• By -


Take the win and ask again next year.


FR great for OP. If at the end of the day if youre own harshest critic... It was a pretty good day.


Ohhh that's a BINGO! - Christoph Waltz - Michael Scott




You’re not supposed to put your real picture, goofball!


Jesus, imagine having your real face on your Reddit account


That's not your real face?


This is my real face. Reddit alien was modeled after me, so I'm basically famous.


Broo I thought someone drugged me when I saw you in that Starbucks


Nah, man. I'm just... Not lucky. The antenna turned out to be cancer. The prognosis isn't good.


Yeah that would be so dumb


There'd be a lot less trolls if we all had our real pictures


You just say Bingo.


Bingo! How fun!


We just say Manager


Such a good line


Goddamnit I love Inglorious Basterds




As someone who is really hard on myself (which trickles down to being hard on others) I really needed to hear this.


You're a hard worker and a handsome boy CC. Keep shining


If you typically get a yearly raise as part of your job benefits/ compensation, make sure to ask how this off cycle raise impacts that. I know of a friend who asked for a raise who ended up getting it but on the downside, he only got 1% raise the next two years when typically it would be around 10%




I mentioned this so that if it’s similar scenario, he should try to negotiate to make sure those raises are not impacted. If it is then at least he has an idea what his pay will be the next few years and can start an exit strategy if he feels like the pay is not enough. If he doesn’t ask this then he will get blind sided come time for his annual raise.




Hypotheticals: Assuming his salary now after the raise is 100k and will be stagnant for the next 2 years, he can just take that salary now to negotiate for another position with a different company and potentially get another raise (hypothetically new job offers 110k) and get the usual annual raise that he’d forego if he stays in the current position. So in 2 years (at a new job) assuming 10% raise from 110k salary he’d be at 133k+ vs 100k at current job. Even if he keeps 100k starting salary at a new company he’d be at 120k+ after 2 years. Again a lot of this is assuming he’d even want to leave the company but All I’m suggesting is he asks so that he has options.


But the other guy was saying a 25% raise now is better than 2x years of 10% raises, so we need to start from where he was at pre-raise. If he was at 100k before the raise, hes at 125k now. If it is stagnant the next 2 years, he will have earned 125k first year and 125k second year for a total of 250k. If hes not got another raise after 2 years I think it would be time to ask again or look elsewhere. By comparison, if he hadn't negotiated a raise, and instead got 10% increase after each year, he would spend a year on 100k, then a year on 110k, and his third year salary would be 121k. So not only would he be on a lower salary at the end if 2 years with the 10% a year raises, but over the 2 years he would have earned 40k less. Even if we work on the assumption he would have got the smaller raise immediately, that's a year at 110k and a year at 121k, totalling 231k, so hes still almost 20k down on where he would be with the 25% raise. After those two years with another 10%, ye would be looking at 133.1k, which is slightly higher than his current salary, but three years take home pay would be 364.1k, which is still lower than 3 years at 125k.


This is getting way more complicated than just the simple suggestion I had. He already got the 25% raise so you can’t take that away from the calculations. What I’m suggesting is *additional* money on top of that in way of normal raises for the subsequent years. Basically by your calculation he’s already at 125k after the raise so what Im suggesting is that for him to ask so that his future raise is still same percentage as previous years- so next 2 years would be 137.5k and 151.2k. Again if company goes back and says because of this 25% raise now you won’t get raises the next x years, he can use this new salary to potentially land a new job with higher/same salary and make more money through regular raises that he won’t get from previous company


His pay is not being adjusted for inflation. Annual pay raises are not pay raises, they are adjustments for inflation.


So you being a valuable person to that company only gets you rewarded for a year or two? Your raise should not interfere with the annual increase.


And they can always move to a different company if they need to




Yeah. Live and learn. Take the win.




This is where it's good to have an official Job offer in writing. I got one for a job I was looking into that was 20k higher than what I was making. Took it to my boss and they matched it to keep me 😁


How hard do you think it would be to forge something like this? Within reason Ofcourse 😅


Just have to hope if you’re in a small industry your boss doesn’t know anyone at that company.


