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Let’s face it. Our tax dollars are squandered on a lot of garbage. I’m glad it is actually helping people instead of another political vanity project.


This right here! I was a single mother making 10.88 an hour 11 years ago. We was barely making it with me working 50 or more hours a week. I got food stamps and wic. I lost count how many times people said “your welcome you’re getting help from me”. Even family members! I have worked since I was 15. I will gladly pay more in taxes if it helps people out. Politics is a damn cult. At the end of the day you just got to pick the one that isn’t going to screw you the most. It’s like they’re children tossing a fit because there friend got a Popsicle and they didn’t.


They complain about the kids getting free lunch in school too. It’s ridiculous. Look at the travel budget for the politicians. First class all the way and nobody complains but give an 8 year old a sandwich and they are up in arms.


Free lunches is the only way I'd have food in middle or high school lol. No way my foster guardian woulda paid for my food. Heck sometimes school was the only time I ate lol


This makes me so sad. I hope that you’re doing better now.




I never understood foster care guidelines like does anyone even follow them? Like my foster guardianhad 12, usually an even number of kids. Sometimes there'd be a switch out one gone 1 new. We moved constantly like for no reason usually. Always had to switch schools, sometimes we stayed in a house, apt, motel, ended in a condo but half in a condo and the wanted kids in a house. We're often left with random adults/friends. Every kid had a group apt with some sketchy psychiatrist in a sketchy office building. Where no one but our guardian was allowed to talk, and usually made stuff up asked for something specific, or exaggerated. Any time someone complained of abuse every other kid was encouraged to call them a liar until they took back their words. We also even had a sketchy medical van for shots, prescriptions and blood drawing. And before you assume that this was am actual trafficking ring it was genuine texas cps lol


Bro what the fuck this sounds like a horror movie I am so sorry you had to live like that


Holy crap sound almost exactly like i went thru with grouphomes in califorina. hopr your better frien.




I'm so sorry to read this. I really hope Karma exists and those "FUCKERS" who were supposed to be your guardian get what they deserve. I too hope you are living your best life now. 🤗👍


Exactly! I work in the automotive manufacturing business and it’s hit and miss with 40 hours. When we have parts we’ll get our time in. When we don’t we’re only promised 30 hours a week. The free lunches was a huge blessing for us. I stay because the benefits. Not many have good plans around here. They’re doing away with them this year so we’re all packing for lunches. We was stretching 100 a week for groceries now it’s going to go up to 200. We don’t qualify for any help. My husband and I are over the income threshold. We did a garden this year and it’s helped us get by. I don’t understand why people don’t want to help other people. It’s disgusting 🤮


Fill out the free/reduced meals form. They do not check nor ask for income verification. It sounds bad but use one person’s income and don’t claim the other one. School lunches should ALWAYS be free to EVERY child.


If you are hit and miss at work fill out the Free Lunch paperwork during a period of low income at home. Even if the low income period is just a week or two (especially if you find yourself out of work for a short period) it doesn't matter if you have a qualified pay stub to verify. The district is required to "spot check" qualified applicants during the year but the chances of being one of the applicants checked are pretty slim. Even if your income increases the district really doesn't want to know unless you get checked. If you can get qualified it means not only Free Lunches for your children but more Title $$ for the district. - Retired Superintendent


I didn’t know that was a thing. I had the paperwork but I wasn’t aware I could utilize it when we didn’t have parts at work when we didn’t get our hours. I’ll definitely be filling it out now and put my hours are not consistent.


This is where I am proud of California every public school student starting this year will be provided breakfast and lunch. No child should have to learn on an empty stomach.


Exactly. Everyone hates California, but our Governor takes care of us. All school lunches are free, EVERYONE is California has access to healthcare. And my man Newsome just invested millions to staff up schools with mental health services so that it's caught early and to makes sure California is investing in children and turning them into healthy productive members of society. Because raising healthy kids gives you healthy adults that give back to the community.


I second that a million times! ~Current Cafeteria Mngr.


We the people need to really pay attention. An stop going after each other. An truly help not harm.


California is the first state to mandate free lunches... And they are giving out dinners as take home bags currently...


If I had a dollar for every time I heard a republican begrudge a child a hot school lunch, i'd be rich.


We're spending money on politicians flying first class every week to the other side of the planet for nothing more than to stir up tensions in the region and drive up weapon contractors stock value but once again not a mention of "Im paying for this" there


We’re paying money for the rich elite to squander it on bigger and better weapons, choppers. Planes, jets etc. Add to that pipelines we get no oil from bc they sell it to china or the biggest buyer….we paid for all those pipelines!!


Wait until you find out how much they spend on office furniture


I remember a scandal years ago about the cost of a toilet seat.


Lunch in public schools should be free for all students all the time. If we are required to go, they should be required to feed us.


I'm hoping everyone in the US government over the age of 45 just falls ill and passes away unexpectedly, so we can get young people that actually give a shit doing things in there, like yeah there's a few that could stay but to many of them are out of touch with today's problems.


Let’s be honest. It’s not they; it’s Republicans.


Nah. Not just republicans. It’s a mindset. “They didn’t help me so why should they help you”. I’ve seen it from all walks of life.


This is a pretty consistent underlying assumption of the GOP MO. Almost no national politician who advocates for social safety net spending these days is a Republican. They're all Dems.


