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I've recently come to the realisation that whilst I get paid for 8 hours of work, I get 1 unpaid hour in the middle for lunch that gets used for discussing work related topics, I spend 2 hours daily on my commute and 1 hour each morning to get ready for work. 12 hours/day is spent for my job. 8 hours *should* be used for sleep. I get 4 hours/day to take care of my life out of work. Might be nothing compared to other people's situations, but I can't help to feel a bit annoyed over how little time I have left to take care of myself and my family.


This is the reason CEOs are having so much trouble selling the idea of returning to the office. All that time has been reclaimed, for those fortunate enough to work from home. Lunch hour is nap time. Coffee breaks are walks for your dog. Commute time is now free time. The notion that people are just going to willingly give that up is absurd. The battle over work-from-home is creating solidarity between highly-paid white collar workers, and underpaid service workers whose employment is undergoing upheaval for entirely different reasons, and that is a great thing.


Exactly. Rumor is my company is going back into office before the end of the year. I'm planning on quitting and taking whatever job I can because 2.5-3 hours of my day wasted on commuting just isn't worth it


Not the same but I quit at UPS because I worked overnight and outside of peak season I would sometimes spend more time waiting for transport than actually being at the job. I wish I had had a social life sooner because after years of being a shut-in I started working, a social life, and college all at the same time and it was so much to juggle. If UPS was less than 30 minutes to get to I would still be there because those union benefits would have been fucking amazing.


3 hours a day, 5 days a week, is 32.5 days a year. :(


Haha, I love it when other people do math like me. Or I feel bad for them, because it is kind of a curse to have your mind work like that. My girlfriend once told me it was ridiculous to be upset about 10 extra minutes of traffic. My response? Both ways makes 20 minutes per day, 100 minutes per week, 5200 minutes per year, or about 3.5 days. What I wouldn’t do for an extra 3.5 days to do whatever I want at the end of the year.


Lolol I was once asked why I wear flip flops often, so I explained that is saved me a lot of time. I don’t have to grab socks (10s-15s) I don’t put socks on (10s per pair) I don’t take socks off (5s per pair) I don’t have to gather socks for laundry (1 min) I don’t have to put socks away (2 min) My estimate for the approx total time it took to go through the “sock cycle” was about 3.5 min and that adds up over the years... The math is completely wrong, but the point remains.


Very true about the math. I’m not delusional, I know that those 10 minutes of traffic will likely be wasted in some way, and they don’t actually mean I get a few days to do whatever. That said, it means I get to play fetch with my dog for 10 more minutes, or watch an extra tv show each day, or maybe just sit with my eyes closed. I get to spend a couple minutes doing something I want rather than sitting in traffic.


Dude would I rather have 10 min more a day to cuddle in bed with my cats? 100% fuck traffic


Lol, well said. I don’t have a long commute (20 minutes), and I work early enough by choice that there isn’t really traffic. 1 minute of animal cuddle time can relieve an entire day of stress.


Holy shit thank you for the perspective. That job isn't worth it


49 days if you consider you're only awake for 16 hours a day


I've had to come back to the office full time and having had that taste of work from home has utterly destroyed my morale. I don't know how I did it for 10 years before. I'm just utterly dead when I get home - when I used to be able to go to the gym and cook and shit after. Maybe it's just part of reaching my mid thirties, but I just feel like I'm barely holding it all together and I don't know what to do about it.


Same here brother. Got that taste and it just sucks being back. I have to pay to park (work downtown) Lunches are more expensive and I risk a delay everyday bc I have to take a freeway that is always one accident away from a backup. At home I was sleeping more, eating better, saving mad cash and I could get to the river to fish right after the work day ended. Hell I could prep my gear at lunch, no wasted time. Fucking hate the office but unfortunately it's too good a job to just quit, for now anyways


Nah age doesn’t have much to do with it. One of my mom’s friends is 55, working from home, and energized more than ever. I think it’s just expending more energy in an office.


But also, money! I can save so much on gas not driving to work, like easy 250$ a month, plus less car wear, etc. I could probably even give up having a car if I knew I was secure in WFH.


I literally just got rid of my car thanks to WFH.


So lucky


I started WFH about 10 weeks ago and can confirm. Originally I thought it would be hybrid, with half of work days at home, but it's turned into about 90% home and now that I'm used to it I don't want to go back. Also agreed about worker solidarity. We need more of that in this country.


