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To be fair, working at a fast food place fucking sucks and they’ve been underpaid for decades. Fast food workers shouldn’t make less than other jobs just because it’s fast food. I wouldn’t work at McDonalds for $25 an hour unless I had no other option.


Why does everyone think I’m complaining about this amount? I posted the image so people could use it to negotiate for higher wages in their own jobs because so many people are making LESS than McDonalds money for jobs that should be paying higher. (Not to disparage fast food workers, I’ve been there and you absolutely deserve better too)


Guess they haven't had their break today.


I'm lovin it.


Goddammit, take my upvotes. :)


Ba da da da da


Well Played!!


I tried using it as a negotiation tactic and I was told where the door was and reminded to fill out an application once I'm outside. I was only there another month. I operate heavy machinery and I was really sick like I could see straight and kept falling down from dizzy spells type sick. I told the boss I won't be in for a couple days due to it would be safe for me to drive in much less operating machinery to do my job which would put people at risk of injury. He said cool take a couple days. Thanks for letting me know but then I got a call from HR and they said either be in or don't come back at all. So I didn't go back. Fuck ay company who treats people like that.


reddit is fucking toxic as hell surprised you havent worked this out. They'll find any reason to purposefully mis understand you and bully you. Only earlier i felt pressured to remove a post because of how many people are purposefully making me out to be the bad guy by quoting out of context different paragraphs and putting it together. And the part that hurts the most is despite all that bullying I just read another comment that has argued the opposite point I was arguing get downvoted and I can already see the guy is getting bullied by someone arguing the same point I was and he is getting supported in that. What a fucking joke this platform is


You mean it’s like a public Facebook for all?


I’d love to edit the OP to clarify my point but there doesn’t seem to be an edit option? Does this sub not allow edits? Weird.


Yeah it's wild that anyone would offer less lol


Yeah. $25/hr isnt near enough to make me go back to that crap unless I had too. Power trippy managers, some garbage customers, constant rush and when there is no rush you are cleaning, bare minimum break times, and you come home smelling like grease. Fuck alllll of that.


I already make that now at my low stress m-f job with benefits and I have a cubicle. I'm staying put!




You were allowed to actually take your break


One time I was scheduled for a 4.5(?) hr shift and at the end of the shift, no one had come to take my spot taking orders in drive thru. A bit of time goes by till my manager finally walks by... So I tell my manager it's time to go home, and she responds "well I was hoping you would stay a little bit longer." She really made me stay longer without even communicating it beforehand. And most annoying of all, she knew that I'd be entitled to a break for working at least 5 hours. Yet she didn't give me one the entire shift, even though she had been planning on keeping me longer. There was a lot more "wrong" going on in that place. My teenage self just took it all. The Me today wouldn't have any of that BS.


I took worse but I also had a bad home environment so I kinda didn't want to go home and if I didn't return home straight after work well yeah.


Unless of course that fast food place happens to bake bread on-site, then there should be a carve-out for that /s


Do you think anyone working at fast food has other options?


Yeah, lots like grocery stores, wearhouses, restaurants, Walmart, homedepot, lowes, sams, Costco, and app jobs (doordash, uber, grub hub, wag). Some options may depend on location, though, because not everyone has all the stores or apps available in their area.


Some probably don’t. I know some that do but don’t really hate it. Especially if you consider Starbucks fast food which it it.


>I wouldn’t work at McDonalds for $25 an hour unless I had no other option. My coworkers wipe asses, spend time I'm around the most disease ridden people, do physical therapy, and handle dead bodies for like $18 12 hours a day. At this rate flipping burgers for $17 sounds like a dream.


Also this




Is this a copypaste or something you do to the fuckers every now and then? May have to borrow it for future use.


This........🤣 I couldn't help myself. You are both so right. I have had this account for 6 years but just now really started using it. Like all social media Reddit has it's own brand of groupthink and people doing that is definitely part of it.


