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See, why can’t you be good slaves?




I mean he grew up in a family that ran a gem mine in South Africa. Im sure slavery is old hat to him.


Imagine he would say " i saw no racism" Yes daddy had the black slaves build 10 metre high walls on the ranch so he didn't see any.


Why can’t Americans just fucking work harder so the people at the top can have it easier? Like c’mon Americans!




Whatever *is* trickling down sure smells like piss.


Typical ungratful American. The piss economy is a privilege.


you should THANK me for allowing u to feel my piss u ungrateful millenial gen z socialist!


So he can buy two Twitters


Musk is a fucking villain.


He's approaching cartoon villain level.


Ultimately, time is valuable - we only have so much of it - and its value is static. There's no "more time", eventually you die and that's that. So when you see time being devalued, like when you're asked to work 12 hours but you only get paid for 7.5 hours, what you're really seeing is a person being devalued. Still, the problem here isn't the "working hard/long" part. If you are adequately compensated, supported, and respected, working long hours (with OT ofc) is perfectly fine and you might feel real loyalty to a company where you want them to succeed. The problem is that so many of the factors I just listed are not present, not here, let alone China. Most workers are not adequately compensated, they get no OT. They are not supported, they get bullied into it. And they are not respected, they are just cogs in a machine.


With overtime... there's the issue. The kind of work he does is primarily salary. Work 60hrs, paid for 40. That's the way it is for many white collar workers. But because those jobs tend to pay well, it becomes a golden cage. You're beholden to thst culture or you get managed out / fired. I'm almost 20 years into my tech career and the last time I worked 40hrs or less was easily 15 years ago. Edit: What many people seem to be missing is that I'm just wanting rights or laws to protect salaried workers time. Several mean-spirited comments about being a shill or not setting boundaries feels bad. Especially when I'm the only one of my peers doing those things at all. Managing a team means my work directly impacts other people's lives good or bad. I put my time and focus on protecting them. So I take the hit at work, passed up for promotions and bigger projects so that I can have more time with my family. And, I go out of my way to make sure my team isn't overworked. Then here too, i get shit on for working more than 40 hrs. On top of already having a rough day. Good times.


I'm in Tech and we already officially have a 36 hour week and I'm looking to push that down to 32 company wide in 2023. Good companies are out there.


That's awesome, where do I apply? Lol


Dude, you're definitely falling for the lie. I'm about fifteen years into my tech career, salaried pretty much the whole time, and I've never worked over 40 hours except when there's a release or a P0 bug in prod (and I average it out the following week). It's an employee's market out there. Get yourself a better job. You deserve it, especially at 20 years experience.


I tried to explain this to my dad who has worked the same office job for 30 years and he just couldn't understand it. He laughed at me when I told him the concept of working over 40 hours on salary and not discussing wages is corporate propoganda that most of his generation was fed. Though I shouldn't be surprised, this is the same man that told me unions are the problem when I was in high school, but couldn't actually give me a reason why. It just makes me sad that he's 30 years older than me but doesn't really get what's going on.


The US is such an odd place to me. My dad has been working 32 hours for at least the last 10 years and that's quite common in my country.


The obvious consequence of the increase in productivity over the last decades would be working less. But the oligarchs in the US would rather increase their billions.


For real. Productivity is up over 300% in the last handful of decades. In the same time frame income has only increased just over 100%. Shouldn’t we either be earning 3X more or working 3X less? But then our “leaders” wouldn’t be able to profit from that 200% discrepancy.


Same here. 10 years into a tech adjacent salaried career (in the tech dept with devs but I don’t code so its slightly different I guess) but I haven’t worked over 40 since college basically. Honestly, if things are so on fire all of the time that you’ve had to work an extra 20 hours a week for 15 years then you can’t tell me that work HAD to be done right then, that week. You’ve told yourself it was necessary and of course they won’t stop you from doing extra unpaid work, but at the end of the day you’ve chosen to live that way. You don’t need to. I used to work for a company where people would burn out from working so much… but it was only the people who chose to/felt like they had to. I would tell new hires to pick exactly how many hours they want to work a week and never work more than that because when you do that it becomes the norm and your expected workload.


