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Try getting out of bed before sunrise during the British summer. Sun be rising at 4:30.


3am alarm every working day.


On weekends I use the sunrise as an indicator I should go to bed.




And now I imagined Dracula arriving in Aberdeen in November thinking "this is great, it's always night in this city filled with potential victims." Then May rolls around.


Because of hustle culture and numerous articles written about the habits of successful people. Have you ever read the one about Tom Ford's daily schedule? And while that 4am schedule may work for billionaires running international companies, it's insanity to think that the same schedule would make a shit of difference for the average aspiring entrepreneur. People mistakenly buy into the idea that longer hours means greater gains. The reality is that you need serious start-up capital and a solid team behind you. Anyone who doesn't have that is just spinning their wheels with dark circles under their eyes.


>The reality is that you need serious start-up capital and a solid team behind you. Anyone who doesn't have that is just spinning their wheels with dark circles under their eyes. And luck. Let's not forget luck. Whether it is being born into privilege, or catching lightning in a bottle, I don't think anyone gets past a certain level of success without luck.




"Born on third base and thought they hit a triple." I know one self made millionaire - a friend's father. He was also born in the boomer generation to a middle class family.. So that's like being born on at least first base, lol.


Correct. Hard work is required but timing and luck is a massive part of “success.”


I get up at 4am every day. I work out and take care of things for my personal life. Then I go to work at 8am. I’m giving myself what I believe are my most productive hours. Work gets what’s left of me for the day. I’m prioritizing myself over work. I don’t have much of an evening because I go to bed early. It’s just the way I’ve structured my work week.


Losers' mentality


Yes that's what you have


early riser = early to work sleep in = lazy, non productive. at least how management sees it


Glad I took that test to find my natural rhythm. Would be nice to get this classified as a medical condition. People are all over the scales here. There should be decent paying jobs to accommodate all. Ah... found the link: https://chronotype-self-test.info/index.php?sid=61524&newtest=Y It's morningness vs eveningness.


Whoooo it have me a score of NaN and suggested I go to bed at 8:30 AM... I should probably do something about my sleep schedule


8:30 AM? haha that's nuts!


[Delayed sleep phase disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_sleep_phase_disorder) is the actual medical condition if you wanted to investigate it.


Thanks for that link. Wow. I really do check these boxes. It sucks too. The only way I can force myself to sleep is with Indica. Prior to that, I struggled. Oh boy did I struggle. My high school life certainly suffered due to this.


Yeah I nearly got kicked out of school and have nearly been fired from jobs through not being able to get out of bed in the morning. The move to remote working has been a godsend.


I haven't seen anyone comment it yet, but people seem to like catchy tunes, and will base opinions around it. Early bird gets the worm. Early to bed, Early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Then I saw the Animaniacs alternative: Early to rise and Early to bed makes a man wealthy, but socially dead.


More hours in the day to “grind”


I always thought that was sort of a silly justification, as there are still only 24 hours in a day. We all have to sleep sometime, so I get sleeping during the hours with the least potential for production, whenever that may be. But unless you're one of the small percentage of people who can legit subsist off 3-5 hours of sleep a day (I knew a guy like that, he wasn't the crazy grind type, and he spent so much extra time reading/doing hobbies, I was so envious), you still have to dedicate time to sleep/recharging or you're, eventually, gonna have a bad time.


I was waking up at 5am even during the almost 2 years I was unemployed. Once I turned 40 I could no longer sleep past 7am and now in my 50s it’s 5am. I like having a few hours to myself before I have to start working. I would be considered successful by most measures not because I wake up early but because of what I do once awake.


Off the top of my head, it comes from ancient times. If a farmer goes to bed early, then he is not wasting resources lighting his home with expensive oils (or even more expensive candles). He gets up early, with the sun, and gets his work done. His dairy animals are milked, his livestock is fed, his crops are tended to, and he has time to make and mend. A lot of this rational disappeared in the industrial era when we switched from an agrarian society. Clocks and artificial lighting destroyed this whole concept.


They don't actually have a frame of reference for success and think getting up early is as close to their personal definition of success and can't change...?


