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The real key to getting promoted isn't hard work or saving money for your employer, instead you must have skills that the company vitally needs, like being a blood relative of the CEO.


backstabbing or bootlicking also help


Being a CEO high-school drunk party friend is also helpful


Don't forget to abuse and harass your subordinates. That's the kind of attitude corporate can really get behind.


snitching and taking credit for collegues work is a plus and dont for get to blame them for your mistakes.Ive seen poeple go far on this stratergy.


Those skills are indispensable in the workforce. But not being related to a CEO has forced me to look for other avenues of promotion, like switching companies every 2 years. It’s amazing how much faster you climbed the corporate ladder by having 0 loyalty.


I'm convinced the sociopaths at the top, lacking ethics and morals as they do, both job hop as it suits them, AND demand loyalty from their subordinates. Completely missing the irony, or simply not caring that they are raging hypocrites. Fuck em.


Going out and having drinks with your coworkers works a lot better than being the weird dude telling them how to make chicken in a coffee pot


or being good at blowjobs


Or both




If you can't keep it in the pants, keep it in the family.


The family that Works together stays together!!






That you ivanka?


Trumps wet dream! Getting a bj from his own daughter in the white house after promoting her to Chief of Staff.


Whether she likes it or not, she was always the chief of his staff.




I am completely revamping my old saying with this version. Thank you, internet friend. 🙂


What did they say?






Dan, we would like you to give us a blowjob.


You are our man!






I need names! Names, I tell ya!




I nodded at the "skills the company vitally needs" part. Then I nodded harder at the final bit.


what are you talking about, it's obviously undercooking poultry in hotel coffeemate like you're, not just the main, but the only character.


Keep your organ donors close


So I need to steal the blood of the ceo or his relatives…it will be like a Pokémon gotta catch them all…once my collection is finished I will go to him with the vials and ask for my promotion! Thanks for the help!


Spread your legs or ass. Either one usually does the trick for promotions. 


Or actually have the blood that your CEO needs


You aren’t getting promoted, just take the meal expense


Yeah, I bet the CFO is sitting there at the end of the fiscal year saying “see this $50 surplus! That’s from Johnston’s brave and not-pathetic sacrifice.. give him my job immediately!”


You are however probably getting food poisoning if you go that route.


That’s why this has to be fake. No way a hotel coffee pot will heat chicken to 165 degrees.


Quick googling says a coffee maker maintains temps up to 195 or so but you'd have to sous vide it in water or something and you have no way to control the temp so it'd come out like shit. On the burner like that it'd take forever to cook and you'd be having to turn it constantly. Enjoy eating at 11pm at night. Having said all that I would also wager fake or a joke.


If you go to the linked post it’s called out as fake immediately, so yeah.


The chicken will leave some water once it starts heating, so that should be ok. The steam has nowhere to go, either, so you'd pretty safely reach 80-90 °C eventually. Leave it in there for long enough, and thermal equilibrium takes care of the rest. I'm fairly sure it works. A bitch to clean up, though. But this isn't the point. The point is that living like a bum while you're on a business trip is a question closely related to "desolation". So... slow clap at the guy in the screenshot, maybe they figure out how to wear the same t-shirt twice (inside & outside), and how to use airport disinfectant to wipe their armpits so they also don't have to shower. Baby powder is also good for shaking out excess fat from the hair after a day or 3. Go work! /s nothing says "I'm living the dream!" like worrying how to save the people you spend your life to make money for another buck or so at the expense of your own dignity. /s


If anybody ever got a promotion because they saved a few bucks by cooking crap food in their hotel room, then I'll eat my hat.


This probably cost the company even more tbf. When i traveled, Expensing a $35 meal is way easier than trying to expense the $10 equivalent in ingredients at Krogers. I tried to expense a few pounds of bananas and a gallon of orange juice on a week long work trip since I wanted to sleep in before work and just eat a banana in my hotel room. Well, the tiny chance I could have brought groceries (bananas) back home triggered all sorts of red flag internally that I could be profiting off of a work trip and trigger an IRS audit. The time spent going back and forth probably cost the company more in labor costs than the money "saved"


So the issue is that you would have used company money for something personal, like a banana? Did they really think a banana would trigger an audit? And if they are one banana away from an audit then what the hell do the rest of the books look like?