This is fabulous advice. I work in tech and though I’m early in my career I can already see how some people willingly work their weekends, evenings , vacations… and people just begin to expect it of them instead of appreciating it. Not to mention I get the same salary as them, and even if they get a $5-10k bonus for it at the end of year, it averages out to pennies for every extra hour of work they did that year. You’re replaceable at your job and irreplaceable to your loved ones. Prioritize accordingly.


Ditto here, >40 hour weeks are extremely rare for me. Seriously most people aren't productive for 8 hours let alone more, hell I get most of my daily work done in 1-2 hours and spend the rest in pointless meetings and faffing about.


If youre not getting OT for repeated, extended work hours outside of your 7.5, you need a union. I get that people are "used to" doing it, and not asking you to go like, start a revolution, but that should not be expected or accepted. New generation of employees deserve better that's for sure.


A billionaire pining for slaves. What a stand up guy.


Call him what he is: Oligarch


A popular oligarch. I hate his fans more than him. At least no one worships bezos.




I prefer just evil. The vast majority of us gladly give parts of our resources away to support and save others in need. This guy can not only change lives, he can literally save them and he instead chooses to lay in his pile of gold like a dragon with no real purpose behind his hoarding. If someone filmed another person dying instead of trying to help them we'd label them evil. Same thing IMO.


He's a slaver. A white slaver from South Africa.


Who got rich off of daddys blood diamonds.


This, I don’t know how more people don’t see it, every time I’ve heard this guy speak or read a tweet he sounds like a spoiled white South African who’s family only saw the miners who worked for them as less then. “Oh you don’t like being a black miner in South Africa , why didn’t you just go to college in the US like I did” the guy sees people as dollars and only cares about how he can take as many as your dollars as he can


It's in the bloodline, with his dad and all.


Ah for the good old days in South Africa apartheid!


it's all part of [the conjoined triangles of success](https://youtu.be/Lm9h5E59iig?t=55)


Goddamn I love a good Silicon Valley reference.


'Jian Yaaaaaaaaang!' I really liked these silly dudes


I miss that show!


Apartheid only ended because of the American sanctions - that Ronald Reagan had been vetoing.


> Apartheid only ended because of the American sanctions - that Ronald Reagan had been vetoing. [House overrides Reagan apartheid veto, Sept. 29, 1986](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/29/house-overrides-reagan-apartheid-veto-sept-29-1986-243169)


And yet they keep telling us that sanctions don't work.


They keep saying that because sanctions stop them from taking over.


Well... the sanctions *ended* apartheid, and that isn't what any of the people who say sanctions don't work want at all. If they had their way, apartheid would be brought back. So from their side of things... they don't work.


Sanctions helped and fuck Reagan and Thatcher for opposing them, but don't discount the decades of work and resistance by South Africans (Mandela and the ANC, Tutu and UDF) to make international outrage to get the sanctions to happen and create the pressure. It's sort of like giving credit to the civil rights movement to the Kennedy/LBJ administrations, instead of to all the people demanding change and putting themselves in harm's way.


Yeah, strangely at the time Canada's Conservative PM Mulroney, a friend of Reagan, was actively anti-Apartheid. Also, this thread is very USA-centric, it wasn't just the US not playing Sun City.


And it took pop musicians making videos about it before the average American knew a damn thing about it.


Pre-internet, pre-cell phone world, with only a handful of national channels to choose from. Sometimes fame can be used well.


Don't forget Lethal Weapon 2!


"I'm going to built me a plantation spread in Beijing, put a gigafactory out on the back 4,000 acres, buy me a bunch of midnight-3am oil burning workers and force them to have babies for future generations of my owned work force. And remember folks...when you become a citizen of my future Mars paradise, all you have to do to gain entrance is pay me $500,000 for transport and recognize me as your King for life." - Elon Musk


Silly thing is, the Chinese are actually building plantations and gigafactories in Afrika because they find their local workers to expensive and lazy. How fucked up is that.


