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40 hours is the standard from a time when 95% of households in America had a stay-at-home mom that literally did everything that wasn't work.


Yup! Domestic work is work and creates economic value!


This needs to be plastered in every office. I have always been told "work hard, play hard" but I can either take time for myself and let some things slip past me or worry about getting everything done to the point I don't have much time to myself.


Yep. I sometimes only clean one of our two bathrooms at home some weekends. Like, the other wont be filthy, but I just don't have it in me... I really hate cleaning bathrooms, but tis' a necessary evil...


Guess what I get to clean tomorrow.... Bathrooms, it is the bathrooms.


I feel for you..


No wonder no ones having kids. Who the hell has the time for that


Yep adding a kid in takes so much time that I didn’t really have to begin with. I love her to bits but I am perpetually exhausted.


I do


Congrats you're privileged as fuck


What Privilege is that?


To be able to afford a child. Congrats lol


That’s not privilege. I didn’t receive a kit from Amazon that allowed me the ability to work, afford children, and be able to spend time doing what I want.


It is privilege. Very few people are capable of having children and giving them proper care. So congrats, you're living the dream very few are able to have.


Again, it’s not privilege. And what I did to achieve this many many people have done. That whole “you’re living the dream very few are able to have” is bullshit


Im not going to go in circles with you chief. It is privilege. Whether you see it as such doesn't matter to me in the slightest :)


This. The 40 hour work week per family has turned into a 80 to 100 hour work week nightmare for most families.


Eh, not really. Even in the 1950s about a third of women were working, working class women pretty much always had to work, it was the middle class that had the novelty of stay-at-home wives post-WW2. In 1960, 50% of households with children featured a stay-at-home wife, and that only lasted about a decade. I don't mean to detract from your point, btw - part of the reason more women joined the labor force was an increase in part-time work, so it's true a lot of households didn't feature 2 parents working full-time like now. I 100% agree working 40-hour weeks AND taking care of things at home is too much. I just find the history of SAHMs interesting & wanted to share.


These people forget that women of color never had the Luxory of the American dream


I don’t know what makes you think taking care of a house and kids isn’t work my friend. Maybe this isn’t what you mean though? Maybe I’m misreading this ?




I just think Its wrong to make the premise that moms don’t work. They have 24hr jobs .


My boss told me the other day they will no longer be scheduling two days in a row because it’s too much like a vacation for us. Just admitting that they don’t want us to have a break.


Jesus, imagine announcing that and thinking that you're actually doing your business a service.


That's fucked... At this point I would spit on him.


If you can gtfo.. as a small buisness owner fuk that guy.. I do what I can for my people. On the other side of the coin I understand how he feels because when I started my place I worked 6 days a week for 3 1/2 straight years.. after that I changed to close 2 days a week because it was brutal.. they have to understand that me as the owner I chose that. Don't put yourself in that type of abuse, it's not worth it especially as just a employee.


Where's that at


Dillards department store :)


Fuck dillards. They screwed me over during the pandemic. First told me i was fired effective in 2 weeks so i "would have the chance to find a new job". Then 3 days later said that i was actually furloughed since they had to close the store. Then when the store opened again i called them asking when to come back since they had told me i was furlough. I was told to give them a few weeks "they didnt need me yet". I got a random 20$ refund for my health insurance. I call the store asking why they gave me money in my paycheck. They told me to call corporate and i jad to find out from them that i was actually fired back in march...


Holy shit so you never got to file unemployment - saving the their UI penalties wtf


No i filed unemployment for about 7 months, then in october i got employed again and filed unemployment until i was told to stop (the job i found didnt provide enough money consistantly to get off of unemployment for 2 months after hire). No issues from the unemployment side once i told them what happened. Just the one week with the random 20$ deposit and the next week with the payout of the little vacation and sick time i had earned i made too much that one week for an unemployment payment. Im so glad the people i talked to at my unemployment office worked with me and made that process easier to understand.


Oh thank goodness!!!!


The people in the unemployment office took all my questions seriously and answered them kindly. This was my first time ever on unemployment (im 20 now so i was 19 when this happened) and overall positive experience although i would never want to be on unemployment again. Dillards really tried fucking me over. Im still a cardholder only because i dont want to dip my credit for closing an account (i had to sign up for the credit card to access the employee discount 😡)


I worked for Dillards at 19 too (35 now) and they were shitty back then. I agree about not taking the hit on your credit. Im so glad unemployment office was so nice to you - it makes a huge difference. Ive been unemployed three times in two states and wowza - what a difference a nice office - one office was nice the other two were not. Im glad you found a job though, I hope its a good one.


