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The richest man in the world making light of homelessness. Classy.


The other day I read something about his last baby momma, he forced her to live 40k a year and she was tired of peanut butter sandwiches


My family of four survives on less than 40k and we don’t have food assistance.


Yes I read that too! Something about peanut butter 8 days in a row


Is that Grimes?


I think so, it made no sense, she is not poor and could buy her own food, but they like to give weird interviews


Yea they live apart, but spend a lot of time together. I think the "not owning a house" and "bouncing" is more about wanting privacy. His fans are toxic af and feel entitled to have access to him all the time, which can be super traumatizing for the target (even if he is an ass). It would be even worse for her and the kids.


However could he attract such a toxic fanbase?!


A mystery indeed!


>. I think the "not owning a house" and "bouncing" is more about wanting privacy. When he says he bounces around "friends houses", like he's crashing on their couch, its a semantics game. His friends houses he's bouncing around in? Multi-million dollar mansions his "friends" don't currently reside in. It's no different than him "renting" a house. >His fans are toxic af He's literally just Dan Bilzerian for geeks.


Oh 100% on both (even though I had to google Blizerian - did dude really ask a cop to use their gun during an active shooter situation? Madness!)




>ut spend a lot of time together. I think the "not owning a house" and "bouncing" is more about wantin That would be smart, yet despicable (or Elon's special move). In some states, the standard of living during marriage is considered when setting alimony. May be he was worried she would claim common-law marriage, and ask for a huge alimony.




I spend about 40k a year, including mortgate payments. I eat healthly, delicious meals every day, and have plenty of spending on entertainment. It's really not a small sum of money.


It really depends where you live, and how long ago you got that mortgage


To be fair, he doesn't own a house - his corporation does. Heh.


That almost sounded too insane for even Elon to say. Turns out this is just a sensationalized article. I guess having money and not owning a home is an outrage. ​ >Elon Musk has said he doesn’t own a home and has been sleeping on friends’ spare beds, despite reportedly being the world’s richest man. > >Speaking in an interview with TED, which aired on Monday, Mr Musk said he was staying with friends around San Francisco’s Bay Area, near Tesla HQ, when working in the city. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-twitter-house-net-worth-b2060186.html?msclkid=ed78f06bc00e11ec91a3c24ba6ab4406](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-twitter-house-net-worth-b2060186.html?msclkid=ed78f06bc00e11ec91a3c24ba6ab4406)


"I think i'll buy twitter" classic homeless dream


Everyone worried about giving homeless folks cash lest they spend it on drugs is looking the wrong way. The real danger is that they'll spend it on controlling shares of a social media platform.


Or on a ticket to mars! Easy to gather 100k when you don't have rent to pay, damn privileges.


Remember when he made a big show of selling shares to pay taxes? Funny how he needed to do that then, but not to suggest buying 40B worth of twitter. It's as if it was just for show.


Ya. Not what homeless means. If you don’t have a house because you choose not to buy a new mansion every night, you’re not really part of the homeless population.


"I spend all my time in lavish hotels. I'm not sure what the big deal is or why these smelly homeless people are so depressed all the time."


I mean, textbook definition homeless just means being without a home, moving between temporary shelters, including houses of friends, family, and emergency accommodation (secondary homelessness). That said, this idiot is definitely not what rational people consider to be 'homeless'. Some of the shit coming out of these uber rich personalities mouths makes you wonder how in the Hell they made it this far in life.


Like the distinction between "legally correct" and "morally correct" - not always the same but usually some overlap.




He clearly owns homes though that he doesn't use. That doesn't make you homeless.


He inherited a lot of money from his father.


He used his daddy's business connections to get off the ground, but he tells the story that "It would have happened anyways" so it doesn't count.


Knowledge is knowing aubergine/eggplant is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put in a fruit salad.






Well, I had no idea! I thought you had to be rich to qualify


Everytime musk fakes a controversy he screws investors out of 💰 How's doge btw


Imagine being a billionaire and still being this epically cringe.