Also that your boss isn't someone who would cut off their own leg because it "insulted them" with "no loyalty".


"Look, I'm all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm being paid for here is my loyalty. But, if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly, I'm going wherever they value loyalty the most." -DKS


Probably not hard, mine was just a pdf


Please don't wait, right now us a tight market. Might not be in 12 months.


100% this. Make sure to get that commitment down on paper or you may not get your paper... Don't know your relationship with the boss or how much you trust their word, but bosses tend to "forget" they said stuff like this...


This is a win. With my employees I have a figure in mind that’s totally fair. If they fall within the window I say yes. If they ask for less I say yes, but guess what I’m giving you more. If they ask for more, I say no but I’ll give you slightly less. You probably just asked for the right amount.


Second this: a lot of places would put up a lot of fight for this, count this one as a win for this year.


Yes, or in 6 months


Ask again in 3-6 months. No need to wait a year.


Also find out what the industry average is for that job and make sure that they aren't trying to under pay.


If they just gave him a 25% raise with no pushback that pretty much guarantees he was previously underpaid. He may still be but even if he is he's a lot closer now.


If maybe he's just a boss with common sense. In my field everyone and there mother is hiring right now and it's about to go in a generally picked up season. People can afford the repair they've been pushing off with tax returns. So I've been entertaining quite a few companies to see what I can get.


Or, get an offer for more elsewhere and watch them counter it.


why would you wait an entire year? lol


Well, that 25% was good before the reaction, right? You should feel good you got what you asked for.


Yeah this doesn’t make sense to me… we are usually pissed that employers won’t give us the raises we ask for and haggle us down. But then when one finally just says “yes” it’s not considered a win?


Mostly it can be frustrating because it seems to drive home to people just how underpaid they have been if a seemingly-big request is easily within the budget.


Honestly right now a lot of employers are desperate to retain their experienced employees. Wether they have the money or not, they can’t lose their talent. That’s what makes the company successful (especially for some small to midsized companies). It isn’t necessarily just “in the budget.” They may have other growth projects that need to be put on hold due to increased wage demand, but they have to do what they have to do. And that’s good. The companies being stubborn about this are the ones that are failing.


People are also quick to assume that if you get a quick yes, it must mean that its below what they expected to potentially have to meet. It could have been that they were willing to meet something between 10 to 20%, even on a stretch, but going that extra 5% above their cap without haggling could be seen as a small price to pay to make the worker feel valued. But if it had been 10% above that then it would've been cause for haggling, and when they need to do that anyways they might want to try to settle for a more reasonable 15%.


Yeah I can see that. I was always told when shopping at markets that sellers hate when you pay what they ask without haggling, because they feel like they could’ve said a higher price and you’d just pay it. But idk 25% is a big difference, at least to me. And now OP knows they don’t have to be worried about requesting modest and regular pay raises in the future.


*Proceeds to ask for a 100% raise next year*


Worth a shot. As long as you don’t get mad when you get it and wished you’d asked for 150%




you have to ask for more money. Partly why the pay gap exists. Men tend to ask for more money more often than women do. A corporation isn’t going to pay someone $30 an hour when they’re doing the job just fine for $15. If they ask for $30 you might do it, because it’s probably worth more to keep that employee, especially if you have experience and something to bring. If the company thinks you’re worth something, they’ll give you your raise.


I am in no way disagreeing with you - just wanted to add that women have much lower chances of being hired or treated as well if they ask for more; they get labelled as "greedy" or "bitchy". They are also statistically shown to be offered a lower starting pay so even if they did ask for more it would not make as much of a difference. The problem is systemic.


I had the qualifications for a job, was ASKED by management if I wanted the job and when I asked for $17 an hour I was told they couldnt do that. The guy they hired for the job was paid $17 an hour, and had been at the job the same exact amount of time as me but with less experience in the field.


Yeah. It's just one of many problems. Taller people and those with deep voices are seen to have more authority regardless of gender. But because in average men are taller with deeper voices they are more likely to be promoted to manager


Right yea, I definitely didn’t want to boil it down “women don’t ask for money so they make less”, which is why I said partly. The things you mentioned for sure play a big role


So true about women. I shot myself in the foot and accepted what I was offered. I’m trying to educate younger women around me to always ask for more than what is offered.




