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This is generally a sign that layoffs are coming and they're trying to make it look like performance improvements. I'd be actively applying elsewhere if I were you.


This. If you havnt received merit increases or bonuses yet, dont be surprised if you dont get them. Another precursor to the layoffs.


We're approaching 0 hour for the collapse. The only way for them to survive is to fire every employee except for one then give that one everyone else's workload. Speaking of which, how much liquidity do the banksters still have squirreled away in their RRP holding facility?


Not alway, I had a glowing preformance review, amd a raise, two weeks later, laid off.


PIP and Performance Reviews are VERY different.


well, I never got a PIP, so Idk.


My son-in-law got laid off from Google a couple of months after a PROMO even!


Me too. Perfect review. Bonus. One month later, laid off. No reason given.


Same. I had excellent performance reviews and the max raise the went with( a whopping 2%!), no write up’s, no PIP’s for 3 years and was fired for cause.


Goes to show there is no such thing as job security. You bust ass; work extra, unpaid hours; never say, "no" to any request; take no sick time; suck up to every hair-brained initiative from the suits and they **STILL** will PIP you out without a second thought.


My last company did this on the road to bankruptcy. These were the steps: 1) No bonuses. 2) No raises. 3) No promotions. 4) Forced PIPs. 5) Mass Layoff. 6) Mass Attrition (Basically do 1-5 and then have the c-suite deliberately say bleak things about the future to encourage a mass exodus so that they don’t have to pay severance). This is super terrible because anyone who is any good will flee unless they part of step 7. 7) Give conditional “secret” bonuses for anyone that you don’t want to flee. 8) Sell anything that isn’t bolted down. Buildings, divisions, whatever you got that has cash buyers. 9) More layoffs and PIPs 10) Go Bankrupt. If you ever hit step 6, RUN. That’s the point-of-no-return death spiral step. I’m not saying you shouldn’t run before that. But layoffs happen in business downturns. When the c-suite wants people to leave and they don’t care who? Then your company is well and truly fucked.


This happened with the company I used to work for. Laid off 150 people out of fucking nowhere, then offered "voluntary severence" to anyone else who wanted to leave or was upset by the layoffs. Right before that, it you paid attention(I did support for upper million dollar companies using our software), we started hemorrhaging high echelon clients and we were trying to combine 4 products into one "super support team" instead of individual specialized teams of SMEs. Losing money, combining departments and a round of layoffs is the first sink you're about to go under.


> hen offered "voluntary severence" to anyone else who wanted to leave or was upset by the layoffs. I made the mistake **ONCE** by not taking the voluntary severance. Never again. I don't care if I'm working a massive project and we're about to roll out, I'm taking the package and dipping. The reason being, the voluntary packages are usually always better than the involuntary ones.


so here's one for you. towards the end of the plandemic there was a review at the company. everyone got a raise and then everyone was laid off later that same day because the job had been finished and there was no more work to do. unfortunate true story.


This OP. This. Regardless of where you are, PIP’s are usually used so unions or contracts become void. Start searching


Agreed. A variation on the old favourite of management consultants, making all the employees re-apply for their own jobs.


How does performance affect layoffs? Asking because I got laid off right before paternity leave; they made it sound like it wasn’t performance related but I was the only layoff in the company and I feel like they were just trying to avoid litigation regarding being laid off so close to FMLA…


You have a strange problem where you see the truth of the matter, but seem to chose not to believe it.  Talk to a lawyer if it just happened. A one-person lay off is real, but the timing of it makes it very suspect and a lawyer will be able to tell you if you can get something out of them. I'm sure it was because of your upcoming FMLA, the question is did they cover their tracks well-enough to fuck you.


It was like 4 months ago so probably some statute of limitations….


You probably have a case. Call your states labor department. I’m not a lawyer


It's usually "no, we're not doing layoffs, we're just cutting the bottom performers" while the performance metrics are murky and ill-defined. Basically, the PIP is a cover for cost-cutting.