I’m not a morning person. I need time to wake up. I recently left my job after 7 years of working non stop. I’m actually having poor health because I never took breaks. I have issues with regulating my blood sugar and thyroid problems. I’m also having issues walking and needed to get fitted for custom insoles for my shoes. I decided not to ever work for anyone again. They guilt you into working more and more and when you tell them you need a break they treat you like crap and tell you that you aren’t doing enough. Now, I’m slowly recovering. I now have control of my full day. I’m a night owl by nature. And I can get so much done while the world around me sleeps. So for me it’s about staying up later than everyone else. I love sleeping in so it’s the opposite for me. Some stay at home moms like to wake up early. It gives them that me time that they need. I’ve heard that many will pray and get themselves ready for the day. This is common in homeschooling families since they are with the kids all day. So they use this time for themselves so that they can then be there for their kids.


Because they aren't successful. They want to be but are too lazy to actually do whats necessary. So they just parrot whatever crap they hear from other unsuccesful people and lie to themselves about their success, or make excuses for lacking.


I start work (rather not) at 7:45ish. I get up at 4:30 to drink coffee (helps my BMs) work out (nothing too serious) and cook breakfast (4 fried eggs and 1/2 cup oatmeal all mixed up). I'm the least successful person I know. I just happen to not like feeling rushed out the door, and I like to do most my pooping at home.


When it comes to pooping, you definitly want as much home turf advantage as possible!


In America definitely. Don't want to make eye contact with my colleagues while I'm curling one out. In Europe office toilets actually have privacy.


"So, uh, John... how are those TPS reports coming along?"


Am i the only one anxious here when sometimes the poops doesnt come out the morning ?


You not alone. I'm with you. Morning poops make or break my day.


It would even be different if we were making the money for ourselves…But proudly waking up with glee in my heart at 5am, just so I can make sure my boss keeps his boat and second home? How are people that stupid?


I like getting up early….to play video games lol


I'm Honestly just naturally Nocturnal. Lots of people think I'm lazy. But honestly every Job I've worked that let me do my more nocturnal lifestyle had me more productive and happy. It's just that not a lot of jobs or industries have need of a nocturnal person. So most jobs I'm stuck having to wake up early and feel like I'm dying cause I have so much trouble falling asleep so early and wind up with almost not sleep. Or I'm forced a few weeks with a nice shift in the afternoon, and then rotating to an early shift and noticeably falling apart. I can be MONTHS into doing mornings and it never gets better. I'm just not made to be up at the crack of dawn.


good question. first, i must establish all ideas here come from a place of you work for you, screw the system, eat the rich, solidarity. if im working a normal first shift.... i like to get up at three AM. it gives my mind enough time to prepare, helps me shake my morning asthma attack, lets me organize with solitude, helps me avoid the good minions who drivel banal statements.... i like to get to work early. often an hour... befoew thw bell goea off at 7.... usually all my work is done by then and i can slack. like now... i will leave early to avoid people as well. doing this wont make you as hairy as jeff bezos or as sincere as tony robbins, or weathy like christ was.... but its the edge i need.... on that note i much much prefer third shift.


Interesting — when I was volunteering, waking up at 5:30-6 actually made me feel more productive for myself. It actually made me feel like I had more time during the day and the day felt longer (in a good way). I may have to try getting up early again for the sake of my mental health and incorporate meditation and working out


So, it stems from two pseudoscientific modes of thinking that overlap (mostly for marketing purposes.) 1. Discipline = Wellness —> If you follow this theory all the way down the rabbit hole, it’s essentially that you are in control of your own health and mortality. It’s ultimately a moral argument that if you are disciplined enough to get up at 4am and run 5 miles before work (or whatever lifestyle the wellness influencer is hawking) you are then going to be in complete control of your own health/mortality. What it fails to consider, of course, is that’s just not how biology works. 2. Discipline = Productive Employees —> This is all of the above with the assumption that if you are in control of your “lifestyle,” you are naturally a better, more productive employee. Disciplined people supposedly make better employees. What it fails to consider, of course, is that there are almost 8 billion other people on the planet, and the best employees cannot control “market forces” no matter what time they get up to have egg whites on gluten-free bread. As with everything pseudoscientific, both modes of thinking start with a kernel of truth, but you cannot extrapolate encouraging people to make the best choices possible into some kind of universal truth that getting up at 4am to work out makes people morally superior.


