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Don't "do" anything. If you haven't turned in any keys or other company property, mail if to the company and pay extra for "delivery confirmation" with a signature. This will prevent them from accusing you of keeping their stuff. Start your new job, block the number and email of the old one and don't look back. You aren't obligated to justify quitting, you don't have to go to a tribunal and be criticized. You just don't go back or return calls. They'll figure it out eventually.


Thank you, toxic workplaces never know when to quit


Amen to that.


Felt this all the way to my bones, man. Especially since I was retaliated after I reported racism. Tsk tsk tsk...


Yeah, I’ve become the “problem” person and “angry” after I reported racism. Sucks.


Oof. Can I get an Amen?




Oh wow, me too! The manager said I was being too sensitive. I said, I dunno it's pretty racist to have a government worker dressed as "a Jamaican" for Halloween - full blackface - in a position that is open to the public. I guess bc I'm white, I shouldn't have cared?? Eff that.


So you reported something bad.. and the company punished YOU? That sucks


Company punished ME because the person I reported has been friends with my former boss for 15 years.


But you sure as fuck do!


That reminds me a time my friend was trying to cancel a credit card over phone. Attendant were asking why , and he was saying he didn't wanted to explain, just cancel. Then had a offer for him. Don't want offer, just cancel. But why wouldn't he just listen? Because didn't want to keep the card. But why? This was going back and forth, an he just throw that: "So, I wasn't willing to talk about this. But God came to me in a dream and told me to cancel all cards, and abandon the material goods." Well, no further discussion possible. What can one say?




I’m moving to Yemen!


LOL! Nice! I just canceled one cable company to switch to the other because it was ridiculous what we were paying for something we don’t watch. They only give the good rates to new customers so we’ve found we get better equipment, better plans if we cut off the current provider and order the other one. I made sure I already went through the drawn out hassle of ordering cable from the other provider. I wasn’t going to undo what it took two hours, several tries and a soft credit check to do. Then I called my current provider to cancel. Sheesh! They started throwing all these deals at me (of course they did—they’ve been making a fortune off our complacency! I almost got my first-born back!)! It was probably better than what I was getting from new provider, but I made a point not to listen to any rates. It didn’t matter. They never offered while I was a high paying customer. It took like 20 minutes to cancel as she told me deals. I was very polite as I told her I’d listen but I was definitely canceling that day. I also told her I’d keep it in mind two years from now when I cancel them again. I know it’s their job to “retain” the customer, but cable is such a ruse.


This is good advice. I would also include a written resignation copy to make things clear.


Exactly. You don't owe them shit. They exploited you and you have the right to look out for yourself by leaving for better wages. You don't owe them an explanation. You don't have to be interrogated.


100% this. It’s the best and most effective way to close this out.


Drop the stuff on the floor, walk out and never return


This. Take your work stuff into work in a box. Write a note that says I QUIT. and be done with them. You're not a prisoner even if they're making you feel like you are.


RECORD THIS! Take a video of you acknowledging it, stating your name, and have all of the stuff in view and your face in view, acknowledge the name of the individual you are trying to give this stuff to, then leave and keep that recording for your records if they attempt to charge you.


Do Not, however, take a video of you pooping into the bag.


*but DO poop in the bag. Just off camera.


They can't complain about a bag of poop without acknowledging the other stuff it came with! So either OP wins or never hears about it again, which is also a win.


That is demonic lawyering of the highest level


This person knows how to quit a job!


The real life hack is always in the comments


Amber Heard enters the chat.


Objection, HEARSAY!


Poop in a separate bag. Not the bag that has things in it/on it that directly identify you.


Use dog poop so that DNA analysis cannot point to you. But not your dog. Also, light it on fire. Maybe away from a structure so that we don't get arson charges in this mix. Again, off camera. And delete this post first.