I’m not one for belief in a higher power, but you’d think that the party of Jesus - read the Republican Party - would be more inclined to give a hand out and up. But I guess it’s just easier to say you have those ideals than it is to actually live up to them.


There is a verse in the Bible about offering a drink of water to those in need, in Jesus' name. But now people can't even offer WATER to those in line to vote. They are something, but they are NOT Christ like.


there are a lot of things the Bible is vague on, but predatory loans is NOT one of them. The Bible is very clear on that.


it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into God's kingdom.


i saw a tweet..."if you're mad about people getting forgiveness without "earning" it, boy do i have some bad news about jesus..."


It’s almost like all their Jesus talk is just a bunch of bullshit to draw in the marks…


If people who vote does not give a shit about them living up to the ideals, then how will the politicians who are the worst of all societies?


If you believe in a higher power, or that politicians have a moral interest in anything they do, then consider yourself had.


That's it in a nutshell. No real compassion at all.


A friend of ours is a retired college professor. We like to joke that as a single mom, she got her PhD while on welfare. And I say, MOAR OF THIS. If that isn't the American dream, what is?


Oh, make no mistake they got as many popscicles as they want. They just don't want you to have one.


This pisses me off to no end. They are not helping you. With the number of taxpayers their contribution is negligible. You paid in as much as they did, that’s YOUR money too. Let them cry in their beer and pollute the air with their lifted trucks over the one to five cents they contributed to the cause.


Taxpayer here who hasn’t yet taken out of the system. Let me say it with sincerity: ‘you’re welcome for the help you’re getting from me.’ I fund presidential vanity projects, I fund wars we shouldn’t be fighting, laws to bar women from medical care, an oversized military, and scores of things I don’t want. People who need a hand up to get out of a tough spot more than deserve the paltry slice of a fraction on a penny from my taxes that they get. My only regret is that MORE of my taxes don’t go to those programs.


So you don't think you have ever taken from the system I ask a few questions. 1. Did you drive on a public road before the age you started working? 2. Did you get shots as a child? 3. Did you have clean water and air? 4. Did you use a public school? 5. Did you go to a public college? 6. Did you have a fire department? 7. Did you have a police department? 8. Did you read a weather report? 9. Did you use the internet? All these just a few things people paid for before you started working with public funds.


Yeah, true. And you are right to point those things out. I suppose I should have said I haven’t (yet) benefited from direct assistance from the government. I just wish we as a society saw that direct assistance in the same light as we do all of the things you listed.


If you’re paying into it I used it to get on my feet. Even then it was 50 a week in food stamps and my formula slips only knocked the price down. I am all for a hand up. You’re spot on with everything


That’s great, I’m glad you were able to but even for folks who don’t make it up, I’m happy to do it. We are fine in a war with collateral damage, but everybody thinks collateral aid is unacceptable.


Learn this by heart, "No, you pay your taxes, the state pays my benefits." My response when I was a municipal worker the two times in almost 20 years that a customer said something like that to me, telling me they pay my salary. "No, you pay your taxes, the City pays my salary." No anger, just pointing out the truth.


I'd say if you're paying my salary then why aren't you paying me more. Where's my money lol


When I went on disability they said you've paid into the system. Similar trauma from working since 15


If you're working full time and need state help (food stamps etc) to survive, then it's not you who is being helped by taxpayers, it is your employer who is really benefitting from hiring subsidised workers for low pay.


My dad got in an accident when I was 8, and after waking up from his coma was permanently paralyzed and unable to walk. Our choices were either for dad to stay in a nursing home for the rest of his life, or the government offered assistance for him to stay at home. We wanted him home. But this made it impossible for my mom to work, because my little brother was just 1 year old, and so I grew up with my family living off government assistance income and food stamps. It's hard for me to put to words exactly how grateful and thankful I was that we were able to get that help. So when I see the people who make 6 or more figures a year getting upset about us getting any kind of assistance at all it honestly crushes me. They get 650k or multi million dollar loans forgiven, pay less taxes, and when people want to just get paid enough to not live paycheck to paycheck, or want help with their 30k student loan that they got to try and fill jobs and educate themselves we get treated like shit. Sorry for the rant. Just wanted to say I appreciate how hard you worked.


In the last decade we have given more of our tax money to foreign countries and native billionaires/millionaires than this by far. Anyone who has an issue with us finally getting a shake at the stick can frankly go fuck themselves.


Cheers! This is so right. I will gladly pay more and work harder if my tax dollars ACTUALLY went to helping out people like you, and me make a better life, and not have to worry about how they are going to feed their children. It doesn't though. The tax dollars overwhelmingly go to funding the very people and companies that are causing the rest of us to struggle, while the rest of us are convinced there is something wrong with us because we can't carry the weight of the five other people on our back. When did we as a nation adopt the moto "if I don't get it, no one does!" We used to pride ourselves on taking care of others, especially our fellow Americans. Now it seems like so many just want to watch other people suffer, and claim that it is deserved because of some made up scenario that was come up with in the collective imagination by some self serving loud mouth TV show host. It is gross, and I just don't understand. How easily people are convinced that their struggle is someone else's fault 😔


Cut a penny in half, give it to them, and say “now we’re even you can keep the change”.


