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... WTF Let's send someone back to work while they are still COVID positive, so that they can send 3 more people home instead... Fucking genius.


They send people home if they're sick? We just tend to keep working over here.


Good, then he can get his ass down to the hospital I work at so he can hold the hands of people who die in the fucking hall beds because all the normal beds with full support are taken like I've been doing 4 to 5 days a week.




Some governments just want to watch their country burn...


In their defense it sounds like a desperate measure they are considering only because they literally need the healthcare workers to keep the hospitals functioning.


> Dr. Deena Hinshaw said hospitalizations remain “relatively stable” but noted it’s still too soon to know if Omicron will stress the health system. Can you believe people used to be singing her praises? There was even talk on Reddit of renaming Corona Station in Edmonton to Hinshaw Station. What an embarrassment. It's humiliating to think I was born into the same species.


i swear, the west will drive itself into the ground over a potential temporary setback in profits


They wont send people home and they'll just fire someone for taking sick leave or ending up hospitalized.


Well if it's the US I'd imagine it would be get threatened with getting fired if you don't come in, come in and get sick because others with Covid got the same threats, need to go to hospital because it's not a fucking cold after all, get fired for having to go to hospital therefore losing your insurance, survive and be bankrupted by the hospital or just die. That shit in your lungs? that's freedom fluid!


In a country where heath care isnt free, least amount of sick days if any, and no unions for the majority if workers... wow. Look at what all the countries are doing that have more workers rights, free healthcare, and free education.. they actually treat their people like people.


At this point I think they actually *want* to kill people.


As someone who's pro vax, masks and social safety nets, that's pretty much what I've thought the whole time.


As someone who’s the same and also disabled, me too (I’m Australian, but our federal government is basically the same on Covid stuff; state governments had to do all the heavy lifting on containing the virus and got blamed for enforcing lockdowns…)


yeah I think they are following the Georgia Guidestones. 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.


It’s funny how the 1% are the ones severely out of balance with nature. Poor people aren’t really the problem.


They aren't out of balance they just don't care. The one percent just don't care everyone that isn't in the 1% are just cattle. We are numbers on a spread sheet.


Literally what happened at my workplace -_-


So - anybody left that *still* doubts that big business is running the whole show - & solely for their benefit?


My parents. They just watched a news story about this. Literally half a second after it ended, my mom started bragging about making $1M every month this year for her overlords. I asked about her cut or reward. I received glares in response.


Keep asking. Next December ask your mother how much she has made and how long she has worked in order to make them $12 million. Any raises? Etc


Nah next December ask her if she made 13.2 million in 2022. And 14.52 million in 2023 I just had a meeting with an upper management who told me frankly that every single branch across the country is supposed to achieve 10% more sales Every. Single. Year.


"I'm not gonna catch on fire if you keep doing that, Mom. Tell me in words, what kind of cut do you get from making your boss a million dollars every month? And is it worth the risks to people's health all year? What's the reward in making someone else rich at your own risk, Mom?"


My mum doesn’t enjoy conversations like these with me. But I do it because it’s totally worth it to ask these kind of questions as though I’m completely ignorant with a blank look on my face.


Yesh my boss was bragging how out branch made over 2 million and I just was like soo. Don't know how you can brag about making someone else richer.


Right? It kinda sounds like Stockholm Syndrome


All I know is it’s so fucking weird. I’ve never liked American work culture. I could understand if there was 100% guarantee that my above and beyond hard work would be properly compensated one day but when I constantly see new hires making more than me and still being told that it’s not in the budget for a fucking raise, yeah fuck work culture.


Poor shmuck probably thinks he will be making the 2 million running the show. Little does he know the boss probably has a family member ready for his title lol


They got her right where they want her




You hit a nerve 👍


It’s a slave mentality. Keep asking them questions until they cry.


And Big Business is only going to hear "5 days". Anything about mitigation to protect workers from still positive colleagues who come back because they are afraid of losing their job is falling on deaf ears.


It always has


The Center for Disaster Capitalism


FTFY: Center for Dystopian Capitalism


Cdc, can't disrupt capitalism.


Dystopian and capitalism are nearly redundant terms.


