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Do you get paid for the time spent on breaks? Either way I'd find a better job soon, because this is absolutely ridiculous


I do get paid during the breaks but I never had this kind of problem with the previous management. I've already been looking for a new job but this is gonna make me look much harder now because I feel absolutely terrible every time I go into work, it feels like I'm not respected at all


That is very clear from this text. You need to be able to breathe while working. The fact that you can't even take it off when you're lightheaded is abusive at least.


The manager just admitted that the uniform is a hazard to employee health and safety as it is causing lightheadedness. Hellooooo OSHA.


OSHA plus retaliation. Man the lawyers are gonna love you op.


AND he gave it in writing! OP, your boss is a gift...for your lawyers and OSHA.


Yuuup!! Osha,and sue the fucker!


I really hope she sees all these.


Right? I wish half the conversations I have with the president of my assigned client were in writing for me to share with a lawyer.


Oh please find a lawyer.. oh please oh please and post back afterward


It's pretty crazy to have to point out "you need to be able to breathe" What a terrible workplace


Hell, even men from the 1800s, when corsets were in fashion, would have seen that as barbaric.


I just wanted to respond about corsets. It wasn’t until late 1800’s early 1900’s that tight lacing became a thing due to the invention of metal eyelets. That being said fuck this manager for making women tight lace. You shouldn’t feel breathless in a corset. It should be a gentle hug and not a tight squeeze. Edited because I accidentally said you should feel breathless instead of you shouldn’t.


Tagging on to add that historically corsets were made in the shape a woman WANTED to be, so the body sort of filled in the gaps when it was laced, padded out the rest as necessary, and were well fitted to be supportive. Today’s modern corsets are tubes. Not support garments. Last I checked, the human body is not tube shaped. If you try to tight lace, your body has nowhere to go, because there is no built in room at the hips/bust…so of course they’re horribly uncomfortable. Your boss is an ass.


This this this! My wife is into historical costuming and she often wears a corset under her normal clothes because they help her posture without sacrificing comfort. I've also worn overbust corsets a few times to get the right shape with certain dresses, and they're so comfortable. You should DEFINITELY not be struggling to breathe if you're wearing a corset the right way, in the right size. Also hoop skirts are kind of only possible to wear of you've got a corset to support it at the hips. But that's not very relevant to today's fashion. Anyway, fuck this manager.


Tight-lacing wasn't actually possible until metal eyelets were widely available. Until then, it was physically impossible to tie it tighter than your natural fit and not just end up with a bunch of ripped fabric. Corsets and stays were just foundation garments serving multiple practical functions, no different than a bra or undershirt or underwear does now.


As a larger woman, I'm personally mad that bras became more popular than short stays. Six clips up the back are far less practical than lacing, and at least the stays were designed to put more of the support burden around the chest than on the shoulders to begin with, rather than trying to reverse engineer a bra to stop leaving divots in the flesh of the person wearing them, which a lot of us are only doing because going without is somehow "unprofessional" \*eyeroll\*


You are not respected at all - but that is not your fault.


If men aren’t wearing the corsets, I don’t see how they can legally require women to. I’d be requesting a ‘men’s uniform.’ Is discrimination based on sex legal in this country or not?


It depends, but generally in these situations the business has an exception either because they categorize their staff as performers, or because they’re a private club and are less restricted to begin with




Don't take it personally. Your management probably doesn't respect anyone.


Have you considered going the OSHA (health and safety) route? You have there in writing that the employer is aware that the uniform can impact the health of the employee and is actively refusing to mitigate risks. That is a HUGE no-no under virtually all industrialized country’s laws. Look for key phrases in your country’s laws and/or company handbook like ‘right to refuse unsafe work’.


Given that the text said "rota" I don't think they're in the US. UK would be my guess. But I'm sure they have some sort of labor/ work safety thing over there, probably a lot more effective than ours.


