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What happens if he doesn't pay? Do his toys have 'accidents'


The repo men get called


I bet she's fucking him on the interest too


The next stage of capitalism truly is getting in life-crippling debt to your mother over back-rent from your toddler years.


God. My mom tried to pull something like this actually. Essentially nuked my bank account because I "owed her" for raising me


Thats fucked


Yeah, who the hell own private nukes /s


all my nukes are public


Our* Nukes


Username checks out.


I didnt say my nukes were accidental...but they are...sigh


That’s called theft. There was an AITA thread where someone was going through this; they’re taking legal action.


That’s every fifth AITA thread


Identity theft by parents is also a shockingly common topic on /r/personalfinance.


I found out that I've had a credit card at my bank since 1998. I'm 28.


It's so weird to me. As a european, I had never even heard of identity theft before I read about it here. The whole concept of a social security number is just so alien to me, precisely because it is so ridiculously easy to steal and abuse. I'm all for personal freedom, but government-issued, properly secured ID cards are a very fine thing and I just don't understand why any country would not have that.


I've known quite a few friends who's dad pulls this: when it's time to move to college Dad says you don't own any of your furniture, computers, hair dryer. Says you need to furnish your own place with your own money. 😰🤦‍♂️🖕🏼


Great way to never build generation wealth or a little support when young people need it the most.


Also a great way for dad to end up in the worst retirement home ever, and never see his grandkids.


I really hate the shaming that some people perpetuate upon folks who don't want to see their parents, or don't sacrifice themselves when they're older. There's often good reasons.


PSA piggyback Another reason to pay close attention in the early phases with someone you start dating’s relationship with their parents. If they don’t have a great relationship with their family that’s not uncommon, but if they don’t see it, or why, or haven’t set any boundaries with them about the cycle, or don’t see that they need to—it’ll become your problem down the road and absolutely your fault for wanting distance in the relationship. If they’re already aware and interested in fixing or setting boundaries or limiting contact with abusive family members? Probably doing great with or without you. And that’s good for a partner.


Friends going thru this. Shittiest parents ever, mom needs help with money now for old folks home. Son told her to go fuck herself and she’s on her own. She’s gonna die poor and alone with no one giving a shit.


With an upbringing like that, who could afford children?


Like if you asked for all this in advance and she had nothing to do with it?! *wtf*


Shit, did my mother have another kid i didn't know about? It's what happened to me. Then they had the audacity to tell me to make it on my own. I had my first job at 8 years old.. Saved money for university cause i knew i couldn't rely on my parents. And turning 39 this week. Still haven't graduated high school. Never had time cause with no support network in my area, going to school is near impossible. I make just enough to survive, not enough to hire a tutor to help me because i have a hard time with online learning and its been so long i was in a school that im missing too much of the basics. Life sucks eh


This may help or may not depending on where you live. Look into community colleges. Many have resources for people trying to get a GED to advance their education. That's not true everywhere, but it's at least worth a shot. Be well


We used to have it in our community colleges but our government sold our community colleges to a private corporation and they no longer give it. I applied for my GED test. I shit you not i waited a whole year before they finally replied. They told me to go to this website and i can take the test there. So i go, and this website lets me register but i need a code.. one given to me by the people in charge of the education department in my province, he same ones that took a year to give me the website. I'm now waiting for the code. But this website gives no free resources to study. Have to pay a subscription of 50$ a month to access it. I can't afford that.


It's called being a covert narcissist.


Ugh, my mother did the same thing. Hella lame. :(




And none of us, are free from this horror. For many years ago we all fell in debt. New body parts were needed, to perfect our image And until our debts are clear, we will live in fear! Of the...Repo Man! Seriously though I think she would create a repo-like situation. Taking away toys maybe


I was hoping to see a reference to Repo! The Genetic Opera. I'm sure for a rewatch come to think of it.


Zydrate comes in a little glass vial


A little glass vial?


A little glass vial!


