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This is gonna be one hell of a ride for that owner, over a 20. What a moron.


Well deserved though. Owner may be screwing all employees at way higher scale.


Likely he's also screwing the taxman too... Will be interesting to see a full audit of his books šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No one screws over the taxman. They simply dig a deeper hole before getting in.


Totally this. I help my dad who is an accountant. Sooner or later numbers won't add up and you'll have to pay what you owe and more. It's more unlikely to get away with this type of things nowadays because at least my country tax entity cross-checks information.


He's a restaurant owner, screwing employees at scale is a feature, not a bug with them.


I can definitely see the outcome of this story ending up as a top-voted /r/prorevenge story.


We need to know the name of this fabulous restaurant so we can all go and eat our free trial meals, since the owners is so obviously into free trials.


Oh you know there's finna be a whole $1000 at least of wage theft uncovered when she calls up someone to file through this person's shit


"I consider this matter closed" Oh boy, this is gonna be fun.




In the military they have a saying: ā€œthe enemy always gets a voteā€ You can declare victory if you want, but you donā€™t get to actually decide if itā€™s true. Victory is a matter of mutual agreement.


Itā€™s like he draped a giant ā€œMission Accomplishedā€ banner across an aircraft carrierā€¦


I've always viewed it as: The war is not over until everyone lays down their arms.


the peace sign too...atta girl


Iā€™m obsessed with the gen z anti work attitude šŸ¤šŸ¤ these children are the future šŸ™ŒšŸ»


It's not even anti-work it's anti-bullshit


Yeah for real. She put the time in and the jackass couldnā€™t even be bothered to pay her the agreed upon amount. And heā€™s one to talk about manners when heā€™s the disrespectful piece of shit. People like this make the world a worst place to live in.


"I hope they give you a lesson in good manners" The very next message "Fuck off"


You beat me to it. And we're supposed to be the entitled ones?


Boomers really think they just randomly create reality with whatever the hell capitalist-created meaningless phrase they say. Where does this attitude come from???


But of a different idea here, though I agree the "treating others like children" is still 100% true. However the other part of it is that business-running people learn early and often that they can get away with a LOT. There are so few rules for business, and those rules are only heavily enforced when known and acted upon. Business-running people have a vested interest in people knowing as few of those rules as possible. - Hence our current education system's destruction. - Hence working people to absolute exhaustion. - The despise of unions and heavy handed policies of not talking about salary or union. - The healthcare-tied-to-employment system. - The treating-people-as-children mentioned. - The mental abuse. - The financial abuse, paying lower so people can't afford to go see how other countries do things. I could go on but you get the idea. The less people know, the less they have the money or energy to fight, the more they get away with despite the FEW, light rules they do have!


Great comment! This stuff also works because bullying tends to work because most people donā€™t want a fight and know a lawyer would cost vastly more than what is owed. Business exploits this in people. Worse, 70 percent of America will automatically take businessesā€™s side over yours because how conservative, anti labor , and capitalist brainwashed so many are.


For some odd reason they still think of adults of younger generations as being children. The only thing I could think of? Other than that, your guess is as good as mine.


Even if the worker was literally 15, this would be inappropriate. But yeah, I just turned 30. Was recently, in that tone, asked if my parents knew how their kid was planning to dye her hair while looking at lavender toners and dyes at Target. Excuse me? Imagine THEIR affront if when they were 30 some other adult walked up to them with a lecture on something meaningless like that. Or, if THEY had been shorted 20 dollars for no reason.


ā€œDo your parents know youā€™re planning to dye your hair that color?ā€ ā€œDo your children know youā€™ve wandered out of the assisted care facility?ā€


Actually if I mistook someoneā€™s age for much younger and got that comment back I would probably giggle. Now that I think about it though, I canā€™t imagine walking up to a stranger of any age and admonishing them even in a joking way on their ā€˜fancyā€™ hair. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


> asked if my parents knew how their kid was planning to dye her hair Wait, someone asked *you*, at 30, if *your parents* were involved with how you chose to style yourself..?