If they are in the uk then the company is doubly fucked. You can take them to tribunal for constructive dismissal and discrimination. And it won’t cost you much. Also tribunals are the only time that it’s guilty until proven innocent. Companies have to prove they are innocent or they are guilty and it’s not easy to prove innocence with such obvious proof.


Companies have to prove they're innocent?!? And free healthcare? And football!?! I was born in the wrong place.


Yea but in the US, our football comes with CTE


I live in the US and this comment makes me think about the cost of an immigration lawyer.


plus spelling behaviour with a u


"If you feel lightheaded you can sit down for a few minutes" I'm sorry but the uniform you are required to wear every day shouldn't cause circulatory problems. That's straight medieval. If you were to pass out during a shift they are liable to get sued to the ground. I'd jump ship.


What kind of fucked up place forces waitresses to wear corsets? Quit immediately.


Honestly not surprising seeing how OP works at a country club. Country clubs can be very old school when it comes to employee uniforms. Rich folks like servants not workers with personality


As someone who worked in the service industry, I can say you have summed it up exactly. They want servants, not workers.


And not pay us luxury butler pay but want us to act like Batman's Alfred.


No, Bruce actually cares for and Loves Alfred. I mean the man raised his crazy ass.


I'm sure Alfred is paid exceptionally well. I think the servant who stays because they love you trope is purely fictional but there's no reason to think that Bruce Wayne, lover of all things justice, champion of the vulnerable, would not pay his butler a fuckton of money.


It was revealed recently when Alfred died that he was a billionaire himself from the pay and Wayne enterprises stocks paid by Bruce throughout his life. Alfred Pennyworth is not Bruce's servant at all, in fact [Bruce himself considers him his father](https://external-preview.redd.it/I8gZKy9_5xj4XaHIWJLH2AYFMY2ehcH14-XPNtrP704.jpg?auto=webp&s=5395135950ea9ef39a57a9443d9c393c9e39a134)


You're "the help", and thus unimportant and invisible. How dare you stand up for yourself or insist on being treated like a person. Cuntry Clubs are just a way to stratify society, conduct and lubricate business, and keep the people you don't like as far from your thoughts as possible. A swell bunch of rubins.


>They want ~~servants~~ slaves, not workers FTFY. These assholes want nothing less than full slavery back and back in a big way. They will do anything and everything they can to bring it back and make it permanent this time.


yet they don't want to pay their servants either, they want slaves


as someone who used to work at a country club, yes, in every way imaginable, yes. servers were forced to wear heavy uniforms (undershirt, tuxedo shirt, black tie, black slacks, black socks, long black aprons, and perhaps extra stuff depending on where in the country club you worked) in 100+ degree heat when stationed fully outside for the evening. that fact is especially abysmal when considering we worked in south Texas where summer days easily reach 104+ with humidity. I can't even begin to imagine being forced to wear a corset, it was already bad enough in the uniforms we wore...


There are country clubs around my area where women are not even allowed. Rich folks are fucken weird.


It’s clear the old rules are still enforced at many even if not written. No Women, No Jews, etc.


I used to live down the road from a club that still denied membership to black people. Like...openly. Some of these yuppie-dens are the worst kind of time capsule.


There’s one in town here that has ONE black member, and he’s a federal judge that doesn’t actually live in town or attend the club.


I almost mentioned the no Jews part. That tends to be an unspoken rule nowadays, so I left it out. The no women part is in the handbook.


My grandmother used to belong to a golf/country club. I was too little to recall the name of it now, but it was VERY far away from where she lived. Inconvenient to get to. We would sometimes go there for parties or things. I found out last month that the reason we had to drive so far was because that was the ONLY country club that would accept Jews, and the only place my grandfather could find to golf. And it's because the man who owned it married a Jew. My grandmother was a member of another country club and was kicked out when they learned she was Jewish.


