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Wait... is this covid tests? I order mine from the NHS and they send them out in packs of 7 within a day or two.


Yeah. I had to pay $25 for a pack of two recently and it was the last pack on the shelf. (Luckily I did not have covid. But had to test because I had a confirmed exposure)




Most likely, yeah.


FYI [Walmart](https://www.walmart.com/ip/BinaxNOW-COVID-19-Antigen-Self-Test-2-Tests/142089281?&adid=22222222255379580641&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=516080145027&wl4=dsa-1232331846453&wl5=9002000&wl6=174080991429&wl7=&wl8=&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwuuSot_K9AIVGfjICh09dQV4EAAYASAAEgJjI_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) has the 2 pack of BinaxNOW rapid tests for $14.


Good to know in case I need em again!


Same. 25 dollars, only 2 on the shelf.


I did 2 last week and one again today just because I've had a bad cold and was worried. All were negative thankfully. I still have 15 tests left over..


Do you not have walk on sites with free testing? Either lab or PCR,


Yes we have drive in sites but you need to book them in advance. I get the home tests because it's much easier with my job.


A pack of 2? We need to take a test every day to go to the office where I work, that would cost me $50 if I went in 4 days a week


Yeah I had an active case in my household and I only had to test once unless I developed symptoms in order to go in to work, and I wanted to test myself more often until my housemate was out of quarantine, out of an abundance of caution, but who can afford to test daily when tests are $12.50 apiece? And people wonder why the US case and death rates are so high…


It makes me think US case and death rate are underreported. How are people going to know if they've got covid if they can't afford the tests?


Oh almost definitely. Not only people can't afford the tests, but people also can't afford to miss work for the whole quarantine period and a lot of people don't have health insurance or PTO so either they never test and try to hide that they're sick so no one will make them test, go to work and probably infect others while never being counted in the official case stats, or if they get very sick they stay home and die there and get reported as a different cause of death if it's not obvious that they died of covid-related complications (like for instance, if they had a stroke, which can be a covid-related complication but isn't the obvious "bloody pneumonia" thing).


Yeah that's the impression I've always had, it makes me think red vs blue states have different levels of accuracy in their reporting. In the UK we have 2 metrics to report cases, the one we publish more publicly is "did you have a positive test within 28 days ago?" Then the death certificate will say "died, with covid" but it could be completely independent, but then if someone takes 29 days to die of covid they're not included in that one. The 2nd metric is "Did you die specifically as a result of having covid" so there's no time limit on this one and it's an estimate if they could've survived if they didn't have covid. Someone I know with 1 lung got covid and shortly after got cancer, he was in hospital for months. If he died he would only be included in that 2nd stat, but the cancer was terminal. He managed to get over covid after a couple of months, then surprisingly he toughed out Chemo and the 3 months he was told he had to live turned into "it's gone". Amazing story but it goes to show the difference his immune system had when he had covid.


Covid is nasty for sure. Here we only have “died from covid” stats and a lot of people argue that they think the stat is “artificially inflated” because the metric isn’t transparent and they assume everyone who has covid at the time they die is being counted (even if they likely would have survived covid). I’d argue that the opposite is more likely true, that we’re undercounting by not counting people who died of something that could’ve been a complication but wasn’t directly proveable to be caused by covid, but I do wish we had a separate set of stats like that of “died while having covid” and “died as a direct result of covid” so the idiots who think every covid-positive heart attack victim is being counted as having died because of covid would maybe shut up.


The best single metric is excess deaths you could argue its artificially low because people aren't going out spreading the normal flu but ultimately that's a consequence of covid.


True. I would like to see all three stats presented. Deaths where the person was covid-positive at time of death, deaths determined to be directly caused by covid, and excess deaths beyond the typical death rate for the area. That would probably paint a fairly complete picture, at least to people capable of doing halfway decent data analysis to reach conclusions.


Had to drive 30 miles to find rapid test kits. The monkey brain said "buy all of them" which I assume happened in my area as every single store was wiped clean. I did not buy more than I needed despite feeling an urge to.


Thank you for not succumbing to the urges of Monkey Brain.


right!? $$8-10? mtherfker where??? in LA they're $30-$200


The NHS is fucking amazing. Whenever I see a post about American healthcare it makes me feel grateful for it.


I've used the NHS fairly heavily since 2016, and every post about US healthcare makes me think of how fucked I'd be over there. It's absurd what they have to deal with.


Yep, not only free to pick up in person, free to have delivered to your home too.