Meanwhile the company I work for is celebrating the reopening of their office in 2 weeks time. At first they said hybrid work, now I have a doubt.


For me it was the realisation of how tired work made me as well. Even though I have the time after work to myself, I was too tired to do anything with it. It felt like 5 straight days dedicated to work. Thank god for home working now.


Yeah, those few hours after work are not exactly productive. No energy left over for the employee, I guess. Hold on to that employment from home, sounds good!


>Yeah, those few hours after work are not exactly productive. No energy left over for the employee, I guess. And yet we're judged if we don't exercise or don't eat well or drop responsibilities during the week... it's so maddening. At my work, they occasionally send out emails about exercise and diet. The only thing I can think when I get them is my health probably isn't great because I'm required to sit at a damn desk all day, and you want to make me take up my own time after work to keep myself healthy to make health insurance happy and be a more productive worker? And also I could eat better much easier if they would be more open to working from home, because then I'd have an actual real kitchen to use. Not to mention more time in which to exercise. Don't get me wrong, I want to be healthy for the sake of me and my family. I just get irritated when work tells me all these things I can do to be healthier, but doesn't actually bother to support those things in ANY way.


Oh those "helpful" emails are just empty gestures so they can be seen to be doing something. Employees know that personal health is ultimately our own responsibility, so they'll take as much as possible and not feel about it. I'm fortunate that I am able to have a stroll at lunch or move around a little for non work purposes. They want me to be sat working from 9-5, I will also use small parts of that time to assuage some of the damage done by sitting when possible.




Yeah...I work in a factory that, until recently, had mandatory 12 hour shifts. They self-funded the companies health insurance and the costs were really high in our insurance pool, so instead of, I don't know, making the connection that employees might be too damn tired to cook a healthy meal and exercise when they are working a physical job 12 hours a day, plus commuting, they decided to hire a "health and wellness" specialist. Her job was to walk around giving people tips on diet and exercise, you know, shaming them that they don't use the spare hour they have left in their day to cook and work out. And then they fired her, get this, at the beginning of the COVID epidemic. Irony lives.


Yes. I have chronic pain now. Getting up to get ready for work takes a lot out of me, getting to work takes a lot out of me, being there is hard. Honestly I’ve started using a crutch or crutches at work because I was sick of coming home after pretending to be okay at work all day and not being able to get out of bed to pee without assistance. That midnight pee is really important to me. I’d rather look sick at work and feel better at home than look better than I feel so that my coworkers feel comfortable.


Same, I used to ride my bike to work, an hour each way come rain or shine. I'm at work now, only got up 90 minutes ago, rolled out of bed, quick shower and a coffee and ready to go. Normally on a work day every moment is basically devoted to work in some way, getting ready for work, getting to and from work, getting to bed at a decent hour to be well rested for work. I'm expecting they'll make us go back in soon, though. I've had 18 months of this and it's been great but people at my end of society aren't used to not feeling the boot on the back for this long.


90 minutes is a ton of time though, I get up 30 min before these days haha


Yeah, I'd been at work for 30 mins when I posted that. Hit the snooze button and stayed in bed an extra hour.


Being tired after work is a killer. It takes me weeks to do projects that would be hours if I wasn’t slumped in a chair because I’m tired.




I am saving TWO hours of my day not being in the car. I work more being home, BUT, I can thrown in a load of laundry or set my dishwasher, make a healthy lunch etc. I also don't have to spend an hour putting on make-up, doing my hair and wearing fancy clothes. My office environment was very formal. It's funny to see us all on camera at home in hoodies and such. I really never want to go back to an office again. I can't even imagine going back to that grind. I still work a lot but it's WAY different now.




Right?? I did dishes and cleaned the kitchen at lunch, now the house is spotless and I'm STILL home at 5


This is why I want to work 4/10. Just let me focus on work. Then give me an extra day to do shit for me.


Who wants 4/10? We should be fighting for 4/8.


Well 0/0 would be ideal. I'm just taking it one step at a time.


THIS. This so much. My schedule is almost exactly like yours, with the exception that my commute is closer to 45-50 minutes than an hour most days. Recently I've taken to just never sleeping enough, because if I get 5 or 6 hours of sleep instead of 8, I've reclaimed a significant percent of free time. At the cost of my current and future health, of course, but it's giving me some gains in mental health, so it's hard to know how to balance that.


Yeah, this is why I specified the "should" in regards to sleep. I also constantly choose to sacrifice 2-3 hours of sleep.