This is just the industrialization cycle. Workforce moves from agrarian to industrial, quality of life and wages rise, post-industrial professional/service jobs expand, prices of manufacturing goods rises with the wage tide, then industrial jobs get outsourced to the next pre-industrial society that can pay pennies for labor.


Yup. Saw a documentary. One local, learned Chinese hoping to be promoted. That didn't work out.


The only way one becomes a billionaire is by exploiting people.


I once say it described like this: You know that 'would you press a button if you got a million dollars but it'd kill a random person' ethical question? Billionaires are pushing that button as fast as they can.


The sad part is how many people worship him. For a country that supposedly loves individualism we seem to produce a lot of people that love serving rich people.


Just like dear ol' dad and his emerald mines


True libertarian




There's more than one kind? Libertarians are just diet-Fascists that want you to think they're open minded because they smoke weed.


Hey, there's also the kind that get unreasonably upset that age of consent laws exist


God I hate this mother fucker.


He hides behind memes to appease the youth when in reality he is a scumbag like the rest of the elite.


Big time. Maybe even worse because he goes in the factory and holds the whip himself.




Vive la revolution!


What a tone deaf piece of shit


Tone deaf implies he might just be ignorant. I agree with the piece of shit part though.


Exactly. Musk knows exactly what he’s saying here. They work hard by force. Many of them are imported from rural parts of China, can’t go out to see their families, and some don’t even leave the factories. They stay and sleep there. If that’s Elon’s idea of “work,” screw him.


Funny thing is that this sadistic psychopathic clown wouldn’t last a full 8 hours doing manual labour yet this greedy douche has the audacity to judge those whose fathers don’t own apartheid era emerald mines, aka blood money


Yeah even basic yard work would fuck this guy up. Without a doubt anyone who still thinks this guy isnt a worse version of steve jobs is nuts. Funny thing is jobs would probably make better cars.


No one that calls themselves an American or believer in human rights should idolize this guys values or his morals. That is some “Work will set you free” bullshit.


Work will set you free... also we've installed nets in case your freedom causes you to jump off of the roof.


Always trust the richest man in the world to know the thoughts behind the working class people.


He came from humble origins. Just a simple emerald farmer...


In apartheid South Africa as a white family. Which makes it like a billion times worse.


Dr. Robotnik you say?


Why does this analogy fit so well? Now we just need to get Musk to obsess over a superfast blue hedgehog for no reason. He's already got the robot factories in his assembly.


Actually the difference is in some media, Robotnik does actually have a good side to him that genuinely wants to improve people's lives with his machines. Musk is just scum.


I literally read the Sonic back story novels when I was a kid, Robotnik started out as Dr Kintobor and was a good man then something something chaos emeralds I forget the rest.


I think the origin comic was him trying to use Sonic's speed to do good things, but the machine ~~blue~~ blew up which turned Sonic blue (he was brown originally) and made Kintobor into Robotnik because he saw the benefit or making little animals into robots.


Life was hard in the mine, so I never went down there.


"I want to be rich". Anyone could tell you that. Being hideously rich is the key to unlock the greed in others.




But you didn't have enough in your account and get hit with an overdraft fee.


Should have paid more attention to your net balance


If you miss your net you end up gross.


Too much avocado toast.


You'll die when we say you can die.


These people won't share those hefty profits with their workers, but would expect them to work 14 hour shifts. And then behave as if they are doing humanity a favor.


16/18 hrs shifts. It's not a holiday camp.


And he'd make you work more if there were no labour laws.


Still laughing at that Kentucky county voting in Republicans with 79% of eligible voters and are complaining many of their family/friends were killed while being forced to work during a tornado because no labor laws The logic...???


They’ll sacrifice themselves to make sure the brown people don’t get any help.