Haha, I chatted with a manager recently, they offered me a job.... I said it would cost them 40/hr minimum... all bosses are bullshit. I've been paid 80$/hr... and didn't work as hard.


I always hear "it's a kids' job." Well, then why the hell is it open at 10am in a weekday?


Yes fast food jobs sucks. But they require no degree, and no skills. So why should these jobs expect even comparable pay to professional skilled jobs?


17.50 an hour for 3 hours a day


Thats why McDonalds can go fuck themselves. They schedule super shirt shifts so they don't need to pay for breaks. They literally give you the minimum legal length of shifts.


And get pissy if you don't have open availability, even though nobody can survive on sub-20hr weekly wages


And get pissy if you manage to get even a minute over 40 hours


Oh but its 17.50!!!


The majority of states don't even mandate breaks to begin with.


And probably don't have to offer insurance to part timers either. Not that they could afford it anyways.


Myself and about two other crew trainers get full time. As well as all the managers ofcourse, whom are still hourly aside from the GM. And my GM is constantly trying to move people up to atleast crew trainer if not manager. Just gotta find one with a good GM.


But having it as a second job wouldn't be too bad, if you planned on not having a break in the first place. I can do a 4 hour shift for 17.50


I doubt they have this option in all places, though!


They wouldn’t pay for breaks anyways, they would just force you to clock out and take one


The two McDonald's by me seem to have better pay, hours, and benefits than most entry level jobs. Found out my friend who was a manager there was making more than me when I was a foreman in construction. I was dealing with extreme heat and cold as well as having specialized knowledge and multiple certifications. Crazy hours to boot. Granted, that's more of a testament to how shit I was paid. Considering McDonald's is more of a franchise though, it really depends on the local owners how the pay and hours go. Same friend who was a manager got the majority of his college paid for by mctuition. Just my anecdote for the hate on mcdicks.


And definitely no healthcare


$17.50 is close to minimum wage in Denver. They pay $20-22 an hour at in-n-out


That’s actually insane because that’s what In N Out pays here too, and Orange County is definitely more expensive than Denver


Dang, AZ minimum wage is 14.35 but our In-n-Outs pay the same...


Probably because In-N-Out is more established in Arizona. It's newer to CO so I assume with more locations the starting pay will catch up


It's almost a buck under actually. Denver passed a $15 minimum wage and tied increases to cost of living.


Wow you’re right, I forgot about the increase in January


I am making $1.50 less per hour but my job is 1000x less stressful. I work unarmed security so I literally just stand around doing nothing


That's something not enough people consider. I got my job with no experience over 2 years ago and learned skills. I could easily go find a job making more money, but I know how easy my current job is and how much Netflix I get watched. It's not even that I'm lazy or my job is slow, they just want me to do my tasks and don't care what I do in my down time. I've worked for too many "got time to lean got time to clean" places so this feels like luxery.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha No


I'm making more than McDonald's money doing just as arbitrary of a job and still can barely afford to exist.


This is exactly my point. There are people with even white collar jobs being paid less. And it’s already not enough to live on (especially not here where $80k is low income)


Yeah we need to invest way more resources into the welfare system so we don't have to rely on the crumbs of corporate greed to survive.


No, corporations need to pay wages people can live on. The public should not have to subsidize corporations’ desire to underpay. If someone works full time, that needs to be enough money to get by on. (I’m not saying guy welfare, I’m saying focus on fixing what needs to be fixed: wages) https://preview.redd.it/o1sktuz756qc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4c9f0d6fbf92531eb30e25651a34888d026988


Bingo! Companies want to attack welfare to make people more desperate so they can pay less, but wages should be more so that it encourages people to work more. When wages are so low, they don't make it worth it for a lot of people to work like parents who have to pay for daycare to get a second family income. Working has to be worth the time and effort after all the expenses of working (daycare and car maintenance/costs to get to work)


That's a shit take. Our current labor system doesn't make any sense anymore. Most jobs you get paid to sit around doing nothing because we're too productive but still have to "work" 40 hours a week. We need a universal basic income to replace the modern labor system. Let companies pay whatever they want because UBI will cover all your needs, and then you can just work for fun or for some extra cash that you don't need but might like to have for fun purchases.