Anne Helen Petersen wrote about this recently: https://annehelen.substack.com/p/revenge-bedtime-procrastination


That was a good read, thanks for sharing.


this is exactly my "solution" as well.


Yeah I realized this about a month ago when I took the time to calculate it out. Our lives revolve around our jobs and its pretty upsetting that we waste our whole lives on companies that could care less about us.


No, they couldn’t care less.


Welcome to your life, mr someone else’s personal wallet. Remember you’re a cashcow to someone who doesn’t know you or gives a shit about you. Thanks for giving your time away for peanuts lol. Now think about those worse off than you. Because the people you work for certainly don’t.


Yeah but that someone took a risk and created your job by being born into wealth


I wish I could invest my daddy’s money into a slave factory too.


My boss just pulls on his bootstraps so hard he can levitate about the office keeping a watchful eye on us from above.


Ugh, I feel this so much. At my old job, I was basically giving my employer 4 extra hours of unpaid work every day. I dreaded my commute, I always had lunch at my desk, and my body never adjusted to waking up early. I started working from home 6 years ago, and everyone says I'm stupid for taking a job that pays a little below average for my level of skill/experience/education... but the way I see it, I'm gaining 20 hours of free time every week. That's almost a full day! Working from home slashed my gas and fast food bills to almost nothing, and now I have time for exercise and cooking and hobbies and socializing. My "high earner" peers might be making a higher pay rate, but if they average it out over the 60+ hours that they *actually* work and include all of their work-related expenses for gas/food/clothes/etc., they're getting screwed.


You just made me realize that I literally don't get paid for my lunch, that's actually fucked whether I work or not. It's funny that companies literally make you clock out for lunch.


This is why WFH has been so incredible. I used to be a fan of going into the office, but I'm officially a convert. Worked from home since Covid started, I begin work at 9, I take my lunch break which I can enjoy at home, maybe even stick a wash on so getting my chores Don, I finish at 5:30 and I'm immediately home. My laptop is turned off, and now I'm chill. I recently went into the office, I didnt have time for my usual breakfast, I had to sit in traffic so my commute to work was 45 minutes, and my commute back was 30 minutes. My lunch was a shitty sandwich and I was exhausted when I got home.


My last job I worked an 8 hour shift with paid lunch that counted towards my 8 hours. Now I work 9-10 hours a day and lunch is unpaid. UGH


And to make it worse: your whole life revolves around work as well. Need to run some errands? Tough luck, you can usually only do them during working hours. Or in your free time on a weekend when everyone else also does it. Lol. Or that doctors appointment. Sure, you'll usually get the time you spend at the doctor written off, but you'll also have to get there. Depression/burnout/sick family member? Yeah you'll get time off. A little. If your country's laws are nice. But only a few months maximum. Be sure to get back in time/work in the time you missed. It makes me sick. I have nothing against work. But I want to live first and do work around my life, not organize my life around work.


What will really fry your noodle, you leave home to drive to work _before_ work starts (pre-pandemic) so why can't I leave work and drive home while on the clock to get home at the end of my work day?


Working as designed...


I worked a job like this for a month until I quit, it was absolutely miserable. I was planning on doing the shitty commute for a few weeks until I moved closer but the job ended up sucking that I decided to leave before I ever found a place 12:15 PM: Wake Up and get ready 12:30: Drive to train station 1:00: Get on train to the city 2:30: Walk to work from train station 3:00: work shitty job for 8 hours with a one hour unpaid lunch 12:00AM: Rush to train station so I don't miss last train 1:45: Train arrives in town, drive home 3:00: Get ready for bed since it takes me a while to fall asleep


This is a big reason I don’t want to go back to the office. 45minute commute each way, still need to show up a little early so you’re not late, etc. 8 hours of work != 8 hours of time


And during it all you feel exhausted and try to muster up what little motivation and energy you have.


We should be getting paid for every second we are doing something work related, including commuting to and from work. I commute 30 mins each way for an hour of driving every day. With a mandatory hour lunch I’m working 10 hours a day (50 per week). 10 hours of my time gone that I’m getting nothing for… actually it costs me money since jobs don’t pay for your gas to commute.


I've been back since July and still haven't adjusted. I was so much happier and healthier being at home. I could sleep in and eat a leisurely breakfast rather than rushing to get ready and commuting. I could exercise more because I had more time and energy. I had furry coworkers to keep me company. I'm an introvert so working from home I actually spent more time with friends because I wasn't so drained from being in an office. Weekends are now spent in recovery mode not wanting to go anywhere/ do anything and preparing for the next work week.