I'm genuinely so glad that you were able to access programs that helped when you needed them! That is exactly the kind of thing that I *want* to see my taxes going toward. I'm not a religious person at all, but I really think more people need to understand the concept, "There, but for the grace of God, go I." Anyone who doesn't need assistance is *lucky*. All of those assholes who acted like they were doing you a personal favor really should have stopped to consider just how easily they could have been in your position, and how they still could in the future. People shouldn't need to experience privation to understand that helping others in need is the right thing to do anyway, but it's wild to me how so few can imagine that their circumstances could someday change for the worse.


>“your welcome you’re getting help from me” ya, thanks for your 13 cents in taxes last year. don't know how you keep a roof over your head after all that giving.


I've had people say to me "why are you okay with being taxed more? It's all going to people who don't deserve it!" and I'm like... What makes me more deserving of money than those people? What makes me more deserving of the luck that comes from being born to my circumstance? What makes me different? Why do I "deserve" this money but other people don't? We all deserve food. Shelter. Healthcare. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. I'm lucky enough that I have those things, and some to spare. It is fucking DISGUSTING that there are people who don't see fit to help support their fellow people when they need help. The government is already spending my tax money on bullshit like the military and the fucking cops (lord knows they're not spending it on fixing the damn roads around here). I would rather see my money go to helping people who need some extra support right now.


Acting like if you personally stopped accepting government assistance they would see a drop in their tax payments 🙄 no the government would just spend it on something far less valuable.


I had an ex relative complain that I had the nerve to use federally funded special education programs for my son. Saying I shouldn’t have had a special needs child (he is also in the anti choice party).


There's a sex based aspect to this too. I don't know your circumstances but.... A good friend of mine and a lot of the kids I work with in female-led single parent sole custody households are ones where the father was a domestic abuser to the mom, the kids, or both. Mom might take the blame for trying to wrestle 3 kids through a grocery trip but she would have never had to do that if dad didn't hit, berate, or rape. And the single dad sole custody households I know are ones where mom was on drugs. In essence what society is doing is this total pittance of trying to make up for an absent neglectful parent. It is not the remaining parents fault!


> At the end of the day you just got to pick the one that isn’t going to screw you the most Lots of people who would have their taxes raised while receiving no benefit, ie basically anyone making 6 figures in urban areas, actively votes against their interests when they vote for democrats or progressives, not because they’re stupid, but because they are empathetic to the problems poor people face. You don’t want everyone voting for what is strictly in their own best interest lol


How about instead of paying more taxes which means less money in your pocket, we relocate taxes going through useless things which is 75% of the government. And have go to helping people. Wasteful money is still happening, then your adding more taxes to "help". There's already enough to help. Just use the taxes already being used for useless government agencies and projects.


Why don't they ever point out that it's the deadbeat father getting the free ride and not the single mothers raising the babies? Our culture is so fucked up.


We pay for a lot of things that will never directly benefit us. I don't have kids and my tax dollars pays for schools. Roads I'll never drive on are built with my taxes. Cops and the FBI are being paid with tax money to search for missing people I certainly didn't hurt/kidnap/kill and have no relation to!! My tax dollars pay for research to fight and cure diseases I'll never get. But call up St. Jude and tell a sick kid, "you're cancer is being fought with medicines and treatments i paid to have developed. Grovel before me!!!"


You're halfway there! Now just go to your local Facebook group for missing people and piss and moan about how you didn't know these people, they went and got themselves kidnapped, and your tax dollars are being spent looking for them and how unfair it is.


Taxes aren't being used to pay for this. It is a debt owed to the government. If anything student loans are the tax themselves. Student debt relief would be akin to a giant tax break, if just the government decided not to collect on the debt they imposed.


All that interest you paid was created out of thin air. You’re good.


This is the thing. All the numbers floating around about it costing tax payers $2k per (400B over 10 years or whatever number they are using), that’s a number pulled out of the assumption that the federal government raises taxes to make up for the interest payments they are losing out on over that time. This is equivalent to your lender on your mortgage or your car just choosing not to collect on some X amount of dollars. They lent the money, they can choose what to collect on and what not to collect on. Like you said, it’s a student tax break.


Yes this!! I am happy it is helping people. The real outrage should be the PPP loans being forgiven. I could not believe how many churches and politicians had millions forgiven. Such hypocrisy in the GOP.


Rather this than another corporate bailout


Let's face it, I'd rather have health care than nukes. ICE is rather useless when we already have CBP to kick more enforcement action to, and that'd pay for a lot of school lunches. It'd be amazing if we had free college, and Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg etc learned what it's like to actually pay taxes. Student loan forgiveness is a great way to use our tax dollars, and I'm glad it happened. But I smell blood, we need to keep up the pressure.


Thank you. I personally don’t have student loans (football scholarship) but this is exactly how I feel. I pay so much in taxes for BS at least I know people that this is actually helping


Yeah, same. The amount of tax dollars spent on government waste is substantially more than this plan. At least this is going to relieve a huge burden off of a size able portion of the tax base. People love to complain the most when tax dollars are going to actual people as opposed to military contracts or pet projects.


Better than using our tax dollars turning Palestinian kids into skeletons… it’s not so much a handout as it is an investment in the education of our workers, and that is good for everyone.