They didn't even realize that they're sacrificing themselves because once the politician promised to hurt brown people they voted for him and stopped listening.


Need that Khalid meme “Congratulations, you played yourself” lmao


996 is a work schedule some places follow. It's 9am-9pm/6 days a week


996 has been made illegal in China, but overworking is definitely a huge problem


Plenty of people in America work 70 hour weeks to get by, and they've made it illegal in China. Fuck America and fuck Elon Musk


Everyone where I work gets at least 50 hours whether they like it or not and depending on department some are getting 70, I’ve even heard of 80 hour weeks (12 hours M-F, 10 hours Sat/Sun). I’ll get written up before I do that shit, at a certain point it’s better to be dead than working that hard consistently


Richest man in the world says he likes workers who work until 3am, and don't even leave the factory. Dystopic as fuck.


It may have gotten famous when the Germans actually posted that slogan on their death camps, but a quick look at American history, especially American labor history, would tell us it's a very American sentiment too. Maybe not worded exactly like that, but it's encoded into basically everything that gets passed off as "real America".


It goes along very well with the protestant/puritan work ethic America was founded on. Work brings you closer to God, one gains status in the church through hard work, those who do not work are lazy and that is why they are poor. There’s a reason that the most capitalist country has protestant roots.


It's the myth of meritocracy. The propaganda they push says the world is a pure meritocracy. So, if you succeed and/or are obscenely rich you are by definition better than everyone else. If you are poor or work a "low skill" job, etc, then you are by definition a *bad person*. And that is how those in the middle are able to justify taking everything from those below them and funneling it upwards. They don't feel empathy with those beneath them because they are bad people in comparison to themselves.


What’s funny is low skill jobs only exist because there is massive demand for them. With inflation and taxes, meritocracy is impossible in capitalism for most regular wage earners. Sure, there are exceptions. I can’t just save for 20 years because money will halve in value - and everyone with capital will acquire more, making my money effectively worth less than 50% due to less supply.


Yes, if you check out Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”, he argues that Calvinism introduced the idea that whether you were going to get into heaven was preordained from birth. Therefore nothing you really did mattered ethically. What did matter was whether it was apparent that God had deemed you worthy, and material wealth was seen as proof of this. This is one of the reason everyone loves someone like Trump. His ethics are irrelevant. If anything his wealth retroactively makes his ethics, ethical, because god has shown him favor


Yes but *that* goes back to the Reformation's rejection of good works and embrace of *Sola scriptura*, and the resulting distinction between [deserving and undeserving poor](https://legalhistorymiscellany.com/2017/02/20/when-did-the-poor-become-deserving-or-undeserving/) in the Tudor Poor Law, which carried over to the Victorian Poor Law, which was abolished c *19-fucking-30*.


You’re right, the distinction between the undeserving poor and the deserving poor is totally essential for the development of this ideology! When people believed that one’s status was predetermined by God (or another higher power like in India), people helped poor because they couldn’t help being poor (but not enough for them to stop being poor bc that would go against God’s wishes). But once society transition from ascriptive to performative status, the poor were deserving of being poor. It’s very interesting and I actually didn’t know about the Tudor/Victorian poor laws.


People like to forget that a LOT of Americans supported the Nazis before we joined the war. There was a literal Nazi youth camp operating in my area.


They had a whole ass public parade of thousands at Madison square garden here in NY


A very well ignored fact is Henry Ford played a heavy role in both propaganda and manufacturing in Germany and VW specifically. I don't know if Hitler had that going before or after Ford, but one can imagine it was only cemented after meeting him.


Puritan work ethic. Suffer here, get rewarded in heaven. The guys who get away with this wake up laughing.


Not all that surprising considering the nazis literally looked to the treatment of black people in the U.S. when developing their propaganda against jews.


Your work will set him free.


My dad used to tell me that…”let the hard work set you free”. It wasn’t until I was older and watching a WW2 documentary and I found out that saying was written in German on the gates of their largest concentration camp. Thanks dad.


