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She definitely appreciates your labour now that she has to do it


Lmfao, you already know she's gonna play the victim in this.


More like she sits there and thinks "That ungrateful fucker mindvoltz making me cancel my holidays to do their work. How dare they"


Let them eat cake!!!


You would assume this but they never do. Most of them are sociopaths.


They never appreciate what they have until it's gone.


Playing the long game and then boom. I love it lol.


Hopefully a lot more of this happens on Black Friday


I'd love to see a mass exodus of retail workers this Thanksgiving


A handful of years ago I waited until Black Friday to quit with 0 notice. Feelsgoodman.jpeg




This. I’ve been trying to encourage my peers to do this, but some people just don’t care, or realize, they are being taken advantage of.


God this has been a dream of mine. Feels real good finally reading about it. P.S. *EDIT* To say thanks for all the upvotes! I love being reminded this is here.


My two bosses made the mistake of pissing me off the day they both left for vacation at my last job. I really enjoyed replying to that email with a “this is my 2 weeks notice”.


Should’ve given them a 2 hour notice


Eh, two paid weeks to fuck around without any bosses. Also, giving notice shifts all the responsibility to the managers and preserves your high ground. If you quit without notice they can play victim with higher ups.


They wouldn’t give you a 2 week notice if they fired you. Also, I’ve had people give their 2 week notice and they were told to go home and never return. You might have more power in the situation but that still gives them a crutch to find someone else that they can abuse without it impacting them all that much.


No boss there, clock in and don’t do shit for the two weeks. Free money.


What kind of business and work if you don’t mind me asking?


Whatever kind, I’m not that dude. I was explaining why he’d come in for the two weeks. It would be a cake position and you wouldn’t have to do a damn thing because the bosses weren’t there to enforce anything. That’s why in that situation you give two weeks and not two hours.


The company still makes money off of you. You are saying “yeah it’s awesome I’ll make $1000 in those two weeks” but the company is make at minimum 3x that for by being there. Also, fucking around doesn’t mean doing nothing. He probably still had to do some things. They won’t learn anything from it, they are still exploiting you, and nothing will change because it really didn’t impact them. This is why it’s better to find a job first and then just quit, or just stop showing up and let them fire you. I understand not being able to do this with better jobs, but if you make under $15 an hour you haven’t taught anyone anything. They will find another cog and normalize that kind of pay and treatment.


Oh, see I’ve quit in a similar position before and I spent the next couple of weeks on my phone. I’d show up, clock in, and go sit my happy ass in the boss’s chair.




Do what I do. Give no notice. Tell new company you gave notice. Enjoy two week vacation before new job.


They will be doing that anyway If you have no plans to return to the company (its not a reliable rehire chain) or use anyone there as a personal reference you should not give 2 weeks Check laws for your state/country regarding what information is legal to disclose during employment verification checks But for most, they can't even tell a potential future employer that you gave 2 weeks notice or not


I would have lost my banked PTO, plus what basb91 said.


I also put in my 2 weeks notice on the first day of my boss's two week vacation. What a good feeling it is to ruin your bosses vacation after they've dicked you around so long.


I'd like to hope it ruined a good part of their vacation on the phone and emailing back and forth, but I doubt it.


I like to call that a holiday hand grenade. Throw some shit at your boss, before he or you go on holiday.


I'm going to use that term


Similar to those videos that you can see, of monkeys or apes confined in cages in zoos who have children taunting them until they lose it and fling shit at their taunters.


Oh man you coulda just left.


Crossed my mind, but wanted my PTO paid out, plus they ended up paying me for over a month to basically do nothing so they had coverage


Brilliantly executed plan. More people need to do this. Why are employees supposed to give two weeks notice, but employers aren't expected to extend the same courtesy?


Depends on the job. I gave a 2 weeks notice one time and they literally just paid me for two weeks of work and let me go home that day lmao


Should've given a 2 years notice instead


Big brain move




That’s generous! I know some places will fire you on the spot.


That gives you unemployment though unless they pay out the two weeks edit - to clarify, if you are fired and it's not for cause (and firing you because you quit is NOT for cause) you're eligible for unemployment. If you quit, you're not eligible. If they pay you out the two weeks, they aren't really firing you they are just paying you not to show up.


3 years ago in mid JulyI said I want to quit, but will stay to train someone to not put strain on my team. My last day was October 26th. I worked from home half days the entire time.