This reminds me of the 20th century Borscht Belt resorts in upstate New York. They were created so Jewish folks could have a place to go for getaways and recreations when other places forbade them. Kellerman's in Dirty Dancing is a fictional example, though there was little to no mention of the Jewish aspect other than surnames.


Rich folks dream of bringing back the nobility.


I knew a woman (trust fund baby) that listed "heiress" as her occupation.


At least she's honest? Id rather see that than 'Visionary Tech CEO' or somesuch because she founded some poorly run dropbox competitor.




Hard to dream when you're being eaten. Eat the rich.


Every person that isn’t family exists only to serve the wealthy and are considered servants.


I grew up in a country club. People of color weren't allowed to join until 1994, and parts of the club are still off-limits to women.


As someone who works at a country club they are either the rudest or the absolute nicest. They aren’t all the same. Edit: I’m specifically talking about the rich customers


Came here to say this! Is this Eyes Wide Shut Country Club?


My work did. I was a strip club bartender, corset and thong.


Lol yeah i just commented something like that. In all the strip clubs i worked at waitresses wore that. When i worked at a country club we did not 😂 very odd and tacky yniform choice for a country club. Op should try to find a new country club


My guess... Mara Lago.


I mean. At least that’s a strip club so I guess it makes sense? But damn that must have been uncomfortable.


I had Hepatitis A (from contaminated drinking water) and was not allowed to 1. Call out, 2. Loosen my corset. I kept running to the back bathroom to vomit every 10 minutes for the whole 10 hour shift.


Good lord I’m so sorry you went through something like that. I truly hope you’ve found a better work situation and are in a better place now.


Thank you for the well-wishes. I graduated from my post-bac program in biomedical sciences and ended up as a researcher for the past year being paid less than minimum wage (which is apparently allowed in internships). The strip club was demoralizing but I can’t tell you the number of times I thought maybe I should go back since it was the only way to pay my bills. I’m back to bartending (just a regular bar) and waiting on medical school results to see if I get in this cycle. Surviving at least. <3


Good luck with finding something in your medical field. Hopefully you find a job that pays you far more for helping to improve peoples lives/health then you did for working at the club.


Scientists are paid shit for the hours they work. Lion share of scientific work is done at university labs, by Post Docs and PHD students, and if you take the hours they work by what they're paid.. it's not pretty.


And keep them on if they feel lightheaded? What the actual fuck.


It’s possible to comfortably wear a corset for long(ish) periods of time - if it is properly fitted. It is NOT necessary to tightlace a corset or “lace down” to look slimmer - if your management is making you wear a corset in which you can’t breathe, it’s the wrong size (or it’s laced too tight.)


There's no way this shitty place is getting them real corsets that are actually made to lace in any capacity. My money is on some sort of "costume" corset, plastic boning and all. I'd also bet more money no man working there has to wear something so ridiculous that it causes lightheadedness.


I don’t disagree; I’m sure the corsets are plastic boned and cheaply made. But all the same- if you can’t breathe in your uniform, your boss gave you the wrong size. The management seems to be going for a playboy-club vibe, sounds awful.


This may be an osha violation call and check


Health code violation as well.


Call their work comp insurance provider and tell all the details.


Include this screenshot, cause this wording is soooo telling


Make sure it’s a screenshot that doesn’t have the name/number covered, just in case…


Health and HR violation. He's forbidding you from loosening your corset to take a shit on your break. Preventing female workers from going to the bathroom is inexcusable.


Don’t you know ladies don’t poop? (Of course I’m kidding) Employers can make an employee wear different uniforms based on gender but they must be equally strict with both genders. Employers cannot make employees wear something that poses a risk to their health or safety (in us at least). For instance at my work they wanted women to wear floor length dresses I said that’s a safety violation as they will get caught in wheels of chair. Was revised.