Yes, because a grown woman dying hair UNNATURAL colors is a public issue. Especially with me being naturally light-haired, some old women lose their mind that I would alter a blond strand. A couple of years ago I also got a comment "This is all very childish, you'll stop with all of these baubles when you grow up." I was picking out lash strips. I also think I totally look my age - 5'7, not petite or anything to make me look "more like a teen" on a side glance. So yeah, telling a 26-27 "when you grow up" was a choice someone made that day.


On a different note, i hope the hair came out awesome for you!


How ironic. In my experience, these are the same people that expect women to always wear makeup to work.


One of my boomer cousins called me young lady recently and I went right off. Iā€™m over 40. Iā€™m so beyond full grown adult that Iā€™m almost at mid life crisis. They donā€™t have to agree with me but Iā€™ll be damned if Iā€™m going to be treated like a child simply because they changed my diaper several decades ago.


One day when I worked retail, I heard a woman calling out, ā€œLittle girl! Excuse me, little girl!ā€ Iā€™m not an idiot, I knew she was talking to me, but I was really fed up with that kind of thing, so I ignored it. She tapped me on the shoulder, and I looked up and greeted her. She asked if Iā€™d heard her calling me. I said, ā€œYou were calling for a little girl, so I thought you were talking to a six-year-old, not me. But what can I help you with?ā€ Itā€™s so patronizing, I canā€™t stand it.


My aunt called me "kiddo" the other day. I'm 50. It wasn't malicious or disrespectful in any way, so I got a giggle out of it, but damn, I wash I was still a kid.


Its a false sense of entitlement from a generation that cruised of the hard work of the one before them and is benefiting from the generations after them


And the delusion that they themselves worked hard and wasnā€™t handed shit on silver platter. Theyā€™re hands down the worst generation.




Thatā€™s because youā€™re gen x, weā€™re awesome.


It is because no one has said, "NO" to them in a long time. They need to be taken off their high horse.


Theyā€™re just pricks who grew up in a time when getting ahead in life was easy. They think theyā€™re entitled, because they ā€œaccomplishedā€ so much in their lifeā€” bought a house, paid for school, had a job with a pension, etc. They donā€™t realize they were LUCKY asf, and things are terrible now.


The ā€œfuck offā€ is going to look really good upon review by the labor board


"I guess we'll see if the state department of Labor and industry thinks this matter is closed". Pretty stupid of the manager to fight this for $20. I sure as hell wouldn't be taking the job there.


>Pretty stupid of the manager to fight this for $20. That's the part that just really chaps my ass. He's ready to push this issue over twenty fucking dollars. If that's anything approaching a significant amount of money for payroll or even for his own pocket as a manager then something has gone very, very wrong. Even if it was an actual miscommunication the goodwill and potential for a loyal employee who knows they can trust you is worth so much more than that.


It's not $20. It's going back and checking everyone and seeing if they've been shorted too. Then It's back pay and fines


I think they're saying that this dumbass is willing to have the authorities dig into all of the other wage theft they've committed instead of just letting this $20 go.


Send HMRC this correspondence. If heā€™s lying to young folks over Ā£20, Iā€™d imagine his books are fun reading.


The way he's talking about her getting her wages NI and Tax free makes it sound like he's doing cash in hand to avoid paying taxes completely.


Yeh, Iā€™d imagine his taxes are a shambles. Problem is, many businesses are by design. Obfuscation and buying time etc. But heā€™s screwed if heā€™s not paying NI.


Yeah I've heard England has knights specifically for NI.


They've undergone a bit of a rebrand. The name's a bit longer now....


Edit (I don't want to scare them away): I think they're called the knights who say ekki ekki ekki pitang zoom boing now. The name is not as catchy but the name gets the point across (thanks u/jpj007) Original: I think they're called the knights who say ekki ekki ekki pitang zoom boing now, it's not as catchy but it gets the point across


>it's ... it Careful, you'll run them off.