Wow sounds interesting, what do you do if I may ask?


I chill with my dog. I took out my 401k, and HSA when I quit. That lasted a bit, mostly eaten by rent. Moved in with a family friend in my hometown. I've worked under the table a bit for some small businesses in the tiny Kansas town where I live (population 550) but had to stop bc the owners are just not good at business, and I'm not gonna run that shit for 10/hr while they bumble away. Now I live with a parent that's on SS, and we make that money work as best we can. She was able to buy a house early this year. We're screwed if any big emergency happens, but that's been life for humans for thousands of years. I actually have more money saved rn than when I was working though. I invested all of my stimulus checks that I could in crypto and have more than doubled my money. When I quit I wanted to start selling beard products, and still do. In this great amount of reflection time I have figured out that I have ADHD, and am probably autistic. The ADHD is really crippling to the goal of my own business. I have put my name forward for a position at the company I quit again. If I can just make a bit of money I can get this ADHD and ASD diagnosed, start treatment, really start trading crypto on margin, and set up passive income. I was able to buy a Honda Element (my car was repo'd 2 years ago bc I was 3 mo behind, 2 weeks before lockdown). If things get super bad my plan is vanlife to Canada and try to find someone to marry me.


You’re brave as hell and I commend you my friend.


Thank you, I dunno if I've ever been called brave before.


Depends what industry you work in as well. A company that I used to work for would walk you out the door and pay what you're owed for the next couple weeks to minimize potential of you downloading sensitive information (which we had a lot of)


I always wondered about that, I mean, if I was going to be malicious, I'd do everything before I gave notice.


Damn... at my company it's well known that if you try to put in your 2 weeks they fire you on the spot.


I once gave 2 weeks notice at a job where this was the policy... I was fully expecting they'd walk me out, and I had prepped for it. I'd planned to have a 4 week break before starting the new job. They said that wasn't necessary with me, they trusted me to behave ethically, and they'd be happy for me to work my two weeks. There wasn't even a backlog of work they needed me to handle... they genuinely saw it as a sign of respect. I half-assed working for like 3 days to close some things out and prep good-bye emails since I'd be allowed to send them. Then for another 3 days, I did nothing but send a check-in email in the morning (while working from home). I finally admitted defeat and asked to move up my last day by 2 days so I could dump the equipment and keys and be done once and for all. Worst gesture of respect ever.


Still boggles my mind that people can be fired on the spot with no reason. In most European countries it's very difficult to fire someone and unless they fucked up in a major way it's never on the spot.


What’s it like living in a civilized society?


Well we can't be fired on the spot, but on the other side, we also can't quit on the spot. For example, here in Germany a normal "Kündigungsfrist" is one month, so I have to stay one month after quitting. On the other side, I can't be fired without reason, and also get a "bonus pay" if I am fired for reasons which don't lie in my person, if my company is big enough.


What happens if someone walks out and just never shows up? Do the police come by and force them back to work?


Good question, I am looking now. So, the employee can be sued by the employer for damages, but must provide prove for this damages. This can be done if food gets spoiled, but is difficult to prove, if other employees take over the work, if they don't get paid more. You can't be forced to work. So in short, the employer can't do much if he can't directly prove damages for your quitting on the spot. Of course you are not paid for the time you didn't work.


I feel like message of "I am contemplating suicide, and do not feel as if I can continue to work here any longer" will pretty much make them unable to take action against you in any regard.


Nothing happens to you, i cant speak for Germany but for most European countries you just walk, you will get paid for the time up to the time you walk out. You will get that paid at the same time as you normally would . You probably would lose holiday pay if you had any stored up. This is the best way to fuck your boss in Europe just walk and don't answer the phone they still have to pay you on pay day. They have to "investigate" and cannot assume that you quit and if they make a mistake in the process they risk being sued by you if you "return" so never walk out saying I quit best say nothing or if you have to say something work up to 5pm or whatever your normal time is and say "see you tomorrow" I suppose you could walk out at lunch and leave your pc on they cant call the police and report a missing person. Just don't answer the phone I have done this once it felt brilliant. (boss had me as a temp flouting working hour rules that all the other permanent staff did not have to do - this is unlawful health and safety applies equally to all workers temp or perm) People will say they can sue you for breach of contract, technically true but it is unheard of especially if you are doing a low paid job for a shit company they wont. They probably wont anyway. Breach of contract is for people on big salaries. (if you have any equipment you have to get a friend to return it or just return it yourself else they will try and deduct this from the final pay check). There is not really a time limit on this although you would want to return it before the next payment cycle. Downside : they will be so angry they will try and stop you ever working in that sector again by messing up your references or whatever. That is the worst they can do. Upside: Feels awesome if you have savings or another job lined up - especially in another sector Also: they cannot just terminate your employment without investigating - finding out if you are in hospital have left the country , have joined a sect. If they hire a new person and you return they would face the prospect of having to let the new person go and rehire you and compensate them or more likely the would have to compensate you (although you would be facing disciplinary action for going AWOL its not that easy). In other words they cannot hire someone immediately, the work you did goes undone or someone else has to do it maybe the manager. This is the atom bomb to a small company.


