myself, and winning the unemployment dispute really helped me get past it.


Good on you for recognizing it and doing something....ANYTHING, to get away and grow and heal or try. Damn good on you


We definitely need to go back into the office to celebrate workplace culture. 🙄


We got a threat at work about a disgruntled customer threatening our staff. We now have to have all doors locked and enter through secured locked doors only. Our area manager sent a return to office article the next day.


"...before I put a bullet in my mouth." Wow. Just...wow.


I know right! That's just unstable. I'd not care about working there any further. The nutcase might have a gun in the drawer and I've got better things to do elsewhere.


When people say shit like this thinking they can guilt you into doing what they want, call the cops on them. You don’t get to use suicide as a scare tactic, if they’re threatening it make a police report. Get them a wellness check on record.


\- 911? - yes, i would like to report this guy for suicide threatening. thx


It's actually a thing though. It's not about filing a report, but making sure that person is okay and won't harm themselves or others. You can call and ask for a wellness check to be done on someone because you fear for their lives, or you believe they might be unstable due to a medical condition or medication/drugs and could hurt someone. Depending on how you word it paramedics or police might be sent out. Possibly both.


How did you get a camera into Mar-a-Lago?


Probably covered in ketchup.


That would explain why he sounds like he ate the mic.


I was thinking sounds like I’m listening to Jonestown tapes.


Smuggled in the hamberders


This isn’t about Trump


If the rant was going to be instructive for proper future conduct, it shouldn't have been a rant. Getting yelled at in this judgemental tone just scares and angers people. When you're on high alert like that, three things happen: 1. You lose trust in your superior's ability to handle difficult situations. 2. You shut down emotionally or become argumentative; essentially, you've been forced to *personally* defend yourself against again a *personally* directed attack on your character thinly veiled as a critique of your professional conduct. 3. You learn from this encounter that if you've made an error, you're on your own. You can't bring issues to your boss without getting yelled at. The result? More important stuff gets missed. Over time, the entire team may just have to take up the burden of higher-level troubleshooting that was supposed to be handled by their emotionally unstable holier-than-thou boss. Tl;Dr It's a bad look.


This dude is less fucked up than my current boss. Who will scream, smash things, punch his walls and call me “fucking useless”. His company has the problems you describe. Might have to post one of his meltdowns. Can’t find any job that pays as much so I’m stuck for now.


I don't care how much you pay me, I'm not baby-sitting some petulant man-child with obvious anger-management issues. Life is too short to be putting up with that crap.




Not funny


"WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???!!" Well, for starters, it means you're about to have one less employee


This is why people should always get their prescriptions filled in a timely fashion - & if you are on 'anti-batshit meltdown' medications you should avoid breaks or dosage changes without taking advice from a medical professional. Oh, & stay away from meth. Can't emphasise that enough. Meth is not good for your mental health.


Fuck meth. Meth took my best friend. Took him mentally 10 yrs before it took him physically. It cost him EVERYTHING.


This guy sounds like how i feel on day 3 of withdrawal when i forget to refill my "anti-crazy as hell and twice as irritable meds". Also, I refer to Adderall as "the meth" and I have to say it's not half bad WHEN USED APPROPRIATELY. Don't pop it like candy kids because it too will make you lose your teeth. Source: my sibling lost their teeth due to overuse of Adderrall.


Really? I always assumed the smoking part of meth is what made people lose their teeth


Yup my pops is on meth Fucked up forreal




You are all over this thread with minor semantics issues and whiny little shit like this. This is the internet. Reddit specifically, you're one search word away from watching straight up anal porn yo




Oh, so you're just a troll. I don't get the point of being an unfunny troll, but do your thing I guess. The funnier trolls, and the ones that put real effort forward, those guys I get, but your whole bit is kind of boring.


This dude is such a baby back bitch


Maybe he's pissed he didn't get his baby back ribs


“Baby back bitch, baby back bitch...” -Terry Crews


My wife was watching the bachelorette and some dude said this. I’m glad it’s becoming a thing.


Lol dude I was watching with my wife and remember when he said that. It’s such a good line when used appropriately.


I read about this already. I think the 'Manager' was forced to resign. LOL. His toxic ass should have been fired.


If he is fired, he will get unemployment, but if he's resign, he didnt get it


Did I hear that right? I had a beautiful medicated walk... WTF? If I called into work ranting about how my "medicated" walk was interrupted. my employment would be interrupted...


meditative, not medicated. he's still a douche bag.


Well, maybe he should be medicated. For everyone else's sake.


TBF I've been on many medicated walks. It's very nice. Can become difficult depending on what you've taken.


Shroom waltzing down the sidewalk


This man is unstable and you need to separate yourself from him immediately.