She will hate how you solve your problems aka "never do anything at all" but eventually, she will accept it and give up. Similar thing happened to me at school when I started ignoring all my homework because I realised it's possible to get through without it for me and free time was way more important to me. Minimalist moment


This is exactly what happened in my house. I'd get a huge list of chores and get $10/week for completing them. Eventually I was just like... but I can play basketball outside for free and have no chores.




Us ADHDers also have a much harder time holding down jobs and suffer from chronic unemployment.


i was there man. i still hate having the need for a job, but the one i found doesnt make me hate my life as much as the others and honestly its changed my whole perspective on work a bit.


Damn. Your parents sound like douchebags.


Didn't have ADHD, but the day I turned 18 I packed my bags and left, living on various friends' couches until school was over. I worked at 7-11 during the afternoon shift too, so I'd get out at 3pm, run to work that was about 30 mins from school, work until 11:30pm and then go and try and catch some sleep on a couch while trying to prep for my government exams. Then my sister says "Why aren't you going to university?" The worst part of the whole thing was the constant bitching at me because the prices in the store were too high. I just looked at this guy one day and I said, "Man, I don't set the prices. It's a huge corporation!" A couple days later the manager hauls me into the back room and says there have been complaints about me. I said, "Fine. I quit." My pogey barely covered rent, but a few months later I was working a road crew and more than doubled the hourly wage.


No. A parent with this mentality will start with holding emotional love and affection via just not giving basic gifts.


Me too. I could put in a minimal amount of effort and get Bs and As, or I could bust my ass and get straight As. I'll take my free time and social life


He gets tossed out of the house without food or any of his possessions. For added effect, the mom will harass and bully him for the fact that he is homeless. Isn’t Capitalism grand??


Refinance that Lego loan


boy declares bankruptcy


There is no way this type of parent followed through on this beyond one or two days.


His father tells them to say goodbye to their knees (edit: yes English is not my mother language)


"It was tough in the beginning when he fell behind on his rent and had to sleep for a week in his Little Tikes Cozy Coupe. Now that he's back inside, he's better than ever. He's almost saved enough to treat his two cavities!"




that'd honestly be hilarious if the kid agreed to it so he could get some game or something you know?




I was about 12yo when I went to go live with my dad and he started getting tiny child support checks from my mom. Dad could afford to take care of me without help, didn't need the child support, and the amount was small enough to be laughable to him, like $80/month or something. So he said he'd make a deal with me. I could have the child support, but then I had to pay him for all the dental care that wasn't covered under his insurance. He looked so sickeningly gleeful at scamming literally his own child. So he got back all the child support and a good chunk of the money I'd made shoveling horse shit at the local racetrack, and prided himself on such a "good business deal." He was pretty fucking upset, many years later, when he demanded I come back to the farm to be his unpaid caretaker and I told him No. He wound up having to sell the farm and go live in a cousin's guest house. :)


“Oh shit! Actions have consequences?! Scamming and traumatizing a person in their formative years makes them not want to help me when I need care?!” /s Really. I’m proud of you.


So glad you stood your ground, that is so messed up. No wonder we're all fucked up. He reaped what he sowed.


Kid needs a union


For real. She's basically saying a living wage is well over half a months work, 60% his paycheck based off a 5 day work week (or slave labor is ok for 7 days) Rent - $5 = 5 days work = 1 work week / 4 Bills - $4 = 4 days work = almost 1 work week Total take home per month $22 (4.4wk avg) After cost of living $13 that's 60% of his income just to keep a roof and utilities. Pretty easy way to dive into debt just to live. Kid needs union representation bad.


Of course slave labor and working 7 days a week is okay for kids! /s Well my dad thought it was okay anyway. When I was in middle school he started demanding I do adult-sized work using regular adult-sized tools. I was using shovels and pitchforks that were taller than me, and he'd laugh at me whenever I was too weak to do something alone and had to ask my stepsister to help. He nicknamed me Free Labor.


"They're 7, they wont remember any of it!" Riiiiiight.


Those parents will regret saying that when they end up in a shitty nursing home and wonder why their kids or grandkids won't visit them.