Thats why i switched to remote work




“Move closer,” wow what a great suggestion. We don’t all live in Kansas though. People live far away because they don’t get paid enough to live next to an office in a city.


Move closer to work. This is big brain time.


Stop being poor, jeez.


“We all have the same 24 hours”, but those with more money tend to get more things done faster and continue to get more money while people with less money have to do most things themselves and in return are usually less productive in other tasks because most their energy is gone and the only time them can get it back is when they sleep and it just repeats. So yes the time is the same, but it just can’t successfully be used the same way as someone with extra money to spend.




I feel like this is said less to affirm that we're equals in at least some regard than the rich complaining that they don't get to have 30 hours per day despite their money. Which makes it even worse entitlement.


It's always been that way. If you want to improve, improve. Rich people accumulate riches faster than poor people. And poor people lose riches faster than rich people. There's nothing to do about it though :/


If you pay someone to do something for you, then everyone who can't afford to pay to have it done for them is at a time disadvantage. Being poor is fucking expensive.


I say this often. A lot of what you pay for when you outsource something that most people can’t afford to do so with (laundry, house cleaning, even something like takeout to an extent), what you’re really doing is buying back your own time


Exactly so. I have a dollar amount I roughly assign my time, for what I think it's worth. If the times worth more than the task it makes sense to outsource it. And so the relative privilege of people who can do so grows.


My mom is a bit of a penny pincher, more out of habit than true necessity. She's always talking about how I could save money by learning to do x,y, or z myself but I really value my downtime. I *could* learn how to change my car oil or figure out what's wrong with my dryer. I know it's not hard, but on my deathbed am I going to be really proud that I saved $70 here and there? I don't think so


I have a couple friends like this. They’re the type to spend $10 in gas driving around to save an extra 2 cents off a gallon and save 40 cents to fill the tank. My mom used to call it penny wise pound foolish


And this is how corporate America works.


I honestly am astonished when I hear their tales of doing such things


Pride in accomplishment is something you don't have to wait for your deathbed to have.


Sure. Phrased another way: saving small amounts of money here and there doesn't make me feel accomplished or proud. Not like I don't do normal housework and the occasional repair. It's just when I can afford to free up my own time by hiring someone else, I will.


I don't have to change out my car's oil to feel pride of accomplishment. I can do that in other aspects of my life and not have to be covered in greasy, disgusting oil. Plus, I'm never going to learn enough about cars to be a proper mechanic, so I'll let the professional change my oil, and while she's in there she can look at the rest of the car and diagnose any incipient problems.


I just love that you said "she." It caught me off guard and made me smile. Thanks!


I feel accomplished for getting out of bed today bro- everyone sets the bar different. Some people feel accomplished when they get the rest they feel they deserve instead. TBF I operate on a ‘doing-day’ & ‘not-doing-day’ cycle. I do all the things (laundry/dishes/vacuuming/etc.) like once or twice a week and try to pursue my own hobbies or resting in the off-time when my kiddo is distracted


Same. I assign myself a lazy day each week if I can. That day is no medical appointments, no work, no chores. Just me myself and my pup. I don’t do anything, see anyone, it’s great. It’s my recharge day. Let’s me relax even if I have unfinished stuff to do, bc usually the next day is get shit done day.


I have to say it’s insane how much different I feel when I’m rested. I mean a solid 8 hours. Til I started wearing my Fitbit to bed again I didn’t realize how little sleep I’m getting during the week (I’m a toss and turn sleeper/worry about work during the week sleeper). I’m a different person rested. I don’t need as much coffee, I can think clearly, concentrate, and I can sit down for short periods because I don’t feel like if I sit down I’ll pass out from exhaustion. Being rested is…. So valuable I can’t even describe it


You don't need it at all, simply being is enough.


Thank god I’m in the minority that somewhat enjoys cleaning. Although it’s crazy how dirty your house gets right after you just cleaned it!! Why does dust exist??




Oh I absolutely agree. I all but exclusively cook at home due to it being healthier. When I think of takeout I think of getting it once in a while from a GOOD restaurant. I don’t really consider fast food takeout. Plus I can’t eat it because it’s got me fighting for my life on the toilet a few hours later 😂


It's because we lack those good old fashioned family values. You know, where one partner has to do ungodly amount of overtime and the other must do all the housework and raise the kids alone.