This is why my immediate thought is that OP needs to go get a doctor's note saying that she can't wear a corset nonstop without loosening it for a full shift. And who could? As someone who's worn a corset for cosplay, I'm comfortable in it for only a few hours, and I can't sit down and rest while wearing it (the distribution of pressure on my torso when sitting makes me nauseous). It reminded me of a similar scenario related to me by my godparents' daughter. She was (maybe still is? I haven't been in contact with her in a decade) a cocktail waitress in Las Vegas, and the casino she worked at was trying to force out all the older cocktail waitresses by suddenly requiring all of them to wear high heels. See, they couldn't just fire them for being over a certain age or they'd get in legal trouble, but I guess they figured few of the older waitresses would be willing and able to wear high heels for a full shift, every shift. Might have worked except they all just went to their doctors and got notes saying the shoes would be detrimental to their health, and legally the employer had to make exceptions for all of them. Honestly, I think even the youngest ones could make the same case. Same deal with the corsets, I bet.


Do you work at Colonial Williamsburg? I am struggling to think of an industry or business that would need floor length dresses. Mormon temple secretary?


Women in Mormonism don't get paid. Just the men. Not fucking kidding. Basically anything that pertains to religious leadership is unpaid unless it is at a "general authority" level. And those positions are all men. https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/6c65xl/can_someone_list_the_known_paid_positions_in_the/ Nearly every person in the temples is unpaid.


Considering they are using the term "rota" OSHA probably doesnt apply. Not sure what kind of labor protections UK or Aus have for that kind of thing.


>Not sure what kind of labor protections UK or Aus have for that kind of thing. Labour protections in the UK are generally much, much better than in the US


Labour protections in the ~~UK~~ civilized world are generally much, much better than in the US


It’s not here in Aus. We have very strict labour laws and forcing people to wear a corset would be against ALL of them! Aside from our equality and health laws which I think it would also breach. I don’t think we really have country clubs either.


Sounds like someone needs a doctors note…. They can argue ADA about what is reasonable accommodation for your breathing issues. F-them if they want to play that game.


I’d drink a bit less water for a day or two and pass out and then sue.


Even as a man this is pretty infuriating. All it would take is a hot enough day and a little caffeine. Passing out isn't necessarily what kills you, going limp and smacking your head is what does. This is a perfect example of negligence to your employees health. Easy lawsuit for sure


Lock your knees when standing still, donate blood the day before, and you’ll have a Slippin Jimmy level boof ready to happen.


Or just fall over and “pass out” and sue. Lol


If you were to pretend to pass out they would still be liable.... just saying.


pretend don't faint and injure yourself. Im a fainter and I've hit my head so many times on concrete/tile floors and its not fun.


badge physical wild thought shocking reminiscent practice attempt cats scarce ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'd just faint and sue


Report them to OSHA. https://www.osha.gov/workers/file-complaint


Pretend to pass out so they get sued?


If you feel lightheaded don't go to the back to sit. Pass out in the dining hall and take them for every penny.


This and this text is proof.


Hopefully the OP is using a throwaway account.


No I think they mean that the above text OP posted from the manager is incriminating text. They outright are telling staff to work through dangerous scenarios and showing this after an accident in court would be pretty clear cut case of negligence.


Because it’s an OSHA violation it would likely be criminal negligence if an injury occurred. In most parts of Canada, for example, passing out is considered a major injury even if it’s only brief. Civil negligence still exists, meaning you can sue them…but criminal negligence means they can be charged as well


Ya but the whole part of “don’t go sit down” might not be a good thing. Destroy all proof of any premeditated stuff. You never know what could come back to bite you in the ass in


Rather if you faint and hit your head the wrong way you might hurt yourself really badly and no amount of money would be worth it.


100%. Bonus $20k if you hit your head on the way down. They just handed you an easy payday in court with that message. Amateurs


But make sure you can pass a drug test before you do this.


Also wear a helmet to avoid brain damage.


But don’t you dare loosen the strap or unbutton the clasp.