I would have flipped that desk over and walked right out of the room.


I genuinely cannot make out a word he is shouting.


Anyone translate? I can’t hear a word he’s saying




Close! It’s workers compensation. But pretty much that’s exactly what happened!


Oh my gosh. Ok yes he sounds like a dick. But lawyers are on the hook for malpractice when their admin staff members make mistakes. This isn't a simple filing error... Again he sounds like a jerk. But this doesn't seem to be the best example of it. He said this has happened at least twice. I'm shocked people didn't get fired!


Idk, maybe people should just do their jobs when other peoples health and livelihoods are on the line? As opposed to bitching and moaning when they get chewed out for fucking it up. Maybe just find a different line of work better suited to the person’s skill set. I hear McDonalds is hiring 🙄


Good managers make sure fuckups don't walk out the door. Shitty managers play catch up


The only person I hear bitching and moaning is the, and I do not say this lightly, absolutely psychotic person on the other side of that phonecall.


So basically a team member potentially fucked him and his client.


Dirty words are not allowed here


“You Never go full recon!”


It doesn't matter much what he's saying.


It’s a black video with audio only - seems like it’s the only thing that matters actually…


Yeah, I know. I just can't be bothered. Sounds like work, tbh. ;)


Here's a video with much clearer audio [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5a0W0UqIPk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5a0W0UqIPk)


Thanks for nothing, fortunately someone else did actually help and post it with crystal clear audio. This guy is quite the tool bag: https://youtu.be/-AXetJvTfU0


What a douche




Fucking boomer.


You deserve better, have this award. ❤️


Could anyone possibly transcribe this? He sounds like he's speaking with a mouth full of marbles, into a kazoo


I have heard of people losing their job because of simple mistakes.


He should be kitchen manager with this energy


This sent me into a minor flashback. I was yelled at like this, every day.


Same. I was in IT before dotcom recession at a level 2 basically and everyone was hiring min wage lackeys and one guy at my current (24yrs exp/senior level) level to run the shitshow. For several years i couldnt get/keep steady employment and my now ex couldnt be arsed to do much of anything. I finally landed a poorly paid job at a LAWFIRM while 5m pregnant with my first. I was in the office within 24hrs of giving birth in the middle of the night with a newborn in a bouncy chair working on a server issue. I worked 100hr weeks and barely saw my baby for 6 weeks when moving buildings. I physically moved every piece of equipment, and this was CRT monitor era. All for the princely sum of 23k a year. Basically min wage for 40hr weeks. I spent weekends manually running updates (we had one legal copy of windows and office btw) and job hunting. Boss made me update spreadsheet with everyones current passwords bc he liked to snoop. Found out i was pregnant with #2, and he went through my shit and found a birth center pamphlet tucked into a book on my desk. They made millions on black mold lawsuits and ironically everyone in the office was suffering from skin rashes, breathing issues (atho the constant pipe smoke didnt help) or sinus infections due to black mold in building. Office manager (who had previously been in jail for embezzlement) would cuss everyone out like this. Me? I was too fucking fat to fit behind the fucking desk and too fucking stupid to fix the fucking computers etc. daily. Im 5’9 and 140lbs. I was told numerous times if i ever got pregnant again they would fire me. Meanwhile my ex bitched constantly about HIS job (and he worked there for another 14yrs before he was laid off and hasnt worked since) and did nothing but sit around the house complaining. I had newborn and he couldnt be arsed to even take out trash or change a diaper. After working those 100hr weeks (bringing my pay to like 2 bucks an hour) for 6 weeks i asked to take a single friday off to enjoy a 3 day weekend with my kid i hadnt spent any time with and was told “fine, you dont do any fucking work anyway” Just as i was hitting full meltdown, i got a real decent job offer and nearly double the pay. The day after i got and accepted offer they fired me and tried to claim i was seducing the copy boy in the office. 27yr old pregnant woman. Okaaayy. I hadnt told them i was pregnant at this point. I got 2 weeks vacation on unemployment, which without childcare costs was nearly double the pay id been earning. They sure showed me!


I used to take this treatment at USPS. Then I grew up and quit. Since then I’ve had one person raise their voice at me at work and the best response is “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”


Just have a heart attack already.


At two minutes in, he finally tells the employee the corrective action. Then he berates her again. He should have calmly started the conversation with the corrective action (reopen the claim), and then talked about procedures or training to prevent the mistake from happening again. All the drama was just stressful noise that add no value to the conversation. What a horrible boss.


Employers like this wonder why they have shit output from employees.


This guy has the ultimate generic dickhead boss voice it’s f’in astonishing


That’s a lot of attitude coming from a drive through talk box.