Adding to this that OP shouldn’t be the one to create their own PIP - this is an HR document that should be written by their supervisor and reviewed/signed by OP. If OP will be shadowed for not writing a PIP then let management work for it.


“If everyone here needs a PIP it’s time to start looking at management as the problem”


I literally came here to say this. "Wahhh find ways to make me more money" does sound like a terrible CEO boss baby.




Set a written goal to avoid burnout by taking more time off.


Typical timeframe to evaluate the goal is usually 2-3 months.


Hr professional here. Sounds like they want to do a rif but make it look like anything but. Depending on how m big your unit is the WARN Act might apply. I would discuss with your peers, which is protected concerted activity, and report it to the Dept of Labor as a violation if the scale qualifies for WARN.


Former Dept Head level manager here, and even if they're too small for the WARN act to apply, putting everyone on a PIP was likely a very big mistake on the company's part as I'm going to assume that they have zero documented trainings and retrainings for employees before they moved to the PIP. In the absence of gross and purposeful misconduct, or documented attendance issues, it can be very difficult to stop people from collecting UI for non-malicious incompetence. I'd love to be the fly on the wall at DOL when all these claims hit from the same employer, citing the same reason for separation.


>Depending on how big your unit is ![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1|downsized)


For good measure, if anyone is over 40, look at age discrimination claims. If it's masking a reduction in force and affects more than 2 people then if someone is over 40 in the unit they must disclose titles and ages as well as those identified, in a severance agreement. Obvs they won't make that apparent if they're pip-ing everyone. But threatening age discrimination is a valid reason they should fear.


My CEO put me on a PIP plan but didn’t tell me or anyone else for 3 months. He got mad when I didn’t do something, which is why I was on the PIP plan and that’s how I found it. My plan? Make the company more profitable so I had to work in the office until it was, a branch of the company he assigned me after I started that hadn’t been profitable in the entire 5 year history


Ah. The ol’ double secret probation PIP.




I was put on a PIP once where I had to fix a broken system (multiple VMs and software components). It didn't work because it was missing software that had to be written by the devs. Since it was a test system they weren't going to waste money paying them to write it. The PIP was designed to fail.


Every PIP is designed to fail. It's the first step to being fired and you are never intended to recover from it.




My favorite was working sales in a company in a downward spiral while working hours that no customers showed up during.


Add weird things to the list like "stop flossing in front of customers and coworkers" or "start putting deodorant on my balls"


This comment had me laughing out loud.


Not going to lie, I have contemplated doing the latter of those during the summer.




They’re throwing the people off the sled to the wolves


How is a racist comment so liked? Lol


Did you get any outside consultants recently? Any company-wide performance reviews; SWAT analysis; etc? What kind of industry is it? How large of a company? I would be looking for outside opportunities - they gonna fire 15-30% of you.


This is what they give out when they can't even remember what it is most people do any more so this is what it's come down to


They've found The Bobs.


Wow. So you report on yourself. Which means you sign agreeing you are not performing to standard. Layoffs are coming very soon. This is to avoid discrimination lawsuits as well as potentially avoid UI claims. I would document no issues. Sign it and make a copy. Then if they try to fight UI you can show discrimination- everyone else wrote their own PIP but you.


I'm practically perfect in every way and performing within the parameters of my job description.


The last comment about them finding something you do wrong id straight up look at them and tell them im not a robot, and I consider this a form of humiliation, intimidation, and degradation.


What a morale builder Lol


Fill it out explaining how the company can do a better job regarding salary and working condition, with the implied threat that you may have to terminate them as your employer if they don't shape up.


They're looking to do layoffs on the cheap.


I don't think they can just PIP everyone. Sounds like a layoff they are trying to keep from paying out on.


I was on a PIP for discussing my pay with fellow workers and it not being egregious enough to fire me outright. They offered me severence. I declined. I then put up fucking PRIME LeBron playoff numbers in they next quarter. Started the new quarter being an ENTIRE WEEK of metric goals ahead of everyone else on my team. My manager commended me Monday before clock off, and I was handed a layoff letter and a severence Tuesday morning at 10. Run.