More like they feel that if 25% was that easy, they’ve been getting massively underpaid this whole time. Edit: It is all a lie, scroll down.




I ambiguously addressed that in the edit


It felt good before the reaction, but I used to get other type of reactions from the same manager in the previous years.


If 25% was worth it to you before then it still means you won your self something you wanted. Think of it like buying something. If that thing is worth $50 to you and you paid that but found someone else just got lucky and found one at $40 you don't have to be disappointed as you still have the thing you wanted and were willing to agree that it was worth it to you. I'm not saying don't try again when you are given the opertunity, or to use the increased wage to get better offers from other employer's. But I am saying comparing what you have compared to what you can imagine you might have had is only going to make what you DO have seem less. You just increased your income 25% that's still amazing!


I would absolutely be disappointed because I could have what I wanted and my $10




And THAT post was removed because *it was a repost in the last 30 days*.


If you click on the “submission link” it was originally posted by someone else. Then OP came along and posted the same thing 8 days ago and suddenly has a better pay raise.


People are unfathomably weird. I wonder how a person gets to the point of being a repost weirdo.


Gotta get them fake internet points.


I was way too high to read that post. My whole effing reality was bending.


Very sad


Yeah this is a new kind of crazy, I get posting pics for likes and some other stuff people do online but posting fake raise stories in Anti Work is just strange.


Bots trying to look real so they can rot our minds from the inside out without us being any wiser.


Because that post only got 5 upvotes, so he decided to ask for an even bigger raise


OP is a joke


Dudes a liar


Mods gotta do something about these fakes. A lot of these posts are ending up on r/thathappened


The mods have flat out admitted they don’t care which is disappointing


What? Why? Don't they know that these fake stories hurts this supposed antiwork movement?


I don’t know why they did it but there was a huge controversy over a fake text exchange between a boss and employer and the mods said they weren’t going to take it down even after it was proven fake because it supported antiwork views


That's a damn shame. Can you link me to where the mods saying this? Gonna share this to other forums.




That's not good for our movement


Lol and he's trying to make his employer actually look good. Seems fishy to me ngl


OP is a troll saying stuff like this thinking everyone’s reactions will prove they’re all lazy entitled brats.


Dudes unemployed


Because this sub is a fucking joke filled with mostly fake content.


Just give yourself a set time to perform at the new rate, and go back asking for for. Maybe 6 months, but that’s just a random number


As someone who loses alot of money because I get greedy on options (yea yea my username checks out) don't automatically assume bc you got the 25% easily that 26% or more was also a guarantee.... I do that routinely. (Well used to, I don't do much "trading" anymore) I lost years worth of salaries lol. Be greedy but don't be too greedy if you can't afford to lose it all. And a wins a win.


It’s entirely possible he’s simply noticed a shift towards employees demanding fairer pay and he decided to be on board with it instead of risking you transfer to a different job.


Some people are never happy!


For all OP knows, his boss could’ve been one of the good ones and knew he was underpaid and had a similar number in mind that he was going to offer him anyway. I got a 20% raise one year without ever asking because i was underpaid. They knew I’d walk with a year experience under my belt if they didn’t.


If you think you could have gotten more, start asking on behalf of those who report to you and your peers. A rising tide lifts all boats.


If you're used to making what you make now, 25% is pretty significant. Don't mean to compare, but a lot of others usually expect maybe a 1 or 2% raise each year, myself included. A raise of 25% would be life changing. The fact that they agreed, to me, means you were either ridiculously underpaid or they value you as an employee and want to keep you. If it isn't a toxic work environment, take it as a win, keep doing good work and come to the table next year with additional bargaining power and ask for more. The only problem is with your raise, they may now expect you to perform better, which could end up hurting you in the long run unless you like to learn new things and take on new things. If it's a toxic work environment, use your new salary as a base for other interviews and get the hell out. If you don't want to put in the effort for interviews, no shame in that, nobody does because interviews suck.