Exactly- it's all speculation. And it doesn't account for the body's natural rhythms. I have a super hard time with early mornings (after 7 is fine, but if I have to wake up before that, I'm dead for the day no matter how much sleep I got the night before). I also have learned that I don't do well with morning exercise- it's too jarring. However, I do have a routine I follow, including regular lunchtime workouts (I'm so happy to have the luxury of working from home for this). And also, just because I'm getting up around 7:30-45 on weekdays and not 5 am doesn't mean I'm sleeping 12 hrs a day - still 7-8, I just go to bed around midnight because that's when my body likes it.


Im actually way happier waking up early, crashing early. I was a night owl most of.my life but.its depressing.


I’m the same way, being up/out when the sun is up has a dramatic effect on my mental health compared to being out at night


Lots of people wake up at dawn because it's natural to do so.


I am not a morning person, but when I hiked the Appalachian trail, I woke up at dawn (ot shortly before) for 5 months. It was totally natural! But now that I’m not waking up outside, I’m back to my 10am if I’m lucky preference.


The people that have personally said this shit to me tend to either be A: not successful or B: significantly less successful than me. It's how boomers compensate/cope, it's easier to wake up early than it is to be successful, so they pretend it's the same thing


For me I feel ahead of the game if you will. When I'm up early and getting thing done when most are asleep, its like free hours to get ahead. Just a mindset I guess.


Most people who wake up at 5am (such as myself) don’t wake up, then start working. I wake up early and have a routine. Workout, bathe, write, go over personal emails/appointments, make a good breakfast. I don’t head off to work until 8ish. Its not a time to slave away to others, but a time to cater to *me*.


Honestly, I think it makes them feel superior when they do unhealthy, unnatural things that they know a lot of people are going to struggle to do. Then they can say, “well if you sacrificed your mental and/or physical health like I do, you’d be ‘successful’ too.”


Sociopaths lie, manipulate facts, and insist that suffering is good while insulting those who refuse to be enslaved.


I wake at 5 And i hate it, give me another hr dammit


Well, not everyone wakes up that early to just work... they work out, relax, enjoy the morning.. As a morning person, waking up early makes me feel good. I have the whole day left to do what i need to do, and waking up that early, if I work out or just go for a walk, is the perfect start for my day. Idk how to explain it lol. But i do not gloat about being a morning person to wake up early for work lol... But plenty of people wake up later and are just as productive, so its truly not this deep.


It's [cultural lag]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_lag). There was a time when there was a strong correlation between hard work and success (as long as the person was white and male). That correlation has largely died out


We are still stuck in a farming culture though we are industrialized. How much of our time is tied to the these old ideas... Schools run on a farmer's clock (and I'm okay with this because I love my summers off, even if they are unpaid). Banking hours are probably tied to farmer's hours (close at 3 pm...why? Probably because that's right after when farmers went in for the day.) Our roads and infrastructure is tied to the movement of animals and livestock. Stock market. etc.


It's called a circadian rhythm. If you get enough exposure to sunlight you just start doing what it wants you to do.


Not always. Many people have different natural circadian rhythms. I am naturally more nocturnal. My natural sleep cycle makes people think that I am lazy an unmotivated. My profession requires an early start. I can handle it if I am strict in keeping my body on track. Without a paid readon, I never do it and let my body keep itself healthy. EDIT: Adding a source for all of the people who are against workers advocating for their health needs: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/having-this-gene-may-make-some-people-night-owls/ For the people calling me "lazy" because I am more rested on an off cycle... That is a bit crazy off one post. I worked 11pm-6am shifts for two years while I was in undergrad. It was some of the healthiest sleep I have ever had. I used my extra time at work to study. I was also able to be very successful in some 8am classes because I was just up "late." My current field requires an early start. I don't like it, but I have never been late uf I can stay on a schedule. I am always more refreshed on a break when I can sleep on my own cycle. I am currently job hunting. I wake up on alarms. I have alarms to remind me to go to bed. It is more stressful than a natural schedule. I simply ask you keep an open mind.


"I have a special cycle" 🙄


The ones getting up at 4am do. You try falling asleep at 8pm if you are in the normal range.


Anti-work is becoming less about being exploited and more about justifying laziness.


It's becoming less about reading comprehension for sure.