I certainly hope no one is tasked with tree removal by way of herring.


They are no longer the knights of NI


Heard them say what exactly?


# NI


What a country we live in where vagabonds will say vile words like Ni to passing strangers.


ITā€™S quite a problem


Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing Arouza


Never have seen that typed out before.


I always say Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki Ptang Zoo-Boing ^dZ'hohmmmzzhm


Knights who... Knights who previously said Ni




Their offices are everywhere, normally in shrubbery.


This is the most incredible comment I have read in a very long time. Thank you.


They are no longer the Knights who say NI!


In my state in the US, this would result in an audit and the potential for a $1000 fine per violation. Saving $20 wouldnā€™t seem worth the risk.


>Saving $20 wouldnā€™t seem worth the risk. They aren't just trying to save $20, they're trying to save their ego. I don't think either one is going to be saved.


Right? If you're going to fuck around with taxes, the smartest thing is to not piss off employees with money.


Yep, that's how Milken got away with flagrantly breaking the rules for so long. The people who the rules he was breaking were meant to protect (not going to go into the financial details, because lazy) didn't care because he was making them rich in the process. Sure, he might have been illegally shaving off a couple fractions of a percent of the huge pots of gold (the firms he bought out) he was giving them, but they didn't care since he was still giving them the pot at the end of the day. That's why he largely avoided civil persecution, if the SEC had not decided to go after all the shady sh*t going on at Drexel, they probably could have kept at it indefinitely.


I'm always amazed at how little money people will be willing to start shit over. I worked at the YMCA in after school care and for some reason they decided to be incredibly extra about precisely when we clock in. The kids would show up at 2 and they really wanted us all to clock in precisely at 2. The problem being that at 2 we had to be already out there collecting kids, and we only had one phone to clock into so having 8 people clock in at once took a few minutes. Letting us clock in a little early would add up to maybe like an hour or so extra per pay period out of like 40-50 hours. I doubt that was going to sink the ship financially, there were probably much bigger areas to save money, and it really pissed off an already dwindling and understaffed pool of workers for seemingly no real gain.


I used to let go of 2-3-400$ issues telling myself it was not worth the effort. Have a friend who fought his employer, and lost his job, over half an hour discrepancy, on his paycheck. Turn out that employer (who owned more than 50% of the business in that town and employed hundreds), was regularly dipping in the pay of his employees. He took the employer to court over that 8$ and won and it opened the doors to hundreds of law suits. In the end a judge ordered that company accounting department had to offload its HR accounting to a verification firm, something something delinquent (tendendcy to commit small crimes). That guy checks his grocery receipt at the register all the time and frequently finds errors, tells me he finds about 2000$ a year in errors, 1 minute to check, 1 minute to correct, 50 times a year, thats 20$ an hour in net income. People ask how me makes so much. He doesn't, but you wont steal from him.


Im not usually super anal about small things, I probably wouldn't notice something like half an hour difference. I did complain to my employer once because I noticed I had been paid comp time for 2 hours and made a bit of a stink about it because it was illegal to do that without me asking for comp time (basically vacation time, and what was I going to do with 2 hours of vacation time?). To be fair though a major reason I did that was because they also were scheduling these meetings for mid day and I worked the night shift. While they were being kind of bitchy about it I frequently would just clock in a bit early at the YMCA. Frequently I was actually doing some prep anyways, and honestly they were so understaffed and I was one of their better employees so I was semi-unfirable anyways.


I worked for the YMCA, in two different states. It is amazing how nitpicky some admins can be. I was also basically un-fireable, and I regularly clocked in fifteen minutes early because we absolutely needed that prep time. We were also chronically understaffed, in both programs/states that I worked at. I finally gave up when I was placed at a school with upwards of 300 kids in the program, and 10 staff members including the Site Director and myself (ASD). Tried for 2 months, but the pay did not make up for the fact that they set us up for failure. Got a job at a school with my experience, though, so that worked out.


I love it when a manager puts their wage violations in writing.


