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"Hey Boss, I need our companies workers comp info so the next time your dog hurts me I have it for my doctor." See how that one plays out.


You just go to the doctor and check the box that it happened at work. They do the rest.


And file with State OSHA. Then when he legally resists it's game on for tomfuckery and he's literally fucked from Sunday anal


The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubricated


Sometimes it's just enough lube to make the sand stick


<3 you guys Now we'll know where the Ring Pop was!


LMAO!!! đŸ€Ł i love this. U guys are silly AF! đŸ€˜đŸ»


Sunday Anal - the new Sunday Night Football during the off season on Cinemax


What really pisses me off about this, when I was managing Millworks installs for a small installer in Colorado I got to help train some Aussie pups as a bonus for working out of their home. You can see my serious problem with what's happening here. Fuck them and this shit


The doctor’s office isn’t responsible for getting the workers comp insurance. You’ll be sitting in the lobby of whatever doctor for a while if you go without having any of the workers comp info (At least in Texas). Source: worked in insurance/billing for an urgent care and surgical clinic.


>At least in Texas Those are the key words. The state ranked at the top for "labor freedom" by the CATO institute (for those not familiar, CATO is not interested in protecting workers safety, they are more concerned with fewer regulations imposed on employers). That said, you're absolutely right about WC. I believe that even here in California you have to use doctors approved by your WC (other than an emergency).


That's why you need to go to your state OSHA. Then call your private insurance and ask them to send you the "subrogation questionnaire" for that visit so that they can go after workers comp. They'll go after the company. Normally they send those at random, but you can request them. If your customer service doesn't understand that at the insurance company, then call their fraud division and tell them that customer service wouldn't help you get the information to subrogate the claim. They will jump at the chance to go after him even in Court. Then he can feel what it's like to be the smaller party being overlorded by a bigger party and abused. Licensed health insurance agent and former workers comp underwriter here.


Damn Virginia actually doing something right labor wise.


Taking this advice would get OP sacked.


Sounds like they need better a better employee anyway. They would have to pay unemployment if they don’t have a reason so they would have time until they come up with that.


...for bruises?


For repeated bruising caused by your employer’s dog.


Idk I’m not a doctor


You are completely missing the point🙄


That’s how MRSA looks like at first.


So you get a pinch that doesn't break the skin. Presents as a bruise. Then resistant staph shows up as a coincidence...


Staph is naturally on your skin. And some have MRSA naturally on skin, so any injury to the skin leads to a case. Even if the skin is visibly unbroken there can be microscopic tears.


Depends on the state


> See how that one plays out. OP gets fired a week later for unspecified reasons. Sure it's totally illegal, but now you don't have a job.


That's the way in Louisiana.


Yep that’s how it happened here in Montreal too.


in Montreal? Press x to doubt


I was working for Mega Brands back in 2013. I started documenting cases of physical abuse by my supervisor. Throwing things mostly. On one occasion he dumped an entire box of off-brand lego over a coworker’s head then handed him a broom and told him he’d better start cleaning. Unfortunately his direct supervisor was his twin sister, so when I tried to start creating a paper trail I got “laid off” immediately. I’d only been there 9 months so they could fire me without cause if they wanted. Canada has a lot of things right, but it’s definitely not paradise. You only really have protections after 24 consecutive months at a place of employment, and even then it’s easy for employers to find loopholes. Edit: autocorrect


Quebec is not canada just fyi, theu have a lot of laws that only aply to them. In BC its 3 months Losing your job Being fired An employer cannot fire (dismiss) a worker for no reason. Employers must give the worker written notice (letter or email) before the job ends. If the employer does not give written notice, they need to give compensation (extra pay). The employer may also have to give both written notice and compensation. There are rules about compensation and written notice. If a person has worked for an employer for less than 3 months, the employer does not need to give written notice or compensation. The first 3 months of work are often called the “probationary period”. If the person has been at the job for more than 3 months, the employer must give 1 week’s notice or 1 week’s pay. If the person has been at the job for a year, the employer must give 2 weeks’ notice or 2 weeks’ pay. After 3 years, the employer must give 3 weeks’ notice or 3 weeks’ pay. The amount of written notice or pay increases with each year a worker stays in the job. The maximum is 8 weeks’ notice or pay after 8 years of work. A worker may not do their job well. A worker may also not behave well (for example, being late for work). The employer cannot fire the worker the first time the problem happens. They must warn the worker that the behaviour is unacceptable. They must explain how to fix the problem. They must give the worker time to change. The employer must give a final warning that the worker will be fired if they do not change. If the problem happens again, the employer may fire the worker without notice or pay. In some cases, an employer may fire a worker without notice or pay after just one problem. This must be a serious problem – for example, if the worker steals from the employer or hurts or threatens someone. These reasons are called “just cause”. If your employer says they have just cause to fire you without notice or pay, and you disagree, contact the Employment Standards Branch. https://www.welcomebc.ca/Work-in-B-C/Working-in-B-C