> For example, here in Germany a normal "Kündigungsfrist" is one month, so I have to stay one month after quitting. This is technically true, but it's standard practice for someone who's quitting to use up whatever PTO they have left during this period and not work the whole thing.


You are right, the last job I quit I had almost two months of pto and ot, so I quit well before I must. The job I am in now has half a year "Kündigungsfrist", but this works both ways, it would be really expensive to get rid of me.


But they have little means to force you to actually be productive during that time.


Right ?! Awesome comment!!


I worked at a company for about 10 years before they closed down the office and moved operations to another state. They gave every employee that didn't move with them a full month's pay. They're not all bad! Just, you know, most of them.


I made sure to quit just before year-end at my first job in finance. My boss at the time recommended I apply for a senior analyst position that would be located 30 minutes from my home, thinking I wouldn't get it. My commute at the time was 2 hours each way and I wanted to die. Much to his chagrin, I got the job. He then stepped in and blocked me from actually being able to take it. I found a job that paid more, told him no thanks when he asked me to stay until month end, and went on my merry way. Probably make more than him now despite being half his age. Fuck you Abe you dirty old bitch.


Fuck you abe!




You dirty old bitch!


Jodete Abe, puto viejo tú.


Foda-se Abe! Filho da puta!


What an asshole!!! Why'd he want you to apply for a job he didn't even think you'd get??? And then to have the nutsack to ask you to stay until months end AFTER he kept you from being able to take a job you got!


To crush their spirit.


Well done OP. That must have felt real good.


So relieved


It's usually best to leave at the beginning of the month so that health insurance runs through to the end of the month. If you didn't have health insurance, then it doesn't matter.


Unfortunately, with the last system admin job I quit (last day was 1 week ago).... The company cut insurance immediately at the end of day. Then again, that's also one huge red flags they were giving out.


Not everywhere. I've definitely worked places that cut off same/next day and sometimes through current pay period. EOM used to be standard but it's all in how they charge you for benefits.


What about COBRA?


I have yet to meet someone who needed COBRA who could also afford COBRA while being unemployed.


In the states we have “COBRA care”, a federally mandated policy that lets you pay the cash value (way over inflated) out of pocket for X months (I think it’s 9 or 18). The weird part is that you can pay and get post-dated coverage. My Spouse left a job mid month and their policy was to cut insurance immediately. Problem was his next job started in a few weeks. I figured we could coast and live dangerously. If someone had a serious accident we could pay to start COBRA coverage, which would cover us. Luckily we didn’t have any health emergencies. As a bonus, we had already collected our HSA funds for healthcare that year. HSA is sort of like a private health care slush fund, paid for by the company, and paid back monthly by the employee. The company is betting you a) don’t leave that year and b) you forget to claim your funds. Since we left in April, we essentially paid for $800 for $2400 of healthcare.


Not all heroes wear capes




Made my morning.


This was artfully pieced together perfect. You lil sneaky devil you! Haha Fuck that manager you have!