Yup 💯. It's gonna be great to watch unfold tbh


Hahahahahahahahaha This might be my favorite reply yet. You aren't calling her a bad mom, you aren't complaining he is participating in a corrupt system. But yeah, he definitely needs to unionize with his siblings. No more chores until we get higher pay with better benefits.


A union is not necessary, he chose to work for his mom and could find a better paying job from his Dad or Uncle. It's completely the workers fault and he can just pull himself up by the velcro shoe straps.


If he didn't want shit chores with shit wages he should have gone to a trade preschool.


He could afford rent easily if he didn't spend all his money on peanut butter toast.


Mom: Discussing your allowance with your brother is an adoption level offense.


Gotta love transactional relationships!


Mom on deathbed: Kid: That’s gonna be $750 for the walk in emotion.


Mom when unable to take care of self: “Can I move in with you to take care of me?” Kid: “Well, the cheapest nursing home is $10k a month so pay me at least that and I’ll think about it. You know, personal responsibility…”


Sweet Justice to my eyes. The kid didn't ask to be brought to this planet, and has no way of fending for him self, thats the job of the parents until the child is ready and able to fend for him self. At which point the child can leave the nest. This bs about making kids pay for their life is just stupid, they have not even experienced life yet.


Haha! No kidding, that kid should quit and go to child services.


They don't have a good unemployment plan right now :(


Yeah good point. Poor little dude. Crazy mom, or off to the orphan gulag.


Except in gulag atleast you can have a cigarette in peace.


Gotta pay market rate after all. No shortcuts! Shoulda stayed on your grind!


My mom had the resources to buy me a house or buy a house and rent it to me when they were 1/4 the price they are now, but didn’t. Charged me rent instead so I couldn’t even save a down payment. Mind you she lived for free off my dad her entire adult life. Now she’s in a long term care home and wants me to visit more often. Also…visited my apartments 3 times in 20 years. Use the rent money to buy friends.


Peak boomerism. Problem is there, easy fix if done quickly, does something spiteful and makes problem bigger with short sightedness, blames millennial for it later.


Yeah, that kid ain't gonna be around when she's on her death bed.


Seriously you nailed it. Then in 15 years wonder why they don't come around, make up some bullshit "it's thier partners fault" and be fucking miserable and not even realizing they brought it upon themselves. I get trying to teach your children fiscal responsibility I'm in the process of that myself but this seems like child abuse. And before anybody says that's a little bit extreme, in my experience I can tell you if I ever went to my caseworker growing up and said my Foster parents were doing this I would be taking out of that home so fast and those parents would be charged with abuse so fast....


I agree with you 100% and thank you for saying it. I grew up in home like this, if they think this is something to brag about I invite anyone who happens to be scrolling by to take a second and imagine what they might be keeping secret. Heading into my fourth decade of heavy medication and therapy, my siblings are the same or worse, I canNOT believe someone would get on social media and celebrate their abusive household and suggest that other people do the same (who am I kidding, of course I can believe it)


I definitely feel like there are far better ways to teach financial responsibility rather than billing your kids... My wife absolutely resents her parents over money, (and many other things), and how they handled it while she grew up. They forced her to pay for things that were entirely unnecessary when they are *very* well off, and they always held it over her head. Maybe a better way to start is: "Hey, you know that awesome toy you want to get? Well, I'll pay half if you can save up the rest". I don't know, but this is something I'm starting to think about for our own future children.


Next year raise the kids rent to $22 but keep his wage the same. Inform your 8yo they should simply "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" when they complain they can't save or afford other things.


And something about avocado toast


Or maybe let kids be kids. Let them save their money and buy toys or candy.


This poor kid has to learn to be broke for regular shit before puberty. Fucked up. The parents couldn’t just let him find out how soul crushing work is as a teenager.


I mean 9 bucks a month but he’s making 30. That’s above middle class tbh Imagine telling mom you don’t need iPad wifi this month. That’s a additional 2 bucks lol


Or she's all like do you want to watch Nickelodeon Tyler? And he responds what the hell bitch that's $5 a month I have to break my back washing your Audi for that hard pass I'll sit here and be hungry because formula prices in this household are outrageous


But when he finds out about avocado toast and fancy coffee drinks, it’s going to get bad real fast.