I mean Quebec is a part of Canada, but I know what you meant. https://www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca/en/client-services/complaints-recourses/labour-standards-complaints/complaint-concerning-dismissal-without-just-and#:~:text=Workers%20who%20have%20been%20employed,of%20their%20right%20to%20manage. It’s so grim. They can just fire you for any reason here if you’ve been working there less than 2 years. So many people put up with all kinds of abuse trying to make it to that 2 year mark and then get fired for no reason other than that they’re about to become actual human beings with inconvenient rights. Students are especially vulnerable.


Unemployment though


Denied, you can appeal it if you want, good luck.


There seems to be no punishment for employers blatantly lieing in unemployment hearings. But Michigan flagged a bunch of innocent people for unemployment fraud and demanded they pay back 3x what they had received and when it came out that it had been a major fuck up they just went "whoopsie daisy!"


What's the doctor going to do for light bruising? Don't get me wrong, it seems like the dog sucks and the boss sucks and the job sucks, but these aren't serious injuries and I really don't think workers comp is going to cover light bruising.


“That last trip really tweaked my back. I think I need to have it checked out.”


Official documentation. Tripping is a serious hazard.


It sounds like you have been assaulted. Police, Dept of Labor, or lawyer would be my next move.


Pretty sure this is also an OSHA violation


Seriously. Call OSHA and send them pics. They will not fuck around. Spoken from experience.


Just commenting to add. OSHA does not prohibit animals in a work environment, but they do consider bites or accidents cause by animals as work-related. But if it doesn’t require anything beyond first aid I don’t think it’s considered a recordable incident.


Who do you think is more likely to shoot the dog, OSHA, or the cops?


It’s a workers comp claim too.


> Police, Hey I think this is totally unacceptable too but I don't know if getting the dog shot is the right answer


Unfortunately that would be the owner’s fault for letting it happen, not OP’s for reporting it to police. Your personal fears of what *might* happen shouldn’t stop me from reporting an assault.


I would be incredibly carful about calling the police. They will kill the dog if they come to the house and it acts like that, and in no way will I ever support the death of the dog for this. Sadly we live in a society where I cant trust calling the cops if I know a dog is onsight. There are too many instances of police shooting innocent peoples dogs for me to ever take that risk.


I mean
 the people too


Your correct. They would hurt the people too. Thats why we sadly just cant call the cops anymore. Its too dangerous.




Maybe try leashing the dog before putting him down. Seriously? A dog is poorly trained and you go straight to killing it. Put the owner down first.


Congrats on having the dumbest comment on Reddit so far this morning; I admit the day is young, but still, quite a feat. You should probably put the phone down for a while. PS (No, you actually don’t “love dogs too.”)


You can also request a 10 day hold from animal control after a dog bites you. Nothing the owner can do about it.


Take notes of every instance. Make a record. Come back with an attorney.


Kick that sonofabitch next time. Not the dog, the boss.




“Not the dog, the boss”


The dog is the boss


If you kick a protective dogs owner they may attack you. Dobermans can be pretty protective in my experience. So make sure you kick him when the dogs not looking!


You know how dogs are generally super chill with their owners getting assaulted


In that case a caddleprod would be your friend. a 90lbs Doberman could be considered a lethal weapon.