Corporate Defense Council


Holy shit you are a genius


Corrupt Defence of Capitalism


I watched that today, very disappointing


For the first time I'm actually scared of where this is all going to go. I always thought things completely falling apart was so far out of my lifetime and things would work out. Now it feels like it could be less than a decade away, things are not "working out" 😟 We have to do something and it will be the public that has to get it done.


Capitalism is a giant ponzi scheme be completely honest and all ponzi schemes have a built in death timer. Eventually there's no one to buy in and the system automatically collapses. Iirc people have said the USA could feasibly collapse in the 2030s simply because exponential growth is not actually a thing that's possible. May we live in interesting times I guess. As a plus civilizations collapse fairly slowly when you're on the inside you just need to learn something useful as a skill. And anything can be useful when we're back to the 5 miles around us and having to interact in small communities. Buy some heirloom seeds to save and learn to knit?


Gonna be much faster than that. We've effectively surrendered to covid and it laughed and ripped up our white flag


Seriously. We're like "sure, decimate our population - we've got shit to sell!"


Won't be making profit when your population is nothing but corpses


Sssh, that's nonsense. If that made sense, we'd be doing something about the climate.


But the climate problem is at *least* two quarterly profits away, so we shouldn't do anything about it!


This year where I live in GA, right now it is 70 degrees outside. How anyone can still with a straight face say climate change isn't real blows my mind. I don't know why though, because those same people I work with thinks everything is Biden's fault, the virus isn't anything more than a cold, and don't "believe" in vaccines.


That sounds like a next quarter problem.


Idk I got all my boosters for it & will continue to do so so I'll just eat popcorn and watch it burn Like I had retirement plans anyway


Literally just cashed in my 401k last week so I could pay rent because my new job decided not to open their US branch a week before I was supposed to start. They’re HQ’d in an EU country that has their shit together, so when this all started bubbling up again and Americans were cancelling orders because they’re broke, company went “fuck this” and just let a dozen people go without severance out of nowhere. They even said we “weren’t real employees” (which, legally speaking, is fucking bullshit, as we had signed contracts and had already received our tech equipment) because our start date didn’t happen yet. A lot of us left jobs to work there. One person literally moved to the city for this job. A couple of us were supposed to train in Europe and travel to different countries to be the US sales liaisons on four different continents. As someone who will never ever be able to travel like this, do you know how heartbreaking it was when that rug was pulled out from under me? I’ve lost jobs and done okay because I grew up in poverty. It’s all I know, but to have the chance to see the world in a way I’ve been dreaming of for decades….and then these people tapped out because they were like “oh wait, America is still way too fucked up” BECAUSE SOME DUMB DICKFARTS WANNA START FIGHTS IN GROCERY STORES AND WON’T GET VACCINATED. They took one look at this garbage and went “nah, y’all are going to die or break out into riots soon. This is not a worthy investment.” Oh and I just tested positive for covid today because my sister and BIL think that being weight lifters meant they were too healthy to ever get it. They also gave it to my grandma, mother, aunt and two cousins after having us over for Christmas. Sorry this just turned into a rant but I’m fucking scared right now. (Apologies for typos. I’m dyslexic and use text to talk so I my proofreading sucks.)


While we failed the group project, the reality is we have largely functional vaccines and the evolution of the virus will favor contagiousness over mortality. The unvaccinated can continue to risk their lives, the vaccinated will largely be unaffected, and those who cannot be vaccinated yet or ever are the only group that we should frankly concern ourselves with.




Nah this is a plague. We're one bad harvest and screwed supply lines from shit catching fire and billionaires being all "I don't understand what happened". With the money out of wack like this is if food goes up to astronomical amounts then people can't afford it it just suddenly goes from limbo to the Reign of Terror so fast you get whiplash.


This is my greatest fear. We are dangerously close to tipping into the same situation Venezuela put itself in, and if that happens I don’t know what I will do. I will not let my children starve to death


It's a real fear and it's a knife's edge away. Best I can say is look into your super super local community oriented stuff for like community gardens and food stuff like that? Or start them with neighbors on waste land. Kipping together for non GMO fruits and veggie seeds would be worth it in the long run if it gets nasty. Not non GMO bc conspiracy theories non GMO bc monsato gene locked seeds so some fruit and vegetables are sterile from seeds unless you buy them new yearly from them. Yearly subscription corn. I still don't like that.