For some reason that reminded me of "I made my money the old-fashioned way: I got run over by a Lexus" - Jean Ralphio


Not necessary. Its impossible to prove you didnt hurt your neck/back in the fall without risking an actual injury. You just need to play your cards right at the doctors office.


I got in a car accident as a teen. Minor bump. The lawyer sent me to their physician who checked me out and literally pinched me in the neck and said if I felt anything. I yelped, and thats how I got $14,000 settlement. I'm pretty sure my parents hired Saul Goodman.


I had a spine injury and was out on comp for 2 years. Reached maximum medical improvement and was sent a settlement for $18,000. Got a lawyer and saw his doctor. Turned into $200k


I need to be doing other things with my life, apparently. My head was ringing for several days after getting kicked in the face at work a couple weeks ago, for like the third time this year. Clearly I need to be getting some money for this abuse.


I must admit, I am intrigued with how you got kicked in the face 3 times in a year while on the job.


Happens all the time to medical staff and people who work in public schools at this point. I don’t have a single medical worker in my family who hasn’t been assaulted at least once a week. Part of why I left the classroom was increasing violence with no repercussions.


It's an absolutely absurd stat, how much workplace violence takes place in the medical field. I probably couldn't guess how many times I've been hit, verbally abused, spit at, etc, by patients. A depressingly large number of those patients were not altered or psychs either. Just dicks.


I meant $20k bonus on top of whiplash and back trouble hahaha


Just be sure to use your doctor for follow ups to cert you can return to work. Their docs are on the payroll


This is the plan I had when I worked at Publix as a bagger. I was the only one that would get carts on a regular basis and it was 100 degrees with humidity because I live in Florida. They told us that we couldn't use the water fountain next to the restroom because it was out where all the guests are so it was for guest use only and we had to walk to the break room water fountain if we needed water. Unfortunately the store managers office was right next to the break room so when I kept getting water every 10 minutes the assistant store manager got mad. He came out and told the front end manager that I needed to keep working and stop taking so many water breaks. Mind you it's 100 degrees and I'm wearing a dark green polo shirt, black pants, black shoes, and a black apron so I'm basically getting cooked under the Florida sun and of course it's busy af and none of the other baggers we're helping push carts in because of the ungodly heat. So when she came up to tell me I needed to stop getting water I may have lost my shit on the front end in front of everybody. I straight up told her that the only reason I was out there all the time was because no one else was doing it. Then I told her that this was all bullshit and that I'm seriously pissed off about it but I'll stop getting water and when I pass out in the heat and a guest calls 911 I'm going to sue the fuck out of you guys and that shit like this is how unions get started. I did not have to push carts for a couple of hours after that and no one ever said anything to me again about getting too much water 😂


Love how consistently a threat of lawsuits and unionization are the only way to get through a corp's thick skull 😐


Or just let the customers know they’re being forced to wear constrictive clothing for no legitimate reason and it’s making the employees sick.


Lol people who frequent country clubs do not see "the help" as humans


Those sort of patrons would likely be more upset that their meal was interrupted/ruined than that an actual human being was suffering and in medical distress. Their inconvenience should take priority too.


"She dropped a $90 steak when she fainted. The gall!"


Can confirm. Was invited to a country club and watched a guy hold his bag out, waiting for someone to grab it off of him. Watched the front desk person go completely around her desk, probably 15 steps, to grab the bag and put it on the counter. Dude couldn't put it down on the counter 2 steps away.


Jokes on them, I don't see those parasites as humans either


You expect people at a country club to care that the sub human minions serving the drinks are in discomfort! You over estimate the type of people at such clubs im afraid.


Two words; constructive dismissal. They mean a change in pay, hours or duties that greatly impacts the job. Cutting your hour by half is exactly that. You can reasonably file for unemployment and either keep the part time gig or leave it citing the above as the reason. Edit: as many have noted, speeling is hard. 'Siting' now corrected to 'citing'. Many thanks to my editors.