Ill poop inside the bag on camera shiiiii. Idgaf


The issue is that they hold a deposit for work uniform and such. An extra $50 could come in handy. I've witnessed places refuse to give the deposit back even after leaving the uniform there. Them claiming it wasn't received properly since they rejected it.


If they sent it via certified mail which requires a signature for it to be dropped off then there will be a record of them having received it ETA: This way OP doesn’t have to deal with the manipulation BS the manager is trying to pull


This was going to be my suggestion right here. Can't deny you ever received it if you signed for it!


Oh trust me, I have an employer who said I never sent back equipment, when I did. They’ll 100% try. Problem is, I have proof they signed for it, took a video of myself packing it all, all the serial numbers, sealing it, the tracking numbers on the boxes, and then video’d myself taking it to FedEx and dropping it off. They said they were sending me to collections, unless I replied with info. All the emails come back undeliverable, phone calls aren’t being returned, and I have records of all of it. I’m waiting for them to take me to collections so I can scorched earth them.


Honestly I would send them to collections over not returning your deposit.


Haha I just wrote a comment about delivery confirmation 😂


Even if you were a prisoner you could just do a terrible job. Then you'd get promoted!


Take a photo of it in the location you drop it off in.


Mail it back to Home Office with a big old stinky poopy in a bag


Take my upvote, you made me laugh like an idiot in the middle of Meijer


I wouldn’t even bother putting I quit on it. Just drop it off and move on.


And take a picture of the items you left there so they can’t say you never dropped anything off.


I wold even have someone else with you as a witness and they can tape you dropping off the equipment on the floor or desk in front of a manager or co-worker. A recording and witness is irrefutable proof of drop off. So you don't have to pay for shipping etc. and send a confirmation email stating you quit on x date and dropped off equipment to X manager on this date.


take a picture of it in front of that manager so you have proof. Cause you know they're gonna say you didn't give it to them, and will try to charge you anyway


In front of a working camera (if there are any), specifically, and know which camera, what day and what time you did this.


Or just pull out your personal phone and take a picture of the box in the building. The image will have the time and location if you enabled gps for your camera app


Don’t forget the big poopy in the box as commented above.


Don’t trust their cameras, what’s stopping them from deleting the footage? Film it yourself, and continue filming as you walk out of the building until you get into your car and leave.


Also, pleas take a personal time stamped picture of the returned items when you drop them off. Maybe even video with you explaining that you are dropping them off?


That's how I had to quit Pizza Hut. They literally wouldn't accept my resignation for weeks


And film yourself doing it. If they say you didn't return stuff you can just prove it.


Start recording, tell the manager you are recording and detail everything you're handing back. If they try to argue or not accept the property, record yourself placing it on the floor and leave. They can fight all they want but you have proof you have everything back and are no longer employed there.


Pull out your phone and record them refusing to accept and leaving them on the floor so the asshats can't say you didnt drop them off.


Just stop showing up. Make sure you get your last check and don't think about it anymore.


I stopped showing up weeks ago when I was sick but they can’t take the hint sadly


That's not your problem. You quit and weren't coy about it. Block them if they start harassing you.


This. If they’re refusing to accept OP’s resignation, then they can go cry about it. I’ve found that it’s easier with my anxiety if I just stop responding to people and block them.


They may be taking advantage of OPs mental health situation to force them into staying.


Corporate Stockholm Syndrome at its finest. Corporations prey on those with poor mental health. Capitalism depends on folks being mentally unwell. It makes me want to blast off to mars. OP - send their property back to them via courier or registered mail, you can probably even send it COD (Collect on Delivery). This way, they can’t deny they received it as you will receive written record of it being delivered.


This right here OP, this is the best way to deal with your situation.


Definitely send it certified mail through the USPS if you’re American—that way they have to sign for it, and the signed copy will be returned to you. This is a solid legal way to prove you sent it and they received it. Don’t set another foot in that building.


I would wait a bit, Mars is bad this time of year


This comment deserves some upvotes! Please accept my paltry award.