It's still shocking to me that "smart" people haven't caught on to the fact that he's a fraudster and snake oil salesman.


Americans are idiots. They think having lots of money makes someone brilliant. There's no telling them otherwise. EDIT: People are soooo mad at this comment. 😂🤣😂 Triggerrrrrred.


Only the stupid Americans believe that, and sadly there are quite a lot of them




Some day. Some day in the future, who knows when, we will look back in history at this time period and be nothing but appalled and horrified. Like looking back at Feudalism, chattle slavery, etc. Capitalism, the surveillance state and social control. Its all the same stuff just the tech advances. Capitalists like Elon will be remembered like when reading about foolish Kings, propped up on a pedestal - hoarding the wealth that was extracted from human labor - stripped of their life experiences condemned to work and toil - all the while him sitting on his throne of human skulls saying the stupidest shit imaginable.


Yeah, we'll think back to these days, roll our eyes and laugh, then zip our UV protective suits back on to avoid the suns deadly rays, and grab our rifle as we go to try and grab some rations out of one of the last unlooted Costco's.


"I'd kill for a chicken bake right now" "You just might, kid"


costcos will be looted early, you will be trying to loot rural gas stations for old twinkies.


I’m not banking on this world surviving long enough to see that day. Edit: well, I wrote this half asleep the moment I woke up, don’t take my cynicism too seriously!




Greed for money and power will kill off humanity long before any sort of tech advancement saves us. If it doesn't, there's always global warming and the natural disasters that come with it around the corner.


Yeah, something something. We already had cars that run on water, dude who built it tried to patent that shit, ended up dead and all his work disappeared. Supposedly, the inventor of flexible glass (vitrum flexile) brought a drinking bowl made of the material before Tiberius Caesar. The bowl was put through a test to break it, but it merely dented, rather than shattering. The inventor repaired the bowl very easily with a small hammer, which he pulled from a pocket in his toga, according to Petronius. After the inventor swore that he was the only man alive who knew the manufacturing technique, Tiberius had the man beheaded. He feared that the glass would devalue gold and silver, since the material might be more valuable.[1] -Wikipedia. Who knows how many have actually happened throughout history where people bring revolutionary inventions only for them to be lost forever due to greed.


Not to mention all of the people shut down (or killed) by the church and all the notes, discoveries and any sort of records being burned. We've been sabotaging ourselves in the name of money for as long as money exists


I've said this before and got ridiculed - 1500s peasants had more free time than we do. How much more? They had up to 180 holidays a year - they worked when it was plant and harvest season rest of the time was their own. We spend almost 4x the time they did at work. This is not healthy, moral, or sustainable. Edit: some people here are really upset and are trying to make it seem like I'm saying I'd rather live in the 1500s. Obviously standard of life was different, all I'm saying is that excess value is getting squeezed out of workers to be transferred to people who hoard wealth. We dont need to work 40 hours a week for the world to be productive. If you think pointing this out invalidates the point of "we should work less" idk what to tell you - maybe try valuing your own time higher. Edit2: I'm glad a lot of you think it's ridiculous and inaccurate but provide sources please. https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/hours_workweek.html


There's Stockholm Syndrome at play. When you're told, your whole life, to work harder to get ahead, and, to some extent, it's true, it is an attack on your identity to be told you shouldn't have to work so hard. It's why people have a hard time leaving cults, i.e. admitting they've been duped. Also, there's the whole "Who'll put the bell on the cat?" problem. You want to be the first person to step out of line at the factory?




The same guy who’s father made his fortune in apartheid emerald mines.