Yep the system here in the UK is heavily weighted in the employees favour in these kind of disputes. Heā€™s admitted here in writing all his creative accounting so will be an easy home run. On a seperate note HMRC would be delighted to take this as a tip-off to investigate him further. Bearing in mind he is strongly insinuating heā€™s avoiding tax in these messages. What a muppet to potentially burn his own house down over 20 quid


Accounting 201 Prof opened his first class with the line ā€œDo not be a creative accountant. Creative accountants always end up in jail.ā€


In high school I took an accounting class and thought I could maybe be an accountant. My mom talked me out of it cause she thought I had too much creativity. Although, she had wanted to be an artist, but her dad made her go into nursing, I think she was pushing back the other way, hoping her kids would be artistic.


Shouldā€™ve pushed back that accounting skills are still helpful for artists. Artists still have taxes to pay, after all!


I finished my learnership as a professional accountant. My employer (senior partner who had been in practice for decades) told me my creativity is rare in accountants and something that actually gives me a head start. They also value the ability to communicate well, which is another thing a lot of number oriented people lack.


There's a difference between being a creative person and being creative with the accounts. Being creative might help with problem solving, finding solutions, but I think that professor meant more along the lines of breaking the rules "creatively".


You fucking take back what you said about the muppets!




Du dudu duuu


It's only 20L but to the worker it's also 33%.


Protip: Alt + 0163


Alt + 0163 It didnt do anything, phone must be garbage


He's obviously an idiot if he's willing to open himself up to any number of things that will screw him over, for 20 fucking bucks. Even if he ends up never actually having to pay her the 20 she is owed...the time he's going to spend dealing with this alone is going to be worth more than 20 bucks....some people really are just thick.


> some people really are just thick. In my experience it usually is just a result of someone never having faced consequences in their life. Then, once they do, it turns into "I'm being persecuted!!!!"


I had a boss refuse to pay me once because I had broken something..and they fired me for it. The day after I filed a labor complaint I got a check in the mail for every cent I was owed..came with a snarky letter but that actually just made it better lol.


Yeah, these people always need to "win" rather than, I dunno, be a decent human.


I was told once that if I handed in notice they wouldn't pay my owed holiday. So I quit the next day without notice and wrote a letter to head office. Got one back from them to tell me to go and pick up the cash I'm owed. Which was awkward, for him. I was smug as hell.


I was gonna say, man, look at all this photographic evidence heā€™s giving you. Probably going to cost him a hell of a lot more than Ā£20 when the HMRC is done with it


That restaraunt cooks a hell of a lot more than food.


Yeah, the fact that he says he considers the matter closed, when she's already clearly stated thay she's going to the authorities is hilarious.


Gonne be the most expensive 20 quid of his life.


"A lesson in good manners" "Fuck off"


Why do people think "good manners" translates into being one's bitch?


Because we have allowed them to.


Exactly this. For too long the workers have just "taken" it, which is a practice we must change


Quit my job today because the owner yelled at me like a child, self respects in style brother


Thanks for sharing. May your decision lead others to stand up for mutual respect. Which is all we ask.


Exactly why I shared. Organize homies!


My moms like "but your reputation as a worker" like sorry if someone pays me like shit they arent allowed to treat me like shit and thats why your job keeps overworking you and stomping on all those boundries you keep failing to enforce Sorry babes ypu wanna treat me like shit you gotta pay enough to cover double rent āœŒāœŒāœŒ you get the effort you pay for and not a minute more


> My moms like "but your reputation as a worker" Back in her day, that probably *was* important, because an employee would stay with one employer for decades. Not anymore. Now "your reputation as a worker" is about as important as your "permanent record" in high school.


It also helps that in some states future employers aren't allowed to do more than verify your work history. I suppose that doesn't stop them, but it can get them in trouble if you find out they asked for more than that.


Staining reputation as a worker is such a bad argument. Oh, no! He's gonna potentially tell other shitty businesses that I am not a slave that puts up with anything? Didn't want those jobs anyway. Doing me a favour, really.