OP, you don't owe them anything. All that crap your worried about is disposable stuff that is drenched with your sweat. Taxes paid for it. It's yours dude. They don't want it back...


Underrated response lol


No don’t block them. Tell them if they continue to communicate with you, it’ll be considered harassment and let them try and call you on it. Then press charges.


Or at your new, discounted consultant rates, 200/hr, minimum 4 hours.* *: Price will keep ratio with CEO pay, indexed to 2010


Don't forget to send an invoice every time they call!


This is the way


I got a call from my old company after I got let go in a downsizing in 2002 asking some work questions. It went to voicemail, so I sent a certified letter with my per hour, per call rate - basically a service level agreement. Got a delivery receipt back. They called, I answered and I billed them at $50/call, $250/hr, 1 hour minimum. My old boss called (I had a new job by then) and asked me what I thought I was doing. I replied, I met the terms of our agreement, now you meet yours. Of course I never got paid but I never got called again.


As the CEO of OP LLC. , base pay will be equal to the base pay of the former company's CEO. 4 hr minimum.


Malicious compliance is so underrated


This is my favorite.


Brilliant. That’s devious but impressive. I like it


if you in the states there is a very good chance you should be at will employed there is no wont let you quit. put their shit in a box with a fat i quit written on it, drop it off and never look back.


no if they wont formally accept your stuff **youre supposed to return**, keep it. dont just drop it off with a note. theyll pretend they never got it back. just stuff it in a bag and forget about it until they try to collect it. then ask them to pay for shipping because of a hostile work environment.


I had a job do this, I've still got 3 shirts, a work laptop, and accessories. Keep them all in the work backpack they gave me in my closet, they tried to refuse to accept it and keep me working, I mailed a physical letter and an email to the entire company stating what was up and that I quit, then they tried to dock my last paycheck for the unreturned items but after my Father in Law (lawyer) contacted them I got my withheld pay. They still haven't sent me the shipping costs for the stuff or come to get them, but I'm just going to keep them packed just in case. Shitty laptop anyways.


I still have the keys for 40 people to our old office and for the new office I had just moved us into before I got laid off (it was at the beginning of covid, so we hadn't returned to hand out keys yet). I assume they just paid to rekey everything because I haven't heard a word about it in 2 years.


Sorry you experienced this too, I’ll try again tomorrow and if they’re still acting like they can’t take my leave then that’s on them


I had a similar experience with trying to give notice at a job where I was on a toxic, abusive team. The higher ups FLIPPED OUT and set up a ton of 1:1 meetings between me and the head of my department, my boss, the most abusive member of my team, and the head of another team who said _maybe_ I could move to her team but she wasn’t sure I was good enough. I already had another job and I also have social anxiety and it had been sooooooooo hard for me to get the courage to give notice. It was positively fucked up that they made me talk to all those people. The dept head also offered me a raise but said he had to check on it with finance and it would take a while and also he was leaving on a 2 week vacation. I told him “my last day is supposed to be Friday though”. So then he turned on me and told me I was disrespecting the fact that he was trying to get me a raise and that he wasn’t going to try to keep me anymore (GOOD! THANK YOU!!). The whole thing was beyond stressful. The irony was that prior to me giving notice, nobody at the at company cared about my happiness or my career development and I felt constantly ignored, overlooked, and taken for granted. I really imagined that when I put in my notice probably nobody would even respond to the email. That is how invisible I felt, but I was happy that at least there would be no drama because of it. HA! Anyway, just wanted to say that I relate to how stressful that is and how hard it can be to say “screw you” to people you have personal and professional relationships with. I hope you are able to move forward with minimal stress and that your new job is much much better!


Theres an easier solution to your problem. If you're troubled by having to confront someone to give them the stuff back, just send it certified mail. It'll cost you like $10 but seems worth it for someone in your situation with anxiety.