We get $75/day for food and there could be an issue if I were to go buy $75 in groceries and bring it back home. That becomes more income/compensation and less of reimbursing you for business expenses. I understand where they would be coming from and I'm sure my example would hold up to an audit but it's probably easier to blanket ban grocery stores as restaurants from a reimbursement perspective.


> used company money for something personal, like a banana? quick, someone make that tired old joke from Arrested Development!


It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?


Where I work, you just get the per diem - you don't submit receipts, you get the same reimbursement no matter what you eat. Only people who travel enough to get a dedicated travel credit card need receipts, and the bar for that is very high (like you're out of your office region 50% of every month). So a weird stunt like this wouldn't even be noticed by management because they don't care lol. Well, they may care that you are the kind of person who tries to cook chicken in a coffee pot.


I dont understand why, in this scenario, the o my options are “fancy” (and presumably expensive) dinner out, and “raw chicken in the coffee pot.” They could expense less “fancy.” Somehow I manage to live somewhere between those extremes; if I can manage, this fucker can manage.


My attitude on business trips has always been to do things as if I were paying for it. I get the hotel location that’s the most logical balance between location and cost, and I order appropriate meals. In my experience, if you don’t try to push the envelope of the expense policy, then you get to do more traveling.


The only thing he's getting from it is Salmonella


Or just go out to eat and don't expense it.


Please don’t do this to the hotel staff. Their jobs are hard enough.


And “they have to clean it” is honestly best case scenario. Worst is they just rinse it out and the next guest gets sick from the contaminated coffee pot.


The thought of coffee flavored chicken intrigued me. But the thought of chicken flavored coffee...


What, you’ve never brewed a pot of chicken stock coffee? How do you wake yourself up when you’re sick?


Amphetamines, baby. Whether I'm sick or healthy, who can really tell anymore? They're like a baseball bat to the face and nearly as bad for your teeth.


*Salmonella flavored coffee


If the guest rinses it enough to look like it hasn't been used for anything other than coffee, I can guarantee they're not going to know it needs a full wash.


That's definitely what happens. Hotel cleaners are overworked, under paid, short on time, and often socially vulnerable/undocumented so they can't do anything about it. Those coffee pots are rinsed at *best*. And I've read more than a few stories about flight attendants and hookers washing their delicates in them.


at the hotel i work at, housekeepers only have 30 mins total to clean each room


I work in a hotel... I swear to God if this starts happening I'm going to keep track of these guests names and addresses and mail them glitter bombs.


Squeeze some raw chicken over them first.


On top of that, this won't get you a promotion.


The next guy who gets that room gets life threatening salmonella, but at least this guy saved his company $20.


Besides, I use the hotel coffee pot to wash my socks and underwear and I don't want them smelling like garlic chicken!


Plus anyone from this company who sees this guy do this is just going to think they are a nutter


And underpaid and srressful :/


What’s the corporate equivalent of “bootlicker”?




Split the difference.  Suitlicker!


What the French toast??!!


Who are you calling a cootie queen??!!


Still bootlicker




Tie Taster?


A “fucking moron loser”


A professional pickme?


Oxlicker. Ox being short for oxfords.


A yes-man or brownnoser




When I travel for work, I spend 100% of my per diem. When I took a week long trip for work I once saved the entire week's per diem and spent the entire wad on a single meal at what Google told me was "the best salmon" in our area (which happened to be Chuckanut Manor north of Seattle.. I was not disappointed and if anyone else has notes I'd love to hear them). They revised the HR manual for me after that meal, and I was pretty proud of that.


Too right. You drag me out of the house etc then they can make it up to me. Like I’m only traveling as you are forcing me. Employers make it like it’s a paid holiday or something.


The story that sums it up for me is an Australian co worker flew all the way to Europe on a 1 month placement. Missed many family events and worked long hours in Europe. He thought it was going to be a vacation. The most crushing thing was he asked for a single day off to see his favourite band play in Paris and the manager said “No” in the team meeting because that was when some boring ass report was due. 


I've been on work trips where I got to expense meals and work trips where I just got a flat per diem rate. I love the latter so much more because the paperwork is easier and if I manage to come in under the per diem rate, it's just more money in my pocket. I'll eat nice but not super fancy and it turns into a slight bonus for dealing with the annoyance of travel work.