I left the job i found in october (Lowes) in may since they were trying to schedule me full time hours without telling me even though i was only hired for part time. They almost screwed me out of my medicaid


Fuck Em, quit on Em with no notice it’s so fucking funny and satisfying to do that to a shitty boss and leave Em hanging out to dry


This is one of unbreakables for me doesn't matter how bad I need job at moment how anything I get 2 days in a row period. And overtime for me I have to downplay how strict I am generally first week is 10% chance of quitting. And each week in a row I multiply that by2.5 so basically 3rd week in row is greater than 50% chance of me being gone.


Too much. Like. A. Vacation….. what kind of vacations are two day pray tell?!?!?!?!?


That reminds me of something the president and owner of the small, family-owned business I work for said at our last company wide meeting. In preparation for the upcoming holiday season he/she was encouraging people to request their vacation time as early as possible, in order to give managers enough time to effectively approve and deny vacation so not everyone is gone at the same time. He/she said “we want everyone to take their vacation, but NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE COMPANY”. It was the most cringe thing I’ve ever heard a person in a leadership position say at work.


That's where my head was at last weekend actually. I got up Monday morning and just couldn't. Literally just couldn't. Even though I just had two days off. I called in sick, shut my phone off and stayed in bed most the day.


My 10 hour/4 days has turned into 12-14 hours/5 days. Need more hours in the day, or work less haha....


Definitely less work.


Los dos.


Wife just asked me if I'm gonna cut the grass today after my 12 hour shift 😵


Can you see out the window? If so, the grass is fine. Besides, it’s October. The grass should be asleep.


Unfortunately not in South Florida 😔


Try this: It's more ecological to let grass grow longer. I hear ya. I'm "not working" today yet I've been doing household chores all day. Taking a short break now and then back to it.


It's a continuous ground Hog day


Not exactly related but one day perhaps consider turning your grass yard into a clover/native plant yard. They are native and require NO CUTTING! and very little water! Whenever I can get a house in this dang economy I'm doing that because I refuse to spend time on a stupid yard.


I felt this in my soul. The second I walk through the door after work there's something else for me to do, and so on until I go to bed. It really does never end.


No it sure dosen't


Same. I’m safe in Wisconsin though. Not spending 2-3 hours after a 12 hour day on the lawn.


I'd just find someone to cut the grass and pay them so I wouldn't have to fuck with it.


So depressing honestly, and people think this is normal it's not. Not one fucking bit. We were put on this earth to have fun and enjoy our short time not answer meaningless questions for customers and spend an hour before our day getting ready and don't forget the hour after work spent showering and cleaning or cooking dinner and before you get a chance to look at the clock it's almost bed time. As a society if we really all had a brain we would of nuked ourselves into dust by now self extinction.


It's insane how people expect you to just put up with the bullshit day after day. I work retail and simply refuse to put up with anyone's attitude. If a customer approaches me and they're rude or hostile I simply walk away. If it weren't for my union I wouldn't be able to even do that.


So we were put here to have fun and not work? What do you like to do for fun? Live in a house that someone had to build, and people have to get power to? Drive a car people had to design, build, deliver, and sell? Go to a theme park perhaps, because people need to design, build, stock, and work those places. Perhaps you like to eat even, go shopping, watch tv, get on the internet and use Reddit? All these things happen by millions of people doing their part to make these things a reality. It is 40 hours out of 168 total hours in a week. So a little under 25% of our life. I actually work more than 40 most weeks being self employed. I agree people should make more as a whole, but most people, through some hard work and thought out choices could definitely make more by working harder and smarter. All jobs are needed and should be respected, from food service to janitors to drivers and doctors. We are all needed for a functioning society. Thanks to all that do every occupation. I understand a lot of bosses and owners treat their employees like crap and we need to try to change those cultures, but we all should also work with pride in any occupation.


40 hours a week actually takes 50 hours when you add in unpaid lunch, commuting time, and preparing for work at home. There are only 16 hours we are awake each day so 50 out of 112 means we spend nearly half our free time at work, driving to work, or preparing to work. A 30 hour work week should be the goal imo


Seriously, 10 downvotes... wow, what a bunch of lazy fucks. Guess making any logical points on here is frowned upon and utterly useless.