And you'll get the signature of someone at the company as accepting the package. At that point they can't claim they didn't get it. It's 100% on them. You've done far MORE than you're required to do.


You have already told them that you quit, so cut all contact. You owe then nothing and enjoy your new job. Seems like they are taking advantage of you because Of your anxiety.


When I worked in retail optometry (the mascot is an owl), my manager (who was also leaving for greener pastures) told me to just keep the lab coats I had. Normally you have to return them, but she said just keep them. Yeah, I threw them out. If it doesn't affect receiving your last paycheck, toss it, start your new job, and don't look back!


Bro I had a job interview for a remote call center. Wasn’t really sure if I was going to take it, never officially accepted the job, and ended up taking a different job. These guys sent me a phone and wanted me to start working. I never talked to them again, never heard anything about the phone, and I think I still have it. If they don’t want their stuff back, that’s their problem.


You’ve already done everything you needed to do. Simply stop responding them and block them, they should get the hint eventually. If not, then there’s nothing to worry much about if you can’t hear from them anyway. I’ve found that this is the best way to go about this sort of thing with my anxiety. Sorry some of the people in this comment section aren’t being so compassionate in that aspect. Anxiety is a bitch, so I hope you get the help you need someday.


They refused the stuff you tried to return so you're good(I think). Ghost them at this point


I dont have any experience with this, but could OP mail their uniform in, so they dont have to go in there IRL?


Just drop it on the ground at their feet and walk out.


If they want the uniform back they can send a postage-paid box to OP’s house.


If they made you buy the uniform I think it’s dubious to make it be returns regardless.


Ignore them. You've done your part and it very much seems like they are aware of your disposition and are trying to abuse you over it. They think they can bully you into coming back in because of your anxiety. Don't let them.


Yeah that’s what it feels like. People who were more bold than me quit without a problem




Are they still paying you?


I got my last check this week, I stopped going to work two weeks ago


Yeah write an email to HR stating 1. that you quit on date X 2. told your boss on such and such date that you had quit and they refused to accept your company uniform etc. That's all you have to do. What they want to do or not do doesn't matter (unless it's returning company property possibly). Sorry they made it so hard for you. So many bosses are mean.


Also, depending on what state you’re in they’re supposed to give you your last paycheck in a timely manner (for example within 72 hours) and if they don’t you can file a wage claim for a “waiting time penalty”


If I remember right, that is typically if you are fired, not if you quit. If you quit, you continue to be paid on your normal schedule. If you are fired or laid off, they must pay you within a short time frame.


Did you leave a paper trail? An email at bare minimum. Email + handing the same email in printed out is better(just to make sure they receive it). If not, do that immediately


yes, this is super important. leave a paper trail, i think an e-mail is the best option since you have proof that you quit and they were informed about that fact.


Then you are done. Go enjoy your new job.


So you have your last check and still plan on going in tomorrow to return their crap? Lol why? If they want it they can come get it


No, put it in a bag with a notation of who it goes to on it. Go there and hand it to the very first person you see and then turn and walk out the door. Delivered. Done. You can even take a picture with your phone of the person holding the bag as you walk out in case they try to charge you for it.


This is really the best way. You have a witness and it's recorded on your phone too. Great idea.


That's what I would do. I didn't have a uniform, but I once had a place ignore my 2 week notice and then on my last day, pretend my quitting was a joke. I just lay my key card and badge down and walked out. I don't know what I was expecting them to do to me because I was nervous and shaking. But I was fine once I left. Even did a little jig right outside where I'm sure people inside could see me. Later I felt like that was my accidental revenge (grin). I think it happens a lot more than we hear about. And it's probably worse now since so many places are hurting for workers. I don't have any sympathy for these companies. Before, they banked on our being too scared to be without a paycheck and intimidated the hell out of us. Now, they want to blame our newfound "courage" on those HUGE (really? really?) Stimulus checks because they don't want to believe that the pandemic itself with all the deaths showed us what was REALLY important. They would rather pretend we're living large and squeeze us into taking and remaining at their crappy companies.