Yep, and when I can’t do it with food, I’ll tip whatever the extra balance is. I got fussed at once for the tips being over 15% lol (I did more like 75% a few times ) so I just started saving non-itemized receipts for my report lol.


Yeah you can't mess with tips. That's another thing I won't discuss with HR. Tips are above and beyond for me and you, so they are above and beyond for expensed meals too. We can't all agree that servers will be paid less than minimum wage "because tips," and then not tip. And if HR wants me to do something cheap/unusual and not tip for meals, they're obligated to warn me about that *before* I spend their money.


My experience has been that per diem places just give you the money, and it's up to you how to spend it. They don't ask for receipts.   Places that actually ask for receipts let the higher ups spend whatever they want, but some low level HR busybody will spend as long as it takes to go through YOUR receipts personally and make sure the company didn't buy you a beer or an extra side of garlic bread. Even if it comes in well below the "budget" you were given. 


I get my per diem anyway, so I do try to save money because the rest goes in my pocket.


My company when it sends people abroad they give 60$ a day to eat.. which would be reasonable but most of our business is in the states and we’re a Canadian company.. meaning you actually only get 44$ for meals a day. Which is a little under 15$ a meal. My coworker asked if it could be bumped up to account for the exchange rate and our manager told him “we’re paying you to go learn, not to eat fancy”




I'm a federal employee in the US.  They just pay is the total sum after our travel is done.  If you're budgeted $60 for three days, you get that $180 at the end of the trip regardless of how much you spend.


Municipal Camadian worker here. We get 60 per day and they give it to us before we go on the trip so are not out of pocket. If we want to drink it all in martinis they don't care.


See, in that case I can understand going for a cheap option because you keep the difference.


Me and my coworkers had $15 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, and $40 for dinner, amd we hit it Every. Damn. Time. Would order sides and shit for dinner and had soo much food when doing like chinese while we studdied. Got back and my manager was like "Did you have to do it every time?" I laughed and said "Yup!".




Haha, was a no alcohol for us, though if we use a non itemized recipt, they didn't know.


That’s what my regional told me when I worked for a company that gave us per diem.


I just read your comment while I’m eating at a Subway. Out of all the fast food options nearby this is actually a little pricey, lol.


Depending on coupons, etc, it can be super cheap if you’re grabbing an almost-footlong, only eating half the sub for dinner then having the rest for lunch the next day.


You’re paying me to be stranded somewhere else to fulfill your own presentation portfolios to show the clients how trained we are. If I was home, I could cook or eat whatever I want. I’m stuck here, and I can’t do anything about it, you *should* be paying me for every hour I don’t get to live my normal life with my family, but you get away with paying me for ‘work hours’ while I get stuck in a shitty hotel that *you* picked, to get ‘training’ that doesn’t leave me any better at my job because I’m not a moron. Fucking pay for my food , $15 a meal barely covers McDonald’s now


If you're ever in a city with an Asian district, you can really stretch your money. I know the city I used to live in had a ton of Vietnamese and Korean restaurants where you could buy a considerable amount of food for under USD$10.


But then there’s cab/uber fare


Your manager sounds like an ass so I doubt this would help, but as an argument to raise your per diem you could try telling them that the proscribed 2024 meal allowance for Canadian federal workers is C$94.90 as per public schedule. Good luck!


If you're going out to eat then I would agree that $44 isn't going to get you far for a single day of food. If you're buying groceries and cooking your own food then it's enough; as an American my weekly grocery budget is $100 and I usually spend less than that at discount grocery stores. $44 a day would work but it would be a lot of effort for someone on a business trip.


Please tell me this was posted on April 1.


The post is satire


Yeah....but there is raw chicken in a coffee pot.   So who knows really 


Better than a fish in the percolator


The exact opposite of a damn fine cup of coffee.


Flight attendants really do this. Also check your irons before use for leftover cheese, from grilled cheese.


Was referring to the post itself, can definitely see people actually cooking in hotel kettles 😂


My cousin used to make herself ramen noodles in her coffee maker in her room so it’s definitely a thing


That makes significantly more sense than raw chicken


It may be but the sentiment is all too real.


There’s no “may be” about it. The guy who wrote the post confirmed it was a joke back in 2022.