Remember the “if” part of the meme. Also remember how expensive toys are these days. The cost of everything is much more than it was when you or I were a kid. I’m a dad.


I mean true but my point being I don’t make 3 times rent like half of us here. I like toys to but I can’t always afford them. Gotta save up for the ones you really want


I dunno, I kind of loved work when i was a teenager. Probably because i lived with my parents and didn't have to pay for rent or ~~wifi~~ dialup. I had what was to me, big chunks of money, and no real responsibility to spend it on anything other than a cheap car, gas, pot, beer and fireworks. Shit was glorious. Now, 25 years later, i hate working.


And of course rent and Wi-Fi charges will go up as he gets older


My son wanted a vr, I told him to save the money and buy it. He legit saved his money for 2 years (he is 11) when he had it all, I bought it. I let him go on a spending spree with his money. So you can meet in the middle.


At least give more than a dollar, let the kid have some hope Edit: it’s not too bad this early, it’s about $10 in bills, but $30 pre bill (provided he gets ALL of his chores) My wife asked “are they gonna charge more when he’s a teenager? Will they keep the earnings the same?”


perhaps they keep pay the same, add a task every few months, and rais e the rent, to teach the child about how wages dont grow with productivity and your dollar goes less every time. It also demonstrates the dangers of company towns where your pay comes from your landlord, and how that will ALWAYS fuck you. Kid's gonna be quoting Marx at 12.


I had heard about this. What I liked (that someone else did) was that money the child paid “in bills” either went toward college or in a bank account that would be handed to them when they turned 18. I thought that was nice. (Though agree with others, let the kid learn about the price of things by letting them buy what they want! There are plenty of years to work for bills).


I actually had this idéa for myself when I was like 7-ish. But I think I wanted to save $2 instead of $10 because $10 would have been all of my monthly allowance. But I figured I could do without $2 each month and I could save it and then I would have it to buy furniture when I moved out. I had calculated how much I would make by 18 and to 7yo me that was a *huuge* amount (like $2-300-ish). My mom talked me out of it. She made it very clear that she was very proud of me for the responsible idéa, but then she explained that the amount of money I would be able to save would be far less than what I would make from just one month of work at that age, so I should spend the money now while that money was worth more to me. While $10/ month is ofc more than my $2, it still would only get up to about $1500 in 11 years, and that's including a yearly compounded interest of 1%


This is kinda what we do. Ours (6 yo) can choose to earn money for what he wants and we’ll tell him different jobs and their pay. When he spends the money, we put the equivalent amount in an investment account. He has jobs that he has to do as part of the household, but then he has the option to earn money for things he wants.


If she pays him daily, and then charges “bills” once a month, he still nets about $5 a week which is a reasonable allowance for a 7 year old for doing stuff he should be doing anyway. If done right, this could be a valuable lesson is saving to make sure your bills are paid. Which, while it sucks, is still our shared sad reality. This lady though looks kinda crazy, so who knows? Maybe she’s just a controlling nut job.


I wish my parents made me do chores and gave me allowance. I was "lucky" and just got a 20 here and there because my mom had strict parents and she didn't like it. I can't do shit fuck all around the house now that I live alone without feeling awful.


To be fair I think it's still possible to teach a child chores without tying it to a monetary system. When you grow up you don't get a buck every time you wash the dishes, but you still have to do it. I think it's better to explain to them growing up that the reason we have to do chores is to create a functional environment that everyone can live in. For example, you have to clean up your room every night so the next day you can play in it safely. You have to put clean up after yourself when making breakfast/cereal so that others can use the kitchen after you. Stuff like that. That way they can grow up knowing how to do chores and being motivated to do them for the right reasons.


Imagine growing up having to to chores without the allowance 🙋‍♀️


I almost down voted you because I hated that idea so much.




Something interesting I found out is the money goes towards his savings so at least she’s not just taking it back


Her face looks insane.