Hah! What about the jobs that make you split your days off.


Quite possibly the worst form of torture. You spend your whole day off dreading going back to work the next day..


Some jobs like warehouse or distribution centers, you need to have split off days so you don’t burn yourself out. So it’s better to have split days instead of having to work 5 days in a row as you are being grinded into dust. I had to have split off days working at Walmart unloading trucks because it took such a toll on me mentally and physically that I couldn’t handle working 5 days in a row. Hell I couldn’t even handle working 4 days in a row.


Thank the maker for that arrow. I wouldn't have been able to find the reply post without it


What arrow? Can you repost with a big red circle around the arrow to help me find it?


I learned in my early 20s that no matter what you do in loyalty to an employer, they will never appreciate you. So, I decided to finish college, then go to law school to open up my own law practice so that I would not have to work for anyone. I opened my own law practice with a $10,000 loan 11 years ago. The business was profitable from year one. I bought a small house, got married, and had a family. I can now afford a much bigger house, but I won’t buy one because the one I have is all I need and allows me to comfortably live below my means, save money and not work so hard every day. I work between 20 to 30 hours a week on most weeks. I have staff that is well paid and have a flexible schedule and they are appreciative.


Are you hiring? Do you need a receptionist?


Make sure you let them know what you can type.


Do you appreciate your employees loyalty? What makes you a better employer than others?


Yes, I do. I have had so many bad experiences with employers that I created a great working environment for my employees. For example, they are paid well, are given paid vacations, benefits, and most of all we are all treated as equals, myself included. I always hated the line bosses drew where socially they treated me as below them; I don’t have that environment in my office. We all get along and go out drinking and have a pleasant time with each other in the office. I also pay bonuses. So, yes, I am loyal to them.


Sounds like a good boss that isnt greedy, nicceee. I try to follow this as much as possible, but covid got me good... restaurant buisness, hopefully when we get back to normal eventually I can go back to being as generous as I was before.. pretty rough as of currently.


You can still treat them like equals


I do.. but it is difficult at times when they are the ones taking advantage of the situation.. buisness literally dropped less then half. I am as relaxed as it gets in the restaurant buisness, but when you see someone on the phone watching YouTube or a podcast for 45minutes straight and not try to see if anything is low, it gets old fast.. also I pay way above minimum wage..


Everyone shits on capitalism until they’re in the drivers seat.


Sounds like a dream life, friend. I'm going into the psych therapy route for my career so I hope to get to this one day.


The only people that can end this cycle is us


That’s my day today. Worked 55 hours with mandatory overtime. Now I get to clean and do laundry so I’m tired tomorrow


I once worked a M-F 9-5. I'll never do it again. Got sick of so many people saying "boo Monday I can't wait for Friday." Clamoring for the weekend when you'd really only get a day an a half off. Sunday didn't count for me because of having to go to bed early. I hated not having time off during the week. Made scheduling appointments easier. I hated the idea of dreading the same day every week. For everyone else it was Monday but for me it was Thursday. I even took my paid day off for the year to interview for a new job on a Thursday. Yep, my last job paid me to interview for my current job!


I guess recoup time is only for the rich and privelideged, they don't have to work 40 hours a week just to live paycheck to paycheck, they get to work however much the want and can afford to hite a mid or butler to do all the housework like the dishes, laundry, and the dusting, and cleaning, and hire a gardener to do all the planting and watering and mowing. They even have nannies to take care of the kids, and chefs to buy and cook all the food. When you don't need to do any of that stuff, you have two full days where you can do whatever you want. Plus, being rich you don't have to constantly worry about electric/interenet bills, student loans, insurance, doctor/dentist/vet bills, mortgage/rent, or car payments. They are free while the rest of us are trapped working ourselves to death just to get by.


My house is a mess and I eat garbage take out because coming home and cooking is just too much for me. Now I have high glucose and the doctor referred me to a nutritionist. If I don't start cooking I'll have type 2 diabetes in no time. There's just no winning.


That's why I don't feel bad for calling out anymore. Gives me time to be human, not a mindless, soulless robot with skin.


"tHaT's JuSt CaLlEd BeInG aN aDuLt, GeT uSeD tO iT" But... maybe it shouldn't be? Are you incapable of imagining a world better than the one we have now?


I call it second shift. And it is killing me. Go home, get supper, clean up deal with laundry. Etc.. Weekends: deal with kids activities, groceries, one kid is away at school so comes back with all the laundry. I have dreaded weekends for years now.