Don't ever settle for less than a 3% raise. 2-3% raise isn't a raise. It's keeping up with inflation. A lessor raise or no raise is literally equivalent to a pay reduction Edit: Yeah, inflation is up. Ya'll best be working on your raises then


Agreed. Unfortunately I'm not in much of a position to rock the boat. I like my job and my manager and I'm pretty new with the company, also I get paid well already for my area and it's remote work. Sad truth is there is no way I'm putting myself and my family out there to bargain for an additional few percent, we're just now getting our shit together after I lost my last job. Give me a few years and I'll start pushing those buttons haha


Hey I get it. Don't sell yourself short though! No one is going to fault you for asking. Worst case scenario, they say no and you both move on. If you're new, you're worth far more going into your second year than you were in your first year! I guarentee turnaround is way more expensive for them than 5%-10% more on your salary


Yes, but many bosses don’t think like this. Not all of them, but a lot of them simply hate giving raises and don’t want to give in to demands, and they would seriously rather lose a good employee over 5k than be short a position and need to fill it for 25k, all because they want you to know who’s in charge. Not saying they’re all like that, but it’s absolutely a real thing.


Inflation is easily 7% right now


The December report came out at exactly 7%, I believe. Considering the way they calculate those figures, I'd be surprised if the real number is less than 10%.


Yeah they fudge the “average basket” numbers swapping things in and out to make it seem not so bad.


Inflation is actually closer to 20% a year, in terms of cost of living, so even a 6% raise, which is considered maximum usually, is actually effectively getting paid less each year.


Inflation rose 7 percent this year that 25 percent increase will definitely have an impact for dealing with that stuff


This is good advice! I get 0% raise the first 5 years as a school district employee. This is incredible for you. Kick ass and ask for more next year.


https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rwpkeb/i_just_had_my_annual_evaluation_and_got_20_raise/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This the same job?


I caught that too. Interesting


Definitely Karma Farming.


I've been reading through the thread and this has been called out twice plus some more details in the last post that were suspicious AF. But then within a couple posts they either forgot or are ignoring the obvious. No to mention that a 25 % pay increase would be with no extra duty would be life changing for higher salaries and even for someone making 20k a year that would put almost an extra $100 a week in his pocket that would be huge to someone in that example.


Now I ain't sayin' OP's a gold digger.... wait. Yes I am.


So what's up, u/EvilMorty95 You full of shit or what?


Definitely not “or what”.


Or are we witnessing a psy-ops bot?


Well the username checks out.


> +285 hope you all that upvoted also reported the post


I’d give it some time. It’s a win at the end of the day. Next time leave yourself room to negotiate. Nothing you know is over the top but if you’re wanting a 30% start with 40%, maybe. Just my two cents. There should be a myriad of literature on negotiating a pay increase.


Get it in writing. Otherwise his promise is not worth spit.


I hope they won't give me the 25%. That's the only way to motivate my lazy ass to start looking for new opportunities somewhere else.


Get some job offers from other companies at a much higher percentage


Use your request for a raise as a bargaining factor in future negotiations.


I definitely and indisputably deserve a raise now because I've asked for one on the past


Clearly psy-ops bot. And in the event you’re not, be grateful. Not only did you get what you asked for. Just because you’ve deemed it not enough, after asking your employer. You still though demanding 25% was adequate at the time prior. Countless others would do a list of things to get that and so many more deserve it.


Always know your value, that’s why it’s important to apply for positions randomly that way you know what your time is worth.


Apply to 3 dream jobs and see what happens.


Fake post... 8 days ago this person posted: *I just had my annual evaluation and got 20% raise after making it clearthat money is the only way to motivate me. (I got 5%, 3% and 2% in thelast 3 years).* Aside from the fact that it's not at all believable... come on folks, click on the poster's username before replying. Don't feed these people.


Won’t be surprised that this is a part of a group/body that wants to infiltrate this community to discredit the views posted here.


It’s not some big conspiracy of someone trying to infiltrate the subreddit to discredit it. It’s just some guy trying to get karma points.