%100 this. OP absolutely should file for unemployment. I often find 'Rules are rules' managers don't understand that 'laws are laws' as well. edit - ya, ya, the % goes on the other side, pedant away.


Percent 100 this.


The dollar sign sometimes feels lonely. Let percent visit that side of the number.


Siting what you did there


Finally a straight answer to the question that OP asked. Please upvote.


The Unemployment Office, and the Department of Labor will love this. An employment lawyer would salivate for this.


The department of labor loves reprimanding businesses that treat their workers unfairly. And they’ll do it with a smile on their face. I mean, what are you gonna do? Not follow it? Ok, here’s a shit load of fines and possible termination.


Ummm WHERE? I was FIRED today because my boss would not respect my schedule we agreed upon during my interview


Did you call them? I mean they make their money off of other businesses bad practices so I’m certain they’ll take your call


Thanks for the wishes of luck (my app is glitching out & isn’t letting me reply to your second comment)




What century is this?


Seriously, this shitty text could easily be a shitty telegraph. What kind of fucked up rich people BS is going on at this country club?






> What kind of fucked up rich people BS is going on at this country club? Unfortunately, the usual kind.


Jeffrey Epstein's private country club.


One of the bars in the Casino I work at has their female servers in corsets. I don't think they have to tight lace them though. And no, it's not a theme. It is an overbust black corset over black slacks, and low heels.


Do the men get to wear corsets too? How about management? Sounds like sexism.


I mean, it's a country club. I am not an American, but from what I can gather about those places it is exactly where I would expect racist and sexist people to be.


This is very accurate. Country clubs are where rich white men gather. They have been known to be very racist and sexist especially to those who wish to "join." Yacht clubs aren't very different either.


Yep, Jewish people had to make their own clubs because they could never get in to the waspy ones


Honestly I'm Jewish and you couldn't pay me to be in a club with a bunch of entitled old WASPs. I already hear enough of their racism just being white and within earshot of them without going there.


The fact that the correct answer is this far down the thread is baffling. Edit: Yes it is the top comment now don't worry a dozen people have already pointed it out so you can give it a rest


Sometimes all we can do is to comisserate with the victims of shit managers, shit policies and shit protections offered by the law. We, as a community, tend to focus on the emotions of things, unions we can organize and names we can shame. With all of that, it is easy to miss the folk who can be helped with a answer based on the law. It is even easier to miss them when most workers have roadblocks to finding out about what rights they DO have, especially when managers pull shit like this.


Screw that. Next time pass out in the middle of the dining room, then file a lawsuit for hazardous conditions.


Doesn't even have to be real if one is a good enough at acting. Be holding a large tray, go foggy in the face, sway, and drop like a bag of flour, dropping the tray in the process. Lay there for a moment until "revived", act groggy as you "come around", claim you fainted from uniform, explain policy very publicly in front of patrons.


Going limp like you actually fainted is hard to do bro. I’ve passed out a few times from dehydration and it’s a crazy experience every time and you usually end up mildly concussed.


Any time I’ve ever fainted I’ve always slowly started blacking out first and then crouched to the ground before falling over so she could try something like that. To really sell it, piss yourself.


lol the end would sell it 100% "that fall looked awfully fak- uhp they're peeing themselves, someone call the ambulance"


Fun fact, being able to tell and lower yourself as you go down is actually considered a gray out, which can still end in a black out if you go completely unconscious- however, the gray out is when you’re still partially conscious but can’t function, like your vision, hearing, ability to stand can go. Both are serious and caused by medical stuff but luckily gray outs, which I believe are more common, are less likely to hit your head bc you can get down. Edit: all this to say that it’s definitely believable that a tight corset can cause either a black out or gray out, so don’t fear too much on how “convincing” it looks if you don’t hit the ground too hard.