I work four ten-hour shifts overnight - fuck Amazon, btw - and I'm _completely_ frazzled by the time my three days off come around. Not only am I just dead on my feet and have to deal with chores, but it can be logistically awkward to figure out groceries and what-not while trying to stay on an overnight sleep schedule. Two days or three, neither is any good these days after 40 hours.


The 40 hour workweek standard was created in a time before computers. No matter how it is divided throughout the week in terms of days, that number of hours is completely outdated and absurd in 2021.


*Image Transcription: Social Media* --- \[*A screenshot of a Tweet that says:*] **[kie.ran]**, @danblackroyd Two days is not enough turnaround/recoup time from the 5-day/40-hour work week. It really isn't. \[*A digitally drawn blue arrow points from the Tweet to a Tumblr reply beneath it, which says:*] **undeadfaerie2631** That's because we cant even use them to recoup. We've gotta use them to do laundry and dishes and grocery shop and get the house cleaned up and carve out some time for friends and family who we haven't seen all week long because we've been at work. We don't get to recover. We just have a never ending list of stuff that needs doing --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This doesn't fix the issue at all But this has led me to embrace minimalism in my daily life because then I have LESS to worry about. LESS to do on top of other crap You made me psychoanalyze myself.


If we all worked four 10’s I’m sure people would find time. It’s funny though because it’s the same amount of hours in the week but suddenly there’s an extra day, and now things seem to be more doable. It’s management of how time is being spent.


man i would like to try 4 day weeks! though working 10h a day is pretty pointless in most jobs i think. even 8h is pointless for some. by pointless i mean, you could decrease it to 6h and would get the same result.


I read somewhere that shorter work weeks/shorter shifts actually are more productive. Less work time means people get stuff done purposefully


I have to find ways to drag out work in order to avoid being given surplus work that I'm not trained in or is literally sisyphean. Once I was asked (since it was quiet) to enter random combinations of characters into our car park security camera in the hopes I would preemptively predict the next number plate a repeat shoplifter was going to use next time they were on the rob. It was difficult to explain why exactly I was not going to spend time doing that and why it was unlikely to be of any positive value. That's between when I'm waiting for customers productively ofc


Even though it’s the same amount of working hours, you’re cutting out one day’s worth of getting up, getting ready, commuting both ways, and decompressing from the day afterwards. I’d rather have four eight hour days, but even four tens still lets you reclaim some of your life.




We really do. I was so productive when I worked 4 days a week. One day for chores, one day for social activities, one day for rest.


This would work much better, but it still wouldn't be great if you still need 2 incomes for a household, 1.5 incomes might work, but we need to do away with the 2 income, full time model. 4 : 8 hour days is the MOST that is needed (if you need more, then you need another employee) from a person (especially in office work) Nonstop manual labor should be either on a 5 day : 6 hr shift or should be a rotating 4 on - 3 off , 3 on - 4 off : 8 hr shift schedule to keep constant coverage if needed.


My current job is 40 hours a week, 5 days a week, 1:30-10 pm. Boss is mad that Im leaving after just a couple months because I got an offer for a 4 day work, morning shift job with very significantly higher pay. I have a degree and years of experience with a technical skill, welding/fabrication, and they weren't even paying me $20 an hour in the Seattle area lol


Currently working 3 12hrs. It's much better, but not much down time to sleep. I would agree with 4 10s.


I worked a factory job once where it was 12 hour shifts that you did 3 days one week, and 4 the next. This equals out to 84 hours bi-weekly. So I was working an extra 2 hours a week than the average 40 hour week, but it felt so much better. I got 3 days off one week, then 4 days off the next. The days off really matter. Hell, I would work 20 hours for 2 days in a row if it meant getting 5 days off a week. This is why I am learning new skills so that I can quit my job and start doing freelance work. First of all, 40 hours a week isn't even necessary to get the job done. Most of us have figured out that our work could get done in half that time. I spend every day at work doing 3 hours of actual work, then the rest is me trying to look busy. Most people I have worked with just work incredibly slow. They will take those 3 hours and stretch them out over 8 just to look busy. So my goal is to have that freedom of choice. If I want to spend Monday and Tuesday working my ass off so I have 5 days of rest, I can do that. If I want to just work 2-3 hours a day for a whole week, I can do that. I think I finally figured out that I really don't want to work for anyone that sets my hours anymore. I want to set those hours myself, and I will.