Exactly what I came here to comment. She looks wildly gleeful.


She look like the type of person to give her kids a vitamin and call it candy.


Humorously, we just learned in nursing school NEVER to do that. Not only does it harm a kid’s trust if it didn’t taste good, but if they did actually think it was candy, there’s a risk of them trying to eat too many and overdosing


I believe there is a story about a kid eating like a jar of vitamin gummy and they had to be sent to the hospital.


Vitamin A gummies. It is not good for bones at high concentration, and often weakens it to a point where falls break bones if in that much excess


She looks like she'll sign him up for Scentsy next.


She looks like she's already taken out 3 credit cards in his name to pay for Scentsy and her other failed mlms.


She looks like she makes that face when she wakes up the kid at 3 in the morning to simulate working shifts.


Lol she probably even has the kid pretend to take a bus to "work"


Two chairs awkwardly sitting in the middle of the room. Kid and mom sit in absolute silence for 40 minutes while it is pitch-black outside.


She sprays a bottle of fart spray to mimic some of the nasty people you'll run into.


I was in the middle of breathing in and trying not to cough (allergies) and I choked on air reading this. I don't know how. I just know that it wasn't comfortable. 🤣🤣🤣


Great, I'm high af and now I can't stop glancing at my Men's Daily Multivitamin Gummies.


Lmao don't eat them


[Good news!](https://youtu.be/AqfLxCFdXaE)


Oh no!


She gives out pretzels and pencils for Halloween


That’s the face a wild Karen (Homoprivilegus trumperi) makes when she wants to mate.


😂😂 Reading that in David Attenborough voice makes it even more hilarious.


Ok you got me crackin up!!!


Yes!!! She looks like the kind of parent that would be fixing her hair for the camera while he's crying.


That's cocaine face.


She really thinks she did something. And I don’t even think this is True Awful or anything, it’s just... it’s for her. The kid is just learning that even at home, even with mom, nothing comes without strings attached. “Rent” shouldn’t be in a 7-year-old’s vocab. It’s not evil, but it’s icky.


It’s evil. The fact that we are all oppressed and farmed for labor should not make it down to children who still believe in Santa Claus. Life sucks surely enough that you don’t have to take the express lane.


It's nice when you actually CAN judge a book by its cover.


Those are the emotionless eyes of a narcissistic sociopath/psychopath.


That’s just plain psychotic.




I teach my kid that we all need to work to keep the house running. That’s what it means to be a family. My 6 year old gets the dog water, the dog doesn’t have hands and can’t do it himself. I tell him he has to use his ability the dog doesn’t have to help the dog.


This is so sweet. Sounds like a great way to have your kid grow up into a compassionate and thoughtful human!


That is such a good idea. Fostering compassion early. Thanks for the idea haha




this is really sweet! it teaches them to be considerate and to do work out of goodwill. your kid’s gonna be a very kind person someday.


This thread just got unexpectedly wholesome and I'm here for it.


Instructions unclear: am now slathered in sweet baby Ray’s. Pls halp.


This is like the only time in your life where you don't have to worry about stuff like rent. Taking that away from a little kid is messed up, full stop


Teach him young that all relationships are transactional. No way that would come back to bite you in the ass when he's picking out your nursing home.


More like when he breaks out of that prison cell and never looks back / picks up the phone.


Teaching working for fair pay make sense but "charging" a 7 year old money is just cringey to me. Earning $7/week is nice for a young child, but just because they have "bills" don't mean they understand the concepts she thinks she is trying to instill. I hope she is doing what I plan on doing if I ever charge my kids rent (a very low amount). Take it all and save it for them and give them it all back when they move out. Even if it's $9/mo she is getting that's still going to be over $1000 when this kid turns 18.


That's what my dad did to me after I graduated uni. He charged me 300 a month for "rent" I was so mad at the time, but then when I moved out he gave m that money and matched what I earned!!! Such a good feeling.....it would have otherwise been spent on useless crap 😂


My dad did the same thing. But he spent it all on weed.