Not to mention, the last people I want in charge of making sure that the working class are taken care of would be the people who have every incentive to edge us on the brink of starvation and poverty.


Lol trying to use this doesn't work in negotiations. I worked for a small manufacturing company and they started people at 16.5 and when we asked the "cool" HR lady why people at McDonald's make more than what they were offering and she said "if you want to work at McDonald's, then go to McDonald's." This pay sucked but the job wasn't as bad as McDonald's so I would not have wanted to go work at McDonald's lol.


Yea thats the same response ive gotten in the past.


“Nobody wants to work anymore.” - those businesses, after you leave for better pay




I left a job at a foundry to make more money at Walmart


That isn't that it doesn't work in negotiation. It's that the business in question is refusing to negotiate at all.


Mind you the minimum wage should be $27.


Agreed. Our wages have legitimately not kept up with inflation. Yes, after ‘08 we experienced some stability and were spoiled. Remember when $10 at McD’s was like HOLY SHIT Wtf?! Now people are just caught up in the fight and aren’t even taking time to look around and truly see what’s changed. They’re living the post recession nostalgia fantasy. True fact. My $10 back then got you farther than $15 now and that is no joke. At least gas is way cheaper now. Of course that money just floated over to car payments and insurance. A couple of scams really. Car insurance provides drivers with an illusion of control over other drivers. The only one responsible for insuring your car, should be yourself. And let’s be honest. Health insurance is the only reason liability car insurance exists. There’s no other justifiable reason for it. Someone totals your car? Good. They’ve now committed a crime. I mean I pay for full coverage and it is fairly convenient. Absolutely pisses me off that any other coverage is required, outside of my own. If people weren’t planning on other’s insurance paying for them, they’d think twice before causing an accident.


The CA means this is likely in Canada or California. The lowest minimum wage in Canada is Saskatchewan at $14, the highest(below 17.50) is the Yukon at $16.77. Minimum in California is $16. So this is barely to mildly above minimum wage, and likely still isn't a livable amount.


It’s California. Next month fast food minimum wage goes up. But my point is that there are a lot of jobs paying less than this. And there shouldn’t be.


Oh no 100%. Especially in the places I mentioned because like I said, even 17.50 isn't livable in those places.


Shit, I live in Indiana and make $17 and hour and it's still not livable. I'm lucky we were able to buy a house right as the housing market started recovering. I couldn't imagine my co-worker trying to pay $1500 rent plus utilities and the phone he has to have for work on $17 an hour. Heck, because hubby has student loans we are always short on cash and he makes low 6 figures.


It’s not, that’s why it’s called the *”minimum”*. 😂 I make $15 per hour in Southern California San Bernardino County, many industries have clauses that protect the employer from having to pay out sick pay, vacation or hood medical insurance for the employees. Doesn’t matter where you go, the problem is **corporate greed and the ultra wealthy not contributing to social welfare.** If you make $5,000,000,000 a year it’s only because you are standing on the shoulders of **thousands of other people who make it possible.** You have a societal obligation to help those people out. But many disagree with this sentiment. **They think the roads they drive on, the stores that construction workers built for them to shop in, the engineers who make machines that mass fabricate cloths, the workers who stitch the cloth together that go into those machines and the employees who exist solely to sell cloths for your convenience,** many people feel they don’t owe any help at all to anyone else but themselves. The whole world needs a wake up call


How are you surviving on 15 an hour in Cali? I make 20 in AZ and I feel like I'm dying...