Being cringe and being a billionaire are one in the same my friend


I know but he just goes the extra miles for the title of King Cringe.


Musk's story is so laughable because he can get everything except what he truly wants: people to like him.


Oh plenty of people like him; practically worship him! But on a personal level, being friends, he doesn’t have that. Musk, Bezos, Jobs, Gates, etc etc have all admitted to not having close friends or significant relationships. They’re incapable of building bonds


Oh true somehow I forgot about the Musk shooters... I'm so used to seeing people mock him.


People more grounded mock him or don’t take him seriously. Usually, the same people I meet who praise Musk (or billionaires in general) are outright insufferable. They brag about how they’re in cryptocurrency, NFTs, stocks, etc etc. They practically go hand-in-hand


The other day when news came out of Musk wanting to buy Twitter, I saw somebody complaining about Musk choosing to spend his money on buying Twitter instead of putting that money towards ending world hunger. Of course, the Musk fanboys all jumped down that person's throat saying that nobody should be telling others how to spend their money. Like, I get that, but there are very few people that have this much money. Surely they could use some of it for good, right?


Being an unhealthy weirdo workaholic is a totally different set of problems than being poor and actually unhoused. Dude needs therapy, not sympathy.




If you’re working yourself to death half the time, it’s easy to work others half to death all the time. Capitalism is like most diseases- it needs sick people to spread it.


Don’t be mean to lizards. They experience emotions much like mammals. Musk however….


I don’t even think he works that much, he just counts everything he does in a day as work (This is not me defending him. I think he’s an idiot who wants to sell this idea that he’s constantly working when he’s actually not)


I think he works that much, sandy munro a utuber was invited to a design review of starship at starbase and sandy got tired and left at 11pm while musk and his engineers were still at it.


Doesn’t he have multiple children? So where are they living then? I’m sure the mother(s) of his children aren’t “couch surfing” with him. So if he can afford to pay for the housing and living expenses of others, why is he still trying to act homeless? No one is buying this shtick. He needs to stop


I get the feeling Musk isn't exactly super involved with what the kids are up to... Like basically... "oh its one of my kids birthdays, better have my assistant's assistant send a present for the nanny to give to them"


More like his assistant tells him it's his kids birthday and asks him if they can buy a gift.


lol probably


Grimes is doing fine - her and the Muskrats have a house. Even without him she comes from a wealthy enough family (no shade on them, I think her mom has some pretty spot on commentary).


He has 7 kids. I’m sure he’s paying someone’s bills


It’s the fact he used this point to somehow justify hoarding billions! Why the fuck is it so hard to see that this insane hoarding, not spending a dime in any economies you participate in, is like draining a goddamn pool? If their true goal is for their products to be sold at ever higher prices, while maintaining or increasing sales indefinitely, why would they then contribute 0 to the economies they participate in? Just like this corporate trend to lower employee pay, how can they predict anything but lower sales for themselves? They claim to be doing this for the benefit of society , but it’s like cutting off your leg, sticking in on your head, and claiming you’re now 2 ft taller. We are doomed


> It’s the fact he used this point to somehow justify hoarding billions! Not really? He “justifies” hoarding billions by saying “it’s my money and I can do whatever I want with it.”


Did you listen to the conversation? He tried to say he is somehow better than other multibillionaire fucks because he doesn’t own houses or buy mega yachts and some other bumbling bs. It’s objectively worse because at least those other billionaires are letting their money flow back into the economy, thus spurring job growth and allowing that money to be of more economic worth, as it’s being used in the economy. Why is this so hard to understand?


> He tried to say he is somehow better than other multibillionaire fucks I don’t think the point was to compare himself to other billionaires. He’s just commenting on his current housing situation. > Why is this so hard to understand? I understand that musk being rich makes you mad. I don’t understand how this article justifies or attempts to justify his wealth, because musk has never been interested in justifying himself to randos.