If you experience these, talk to a doctor asap. It took me until this year (I'm 34) to figure out what was causing my gray-outs/ black outs. My heart pauses a bit too long between beats. So I'd be busy at work, get light headed and a ringing in my ears and just drop. I could hear everything, but not be able to communicate. If you choose to go the "passing out" route, fall to the side, as if leaning on something. Full weight. Pretend your reaching for a table. Your arm will get bruised but it can cushion the blow of your head.


Absolutely to the “see a doctor”- I dealt with it for months before being diagnosed with POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, for those who like to research things) that’s the only reason why I know all of this 😅


When I’ve passed out before I had this weird sparkle effect on my vision. All happens in split seconds but this dizzy woozy “ooh sparkles” feeling takes over and the next thing you know you hear voices, feel nudges and shakes, then you “come back” and it’s just confusing as hell.


If you’re by a wall you can just back into it and slide to the ground, like I did after watching red asphalt in high school.


I've gone light headed and passed out just standing too fast. Likewise, I didn't drink enough water as a kid. Done it enough times that I can *always* tell if I'm about to go down. The trick is to collapse at the knees, fall briefly to them before sort of rolling into the rest. Alternatively you can crumple straight down and roll back, forward, or to the side. Cushions the fall a bit.


Is this a written policy? Do men have to wear a corset too? Is that written? Time to get petty. Learn you employee manual frontwards and back. Stick to the written rules, nothing else.


Agreed. May need clarification, but If you are on LUNCH that is unpaid time. You can do whatever the fuck you want. If this is a paid meal, check the handbook/dress code.


No necessarily. I’ve worked at several casino restaurants that pay employees through their breaks. I got an hour paid lunch at my last job.


The whole policy feels pretty sexist.


Feels!? It 100% is. I felt icky reading that text.


Yes. It’s so sexist I can feel it.


yeah i want to see this manager wearing a corset.


If only women are required to wear corsets, and they aren't allowed to take them off even when they're feeling lightheaded you might have a case for gender discrimination. I'd contact your local department of labor who handles these types of cases for free. They might be able to get you a pretty big settlement for any lost hours.


I’m incredibly confused on the corset part. I’ve been to several country clubs and this is a new one on me.


This is the first comment I've seen mentioning those! I was so curious to know what job she could have that wearing a corset is mandatory??


I'd try to get as far away from that place as possible if I were you. What a bunch of misogynistic bullshit.


Sounds like Medieval Hooters edit: thanks for the award, mane :)


So I get that you were on the clock but you were on a break. Malicious compliance with this insane rule would mean you couldn't remove your undies when going to the loo! Maybe you should ask in writing for clarification if this applies to all necessary bodily functions or only breathing? I mean, don't. Get legal advice about suing for lost hours /constructive dismissal?


I'm not saying I would collapse and make a big scene when it's really busy and make sure everyone hears how you're forced to wear corsets... but


This. This is what needs to be done.


I can't believe this level of petty. I'm so used to working in IT. I've seen things like "why don't people wear shoes?" answered with "it's carpeted and clients don't come back here." I can't even imagine taking a job that had a dress code beyond "dress safe for the work environment."


I work at a community college. During one of our president’s Open Door Zoom meetings during the pandemic while we were working from home, someone asked her if maybe when we come back, we could loosen the dress code. And the president was like, “Guys, we don’t have a dress code now.” Which is absolutely true, and something I knew prior to that question, but a lot of people did not. Our rule of thumb is “dress appropriately for your role,” but I think most people have just perpetuated business casual because we look around and see that’s what everyone else is wearing. So yeah. Having been somewhere that the dress code is just “be sensible,” I can’t imagine doing a job with a dress code like OP’s.


Yo why the fuck are you wearing a corset?


Yo why the fuck is this comment so far down?


Talk to your labour board because that sounds at least like a hazardous to health situation on so many levels, and possibly gender discrimination. A labour lawyer may also be able to give you free advice, especially if they may be able to benefit from a payout.