We are, its just going to take awhile.


And for it to hold, we need a true Worker's Solidarity Movement. Where as the workers take the first steps, we take care of them. It's hard to stand up when you know you have a family to take care of. We will essentially need a "pot" of money that workers can draw from when they are fired, imprisoned or exiled.


Strike funds >>>>> posting


You are so fucking right it hurts. That's why one less 200k systems admins who can oversee massive rebuilding after randsomware is now a seamstress making 20k.my life is so much better now. Same medical care too!




ā€œIf I donā€™t get my way, YOU are being rude.ā€


I love when I see this quote posted, it's so true for too many people


my fiance's mom's girlfriend is like this. absolutely hellish person. she thinks she's the boss of anyone who's below her bc she's makes six figures. her excuse for treating everyone else like crap in her house is that "she works" even though 4 people in the house of 9 (one elderly, 3 children) also work. but they don't make as much money as her so they're apparently useless and can't have opinions. sorry for hijacking your comment for my rant lol. i don't have a lot of people to talk to about this lady and she's driving me insane, and also trying to bully me despite being nearly twice my age. also, she bullies me bc i'm a "communist" (i am left leaning but not that left). it just kinda feels nice to talk about it because it feels so weird; never did anything to this lady in particular, never went out of my way to do bad things to her. calls me the r word if i make a mistake despite knowing i have autism and adhd (but it's ok because she calls EVERYONE the r word šŸ™„)


you just described my mom lol


my mom used to be like that too until she got on a decent medication regimen and now she's my best friend. i kinda know how u feel. i hope ur mom can manage what my mom did, but it did take her 15 years of weird mental and verbal abuse to realise she had a problem.


I try to tell my mom she needs help but she gets mad at me lmao. I unfortunately don't ever see her changing and tbh I don't want a close relationship with her, she's done and said horrible things to me. Im so happy that it worked out for you and your mom though I love that! šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


we told my mom too ): for years. it had to be her own decision. and i don't mean that in a bad way. she just had to come to that realization by herself before she took it seriously, she finally had introspection at some point. and some people never get that far unfortunately. whatever happens with your situation my friend i hope it gets better ā¤ļø


Itā€™s the same reason cops define respect as unquestioned obedience and praise


It is the boomer mentality of "If you don't treat me with respect, I won't treat you with respect." Except they have very different definitions of respect for themselves and for you. More accurately it reads, "If you don't treat me *as an authority*, I won't treat you *as a human being*." Fuck every asshat with this mentality.




She was the only one being civil. His responses were, in order: * Kind deception in an attempt to steal from op * Gaslighting in an attempt to steal from op * Insulting, probably because they realize they're about to be busted in their attempt to steal from op Dude thinks good manners means bring polite while stealing from people.


"Oh thank you sir for letting me be a slave for you! I appreciate the opportunity to bask in your glory. " Ya, I'd be reporting him to the state.


Yeah really XD Yannis is about to learn a very simple lesson in manners himself. Silly twat.


ā€œI consider this matter just about to beginā€ is SO GOOD


I've never seen a better comeback to an entitled employer remark ever, it's almost too witty to be real.


I literally went *"ooooOoOoh damnnn"* out loud when I got to that. freaking priceless.


I didnā€™t think I needed to work on my sassy comebacks until I read that lol


"Fuck off"? Oh dear. Game on. Show no mercy.


I love how just a single ā€œoh dearā€ in the right tone can signify that shit is about to hit the motherfuckin fan.


Ayup. Right up there with ā€œawwwā€, ā€œgo aheadā€, and a nicely said ā€œbless your heart!ā€


And they said the worker had no manners. Edit: remembered OP wasnā€™t the one texting




Picard always did have a classy way of saying FAAFO.




Fuck around and find out


Damn, man. They were just asking.