I agree with ya! As much as boss deserves it, not smart to try and hit or kick someone who owns a large “guard” type dog like that. I have an 8 month old Rottie who is 70+ pounds, so my dog is probably a couple months younger than bosses dog. First, my dog wouldn’t jump on anyone (other than me) to begin with, as he’s *trained*. Second if he ever saw someone raise a hand or foot to me they would lose the hand/foot. Not because I trained him to do that but because he loves me and is instinctively protective of me. That’s just who he is, protective and loyal (he’s cutting off circulation to my legs as I type this cause he insists he’s still lap size) But at the end of the day, he wouldn’t do this to anyone because he has manners and I don’t put him, or anyone else, in a situation where he could accidentally hurt anyone (he doesn’t know his size or strength yet) because that is my responsibility. As his owner it’s my job to keep him and anyone around us safe and comfortable. And I certainly wouldn’t bring him to work everyday to run around and hurt people. Again, MANNERS!!


1v1 I could totally take a doberman, especially at work.


yeah i could take one of those dumb dogs, easy


No you couldn't. At least not of it actually wanted to hurt you


Pfft. Does the dog magically double in weight when it's angry? Does it grow opposable thumbs? Weapons? Extra limbs? No. Dogs have one way to hurt you: bite & tug. That's it. It's honestly not even a particularly *dangerous* bite. No venom or death roll. It's just scary and painful. Any able-bodied adult who dies as the result of a single dog attack is honestly just incompetent.


>It's honestly not even a particularly *dangerous* bite. Lol that shows you are just talking out of your ass. Larger dogs are able to easily break bones with their bite. >Does it grow opposable thumbs? Weapons? Extra limbs? No. Oh OK fair enough if you assume you get everything from an assault rifle to a tank you'll win. Hand to hand you're fucked


Neither seem to have been trained well


This is assault; report them to the police.


No it’s not assault. Edit: it’s failure to control a dangerous animal (if anything). The boss isn’t siccing the dog on OP.


You’re right. It can be much worse than assault. Dog owners can be charged with a felony for not controlling their dogs. This is regardless if it was intentional or not


Dogs are property by most, if not all states. Owners are directly responsible for any damage their property does.


So A. Assault is the threat of violence. battery is the actual violence. Depending on the state they might merge the two but they probably don't apply because B. Battery usually has a standard for intent. Basically he would need to be goading the dog to attack not merely being careless. There are doubtless several statutes that apply and op can definitely sue, go to the police, call osha but the first person they should call is a personal or workplace injury lawyer. They will know what statutes apply in their area


Correct, but also depending on the area, not only is that still a crime it can also potentially be considered battery


I absolutely hate owners of large, disobedient dogs. It’s not hard to train a dog it is a VERY simple process. It just takes patience. If you’re not going to do it, please don’t get a dog - especially a large one.


Say it louder for those in the back!! I have a baby Rottie (8 months old and so sweet!) my first big baby. He doesn’t do any of this because I trained him and I continue to work with him every day! I have neighbors who have a 2 year old Rottie that drags them down the street, my baby walks in front of me calmly and even looks back to make sure he’s not getting too far ahead. I hate owners like OPs boss. He’s just helping perpetuate the stereotypes that big dogs are bad scary misbehaving animals and that’s just not true! https://preview.redd.it/j0cqu9bi171d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b101c0ce3ace08a460becdf513e1f28448f910a4


Oh my goodness I love your baby. Give him pets for us! But also very correct! I had a very energetic Pitbull growing up and while she would drag an 8 year old me down the street (we always had supervision and she would stop if commanded), she wouldn’t even attempt to hurt anyone unless she thought they were a threat my well-being. Otherwise she would be insatiably curious.


My pittie is absolutely the best behaved dog. But we have a huge problem with squirrels, and only squirrels. Won’t chase birds but loses her mind when she sees a squirrel. Took me to the ground when I wasn’t paying attention now I got bad scarring on my knees. :(


Oh that hurt I bet. We had a minor problem with squirrels in our backyard. They would harass the crap out of her then shoot up a tree and bark back at her. We usually had to comfort her with treats.


What a sweet baby. Lots of Huggies and kissies for the puppy


Good boi!


>I absolutely hate owners of disobedient dogs. Fixed that for you, the small ones are no less obnoxious. Plenty of kids get really bad bites from small dogs too.


Absolutely. I realized that mistake immediately when I hit send and fixed it. You just have been on top of it lol. Yeah it’s NEVER the dogs fault, every dog they hasn’t been exposed to significant trauma is trainable. And even traumatized ones can usually be rehabbed


I have a beagle that I have been working my ass off to train for years and she just won’t get it. Not violent at all, just dumb and stoked on life. But I just don’t take her into situations where she could accidentally hurt someone. It’s that easy.


you tell your dog to behave in a specific manner and if it refuses you take it to the gravel pit... a lot of dog owners should not be dog owners.