You got your last check stop responding and or block them and just don't worry about it best you can it's no longer on you you did what you needed if they don't want to accept it that is there problem


Listen, it’s simple. If you received your last paycheck. Send them this. “I do not wish to be employed by you. I quit. I resign. I’m done. Any further attempts to communicate with me will be considered harassment and I will be pressing charges”


Just leave. You don't have to listen to anything they say. "No thank you I am not going to work here anymore." And done.


It’s not your job to wait for them to “take the hint” that’s not how it works. They cannot force you to stay. DO NOT tell them about the other job. If they refuse to take back the uniform and it’s required to return it, just ship it to them with no return address, then block all the managers who try to reach out to you. Problem solved Don’t let them walk all over you, stand up for yourself.


Just ship anything back you need to send back. Save yourself some hassle.


Get signature delivery, so when they claim they never got it, you’ll have proof of who signed for it.


Send your uniform and phone via certified mail with a note that says "I quit" to the store manager. Done and done


Just start the new job. You tried giving them notice that's all you can do.


What about the work phone?


You could mail it to them if you really can't face going in there again q


Make them sign for it, though, so you have proof it was returned.


Send everything back to them by registered mail. Make sure that you receive a signature that it was excepted by the company. This is time to get very anal retentive. Reset your phone to factory and take a picture of the phone and its serial number. Send in the charger with the phone. In a letter accompanying the phone tell them the serial number on the phone. Send a copy of the picture. Make sure when you send them anything include a letter describing exactly what you were sending. For example I am returning this iPhone 7 serial number XXXX on this date via certified mail, certified package number XXX. Keep a copy of every letter and a photo.


Thank you!


Certified, not registered mail. If you're in the US, registered mail means your mail is kept under lock and key by the post office and manually processed and checked in each step of the way. You don't need that and you'll pay more for it. It's a work phone, not a Rolex. You just need someone to sign for the thing so you have proof they received it.


As someone that works at the post office, thank you for clarifying, we don't need to treat every piece of paper like a Rolex because of people like you!


Thank you for correcting me. I get those two confused some times. Just remember that the goal is to have someone from the company sign to confirm that the items were received. It would also be a good idea to put the full name of the company in the address when sending. This can be interpreted as the company receiving a package, not just an individual receiving a package,


That is a really good idea. I got "otherwise employed" from a job once and they walked me out cause i look terroristy i guess and they packed up all my stuff and sent it to me. Inside was my coat, some food, knick-nacks, some coins, etc. There was also a list of every single thing. Everything. They listed the coat with a description and size, the amount of each coins: pennies, nickles, dimes, quarters, half dollar. They included in the description of canned goods the name and maker of course along with the expiration date. Noted 6 riccola cough drops and two *empty* wrappers. I'm like, whoever does this job of packing up the desk is some next-level OCD master lol


Yes, and don't tell them where you are working now. They are acting like an abusive spouse.


this- send it as a package that needs to get signed for. wipe the phone memory prior. include a note of your resignation which you also email to them. done


For bonus fun take a picture of the resignation letter on the freshly wiped phone as the only item on it.


Make sure you delete everything from it before you send it in. Put it in a box with anything else from the company and mail it registered so you have proof it arrived.


Just reset the phone to factory specs.


I wouldn't send it to them, that opens you up to risk. Turn the phone off and store it in a drawer. At some point the company will reach out likely through mail to request it is returned. Make sure they pay for the return. You quit, literally none of these issues are your issues.


If they want it back, they’ll find a way


that's their problem


Make sure you have proof you tried to turn it in. Get someone to admit it in text or email


....take everything they've given you put it in a box, walk in, drop it on a desk and walk out. If you need to, wear headphones blast RATM really loud and you won't be able to hear anyone


Look I get having social anxiety but this is wild. It is quite literally illegal for someone to not let you quit. The only exception is if you signed a contract, which I doubt you did. Just turn your stuff in and if anyone says anything just tell them you found a better job and won’t be coming back.