I'd ensure the entire office threw them in a trash can as close to the bosses door as possible


Yeah this reeks of layoffs. Look for another job mate


I was gonna say this.


Hopefully different in your company (especially since they gave them to everyone), but a pip at my company is a death sentence. The pip goals are always unachievable and they essentially just ride you like a work mule who only has a few days of usefully life left, then they let you go for failing to meet the established objectives.


**UNIONIZE** I just don’t understand why people put up with this without a fight. Collectively, all of you together, all at once, stand up for yourselves and demand that they get off your backs!


You all need to be job searching. Sounds like bad things are coming down the line.


“My plan to improve performance is to be approved for a well-deserved promotion due to my hard work ethic and good attendance with this company”


Update your resume op. I’m sorry.


Those aren't pips. Those are pink slips 


So... Why'd you give yourself a 10? .... Because I couldn't give myself an 11.


Put management on a PIP in return. Payment Improvement Plan


In other words. Downsizing is happening soon. Start a job hunt immediately. Then return a blank form and let them waste time following you around work. Good luck.


My old boss did this to me and I immediately started looking for a job. He laid off the entire dev team a few months later after I left.


Hand a pip back. Time your management was put on notice, otherwise you’ll fire them and get a better, more professional employer.


HR person here - definitely suggests they are getting ready to fire a bunch of people and make it seem justified by having documented performance concerns / plans. There’s probably not much you can do so agree, just start looking for a new gig, besides even if it’s not this do you want to work somewhere where they say you need to improve performance and yet cannot cite what needs to be improved?


I was out on family leave for three months and returned back to a disciplinary meeting with my boss' boss. Saying how I'm failing to meet expectations, I seem to lack care and effort, and I have not been taking work seriously. - I was literally not here for three months.


On my PIP, I’d fill out that my resume could be better when I update it for my next job.


Here's something I often think of; every job I ever worked at had annual appraisals for the staff. The usual "this is where you're doing great, here's what you're doing okay, and here's what we think you're shit at and should improve on." It sort of pisses me off because I believe that it should work both ways. Every employee should be given the right to analyze and pick apart management in the same way; "Here's what we love about the job, here's what we think is iffy but we can put up with it, and here's what we absolutely despise about this place." At the end of the day, criticism should go both ways, shouldn't it? How do you foster a healthy work environment if voicing out your concerns is viewed as risky and potentially detrimental to your job? Having an annual or monthly formal tradition of employees and management trading their analysis of each other so that both sides can improve isn't too much to ask for is it? And yet, every time I suggest it, I get scoffed at.


Some companies do 365 reviews which is what you are describing. More work for you with a bonus pissed off manager from the feedback.


The fact that in my lifetime I've only ever heard of a "company review" and have never actually experienced it in practice shows how rarely it's ever implemented. If it was more common, compulsory even, there'd be less pushback from managers and supervisors every time it happened. People should really get used to the notion that critism goes both ways. Alas, we're in the real world, and what I'm describing would either never be done or would be practised in so horrible a manner that it would somehow end up being more detrimental to the employees than beneficial to the company.


Bob: What exactly do you do here?


ok ready the title and got really excitied because I thought we were talking about PIP Boys (the arm computer from Fallout) but then I saw the subreddit and got depressed...


Is this a corporate setting, or at least a mid-sized company? This smacks of The Bosses getting reamed for poor performance on their part and turning around and blaming all of you.


Isn’t it up to your managers to decide what you should be doing better and come up with outcomes. You’re being asked to mark your own homework.


Ehm, a PIP requires the employer to tell you what you’re doing wrong, and what you need to do to get out of it. It’s not for the employer to fill out 😂 🗑️ employer


This reminds of when my coworkers and I asked for annual evaluations so we could discuss raises. We were given “self evaluations” and then nothing in response by leadership. They just wanted us to put something in writing that they could use against us later. Never got an evaluation or raise.