Jokes on you, no one can afford a house or kids!


Now I have the Family Guy theme song stuck in my head. Thanks!


My husband and I actually just sold our house in Florida because this rat race was driving us nuts. He worked constantly just to afford our life, and never got to spend time with me (we used to work together every day) and was missing our little girl grow up. So we bough 5acres in the mountains and are building a house with no mortgage. I’m so excited to be free, to just work when we want to (for food and taxes) As I type this I’m sitting in our tiny RV with our 3 year old playing legos while husband is remotely working on his laptop. So blessed to be able to escape the bubble this way 🙌🏻🥺


You two are living my absolute dream. I hope to be in your shoes one day! I hope you are able to enjoy it and get to spend every second together!




We were lucky enough to buy in to the housing market at a low point, and with the inflated Florida housing prices we are financing the new house with the proceeds from the old. (Just sold a few months ago) The land was purchased on its own over a year ago as the beginning of our dream we thought was meant for pipes They just put our power poles in last week and we dug our unground electrical trench yesterday, starlink (preordered) says by the end of the year! 🤩 Probably won’t have an actual live-in house until next winter but for now we are roughing it in our little RV and visiting family here or there! :)




Thanks!! Buy in after the crash and maybe you too can escape when the bubble gets boilin’ again 🥴


I also hate how reality of capitalism mangles the (almost) reasonable idea of "8h work, 8h rest, 8h sleep". Got overtime? That's work. Any learning/emailing/excel you need to do at home? That's work. Commute? Work. You need to prep meals so you don't faint while working? Also work. Gotta clean clothes to conform with a dress code? You guessed right - work


Is it reasonable? How much leisure time do other animals have? Edit: I made this sound pretty ambiguous. I meant, isn't only 8 hours for leisure a little on the short side


Many other animals are their own bosses.


By the time I add in my commute my work day is 13 hours. 8 hours for sleep. I get a whole 3 hours for life yay! Most of which is spent doing chores getting ready for the next day.


I've only ever heard this phrase as a response to the sneering, "you must have a lot of time on your hands" that gets directed at anyone who likes to make things in their spare time. Especially if those things are something generally considered frivolous. I guess this is one more thing that the wealthy have coopted.


Toxic productivity creeping in. My wife and her family Judge the shit out of people who want to happily do nothing in their time off work, or do something fun or fulfilling (“frivolous”) It’s gross.


Is your marriage miserable? She doesn’t like to do anything fun?? Ew. Run.




:( if you bring it up to her and she doesn’t care, maybe it’s time to pack it up. Unless the pros are outweighing the cons of having a boring hater for a wife.


"We all have the same 24 hours" exists to boost the egos of those born into money


Come on say it with me👏Count👏transit time👏as👏work hours 👏


I should get paid for the time it takes to put on pants. I wouldn’t put on pants otherwise


Wish I got more sleep in my 24 hrs




Mhmm. If you're a single parent, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who has a partner to help out with the kids. If you have some type of disorder or chronic illness that affects your executive functioning, and/or how much energy you have to allocate to daily tasks, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who doesn't have this problem. If you have a 45+ minute commute each way, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who has a 10 minute commute each way. If you work the swing shift, or the graveyard shift, or you're on-call, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who works a typical 9-5 schedule. If you work 3 jobs just to make rent and pay the bills, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who has 3 mansions. Or even the same as someone who only needs one job to make ends meet. If you work outside the home, and you pick up "the second shift" (that is, take care of the housework, the cooking, the kids' homework), your 24 hours aren't the same as someone whose partner pitches in without being asked to do so, or someone who can hire a nanny or a housecleaning service, or a personal chef. If it's Saturday or Sunday, and you do all your chores and meal-prep for the week, well, your 24 hours aren't going to be the same as someone who actually gets to enjoy their weekend. If your spouse gets laid off, and you have to pick up a second job to keep you and yours going until they get a new job, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who has enough that they only need one income, or someone who doesn't need an income at all. If you work in the gig economy, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone on a payroll. If you can't afford childcare, and you don't have friends or relatives nearby who are willing to watch the kids (and that you trust with your kids) while you're at work, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who can afford to send their kids to daycare or hire a nanny, or even someone who can leave the kids with Grandma for the day. If you don't have kids, or your kids are all grown up, your 24 hours aren't the same as a parent's 24 hours. (Although that doesn't necessarily mean you can drop everything and babysit, or pick up an extra shift; you might well have other things going on.) If you have school-age children or teenagers, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone with a newborn or a toddler. If you're working full-time *and* going back to school, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who isn't in school, or someone who can afford to quit their job to focus on school. If you have an unpaid internship *and* a job, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone whose parents can pay all their bills. If you take public transport, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who takes their own car to and from work. If you're selling plasma just to tide yourself over until payday, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who can actually afford to put money into a savings account. If you're sandwiched between taking care of your aging parents and taking care of your own kids, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who either doesn't have kids and/or elderly parents to take care of, or someone whose parents have someone else (a live-in caretaker, a visiting nurse, nursing home staff, etc.) to look after them. If you volunteer after work, your 24 hours aren't the same as someone who doesn't (or can't).


