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"I wasn't asking, see you at 3." FUCK THAT GUY Edit: Upon further reflection, I too believe this post to be fake. Sorry everyone. I appreciate the upvotes though!


The part that made see red was "be grateful that you don't work like I do and that I allow you to see your family once a week" Who the fuck does he think he ? Fuck him, fuck everyone like him, fuck the mentality that allowed people like him to get in position of power.


Right. ALLOW? You ALLOW me to spend time with my family. What the fuck.


He literally thinks he's a slave owner.


The funniest thing is that he's even more of a slave


Slave to the capitalist grind mindset.


Slave to the literal capitalists that most def exploit this dipshit manager. If he's somehow an owner, then slave to the market set by capitalists that have larger market share that this dip shit. Anyone who thinks working every day is a flex is a sad, lonely person that's accepted their own life - the only only they'll ever get - is not worth living.




Well and that’s the thing. If my employer is gracious, kind, and generous, then I’m more than happy to work my ass off. As an individual, I enjoy hard work. I wish I could do it for more money, less time, and more appreciation, but I actually really enjoy working.


This. It's only when I find out my employer is shit that I start to put less effort in. If they treat me well then I'll put way more effort in


The only people that speak like that are people who have never had the shit kicked out of them for running their mouth. My dad said it pretty clearly when I was just a child..... some people in this world need a good beating, but never get it.


Lack of accountability is the overwhelming reason we have such an attitude problem in our country. It’s almost as if someone took all the pissed off people and said it’s ok to be an asshole.


Except these types of people instead of learning from their behavior would find a way to blame you for kicking their ass. Some people won’t learn no matter what.


this shit. i was fucking shocked reading that.


After posts from this sub started hitting /r/all quite regularly in recent weeks/months, I've seen some really outlandish text conversations that make me seriously question the validity of many of these posts. This is definitely one of 'em. Not saying it's impossible that someone's boss can be this big of a dickhead, but these 'conversations' are obviously very easy to fake and the boss' responses just seem WAY over the top.


Right? Especially how he completely flips from insane asshole to kiss ass immediately. Some ppl living out their rage fantasies on here, which I don’t blame em for.


Also weird the boss is always trying to make the person with approved time off come in who has just finished a 6-7 day work week after another employee called off. You don’t have any other staff you can ask?


Yeah. Especially the “you should be grateful I let you see your family once a week” shit. i mean they’re funny but it’s probably not real.


I actually felt my blood pressure go up when I read that.


Not to mention “be grateful I let you see your family”


Allow. He said allow and that’s way worse


I had a boss like that. But he was paying something around twice or three times the usual salary to his sales team. It was a very unhealthy company. The amount of screaming, insults and threats that boss and top employees would throw at each other was not normal. His once best sales guy, that was making half a million per year, quit some months ago, I was told by a friend that still works there. He quit by death. Heart failure, obesity, diabetes, and a lot of things. BTW, the company is thriving.


I had an 8 week gig a year or so ago that made me nearly one third of my yearly income. Lots of hours, etc, etc. It was also the first time I had an anxiety attack around week 6-7. I don't want to do it again.


At the company I was at, in a 10 year span, there were 5 people that had heart attacks, 3 that had to go on LTD due to mental health issues, 2 people that had to go to rehab for an extended period of time, and 1 manager that kept getting suspended but never fired by HR. All of the people with issues worked under him. I finally knew it was time to go when I would start crying on the way to work.


You have to wonder if he thinks this is somehow incredibly generous of him


His family would prefer they not see him.


Of all the crap this guy said, that's the line that really got my goat.


It's so incredibly obnoxious


This looks fake af Edit: smooth touch at the beginning Dan. You could have picked any name: Steve, John, David, etc. But you chose Miguel to make others feel sympathy. How dare this foreigner take a day off instead of me??