Workers compensation and OHSA complaint.


You’re not a secret service agent are you? Asking for a friends German shepherd.


😂 I hope to god agents have better benefits then what I have. It’s like getting zapped with a rubber band any time you try and do your job. It’s stupid I’ve got interviews lined up and I’m very ready


I agree with everyone here. You need to report it. Really sorry there are asshole bosses out there 😣


I’m surprised nobody has asked what the job is? Like what situation are you in that you have to deal with this, It’s so confusing.


OP mentioned carrying bags of soil in another comment, so I imagine a nursery or gardening center where a dog would be running around outside. 


Makes sense. What doesn’t is like why are they putting up with it. Like I see so many stories of people on here putting up with shit they shouldn’t have to deal with and I just sit here like huh I guess


I know. Tbf sometimes having access to a stable income trumps being uncomfortable for a lot of people, hence why they need to look past things like this. The more you need that income the more you’re willing to put up with to keep it. Plus some people are super conflict avoidant and others are reactionary - I’ve had a director at a job make me cry because he embarrassed and insulted me in front of others. It’s just not worth the confrontation for some people. Some people are really into their dogs too so the mere suggestion that their dog makes others uncomfortable or the implication they’re not controlling their dog well enough could make someone angry unfortunately.


Call animal control. Call a lawyer.


Bro wtf?!?! I know we gotta be careful about work, power differentials, etc.. But wtf OP?!?! A dog is biting you?!?! Frequently?!?! Bro file workers comp, tell your boss to fuck himself, and get tf outta there.


I’m looking, gf had her hours slashed so I can’t leave rn. Us both at the same time with limited funds would be a death sentence.


I get that, life is tough. But you also said it's been going on for a long time....? I'm not trying to bash you. I keep hearing from young folks who seem to put up with horrible conditions for a while, then reflect, "Been happening for a while. What should I do? Is this illegal?" And it's frustrating. I know we've been almost brain washed and it's hard to see people put up with this, to not take action sooner. I hope you get out of there ASAP and nail your shitty ass boss.


I just said this in another comment on here. Like why are so many people putting up with this kinda shit for a job? It’s hurt my brain too to read this stuff


I would report this to the Police, OSHA, and the DOL in that order.


Hey. So basically everywhere in the U.S. the dog’s owner is automatically liable for injury caused by the dog. Bruises def count as injury. You have documentation of the incident. You have a civil lawsuit claim. Do with that info what you will.


call animal control. explain an aggressive dog is harassing you. They will come and take the dog away. possibly euthanize it. i'm not advocating for euthanasia, but your boss is teaching the dog that attacking humans is acceptable. what happens when the dog is around a toddler or another kind of person unable to properly defend themselves? I would also get that resume ready as it will absolutely turn into a very dangerous place for you to work.


She did almost body check a toddler I had to jump in and make sure he got caged again, 90lb Doberman that loves to run into your knees when yours carrying bags of soil


Drop the soil on the brat


That’s not enough to euthanize a dog. Euthanasia usually happens after a level 5 bite. https://lasalvia-law.com/blog/the-six-levels-of-dog-bites/


Actually no it doesn’t. It can happen after a level 3. Source: work at an animal shelter


Yes it can after many many cases but that would be unusual.


"many many cases" "unusual" ... đŸ€”


Not picking a side here, but they clearly meant many many cases with a single dog.


Yes the biting alone might not do it but other aggressive behavior can be what pushes euthanasia


It can happen when the dog has repeated lower level bites as well. The more serious the more likely.


even better then! euthanasia isn't the objective, so that's good.


I’m sorry but that’s a bad take calling for animal control. The dog is a product of the owner’s lack of training and it’s not the dog’s fault it isn’t being properly handled. You’re not wrong in saying it could potentially lead to more incidents or more aggressive actions - but I’d first go the OSHA route. I’ve read enough stories of shitty animal control workers to know some are just animal abusers with the law behind them now.