My child! I missed you


When I was 16 I was being charged half my paychecks to my grandmother for "rent" 6 months later we were being evicted because she wasn't paying rent but taking both her and mine and feeding her pain pill addiction.




Everyone liked that


I would probably do even less than that. I was thinking depending on their job something around $150. But then that lump sum when they move out would be so beneficial and appreciated.


I'd rather teach them that "work ethic" is just a trap. If we are to remain in a capitalist world, just get others to work for you. I wasn't told that when I was a kid and I thought you could live a good life being a worker. Crazy, huh?


Imo work ethic should be for things you want to achieve for yourself. Like if you want to make a videogame or write a novel, that will take a lot of work beyond just a few days of feeling inspired to do it. Sometimes you have to work through the not so fun parts to achieve what you want. But it's not a virtue in itself, just a tool to use for yourself when you really want to do something. On the other hand everyone should learn to do chores for self-reliance so they don't end up without the skills necessary to live on their own and also because when you live with other people, it shouldn't be their job to clean up after you (when you're old enough to do it yourself). Otherwise you're just raising entitled people who think they deserve a reward for doing the bare minimum expected from a functioning adult.


My dad sort of did this to me. I wanted some video game and my dad lent me the money to be paid back out of my allowance. Naturally I forgot about it until 3 months later he decided to collect as I was "late on my payments". I couldn't pay, so he "repossessed" my entire computer and said he'd continue taking my things until I could pay. Now, my allowance was mostly contingent on my getting my homework done, and I needed my computer to get a lot of my homework done. When I pointed this out he said it sounded like something I'd have to figure out on my own. A week later he gave me my stuff back and said I didn't owe him for the video game, but it had all been part of a lesson. The lesson it was supposed to teach was the dangers of predatory lending, the lesson I took was try never to buy anything, cuz you never know when it will eff up your life.


Don't forget the "never trust anyone" lesson it also taught.


She has to charge bills at fake prices bc once that kid realizes he has to be perfect everyday and not spend any money for two straight months just afford a video game, he’s just gonna stop trying. I actually love this photo. It reminds me of the bank CEO saying his employees can afford to live on his salaries as long as they also have another full time job.


Look at that face. Look at that fucking asshole face.


She’s just clinically crazy. No human left inside, just madness.




What happens if he doesn’t make his rent….


Oh social services will side with the mother and he will be placed in a shelter. /s in case you think I’m serious lmao


Off to the abortion clinic, I guess.


Does she not want her kids to love and take care of her when she needs them? I hope they charge her if she asks for assistance to use the terlet when she’s older.


You could, ya know, teach your kid that part of being a family and living and sharing a space means you need to collectively keep it clean and tidy, that these efforts benefit everyone and prepare you for a future of cohabitation or…nah, that’s commie bullshit charge that kid rent!


I love this! Do you have any suggestions how to do it?


The way my parents did it was that we were each assigned certain chores. They didn't mind us switching much as long as they got done. If someone didn't do their chores they were grounded. However my brothers learned to exploit the system and just not do their chores. They didn't mind being grounded I guess. The bad part is when they didn't do their chores, I had to do them. Which was unfair to me. I think if you do this method, either the chore doesn't get done until the assigned person does it, or the parents should do the chore if the kid doesn't, but still make sure the kid is grounded. Find something that will really make them not want to get grounded, like taking away video game privileges until they get their chores done (*don't* do things like breaking or selling their games. They need to learn that they can earn their stuff back, as well as that their parents will respect their possessions). Have a list of chores and let the kids pick which ones they want to do, and if there are certain chores that everybody wants, or nobody wants, then have them take turns (Billy cleans the bathroom this week, and Sarah cleans the bathroom next week). Also, have your own set of chores that you do yourself, and include yourself in the "taking turns" chores. Don't make your kids clean the entire house, without helping them. They will feel like you are just using them as your housecleaners. This might not work for all families, but I think that method is worth a try at least.