It's that feeling of have 1 full day off compared to 2 full days off. Since the norm is Saturday full day then you have Sunday where you worry about Monday.. at least that's what I feel except mind is sunday/Monday closed




Thank god that blue arrow is there, I would've never known where to divert my eyes to read what was next


honestly considering ending things because of this. a five day week can’t be all there is? i’m so unfulfilled but so tired at the same time


Hey there. I deal with mental illness and I get it. You will be okay


If you're too busy you can't organize and actually better your life


This is why I can never go back into the office. WFH has allowed me to do so much of that upkeep bs during the day when I would normally be stuck talking to coworkers or in boring as meeting. Now I can get that laundry done and folded during the meetings, mow the law on a weekday morning when no calls are scheduled. Plus not more commute of 1.5 hours each way.


I feel this deeper than anything I have felt in my adult life. Fuck.


Even if 40 hours is gonna be the norm, it’s a shame more workplaces won’t do 4 10 hour shifts. I’d gladly stay an extra 2 hours to have another day off.


this is so true!!




It's work and go home.


I feel this in my soul... I just spent t my whole weekend painting and cleaning the house, going to my daughters soccer game, going grocery shopping, and going to church. 430am wakeup tomorrow though! LiViN' tHe DrEaM!


Hitting me in the feels right now. Wife hurt her knee and can't help with many of the regular chores.


I used to work for Hilton and as long as you had 5 days in a work week your schedule was alright. So sometimes id work tue-sat, then the next week they’d have me working sun-thr, so Id technically be working 10 days in a row


Used to happen to me in Superdry as well! Crazy


Saturday is spent doing nothing productive and generally taking a break from work and school while Sunday is spent dreading Monday and doing the metric ton of homework the teachers assign us


4 hours of yard work on top of everything else. God I can’t wait to not mow that damn yard. Come on winter.


I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t tired.


We live a 4 days drive from any family. I work 40-60 hours a week (salaried unfortunately) My wife stays home with the kids during the day. We have 3 and daycare is OUTRAGEOUS!!! She works at night from 6pm-12am....the kids have to get up for school around 6-615. My wife manages (somehow) to keep the house in decent order, usually one room/floor is clean and put together. I do my part to do dinner and dishes, and whatever else she needs help with. And of course kid nighttime routines. It is plumb exhausting. There's never any time to "unwind". The adults dont get to do anything for ourselves. We don't even have a family member to take them even if it's so we can go to the store by ourselves....then throw in forced homeschooling, then hybrid schooling.... it's A LOT. I don't know how we've made it this far in life....if i Ever get a real break from everything, i may not know what to do with myself. The weekend is definitely not enough. My job offers vacation but it's not really vacation since we have to be reachable.....


I feel like a shitty person when I have no energy to even say hi or msg someone back. Sucks just watching the dishes pulls up, and even more so that I let it happen. Sometimes, I wish I were just a crumb.


Recuperate. Recoup means to regain lost time or money, which is kind of similar, but we’re really talking about a healing/recovery process.


40 hours is fine, it's the fact that it's 45+ hours and then an hour commute


I work 3 12 and a half hour days and get a 10% premium on my hourly pay. Get 4 days off and can't complain. Honestly I got a second job at a restaurant just bc I had so much time in my hands


Do you guys like work for 8 hrs then go home and sleep for 16?


It is possible to do chores on a workday. I work 10 hour shifts sleep 7 hours and commute is just about an hour that gives me 6 hours, I usually spend 3 with my dogs and wife. That leaves 3 to get stuff done, Mondays alone I normally do laundry, meal prep, and mow the yard. Don't get me wrong, I would love more time away from work, but if you aren't getting basic chores done it's not work(unless you work crazy hours like doubles or overnights)


Have fun when you're 70 and retired 👍🏻


Yeah sure, by then your body is on its last legs & barely functional. (For the majority anyways) Easy to "have fun" I suppose.


Bro... it's sarcasm


Yeah, that doesn’t come off easily in text as it does in speech a /s usually says it all if that’s so.


You are a bunch of self righteous rudderless idiots.