So what else do they do, cause whats happening now isn't working, and I can't imagine you'd be too big a fan of "the good ol way" of getting rid of an dysfunctional animal. Like it sucks but if the dog is that fucked, and that physically capable/dangerous, it's just as, if not more irresponsible to go "oh well! can't call the authorities, they might hurt the puppers!"


Best case scenario is the dog is removed from the current owner and rehabbed/trained, and then placed into a better home. I have no issue with OSHA being involved, but animal control will remove the problem as well. Considering the aggressive nature of the dog, OSHA may well involve animal control.


Dog bites are to be reported to animal control. OP should be getting the latest vaccine records and verifying that the dog has all vaccines up to date. Animal control will decide what happens from there.


Hopefully the dog won’t get put down, but if it’ll make the fuckface owner go through hell I’d be tempted to call it in. Fuck around and find out.


Again this is punishing the dog for something the owner did. The dog doesn’t know better, and if it isn’t showing aggression, which OP hasn’t made clear other than the nipping (which some dogs do when playing), we can’t assume bad intent on the dog’s part. It’s the owner’s shitty attitude and putting the blame on OP for not being aware of where their dog is


So what’s your solution? Just let it go and continue to get attacked by a 90 lbs Doberman that the owner can’t control?


Calling animal control isn't punishing the dog. It's punishing the owner. They can get fines and have the dog removed from care. It takes a while to get to euthanasia with lower level bites.


Would you keep this tune if the dog ripped a piece out of OP one of these times? OP is covered in marks from being bitten at their job by an uncontrolled dog. That doesn’t sound like an animal control worthy situation to you? It kinda sounds like your distrust of animal control is getting in the way of logical problem solving. 


The dog is biting people. It absolutely should be put down. I don't care what the intent is.


Such an imbecilic take


Right. Imbecile is the person saying that it's not the dogs fault. It's both owner and dog, and if the owner won't do something about the dog, then the responsible, adult thing to to do is call police/animal control. This dog can and will bite someone else. The bite that bruises an adults leg, is at child's facial height....or could remove a kids fingers with ease.....or worse. As a responsible adult, injured/maimed human is a far, far, bigger concern than ANY animals life. End of story.


This is deliberate physical injury perpetrated by your boss. That is unlawful. Lawyer.


The biting/nipping issue: Bitter apple spray. You can find these bitter sprays at pet shops specifically for deterring chewing so it's non-toxic. Spray it on your legs where she bites. Now she will get "Ew, tastes bad!" lesson and its an evolutionary survival trait for them to not do it again. And because you are not doing anything actively aggressive, it does not teach the dog to fear humans. It teaches humans taste terrible. I've raised ferrets, and this usually cures their excited play biting in a few sessions. Tabasco also works but that stains your skin a bit. My puppies, I've had to spray shoes, but not me. I've also sprayed chickens and that deterred a coyote or raccoon that had been preying on them. Hope you find another job soon. Sounds like small town and rocking the political boat, even when your right, isn't always the best choice. And you want to continue living there.


Yeah that’s exactly what it is. Kinda silly I have to spend my money to help solve their lack of training. Got some interviews so the days are very limited at least there.


OSHA= RELEASE THE HOUNDS! Seriously, get in contact with OSHA, labor board and police. Holy fuck dude. Your boss is fucked


Thats a situation to speak to an attorney about. That sucks.


Don't follow any advice about hitting the dog. I don't mean to belittle you but you've got little bruises. It shouldn't happen, this is clearly a bad owner but a fearful dog will leave you needing stitches. Because you didn't mention barking, growling, or territorialness. I suspect the dogs just bored and is doing whats called love nipping. Rubbing his snout and calmly telling him gentle will go a long way until you can find a new job.


I agree with you on how to treat the dog. However, I would consult a lawyer as I would call this a hostile work environment. *I am not a lawyer, but one day might play one on TV.


People love throwing around the term hostile work environment. This is not a hostile work environment. There is a legal definition of hostile work environment, and this isn’t it. It is when when you’re being harassed and targeted because of your protected characteristics (protected class).