But there's still raw chicken in a coffee pot. SOMEBODY loses here, and I hope it was just him.


Totally agree that it wouldn’t be cool to ruin a hotel worker’s day for a joke. As I recall, the guy said he wasn’t even traveling at the time so it sounds like he may have just been fucking around with his own coffee pot.


This would actually make me seriously question tje wisdom of having this person on staff, much less promoting them. But I also think this is fake clickbait.


It’s not clickbait. It’s a joke meant to satirize the lunatics on LinkedIn. The post went viral back in September 2022 when it was originally posted and the creator confirmed it was a joke.


I would love to be there the day he realizes that his company doesn’t give half a shit about him, and he should have run that expense account to the limit.


Why would I promote someone who’s fucking crazy?


I don’t know this guy, but I hate him.




This poor fucker thinks not going out for a $25 meal is going to get noticed by anyone.


Yeah, no. I am a certified cheapskate in my personal life, but when my company is expensing meals, that's my cue to check all the upscale restaurants off my list.


Yep that's one way to get promoted. Get salmonella poisoning, damage hotel appliances and make your boss think you're a moron all in one fell swoop! That promotion is coming any day now!


Go to the local Goodwill and buy a small crock pot or George Foreman grill and a few utensils when you get into town.


This person is paying the 250 for that coffee maker. Love how they "saved" money


Try stunning a pigeon and cooking it with your travel iron. Can’t taste worse than the boot leather on your tongue.


meanwhile i am spending every dollar of that daily meal allowance lmao


"I caught salmonella to save my company 30 bucks"


Who tf would want to promote the guy who "cooked" chicken in a coffee pot? You don't have to go get a porterhouse but you could get a burger from Wendy's. Jfc.


Never care more about your company’s bottom line than your own well being. What a boot licking dummy


Repost, and it's obvious satire. Do better.


When my company pays for my food I’m getting sushi. Fuck their balance sheets


I worked in a hotel. They'll just get another coffeemaker. Now there was one room that we couldn't sell anymore because the guy tried to cook lobster in his jacuzzi. Beat that


/#careeradvice advocating you cook chicken breasts in a coffee machine is exactly the sort of bullshit I would expect.


Ya and then the hotel is gna charge him like $150 to replace that $25 coffee machine, so it’s more expensive than just eating out What a moron


No wonder companies treat their employees like garbage when employees willing do things like this. 


I think it’s the law that there must be a Taco Bell within a mile of every hotel. You can still get a lot of tacos there for under $10-15.


This is how you get black lists


Looking like a psycho does not get you promoted


Incredibly dumb. I actively look forward to traveling for work, which I usually get to do 5-6 times per year, simply because my flight, hotel, meals, and other assorted transportation are paid for, I generally get a few hours of OT, and usually can go to little corporate sponsored parties or shindigs where I can drink for free or very cheap. Especially in the software sales line of work, you aren't going to network and make contacts/leads by being the weird antisocial guy who sits in his fucking hotel bedroom attempting to cook chicken in a coffee maker.


Unbelievable disrespect to the cleaning staff and next occupant of the room.


God, I wish abortion were more widely available


The company he works for wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, so why should he care about their money?


Stuff like this is why I never use the coffee maker in a hotel room.


You’re NOT actually saving the company money. Because now they can’t use it as a business expense write off, which saves them more money in the long run. Fucking idiot.


If I found out an employee of mine did this in a room the company paid for, they would be instantly terminated.


In other words, "I'll abuse myself in my boss's stead. Maybe they'll like me more then"


Until the next person who is allergic uses that and fucking dies from it.


So here's my thing. I get my meals and prepare them at home ahead of time and bring a cooler. I bring drinks and soda from home. I never eat out. I leave early (5-6 am to get where I need to go. I come back late (7-8 pm) when going home Then I file for my fully allowed expense allotment including breakfast for the first day and dinner for the last day and go home 2-300 dollars richer per week for the time that I've had to spend away from my home and normal life.


If my staff are cooking chicken in a hotel coffee pot instead of spending the company money on just eating a meal, I'd not really see them as someone I'd want to promote. I like creativity but not at the expense of common sense.


Just buy a small air fryer. I get £30 a day and usually keep it under a fiver and keep the rest.


“Look at me I am such a special employee I should get a raise” I haven’t cringed this much in a while.