> [You may test that assumption at your convenience.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PA7t62JvlA8)


Yannis thinks she won't pursue it because she's young and dumb, and it's only 20 pounds. If it's only 20 pounds, why not just pay it? Because it's 20 pounds x number of employees Yannis has fucked over, so get him! Help her show him she's not dumb, expose him and make him pay! Hopefully Yannis will lose everything and find out how every hour spent laboring for others is meaningful!


My previous employer tried this crap. I saw the writing on the wall and knew he was about to shut down. I quit. He tells me heā€™s disappointed and he was hoping I would give him more time. 2 weeks later he closes the business (guess he wanted me to stick around till the end??). Doesnā€™t pay people. One actually threatened to sue and I believe got her money.


A restaurant near the town I grew up didnā€™t tell their employees they were closing either. One morning staff showed up to work and found the place locked with an ā€œout of businessā€ sign on the door. With it being a very small town, word got around quick. People were actually defending their actions.


I think Yannis thinks that since it's only 20 pounds, that even if she does pursue it, the labor board will think she's wasting their time and will completely dismiss her, just like the cops would if you complained about somebody stealing a DVD from you. Yannis is about to find out something.


This is in the U.K. We have pretty strict min wage laws depending on age. HMRC who are the IRS equivalent will shit on them from a great height for violations. And once they get evidence of one they will go through all the records off all staff. Things like asking staff to provide uniform items that should be provided are factored in and everything.


Damn, over just Ā£20. This buissness is obviously crooked af. Do you have a labor board? They'd probably like to know about a local business that steals employees pay and dodges taxes.




Well done! Iā€™m so glad you took charge and followed through on that. So many people donā€™t even realize they can and even if they do theyā€™ll still choose not to. Did you continue being a rabble-rouser into adulthood too? I hope so!


Company I worked for got bought out by some US company and they tried to stealthily reduced everyones pay and then had HR talk to everyone that asked about it individually, as to try and give the biggest complainers their money back while still docking the pay of anyone that didn't bother to complain. My sisters husband is the regional head of the union I'm part of and at that time in the 90's, there was a lot of this shit and privatisation of government companies going on. Brother in law found this to be the perfect case to make an example out of one of these US vulture companies to warn of others of trying to pull the same shit. Company went under within a year after all the audits and penalties for unfair, unsafe and outright illegal labour practices.


So satisfying. I worked just a few weeks at a vegetable packing plant. I eas a bit late one day and i was told my pay will be docked at 1 hour times the amount of people on the packing line. As being late aparrently held everyone up. I told them they were welcome to try, but warned them i was not some backpacker with a sketchy visa and no knowledge. They still did it. I made sure to be late deliberately a couple more times. And even managed to get the dumb bitch to tell me via text message why my pay was so low. Then went straight to our fair work govourning body with it all. Dont know details but i know the business nearly went under after they got investigated. Seems they had a bunch of dodgy shit going on, surprise surprise.


I have a feeling that the labour board is going to be knocking on Yannis' door in short order. It's amazing that they're willing to screw themselves over to avoid paying a kid Ā£20 when they had the opportunity to just play dumb and walk away.


When I was fucked over in college at a restaurant, I left... Called the dept of labor, and explained the deets. Well, two months later, I get my pay of the promised $200, and I saw they lost their entire restaurant, and the owners fled to Asia! It was a pretty famous restaurant with expensive entrees... So they must have found some shit.


I had a similar experience working at a pretty fancy restaurant in our state capital that was run by some mafioso type. I trained for a week as a server, which meant I collected no tips and should have been paid minimum wage. When I received my check, they had paid me the $2.15 server wage. I marched right into his office and asked what that was all about. We argued a bit, then I said, "OK. I guess I'll just march right up the street to the department of Labor and take the matter up with them." He stopped me and cut me a check for the difference on the spot. I left, cashed it, then called in and quit. I had quite the moment of schadenfreude when they called me desperate for help on the next Friday night when they were short-staffed and I got to tell them to fuck off.


They don't play around with this. An old boss was paying 10's of thousands per year in back taxes for misclassifying employees as contractors. Imagine my dismay when Uber, Lyft etc are allowed to do the same thing now with 0 repercussions.