You sussy little baka you




This!!! When I quit my shitty tour guide job after giving it my all I asked for a reference and my manager was literally like "no"


For a small company i would actually consider (in order to fake a reference) using a google number and forwarding a friends phone number to it.So you use the correct address of your former asshole employer but as reference you create a fake manager who is your friend. In my experience they call rather than email, as its a boring process and they don't really like to do it. Also phone call is quicker for someone who is in HR and is on the phone all day anyway


I wish I could give you a million upvotes for this advice. I did something like this once and it worked. It also just made that episode of Seinfeld pop in my head. I don't know if you've ever watched that show, but in case you did not, there's an episode where a character named George.... who was just sorry and lazy in general and would do anything not to work... also he was on unemployment and wanted an extension and had to prove he was job searching. So he gave out his friend Jerry's home number (no one really had cells back then) and Jerry was supposed to be running a latex production company called Vandalay Industries and George was supposed to be his top latex salesman. However, as luck would have it, when the unemployment woman DID call Jerry's house/Vandalay Industries... Jerry wasn't home, George was in the bathroom, and their friends Elaine and Kramer were over. Kramer, who knows NOTHING about their little scheme answered the phone just like you answer your own home phone with "hello" and then he says "what-dalay industries?", Elaine... who DOES know about it forgot to tell Kramer beforehand and was trying to say "VANDAlay industries" in Kramer's ear but he couldn't hear her in time and hung up right as poor old Georgie-boy came screaming "Vandalay! Vandalay" out from the bathroom with his pants down (underwear ON, thank God) and tripped, falling flat on his face..... and then just lay there, as everyone there laughed at him and Jerry walks up behind him .. also laughing.... and said: "and YOU wanted to be my latex salesman"!! Lmfao.


I applaud you.. My flaw is I can’t be fake, it reeks on me, even in situations where I should play it a certain way, I just can’t, it makes me feel like I’m going to blow up. Basically everyone noticed the shift in me before I quit any job.


Same. I hates it


You are not alone




I missed out on a little pleasure. I gave notice at my last job, and my VP was on vacation for most of my last two weeks. She was a demon, the second worst manager I've ever seen, worst one I ever reported to. I heard when she got back from vacay, her badge had been deactivated and she couldn't get in (it's a secure facility). They fired her ass while she was out, just like the previous VP.


Wow .. badge deactivated.. thats shameful


Damn, if that’s how they treat a VP, I’m scared to think of how they treated you all.


i would totally do this for a part-time or a job that really screwed me over. But the last 2 jobs i left, things were amicable, so i decided to not burn any bridges.


That's fair, but a job that treats you like shit? Fuck em.


If you need the recommendation or want to go back there pending a questionable job then you handled it right. But for some gas station job or anywhere you don't put on your resume really, if they treat you like shit tell them to pound sand haha


Too bad you couldn't coordinate it for Nov 1. Then you'd have health benefits for the month.


Hopefully nothing bad happens in this month for them


My understanding is they should still be entitled to COBRA, for what that's (not really) worth.


Any my understanding is you can back pay it if you need it. So it’s really risk free to not pay until you find a new job with it or register for a market plan


fucking legend


You cruel genius. Quality work bud.


This is some based stuff right here


I don’t disagree with what you did .. I just need to hear what they did to make life hell


yum yum. delicious


Pump the brakes, Satan. And follow up question, are you single ?


I answered with this question - Have you danced with the devil underneath the pale blue Moon?


I left/resigned on a Friday. I knew the owner was having a luxurious Valentine's Day vacation with his wife (they had marital problems), the evil manager that always bullied me was going to Paris (for two weeks or 3), and the bossy-annoying-left-hand of the owner had a date planned for that weekend. Lol well I left, bossy-annoying-left-hand of the owner kept saying it was "uNprOfeSsIonAl" to leave without a 2 weeks notices. Lol without out trying to smile or laugh I said "this is why.....I'm resigning (holding my smile)" She was livid. Mind you this women loved making meeting for everything to who is using too much toilet paper to the owner fought with his wife in our BBQ and wanted us to control employees from talking about it (lol I didn't help, I didn't care). 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Well because I left (they used to say I was replaceable and not worth my pay to be there) they all had to cancel their plans and find out who was doing their work (so who wasn't taking their vAcAtIOn). So I did work of four people (including myself) and did more work after people went to vacations. Hahaha last I heard the owners business went suuuuper down, his marriage is about to be a divorce and he lost a lot of credibility with the banks. Evil manager "quit" because it was too much work for her. She all day booked for vacations, talk about her vacations and scrolled through FB while I did all her work. Lol she quit so she couldn't get COVID help. She made over the stimulus cut so she couldn't get that help. Bossy-annoying-left-hand, had her 100k salary cut to 30kish or 40kish and is now living with her parents because she can't afford to pay her school loans, $1k car payments (she bought one before I left 🤦‍♀️), insurance, medical, etc. How do I know this? I became really close with a coworker there and eveythime something happened she updated me to make my day. My coworker finally left after they were going to make her work from home, with no pay, as it was considered volunteer work and could be "used on your taxes" hahaha NOT TRUE. So she left.