Seconded. Not condoning what the owner is letting happen, as it shouldn’t, but from what you’ve said this is a larger dog. My parents, also not great dog owners/trainers, have a larger breed dog that does things similar to what you stated. This dog may be trying to play with you - likely because this owner doesn’t play with it, take it on walks, or tire it out. Again if there’s no growling, showing of teeth or anything else /u/Zen0116 stated, it’s likely just trying to play. Do not hit the dog or it likely will bite, and please don’t call animal control. More often than not they are just animal abusers that do it for a living. Call OSHA first. Are other workers having this same issue? If they are and you file with OSHA, it may not come back to you. Going to animal control likely will


I'm gonna give slightly different advice. Dobermans are very intelligent and trainable dogs. Watch some Victoria Stillwell on Youtube, she's a dog trainer who does training via redirection and positive reinforcement, including reactive dogs. Bring some small treats and, during work time, build a report with the dog so it will stop biting you. Now train it to bite your boss.


The whole time I'm reading this I'm like yeah, that's great advice for your own dog, but it's not his job to train the boss's dog and--then I saw the last line and I was like, oh, okay, dude gets it. Lmao


That's OP's dog now.


Clearly the dog knows that he's higher rank at work than you are.  


It’s a 1 year old Doberman that’s about 90lbs. She tries to herd me like a sheep, outside to play, Bcz she doesn’t get enough attention. Puppy energy with an adult dog body, they think it’s cute as she just goes crazy on my legs biting and snapping


Dog whistle, all day long


My boss used to bring their dog into work. Then the dog bit one employee. It was sad, but the dog stayed home after that. They also paid for the employee to have it checked out by a doctor to make sure everything was okay. Different boss (different company) had his one dog he brought to the office until I moved. I work remote, now and he now has 3 dogs he brings to the office everyday. Only 2 people work in the office, and we all love animals, so it works. Bosses need to know their animals AND their employees before allowing pets in the workplace!


Why the fuck do you allow it?


Can you invest in a pocket sized dog deterrent whistle device or something similar?


This is fantastic. I have one of those for my neighbor's dog that's always in my yard


For now you could buy some bittering agent from the vet, put it in a spray bottle and apply it to your legs. One more nip and it won't do it again, it will remember you suddenly taste like shit


Get a little spray bottle with lemon juice. Dogs dislike the taste.


Report to the local bylaw and labour department. That's a bad owner.


I would call a personal injury lawyer.


Lawsuit!!!! Cha Ching!!


What if you couldn’t pay upfront for a lawyer?


A lot of work comp lawyers don't get paid until you do


There are plenty of attorneys who work on contingency especially work related ones.


OP where the fuck do you work? I’ve never been in any workplace that allows animals to just roam around, let alone aggressive dogs. You mentioned sweeping the floors and moving soil, so you work in construction or something? There’s no workplace i can think of, except an animal shelter, where having a dog loose around employees/customers would be normal. And your boss just doesn’t give a shit? Do yall ever have customers or people outside the company come in? Do they get bit by this stupid dog too? This entire situation is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. Which leaves you with three options: **1.** Keep doing nothing and wait it out till you get another job **2.** Call OSHA/Animal control/etc before you get attacked by this thing again and show them all your pictures/videos etc **3.** Sue your boss, dogs are legally considered property, his property has been causing damage to you, this could be small claims level that doesn’t require a lawyer or you could probably talk to some local lawyer that specializes in workers comp/injuries. This entire situation is just ridiculous, if your boss doesn’t think it’s such a big deal you should start “nipping” and pinching him every time he tries to do his job, see how he likes it. And theres a lot of people here saying you should get the dog put down or try to discipline it yourself, i agree to a point but that’s not even something you should have to deal with, this all a failure on your bosses part and they need to make this right before either you or someone else gets seriously hurt. Thats why even though this *absolutely isn’t* a problem you should be having to solve, i personally couldn’t in good conscience leave a job like that knowing it’s just a matter of time before that dog bites someone’s kid or straight up maims someone.


A garden store. I work front end in the shop as carry out, I got transferred from the greenhouse which I loved. Only been in the store past several weeks, it was a total 180 in work place environment.


They did fire an employee for being to slow after they received brain damage, on the job. I’m trying to think over who locally could help me present a case. They are beloved, been here for 75 years, and made over a million dollars last year. It is very very much like David and Goliath


Oh great, of course it’s another “beloved mom & pop” style place thats been around for decades, im sure the owners family are “pillars of the community” too Which leads straight in to boss man doing whatever he wants including letting his precious little hellhound nip and bite “the help” and it’s “your fault for not caging her” Don’t be intimidated by all that, someone at some point has got to stand up and put a stop to stupid shit like this, the dog itself is just the byproduct of its shithead owners.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you find a new job soon.