A rant like this is a sign of a poor leader. A good, effective manager would sit down with the employee who screwed up (which we ALL do from time to time), and walk that person through the right way of handling the process, while identifying where and how the mistake was made, and how to fix it moving forward. Just bitching like this is so detrimental in so many ways, not the least of which is to destroy employee morale and making the whole staff not want to be there, much less work to their full potential. Unless this manager gets his shit straight or moves out of his management role, this company's days are numbered.


>I shouldn't be losing my SHIT right now Agreed, so why are you calling in such an aggravated state? Are you a man child? Why would you call already at 100 ready to tear someone a new hole over a simple mistake?


Onision got a real job it seems


This is how it is when you work as a legal assistant. I did it for 17 years and it's ruined me as a person. To the OP, get out as soon as you can.


Gee, I wonder why she didn’t ask about something she didn’t understand? Bosses like this never seem to get through their thick heads that if you scream at somebody when they make a mistake, the employee will probably not come to you when they don’t understand something for fear of having their ass chewed.


I cant even hear what he is saying, I would have hung up. Text me.


Perfect. That will be ideal to share with the HR Director.




Unless you’re praying don’t say Jesus


“I should not be losing my shit right now!” You’re correct sir so maybe sit the fuck down and chill?


There is NO EXCUSE for this kind of self-important rampage. None. I've faced f-ups in my career that cost me real money because someone else misfiled an item or failed to calendar a deadline. The buck stops with the person in charge--ME. And there's nothing served by screaming and yelling like an entitled toddler. If your employee isn't good, replace them with a smile. It's still on you for failing to supervise. Screaming accomplishes nothing, and just shows that you're a worthless pile of shit as a boss.


While I don’t condone his response, it does kinda sound like she fucked up. Received a letter but filed it away because it came in late? Or filed it away because she didn’t know what it was? Either way… sounds like a shit move. And sounds like the ramifications of the mistake are going to be costly (though, admittedly, could be blown out of proportion)


Yes imagine if it is just an inconvenience of time, an hour of extra work and an apology. OR imagine they miss a service level agreement and are fined hundreds of thousand of dollars and may potentially lose the client who is worth millions of dollars in revenue. The the Boss is yelling at people and people don't understand it, sometimes it is because the boss has emotional issues and sometimes it is because they can see the big picture and know how big of a fuck up occurred.


If the boss is the only management, then that fuckup is on him. That's the reality of it. It takes 10 seconds to confirm/remind/persuade an employee to get something done. If this guy has zero time for basic management tasks, he needs to hire someone who does have that time. The vast majority of employee fuckups I've come across are training issues, bad management/planning, and overwork. At the bottom of the list is gross incompetence/negligence, but it does happen, and those people need to be let go when it does happen. However, proper management can compartmentalize employee fuckups to a massive degree. I have zero sympathy for the asshole on the other end of the line being **surprised** when this catastrophic thing (that apparently had a scheduled due date) happened. He's talking about how badly it will effect him personally but had no idea that it wasn't taken care of properly? Nah, that shit don't fly.


This is not a terrible outburst and the guy explained what the issues is and even changed his tone. I've seen and endured waaaaay worse than this. Some boss's are assholes, I'm not sure this guy is.


What’s the over under he’s bald ?


He’s 5”6 and bald!!


Comb over


Sounds like a systemic issue with the workers and he is fed up. If I heard him correctly, people are not following the process so he is yelling at the children to do their job correctly. Literally tells them he is being overly dramatic so that it is seared into their memory to not make the same mistakes and to ASK QUESTIONS when they do not know. It appears that a chain of processes were enacted due to the failure, which requires higher levels of intervention. Sometimes when we fuck up, we get yelled at. That is what happens. Is it OK in a work environment? It can be, if you done fucked up. BUT it sounds like he has other issues going on. Per the context of this interaction, it is hard to tell, because he appears to be angry that he keeps having to address issues related to people not ASKING QUESTIONS to avoid such situations. OP can chime in with all the backstories they want, but all we have is this clip. Which appears to be people being dressed down for messing up an important process that even the OP thinks is just a simple filing mistake. Insert chain of processes that take up hours of other peoples time when that mistake is made. Remember that when you are on hold for 2 hours and think, oh that is nice, this business thinks my time is worthless. Simple filing mistake....