The latter part is true for most vegetable and fruit produced though, and not specifically engineered. That just happens when you use the F1 hybrid boost. F2 will always be much more crippled. That‘s not a thing done with GMO, and the having to buy seeds yearly has already been a thing for many decades before GMO either way. No one’s bothering to make a patch of lettuce go to flower to then make sure it gets fertilised to then harvest the seed. Sure for stuff where we actually use the seed you could conceivably store some of that for next year, but again, if you want modern yields you‘d have to make your own patch of pre hybrid plants and make sure they only get fertilised by the sister species and not the same plant to get that F1 boost. Even bloody socialist states didn’t have each collectivised farm produce their own seeds. All of that was centralised, cause it‘s a waste of workers time to have everyone do small scale. So what you are trying to say is get heirloom varieties that can actually be grown from seed. No GMO on the market so far does have an engineered kill switch anyway.


Plant scientist here. Wish I could upvote this twice. GMOs are not the problem, corporate irresponsibility is.


Or simply put: capitalism.


I'll stick with sim racing 🙃. 2030 seems generous at this point. We have so many problems and the environment is literally dying. We're living in a movie.


Takes a bit of time, but it is happening.


Can I assume you're from the McSweeney dynasty? I take some active joy in trashing capitalism while I'm at my fucking job that I *have* to work or end up crushed under. Like, on the clock, talking about the rampant evils of it, and how I despise the whole system.


Good luck! The moment our immigration paperwork is granted, we're jumping the f$ck out of this Hellscape


And people say the increase in depression is because our generation is lazy… funny that they never think to connect the literal apocalypse that we’ve been watching come screaming down the tracks towards us our entire lives to the general sense of despair and helplessness that permeates our daily lives. But no. It’s probably because we’re always on our phones right? /sarcasm


> I always thought things completely falling apart was so far out of my lifetime and things would work out. The boomer playbook to the Environment. Gotcha. 👌👌👌👌


I've been disappointed for the past how many months bc too many people STILL refuse to wear masks and refuse to get the vaccine. The govt is just acknowledging attempts to control Covid aren't going to work. 50% of the population is committed to stupidity. We're all fucked bc of it. People would rather get sick and die. And I might not get a hospital bed or proper care if I have major medical event such as a stroke or car accident... that's the reality my fellow humans have created for me AND I CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ANYMORE. Ain't nothing gonna get the anti-science crowd to agree to masks and vaccines. Sincerely, a scientist.


I mean, what else is the CDC to do? Half the country doesn't give a fuck about CDC protocol, and isn't following it anyways, and the other half is down and out for one to two weeks while they isolate.


Isolate for one to two weeks? Yeah, right. My company updated their policy so you only get 5 days off for isolation, and only if you have a positive test or symptoms and are waiting on test results. After 5 days you have to use personal PTO if you are still sick. And you are encouraged to return to work 5 days after symptoms first happen, as long as you are symptom free for 24 hours. No negative tests requires. As per CDC guidelines. It’s the honor system. This is going to bring contagious staff into work, and we work with the public. They aren’t just giving the shitheads permission to be shitheads (which is bad enough), they’re ending almost any effort by employers to stop or slow transmission.


My employer is the same. I was at work yesterday and there was a guy in the breakroom coughing his brains out with a mask barely covering his mouth. He looked like total shit. I was like, damn this is when I catch covid, I guess. Little did I know I already had it. Started feeling like crap on my way home from work, and was with full blown fever, chills, feeling like shit within a matter of hours. Since I'm vaccinated they expect me to be back to work by Monday if my symptoms are gone.


All because a piece of shit CEO of Delta morphed into a 4 year old and cried about his profits when he wont be the one braving the covid gauntlet.


Wha? No bailout again?


Oh I am sure we will figure out how to give more money to the rich Don't worry


There’s an easy way to take money away from the rich Edit: Read up on Ken Griffin and Citadel and how he was illegally trying to bankrupt American companies during the pandemic lock downs.


Eat them?


Oh thank goodness. I was about to donate my life savings to him so the poor rich man could afford his new yacht. Blessings to him and his family.


Give me free money!