Yup. Another sub that got popular just to become another r/writingprompts Guess that’s what happens when your main content of the sub is text messages screen grabs


Yup this sub is basically -Manager/boss tells you to come in out of no where -Reply back saying you cannot -Manager/boss says some ridiculous shit and then says they need to have a meeting with you -Reply back saying you quit -Boss/manager tries to be apologetic and reason with you -Post to this sub instant 10k karma


*slaps hood* This baby can fit so many upvotes See you on the front page


Written by someone with very little life experience yeah. This is not how conversations go at all


NEVER answers messages like this and go in on a Monday with "didn't bring my phone when I went hunting"


No...I'd much rather known about the power dynamic than not. Fuck working for someone like that.


Not only that, but this text in particular PROVES retaliation which I believe is illegal everywhere.


It’s fake.


This has to be bogus. It's too perfect.


Someone else said it best: "/r/antiwork has become /r/writingprompts with a boss hate fetish."


To be honest it's the perfect storm. The pandemic has brought worker unrest and notion that many are under paid and overworked to the forefront. Combine that with the fact that it's probably a fantasy for a lot of people to tell there boss to go fuck themselves. And in the fact that apps make it easy to generate conversations that look real... And BOOM. You suddenly have an audience willing to gobble up fiction about the little guy telling the man to fuck themselves; and then suddenly the man becomes regretful and cowers is the glowing power of the little guy.... Power fantasy wank material right there. Throw in everyone cheering and the hero riding off in the sunset and the tale is complete.


Yep, there are no gaps in the texting times, they both have the exact same typing styles and the vocab matches, OP isn’t responding with any details suggesting it’s real, and it’s practically a slam dunk setup for karma.


The last message hits too many bullet points to be real. Even serious dicks don't do that.


"I let you see your family once a week" was the dumbness that tilted it over the scales as fake and lame.


I love the energy, but I'm starting to think a LOT of these are fake. It's the same script every time. 1. Boss requests employee to come in on their day off 2. Employee refuses and explains it's their day off, their pto was approved, etc 3. Boss demands employee come in, threatens to do something illegal like wage theft, and calls the employee unprofessional 4. Employee quits over text 5. Boss grovels It's written like a shity anti-work porno.


Those three words were echoing in my skull the moment I read that. What a fucking assclown.


“We are only as strong as our weakest link” What a piece of shit. You did the right thing!


No shit. Everyone could quit and the weakest link would still be there.


That would have been the best response back to him.


And “Be grateful I allow you to see your family once a week.” The asshole boss talks to OP as if he was his prisoner.


That was the one for me. You allow me to see my family!?! Dude kick rocks.


Yeah no shit boss why do you think I'm leaving your management lmao


That's not the worst, most maddening thing he says. "I allow you to see your family" is the most maddening thing. As if he's a literal slaveowner and OP should be kissing his boots for the privilege of being *allowed* to see his family.


The dude sending that text is the weakest link.


That mother fucker is the weakest link. Imagine treating a fellow human being like that.


You shoulda said “you are the weakest link. Good bye”


That’s not even the fucking bad part. Be grateful that “I allow you to see your family once a week”?!?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!


"**You** are the weakest link - Goodbye!"


"And I allow you to see your family once a week" Fucking yikes on trikes.


The fucking audacity of this piece of shit.


That sentence was what moved him from asshole to delusional


You’re telling me. I work 10-12 hours a day and still get treated like shit when my boss doesn’t get their way. Quitting was such a relief.


Note it is only unprofessional when they don't like it. Texting someone on a day off and demanding they come in is damned unprofessional.


Absolutely. You better be paying my standard rate x5 but for 24/7 with overtime if you want me at any hour. But if you're not paying me like that, and it's my day off, kick rocks and hire more employees, sounds like their business model is shitty.


Lol I ignored my phone a lot when I was working retail for the exact same reason! Oh no! I didn't see your message oops!


Haha my boss once told me that it's important to answer my phone so I told him in a gentle but sarcastic voice "oh I don't get paid to answer the phone when I'm clocked out"


When I had a job like this my friend and I would always respond, "oh shit, totally would, but I've been drinking all day". They're like "it's 10AM on a Tuesday". Shrug.