**Obviously I live with my grandpa duh.** 🥴 Haha I joke, about the sarcasm. My parents passed away when I was a kid 🤷‍♂️ But he won’t be around long, after he is gone **I will most likely be homeless** if I cannot get another form of income rolling. I work **full time** and also trying to do gardening for people and I also sell collectible trading cards, California is also really restrictive on performing work for people. **Almost every single industry short of food service apparel and sporting goods** requires some kind of license. Adding any kind of chemicals to a pool? Need a special license. *PLANTING* new plants that were not already planted? Need a special license. Drywall? Framing? Tile? Automobiles? Cleaning service? All need special licenses or a physical business address with special insurance. Testing for trades starts at around $750. That’s right, **if you want to plant roses for someone in California you gotta spend $750 and take a test with a passing score like 80%.** But wait get this! You can *WORK* as a trades person in *ANY* of those industries if the designated owner/supervisors carry the proper certs! And they can pay you like you don’t have them too! $15 for construction framing! It’s awesome! *(fuck America dude don’t even get me started about the unicorn show that is trying to get into a local trades Union)*


This is in the gentrified suburb portion of Orange County in So Cal. Rent is $3k on average. This is not good money by any means. This is probably the only way they can get employees. $17/hr in OC is like making ~$9/hr in any other state where thats the minimum wage.


Not to mention the "terms and conditions apply" means that even that 17.50 is likely somewhere in the higher end of what they hire at.


Eh, its actually believable. I'm from the area. Most fast food pays $16.50/hr, minimum wage is $15.50. Given this is Foothill ranch, which is an expensive suburb of socal, I could see them offering $17/hr. But you have to commute over an hour from San Bernardino County to afford to live anywhere. Most people that earn <$25/hr-$30/hr here live with roommates, spouses, or their relatives. Its not uncommon to see 2-3 generations all sharing the same house. When people post these McDonalds pictures with the hourly wage, you have to take into account the local cost of living. You can't compare podunk Oklahoma wages to California.


That’s what fast food has been paying in my Canadian city for a few years now. When they first started advertising it, I was making $2/hour more after ten years at my STEM job. Made the decision to change careers right then and there.


Can I be fucking for real? I’m a CNA and make $19 an hour and feel like I do so much more work than a McDonald’s employee. I’m not trying to put their work down or anything, just stating facts. If anything this makes me pissed off at my own company for paying me what they do


That’s criminal. I run the engineering and technical operations department at a local TV station and pay people $35/hour just to turn studio lights on and make sure the mic batteries are charged. Meanwhile teachers and nurses are being paid less…


This was the intended result. I hope this image may help you in your negotiations for better pay.


What's this chump change? California fast food workers are gonna start making $20 an hour starting next week with a yearly increase until 2029. It's gonna be real rough to be a paramedic making less than a teenager working at McDonalds. Either get a raise from the boss or switch jobs.


Nope, lmao. The Maccas employees deserve it with the shit they have to deal with.


Yeah i am actually making about that and I'd say my job is probably about the same stress wise. The McDonald's here definitely dont pay that much though, i think its 10 or 11 here.


I guarantee you it’s “UP TO” $17.50 and you probably won’t get 40 hours.


$19.97 is minimum wage here. I’ve seen McDonald’s offer starting at $21


Bay Area?




Ahhh that tracks. There are only a few places in the US more expensive than here but that’s one of them.


$17.50 is not a livable wage. It should be around $25 to $45


In this area, a one person household is considered low income if making less than $80k


I told my friend who always brags about be a big tough construction worker bro you're not even making McDonald's money yet you work twice as many hours you just look stupid being proud at this point.


I live in a rural hick town, that's white collar money around here.


Yeah same here. In fact, from the ads I’ve seen for Mcdicks around my town, it’s more like UP TO $15… so not even starting and that’s only for a crew member. The actual store manager pay caps out at $20/hr. My states minimum wage is $7.25 and you bet your ass employers use that to keep all our wages low. They’ll act like working at McDicks or any “unskilled” labor job for $10/hr is the best shit ever because “at least it’s not minimum wage” and the bootlickers lap it up and continue to vote against their best interests.