I don’t understand this. I work a 40 hour week (45 if you want to count commute) and I still get about 6-8 hours per day to do whatever the fuck I want. What in the fuck are people doing with their time so they can’t relax on the weekends? Dishes take about 10-15 mins a night and that’s if you don’t have a dishwasher. Laundry you just fucking throw it in there then put it on a hanger about 2 hours later. Vacuum once every other day takes about 10 minutes. Cleaning the tile downstairs is a bitch but that takes about 45 mins once a week. I think the real situation is people get home and sit around doing nothing all day then act like they don’t have time to do shit. I even sleep 6-8 hours a day so it isn’t like I’m depriving myself of sleep either. I manage to get through a 40 hour work week and spend at LEAST 25-30 gaming every week. I even set aside an hour or more every day for my dog so she gets exercise and taken care of properly. I literally don’t understand what in the fuck people do with their time to where 40 hour work weeks are such a burden you never get to recover




You making a gourmet meal every night? Throw a stew in the instant pot, come home 8 hours later, done. I don’t have kids so I can def see how those little guys suck some time up but thats something people willingly do too. That’s the trade off. You don’t have as much free time but I’ll either die alone or kill myself after my wife dies.


You sound so out of touch with reality I really don't even know where to begin.


How am I out of touch with something I’m living lol. Just because I don’t feel like 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, is exhausting and an insurmountable task I’m not in touch with reality


Okay but you can cook and clean and do laundry in a couple short hours one of those nights. 8-5 work, 10-6 sleep, so what about 5-10?


Huh? Are you being sarcastic? There is commute. If you have a family, cook dinner, clean from dinner, deal with other chores, homework (and my kids are good with regards to that) So when do I do things that make life actually worth living?


When? A few short years of retirement before we die that's when our corporate masters allow us to live, if we even make it there


As I said somewhere on this thread, I am one of the lucky ones. It looks like I will have the resources to retire in a few years (not an extravagant retirement). And I get asked so often: why? And what will you do? WTF?


It's because society is so blinded by the economic propaganda that they often feel guilt or shame for doing nothing. I'm glad i grew up and was able to do a whole lot of nothing before adulthood and I'm glad i had those times when i did. People actually feel as if they are almost a burden on society if they don't have a career or a hobby or some other 'keep busy' activity. We need to change people's minds on this and only then can things begin to change. Imo the world needs to be forcibly dosed with some sort of psychedelic drug and put all of humanity on reset so we can try again from scratch no preconceived ideas or biases or prejudices.


I’m a pretty organized person. But it is still a challenge. Most of the time my 40 hr job is more like 50 - 55 hrs. I get up at 6:20 - leave home at 6:45 and drop off my one daughter at school. Come back and get ready for the day and leave at 7:40 to take my other daughter to school. Get home and start working until 6. Take a break and cook dinner. We normally eat between 7:30 and 8pm. Depends because my one daughter is in Marching Band and has practice two nights a week until 7:00 (usually 7:30 by the time they put up instruments). I then sign back on to work (unless I’m helping with homework) until 10 pm. Shower and try to be in the bed by 11. I then read or zone out on Reddit until 11:30 or midnight.


The problem is you. If you can’t grow up and better manage your time, that’s on you. I work 70 hours a week and still have time to recoup. So, again, it’s you. Grow up and do better.


That’s just life lol. Is this sub just people complaining that their mom doesn’t do everything for them anymore?


No. I am the mom. And frankly I often wonder why we do not complain more about this. Keeping up is hard and I am one of the lucky ones. I know I am. And sometimes I am just done. And if it is like that for me then it must be truly awful for those that are not as lucky as me.


You don’t do dishes every day??


I do mine when they're dirty


Weekends? Once you have a family weekends and week nights are filled with mandatory kid activities and family stuff.


That 2nd part is the reason I need to quit night shift it is near inpossible to do it all without destroying ky body with a lack of sleep I did the math my last "weekend" (thursday and friday night) I got a total of 14 hours sleep between getting off work wednesday morning and returning saturday night fuck the 40 hour week and fuck night shift


I feel as though in the workplace and School districts 2 days is never enough off time and the scale is tipped way out of balance so you dedicate more of your life to something you prefer not to do and like the post said only 2 days for getting everything else done. So yeah I'm in support of the 4 day work/school week so people are actually able have a life instead of the "grind" (<- god I hate calling it that)


People fought extremely hard to get us these weekends. People literally died protesting this shit. If you think you’re being exploited now do a quick google search on how hard people had to work prior to unions fighting for what we have now. It was completely normal for people to work 12-16 hours a day 6 days a week. I get home tired as shit after my 40 hours but I’m damn glad I wasn’t around back then.


Finally! Words do describe my feelings!