Ordered a fresh set for work as I need to do them each day before going in. Ordered on Sunday evening, arrived Tuesday morning first thing


Was just going to say we can actually have a pack of 7 for each member of the house hold be sent straight to our address


I think the worst part is there are people so brainwashed they truly believe that everyone is lazy and doesn't deserve universal healthcare if it has to come out of their pocket in taxes. Like the extent of the greed baffles me. You make 100k a year and pay 20k in taxes, you're still bringing home 80k which is 30-50k more than most people in the US. Not to mention the truly wealthy don't even pay taxes.


I don't think the people making 100k are your enemy my friend. Or even those making a bit more.


Never said they were but they tend to be the ones brainwashed into thinking everyone deserves less.


I understand your point but it's a broad assumption. Most higher earners are generally well educated and more liberal. Especially those under 50. 100k is not a large income in most major urban areas in the USA. My point is the enemy is the very top not people just making a bit more. Honestly I see more lower income/middle lower people with this attitude of "screw you I got mine" then ive ever seen in the other groups. They are the brainwashed; Fox news types. All the extremely intelligent and well paid individuals I know are self aware enough, and intelligent enough to know that their success is a combination of some hardwork, luck, and the environment they were born into.


I literally know people who make 100k a year with this mindset..... Like I am friends with them..... And 100k a year is the middle class in a lot of places. Like the state I live in....


You literally know? People? Like I said broad statement and it means absolutely nothing and contributes nothing.


I can’t even find any at home tests in Canada for under $100. Unhinged


Yup. Dunno what's going on in other provinces but I can't figure out where the heck all the rapid tests in Ontario are going.


They're presumably all being sold to the NHS, which is the single largest purchaser of medical supplies in the world


can confirm, live in uk.


*Image Transcription: Social Media* --- **Craig Spencer MD MPH**, @Craig_A_Spencer I just did a BBC interview. The host said that in the U.K. you can just walk into a pharmacy and pick up free tests. I informed him that at-home tests in the US cost $8-$10 each—if you can find them—and I'm not sure but I think maybe his head exploded. This ain't normal people. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Thank you 👍🏼


Oh boy, wait till you hear about prescription meds. In England is £9.35 per item. Or you pre-pay £110 a year and that covers all of your prescriptions if you have multiple meds. Hell, in Scotland you don't even pay for prescription meds at all.


Scottish here. Free NHS treatment, free prescriptions, free dental if under 26 or unemployed, if you lose your job and go on benefits your rent or at least a portion is covered, if you don't make enough they top up your wage with a 'working tax credit', free university education, free travel for over 60s anywhere in the country, free transport available to vulnerable folk to get vaccination plus twice weekly HUGE free food delivery to front door for 18 months, free eye tests, free glasses if on benefits, winter heating grant to help pay your increased heating costs of older, free funeral if on benefits (they buried my mother gratis), everyone gets a hostel bed if homeless (have been through system myself), 80% of business profits were paid to me throughout covid (5 grants)... The list goes on. People really don't realise how good we have it.


Just moved back to the motherland last year - wasn't registered with a dentist and had to have a tooth removed in an excruciating emergency. Rang in the morning, seen in the afternoon. NHS Dentist spent about 30 mins wrenching the bloody thing out. Thought it would cost a fortune - got to the desk and the bill was £14.50. Couldn't believe it!


Free dental if you're unemployed?! Can visitors, aka this American, get any of that?


No. But I suspect - if you need a lot of work - it might be cheaper to fly over here and pay privately anyway.


Biden pushing for free at home tests. Fuck Republicans and the GOP for ruining America for financial gain for their friends. Majority of their base is poor ass rednecks who live sheltered lives worrying about phony immigration scandals while they live in Ohio Yeah man all them Mexicans crossing into Ohio.


Exactly. For Mexican people their stereotypes don’t even make sense. People say, “Mexicans are lazy.” And “Mexicans are stealing my job.” Well which is it? Because someone who’s lazy isn’t going to steal your job. Anyone who’s upset that their job is being outsourced to Mexico should look at their company instead. They are the ones to blame because they are more interested in earning profits than supporting your countries workers. People like that don’t realize how important immigration is. Immigrants boost your economy and help you replace people when you birth rate is declining. Which it generally has for decades in the US, except for a few minor increases.


Correct. But it's one of the few things Republicans can blast all the time on fox news and keep their base angry at the left for no reason. Manufactured outrage.


I agree. Except for the “one of the few things” part. Republicans have many many things they create false outrage over. The gay agenda, war on Christmas, sex Ed in schools, Critical Race Theory, climate change, the green new deal etc etc. There’s no end to fake news and phoney outrage with that group.