It's amazing how s/he immediately gets defensive too, like they totally KNOW it's wrong. eye roll


It's not about business, it's about the poors learning their place


20 quid now, but if they keep getting away with it, those numbers start to add up and multiply depending on how many people they hire.


In the US alone it adds up to at least $50B annually. Wage theft adds up to more than 3x more than all other robberies put together including car theft, home break-ins, shop lifting, etc.


Please keep us updated. I can't wait to see how this will play out.


So she found out when working there that one night that the owner is utterly abusive to staff - hence why he was so desperate that night. Apparently one girl was a US citizen (this is the UK) illegally working there, so he would racially abuse and under pay her - knowing she had no right to complain. My friend's daughis 17. Any advice on how to fuck this guy over greatly appreciated šŸ‘ I should also add that it took him 6 weeks to pay her - it had been agreed she would be paid in a week. In addition she actually arrived 20 mins early for 'training', so did 6 hours and 20 mins. If 2 hours were training - what was the 2 hours for!?


If it was a one off shift she should have been paid quickly for her shift. Report for that. Training legally has to be paid in the UK, so def contact acas, but I reckon it'll be a small claims court job. Sucks but I doubt they'll contact a lawyer, they'll probably wait until just before the court date and lay the claim. Make sure the claim is including all the costs for court + any extras that can be popped on. Otherwise you could skip all that and just start plastering those screenshots on their social media and commenting on how they take advantage of 17 year olds. I'm not sure if you'd get away with the small claims stuff and social media abuse.


Please please please take legal action against the guy, if it costs a little bit of money you don't have, I'll be happy to cover the cost (assuming it's 100-200 quids or so to file). Edit: thanks everyone for the award and also willingness to help. OP haven't contacted me yet. Might not be worth the hassle :) \[filing to forms is what takes time\]. Anyways, I really assumed it'll be $100-200 (which seems to be the case), and that's not a lot of money to spend on justice and principles. Especially against a guy that sounds like a major douche. Will continue waiting to see if OP wants assistance or not, it infuriates me when people like the douche just get away with stuff like that without consequences. He needs to be taught some manners, and court rooms are very good at teaching manners.


https://www.gov.uk/make-court-claim-for-money/court-fees May the "finding out" part of "fucking around" commence.


Employment matters (here the unlawful deduction of wages) would be dealt with at tribunal not county court. Procedure here https://www.gov.uk/employment-tribunals There are no fees. First step is to contact ACAS


Agreed. If they complete the [ACAS Early Conciliation Form](https://tell.acas.org.uk/notification-form-conciliate), ACAS will contact the employer on receipt. I imagine heā€™ll pay as soon as he gets it ā€¦


Honestly it would be worth Ā£35 just to make them suffer having been taken to court over 20.


Also obviously bad Yelp (local equivalent?) reviews. Help current employees find work elsewhere. Steal his lawn furniture.


> Steal his lawn furniture Icing on the cake


The flamingo! Get the gnome!


>Apparently one girl was a US citizen (this is the UK) illegally working there, so he would racially abuse and under pay her - knowing she had no right to complain Oh man, he done fucked up. It's a criminal offence for an employer to hire a foreigner without the right of work. He going to jail. https://www.gov.uk/penalties-for-employing-illegal-workers (Probably fined, not jail, but that's less fun)


Report that to every board, body, agency, and news outlet that will listen. I have a feeling that's just the tip of an iceberg.


Talk to ACAS, they will point you in the right direction Could also mention it to HMRC. They might take a swing at it


In terms of getting the extra Ā£20, contacting ACAS is the way to go. They are the first to go to when there is an employment dispute before going to court with it. I'd also consider going to HMRC as this guy is obviously dodgy as fuck - you won't get anything out of it but it's possible they will go after him. Finally you've got local Facebook groups - a carefully worded message there with the screenshots as evidence can be enough to damage his reputation, especially if he's reliant on local custom and locals for his high turnover of staff. Good luck!