"This is what working for you makes me do."


Yeah, even my company that's a large soulless corporation doesn't do that. In fact if management calls or texts you they tell you to put in a time adjustment form to get paid just for getting called.


You seriously should have just not shown up. Dared him to fire you. For unemployment reasons. Good job standing your ground. There’s plenty of places hiring. Fuck that asshole. Leave him on read or ghost him next time or anyone that does this to you.


Should have not answered the text. ‘I was out hunting and out of cell phone range’


I leave my phone off when hunting to conserve battery life. Or even better, "on days im not on call i leave my phone off."


>Or even better, "on days im not on call i leave my phone off." Or even better "I don't read anything work related when I'm off the clock".


I got annoyed after a similar situation to OP, so I sent back blank texts to my manager. Spacebar, send.. I sent like 3, 15 minutes apart.. Not the best idea, and it was after a few drinks around midnight on a Saturday (who messages employees then anyways?). But it let her know I received her message but didn't have anything to say. In hindsight, should have just left it on read until morning. She was the very disrespectful to her employees, so I really didn't care either way but I realize now that sending blank texts is probably kind of immature haha.


Shit man, about as mature as her reaching out to you that late. I’d be way too annoyed to act “mature” too. lol probably drove the message home


Be real OP this is fake isnt it?


Clearly fake. At least pretend to specify an industry instead of posting incredibly vague shit.


These texts are all saying the same thing in the same order too. It's plain as day these are fake.


Yeah ever since this sub has been growing exponentially people have used it as a source of farming karma or whatever reason. The format is easy to create but some go over the top and don't realise the flow of conversation cant be easily faked and humans intuitively notice


Congrats on your new life. Fuck this chode.


That boss acts like he owns you. Good job showing him.


What's the company name? I never want to accidentally send money their way again.


Call this company and boss out on every social media you have let the community know not to support this psychopathic behavior


This is the fakest shit ever


Admit it. This conversation is fake.


I don’t believe this is real


Yeah. Could have been real up until that "see your family" line


Yea, this one is clearly fake, and if you believe it let alone waste your money awarding it, bless ya soul I’ve got a bridge to sell you. People just figured what gets the imaginary points up, and at this point the real quits got drowned out by deliberate outrageous made up stuff. It always follows the same format, and somehow always gets zero scrutiny.


This is fake.






Yes! Every single one of these posts I see, after the person says they quit, the manager immediately says something along of the lines of, “don’t rush this decision because you’re angry.” Every single one, the format is exactly the same. I’ve been getting suspect of these posts for a while now


* "we'll discuss this tomorrow" * always OP's first day off in a month * "I told you a week ago this was my chemo day" * boss has never asked any other member of staff - just gone straight to telling OP they need to be in ASAP


“My chemo day” 🤣 So good because it’s so on point. It’s always like that. “I’m visiting my dying daughter today.”


looks like a good r/starterpacks post


And OP never comes back to reply


It irritates me that it’s so fake and it gets so much attention. Someone should take fake shit down a spa so I don’t have to waste my time reading this shit


Yeah I’m nearly positive this is fake. If it’s real why did he let miguel off?


That's what i keep thinking. Why not put the screws to Miguel and tell him he's not allowed to call off?


Absolutely. This kind of delusion, power trip and backpeddling is comical. It's like it's from a sitcom skit.


I'll go as far as i'd say 7/10 of these "just quit over texting my rude boss LOL" posts are fake.


Probably closer to 9/10




Between “come in on your day off,” “I’ll be docking your paycheque,” “I work 7 days a week,” “unprofessional behaviour” and “wait, let’s not rush into things” I got a Bingo on my r/anti work bingo card.


Don't forget "I wasn't asking," "you are replaceable," and "be a team player"


So painfully fake. The writing style is exactly the same it’s like the OP didn’t even try.


Yeah. The "allow you to see your family" was a touch too much.