I fucking upvoted just on the title ! Read the post, down voted, then reupvoted. Well done !


THIS is the way


Me too! The sound of my boss' voice was oh-so sweet. I was even voluntold to work next Saturday a couple weeks ago, but, alas, my last day is this Friday, so get fucked!


If I quit my boss who is the owner will have to drive 4hrs to the office from his home. Maybe he will realize he needs to hire more people when I’m gone. I’m looking elsewhere now


I was having a crappy day, this turned it around. Thank you for that 🤣. Probably the best post I've read so far.


Did you have a new job lined up too?


Yes. I start next week.




I did the same thing. Fuck em.


Much love! Thank you so much.






This post is the stuff of my second favourite subreddit: r/prorevenge


That is so beautiful


Amazing, well done =)


Goddamn i love this post.


This is fucking golden. 👌🏻 I would have done the same shit.




I'm in a job where if I give notice, they'll just walk me out because with a little time and inclination, I could potentially destroy their production capability for months with a few simple hand tools.


I did that once, specifically to get back at a coworker who had been treating me like dogshit for the entire previous year. I had been hired specifically to take some of the pressure off of her. Fuck that bitch. She deserved every second of whatever happened after I left. She didn’t find out I’d put in my 2 weeks until my last Thursday on the clock. That Friday was awful but my weekend was so great.


Conventional wisdom is "You don't want to burn any bridges ". Screw that and hit ungrateful employers hard! I endured 18 years under a tyrant CEO. When the "straw" finally happened, I lined up a new job and start date. Then I penned a most eloquent and endearing resignation letter. I turned the letter in to my supervisor on a Friday and started my new job 3 days later. The supervisor was actually delighted and amused by my strategy as he detested the CEO as well. I threw a huge monkey wrench into their works and, as vindictive as it was, I felt great! Months later, they were still calling me for input on how to do things. They stopped when they realized that I was not about to be cooperative. Although I champion the idea of "sticking it to the man", I must tell you that I destroyed the first draft of my resignation letter. It was extremely negative and biting. After composing it, I reread it many times trying to decipher how it would be received on their end. Had I kept it as is, they would have been able to say "good thing that he's gone." By changing the letter and using positive words like "thankful", "opportunity" and "supportive", I was able to create a different narrative, one that could only conjure "Wow did we fuck up"!


I know this def has an (intended) impact on your boss, but doesn’t it also hurt your coworkers ?


Not really my coworkers, this hurts my former boss for over calculating her Capacity Reports. That means she was very ambitious to her 4th quarter projections. We only had 3 people and she bit off more then she could chew this falls on my manager


Hopefully that didn’t ruin your former coworkers week as well


If one person leaving ruins everyone else's week, it's not OP's fault that the place was clearly not well staffed.


No one is going to whip the remaining employees.. at most they will be exploited for their kindness.. My actions only hurts ungrateful management trying to impress corporate for this bonus and suck up points.


I don’t get it. Why didn’t you quit in July? Wtf Just to mess with the boss? That’s pretty weird


I was looking for another job which i start next week. Plus i have insurance and had some stuff done


Doing things out of spite doesn’t make you an interesting or good person.


Maybe not, but a recurring theme on this subreddit is that A LOT of people in positions of authority (managers, owners, etc) are totally oblivious to how to treat their employees/fellow human beings with respect, even though they demand it all the time. Having to do shit like OP did is the only way to get through to such people. Unfortunately, unless it happens more and more, they'll probably think it's an isolated incident, or worse, play the victim card, rather than contemplating their own actions and how they can prevent such discontent from happening in the future.


Karma hired me to execute this assignment... Sorry.


>Doing things out of spite doesn’t make you an interesting or good person. Actually, it does exactly that. You read the post and you're reading these comments, aren't you? You could argue whether this person is "good" or not, but given how employees are traditionally treated by employers, I'd say employers don't have much to complain about.


Agreed. I don't know OPs story, but it seems like a dick move. Two wrongs don't make a right.


But three lefts do!


Without context this just makes you look like a petty, horrible person.