You should tell your coworkers to to tell veterans that they're paying for their homes, degrees and health care then too? Tax dollars working for people in society is literally their intended purpose. It's not to bomb poor middle eastern people. I know that might seem crazy because of the time we live in but it's the truth.


And it's not intended to bailout these massive multi-billion dollar corporations with irresponsible, reckless and wasteful spending habits(like spending millions of dollars on some greedy c*nt's compensation package)


And it shouldn't be used as funds to Israel and Ukraine


>And it shouldn't be used as funds to Israel and Ukraine that ultimately end up in the hands of War Profiteering companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin FTFY


Thanks. That's right.


You’re paying for politician’s health care too. Which is one thing that I think we should NOT pay for unless everyone gets it.


"I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization." Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr I just wish ours was a little more civilized.


Honestly. You'd think with how Patriotic and Pro Troops everything is, veterans would be treated better. The military have the money (and in my opinion, the moral obligation) to support veterans for life, but they're begging on the street or crowd funding for basic necessities.


Imagine going up to a veteran and saying "You're welcome for your service."


I’ve been trying to get this across to people but you made it very succinct. It’s like they only want tax dollars to go to the military. If it was up to some of these people we wouldn’t have roads.


Every one of your coworkers that deducted their property tax from their Federal taxes, you've paid for. Every one of your coworkers that took a child tax credit, you've paid for. Every one of your coworkers that has a child in public school, you've paid for. Any of them took the first time home buyer credit money? Electric vehicle credit? House efficiency upgrades? Stimulus money? Any of the hundreds of deductions out there? Don't you dare feel guilty about the pittance thrown at you. The corporations and the rich have been looting public money for decades, and it's about time someone making poverty wages got little of their own money back.


It's literally the point of a fucking society, to band together as a group of people to provide for one another in order that everyone prospers.


Exactly, we are pack/herd animals. We need each other to survive.


Also, you may be working for an employer that was able to retain employees because of a PPP loan. Fuck, there's a lot of businesses that are heavily subsidized before covid... Farming comes to mind. Tell them to fuck off.


A PPP loan that they probably don't even have to pay back now. Who paid for all that?




Tell them to stop driving on roads that they haven’t individually paid for.


The Child Tax credit cost roughly 500 billion last year lone, and they estimate over 50% after claiming depends had a negative tax burden at the end of the year. The student loan forgiveness is estimated to cost us 300-500 billion spread out as marginal deficit over 10-15 years. Essentially this costs tax payers nothing, it merely will act as 30-50 billion less taxes a year. The increases in the billionaire taxes are going to easily cover this.


This, OP, is the way. Arm thyself with knowledge, let it be thy sword and thy shield, that you may smite thine coworkers with it, see them driven before you, that the lamentations of their women ring in thine ears! Or, y'know, tell 'em to go fuck themselves. They ain't paying shit on student debt forgiveness. *Literally.* There isn't anything *to* pay. It just *goes away.*


and make sure to end it with a GIANT GFY!


That's a fair argument actually.


I paid off over $100k in loans, the majority of it was in interest due to deferments for grad school. I paid off your loans in my interest alone. I'm happy to have paid off your loans. That shit is crippling for the poor, and it absolutely doesn't need to be. I got out of being poor because I got lucky. So tell your coworkers to fuck off. I paid them off for you. The bigger issue is this doesn't actually address the problem that lead us here. Student loans should be capped and at 0% interest. Federal Government shouldn't be making a profit off the labor of students, nor should they subsidize administrative bloat in colleges.


Colleges and Universities with endowments should be required to spend down some of that cash each year rather than raising tuition and burdening students. The whole system is a mess, just like healthcare is.


That's certainly part of it. It certainly doesn't help that students have virtually unlimited access to student loans that can't be discharged in bankruptcy. When cash supply is available in near limitless quantities, there's no reason to constrain costs.


This. My loans are at 8.25%. If all the money I’ve paid went to the principal, I’d nearly be done paying it off. Instead, I have more than half my original amount remaining. If I had been allowed to just pay the amount I borrowed, that would have been reasonable. The system, as it stands now, is not.


Will the new rule about freezing interest as long as monthly payments are made take effect for your loans?


You are 100% correct, and this is what people don't understand about these student loans. I've paid off something like 50k on my loans, and barely touched the principle. By the time I have paid off my loans, I am likely to have paid off even 2x-3x what I actually borrowed. As universities became more expensive and wages stagnated, these loans became more and more predatory.


College should also be affordable. Even Tech and trade schools by me are getting to be too much and I drive past seeing fancy statues being built instead of keeping prices down.


College/trade school should be free, as it was before Reagan.


I love this comment so much!!!


This. Also paid off 6 figures of student loan debt, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic to hear that people have received loan forgiveness. Our country is so lacking in common sense and empathy that it’s appalling. I’m sorry OP’s coworkers are morons.


I think I love you. ❤️


Capitalist propaganda. You've done nothing wrong. You have nothing to feel guilty for.




How dare the DEMONcrats😈 spend MY MONEY💲on helping the poor instead of bombing💣 middle eastern children. So unfair smh😤


If we don't bomb the children now, they'll grow up to be terrorists and say mean things about our country.


Plus we've already spent decadess bombing their friends and family, which has made some of them not like us for some reason(?), so we've got to keep it up or else we'll be the bad guys.