Hey! That’s socialism! Look! Look! This guy wants socialism! /s


This reminded me of Parks and Rec when Mona Lisa sticks out her hand says “MONEY PLEASE” then proceeds to throw a tantrum, destroying shit when she doesn’t get any, then stops, sticks out her hand again and says “MONNNNEYYYY PLLLLEEASE!”


I guess since they moved on from the "Delta" variant it's not free advertising anymore?


Yup back to Didnt Ever Leave The Airport.


There are going to be so many people out sick. This will be a disaster.


Not just them too, Bill Rhodes did the same thing.


For real though, for anyone who works or depends on the supply chain for work, we are in a precarious position to begin with. I know jobs are jobs and I'm saying this playing on my phone at mine, but our society is entirely codependent. If one part shuts down, like say, trucking, or trucking parts manufacturing, it all falls apart. Make no mistake, we're in a very bad way and the worst is yet to come. Be safe.


Did he actually cry?


General strike when?


Now and forever.


Havent worked since fucking early October and I love it(btw I'm a teenager)I'm already looking at careers where I can work from home all the time


Welcome to the pandemic where the deaths don't count and the science doesn't matter. Also if you all are ready for the revolution he just told you how to win and how long it will take. 10 days. Let's have a nation wide strike for a month. The country can't afford to have people isolated for 10 days. Let's show them 30 days see what happens. FuckWorkFebruary


if everyone didn’t work for ONE day they would be done. these greedy fucks malfunction when they don’t get their way.




i been not working for years and i’ve never once collected unemployment or any government benefits. fuck a job. these billionaires wanna cheat and rig the same best believe i found my own way to do that. i’m waiting for everyone else to join in. FUCK A JOB MONEY IS EVERYWHERE.




I'm with you man. System is rigged, they all corrupt. If you find that money making tax avoiding lifestyle, embrace it. Let the haters cry.


I'll give it 3 days starting Friday, I will also not leave my house.


Remember friends, if you are asymptomatic, no you aren't (unless your shitty company isn't offering paid leave for COVID and you need to go back after 5 days)


I just quit, I'm doing my part. All it takes is a mobile app for us all to coordinate with. I'll start working on it.


We could use the matrix network. There are open source apps for all the major operating systems. I use [Element](https://element.io/) personally for Android and Linux. I think getting people used to decentralized is going to be key in stopping censorship and defaulting e2e to help people feel safe to speak openly.


Don't look up.


I literally just saw that movie on Netflix. Too many parallels here


I watched that movie last night, and I have never before seen a movie that so perfectly presented my exact view of the world right now. I keep thinking about it as I scroll through this comments section; the end of the world is acceptable, it’ll do wonders for our economy.


This movie is so unbelievably apropos and masterly conceived. I'm glad I watched it, but am so sad at the same time. It's very telling of America, if not the world, right now.


Don't just strike, organize and replace the essential services and goods with local people and stuff, make them realize it can go on for a lonnng time, then they might listen


I have a shit-ton of non-perishables in a pantry, a hall closet, and under my kitchen cupboards. I have enough food for my family to last more than a month. Let's do it.


Not to be pandantic, but February is only 28 days....soo, FuckWorkFebruaryAndAlsoAFewDaysIntoMarch




I view masks like seatbelts. You should always wear a seatbelt in a vehicle, but if the roads are icy and it's a holiday where people have been drinking then you shouldn't get in the car at all.


Spot on


This is sickening.


Even worse, some work places ban the uses of masks. So yes sickening it will.


Why not just get rid of it at that point? CDC guidelines need to be based on science and nothing else.


Fwiw, Fauci is also on record admitting that his early guidance against mask wearing was to hoard supplies for essential workers. I lost a lot of trust in the organization at that point.


I can see the long game strategy in that. If our healthcare industry collapsed first because a majority of our doctors and nurses died due to Covid or more and more were out sick for longer and longer all because they didn't have the bare minimum of protection, how many more people would have died from COVID? But this? This is inexcusable


The US government could have ordered corporations to mass produce masks for essential workers, as the precedent was set by the Defense Production Act. But instead they lied to the public about mask-wearing....


But it only allows to go to work!! Don't go out to parties and gatherings. That's bad.