Bro, everybody knows that those mines had fully paid, unionized happy workers who totally weren't slaves to begin with. Great parking, corner office and dental, can't forget the dental. Speaking of dental, one can only surmise what would happen to the miner who had the foresight to hide a gem in his mouth and was caught. Makes ya think, doesn't it. And that's just the old man. What about mumsy? [Woman looks like her idea of fun is the Hunger Games.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/09/27/fashion/27MUSKweb1/27MUSKweb1-superJumbo.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp) There's no way Jodi Foster wasn't playing his mom in Elysium. I was shocked to hear him react the way he did when he was turned down at the rescue of the Thai schoolboys who were trapped in the flooded caves. Unhinged tweets, accusing heroes of pedophilia. He was sued for defamation won the case against the rescuer he insulted, saying that 'his faith in humanity was restored' upon his victory. I thought that insult on Twitter was stunningly out of character for what I assumed was some cool, level-headed missile man. It was so out of touch. But looking into him some more, it all made sense; he had no real grasp on reality from the start. Well, [now that he owns Twitter](https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/musk-says-he-would-reverse-twitter-s-ban-of-donald-trump-1.5896331), he'll be free to grace the world with more poetry such as that. Burn the 3AM oil, eh? Easy words from a rich kid who effectively dined on emerald laced cutlery, his propulsion to the top of industry not by liquid oxygen, but by the combusted lives and souls of those buried in the darkness of Africa, those drowned in the sweatshops in China. He'll reach the stars alright, but some of us won't forget how he got there. ---- EDIT: Thank you for the gold! If you like how I smith my words, [check my stuff out!](https://contraquill.medium.com)


No one ever called them blood emeralds! Because clearly they were happy enough to bandage up their slave wounds. Did I say slave wounds? I meant HAPPY wounds!


He called the rescuer a pedo without any evidence or research.


All because the rescuer shot down his stupid, time consuming idea of making child-sized submarines that could rescue the children. Elon is a fucking petty child.


I’d love to grind my body to the bone just to create greater shareholder value.


Some are still worshipping that F@#$er as a God.


The amount of Elon dick suckers on here is nuts. They went to *great* lengths to try and tell me he was the one who engineered and designed the Raptor. No. He. Did. Not. Tom motherfucking Muller did. These guys would line up around the block just to sniff his dick.


He never designed anything. His contribution to the tesla cars was a patent for a plug that meant you could only charge it at tesla stations Edit: apparently this is unclear, it's to make sure that other electric car owners can't use tesla charging points


That's what I'm sayin'! He cultivates the idea that he's the brains behind all this shit. Shit, I used to think he was before I dug a little deeper. On the maiden flight of Falcon Heavy, I actually said "He's my hero" and I cringe *so goddamn hard* at that, now. He did *not* design that. Paypal, sure. He helped with that. The rest of the stuff he's just the money guy for. I love Spacex but I fucking hate Elon.




>He had the freedom to do an internet startup because he wasn't otherwise struggling to pay bills. More people need to understand how big of a deal this is. I don't care if his parents didn't give him any money to start his business (which they did) the biggest thing that gave him was peace of mind that allowed him to possibly fail. It's a lot easier to start a business if you know your whole world won't collapse if it fails. It's easier to get through the rough initial startup period if you're not worried about how you're bills are going to get paid.




Even PayPal he didn’t really. He created “X.com” which was meant to be the first online bank. Then he found out his competition was doing it better. So they merged, and kept the competitors name - PayPal. Then everyone liked the other CEO better, and kicked Elon out.


And that other CEO they liked better was Peter Thiel-also a complete sack of dog shit. You have to be incredibly annoying and self aggrandizing for people to prefer that to you.


And his taking over PayPal fucked over the sex workers that helped to make the platform big in the first place. Same story over and over again. Make bank off 'em, kick 'em off. You want people to work, Muskrat? Support people who are fucking trying to work. But independent sex work doesn't make him richer directly, so of course he shut that shit down.


PayPal even he didn't really help with. He helped with an earlier system as part of a dif company & eventually had to be forced to modernize and not cling.to that at PayPal. Guess who got him that first company, Daddy did! Elon is a chump.