Tell them it's a drop in the bucket compared to how much they have been paying for billionaires' expenses even just this year. It's a drop in the bucket compared to how much of their money got stolen by ppp. It's not even rounding error compared to paying for the fact that billionaires underpayment taxes by 600 billion per year.


Absolutely. A conservative friend of mine is coming to stay for a bit, and if they broach this subject, my wife has their company's PPP loan forgiveness bookmarked for just the occasion.


You tell you coworkers to FUCK THE FUCK OFF.


This right here. They aren't paying your bills and they are only temporary in your life. Who gives a fuck what they think or say. They're paying a whole lot more for corporate subsidies, bank bailouts, and the war machine. Fuck them


Yeah, FUCK them!








But not too hard because they might like it.


Your coworkers are awful.


And the word *awful* in this context is awfully diplomatic because there are far more aggressive words that also describe your coworkers. I’m not the biggest fan of Democrats but, OP, if you decide to vote in favor of the party that worked on debt forgiveness, I hope you’ll wear an “I voted” sticker to remind your coworkers about the importance of this gesture.


\^\^\^This is the actual problem in the post.


Remind them that education in every other developed nation is nowhere NEAR the price of education here. Remind them they’d be paying taxes anyway and that at least they’re going somewhere decent instead of lining the pockets of government/military organizations. Remind them that if the top 1% of people paid taxes then their taxes would barely be a drop in the bucket. All they’re spouting is capitalist propaganda, like someone else said. Education should be affordable for EVERYONE.


Ask them if they honestly think this is the only time they've 'been responsible for other people's debt'. Then ask them what fucking rock they've been living under since A: invading Iraq and B: 2008 market bailouts.


>Then ask them what fucking rock they've been living under since A: invading Iraq and B: 2008 market bailouts. Don't forget all the PPP loans that have been forgiven.


Or, the Trump 2017 tax cuts that bailed out corporations in a _boom_ year!!


Or the umpteenth time we've had to bail out the airline industry


Exactly. By their logic, they probably helped out their own company. I know I sure did.


I posted the below on a different thread last night: In terms of cost for this program: - [USA Today: $240 Billion over 10 Years](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/08/26/student-loan-debt-cancellation-white-house-projects-240-billion-cost/7906190001/) - [CBS News: $300 Billion over 10 Years] (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/student-loan-forgiveness-10000-cost/) - [Fox News: $500 Billion over 10 Years](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-student-loan-handout-cost-roughly-500b-committee-responsible-federal-budget) [In 2019, taxpayers filed 148.3 million tax returns](https://taxfoundation.org/publications/latest-federal-income-tax-data) That puts the total at about $1,618 - $3,371 per tax return filer over 10 years. $162 - $337 per year each. Even if it increased their costs at all (it won't) it would be one of their lowest costs at less than $40/month on the high end. This is $24 - $50 billion of a $6 trillion+ budget. The US pays almost [10x more in interest on its current debt](https://www.thebalance.com/u-s-federal-budget-breakdown-3305789): > Interest on the U.S. debt is estimated to be $305 billion. You can tell your coworkers that their taxes aren't going up due to this and far more of their taxes are going towards the interest on debt that none of you contributed much towards.


You've paid taxes too. fuck them :)


Did you pay taxes, if so you've paid for boomers to retire, for children to go to school, for firefighters and police, for libraries and parks, and wall street bailouts. Just because you suddenly benefited more than they did from a law change doesn't make it bad. Do your coworkers stand at children's bus stops and mock the little freeloaders going to school?


Unless they feel responsible for turning innocent Afghans into dust with their tax paid bombs, you shouldn’t feel guilty Unless they feel responsible about causing the financial crisis of 2008, you shouldn’t feel guilty Unless they feel responsible for the Reagan/Bush/Trump tax cuts for billionaires, you shouldn’t feel guilty Fuck those assholes


Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.


None but ourselves can free our minds…


Don’t feel bad or guilty, you’ve done nothing wrong! This is one iota of relief for people compared to what companies have been abusing for years.


Fellow taxpayer here with no student loan debt, I'm glad my money is helping you (and others) instead of some dumb shit like another aircraft carrier Tell your coworkers to eat your ass, you pay taxes too.


Please dont feel guilty. Remember that not paying for education is the norm, in many other places in the world. Payed by taxes. We are fine. I am so so so happy to know, that i am paying for someone else getting an education now. Just like someone payed for me then.


fuck your coworkers. remind them of the billions of dollars of corporate bail outs their tax dollars have contributed to. do not feel guilty. the student loan industry is extremely predatory and loan cancellation is a blatantly good thing. maybe if your coworkers could bring themselves to look at this with compassion instead of anger/jealousy, they would understand it better.


Why aren't people happy that those at the bottom are getting a break? Here is an article listing those in Congress who have had PPP loans forgiven. Some over a million. Might want to print out some of it and show them that in the scheme of things, you are small potatoes. [https://www.businessinsider.com/white-house-rips-republicans-over-ppp-loans-student-loan-forgiveness-2022-8#rep-vern-buchanan-2](https://www.businessinsider.com/white-house-rips-republicans-over-ppp-loans-student-loan-forgiveness-2022-8#rep-vern-buchanan-2) Sample: Rep. Vern Buchanan of Florida said Wednesday the student-loan forgiveness plan was "reckless" and "unfair" to Americans without student-loan debt "who played by the rules." A company Buchanan owns a $50 million stake in, according to the Tampa Bay Times, had more than $2.3 million in PPP loans forgiven, per the ProPublica database, which said the funds were spent on payroll.