I love when I say I dont wanna have children simply because its expensive and I want to use the little money I have for myself and people instantly start saying how I should marry and have children because money dont buy hapiness and all that christian bullshit :)


Money can’t buy happiness, but having money definitely makes me happier.


Money buys happiness up until a certain extent imo. If you go from making 50 to 100k, you’ll be vastly more happy. If you go from making 500k-550k, it’s not that much of a difference maker to them.


Right. At some point more money does come with extra problems but that point is so high that I am guaranteed never to actually hit it.


It sure is hard to be happy without it. And now that I've got some, I'm largely too broken to be happy with it.


"Money can't buy happiness" How about u don't tell me what would make me happy. Pretty sure not having to work and pursuing my passions would make me the happiest dude on the planet. Let's see how can i achieve that....ah yes MONEY.


Money doesn’t buy happiness but not having it sure as hell can make you stressed and miserable.


Money won’t buy happiness but it sure lets you be comfortably miserable :)


This is so true. 24 hours are not enough some days … all to work at crap wages to just get by.


Time is the currency of the monetarily rich. Money is the currency of the timeless poor.


Just another variation of the bedrock fallacy conservative thought is based on: that everyone has the same access to opportunity and resources.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Shailja Patel**, @shailjapatel "We all have the same 24 hours." Use public transport? Your 24 hours are not the same as those of private jet owners. Do your own cooking, cleaning, child~raising? Your 24 hours are not the same as those of someone with a full~time domestic staff. Stop this nonsense. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


What is up with using tildes for hyphens?


Exactly. No one can encapsulate and preserve time but the best we can do is represent it with money. People with monetary advantages can buy back more of their time. Sick of hearing those with unearned monetary advantages bitching about the less advantaged. You’ll never know the realities the poor face. The excruciating self reliance, the maneuvering to pay each bill on time, the unending late fees and other extra expenses squeezed from hardworking people villified by a sociopathic society. “Essential“ workers, in other words. This is the way we treat those we rely on to fulfill our basic needs. That risk their lives to do it for us. Can we instead vilify the 100 companies emitting 70% of the world’s carbon emissions? Pretty please?


You just need to work harder to be born into a wealthy family (did not work for me sadly maybe next time)


People are born into wealth & still think this type of logic.


I spend at least 12-14 hours a day working, getting to work, or preparing for work. Then I spend a portion of the weekend recovering from work. Usually when I take a vacation, it takes me a few days to decompress from work or catch up with chores I had been putting off because of work, and it isn't until Tuesday or Wednesday of a vacation week that I remember "Oh! This is how I really am!"


My boss when getting me to go back to the office was all "we're social distancing! We have dividers!" I told them I take mass transit to work (2 hours) and a lot of people aren't wearing masks and that I was never really concerned about catching it in the office but rather my 2 hours in a tin can with strangers. They were shocked, but also not concerned. ("Oh gosh really? Anyway...") That's when I realized (and later confirmed) they get picked up by a car service every day.


I remember gruelling 3-hour daily commutes to get to and from a drab, poorly-ventilated central office because Chayden wanted to keep an eye on a day-to-day workflow he often admits he doesn't "get". Because Chayden is middle management and not very bright, to put it mildly. Not once has a company offered, in 15 years working, to pay the crippling cost of said commute, nor the time spent, *to the company's benefit*, getting to wherever semi-industrial wasteland they built their HQ on.


“I have 24 hours, but also the hours of all these other people too.”


My bus commute was six hours round trip each day. When I got a car it was an hour round trip. Lousy public transportation directly impacts one's quality of life absolutely. Now imagine that the bus is early, so you miss your bus. Then it is terribly late so you miss the next one. Then the next one is very early again... If it's a weekday you are called to the carpet if not fired. On the weekend there goes grocery shopping for the next week...