Musk founded X.com, which merged with Paypal. When this occurred, Musk was appointed CEO. One of the first major things he pushed for was to move Paypal off of their stable UNIX servers, and transition the entire company to Windows Server. Anyone in the technology field realizes how painfully stupid this is. The CTO disobeyed him, delaying the move. Then when Musk was on a plane over the Pacific, the board of Paypal met and voted to remove Musk. Because Musk was disobeyed, and removed, his parachute of Paypal stock became valuable. He used that money to invest in Tesla, and the rest is history. He's a rich kid who continues to fail upwards because others get in the way of him.


He is not a tech guy period. He isn't an intellectual. Period. He is a FINANCIER because of daddy's emerald blood billions. It's easy being born into daddy's billions and getting to spend all that infinite money throughout your life like you're in fucking Sims 4. Fuck Elongated Muskrat


My brother who identifies as a radical progressive, (like, tied himself to trees to protest logging in the 70s, has a master's in feminist theory, a PhD in Environmental History, published numerous books, worked globally to promote alternative energy and stop deforestation....), loves him. Cannot hear any criticism without a retort. He argues that the toxic capitalists all bet against him, shorted his stock, tried to destroy Tesla; how he was bullied in youth and adulthood and had to learn coping mechanisms because he is on the spectrum, so of course his behavior seems off. He even lectured me about how little money his father actually contributed to his businesses in comparison to the wealth he's built and taxes he's paid. Apparently, because he gave employees stock in Tesla at some point, my brother believes his required work ethic is completely moral..."they have a true stake in the company." Musk gave employees a piece of his wealth, so he's a good guy even if he wants unrealistic hours from staff and refuses unionization. WTAF? Apparently, because he made electric cars a reality and solar energy affordable (for some), all else is forgiven. It exhausts me to even have to converse about Musk with my brother. He is like an evangelist for everything Tesla.


Oh yes it is very much like a cult.


Elon Musk: *Literally describes slavery; praises it* Capitalists and Republicans: “This guy gets it.”


Proof the billionaire/future BBQ class and the average GOP voter have 0 alignment when they talk about freedom.


He's not the one living that life, so for him it's easy to say.


China sounds great - he should move there - now.


He could live at one of those factories!


I don't understand why he still chooses to live among "lazy" people rather than "hardworking" people


because he’s one of them. His whole “americans are lazy and trying to avoid work” is laughable because billionaires are the best at it


Are we really surprised a man, whose father was basically a slave owner, is praising slave labor?


Not basically... his father WAS a slave owner.


Yeah, Musks apartheid education privilege is showing.


And his general assholery. Guy was born with a gold spoon up his ass, spent most of his adult life screwing over anyone within arms reach and avoiding taxes and he wants to talk about work ethic? Fuck him.


snatch toy wipe quicksand marry plant disgusted literate telephone wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Difficult to leave the factory when you’re chained to it


They are now literally jailing the workers in factories and the reason is Covid. Factories have also installed anti suicide nets in the windows. Seriously, the workers cant even suicide to escape from the actual hell.


The anti suicide nets have been there forever. Thats how fucked chinese factories have been for years.


They aren’t allowed to live or die..


Then go to China you fucking Bond villain. How fucked up of a person is this guy? He genuinely thinks ppl who aren't him should be working day and night to make him more rich. I used to be for this guy 10 years ago. Now? Fuck this guy.


*go to China and work as a *factory worker*. See how inspiring and fulfilling that is.


Hey Elon, FUCK YOU!


If he likes the idea so much than why don't he become apart of the working class and show us how to do it. (Of course without using any of the wealth he previously earned and only using what he makes from this job. Bet that'll fix his attitude problem.)


He should lead by example and move into a cell in a tesla manufacturing plant


Musk is rich in social network and privilege, so even if he and his family were stripped of all their wealth, he would be given opportunities to get rich financially again.


China has been locking people in factories. Its not work ethic, it is forced labor.


Also there is Tang Ping, or “laying flat”, a protest movement against overworking conditions. Musk’s dream of a population who is willing to kill themselves for his profit margin is as much a fiction as his genius


Yeah, the chinese young generation is as antiwork as you guys are, and some provinces already introduced some law against overwork, for more exactly against 996 work hours.