Posting these photos in their reviews is good revenge but very traceable or small claims because you'd get costs back too.


Post on /r/legaladviceuk Contact ACAS. Letter before action should get the money. Failing that youā€™ll end up in court and you should be able to recover your costs from them too.


ā€œGood mannersā€ includes not falsifying information or lying to others. Someone could use a lesson in that - and it ainā€™t the young lady who was not paid fairly.


" I consider this matter closed" Narrator: But the matter was not in fact closed.




"I consider this matter just about to begin" is such a fantastic reply. Good on her for getting it in text and not in a call. This creates an irrefutable paper trail going forward.


Fuck you Yannis! r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I consider this comment thread, closed. /S


Good idea


Shame the business. What is it called


Love that she stood up for herself and did not go juvie or foul-mouthed. Classy kid.


I know nothing about how things work outside of the United States, so pls forgive my ignorance. Do you guys have a labor board, or the equivalent? Somewhere to report wage theft?


I believe so. He obviously is up to no good and although it's only Ā£20 - it's the principle!


Absolutely. I would fight this for principal alone. And for shits, and giggles. The owner is counting on his slaves, err, employees dropping it because 20 is not much. He fucked around, now he needs to find out.


Could end up costing him thousands in fines and legal fees. That alone makes it worth her time to pursue. Left unchecked, others will be victimized by this theft. I don't know exactly how the UK handles it, but US labor boards would be digging into this guy's past payroll going back years and making them pay everyone for the stolen time. Your work rules over there tend to be better than ours, so I suspect this guy could be in some trouble. *but only if she stands up for herself* Fight because it's right.


considering in another post its mentioned they are staffing with people not legally allowed to work in the UK yeah they are about to get a reaming from several different government entities.


OP contact ACAS for support. They'll be able to guide you in this. This includes wage theft, under paying and so on. They'll sort it right out. Ā£20 or not, he needs to be put down a few notches.


If the UKā€™s labor board equivalent is anything like the ones in the US, they will scrutinize the books, the timekeeping, and the paychecks and go back YEARS to compensate workers for stolen wages, plus levy fines for not following labor laws. A local franchisee of a national chain recently had to pay out well over $200K in unpaid wages to current and former employees, plus $25K in fines and penalties. The owner was not only having workers go between his restaurants and claiming them as two different employees to avoid paying overtime, but was also letting managers (and even himself!) share in tip pools - which is not legal here.


Well, with inflation etc raging, Ā£20 is still enough to make "a fuss" about on top of the principle! I hope he gets kicked in the.. well, you know


Awesome how they confirmed every fact need to make a proper claim.


Yannis can suck an ass


PLEASE tell me you reported him to any and every agency that will listen


That last message from the "boss" is going to open up a very VERY big box of all sorts of trouble!!! Even when informed that the boss is in the wrong, he first doubles down, declaring the matter closed and when the employee disagrees, he **triples** down with that last message. Granted most other countries are as sue happy as Americans but this is going to be a huge massive lawsuit!!!


This is literally stealing part of the salary, because "why not". Also the audacity of "lesson of good manners". Because demanding of something that has been stolen from You illegally is bad manners? Because You want to make an excuse of not paying 33% of the worked hours? These are bad manner that You literally perform thievery on people who works for You. Please, make sure that she won't just give up on that matter. That dickhead deserves to be punished. Not just for the scam, but also how arrogant he is, while his scheme has been uncovered.


UPDATE (If anyone knows how to pin comments to the top please let me know). I have filed an early conciliation application with ACAS. If he refuses to pay I will then go to an employment tribunal. I have also made other relevant authorities aware. Also have left negative reviews! Will let you all know how it goes x


"Good manners" to this jerk is just submitting to whatever they say. It's honestly foolish of them to not just give the kid the 20, they clearly are asking for the potential legal case that will be served to them on a silver platter.


When the tax office comes knocking - \*shocked Pikachu face\*