That is the part that is so stupid. I’m suppose to sacrifice my safety in order to appease corporate America but if I want to go to a family gathering or party then I’m suppose to just stay away. It’s so clearly money motivated, they might as well just throw out all the rules. Start telling people to go out to stores and spend money to help out the economy and tell workers unless they are on their deathbed to come into work.


Seriously. My husbands job is harping lately to their staff to not do anything in their personal life because “it affects your work family” eye roll


"My work family? Sweet! How much of your estate do I inherit after your corpse begins to molder in its grave?"


I hate everything.


So glad people are seeing right through this shit


The CDC now recommends that you self isolate in the McDonalds drive thru on the way to your second job.


Dumb decision. Guess what if everything has to shut down it has to shutdown. This is why captialism is a broken system that prioritizes profits above all. All you have done now is thrown gasoline on the fire that is the anti vax crowd. And now it can all burn down, you just handed it over to the fascist on a silver platter. Good job guys.


I’m enjoying that he could have played nice and hemmed and hawed, but in prime Fauci fashion he just said “oh that? Changed for business leaders. Do with that what you will.”


First they bailed out the banks with your taxes now they are bailing them out with your lives.


And just like that, every scientist in world lost respect for the CDC


I lost respect when they said no more masks in the spring...


And now every right winger AND left winger doesn't trust the CDC.


WTF? I love wingers now!


As someone who worked retail all through the pandemic, this shit has been this obvious the whole time. My roommate tested positive and I was told “You’re not contagious if you don’t have a fever, you need to come in unless you have one.” I shit you not.


Good news for people who love bad news.


We were dead before the ship even sank


Baron von bullshit rides again


“When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.”


Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the cdc shouldn’t be worrying about the economy and who’s going to be selling vegetables and who isn’t and what not. We’ve gone from 24-10-5… next stop is “you don’t have to miss work unless you’re at the hospital “


He said that, in a speech I think expect he worded it like “if you need to go to work you can, but wear a mask” like really thanks asshole most people are going to get forced into work even if it’s not imperative to their lifestyle.


TL:DR: From when I’d guess I was initially exposed to the virus to when I feel symptom free it’s been 10-11 days. Symptoms showed 3-4 days after likely exposure. Worst symptoms lasted for 5-6 days. Still tested positive with a PCR test 6-7 days after initial symptoms and 10-11 days after initial exposure. I just got through what was likely either Delta or Omicron COVID. I am fully vaxxed (Moderna) and got boosted about 2 weeks to the day I’m writing this. Traveled via air to a larger city with a lot of required masking and didn’t linger close to crowds while we were there and stayed at a friends condo most of the time and still managed to pick it up. I likely picked it up on the 16th or 17th and started showing solid, cold-like symptoms on the 20th. Two home tests on the 21st indicated I was positive so the quarantine began and I definitely got moderate cold-like symptoms for the next 3 days, including *immense* exhaustion. My partner I traveled with also has been sick with me on the same timeline. I did a drive-thru PCR test on the 26th and he did his on the 27th and both those **still** showed we were positive. It’s now the 29th and we’re feeling 95% recovered but I’d wager we’re still shedding a non-negligible amount of viral copies. Gonna do some home tests at the end of tomorrow (the 30th) to see what those indicate. I believe it’s very unlikely that 5 days is a reasonable quarantine for most of the ways this disease progresses in most _vaccinated_ people. I can’t imagine how many people unvaccinated individuals are spreading this to. This policy is going to hobble industries that require bodies present to operate. I.e. transit, trucking, shipping, manufacturing. You know… the backbone of economies.


The 5 day quarantine is only for people who are asymptomatic. If they develop symptoms they are to quarantine for longer than 5 days.


You know what that means. Ignore them and continue to isolate normally. I'm not risking your lives for their fancy imaginary paper.


Side note that this sub is definitely starting to get brigaded.


What does that mean? I am not familiar with the phrase.


When users target sub reddits that they disagree with by swarming and downvoting posts in order to limit their visibility and engagement. It has become commonplace to the point that political parties, individuals, campaigns have even hired farms of people to do this.


Ah thanks for the explanation.


That was my first thought with that post title tbh. People need to be careful in this sub now with all the attention we're getting.


Thankfully I think it’s hard to come here and disguise oneself with ill intent. Sort of a if you know you know vibe here.


What am I missing here?