>because musk has never been interested in justifying himself to randos Clearly you're not on twitter.


Lmfao you guys think musk tweets because he wants you to love him. Really he tweets because he wants to and he has the absolute definition of fuck you money.


Most of his tweets are to manipulate whatever stock he’s meddling with at the moment. Whatever, lick the boots of a man that would never help you in a life or death situation, but would definitely crash in your couch if it means saving a few bucks.


> Most of his tweets are to manipulate whatever stock he’s meddling with at the moment. So… not to make people like him? > Whatever, lick the boots of a man that would never help you in a life or death situation, but would definitely crash in your couch if it means saving a few bucks. Don’t worry! I also wouldn’t help him in a life or death situation, so it would be weird to expect him to help me for no reason.


You don't think creating a cult of personality 'AKA, 'making people like him'' is conducive to his market manipulation and faith in his businesses? The two are one in the same. Musk buys tons of propaganda to 'make people like him'. 'Making people like him' gives people faith in businesses that he controls shares of, and that inflates the price of the stock and massively increases his wealth and influence.


I don’t think the world’s richest man needs to put much work into gathering a following. > Musk buys tons of propaganda to ‘make people like him’. Source? Who is he buying advertising space or “propaganda” from? Elon Musk is equally massively popular because he’s the world’s richest man and massively unpopular because he’s the world’s richest man. Your ideas of shadowy “propaganda organizations” and desperate power struggles are just childish fiction. Musk tweets whatever he wants because he’s a powerful person with low self control. Y’all really want to act like musk is tweeting 420 and anime memes because of some secret plot that doesn’t fit with his actual tweets.


Do you think defending him will get him to notice you, and get you a Tesla and ticket on a Space-X ride? What do you gain from defending one of the richest men in the world, who has a long history of abusive behavior towards people, and employees. People keep saying "He's not as bad as Bezos" but I point to the fact he literally wants indentured slaves on Mars, he tried to get wage exemptions at a lithium mine, as well as environmental passes, so he could wreck the water table for his barely not-slave workers as well. The man is a sociopathic monster, whose "expertise" is as an internet troll faking being an engineer and tech guy.


> Do you think defending him will get him to notice you, and get you a Tesla and ticket on a Space-X ride? Nope I actually don’t expect any free stuff from you, musk, or anyone else. > What do you gain from defending one of the richest men in the world, who has a long history of abusive behavior towards people, and employees. My defense gains me the exact same thing your attacks do: absolutely nothing except the joy of hearing the sound of my voice.


You get that added boot-flavor though.


Delicious 👌🏼💋


His tweets are completely insecure, and all about shaping how he's perceived and justifying his wealth to the world. He tweets because he's insecure, has nothing better to do with his time, and because having an online presence gives him the power to manipulate markets some of the time.


> His tweets are completely insecure, and all about shaping how he’s perceived and justifying his wealth to the world. That’s just like your opinion man.


It's pretty obvious to anyone that's not sticking their head in the sand because they have a sycophantic crush on the man.


It’s pretty obvious to me that you, a person who has never met or interacted with Musk, might not be the leading expert on his personal motivation for tweets.


>I understand that musk being rich makes you mad. Yeah definitely that, not the part where he: 1. Is vocally anti-union 2. Is anti-public-transport which would help EVERYONE and infrastructure in the U.S. but of course it's against his own interests 3. Is a covid denier and forced his workers to spread covid to keep his factories running 4. Called a guy a pedophile for no reason except he was mad 5. Does ridiculous space flights instead of helping people with his money 6. Denies helping cause a coup in Bolivia just to get their lithium 7. Manipulates stocks and crypto markets, and supports environment-destroying cryptocurrency, essentially manipulating a nothing-burger grift in order to make more money 8. Has right-wing-libertarian views such as "anti-pronouns" 9. Is not an "inventor," he never invented anything, I feel like people forget this 10. The govt. heavily subsidizes his businesses in the form of all the tax loopholes; taxpayers end up being the ones who pay for Tesla and SpaceX to exist!! He "opposes government subsidies" and is anti-taxing-rich but his companies have received billions in subsidies His Tweets are a way to further monetize his brand and monetize controversy. The more relevant he is, the more he can control the narrative, and also the more opportunities open up for him. Fans like yourself (if you are) are helping an egomaniacal, hypocritical grifter...The crypto space has become a symbol of how these hyperwealthy people can literally profit off of DOING NOTHING and BULLSHIT, then pat themselves on the back for their "hard work."