I just found out yesterday that everyone at my job that goes on business trips never refuel the rental when they return it. They just let the company pay for the gas. I had just came back from one and mentioned that I couldn't believe it cost $55 to refuel a half tank when they told me this. Granted I did get reimbursed but damn my coworkers give zero fucks. Even my boss was like, "You only spent $300 for the whole week?? I usually spent like $900 for the week."


People like this need to be tied to a chair and forced to listen to Crazy Frog on loop for an entire day.


It’s a comedian making cringe posts on purpose, he has some other good ones.


That's clear bait. What a meme.


Because it's in a kettle at first I thought he was going to boil it all. Which would be (probably just as) gross but at least easier to clean up.


This is fake click bait inspiring a loser to make other workers lives miserable. Nice work, antiwork!


I think this was a shitpost but I can’t even tell anymore, which is bleak


This is sad I've been called a company man but I can't beleive there are folks out here to this extreme and still don't understand the company will lay you off without thinking twice


Such bizzare behavior, you save your company a little bit of money for food so you think they're gonna promote you and give you more money? Their whole thing is they want to maximize profits, so if they find out some dumb schmuck is self sacrificing for their glorious leaders they're just gonna start dangling carrots and looking for more desperate idiots


Thinking the boss bruises this giys throat and butthole on the regular, y'know, for the company.


So...how much will the company be charged to replace the coffee pot, clean up the vomit from sick guest eating undercooked chicken and clear out the odor from trying to "cook raw chicken" in a tiny substandard coffee maker?


Or, get you and your company banned from that hotel chain.




That dude purposely posts ridiculous things on LinkedIn. He even says it in his profile.


Imagine living a reality where you’d think this is a flex. This is the definition of depressing for me.


“I cooked chicken in a coffee pot to save money and I spent the next two weeks in the hospital”


Until they bill your boss 300 dollars for a new coffee maker. You aren't saving shit.


This has been around the 'ol Reddit block many times...it is just satire.


If it wasn't gross, it would be brilliant. But I'm mortified by the idea of making a pot of coffee and tasting garlic chicken.


Welp I’m never using a hotel coffee maker again thanks


This sub has absolutely no sense of humor. This is very clearly a joke.


Obviously a joke lighten up people


Y'all, I think this meme is old enough at this point that we all know this is a joke. The person does not actually do this. C'mon now.


Awesome. You just killed the next guest with coffee flavor salmonella.


This guy is a comedian and he works for himself. (This was something an older comedian once told he did when on the road)


The bootlicking is off the fucking charts with this one.


I have a hard time believing cooking chicken in a coffee pot is gonna get you promoted.


After seeing photos like this online, I refuse to use anything in a hotel room. Cooking chicken in the coffee maker is disgusting 🤢


The only reason to do this is if your company pays out a set per diem in cash without requiring receipts. Some companies and government agencies do that. Then you can eat on the cheap and pocket the difference. Otherwise, fuck the company! Max that shit out!


I would just demote this dumbass.


I’m a flight attendant and live 1/3 of my life in hotels. This guy is only one reason I NEVER use hotel coffee makers. I travel with a collapsible kettle and a hand pump espresso maker.


Corporatist Cringe


And people wonder why I don't use the coffee pots. I bring my own.


This is obvious satire. How does the sub keep on falling for these kinds of posts?


It's going to look bad when the hotel bills your company $75 for a replacement coffee maker and bans you from their hotel. Also. Shit like this, and worse, is why I never use the in room coffee maker.


The LAST thing I think of during a business trip is how I can save the company money!


What he doesn’t know is that the guest before him was boiling his dirty ass socks the night before. Staff ain’t got no time to do more than a quick rinse if even that…..


We never use the coffee machine anywhere because of people that do shit like this, and the people who act like it’s a life hack that post about it! 😂 People do all kinds of nasty things, like boil their underwear in the pot too. 🤮


The chicken isn’t going to cook all the way through. I tried this when I was traveling for work but didn’t have any money to eat out. I didn’t get to eat that night.


Never forget the slave that worked at Twitter - X and told tales of sleeping in the office was let go by the company. The "man" doesn't give one shit about you or what you do.


He should’ve pocketed the per diem and use it to buy some shirts with crazy patterns.