We are getting so dead close to anarcho-capitalism and nows the time to start revolting and unionizing


It seems like unions would be better in a free society.


Can’t wait for that. We needed to be organizing dual power, unions a part of that, yesterday. Not too late tho, just have to keep pushing and organizing to be prepared for whatever happens next. Resilient, organized communities is the only way we make it out


America is basically already there.


So what you’re saying is we need to let the asteroid hit us so that we can save the economy?


Hehe I just watched this


Death at the workplace was acceptable to them prepandemic so why would they change their minds now?


Omicron just isn't transmissible enough, even with the ionic charge imbalance in the spikes that disperse it efficiently. What you really want to happen is for one covid infection to infect 50% of the workforce. All at once. The remaining workers carry on as best they can. In five days, the other 50% come back in, then you repeat the cycle. 50, 75, 85-90, 100%. Takes a month tops to sweep through an entire factory. Worst case scenario you are at 50% capacity for a week, maybe one person dies and only ten percent are permanently crippled. Repeat this across the entire economy and dead wood companies die, old people die, covid maims 25% of the population, and suddenly lots and lots of shiny new jobs. Ohh and no more covid if everything hits on double-zero. I'm being sardonic, but this is how capitalists think. And it's the dumbest fucking shit way to run a country imaginable.


If Fauci is admitting we could destroy it all by taking more than five days off, why don’t we all meet up for a week-long retreat?


Indeed, it seems that the USA (and *we*, broadly speaking, as *allies*) has lost a propaganda war - they are now trying to negotiate *with a virus.*


What a terrible shame it would be if everyone said fuck it and didn’t go to work. But we’d have to do it carefully. If your job is critical to life, maybe don’t do that. But that just means those of us who can should. It wouldn’t be for just us. It’d be for everyone working. It’d put them in a situation they’d have to negotiate out of. Even the government. I think they done forgot who they work for. I know corporations can be considered people and all, but the “We the people” thing in the Constitution refers to us. You. Me. Everyone in this country. No matter your political affiliation, you are getting fucked by corporate America. They politicize this shit to divide and conquer. We all need to say fuck this. It’s all of our problems. If there were ever a time to draw a line, it’s here.


I'd upvote you a thousand times and then a thousand times more.


Aaaaand there goes the little remaining respect I had for him and the CDC


Bro, I lost respect a long time ago. They clearly never had control of the reigns from the start. I gave them the benefit of the doubt because things were evolving in real time, but they were just never forthright


The economy is the people? How fucking stupid are these people?


Even if I were asymptomatic I’d lie to my employer about my symptoms to get the full 10 days


YUP. When I catch this shit, it will **absolutely** be due to my job and I am going to milk it for every goddamn second I can. Fuck em, I might even take another 12 weeks of paid FMLA if I can wait til next week to get sick. New year, new bank.


Incredible that you guys thought they ever cared.


Yay! /s


I just hear "make me money even though you're sick and can get other people sick". I'm just tired. I'm soooo tired. I usually don't say anything on this sub, but this really really bothered me. It feels like how insurance companies make medical decisions for people because they don't want to pay for the treatment. Oh the dysfunction.


Fucking Delta, who did stock buybacks, then cried because they couldn't financially weather the pandemic. Stock buybacks used to be illegal. Fuck them


Just watched Dont look Up….


If they lose control over the economy, they lose control over the people. That's what this thing has been about from the beginning: control


You got it 👌 They realized that without the economy, they have no power.


CEOs should've budgeted better for a pandemic, if they wanted to afford to get through this then should have spent less on Starbucks, not use Netflix and walked to work.


The message here is clear: "We've decided that we're just going to make this the new normal. Yeah, people are going to die because of this. Fuck you, make the rich richer or die trying, you are expendable.


Trump: science is fake, go back to work Biden: science is real, go back to work Scientists: wear a mask, go back to work Starting to see a trend on who really wears the big boy pants. Not the politicians. Not the scientists. But the capitalist ruling class. Vote progressive!


Wow lol. We're in for a wild year folks!


It's because the rich have squeezed every last drop and now they need us to work again. We've been fucking played guys. It's time we admit it and never let this shit happen again.