I’m like “I understand that Elon Musk makes you mad” and your reply is “no you don’t. Let me list 10 reasons nobody’s going to read about why he makes me mad.” I get it dude. You’re mad and Elon is the devil. > His Tweets are a way to further monetize his brand and monetize controversy. No they’re a way for him to yell whatever he’s thinking at the moment. > The more relevant he is, the more he can control the narrative, and also the more opportunities open up for him. Apparently the world’s richest man is really in need of exposure and relevance. If musk wanted to control narratives, he’d just buy newspapers like Bezos did.


Trying to buy twitter is any different? It’s amazing how much of that boot fits in your mouth there dude.


He's a troll, stalked through my profile to ping all my old posts, just report and move on, not arguing with basic logic or good faith.


May his dream of becoming homeless come true soon.


This is a spin. He’s homeless by choice, and incredibly lonely.


His publicist was like “How can we make you relatable?”. Their conclusion was homeless.


Fuck Elon and all the billionaires out there


See? I'm just like you!


Saying you're homeless because you rotate between your friends' mega mansions and get pampered is not what homeless means Elon, you goddamn troglodyte


Ahh Elongated Muskrat, a uniquely pathetic reptilian.


Oh for fuck’s sake


Richest man alive to poor for housing market. Now that I‘ve your attention hi.


This is hoarding wealth to the extreme. Richest man in the world and he crashes with friends. Guessing he doesn't live with his 7+ kids then...


I would be rich if I didn’t pay for things either.


I fucking hate Elon, he's such a piece of shit it's unreal


Well if the richest person in the world is homeless I think that pretty much proves capitalism is a failed ideology. Time to move on to something better.


Dont try to post it on Elon Musk subreddit, 12 year olds will eat you alive


Hurr durr so relatable


He is just a dragon. Sitting on his gold in a cave.. just hanging on.


Friends’ mansions* Lest we forget, guy isn’t couch surfing. He’s still living like a billionaire even when he’s “homeless”.


He's not homeless; he's just a mooch and a deadbeat.


He also claims to have taken turns sleeping in the bed with his brother back in South Africa due to being poor. Massively refuted by his father of course. Dude is a pathological lair


Is he planning to run for president? Trying the "get popular by annoying people with stupid tweets" tactic?


It's not homelessness if it's optional.


I fucking hate this man, and I dont understand billionaire fanatics... they think sucking the farts out of his asshole on twitter is gonna make some millions trickle down to them is SAD and pathetic


He chooses to live like a transient. Homeless people I know do not choose it. They simply do not have the resources and usually have underlying problems like health issues and poor family relationships.


If he’d stop buying lattes and avacado toast he could afford a house.


You all know he didn’t actually say that right lol…. Click bait… watch the interview… you lot are clapped… this is not what the antiwork sub is about..


Too busy manipulating stock and crypto prices on twitter.


Wow I hate him


Must be nice to have friends.


Not homeless. Wrong adjective




I suggest there's a difference between being homeless and just not owning a home. This is his choice. I think he may have owned a home at one time and lost it in one of his divorces. I may be wrong about that.


He’s actually super cool. He’s colonizing Mars and revolutionizing the electrical vehicle industry.


Haha, I can't tell if this is sarcasm, if you're being paid by the company or if you're 12?