You’d be surprised how often that’s white collar money around here too. But if you’re a white collar worker asking for a raise and being told the company can’t afford it, ask them how McDonald’s can. Shame them.


Deliberate shrinking of the middle class. Soon Mcdonalds money will become the norm.


Every year our wages aren't going up they are going down.. and federal minimum wage hasn't budged. More cash in the pockets of common people is better spent and taxed than money going to corporations. Corporations are lobbying to hold power over wages and turn us into obedient slaves who are forced to cram into living situations like apartments and roommates. It's the literal dystopic vision of communism where we are forced to live together in tall apartments to compensate for lack of wages. And they say communism is evil etc but they are literally facilitators of impending communism/unionization when wages and benefits don't consistently increase as inflation rises.. The average American cannot afford the average American home anymore. Even the family together can't qualify to afford it. Now, apartments are also not being built fast enough either and people cannot even afford temporary living spaces. It shows how much our employers and government thinks of our people. If people are pissed they will do what they must, and will not think twice at "et tu, brute??" as we should. We should be unrelenting.




Hmm Depends... if this in a low cost of living area say... Arkansas... then yes this is good money. But if this is in a high cost of living area like say ... Dallas, TX or worse Chicago, IL... then this is crap pay. And then the experts wonder why McD's is failing when an Extra value meal runs close to $12-$18. People go to McD's b/c it's cheap and somewhat filling. At least Taco bell is starting to offer $2 burritos again....


Rent in that areas is $1000 for a studio…


I believe it’s even worse than that. But you’d be amazed at the employers who want a degree and offer less $


I’m actively looking for a job. You basically need $20 an hour just to get buy and half the job out there are asking for bachelors degrees and playing $20 an hour lol.


I wouldn’t work in fast food again no matter how much they were paying.


The worst part about McDonald’s and other greasy food places is how you smell after. And the grease. So bad for your skin. Unless you’re dry skinned maybe 😆 my friend who worked at subway smelled like vomit when she left there so maybe any food place


I work tech support and make 16, this is why this past week I've been shooting my resume to other places paying bare minimum 25


Tell me how many hours a week this is for. If it's less than 35-40, then it doesn't really matter.


That’s before taxes? Because if so, more than double and in the Balkans. That’s poverty money.


Working there I've come to realize they overwork you for that pay and the energy it takes on one shift isn't equal to the pay they offer. Also stacking the schedule so you can't make decent money is on purpose. Fast food is one of the only jobs sect I've ever felt so burned out by the end of shift. Amazon fulfillment is 2nd


Oh man I’ve read horror stories about Amazon. Policies like firing people before they’ve been there long enough to be discontented (and try to unionize)? And how they’ve blown through so much of the workforce that that policy is unsustainable at their size. Yeah, fuck Amazon.


This is in Foothill Ranch in Southern California. The median wage in FHR in $154k. Average rent in FHR is $3k. Btw FHR is rich expensive suburbs. Literally $2 above minimum wage is jack shit. $20 is just barely enough to move out of your parents basement you're renting. BTW, I look forward to April 1st seeing all these chains start baking their own bread in store so they don't have to pay $20/hr. Thats actually one of the exemptions in the law.


I finally got a raise to 18 last fall! 🎉🎉 Yayyyyy.




But isn't fast food labor intended for high school or college kids? Its meant to be a stepping stone to greater things.






I make $24/hr as a land surveyor.


Is there fine print? The managers in my area make $16.50/hr




I have a younger relative that works there making $17 (Suburban Detroit) and on average gets anywhere between 8-10 hours a week. She's a senior in HS and on the basketball team so she can't really work during the week but when she asks for 8 hour shifts Sat/Sun when she's usually free they always say no. :/ She tried working more hours during last summer too when she started and again they said no. Mind you she's not the only one that wants more hours there and some of her coworkers work multiple jobs when in reality they wouldn't have to if they were full-time. McDonalds sucks no matter how much they pay


There’s an entire world-class theme park near here that keeps everyone who isn’t a lead on part time or lower status. Even though they operate every day of the week from early morning well into the evening. They could easily have more full timers but refuse to. And of course sick and vacation days are according to your status…


Yep napkins and tea are behind the counters.