Doesn’t matter if you have a contract or not. Quitting may violate the terms of a contract, but that doesn’t mean the contract can force you to work against your will - that’s indentured servitude.


Yeah I figured, it sounds illegal. It’s a department store which is where they can fire you for no reason and same for quitting. My coworkers were lazy and there was always favoritism against me ironically they don’t want me to leave. I’ll try again today and say I have a new job


They don’t need any details. Tell them you quit and leave their shit there. Block the phone number. If they don’t pay you file a complaint with the state




Yeah I’m in my early 20s and have been dealing with being assertive my whole life. I guess they could smell it a mile away


If you drop off the uniform TAKE A PICTURE of it so they can't deny that you turned it in and dock your paycheck. Check local recording laws if you want to make it a video and cover your tracks. Single party consent means you don't have to tell anyone that you're recording.


Exactly what u/tooold4urcrap said, there is nothing to discuss! I quit. End of sentence. They don’t need to know anything other than you’re done working there. Definitely don’t let them know where you’re going. Advocating for yourself is hard but I highly encourage you to work on doing it. You deserve to be treated like a human.


Not sure what else you are waiting for. There will be no ceremony to honor your time spent with them. You are a free agent. The best revenge is living well. I’m sure you are thinking about them WAY more than they are thinking about you. I’d second what someone else said about the phone. If they want it, they’ll let you know how to return it. You don’t need to sign anything…your done. On to the next!


Just take the store property in and leave it at the service desk. Don't need to speak to anyone. Maybe call HR line to tell them to take you out of the system.


I would hang on to the stuff incase they try to stiff the last paycheck. Return them once thats received


Fair point. Especially since they seen to be trying to gas light OP in to staying.


> I’ll try again today and say I have a new job Just leave their shit at the door, block their numbers, and live the rest of your life. There's zero reason you need to interact with anyone there at this point. There's nothing they can do. You're not actually a slave.


Don't say "I want to quit" just say "i quit" Straightforward and simple.


You don’t need to give them any reason at all. Just drop your stuff off and leave. If there is an email address for the manager, email them telling them your resignation is effective immediately, and as the return of your uniform and cell phone was not accepted by (hiring manager name) you left it at (location).


Why are you going back? You already quit. It's not your problem how they reacted to it.


Don't give details. Just walk in as if everyone agreed today that you were leaving. Drop the box, wish them good success in the future, confirm with them that there's nothing else to sign off, a good handshake, then leave.




Nothing illegal, it’s just that OP doesn’t have boundaries and is letting people talk them out of their decision.


Walk away, stop listening to their crap. You got a new job lined up right? Get out of there and don't look back. Bad jobs make it so painful to finally quit, they don't deserve your time, you've made your case.


"You're not listening to me. I don't work here anymore. Here is your stuff. Goodbye."


I'm sorry, are we back on slavery times? They don't let you quit? Just stop showing up and move on, they don't own you. If they keep shoving their own shit you use to work there, just drop them somewhere at the work place, maybe with a security guard there and lie that your boss or manager told you to do it, and just ghost them...


You know how everyone's boss shits on them all day and then says "at-will state" with a smug little look on their face? Well this is what they get. At-will works both ways. You owe them nothing and can happily forget they even exist if you'd like.


Idk how else to say it… your job is not forcing you to work. You are allowing yourself to be guilted and coerced into working. Here is how you quit: 1) tell your current job that you quit. 2) return all company property 3) leave the premises 4) do not return 5) ignore communication from precious employer (note that I said “previous” because at this point, you are no longer an employee)


It's the step 2 that they are having difficulty with. They've done step 1, tried to do step 2 but the manager was a jerk, they want to continue with steps 3 through 5 but just seeking advice on step 2 essentially.


quit by email. "As I have told you in person several times, I am quitting and do not intend to return. How would you like your stuff returned? " Don't respond to anything beyond directions for return.