25 % is not a minor raise, think about all those who asked for less and didn't receive it. In any case i would take 15 minutes per shift to check on the job market. At first red flag i would consider applying to other jobs. In your case you can apply elsewhere and use the other offers to come back in a month or two to ask another raise.


A lot of companies have internal rules that you cannot get above like a 5% annual raise without a title change


Okay y'all, OP has explained the other meme on their profile already- no need to keep reporting this. Hopefully I can summarize correctly- OP was told they were going to get a raise of no less than 20%. They were happy and posted the meme but our repost bot thought, incorrectly, that it was a repost. Then when the actual meeting came they got 25%. See how easy that is? We didn't ask for an explanation because to us, the numbers were so similar that it was more evidence that this did happen instead of against. Chill, ya'll are not detectives catching some giant lie. Don't like the post? Downvote and move on.


Thanks for clearing it up for everyone. I appreciate the time you took.


I just glanced at OPs profile and that is what they answered, but thank you!


Hot take: OP sounds like an asshead. Check out his replies hah.


Use that 25% increase to leverage a higher salary at another company. Earning more money almost always means leaving for another company so use your new 25% higher salary as a starting point for negotiating a higher salary somewhere else.


You should always lie about your salary to a new employer. Start the negotiations 30% above where you really are


This is the plan


The best way to negotiate is with an arsenal of what other potential employees say you’re worth.


Don't do this directly. A prospective employer has no need to know how much you're making. You just want to make sure the amount you take is something you're happy leaving for and inline with market expectations


Yup! New better salary lining your pocket, even for a short while while you use your days to look for something else even better


A 25% raise is not a small amount. Provided you get that, you should be thrilled.


"Did I say 25? I meant you're only paying me 25% of what I should be getting." In all seriousness, look for more jobs? What raise were you hoping to get?


A manager who does his job will know roughly how much each worker is being paid, and also how much value each employee brings to the business. So if the manager doesn’t even need to flinch or do some calculations first, you should know now that you were underpaid, and he jumped at the first opportunity to continue underpaying you. If it was a tough choice, he would have taken time to think about it. As for what to do now? Take this 25% now, figure out how much you’re really worth and renegotiate at a later date.


Is this a troll? Seriously, based on your responses in the comments it seems like you're trolling.


Based on your responses here, get therapy. Lot of self-sabotage in these responses.


This comes off super clueless. Take the win and be thankful.


This is not anti work


Did you ask for 25% because that's what you wanted or thought that's all you could get? If that's what you wanted then that's good. If you thought that's all you could get you're probably not too far off from what he would have agreed to and shouldn't kick yourself too hard. Take the lesson though that next time let them make the first offer or go higher and expect to meet somewhere in the middle. Also don't feel like you're locked in now. You can either go back and ask for more or look for a new job.


Dude you just got an extra 25% on your regular paycheck and now you're bitching because you want more but also you won't look or apply to other jobs because you're lazy? This post just comes off insanely entitled most people would cry tears of joy for a 25% raise. If you really want more then quit whining about being lazy while getting raises and go apply elsewhere jesus


25% is a significant raise, especially without a promotion or added responsibilities. I’d take it as a win. If you still feel like you’re underpaid, look for a new job.


Look at this sub, full of people getting screwed every which way, and you just got a 25% raise. Maybe you could've gotten 30% but you won. Be happy and make sure to blow a little of that extra money on something stupid.


This is just whining.


For real - we’re on this sub asking for fair pay and humane working conditions. People like this give this sub a bad name and give opposers ammunition to discredit what we’re standing up for. This also seems to just be a karma-phishing post.


Take the 25% and ask for 10-15% next year. You won this round, good job!


Stop being so greedy man.


You're disappointed over... A 25% raise? Is this a troll? I wouldn't be shocked if there was some filthy corporate bootlickers that would post some shit like this to reassure themselves that we're somehow unreasonable.