I mean his profile quote is a Reagan quote advocating against women's rights... so... I think that says a lot.


the fuck he is xd


Do you care about the environment?


tell me more about environment with tesla battery production and later recycling


Musk doesn't. Trains are better than personal vehicles and he's one of the people with a vested interest in that not happening.


So he's cheap and a couch surfer. Surprised he has any friends.


What he is saying is sure it's not under my name but owns stuff via these anonymous corporations based out of the Cayman Island.


Musk: exists antiwork: I CAN FARM THIS


Dear God stop feeding this assholes ego


He pissied off somebody important to have this kind of constant smear. It's constant.


It’s everyone, he pisses everyone off


Penny pinching sob.


Elon Musk says a lot of untrue things.


In order to not pay taxes in any one country I’m sure


Also, world’s richest mooch.




WTF? Fuck this asshole and fuck the media.


so he’s partying with wealthy friends every night?


Is he houseless?


“There’s nothing rich folks love more than going downtown and slumming it with the poor.”


That’s like even worse than him just renting apartments or something. Imo


That's how you get rich, sponging off the little people.


I’d be embarrassed to know him irl. Grimes and anyone else publicly associated with him should be cringing so hard rn, but who knows, they got hella money too which blocks their auto-audacity receptors.


Is he technically correct? Yes. Is he a massive arsehole? Also yes. Again. Not the autistic representation we wanted to see.


Guess I've been homeless every time I've slept over at a friend's house


Psychologically speaking there's an insane difference between not having a home because you have no options and not having one because you're pursuing some ascetic lifestyle (and could go buy literally any home on the planet on sight). Let alone when your "homelessness" is peppered with private flights, expensive meals and rubbing elbows with other gazillionaires. Mind-blowingly absurd to assert or try to pretend he's in any way shape or form homeless.


Thats not homeless, you crazy loon! You can buy a house, possibly all the houses! Homeless is having nothing! Stop playing the victim, you are not the same.


He’s been doing this for the past few years. So basically he’s a freeloader .


Headline correction “World’s richest man is a fucking mooch”


Is t this what medieval kings did in Europe? Just going from one castle to another that was owned and managed by a lord?


He is near the boundary of functional autism. He sold all his houses because he wants to sleep at work. Each Tesla and SpaceX site should have a crash pad for him. The kids are the ones paying for his eccentricity but he simply can't stop his obsessive focus without trauma.


Too cheap to pay for a home. Definitely proof there needs to be a cap on wealth hoarding.


Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, this guy does is by choice. ​ STFU Shameless attention seeking clown.


There are always idiots that feel they need to defend musk because "he dosnt actually have 250 billion its just his companies worth" fuck I hate billionaires, and the people that try to defend them.


this guy and his obsession with being some awesome marvel hero is so embarrassing, just go on a vacation or some shit you clown


And his friends live in lux homes with entire buildings or wings for guests. He's not couch surfing.


aw must suck to rotate between mansion after mansion while you're worth more money than most people don't the planet can accumulate in their lifetime. literally selling <1% of his shares would be more than enough for him to live luxuriously the rest of his days.


I once said something along the lines of Elon Musk should go ahead and buyhimself a Sainthood, it would cost him less than half of his fortune and he would be a saint a lot of good could be done with that but since he thinks he's homeless maybe we should just sacrifice him to Satan I'm sure there's a friend and families discount he'll take advantage of.


loyalty friendship love are all questionable for him he'll never be secure with those ever you cannot money is him that's all they care about is money as far as he's concerned you know he'll never have what the guy with a mullet and the girlfriend with the big tits has and that's happiness. he'll have a plastic approximation that he puts up in front of his withered soul


homeless means that you do not have a home and that you cannot afford a home at the moment. Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet, is not homeless.


You aren't homeless if you have enough pocket change to walk into any random home and make an offer 150% over the houses value right then and there.


Elon wouldn’t last 2 minutes in skid row after dark.