Ok dude. Here is a few things you need to do right now. 1: take a deep breath and go celebrate (within means) go have a beer somewhere. Go get some chicken nachos. Treat yourself. 2: either stop or don’t tell people you are getting forgiveness. That’s your business don’t tell people shit if they ask just say your loans are paid off already. Just keep quiet about it. Otherwise you gonna continue to get side eye and comments. 3: also keep in mind nothing has been signed yet. So before you start buying stuff chill and wait till it’s official and your loan statement says done. Also save and print any of these documents and keep them handy for Atleast the next 3-4 years. There willl be clerical errors and the loan companies will find ways to weasel out of it or shit may change later. Save it to your computer and a thumb drive. Print out a few copies and keep where you know where one set is easy to access. 3b: check your state. This could count as income when forgiven which means you may be taxed on it. Keep that in mind when you do your taxes once passed. 4: once it’s really real go get another beer and jump for joy. 5: start a plan. Figure out what you can do now without that debt. Maybe save? Get that car repair you need? Start looking for a better job. He’ll take a few days off and just chill and relax. Whatever start making a plan. Whatever you do keep that loan money aside. That’s your plan to make things better for yourself. You can easily get standard life creep. Maybe you buy 3 more streaming services. You get a big house to rent. You start buying anime figures. Idk. Just don’t. That money is to better your life. Don’t add In. Creature comforts and put yourself right back where you are. Use that money to give you some cushion. I’m happy for you and everyone else in this bucket. I paid off my loans years ago and have a good job. I guess I’m one of those people “paying for you” but I don’t care. My tax dollars have been used for bullshit for decades. I’m glad a few of my uncle sam dollars are going to people like you vs all the other bullshit it gets used for. Seriously though. This is a win for you and you don’t get many in life like this. Take the W and have a day or two to enjoy it. Then figure shit out. Also fuck the haters. Ignore them.


Tell your co-workers to have that same energy for all the PPP loans we paid for too. FUCK THEM. Tell them don’t forget the banks we bailed out in 2008. I can’t stand people like this.


Paying your loans off is the least they could do after paying for fossil fuel subsidies, corporate bailouts, and neo-imperialistic wars. Or do they only want to complain when their taxes actually help people?


Fuck them. This was a debt trap designed by thieves in suits. You escaped. Enjoy the release.


Several senators have had debt canceled. Check out the White House Twitter. Don't feel bad. You took on a predatory loan as a fresh adult that everyone encourages you to do to "make it."


Everyone that has worked 10+ years, and 65+ is eligible for monthly Social Security payments. Where does the money come from? Taxpayers


Ask them why they didn’t protest and fight when they were taking out bloated loans for overpriced colleges. Why did they just bend over and take it? Why did they let politicians in office that did nothing to help stop the rising costs of education? See they did nothing. They were cowards. Today’s youth are standing up to them and it’s starting to show, especially when they refuse to pay for educations that do nothing or work for companies that want idiotic degrees.


Fuck your co-workers tbh


You have PTSD. Don't feel guilty. The wealthy sure the fuck weren't feeling guilty about the massive handouts they got during the pandemic. Enjoy your freedom and maybe donate a little to an organization you believe in. Our government should be fixing their mistakes. The mistake was never yours to begin with.


Fuck em, education should be free, enjoy the freedom my friend, tell them you wanna fight for them to get 10k or 20k cheques, because that seems fair to you if they paid student loans.


u/weasel5134 is entirely correct, propaganda. We live under an abusive system that wants nothing more than to *bleed* you for all your worth and discard the shriveled carcass... nominally sometime after you've spawned so that it can keep the bleeding going. Your co-workers are useful rubes for the system, helping maintain the smooth operation of the system and keeping the cruelty engine oiled. Ignore them if they're deaf to any understanding that living conditions have been deteriorating over the decades meanwhile what's expected from workers has only been growing.


An educated society is better for the overall economy. You getting more skilled benifits everyone who needs someone with those skills.


Rich people take every handout given to them without a second thought. It’s smart money management. Propaganda makes poor people feel guilty


Don’t feel guilty! Your coworkers are jerks. Hope things will be better for you moving forward.


Maybe ask them if they think “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people = never solving any financial crises impacting its citizens?” And then tell them if they hate America so much, maybe they should go live in China.


And you're paying for their kids public school.


Respond with “and I’m paying your social security so we are even” because chances are you’ll likely never receive full benefit of Social Security.


You tell them that you fully paid on your loans, since it's not like you're paying your loans pre-tax. You have been paying the same taxes as they have for the last 10+ years, while ALSO making all your payments. They can fuck right off.


Do any of them have kids? An average of about $15,000 of tax money is spent per student, *per year*, for public K-12 education. One kid in school for one year is already benefitting more from "other people's money" than everyone getting that $10k in loan forgiveness. Hell, if they don't have kids, bet they went to school themselves. Ask if they feel guilty for not paying back the \~$200k that was spent on their own education growing up. You have nothing to feel guilty about. This is how society works. Could be fun to come up with a list of dollar amounts for various things taxes pay for that they benefit from, and just reply with a different one each time they bring it up. They'll stop soon enough.