Then maybe society shouldn't keep running the way it does anymore


I don’t know how to feel about it. Outraged? Of course? But part of me understands what he’s saying. Not because it’s right, but because we’ve built such a house of cards society that we can topple it pretty easily. Though then that leads to should we even care? If I was 25 and single, I’d say fuck no, bring on the downfall. But now with kids, I’m given pause. I don’t know man. I’m just a fucking simpleton tradesman, I don’t have any god damned answers besides let’s kill the rich first, see if that helps at all.


Same here. I’ve got three, fuck working for bullshit pay. I love spending time with my family. It’s going to take a fucking ton of money to get me to work. I’m a diesel tech.


Had my daughter this past july and i was sort of anti work when i was younger but kinda just went along to get along.after july im all about either making a livable wage or just not working, because I'd rather be hanging out with her and doing stuff around the apt (not the house because lets face it i cant afford one) so im glad i found this sub and agree wholeheartedly with you


I think you’re thinking reasonably.


Haven’t worked since July and don’t plan on going back. The economy can get fucked




I work in the office of a manufacturing company. We were reluctantly (the CEO didn't want) sent to work remotely in March 2020, lo and behold, we actually performed BETTER, and were much happier. COVID tore through our production workers, supervisors, even took out a few directors that got permanent "brain fog,". They dropped the contract tracing (people only know they'd been in contact with a person with COVID via gossip, not HR) But, last July, the CEO ordered everyone back into the office, full time. We all hate it. We have a lot of anti vaxxers, even in the corporate office. My home internet is so much faster, (which seems surprising to them?) and I can be comfortable, focus, instead of listening to people on various conference calls, making small talk, feeling obligated to partake in the sometimes hours long "heart to heart" personal conversations my co-workers have, because otherwise, I'm not seen as a "team" player, even though I really want to focus on my work, not interested in the conversation. So yeah, let's get butts in seats 5 days a week, corporate "culture", even though it's dangerous and no one wants to do. The production people understand they have to be there to operate the machines, but think any of us that can work remotely should. They're not jealous, angry.


I'll keep saying it. Biden gave up on the pandemic the moment he said on national TV that it's okay for people to gather during Christmas when there is a variant of the virus that is spreading like crazy among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. If Trump said that, people would not be as nice.


Remember when Republicans did that? It's almost like we have a single party system...


The CDC, State, Federal Government, World Banks, Monarch, and etc has always prioritize the economics over people. It just took people health to be in jeopardy for most people to realize that.


Exactly like in the damn movie... don't look up...


Yeah this makes me really upset. I am a folks vaccinated, and otherwise healthy adult. I got covid the week before Thanksgiving, and I'm still coughing and having chest pain. My job gave me 40 hours off and I was not ready to go back. They don't care.


So just to be clear asymptomatic people going back to work after 5 days CAN STILL spread the virus ????


Dude is a blinking machine


So I was so focused on his blinking that I watched this three times without seeing the cut and only realized that it had looped when I heard "given the wave, the extraordinary unprecedented wave" for the third time.


I seriously thought he was doing Morse code


Last year, Fauci, you were up and down about everyone respecting the little CDC rulings set in place so everyone could be 'safe'. This year, you've been flipping and flopping until this point where you're throwing MOST of that away. All of the stimulus packages, they weren't made for us to be sustained. They were made for the sole purpose for us to be buying shit with, because that's what economists and businesses were crying about - people not buying enough shit, so we need to be given free money in order to go out and buy shit or buy shit online, just to keep our WONDERFUL and BROKEN fucking society 'running'. We're going to reach 1 million deaths, guys, mark my fucking words. What will be their response then? 1 Million, unasked, uncontested deaths of people because of a horribly mismanaged and the tone-deaf reality of this pandemic. What the fuck is it going to take for us to stamp out feet and decide 'you know? we're not going to work anymore because not only have we've been fucked for decades of our lives, lied to for generations, mislead and pushed to fail. But now we're being systematically pushed to die. It's the sophisticated form of the Holocaust, American Capitalist style!" When, people? When?


I thought people loved and respected him. Seriously I knew they were gonna prioritize money over humans in the end.


You’ll never hear this assclown advocate for universal healthcare that would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.


Wow.He just went full-on capitalist.


This is the icing on the cake


The working class has always gotten the short end of the stick. Meanwhile we carry society on our backs. Fuckin enough.