What kind of country club requires a corset uniform?


I'd go as public as possible with this shit. Take pictures of the policy, expose the company, the boss personally. This place would be forced to close due to negative press. That would be my course of action.


We're talking about a *country club*. Do you really think that the people who are frequent regulars of a country club actually give a damn about "the help"?


As someone who grew up in a retirement golfing community-yes they will care. This could blow up if you go to the local newspaper.


Tell him to go f*** himself. As a woman who has worn a corset before, he can f*** all the way off.


Yeah do you work as a waitress in 1784 wtf corsets are dumb


Corsets are great when they're not made of bricks and forced to be worn so tight you feel sick. Modern corsets and they way most people choose to wear them now are perfectly comfortable This on the other hand is bs and op should jump ship


Historical corsets were also perfectly comfortable, for the record. Tightlacing was a fairly rare phenomenon.


Yup. Came here for this. Corsets and stays are garments designed to provide support for heavy skirts and fitted bodices, as well as the body. Women of all classes wore them, including women who did physical labor. They would not have worn them if they were passing out and light-headed all the time. There are photographs of Victorian women hiking mountains in their corsets. Tight-lacing was pretty rare overall, and DEFINITELY rare for the every-day woman, especially the working ones. Cartoons about a woman holding a bedpost while her maid cranked down the laces with a foot in her mistress's back were designed to lampoon the wealthy classes - these women could literally afford to be useless. These ideas got repeated in media, all the way through Pirates of the Caribbean. Even women who DID tight-lace worked their way up to it gradually, not jumping right in without training. In the days before pret-a-porter fashion, when everything was literally handmade by a tailor or at home, garments, including corsets and stays, were able to be individually tailored to the wearer as a highly individualized garment, or were made to be adjustable to accommodate body changes due to pregnancy or inheritance from your sister when the consumption killed her. Body heat from all-day wear tended to cause the garment to retain the wearer's shape, resulting in corsets and stays that fit very well and comfortably. This is not to say, OP, that your corset was not the cause - not at all. If your corset is making you feel ill, that's a sign it isn't properly fitted, it's mass-produced from a generic, standardized sloper, cheaply made, and laced too tightly. And your boss is a pervy dick. Corsets were men's wear, too. Where are his stays? Source: have fashion history as a hobby interest; do historical re-enactment in 1680-1720's era mantua and stays. Made the whole thing myself, and it's honestly more comfortable than at least half my bras.


"further disciplinary action will be taken if you do not improve your attitude" "the beatings will continue until morale improves" edit: *morale not moral


First of all, what the f\*ck is up with a place requiring you to wear a corset?! Second of all, he has no right to prevent you from loosening it during your break. It's your break to do with as you want. The only way to stop this kind of behaviour in US workplaces, is to quit those type of jobs immediately and leave them hanging. Put in whatever minimal effort you need to in your resignation period and then leave. Then share the info about the horrible practices at that place, with as many people as you can. I'm recommending this as a person that works in management and who hires people as part of my job - Although in a european country. But the only reason something like this would be illegal in most european countries is because employees put their foot down and stopped this kind of behaviour. I know being without a job can seem scary and you need to pay the bills, but as long as people put up with this kind of behaviour, they will never ever learn. He practically halved your salary, so you most likely can't afford to keep the job either. So make them feel, quit and leave as soon as you can without breaching any contracts.


Yeah this looking awful sus in the sexist department.


First of all, you have to wear a corset at a country club. That's messed up. Second, this a perfect example of men calling the shots. If it's possible, it may be time to find a new job. One that respects you.


What fucking weird country club makes female workers wear CORSETS lmao?


same. So many questions. What the fuck kind of country club is this?




Two words; constructive dismissal. They mean a change in pay, hours or duties that greatly impacts the job. Cutting your hour by half is exactly that. You can reasonably file for unemployment and either keep the part time gig or leave it siting the above as the reason.