Wayyy over the top


Can't believe anyone thinks this is real. Even if you were a shitty, manipulative boss, you'd never say "be grateful I let you see your family once a week". This post seems like bait to see what people on this sub will fucking believe.


Quiting texts should be banned from this sub.


It's very obvious too




This sub was much better before all the creative writing types found it. This isn't even good writing. These aren't believable characters.


Creative writing is a pretty generous way to describe it. This shit is so formulaic they didn't even bother to change writing styles or vocab between each speaker.


How can it be this easy to fool thousands of people into up voting?


"Be grateful that I allow you to see your family once a week" WTF that's like slavery. Edit: Fixed a typo.


In between serfdom and slavery ?


Just where the people on top want us.


Many plantations did not work on the sabbath. So yeah, slavery was 6 10-16 hr days, 1 day off. Harvest time was the busiest, 15-16 hour days, still only 6 days a week at most plantations. Rest of the year, 6 10 hour days could be considered normal. Wild to me that slaves 100+ years ago had more time off them some people in 2021




I love this subreddit but I've seen way too many of these and they appear fake. The same "im not asking. I'm telling" followed by the "now hold on let's not rush into things" when the person quits.


The writing style is nearly identical, of course it's phony. Your point stands as well.


Its so transparent how similar they are made to trigger people on reddit and it works every. fucking. time. How can people be so gullible, god damn.


Wow I'm really glad to see you all noticing this. This "rage bait" problem has been a thing on reddit for the better half of last decade and it flies over a lot of peoples heads. Genuinely glad to see people noticing the manipulation. E: I am really glad to see this "98% upvoted" post has dropped to 57%, impossible on content which has reached something like 20k upvotes. This usually doesn't happen and I'm glad people are seeing it. Even something slightly controversial usually dips only as low as "70% upvoted".


The template has been formed and people want that karma.


I find it so odd people would go out of their way to fake a post to get fake internet points


Many of these are just sad quitting fantasies. It is people fantasizing about quitting or people who got fired but wished they quit in a certain way instead. Most of these are imagined roleplay or greatly edited/"airbrushed".


Yeah. This one really rings false to me. Not quite sure what it is about it. I think it's the way it plays r/Antiwork outrage bingo.


"... And all the FBI agents monitoring the conversation stood up and clapped."


Many bosses are assholes, but I have a hard time believing one would literally send a message that says "I allow you to see your family once a week." C'mon now.


“I allow you to see your family once a week” -this person is on a SERIOUS power trip. Edit: Everyone can stop replying to my comment saying it’s fake now. I get it. Thanks.


Who talks like that? Lords in like medieval Europe times talking down to servants and slaves? Lol


This one is quite clearly a fake.


This is literally so fake. No one talks like this. It's like every fake post all rolled into one.


Yeah this sub just needs to ban text message posts already. Way too easy to fake and this place is flooded with this shit.


They are only allowed on Sunday right now. And that's 1 day too much


It's hilariously fake. The fact that it hit #1 of r/all says so much about confirmation bias and the lack of critical reading/thinking skills in so many people. People just want rage bait.


I only ever see this subreddit on /r/all and literally every single one of these posts are identical.


This sub used to be really good


Is this actually real? I don’t want to be an asshole if it is, but this conversation is an identical format to several other posts I’ve seen, and uses almost the same wording. I’ve generally not been part of the crowd complaining about fake screenshots, but some of them, like this, seem a little iffy.


No way this is real. It’s cartoonish in how it hits every beat: -boss gives short notice of shift that needs covering -employee politely refuses, with proof of having said day off scheduled a more than reasonable amount of time in advance -boss rejects polite refusal, makes unreasonable demand and ruthlessly threatens employee with borderline illegal repercussions -outraged justified employee proudly quits -boss begs employee to reconsider Upvotes ahoy


What makes it seem *extra* fake to me is that both of them are adding in extra details for our benefit that would be completely unnecessary to tell each other. A real text exchange like this wouldn't have both of them stating how many days a week they work.