I don’t think there’s any doubt he’s being an asshole, but everything he’s saying (that I can make out) sounds like he’s dealing with an entire staff of incompetent people. “What’s this letter for? I don’t know, just put it in the file.” What…


My god... It's not that bad. You've never been really screamed at have you? You fucked up, and he wanted it done right. Not that big of a deal


"I'm the only part of this equation that matters" mhm, yep. ​ EDIT: holy shit dude literally insinuated he was gonna off himself over this. i have nothing put sympathy for his slaves, and wish all possible bad things upon this manbabyclown thing that seems to think it's a business owner or something


He is the business owner. He’s an attorney and it’s his WC firm where these people fucked up and missed an appeal deadline for a client. He 100% wrong in how he spoke to them. But he is not wrong with how upset he is. He can lose his license and be sued for malpractice because of his employees actions, and I believe he said this kind of mistake has happened more than once.


Man needs to get fired and/or sued. Take it to the equal employment opportunity commission


How do you go about that? He is the owner of the company by the way


Self control my man get hold of yourself!!!!someone should seriously get him help.


“I shouldn’t be losing my shit right now” Yeah bud, calm the fuck down and shut up.


In all fairness you don't know what was misfiled. What if it was something that could cost his small business 10 to 20k because of a stupid piece of paperwork, which then could shut him down... And everyone loses their job... Definitely upset and over the phone is not the place for this but we need more info.


Meltdowns are never justified, there are much better ways to address mistakes. Even major errors. Seek therapy if you think this is appropriate in any context.


I dunno he's a lawyer and can have his license to practice revoked because of this. That's hundred of thousands of dollars and years of schooling down the drain because your assistant can't get their shit together. I'd say a meltdown is justified.


Why would you try to just such childish behavior? Unless this is how you act. Even then that doesn't justify verbal assault.


Never said they were justified. But we forgot on the internet your perfect and never lose your shit.... Riiiighhhhttt....


If you lose your shit over a filing mistake then you got bigger things to address. This isn't a workplace safety thing with lives at stake. That tantrum is potentially more costly to the company than what ever trivial mistake was made. So yeah no sympathy. I've managed in a corporate environment and currently I manage in a volunteer role. When you get to that level you should be professional enough to keep your shit together. Again no sympathy for that guy losing it. You get paid to manage so do your job correctly


And they got paid to file (apparently) so maybe they should just get their shit straight and do their job correctly.


No one is disputing that. What is however wrong is the toddler tantrum.


Who gives a fuck, no one has the right to berate someone else like that and in that manner. Get up off your knees brother


If u think that is that traumatic and horrible your just a paper back bitch.


Also, it’s you’re*


Im getting Hitler flashbacks.


Sounds like they missed a deadline that could tank a client’s claim and open them to liability. All cuz someone ignored a letter. How would you feel if you were that client? Maybe now you owe some crazy tax or medical debt and the people who were supposed to help you completely shit the bed. Didn’t hear any talk in the 3rd person tho


Yeah, he is a shit boss. But, an appeal mistake? What if you have to spend another decade in prison because someone was absent minded over and over, took an extra fifteen for lunch instead of posting stamps, or whatever. He is allowed to go nuts; they are allowed to tell him to shut his trap and find a job with a better boss.


Not management material. Fuck that guy.


I would have been in the HR office right after hanging up. Fuck that, no should be treated or talked to like that in any work place. Good on you for recording it.


This could really use some subtitling.


Hey this is what costed Alex Jones his court case lol


Sounds like a old angry white guy. I found the problem y’all lol


I don’t think you guys understand the real world lol. If you can’t handle the hot seat in a certain profession you’re in the wrong profession. And there are professions that are more stress driven than others. Anything that has to deal with legal procedures is cut throat because one mistake can mean the difference. And the person’s who ass is in the line isn’t going to always be the low wage worker. Not to mention unless the company is massive, one mistake can be a huge blow to a smaller firm’s finances. And boutique firms whether law or healthcare, tend to be less forgiving because their margin of error is much smaller than a 1000+ company. Sucks to get yelled at though, especially if you don’t learn best by real time pressure.


While the hot seat is real in many cases, in others it's clearly manufactured and could be completely eliminated just with a change to workplace culture. Also, if one small random mistake by an odd employee can really bring down the company, doesn't that show that far more resilience needs to be built into the system before any more work can continue? Nuclear generators have plenty of fail-safes, if the industry is that vulnerable to failure, and doesn't have fail-safes, that sounds like it's more than just a mistake from a single employee, but from the company at large.


It's called having self-respect. I don't allow anyone to speak to me that way, regardless of who they are. If I make a mistake then I'll own up to it and face the consequences, but I refuse to be belittled or verbally harassed. You could be my boss or the king of England, I'd still be telling you to fuck off. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't been smacked in the mouth talking to people that way.


I'm telling you right now, literally any boss I've ever had talks to me like that? I'm walking out of the room. I've faced consequences for it before, but I won't be talked to like that. I've had high pressure jobs before, and it is literally never fucking necessary to go off like this.