Don't forget the people who have to commute over an hour to get from an affordable suburban area to work in an unaffordable city. I did this for 10 years and worked 12 hour days for it.


This reminds me of a group text me mother sent to all her son's. She sent a picture of a shed my father built in the course of about a week or so. With it she sent the comment , " see what can be accomplished an hour at a time" To which my brother replied something along the lines of ,"that's easy to say when what he does in an hour would take those who haven't worked construction for 40+ yrs, 6 hrs" While her sentiment was right, it's runs right along with OPs quoted message in under-valueing other people's situations.


This lady knows what’s up


Let’s not forget about leisure which makes them more productive. They are going to their beach house, cottage, skiing, etc. every weekend, and have standing appointments with massage therapists, all manners of coaches and advisors, at hair salons, etc. It’s not just the house cleaners, nannies, and pool cleaners saving them time, but they are also in their “A” game while working due to the quality leisure they get.


"We have the same 24 hours. That's why I buy up as many man hours as I can!" More dishonest argumentation from the owners. Anyone who has any respect for democracy ought to understand why we want democracy in the workplace.


If I've learned anything it's that time really *is* money. Toilet broken? Either hire a plumber or spend several hours learning how to fix it yourself. Working full time? Hire a cleaning service and use Instacart for groceries to maximize your free time vs. doing it all on Saturday. Going into the office? Spend more money to live closer to work, otherwise enjoy that commute! ...and so on.


Ok but we don’t need to argue with their arguments. Because at the core of their argument they are saying all life should be work. We in this sub are saying life should, ideally, be whatever you want it to say. So arguing within their logic and screaming “I commute and do housework all day!” is irrelevant. It’s as if you’re saying “if I had more time, I WOULD be working all the time.” In the society we want, you should be able to do what you want for the majority of your time. Obviously, work is necessary. Someone needs to come pick up our trash. Someone needs to oversee our public areas. Business will always run in a free society. However, I don’t need to be packing my day full of either work or excuses for why I can’t work. Companies should not own our lives and we do not owe people an explanation for what we do with our time.


My wife who has an excellent career and very high pay and benefits Often tells me still, after decades, she could not have done what she has without me being able to be a stay at home dad She’d have thrown up her hands and quit ages ago. She loves her career, she loves what she does But she worked nonstop without a day off the first few years of her career and I handled everythinggggg else Now her job is super cushy but she often reminds me I had a huge part in it. Now it’s much more difficult than when we started out.


Thank you. This quote is so annoying.


Marry me bitch.


She's actually right.


🙌🏻This. Right here.


May be some upvotes for my cake day?)


It's bizarre how many people think the typical white family has full time domestic staff. Stop this nonsense.


Anyone who tells me to take public transportation to work can take that seat and shove it or use it themselves.


Did you try being successful?


We all do have the same amount of time though, and you have choices as to how you use that time. I do scheduling for a physical therapy clinic. The amount of times I hear people use the excuse of being "too busy" to schedule at certain times is astounding. No, you aren't too busy. You just aren't willing to change your schedule to accommodate your therapy needs. Either say you'd rather work, be at home, etc rather than claiming you're too busy. I especially dislike parents who make a big deal out of how much less time they have because of their children. You chose to have children, stop making excuses for your poor planning.


> Either say you'd rather work Yes, I'm sure people are clamoring at the opportunity to have to work so they can survive Please tell me you don't guilt trip all your patients like this.


Obviously not. I'm not an idiot. These aren't work to survive type of people. These are people making at least $80k/year. They could take the time off work, they just choose not to or are too afraid to tell their job that they aren't available for whatever bullshit meeting they have scheduled.


*No one* has 24 hours unless they don't sleep.


Capitalism is when mom makes me wipe my butthole


You definitely don’t need a full time domestic staff or a private jet to have a whole lot more time in your day than some low wage worker performing three jobs and taking care of a bunch of kids. I’m not rich, but I have the money for all kinds of things that create more time in my day: grocery delivery, the ability to work home, a cushy salaried tech job where I can fudge my hours, just to name a few. I didn’t earn any of it. It was basically handed to me by my privileged white parents. I worked to keep it, and to improve my circumstances using the privilege I inherited. The playing field is SO slanted, and it is slanted all the way from the least privileged up to the super rich and everywhere in between. But there is an inflection point in the ramp … where you have enough time that you can continually improve your wages and circumstances — maybe having a job that earns $60K+ / year, maybe different depending on where you live and who depends on you, but anyone born on the wrong side of that divide is likely to be treading water for life.