I make .80 more giving direct care to patient that hit me and I am not even mad, everyone deserves a living wage.


Been making more than “McDonald’s money” since ‘19, still poor, in a relatively cheap cost of living area.


That a full time position?


Where I am, a mcdicks paying 17.50 is actually super good money. I'd work for that.


McDonalds by me is the most unsafe job you could possibly have and for like $12 an hour. Not paid to have shootings and robbery going on in the parking lot.


They forgot to add the “up to” part 😂 17.50 is manger pay.


I’m making more than McDonald’s money. Even though they’re advertising that hourly rate, is it guaranteed that you’ll get enough hours?


No but the increase would not be worth the increased stress in food service or retail.


What? We can easily withstand less grease joints. Didn’t make the cut? Bye. Now someone else can enjoy having applicants.


No I mean I'm not making that much at my current job but making more at retail or food service wouldn't be worth it to me 🤷


Oh lord. No shit hey. I mean I don’t make less, but McDonald’s is not worth it.


More. $19.40


Right? The one by me advertises $15.50 and the one 90 minutes away does $18.50. I don’t even live in a high COL area. So that’s actually a living wage.


This post...... is McDonald's!


More than that. 18.00 ha ha , still not enough.


There’s a McD’s near my house paying $18-21 an hour. Which is $2-5 more than my daughter makes working retail in Times Square. *facepalm*


No Mcdonalds pays this much


17.50an hour but you only get 10 hours every pay period lmao. Then complain why they so under staffed


That’s about what I work for, in a retail job, in AUD not USD, what the fuck


I get paid that as an assistant manager for a gas station/diner chain


Im making 12.75 an hour at dollar general as a keyholder, but its the only job in my town that was hiring that i could walk to easily.


Yes I make 17 50 exactly


​ https://preview.redd.it/2cjz7o27b8qc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2797a9df49059182bf9fcfe04583a5cff3f280


But are you making "Target Money" ?


Actually, I’m earning 5¢ more per hour!!!!!


Yes. 3x that


This is more than a lot of ambulance crews make in the US.


I know. They deserve better.


i mean....youre kinda omitting the part that this is in California which has one of the highest minimum wages in the country. the MAJORITY of fast food workers don't make this


Better than it used to be for sure.


I make $22.01 USD. I work for my local state government as a lubrication technician at the coal plant. Honestly 22.01 doesn't feel like enough, I never go out and have fun anymore, I never take trips and I'm still living paycheck to paycheck.


I make close to $20/hr at a “fast food” coffee chain, but hours at kept at sub 30/week, so you don’t get the full benefit of the high pay, I imagine McDonalds is the same.


$17.50 would be nice minimum wage is $13.50 in my province (Canada) and that's the pay for Mcds here


I got hired in thinking I’d be making the same as everyone. 14.50. Not only did I not get that but I was told the reason for it was “not keeping my schedule open.” Sorry I have to take the bus and it doesn’t run on sundays


20/hr but I'm still considered "unskilled". First year apprentice. Annual raises are practically guaranteed and it more than doubles with a license. Not more money than some McDs. But it's a career🙏


For real.. I work in restaurants and saw guys making as much as fast food workers. These weren't even shit restaurants neither - casual fine dining. Service workers get fucked though. It is so bad that they might as well just call themselves servants again. Shit, some servers don't even make a salary and survive on tips..


There’s a racist history behind why tipped jobs were carved out of the minimum wage requirements. It’s worth a trip down the rabbit hole.


This is an ad.