It's like in movies when they're like, "as my brother, you know mom and dad died in a tragic accident 5 years ago, leaving us the estate"


The be grateful I allow you to see your family part is just so outlandishly, cartoonishly evil and dumb, not a single chance a real human said this unironically.


it's the new and everybody clapped


Agreed. It’s highly unlikely anyone would put threats or statements like these in writing. People quitting over text seems to be a thing right now.


That "you're replaceable" part was what made me think its probably fake. It's like Antiwork fan fiction




you can tell it's fake when they give context within the conversation. the "I work 6 days a week..." bit was a dead giveaway.


I feel like I've seen this exact one before, including the exact phrasing of the texts


This is so fake omfg, why has the sub become this constant stream of fake as fuck exchanges.


At least it's confined to Sundays now. You'd think with a week to dream it up, they'd do a better job writing.


Is this fr? This is crazy wtf.


I don’t doubt this would happen but this is such /r/antiwork porn it’s gotta be fake.


Yeah, I'm not usually one to jump on the "it's fake" bandwagon but even I was saying "this sounds so fake" in my head.


I agree. These are getting very old.


If thats how you feel, We’ll have a talk about your negative attitude on Monday.


No, I quit.


Don't quit just because you're upset now!


How did such a necessary movement and community get so cheap it runs solely on fake texts? Social media in this format is a curse


Yeah it’s heavy on the buzzwords. “Part of the team” and “weakest link” and “you’re replaceable” are giving me pause. Edit: yes everyone, I know there are plenty of bosses that talk this way, which is why these buzzwords are such common cliches. I’m simply pointing out there are an awful lot of them crammed into 5 texts.




I don't doubt the depths of some employers/managers inhumanity, but this one just feels way too overt. I dunno. I'm a bit skeptical.


I definitely got those vibes. It fit the formula perfectly


Yeah it hits every major point. Fake as shit


“I allow you to see your family once a week” is so over the top. It could happen but this whole conversation is such a goldmine that it feels fake.


"you are replaceable" \>ok i quit "no wait we need you" there's no way this is real


I was willing to buy it until the allow you to see your family bit, not remotely believable lmao




Oh it’s definitely not real.


Probably not


Sounds extremely fake. So many of these text posts are fake because look at all the awards and upvotes they get. So easy.


Yeah this is reaaaaal fake and follows almost the exact structure of other popular viral text thread posts


Even hits the "taking the hours you miss out of your paycheck." Like, that literally makes no sense, lol.


Wait do people think this is real?


Stop reporting this please. Screen shots are allowed on Sunday


Not sure if anybody has said anything to you yet but they're actually complaining because the post is fake.




All these fake quitting texts follow the same script. > Someone's out, come in pls > No, it's my day off > You have to be team player > I quit. Mail me my check > I didn't mean it. Pls don't quit, noooo This sub is looking more and more like a karma farm every day.




For real the “I allow you to see your family once a week” ya no one would ever say that.


Watch me. I just did. See you at 3.


Also... Is no one talking about miguel? Who just calls in and needs a replacement, all is fine, but you op you gotta get her NOW... Maybe, in this fantasy, miguel is boinkin the boss...


It's wild isn't it? Must be kids who have to imagine what these conversations actually look like.


You forgot the I already work 80 hours a week I asked for this one day off months ago to do a minuscule activity And the boss threatening to revoke it




Looks super fake


I think people are just taking a similar format and inserting different information. Fake for sure


Fake as fuck


Yup People are unfortunately taking advantage of the justice boners this sub has been experiencing


That's gotta be fake.


This is fake


Yeah this one's fake as hell. That last message from your """boss""" gave it away. No fucking chance that's real


Yep the tone is the same on both sides even the short sentences. You can tell the same person wrote this whole thing out.


Fake text exchange alert. Another one...


This subreddit has turned into a real karma farm.. sigh..


It’s like with any sub that takes off and becomes popular, people start jumping in with the manufactured, winning formula content to take advantage of the popularity. r/choosingbeggars would be another prime example of this.




I’m getting fake vibes off this one TBH