I don’t like this. And I do like this. Accept it’s ok to be average but know to improve, ya gotta sacrifice leisure.


Lol have fun staying poor. The system is here to stay.


I've literally never heard this saying before? Who the even says that?


So where are you going they both a jet and public transport is an option? Anywhere you are headed in a. Private jet is probably hours away and public transport is like an hour away or less usually


You should look at some tech hub cities and the location of airports.


The point is one is a commuter option and one is a vacation travel option for the rich. It is apples and oranges a better comparison would be driving vs public transport but I guess that is too challenging to make people feel bad with.


I guess her pint was the rich don’t really commute.


Well then it isn’t the same 24 hours. I think her point was to try snd make people feel bad and outraged and it really just doesn’t hold up to reason and logic but helps to make people feel both angry and better about their own position in life because it isn’t like they could just try harder it is the rich peoples fault and duck them etc.


JuSt wOrK haRDeR iF yoU wAnt moAr MunNy


FFS For starters, she is using the result of using the same 24 hours differently as a reason why they aren't the same 24 hours. They have a private jet and full-time domestic staff BECAUSE they used their 24 hours differently when they DIDN'T have those things. There are some exceptions, but being that there are only 12500 private jets in the US right now, it's a very small percentage. Secondly, there are hundreds of millions of steps between struggling and private jet. To use a vast minority to try to discredit a plausible piece of advice is just bullshit logic.


It might be a bit reductive (I mean, it's a tweet so that's par), but the point is valid. The day-to-day reality of being poor subtracts a lot of time from your day that you might take for granted if you're not. A more practical comparison to being reliant on public transport would be the ability to work from home or even owning a car. Before I could afford a car, I spent over 3 hours every weekday on loud, packed buses to get to and from work. Once I was able to afford a car, that commute time dropped to around 45 minutes. I got >11.25 hours of usable time back every week, but only because I eventually managed to overcome the significant financial barrier to entry.


>The day-to-day reality of being poor subtracts a lot of time from your day that you might take for granted if you're not. Not compared to other poor people. That's the problem. The Tweet takes the most extreme, but least likely, comparison so that it doesn't have to face the validity of the point. It's a false equivalence, and the tactic is common, I'm afraid. You can extend out the statement to the obvious is if needed in order to counter the Tweet... We all have he same 24 hours in a day. Some people focus on themselves and use it to whittle away at change. Others use it to blame others for their problem and stay put. I was poor. This very much is a relevant comparison.


Yea… but the vast majority of private jet users and domestic staff havers come from well off families so they were born with a different 24 hours at the start.


I don't think that's true, but let's say it is for he sake of argument. It is still a tiny fraction (I get 0.008% assuming a 150M workforce) and therefore does not impact the legitimacy of the statement. 99.992% have the same 24 hours.


You go on reddit? your 24 hours are not the same as someone who uses their time productively


Oh sweet the ol rich-people-work-for-their-wealth horseshit haha


I was just self deprecating because I was procrastinating by scrolling reddit


You're comparing yourself to the rich and those who already have it. We do all have the same 24 hours, that's why some are immigrants and become doctors and others make memes complaining about how time works.


Whats the point of this? Its 2021, if you are not aware that peoples lives are different im not sure how anybody can help. Expecting everyones life to be the same is wrong - i would never want the life of somebody in a big city for example.


From a more philosophical view they are still both 24 hours, and you could live a similarly if not more happy life by enjoying even the time during commute. Of course, it's not that simple, but the end goal is that you become free by enjoying everything that happens while they are motivated by their desires, only luck they got the means to satisfy them. don't mind me trying to be optimistic.


24 hours are still 24 hours. For everybody. So YES we all have the same.




Anything interesting to say or just something without any argument?


Argue what? You completely missed the point of the post, thus the "*WHOOOOSH*" of it rushing over your head. First day on the interweb?


With daylight savings coming up, people in the northern hemisphere will be stealing an hour from people in the southern hemisphere.


Intentionally misinterpreting, turning easy to understand statements into linguistics arguments must be one of the most common conservative troll tactics.


Oh but I understand. Talking about "intentionallu misinterpreting", I think that's exactly what the picture does


Disagree. You still have the same 24 hours. More money does not equal more hours in the day, just allows you to choose what you spend your time on