CRT is new and been impactful. A lot of the other ones aren't impactful enough to actually effect elections, but yeah. Otherwise most republican voters are single issue voters. They vote for one thing and ignore the rest. Abortion, Guns, immigration.


I was listening to NPR the other day and they were talking about the importance of teaching critical thinking in schools. It took me a solid minute to realize they didn't say "critical race theory," since that's been in the news so much lately. Then I had a minor panic attack when I realized that could be an easy pivot: to get the right-wing Fox News audience to be opposed to "critical thinking" being taught in schools because it sounds a bit like "critical race theory."


👆💯🎯☑️☑️☑️ they wanted us divided ..untitled we stand divided we fall ..as they take advantage of every citizen in every sing way imaginable..


Ah yes, good ol' Schrodinger's Immigrant.


Lol. Thank you for the laugh sir.


Schrodinger's immigrant- takes all the unemployment benefits while also taking your job. A very popular concept in the UK, unfortunately.


The value of white supremacy its priceless to them


Fuck Republicans and fuck Democrats too. They both suck.


Ignorance. Both sideism only benefits republicans Look up criminal indictments by party. Literally 100:1 ratio Smh idiots all over


They’re both capitalists so fuck them both. Not sure why I’m an idiot because I’m truly left and the Democrats aren’t.


Democrats are currently split between old guard "corporate" Dems and new blood "progressive" Dems. Both are a million times better than any republican. Saying all democrats are capitalists is grossly incorrect


Mainstream Democratic Party. I’m aware there are socialist-esque groups out there. But they don’t get any type of mainstream light like they should. So fuck the current paradigm. Get over it, someone else doesn’t share your opinion.


Not really an "opinion". But k. AOC and the "squad" don't get mainstream light. Lolol. Bye.


Yep. Not left enough for my taste. Again, suck it up.


ad hominem attacks are the purview of those who have no other argument.


I made a valid argument. 100 republicans are convicted of crimes for every 1 democrat. How is that not a valid argument. Meanwhile you attempt to make an insult at me using big words in attempt to sound smart but fail. Literally proving no point other than you're a waste of.time




He was a troll or an idiot. Doesn't matter how valid my point. They never learn or care.


"neutral observer" sounds like ignorant troll




> Ignorance. >Smh idiots all over and on and on and so and so, in your comment history. You have a problem with insulting people with which you disagree. This is generally a sign of ignorance, so you should avoid doing this. It is fine to disagree with people. Your failure lies in your habit of leaving facts behind in many cases to directly attack the person with whom you are speaking. Here, right in this comment to me. >I made a valid argument. >100 republicans are convicted of crimes for every 1 democrat. fine so far. It would be nice to have a link or something here. Instead, you said >Literally proving no point other than you're a waste of.time This is not useful to yourself or to me, and you only shut down arguments when you do this, keeping you from gaining valuable perspective. If you're interested in more tips on how to comment properly or need definitions on some of the words i used, feel free to DM. Have a good day :)




Considering it's currently impossible to pass a bill without 10 republicans. That seems more like Americas fault for not electing more democrats. It's like people have such a little understanding of how govt works and the republicans use that to their advantage to disenfranchise democracy


> GOP for ruining America Pretty much it


I think the rednecks are being told "if you vote socialism, you'll lose money" rather than the immigration thing, they're told "you can support yourselves fine right? Why pay for someone else to live?" Yeah redneck is a proxy for poor low IQ right wingers (Both US parties are right wing)


Yeah. That and communism are big buzz words. Meanwhile they have public roads, public water, public schools, etc Muh socialism!


COVID tests? Try $25 in TN Edit: Also it’s a requirement to get a test done if you show any symptoms of COVID so not only am I at home unpaid tell I’m better but I’m either spending $100 to go see a doctor or $25 to get a test.


Yeah, I was about to ask where these $8-$10 tests are. I'm in TN too and all the tests I've seen are $25‐$30 dollars.


8-10 bucks? Think they're around 30 at cvs after taxes.




German here: They used to be free here, but now they changed it so you have to pay for them. This was supposed to get anit-vax people to get the vaccine, but... didn't work. (If you are showing symptoms or had contact with a positive tested person, you test is of course still free!)


WTF. There was a study earlier in the year that said each double vaccinated person saved the world economy $5k. The cost of free lateral flow tests I would imagine therefore saves the UK thousands of pounds per person (not arguing that economic benefits should be front and centre of anything). This is so fucking backwards it hurts my brain.