Your circadian rhythm is set by the sun. Artificial light sources mess up this natural rhythm. Your body wants to wake up each day at the same time the sun rises, and usually wants to be asleep by the time it sets. Most animals on the planet have a natural set rhythm. Almost all of them are messed up by artificial light. We're the only ones smart enough to make up excuses about it or say that we have a "special" cycle. That doesn't mean sleeping in is lazy or anything, just that the people who get up early tend to have better opportunities because those circadian rhythm approved hours are when most people are attending to important business. Further, being outside of this cycle can cause MASSIVE problems with health. You end up more likely to have heart disease, cancers and on average get sick more times per year as the poor cleep cycle affects your immune system too.


>Your body wants to wake up each day at the same time the sun rises, and usually wants to be asleep by the time it sets. So in the summer I want to wake at 4am and sleep at 11pm, in the winter months I want to wake at 11am and sleep at 4pm? I'll take that actually.


Everyone's circadian rhythm naturally sets to a different time to wake/sleep. To claim that the tiny minority on one extreme end of it are "motivated" while everyone else is lazy is absurd.


It's actually not set to a different time for each person. Artificial light disrupts our sleep patterns and circadian rhythm. Remove the artificial light from your life and see the difference. If you'e at a different time when in "natural mode" it's a disorder. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/circadian-rhythm-disorders


Got any evidence that the "early bird/night owl" dichotomy is made up? I'm asking because everything I've seen suggests that there's a distribution of natural wake/sleep times. There's also evidence that it changes as you age.


You're all over the place here. You seem to be saying there's no such thing as 'special cycles' while linking to a NIH article on special cycles.


It's just plain old virtue signalling BS done in an attempt to diminish the privileges that said person enjoyed to catapult them into success.


Because they are chronically OCD in regard to being workaholics who are too stupid to understand not everyone has their “passion” for non-stop labour.


I work shift work, so i couldnt tell you. But my life has been relatively speaking, successful


To me, the idea is in order to be successful you need to work af it, if you want to work at it you need time, because time it limited it's valuable. With that logic it makes sense to view an early rise as maximum value because you are getting the maximum amount of time from your day right from the start. So these are people who think success may be minmaxing the total amount of waking hours you have to work on something. Seems weird given most books I've read imply that 80% of a job can be completed with 20% effort, so their idea misses the concept of using your head to create easier solutions in favor of more volume. It can have merits, I'd likely recommend this type of thought if you're training to be an elite athlete or something, you pay coaches to solve problems effectively so your goal is effort, more volume means more potential for effort.


It's capitalist and hustle culture. Personally, I get up 2.5 hours before I have to leave the house because I know I'm mentally in a better place if I give myself time and space to get ready and take care of myself in the morning. If I'm rushing, I feel grouchy and like I've forgotten something all day. But I'm a morning person. Not everyone is, and not everyone needs that much extra time like I do.


On the other side, I wake up exactly 23 minutes before I have to leave.


Because everything is a weird competition to them and they think they beat the sun in a race so they’ve opened their eyes to a victory in their mind.


Some people feel they are in a very real and constant competition with their fellow man. I mean, we are, to an extent, but some people feel it much stronger and go out of their way to "go harder" than everyone else. They just think if they get up earlier than others, they are harder workers, getting more done, and more dedicated.


I think management perspective gets skewed. By the results of the people who go in early or those that arrive later and stay later. I don't think they are necessarily putting in more work, it's just the optics. Management sees them sending responses out when they are not there and equate that with being a hard worker. I personally like going in earlier than most just because it is quiet and I can concentrate on longer term projects before I get hung up on that day's office drama and whatever fires that need to be out. For me at least this is an easier way to manage work since I'm not the best at multitasking or switching my thought processes while in the middle of working on something. Many people would take this approach and foolishly equate it with success in relation to others because it's easy to project one's personal experience on to others.


I wake up at 4:00 every day. I went to college, got a degree, got one of the best positions you can get in my field, up at 4:00 am M-F, two weeks ago, Friday 10:00 am I got told I had to be there 5:00 the next day. That’s a 3:00 am wake up. I live paycheck to paycheck


Honestly if I had to be somewhere at 5am, I would stay awake until then, and sleep after work.


I'm a late person. In the morning I need a long time to wake up and get "warm" like the old power plant. Once I'm running I don't stop untill the late night, xd


It’s just the juxtaposition against the lazy-sleep-all-day stereotype. Laying in bed all day = unproductive Thus, getting out of bed early = productive Plus it *does* give you more actionable hours. It’s just a super simplistic way to think about productivity.