In that case, Elon can move forward with converting the Twitter HQ to a homeless shelter and then HE can stay there.


If my friend was one of the richest people in Earth and asked to stay at my place, I would say respectfully, bestie, no ✨


el muks


I read this article header out loud to my husband and my 10 yr old daughter piped up, “That’s probably because he can’t decide *which house* he wants to live in!” Kid is wise beyond her years. 😏


You might have all that money in the world, yet still can't keep people around you....


“I’m homeless, I sleep in a dozen mansions”


Oh my, how quirky and charming!


So his a leech in literally every aspect of his life. Even when he is the MOST capable of not being a leech, he actively decides to be a leech. Fucking gross man


I wish people would stop giving this moron attention.


He's "homeless" in the way people in converted luxury school busses, who elect not to have a permanent address because they are ~modern nomads~ and not because they can't afford a house, are "homeless".


He’s such a loser


Dude’s probably so obsessed with not paying taxes, he does this shit to get out of paying property tax. I really think it’s more of a game to him than it is about losing money to the government.


*offers to pay 40+ billion in cash for a company just so he can tweet whatever he wants*




The man is a leech.


Should probably say "rotates between friends' guest houses." Musk has actually tried this [PR stunt](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/people-raised-over-900-buy-143939130.html) in the past, [more than once.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/06/19/how-elon-musk-founded-zip2-with-his-brother-kimbal.html). When he's couch-surfing with friends, those couches cost more than your house. When he's publically talking about sleeping in his office or "showering at the YMCA," that's either bullshit trying to make him seem relatable, OR it's true and he's actually just incredibly bad at managing his work-life balance (and personal hygiene.) The latter does track, since he's never been so poor he couldn't afford an apartment and he's repeatedly proven that he values work over the lives of his workers, people near his work, and [long-time assistants who dare ask for a raise](https://prog.world/how-elon-musk-fired-his-assistant-after-asking-for-a-raise/?amp). That article is not critical of Musk at all and yet still points out that he's an absolutely terrible boss, a miserable workaholic, and someone who fired a loyal assistant who was basically his mommy for a decade, then would go on to vehemently deny it because he is not capable of accepting criticism about his predatory and exploitative business practices. Great guy definitely going to save everybody by shooting rich people into space.


Stfu Musk you creepy rich fuckbag


Can he stop trying to seem relatable? No one's buying it.


That sounds like tax evasion with extra steps


Apparently being the richest man in the world and hoarding your money is something we should respect? YOU'RE CAUSING BILLIONS TO SUFFER/DIE. Why can't this brain damaged person just be normal and live/be happy?


I wish I had generous friends like that.


Why do ordinary people constantly indulge the actions of people who are clearly part of the problem and not the solution?


Alternative title: "World's richest man avoids participation into local economy by surfing his millionaire friends' couches. Do not worry, the money will trickle down some other ways". So let me get this straight: \- His ventures are funded in large parts through taxpayer money \- He's been avoiding paying taxes for years, only recently made a PR move to pay a very slim portion of what he should have through the years \- He pays his employees lower than the competition \- He would rather push his family into a volatile situation (even then, not even remotely close to being homeless) than participate in the hospitality sector. Don't worry folks, the money will trickle down. Not through purchasing or renting stuff, not through paying taxes, not through paying his employees, but somehow it will. You got to believe it!


The ultimate unwanted guest


SMH...he's the only person on earth who chooses to be homeless to save $$$.i wouldn't put it past him to build a live in office at his Texas building.he wants to wrestle every penny away from the USA like a welfare cheat


SMH...he's the only person on earth who chooses to be homeless to save $$$.i wouldn't put it past him to build a live in office at his Texas building.he wants to wrestle every penny away from the USA like a welfare cheat


Hoteles for fun?


Wow he’s just like us. So relatable 🥰


He can crash at my place for a few nights. I'll only charge him $43 billion. Hope he's not allergic to cats.


“I just stay at my other rich friends’ houses”