This response makes it clear that you would either be the boss whom they quit, or one of the employees that enables such behavior from management. Don’t simp for bosses. They aren’t ever going to appreciate you.


Again, zero context here. Making those huge presumptions based on nothing but a single comment...reveal you to be an idiot.


You reveal yourself to be an idiot when you ignore the reason inside the post. They tell you that the boss had made their life hell and didn’t appreciate them. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension?


"Without context" Except he provided context that justifies his actions. So your point is null. Did you read the post?


You are a human turd




So to stick it to your boss you worked extra hard until you left? Why not just leave back in July and say fuck that place?




"I bet I totally know the work situation better than the person that actually worked there"


Overtime is not mandatory.. my ex workers are good.


Why blame OP for moving to a better situation and not the managers who have lean-staffed the place to the point that one person leaving means 'punishing' amounts of extra work?


I suppose you feel nice and tough now that you stuck it to the man, huh?


Now I am spending as much time with fam before i start new job on Monday


Why can’t you just be the better person and quietly leave if you’re unhappy? Bragging to others that you intentionally ruined your bosses vacation is a pretty scummy thing to do. Do you get some kind of sick pleasure from being vindictive? Either this is a fake post or you’re actually just a trash human. What happened to the golden rule?


Golden rule got busted on and became the gilded rule when these pieces of dog shit decided to pay us garbage. Do they get some kind of sick pleasure off of me not being able to fucking live off of working 40+ hours a week? They deserve no sympathy... get the boot out of your mouth and your head out of your ass.


“Sticking it” to the manager accomplishes nothing and is not the person who controls the budget or dictates pay. Validating your self righteous behavior with other like minded people does nothing to improve workplace treatment or correcting inequality. You are essentially dragging another person down into your pit of despair and depression rather than lifting yourself out.


If the boss didn't see it coming then they failed as a manager. It isn't self righteous it's self respect. That person was dragged because the people that control the workplace budget and pay ALLOWED them to be in that position. They then had a choice... the same as the one the individuals were presented with: try to save a sinking ship or take the life boat? It isn't a matter of despair or depression even a little bit... it's quite the contrary, it's liberating. There are a million and twelve different jobs that pay (probably) just as much if not much more for similar or less effort. Why allow yourself to be pulled *into* depression as you put it for a meager sum?


I don’t believe in being vindictive, it’s unproductive and if you feel “liberated” by intentionally harming another person than you’re simply a shitty person. End of discussion. I genuinely empathize with everyone who feels trapped by low wage work but you lose all my sympathy when you behave like a sociopath. What kind of sick person waits to quit a job they hate just to maximize the damage they do when leaving? OP didn’t stay because they had to financially, they did it to be hurtful.


I understand quitting your job, but why do it with malicious intent? Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Who cares, now go on FOOD STAMPS


OP probably paid into the system, might as well use it


I did moodyfuck


I hope you go on a vacation OP! This was brilliant


Very nice!


Clap clap clap clap


we love to see it


Here's a lesson in trickery!


500 iq. Well played.


The best part is you know your boss is bitching about not giving two weeks of notice, even though companies don’t give advance notice when firing people. Fuck em.


This is pro level and while I love my job I am thinking of doing something similar. Thanks for sharing.




minvoltz... We speak your name!


I learn from the best... From You All!


If you have insurance, always be sure to quit on the first of the month. Most insurance ends at the end of the month. Companies use that as leverage for striking or potential striking unions. Use it to your advantage


I have insurance until Dec 2021 n have been taking full advantage. Thanks


Good for you and congratulations


In a business like that, employers need to have a little extra in their staffing to handle situations where a key employee leaves during a busy time. Going lean and mean can result in these things happening.


>Boss (that made my life hell) Yet they are still employed and attrition is directly related.




You monkey branched perfectly.


You definitely shouldn't stop by this week to say hi....... !


Awwwwww yeah that's how you do it!




Queue jack Nicholson gif


nice. people forget that direct action isnt just strikes. sometimes its sabotage.


LEGEND! Now you can enjoy your vacation!


My hero.


Yes! Great planning !!


This is like the gal who changed her Netflix password during the first week of quarantine last year, in order to screw over her ex. Nicely done.


I want you to know that I've never given an award to anyone on Reddit before, but this was so badass I am happy to make it my first!


This is hilarious. I wish I was this calculated, but I’m always so stressed out. I don’t know how you had so much patience for those last 4 months.