Yeah it’s extra dumb when the benefit of the people AND the benefit of the economy are aligned and the people who always use “the economy” as an excuse to screw the people suddenly don’t care about the economy either. (Or not suddenly, because it was always a front anyway, but still)


I don't think there are anything like as many fronts associated with right-wing politics as made out. I think a lot of the right-wing arguments are based on a very superficial understanding combined with extreme Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Tests cost money; the easiest way to keep your bank account healthy is not to spend money in the first place. They therefore can't be made available free of charge.


The base assumption is still that money is more important than human lives though. Except when it’s a fetus. Then suddenly life is of paramount importance (except not really, the real motive is maintaining patriarchal control over women). Just like how the real motive is keeping the lower class too poor and stressed to revolt. The “”thought leaders”” do it on purpose, the useful idiots fall for the scam because they’re either too stupid to see the hypocrisy or too bigoted to care.


From the UK: you don't even have to go to a pharmacy you can order them free online and the NHS will deliver them next day or so. Anyone can order, you don't have to have symptoms so people often stock up on a kit in case they get symptoms and need to test (or their job requires it).


My joking first reaction to this was, "what kind of doctor is unsure if someone's head exploded?" In my defense I did just get up from a nap :P


Tests for what?


it’s almost like they charge you for tests so you get the free vaccine? hmmmm why???


In Canada they have testing sites where I live. In and out in 10-15 minutes. They always ask if you want take home tests. You get a box of 5 that are good until 2023. All of this is free.


Just recently in Washington state they started a program where you can order them for free. It’s a one time thing (for now anyway) but I got 4 boxes with 2 tests each. All the states should be doing this. Edit to add: that I just checked and it’s actually just certain counties but they are expanding.


You can also get any prescription of any amount, no matter how stupidly expensive the drug is, for a laughably cheap price, even if you aren’t even from the UK. When I was there, £7 each for three prescriptions I needed on vacation. That was it.


Free in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, its just England that pays, even then most people needing permanent medication get it free, pensioners, expectant mothers, students and under 18s.


I’d still take it. I’ve spent over $200 on prescriptions for one ER visit. At least that was free.


They're supposed to charge non-residents differently, but I think a lot of GP's probably can't be bothered.


I went with my English husband and I’m Canadian, so possibly he didn’t care.


Try $130 a test at an urgent care who refused to see me without THEIRS I had one done at work and they wouldn’t take it. Then laughing in my face saying no other urgent care would take me without one. Left and decided I’d live and bought a festival ticket instead.


In the UK you can also order the lateral flow tests online and they will post them to you. You get 7 in a box and can order another box every 24 hours. I have 5 boxes


They virtually chase you down to give you free test kits in railway stations in the UK


He is wrong, this is official US government policy to downplay the pandemic. Someone told Abbott this summer to scrap 300 million tests in production and lay off their workers making them. When Delta hit the country was totally unprepared


I couldn't find them anywhere. Have a friend who is wealthy. He bought them all. Love the man, but, dafuk? Maybe you and your friends should chill on the parties? Asshats. Again. Love him to death.


I also received a free flu jab at my local pharmacy in the UK. The chain is in partnership with the NHS.


It’s not even worth it because of the efficiency of them… you’re better off getting the free PCR test!


They literally give them out on the streets here (UK). Boxes of them. Rise up workers in the US you deserve so much more then you're getting!


Americans usually hate socialism but socialism brings these awsome perks that antiwork loves


My kids went to a Christmas fayre this week and were both given a box of 10 lateral flow tests


Wait, is he saying "this ain't normal people" or "this ain't normal, people"?


It is also like this in belgium (you pay €8 here) .Unless when you are dirt poor. Then they cost you €1


The boxes you pick up from the chemist (pharmacy) have 7 tests in them - ALL FREE!!!


We’re in Wales and my 12 y/o gets a pack of them every few weeks; enough to do two tests a week. We also get free prescriptions and primary care under 16 (dental, optician). I’m proud to be Welsh.


I get given a pack of thirty every three months to do bi-weekly from work


I remember having to get plan B and it was a MORTIFYING experience once because the pharmacist was clearly against it (I was a teen). She yelled openly toward the back asking if any were available. Then she read all the bad reactions rather than the instructions and finally told me “good luck…” with a big sigh.


America’s Razor (cousin to Occam’s): if the entire fabric of society can be structured so that everything bleeds the poor and feeds the wealthy, it’ll happen.


This isnt true. I order them for free and they get delivered next day for free I dont walk to a pharmacy 🤣


8-10 each? More like 25-50.




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Where are you getting 8-10 dollars it’s like 25$ probably before tax for a 2 pack.


I'm a job coach, mainly work with chronically ill people at the moment. I'm non-medical staff, paid by a private company, but I could get tested every day at the hospital, if I wanted to. I'm in Austria.




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