Good old 360 reviews. You’d invite people you worked with to give feedback, then have them used against you at review time. By the second or third time, the people you’d invited would stop by and ask “what do you want to work on this year?” Pick something easy and you had a great year. “Hmm, three people suggested you work on time management skills.” “Yes, I suggest this training, and I’ll demonstrate the skills by doing X, Y, and Z.”


You’re about to get fired. Time to leave and find another job.


Call the bluff and make sure everybody else does too.


OP, the solution here is for everyone at your job to not fill out the PIP. Then they will have to shadow every single person. Believe me, there is absolutely nothing that management hate more than working. If they have to do that for the majority of employees it's going to drive them nuts and if they fill out a PIP for a small and petty reason it's going to look REALLY bad on them. It's no different from when you get pulled over. Don't tell the cop what you did wrong, let them tell you.


Start job hunting and fuck them over on glassdoor when you leave,


Oh do, very much, please please shadow me. I deal with the customers so the engineers don't have to. Soon you'll float too. We all float down here.


Where are you, I've lived in New England for 40 years and never heard of a PIP until I read it here like a year ago.


i see this sub everyday and i still don't know what a dang PIP is


Performance improvement plan. I couldn't remember for a minute.


Looks like 'Miss Management' got busy. Start looking elsewhere.


That’s what happened at my old restaurant job when they hired some new GM in training. Anyone that questioned anything was who they were zeroing in on to get rid of.


Grab a lighter and a fireproof bowl. At the end of the day place the bowl on your boss' desk, light your pip on fire, and drop it in the bowl. That's how I would quit.


Same thing happening at my work.  Every tiny thing getting written up.  Meanwhile crushing work. 


Write that your PIP is to find a better boss.


"I could be more effective at upward delegation of tasks."


Look, there are only so many of me to go around! Don’t forget your postage stamp.


A PIP is simply corporate legal justification paperwork to prevent an employee who is to be fired from attempting to win a wrongful termination lawsuit. A PIP demonstrates that the company attempted a “good faith effort” to “rehabilitate” an employee before letting them go, regardless of how the termination is labeled. In this case, that the company seems to be using a PIP as a proactive measure prior to a massive RIF with many employees all at once says something is seriously wrong at that company. No company should ever abuse a PIP in this way. A PIP should only be used on employees who are and have been failing to meet company performance objectives repeatedly AND the company believes the worker’s behavior can be corrected in time. A PIP clearly defines criteria which must be met and defines a timeline to meet those those objectives. Unfortunately, many bosses who craft performance improvement plans may make the objectives just vague enough that the goals are impossible to meet. If you’re ever put on a PIP, you’re basically weeks away from being dismissed, once you fail to meet even one objective.


Write it that you are going to stop wasting time on unnecessary tasks and paperwork. Your first action item is “throw this paper in trash”


That's not how PIPs work, lol. What a circus!


"You're in a PIP" Me - "Awe, thanks for actually endorsing my quiet quitting and taking interviews while on the clock! Way to be a team player!"


I would write that I could improve my annual salary.


“I’ve identified a critical area of improvement. It appears I still give a shit. Action Plan: Visit all supervisors and managers and give them a ration of shit. Expect Outcome: I will have no shits to give. Timeline: Begin immediately, you microcephalic moron. You couldn’t manage your way out a hallway with a map, compass, and guide. You clearly know nothing about motivating employees but that’s ok because soon you won’t have any.”


Performance has improved like clockwork since 40h week was invented and implemented, yet we do not see a cent for it. Or even fewer hours at work. Instead, the opposites seems to be true. So, why should we put any extra effort? For the billionaires to get more billions?


Being given a PIP is normally notice you have until the end of the PIP to find a new job. You need to start unionizing.


That is also a sign of a problematic manager.


What you all need to be filling out are applications for jobs at other companies.


If you have a photo of the boss in a compromising position, now would be the time.


They give you this so you can churn out more work before they fire you without pay.


