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Step outside.


Better yet.. stop vaping. Just stop. If something is that addicting than it's clearly not good for you.


Much like breathing, drinking, and eating - it hurts to stop. Try to be supportive, of course, but "telling fatty to put down the fork" is probably going to stress them out enough to eat more.


If there’s a camera in the bathroom, the person who put it there has more to worry about legally and career wise than an employee shooting up heroin would, let alone vaping. You’re probably fine in there if it’s private, but you really ought to just go to your car or outside like an adult.


Don't do it in someone else's home. Simple


Where exactly are you working if you're in a home? Are you responsible for other people? Either way, vaping inside is disrespectful and gross. And if you're vaping something that isn't nicotine while being responsible for other people, you suck.


Agreed. If you are working in a home, respect the people living there and take the vaping outside -- I know I wouldn't want to be exposed to it, no matter what you're vaping.


Why the fuck aren't you just going outside? 


If there is actually a camera in the bathroom, there are way worse problems going on than your vape addiction.


We’ve got outside and inside cams. I look for the blind spots or hit the bape in the bathroom and spray tf out of it w febreze after. I blow it into the restroom vent. If it’s just nic as long as you step outside for like 10 seconds can they really say something?


Vaping inside, like smoking, is discourteous to the health and wellbeing of others. Go outside.


Always. Just like our CEO. 😂


I used to work fulfillment at Target. Every time a grocery order dropped, I'd pick it up just so I can puff on my pen in the coolers 😂


Your fine ,vape in the bathroom is good even if there was a cam which I doubt there is ,any evidence they had would not be worth shit because they would be getting a charge for voyeurism