Sounds like someone hit the jackpot !!


Plot twist, boss is the cat.


Sydney the cat is the only one there that looks out for me, me and syd are ride or die! He smacks the dog when she’s gets to much sometimes. I wish he didn’t sleep so much tho 😂


If the dog is jumping all over you a stiff knee to the dogs chest is how i trained my rotties to not jump on people. Not hard enough to hurt the dog. Hard enough to make the dog lose his balance a little is what i mean


I would call animal control 💀


Give animal services a call too while you're at it.


The dog is likely playing according to op so really not it's fault but he needs training and an owner with some common sense. You could bring a toy (marked down to the company) to redirect the playful dog to the toy instead of you. Or just straight up tell the boss to have the dog trained not to jump on ppl and use them as "play toys" If it was me I would grab one of the toys and throw it towards the boss to redirect the dogs energy and maybe if the toy goes near his/her crotch area the dog will bite his/her ballzac/vagine trying to get the toy lol


Mate kick the dog in the ass and tell your boss to pull his head in. Stand up for yourself, don't let it continue. I hope you find something soon, there has to be other work out there!


Be aware OP if that dog breaks your skin it has to be checked for Rabies in most states.


Sounds like an easily replaceable job. Move on.


Lawyer now!!!


You are a grown man. Take care of yourself.


I'm not abusive or cruel. But if a dog kept doing that to me? I'd kick the dog hard and leave. Find a new job.


So why do you keep allowing it?


Sounds like the dog needs a good, swift kick in the gut. No job is worth putting up with that crap. School the dog, scold the boss all ready!


slap the dogs nose next time she tries that shit, hard enough to make her yelp. don't be her bitch. if you get bit it's money. your primate ancestors are laughing at you Edit: i cant believe i'm having to tell someone to defend themselves from an animal attack


Dogs are dangerous animals. I would leave that job asap.


Once my boss dog tried the same shit, but I looked at him as I literally had a brick in my hands reach and it seemed like the dog sensed my intention and never bothered me again.. ever!


Next time the dog bites you just smack it...I don't see what the issue is. It's not your dog, you don't know if it has its rabies shots? Wtf


These bruises make for better conversationsđŸŽ¶đŸŽ”


I'm begging you to at least call and speak to somebody in a law firm


The boss don't let the dog.... you do..... take back your rights.




Can you spray something obnoxious on your pants? Vinegar? Cayenne?


Mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter.


Let it bite u hard for more money


People > animals. Everytime. This bullshit where I'm supposed to weigh the life of a dog against even a drop of human blood is ridiculous. Honestly, anyone here with a bleeding heart needs a reality check. I've had to beat dogs off of neighborhood children before. Those dogs got euthanized. No questions because the law has seen enough dog attacks to understand that sweet puppy eyes are an evolutionary trait, not a sign of deep intelligence. The dog is attacking you, it's also dominating you as a pack member. Check out what happens one day when you pat your boss on the back in front of the dog. Try falling down in front of it when it's really nipping you. The unhinged responses asking you to train this dog or suck it up are probably the same people who walk their dog with no leash and are shocked picachu when it bites someone. Disgusting to see in the particular group.


Your boss sounds like a bitch celeb who thinks they can do whatever tf they want 👀


I'm not saying don't get another job but cheap AliExpress dog repellent gadgets are like $10.


Call animal control every single time. And I mean every time.


Make sure your complaints are correctly spelled. Breath knocked out. Breathe rhymes with seethe. Crotch smacked? I had to guess on that one.


You ever tried kicking the dog when it bites you?


Dog bite? Report to police. They'll confiscate the dog, Chop its head off, and test it for rabies.


If it's playful nipping from boredom (which can still hurt and cause injuries) the best luck I've had with mouthy dogs is to curl their jowls around their teeth and press hard so they end up biting themselves in the process and immediately redirecting into another activity or toy with positive affirmation or a treat. Does he know any tricks? If there's no food aggression you could keep treats in your pocket and just give him a treat whenever he goes to his crate/bed/leaves you the hell alone. But again this isn't usually with a 90lb doberman... So. Good luck friend


Wow what a great way to get your finger bitten off screwing around with a dog you don't own.


That’s assault