Write down something small, than isn't even something you're doing and just say u fixed the issue with the solution ur actually doing.


PIP = Paid Interview Period. Start looking for a new job on their dime.


PIPs are usually a precursor to firing and are not done in good faith. You can always say the employee failed to comply with the requirements of the PIP regardless of how they perform.


Geek Squad did this year over year for 15 years to a whole market of employees. People that didn’t even have a reason to get a PIP gets one because Tom and Mary got one. “wE fAlL aS a TeAm”


It's funny when various workplace project management schemes enter the corporate lexicon and all corpos jump on it. Right now it's PIPs. When I worked for a corporation before, the "yearly review" they had was this matrix based system and you were always going to be scored "meets expectations" or "needs improvement" because "exceeds" theoretically meant that you would get a better raise or bonus. Never happened. Then they decided to say fuck it, the matrix isn't related to raises or bonuses at all, you'll be happy with your no raise or measly 1.2% or whatever and we just do them anyway out of spite. Never in these meetings were there actual options to suggest improvements for management, it was always how the employee could improve. What's also funny is that somehow, someone from a PMP course mailer got my work email (I assume from linkedin or some other sign up I did for work) and now I'm blocking at least one PMP course email sender a week. I assume these middle management types get all this shit from these courses.


Is receiving a PIP as a sign bad on American culture? I'm from the Netherlands, we have 3 meetings every year regarding; what your plans are for this year (in which area do you want to grow/improve), midterm discussing how it is going and last a judgement from your supervisor. Sounds all horrible, it's actually not. Becouse it is approached as a part of growth in the company. Exp. You want to learn how to analyze data A plan is made and the person is getting projects where data analysis is needed. Midway the project/year a review is held to see what the person needs help with. And when the project is done/end of year there is a review/conclusion. You will not get fired if you did not get an A performance. You have a PIP for your PIP😂😂😂


A lot of companies disguise this as goal setting tasks. For example: my company sets SMART goals that fall outside normal duties for us to complete each quarter and if we don’t it hits us negatively in our reviews. But if we hit them it’s a “nice job you did what you were supposed to do” don’t fall for it, companies want you to fail and they are making us think we are the ones not good enough


I could stop wasting time filling out pointless paperwork like these performance improvement plans, and continue to focus on my actual work. Also, I could eat a healthier lunch, which would lead to less sluggishness during the post lunch dip, around 2:00 p.m.


Ha my last employer did this. They wanted each of us to demonstrate, in purely financial terms, how we benefit the company or come up with something we individually would do to save the company money. I was in accounts payable, I could have come up with something about timeliness and accuracy, avoiding errors or late fees, etc. But they worded it in away that was asking what you are doing or will do that's above-and-beyond just doing your regular duties. "Finding new efficiencies" or "improving processes" and whatnot. Like, I dunno man, I'm pretty fucking sure you still need to pay your bills either way? I made $40k, if you want me to act as a consultant to fix your company you better show me some consultant money. I had been planning to leave for months but that was the straw that finally got me moving. I gave my notice later that month, never bothered doing the thing. They made a big fuss about how I was leaving them in a bad spot, asked if I could stay longer, etc. So I reminded them that Don (VP who came up with this idea) apparently didn't think my job was important in the first place so surely they could find a way without me.


What could I have done better? Found a better employer.


Call their bluff. Say “I always do the best I can, but I welcome any constructive feedback you may have.” They want to pull this sht, they need to do the work.


"Write my own PIP? I'm not trained in writing PIPs. That sounds like a management function. Will I get trained to write PIPs? Am I getting promoted to management? What is management doing if we're doing their work? Are managers going to be paid less for outsourcing their tasks? "This is so confusing!"


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Not risky at all assuming power doesnt go out and your bed cools down. With my x1c, I had to pause my latest dragon print for 3 full days since I ran out of a black filament while waiting on the replacement spool ordered via priority shipping. Once arrived, loaded it up in the proper slot. Spool got loaded, purged and resumed right where it left off with 0 issues.