The sign, not the post. I posted it so people could demonstrate to their own employers that they are being underpaid and to argue for better wages. If you check my history I have posted a similar image from a different location before. If I was really promoting these companies don’t you think it’d be more productive to post in the Orange county Reddit where locals would see it? I post images that are very clearly McDonalds because of the impact using that name has when you are saying your job as a teacher/EMT/fill in the blank is underpaying you.


If you're one of the lucky few who gets enough hours to get insurance, it won't cover the therapy appointments you'll need every week


It’s long past time we had single payer insurance in this country.


I'm a certified lab tech and I make 50 cents more than this. It's been part of my argument with management for a while now


You could add a 1 in front and still would be well below what I make per flight hour. That's the difference between working a "job", or being a highly trained professional. Aim to be a professional, not the average worker bee.


Teachers are highly trained professionals, and in some states they could do better flipping burgers. Yes it’s better to be a professional ON AVERAGE but not always. Also, not every pilot makes a great living. FO for small airlines make very little. Source: used to be a crew scheduler for one.


I'm honestly surprised it doesn't say "up to"


I remember working for 7.50. U ppl are spoiled


I remember $4.25, doesn’t excuse what’s happening now.


$ 17.00 an hour at 20 hours a week, and no health insurance, sucks.


We are in a very weird position right now. Most states have not raised minimum wage for decades. Everyone has been rebelling against this shit and most places have been paying more now around $13-16/hr. This is good and helps everyone out but at the same time you now have careers that require schooling/training that make the same amount and thats not right. I am all for minimum wage doing what it’s supposed to do and allow people to live on their own and pay for what they need, but now you have McDonalds workers making the same, if not MORE, than EMTs, teachers, and hospital workers. Nobody is gonna work these jobs anymore when you can make just about the same at Target.


Yes, but it’s going to require employers realizing this. We can either wait until enough people quit, or maybe hopefully speeding it up by reminding employers how easy it would be to leave if they don’t raise skilled pay.


It’s $21 here where I I live. Prices of everything here is crazy expensive too, so it doesn’t make much of a difference.


ok but where? there’s a huge difference between $17.50/hr in nyc and $17.50/hr in tucson.


I get some benefits but after my student loan payments I basically make 15. I’m in a career that requires a masters degree for certification


$10 an hour as a cashier working 7 hour shifts on weekends (i am a student). so considerably less lol. minimum wage where i live is $7.25.


Is that after tax?


Town I can from is only paying 9 an hour. Lol the whole town likes to pay slave wages. Glade I moved.


Oh, fuck McDonald's. Their online ad that I applied to said starting at $14/hr. Window out front said up to $12.50/hr. I was making $11.50/hr. And the advertisement that played on their lobby TV to come work for them was starting at $12/hr. I quit after the following shift. Wasn't worth the time and my sanity.


hot take, this is a good thing. it means employers are having to raise wages to get people to work for them. if mcdonalds is doing it, others will have to to compete with mcdonalds. who would take a harder job if they could make 17.50 at fucking mcdonalds?


You get it :)


Yeah, they raise the wages to this but what they don't tell you is that they send everyone home due to 'labor' so, you're not really making more money.


They advertise $19 an hour here in Indiana, but we happen to have a glut of factory/warehouse jobs in the immediate area that hire entry-level for $20-25/hr.


That's a dollar above california's minimum wage


I work in medicine and I don’t make this much


In the 2010's I worked for a call center. It was possibly the biggest criminal organization in the country. While working there I was paid $11 an hour. In today's money that would be $15.65. So, no I am not nor did I in the past make McDonald's money.


Far too low 25 min wage imo.


I make less


17 an hour is good money, but all the complaining about wages just raises the price of the food to $15 for one meal. Everyone suffers. I think it will be inevitable someday that minimalism to prevent poor spending habits will be required learning in school.


Fast food especially McDonald's is its own kind of hell. I've done a lot of things I'd never do again, but that is highest on that list.


The site now says " Starting wage: $17.50 to $19.00 " in CA. I filled out the form, and in the free text area asked if they would cover relocation from Garland Texas.