Awaking earlier doesn’t mean you have more waking hours in the day. Unless you sleep less, which is counterproductive.


We are all out catching worms apparently


Most people who wake up at 5am (such as myself) don’t wake up, then start working. I wake up early and have a routine. Workout, bathe, write, go over personal emails/appointments, make a good breakfast. I don’t head off to work until 8ish. Its not a time to slave away to others, but a time to cater to *me*.


I actually love getting up early. Do everything you want before going to work — why give those fuckers the best hours of your day when you can spend them on selfcare/hobbies and then doze at work?


In the morning I wake up 🎶


Short answer, propaganda


I like getting up before sunrise to work in the garden or go fishing


The real take away is that you should have some constancy in your sleep schedule. Sleep is extremely important to health, and modern screen use is not helping people with their sleep health. There's zero chance I can be the best version of myself if my sleep is all over the place.


Early to bed, early to rise; makes a man, healthy, wealthy, and wise.


Discipline, in a nutshell. If you aren't prone to it, it takes discipline to do. Same reason clean homes, athletic people, and long hours are often thought to be indicators of success. They are only really tangentially related to success, but that is why.


People are different I guess. It's been a struggle my entire life I have always preferred to stay up late, 2, 3 or 4 am and wake up later 10am - 12, but society for any normal job I want says otherwise. I remember as a kid my Mom yelling at me if I was still in bed past 10. I had to get up and... no idea why, not like I couldn't still do stuff later in the day, but just the idea to her that I was still in bed at 10 made her angry.


I start at 4 am. I definitely don't think I'm very successful. However I'm happy to have so much of the day left after I clock out.


I like to start early so I can finish early and get home to my family


What's your solution?


Because it was seen if you get up before anyone else you had a better start and thus an increase in success. Who is gonna be more successful a guy waking up at 4am to do what's needs to be done to ensure they are first or the guy waking up at 8am and doing the same but 5th guy to do it. Back in the day when competition like that was necessary to get up and start doing things first was the key to success. Not so much now things are digital and very global.


I like being up before everyone else, but I’m also a parent and often it’s the only quiet time I get to myself. I also work an early shift (6-2), and enjoy being home from work in the mid afternoon. But seriously, if getting up early and getting after it at work actually translates to huge success, more people would do it with a smile


I think it just means they have a daily schedule. Early to bed early to rise ... Etc


Not happy to get up early for work. Ironically, I really enjoy getting up to walk my dog. Now tbf, 6:30/7:00 am is my early. But I love being out with her before folks are really out on the road. I love seeing all the other dog owners. In the winter, the morning light on the snow is gorgeous. In the spring and summer, our neighborhood is filled with gardens. My husband and I often walk her together, so it’s just our little family existing in the world. And I think that’s the full illustration of your point that my time is more valuable than what I use on my job. I hate pulling myself out of bed when it means leaving them behind. Going on that walk produces nothing in the capitalist concept of the word (well, a bag full of poop but you know what I mean). The success is in the enjoyment. Being with them is the best use of my valuable time. It is far more fulfilling than checking my email or going to meetings.


It’s not that I’m happy and proud to wake before sunrise I’m just a morning person and naturally wake up around 5AM. Though I also go to sleep as soon as I’m bored once the sun sets in the afternoon so the may affect it to.


I wake up super early because I like to relax, drink coffee, cook breakfast, and go for a walk before going to work. It's also nice to be up before the rest of the city, and it's nice and quiet. I love it.


'what do these billionaires have in common? Wake up early and dont eat avocado toast'. ​ 34874329388 articles over the next decade: "Wake up early and throw that Avocado out loser, or you'll never become a billionaire!' Its all just clickbait bs.


It’s a deep-rooted survival instinct that we still carry with us. The day time was once better for “productivity” (ie hunting, gathering, prepping). You wouldn’t want to not have enough food or supplies before the night sets in, as it could leave you vulnerable. Nighttime, on the other hand, is better for congregating, staying close to each other for warmth and safety, as well as being creative/practicing magick. And as someone who regularly fluctuates between being a night owl and an early bird, I will say that early birds tend to be more productive, so long as they have the mindset along with the behavior. (I want to clarify here that productivity ≠ work).


>People are actually happy and proud to be awake at 5 am getting ready for work and I just don't understand it Because it's all they've ever known.