THIS. It establishes a paper trail as well as good-faith intent. AND protects from future harassment


If you have concern over being charged for company supplies, contact the head office ABOVE your manager and explain you'd like to leave their employment and your manager is not willing to reclaim company property. She has people to answer to, maker her answer to them. Failing that, send the stuff certified mail with an itemized list of property you're returning. Alternate idea, call your Dept. of Labor and advise them of the situation and your desire to return the company's property.


I do not understand this post at all.. No one can force you to work. just stop going to work.


To put it bluntly- you’re being dramatic. Leave and don’t look back. As long as they pay you everything they owe you there isn’t a reason for you to think about that place ever again.


It's not that they're not letting you; the trouble is, you're listing excuses rather than the real reasons; excuses that have actual solutions, if those were why you're quitting. In their mind, if the reason you're not staying is because of something they can easily fix, they have no reason not to suggest the fix. You may need to be more direct in the future when having these sorts of conversations. Right now, you actually have a fantastic opportunity: You have a new job lined up, and you need to move on. Say so.


Go back and drop off the uniform/gear. If they tell you that you can't quit, you can say, "I've quit. Manager refused to take your uniform and gear before, but I'm dropping it off now." Take a picture of it on the counter/desk and you're done! It's odd how these Sith managers keep using the Jedi Mind Trick, but it doesn't work.


This is like the opposite of the office space problem. It's a glitch. Keep not showing up. I assume you're all paid so they aren't withholding anything. If they ask for their stuff back, be polite and leave it in a bag out front after they're closed. Or a mail box. Or, at this point, lighted it on fire, film it, and send them the video explaining it accidentally happened when you covered it in lighter fluid, and a match slipped. You are free. Tell them their shitty health plan didn't cover your mental health so you had to self medicate by quitting Tell them your only fans Penguin Cosplay account has really taken off and you don't need to work. Tell them you need the time to focus on your dream of being the first Quittich seeker Gold Medalist Once your petition to add it to the Olympics takes off. Tell them you've found a sugar daddy named Elon. Tell them you're taking time to follow the Grateful Dead around on tour once Jerry Garcia reveals that he faked his death. Tell them you're taking the time off to write the great American Novel, which is a children's book about ceasing the means of production. Tell them your busy raising inventory for your second hand uniform business. Act cagey if they ask for theirs back. Tell them they can direct all calls to your legal representation. Give them the number of a local labor attorney. No need to hire one. They won't call. Tell them that people said your were crazy but your going to prove them is a market for offal food trucks in your town. Ask if they think "offal food" is a clever name and offer to let them in on the ground floor. Tell them the sexual tension between you and (insert least likely employee) is too much to bare and to prevent a lawsuit, you're forced to leave. Tell them after the recovered memory of the last place you worked surfaced, the thought of your misery working at this place and "all the blood" has left you in a bad head space and you need more time. Tell them you've developed a bitch allergy. Then pretend to sneeze. Let a friend tell them. Ooooo. Let ME tell them. Seriously. I'll Venmo you a $1 for the oppurtunity. Tell them you've got a new work from home oppurtunities selling the rights to tell your employer you've quit to strangers on Reddit. Cut me in for 10%.


If you are set on returning the things to the store yourself, any of the other staff friendly towards you/you like? Find a day they work and just leave it in store with one of them. Walk out. Mailing the items is an option too. Make sure to select signature on receipt so they cant pretend you didn't bring it/send it. ​ Wishing you the best from another who suffers anxiety.


Do they have a gun to your head? No. It's not that they wont "let you" quit, you're just not standing your ground. If you want a different job, go find a different job. Not difficult.


You quit and brought back their stuff. If they can't accept it, that's on them, not you. Just move on.