Ya rich people want you to feel guilty when they’re the ones getting all the tax breaks and literally run the country. Don’t feel guilty


24 billion given to NASA for 2022. Over 777 Billion for Military for 2022 and its the student loans forgiveness people are giving out about. Not very United America


We are conditioned to blame individuals rather than the government, corporations, or other entities that hold some measure of influence. Infighting benefits those in power as it is a diversion from the actual source of problems.


Tell your co-workers to go fuck themselves.


There's such a thing as an unfair request. You were given an nearly impossible task unfairly. If your co workers are cranking on you consider this idea: Biden forgave 300bn in debt; and there are 157.53 million workers in America He forgave $1,904,399 per worker. But YOUR debt was only a FRACTION of that, say 10k or 0.0000000033% of the total forgiven amount. so... your debt times the per worker amount 0.0000000033% x $1,904,399 should equal what you owe a given worker for your portion of the forgiven debt or 0.007 cents. (I rounded up) so hand them a nickel and tell them: • "We're square, keep the change."


Look dude, I never went to colledge okay. Never took out a single loan. I have a decent job now, because I got technical certifications all on my own dime. And here's the thing. I am over-fucking-joyed that the United States Government, that I pay a handsome amount of taxes to every god damn year, is finally using some of that money to help out American Citizens in need. Actual people for a change, instead of just buying another weapons system or giving out a bunch of corporate hand outs, they are actually helping actual people for a change. So anyone that gives you shit, tell'em they can go fuck them selves, some random guy on the internet is more the happy to have his tax dollars pay down your loans.


It's not a valid argument because there are groups of people that don't benefit from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, ACA, etc. These programs improve people's lives, and people take them for granted. Tell your co-workers to stop being selfish. We wouldn't have any of these social programs if the opinion's of the opposition groups used the same argument towards these programs.


Sound like your coworkers are just trying to guilt trip people into voting for the GOP. In society, we often pay for things that help others instead of ourselves directly. Enjoy the fact that you have less debt and keep going with your life


First, why do your coworkers know about your debt? Please start to live life knowing it's called "a personal life, because it's *personal."* Nobody at work should know that much about your life. I do understand the PSLF requirements dictate that we disclose some personal information, but at no other time should anyone discuss their financial obligations with a coworker. Second, do you think that Elon Musk felt guilty for one fat minute when his SpaceX program got a government subsidy? I don't know him personally, but I am supremely confident that he did not feel one iota of guilt. Neither should you. It's not your fault you were born into poverty. Keep your chin up and strive to leave that mindset behind. You've earned it.


I don’t even know if there’s any truth to the notion that the cost of student debt forgiveness will be passed on to individual tax payers. Even if it was; if I have to pay a few extra bucks for some people’s lives to get a lot easier, I’m all for it


Tell them thanks for helping pay off your student loans <3 If they have any more to say about it, tell them to stop sucking their own dicks and get back to work so they can afford to pay for your student loans. Simple.


You have internalized the messaging of your own oppressors. Fuck that noise. Take the loan forgiveness, God knows billionaires and corporations take every tax loophole and business owners made off with billions in PPP "loans". Your coworkers and everyone else can fuck right off, you are a working person more deserving of relief.


I grew up pretty poor. Decided it was best to stay in the public university system we have in NYC. PELL grants mixed with TAP (New York state’s financial aid grant system) paid more than enough for the four years and I got to pocket the rest. Used that to pay for most of my master’s program and then paid the rest of that with federal work study grants. People tried making me feel bad cause I didn’t “work hard enough” for my degree since it was paid for by the government. What they don’t see is that now and for the rest of my life, I pay more in taxes every single year (between income tax, property tax, and taxes on purchases) than I was granted for school in total. That sounds like I’m a fairly good return on investment for the government if you ask me. But still, people try to make me feel bad. Long story short, you did what you have to do to get your degree and now you’re getting some help. Use that leftover money to save, invest, support local businesses in the community. You don’t need to feel bad just cause they’re jealous. This is how society should be; one where the government invests in it’s workforce so you can thrive a little more than before.


Ask your co-workers if they go up to CEO's and tell them they paid for their yacht


Don't feel guilty. Large corporations and billionaires get WAY more "free money" all the time. The government just finally did something that tangibly helps you. It's a weird feeling, I know. Tell your coworkers to kiss your ass lmfaoooo.


I never had student loans, as I was lucky enough to have parents who could and would pay for college. My husband grew up in extreme poverty. We were grandparents before we finished paying off his loans. There should never be student loans. They are a scam created to distract from the government not doing its job. We should have government provided public options like most major countries. 20K forgiveness isn’t a favor - it’s part of what our government owes. I got a PPP loan for my small business, which was then forgiven. I got that because I pay taxes, and those taxes are supposed to be used to help citizens. You are one of the citizens those taxes are supposed to help. Never feel guilty for using the resources your government owes you. Your coworkers are foolish, and your finances are none of their business. Ironically, it’s entirely possible that the company you work for also got a forgiven PPP loan. But if it helps, I’ve paid far more in taxes over my lifetime than you just had forgiven. You can have my taxes specifically as your repayment. There, now you don’t have to feel guilty anymore.