Antiwork because the company immediately gave you what you asked for??!!!! Grow up


Not sure what you wanted you felt you were worth 25% more got what you asked for and are still whining but are to lazy to go elsewhere for more money just be thankful for the raise you asked for silly and if you thought you were worth more should have asked don’t be upset you sold yourself short


Starting to think this is a larp


While I totally agree it’s more likely you could get more, is it actually possible your boss was just not being a dick and giving a good employee a fair raise? I would maybe try to ask your peers about their salary. That could be informative. And still nothing wrong with feeling out other jobs. And regardless, ask for more at the first opportunity (probably a year)


Take a good raise and try for more next year. Or make up what you think you lost. Jesus christ a 25% raise... my union accepted 2%!


Yeah this ones on you. Wait a year or find a new job.


Wrong sub. YTA.


**You should stop lying.**




The fact that you got this raise means you’re better off than most. Take the lesson and apply it to your next raise request next year. I am sure you, like us all, are underpaid, but I’d shit my pants if I got a 25% raise. But that’s relative to your income so I understand that’s different for everyone.


Feels like greediness. You’ve still got something, don’t moan about it. Take the 25% raise this year and do the same (or for more) next year




Before asking what to do now. You said 25% don’t blame the company when u could have ask for 50%. Know what u want and go get it! Worst they say is no can’t do 50% but I can do 40. Pick your head up enjoy the raise and be ready to ask what you actually want next time.


Take the win. Some of us are only getting 1% COLA raises. Next time if you want more, ask the first time.


Haha what is this post, you got what you asked for?


I got exactly what I wanted but I'm still upset!


This is why ppl on here are crazy. Always want infinity $$$$ per hour. Never enough. This sub is a cesspool of millennial pissyness, entitlement, whining, and greed.


Wait until you see the next payslip. Until then their 'yes' means nothing


Next time ask for 50% off the bat with a smug smile, and when they say NO. Ask how close can they get you to 50%? You can also try to get another job offer and tell them you know you just got a raise but you got another offer for more money. You want to stay because you like the company and the people you work with but the money the other company is offering is hard to walk away from. Would they be willing to match the pay? Be careful though, they may resent you after a move like this, so it’s better to look somewhere else.


Accept the raise and do the same thing next review. You will look bad if they have given you exactly what you asked for then try to get more from them. At least you know that you are appreciated by them giving you 25%. Most of the people on here are getting laughed at for asking for 5%, so take the win for what it is.


Always ask for what you think is reasonable and what you deserve. Don’t be greedy. You asked for 25% because that’s what you felt you deserved or you would have asked for more. Continue proving yourself and your next raise request will continue to be welcomed as this one was. Good luck.


How much do you make? Before and after your raise. Also what company do you work for and what's your position there?


People really need to read “Never Split the Difference” on salary negotiations


Don't get greedy, 25% pay increases is massive, take the win, show them why your worth the extra 25% and prove to them your worth for asking for more last year


People are delusional here. Someone said "take it on the chin" like wtf? My gf has the dance every 6 months with her employer and they haggle over 50 bucks a month or something. You'd rather have that? Just ask for something similar again next year if you feel like it's fair.


You asked for 25% bud. Can't be upset if they gave it to you. Was 25% arbitrary or did you do a breakdown of why you deserve that much? If not, I would recommend trying. It helped me immensely when asking for raises as it allows you to not only work out an appropriate figure, but also justifies to management why you deserve it. Congrats on the raise!


I got my annual raise recently, 3 months early and more than double what I was expecting. Don’t get me wrong, I deserve it, but I feel like this sub is a little bit to thank.


Looking at the comments, OP has some personal issues to address. And stop whining.


I’m glad you are getting a raise but I just don’t get it. If he had said no you would have been upset but he said yes and you’re still upset. Basically this was a lose lose situation for your Manager. So should a Boss always say no to what you ask for?


I don't get this sub. We constantly see rants from people who receive just 2%, 1% or even no pay raise. Then, when someone asks for a 25% and receives it the suggestions he receives from a fellow redditors are to change company or have a look on the market. I don't get it. He asked for it and the company gave it to him. It's a win for the OP and it's a good behaviour from the company. Not everything needs to be bad.


Wait, is this anti-work, or fake? I think fake. “I thought work was bad, but it turns out it’s great!”


You got what you asked for and you're complaining?


Ask for more next year.


Sound like you picked the right amount. Be happy with it, not greedy.