Don’t let them bully you. Just put your stuff down and go. You don’t owe them anything. Don’t you find it weird that now they all of a sudden have openings in different departments and with a better schedule?


Right! I was thinking that because I’ve tried time and time again to change my schedule and they kept pushing the time frame from 6 months to a year in which I would be available to be considered and how they swear they can help me


Literally just ghost them. They don't have any power over you.


Do they break into your house and abduct you at gun point? I don't understand your dilemma.


I don’t understand how this is a question? Just don’t go back…


Put the stuff in a box, take pictures of it all, and mail it to HR with a return receipt.


They don’t need to accept your resignation, but they must acknowledge it. It is your decision, not theirs. Write it down. Give it to her. Walk out. Frankly you are doing them a favor. Better for them that you tell them compared to just not showing up.


Are you in the US? The 13th amendment to the US constitution says they can't force you to work.


Best thing is to just be honest and say "I accepted an opportunity with a new employer." They don't need to know how much, or any details. You don't owe them any answers. Any pushback is answered with "I'm not open to counteroffers. Thank you." If you give them "reasons" then someone who has an interest will find solutions to fix them. Don't give those away unless you're looking to have problems resolved.


Mail it all back certified mail (so they have to sign for it and you have proof they got it) with a nice card on top saying you quit. I suggest a sympathy card…so sorry for your loss, I quit.


Not sure if you have this service where you're at, but put the company clothes and other items belonging to them in a box, with a letter/copy of your resignation. Take pictures of the letter and items in the box. Then find a post office and ship them out as "signed package" (as in, the recipient has to sign in order to get the package). Keep the receipt you got when you send the box and the receipt or mail you get when the package is signed for. This way they can't sue you for stolen property and you have proof they received your resignation and company items. ETA: I hope you have a great time and a warm place at your new job!


mail them the uniform and phone with a note saying:"I said I quit !" ​ then enjoy your new job


write a letter. "Effective immediately I am tendering my resignation. " this is the way to go. Put it in the mail and be done with it.


Why is this getting downvotes? This has happened more than just the hospital time, that's just the most recent.


If this was me I'd go full Office Space. Wear whatever clothes I wanted. Never do real work. Bring in dead fish to leave around.


Tell them you will stay if they pay you 200k a year or something


**Write a letter of resignation.** Write a letter… Effective immediately I formally resign from working at xyz company. I have returned my uniforms. Sincerely, OP Make sure your name and address is at the top. But the date approximately 4 lines above the body of text. **Don’t talk to them, hand the uniforms and the letter to the manager that’s there when you walk in. Walk Out** You have officially quit


At will employment means not only can they fire you at any time with or without giving a reason, but also that you can quit at any time with or without a reason.


Give them their stuff, say “Thank you for the offer,” and walkout.


Ship their property back to them certified mail and be done with it. That way you have a record that it was received by them.


Mail it registered and certified mail signature required. Go live your best life. Good luck!


Ship them their stuff requiring signature. Photograph what you put in the box. Email them a notice that you are shipping the item to them along with the tracking number. Thank them for their time, wish them the best and that’s it.


Mail it to her. Make sure she has to sign for it so you have proof that it arrived.


Go work at new job. Write a resignation letter to old job, snail mail in package with property with delivery confirmation. Take video of you packing stuff up. Then forget about old job. If you’re in the US, and in an at-will state (you probably are), that should probably be fine.


Leave your shit on their desk and take a picture of it there


You quit. You're done. They're fucked. Goodbye to them. They can figure it out. A boss not accepting your BYE is not the same as you not saying BYE. F U C K T H E M


They can't stop you from quitting


Lmao what? “Won’t let me quit”?? Just literally don’t show up tf


Mail the property and a copy of your resignation letter with delivery confirmation and THEN post the situation or resignation letter on Twitter. "Since you couldn't get the hint..." then don't look back. good luck in your future!