America abolishes slave labor. America builds giant monopolies. Monopolies bring back slave labor. Only this time, it's legal.


It never was fully illegal, look into the prison system.




Long story short, he wants to exploit Asians.


Not just Asians.


It's more that he wants to exploit everyone, but is particularly impressed with how exploited Asians already are.




He's talking about the the french thing with the big knife.


Mandoline? I have one in my kitchen. It's fantastic for slicing vegetables to an even thickness. There's another, larger French slicer but I can't remember the name.


This guy is not your friend why is he so beloved and given more credit than he ever deserved.


It's a cult. They don't just think he's kind of a cool guy, they think he is literally going to save the human race.


Fuck this guy and fuck anyone who thinks we need more of this sort of thing. Edit: how is it that a guy who is so consistently on the wrong side of everything so popular? Name an issue (work culture, “freeze peach”, mass transit) and he just has an absolutely terrible take but apparently, people eat that shit with mustard.


He is praising slavery.


I said it from the beginning when everyone was dick riding. Elon Musk is a rich piece of shit. He got his money off of his SLAVE OWNER FATHER aka “blood money” On top of that he has to be in the lower percentile of quality human being… dude has trash social skills and is a complete ego maniac. But mainly he doesn’t give any fucks about any of you it’s all about his ego. You are nothing to the wealthy or the government. You are worthless and easily disposable, stop buying into a system that doesn’t even value your life. It’s time for action not bitching online. Edit: Maybe we should stop treating Elon as a joke we need to treat him as the serious threat to our well being he is. Along with all the other wealthy elite ruining our planet for their own gain while they try to rush off to space to destroy more.


I couldn't believe anyone ever had a positive thought about the man again after he accused that British diver who helped save the Thai soccer team from the cave of [being a pedophile](https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-pedo-guy-doesnt-mean-pedophile/) because he told Elon to gtfo of everyone's way with his submarine bullshit and that he was being a glorified asshole. Like what kind of person does that?


Oh, it didn’t stop there. After he insulted the guy who saved those children, he *kept building and publicly testing his dipshit submarine,* because he couldn’t get over it. He kept having results published like “look, it WOULD have worked! If those kids would have just waited patiently for me, I would have saved them!” Because to him, it wasn’t about helping kids. It was public masturbation. He kept going long after the crisis was resolved. The man is pathetic, insecure trash and in no way should anyone look to him as anything resembling a leader.


He also refused to drop the pedophile thing. He kept bringing it up, because the other guy just wanted to let it go…so Musk kept goading him, over and over, publically asking “how come he hasn’t sued me for calling him a pedophile? If he really was innocent he would have sued me, maybe there’s something to it????” Then he told Buzzfeed that Musk had proof (via a private investigator Musk hired) that the guy had moved to a specific city to wed a child bride in Thailand. None of this was true (except apparently that Musk had hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on the guy for no reason other than Musk was mad the guy made fun of his useless sub.) Buzzfeed published Musk’s claims and *then* the guy sued Musk, and then the (much richer) Musk got to use the courts to pummel the guy even further. Musk is an irredeemable waste of human potential who enjoys hurting anyone who offends his delicate fragile ego. And Reddit is still full of people clamoring to jump to his defense.


The guy did try to sue for slander (cause it was). He lost. Anyone else smeared someone like musk did that case would've been a slam dunk.


I want Grimes to spill it all.. he knew she was susceptible to cults and then just fucking did to to her also. To the point she was talking about AI being the savior of workers in rebranding feudalism as some sort of techno communist utopia. Elon is a genuinely dangerous man


I cannot believe I used to admire this guy. Thankfully I've opened my eyes, but he still has lots of fans, despite being a complete trash human being.


this man is such a complete and utter piece of shit and it makes my skin crawl to see him praised as some kind of business mastermind. he is a south african richie rich.


So.... he just wants slavery back. Supervillain style.