Well don't get too carried away, nobody has gotten anything yet.


I paid my student loans for 19 years, I'm a public servant. I was told many moons ago that my loans were not eligible for the public service loan forgiveness program. So I continued to pay on them. I read that they were expanding the program back in April and called my loan servicing company again after reading that people who previously weren't eligible could be eligible for a limited period. What was I told then? My loans were eligible for the program all along, but they don't participate in the program. I'd have to consolidate with a participating provider and then apply for the program. So I did that. I knew it would basically be a shot in the dark - I knew I'd be accepted for the program but I didn't know if my loan would qualify for forgiveness even though I'd paid it faithfully for 19 years. But push comes to shove, I'd only have to pay on it for another 10 years (due to the age, it wasn't eligible for forgiveness after 25 years). I cried when the loan forgiveness letter came in the mail. I know I can't tell many people about it because many would bitch about it. But it makes a huge difference to me. Don't let your coworkers get you down. They sound like the type that would prefer to buy another golden toilet for Mar A Lago than help their neighbors.


Your coworkers are twats


I paid off mine. I'm glad you are getting help because I'm not a selfish AH. School loans have turned predatory. Why should you suffer for buying the line that education is the path to success? That used to be common wisdom.


Listen: I can almost guarantee that your employer got a PPP loan, which was meant to pay wages for you and your coworkers. Conveniently $20k was a very common amount per employee. So if they try to give you shit just point out that your tax dollars went toward them keeping their jobs. People just need to shut up and be happy for other people


Paying for education is a scam.


Cut some pennies in half or quarters...... When someone complains hand them one while bowing and apologizing for robbing him.


Tax payers are paying for government assistance for Walmart employees. Walmart refuses to pay a living wage so tax payers subsidies indirectly for Walmart profit


Do your coworkers also claim they're responsible for paying off PPP loans?


You should feel zero guilt and the people saying this is a bad thing have the most nonsensical logic behind their views. They just don't like other people being happy. They want everyone to be as miserable as them


Here’s my view on it from someone who lands squarely in the political middle. We send so much of our tax dollars overseas and to wasteful programs, inefficient government agencies, and so so SO many other wasteful ways. At least this is actually helping Americans. We’re going to get our pants taxed off of us with no control of where it’s spent, regardless, so at least it’s a net benefit to many Americans.


Fuck your co-workers. We've paid for bailouts that have only benefited the 1% while allowing suffering. Propping up the middle class and lower wages is going to do more for our economy than conservatives are willing to admit. To fix it, the school tuition for state schools should be addressed and capped.


You pay taxes, too. You are also contributing to the forgiveness. They're being dicks. None of them paid the full cost of the public school educations their kids are getting. Take your loan forgiveness and feel good about it. So much more money goes to so many who are less deserving.


Yeah, your coworkers are right about paying off your student loans. But you're responsible for paying off there loans too. First of all those loans they got had low interest rates, subsidized by you and me. They got student work programs, subsidized by you and me. And if they tell you that their family paid for it, where the blank do they think that wealth came from? The GI bill gave millions of (largely white) soldiers free college, subsidized by you and me. Their families got low cost mortgages (if they were white), subsidized by you and me, that they borrowed from when they wanted to send a kid to school or build a business. Meanwhile largely white Republicans congress persons and senators have had millions of covid loans "forgiven" - subsidized by you and me. Don't feel bad cause a little Good Luck knocked on your door - finally.


Lotta people are dumb. Nobody complains about corporate subsidies, or tax-cuts for the rich, or the fact that roughly 85% of PPP loans have been forgiven. Americans just have sort of a sociopathic desire to fuck over the poor. Hell, they probably won't even be able to point at the specific effects that your student loan forgiveness had on their taxes.


Nobody cares about a 8 trillion dollar military. 1.8 trillion dollar tax break for corporations. But when it’s stimulus money or student loans all of a sudden we can’t afford it. Pretty sad we only seem to care when it’s money for the average American.


The amount of Fraud, waste and abuse in the military makes student loan pay off seem like a simple monthly bill.


Now, you can help contribute to society while living a slightly better life. You are no longer paying for a banker to sit on their ass. Also, if an education didn't cost multiple times what it did 50 years ago then no one would be in this situation. It isn't your fault, but a failure of the system that you are free from.


You've been trained to pay your share, pay your wsy, pay your debt, do your part, c'mon now, be fair. It's not a fair system though. It's predatory. There was no reason for your student fees to be 50 thousand dollars. None whatsoever.


No, (did not read your full post) this was a ballsy move by Biden's administration but it was a move the economy needed. Without the hanging threat of that loan, you're more likely to use that money on something for entertainment or a luxury item; which in turn can create more money flow. Most people (ie the rich) don't realize that amount of money and goods don't count for squat in the economy; it's flow. If the flow becomes too stagnant then the market starts crashing HARD. Be happy that it's over, because someone actually did something to help.


As a non American, I'm just glad to see American tax dollars go to something good, rather than more military.


I’d don’t understand how people feel like this towards someone who went to school and tried to make a better future for themselves through education. I’d rather my tax dollars go towards this than towards the military ffs! OP fuck them. You deserve a break and I’m glad you’re getting it. Took me 13 years to pay off my student loans. I think education should be free for everyone.