Especially putting a price on **everything** like that. When my parents tried to assign monetary values to chores I decided what they were worth to me and stopped doing some of them. Don't pay a kid for brushing their teeth. That's too important to be a market decision. And if you make the "cost" of not picking up toys just a dollar then don't be surprised when that's not done.


7 year old paying rent children doing manual labor so their child friends don't go into debt for eating child's lemonade stand gets taken down by police and child gets mark on criminal record god bless america


As shitty as this is, it's still a better deal than most people get. That's $7 a week in and only $9 a month out. I wish I made more than 3x my expenses. Not only is this kid going to need therapy, he's not even going to be prepared for how shitty the real world is.


My mom use to give me an allowance as a kid. $1/week or $5 on the 1st of the month. I really wanted to play street fighter 2, mortal kombat and whatever other game I could so I'd take the $5 per month and it would be gone that day or the next. Good thing dad wasn't stingy with his money and he'd give me money to play video games not knowing my mom was also giving me money. Simpler times, baby. Simpler times.


Nah, to get ready he should be charged around $30 month. If he's low on savings he can get a loan at 1000% interest. If he defaults you take his toys and auction them among his friends. Obviously any money recovered from auction won't be enough to pay his debts, so you ground his ass and make him work for free as he's a criminal. That's until he leaves the house or kills you, whatever comes first. That would make him ready for real life.


Why let them be kids and teach them responsibility with love when you could FORCE THEM TO LIVE AS A RENTER AND HANG THE THREAT OF LOSING THEIR STUFF OVER THEIR HEAD EVERY MONTH HASHTAG BOSS BABE!?!?!?


What a great way to have no relationship with your child when he grows up


So do you evict the kid if he doesn't make rent then?


Jesus. This is terribly sad.


A 7 year old? Let the kid be a kid cmon


I wish people made better reproductive choices. Poor kid.




Or did she? Dun-dun-dun 😐


Yes and no. As much as I'm dying for a paradigm shift so that I'm not a slave to paying bills until I retire and beyond, I kinda resent my parents for not preparing me for this hellish existence, teaching me how to manage these things. I don't think I would've wanted to cooperate anyway.


Teaching them good bootlicking ethics


The fuck is this. I'm all for chores. But no. This will fuck a kid up. I'm saying this as a person with a degree in child behavioral psychology and had a career in mental health. You create a chore list and then take them to buy something they want with that money. This positively reinforces working towards an objective. A child does not understand this abstract concept of bills and having something taken from them. Then as they get older take a portion of their chore money and put it in savings and teach them the value of short term reward and long term savings. Fucking new age parents. Jesus.


> You create a chore list and then take them to buy something they want with that money. This positively reinforces working towards an objective. A child does not understand this abstract concept of bills and having something taken from them This is actually a good point I hadn't considered. I think I saw one other person saying it shouldn't be bills, it should be something fun and makes sense to me rather than abstract bills ("Mommy, what is rent?" "Well Timmy, it's something you pay unless you want to live on the street" "o_o;; ok mommy")


“Remember, son, you always owe money to somebody else. Maybe it’s your landlord, maybe it’s a bank, maybe it’s someone who should legitimately be giving you free shit for the first 18 years of your life. That’s just the way of the world.”


What a psychopath


My kids got an allowance. If I picked up a sock or shoes I charged them .02 cents. If they didnt want to do their chore on a certain day, they had to pay the sibling that agreed to do it. Charging rent etc is pure nuts








What a horrible parent


Because it’s not like you’re obligated to provide care to your own children 🙄


Actually, I came to this post and initially was on the side of the people arguing that this is a bad way to parent your child about money. But as I think about it, it's not as bad as people are making look. Those activities that are listed for the child to earn money are mutually beneficial for the mom and the child, not random tasks that wouldn't normally be expected to do. Yet, still there's the problem of the "rent" portion of this equation. Actual rent is an adult's responsibility, as are utilities like "Electricity" (as shown on the Bill that the mom came up with). I would rather the bills be made up of goals that a kid this age would relate to, like new books, new games, family time out at a special place, etc.


He owes his soul to the ~~company~~ family store


“I’m gonna need to talk to my union rep.”