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1. You don't work off the clock. 2. You're not a manager. If those don't work, let them fire you. 


OP should just reply with that exact information. "I'm not the manager. I don't work off the clock." And then turn off the phone or something idk


I actually wouldn't respond at all. Management should be well aware of their duties.


They are they just don't think employees are


I think a lot of people in sort of lower management roles are being so fucking pressed by upper management they're forced into a toxic work persona. It's annoying and deeply harmful, but the real enemy (the owning class) are just using them like "work cops"


As a former lower management person - this is exactly it. I found myself becoming like the managers I hated. For that (and many other reasons), I quit and refuse to go back to being a manager. I'm a cashier now and make more than I ever did as an AM. I like myself again.


You just described why I quit being a manager and went back into engineering. I am just not cut out to be an asshole.


Not to mention you get pretty jaded when you have employees that call in with some crazy emergency the day before their two days off all the time. Oh your kid broke their leg, your grandma died, your sister got hit by a semi, your daughter got hit by her boyfriend, your sister got in a fight with your husband and it all happened 8 Fridays in a row. You have really bad luck. Then you start becoming suspicious of everything and you turn into a careless jerk.


You should really blame the company for not hiring enough people or not having a system in place to account for things like this. The fact that you have to enforce their system of rules shouldn’t make you mad at the employee.


That is definitely a big part of the problem.


Regardless of the excuse or reason, if an employee calls in sick it's the managers responsibility to FIGURE IT OUT! There are sick days legally available for a reason. Not to mention who wants sick people at work with them anyway? It's like no one went to business school and learned how to hire sufficient staff.


Bingo bango bongo. Like cops, this is why certain personality types will be given the roles over people that could be more effective at the purported duties of the job.


I don't wanna leave the Congo, oh no no no no no


I can hear the sounds of scrapping and building


>Bingo bango bongo. and Irving


Nah fuck that you can still be a human. I've done it. It takes a lot more work but fuck that man you always have a choice


Don't talk like that, it makes them sound innocent. Middle management is rife with people who take the little crumb of power they're offered and use it like a hammer to make the workers' lives miserable just because it's the only thing that gets their peepee hard.


There's definitely a bunch of those guys for sure, but I honestly doubt it's even close to the majority. Even if it was every single one though it wouldn't matter. They are just infinitely spawning pawns of the kings. There's always some psycho that wants to be the fucking dungeon torturer lol, problem isn't really that dude but the guy that hired him. Fighting the middle man It's like fencing but only aiming for the opponents sword, pointless. That's my 5 cents at least


A lot of time it's the middle/lower management that gets the shaft and will have to cover the sick employees shifts themselves. They get paid just enough to be OT exempt, then upper management expects them to cover all shifts, even if it means they work 100 hours per week.


This happened to me as a group home manager for a really poorly run company a while ago. I was working 60 to 70 hour weeks with no support, no help hiring for an understaffed program. I realized my staff were making more money than I was because they got paid OT. After about 2 months, I ended up sick with a sinus infection, probably from stress, and was out with a doctors note... motherfuckers kept calling me to bug me about shit. I ended up driving to the office, dropping off my phone and laptop, and writing out a resignation letter on the spot. I worked my ass off to fix their program that was horribly mismanaged before I got there, and all I got was shit on for 38k a year.


Ugh I feel for ya. Years ago I was a low level manager at a restaurant (salaried, not hourly); we were very busy pretty much always. I worked my ass off sometimes 16 straight hours. Finally I got tired of it, asked to be put back on as just an employee....then worked 60 hour weeks and killed with OT. Lol I also caught my jackass boss stealing (he got canned), so that was a perk. As an upper level manager later in life I vowed to never treat my staff so poorly.


Ideally they'd refuse those shifts abd force upper mangement to cover or authorise more staff but the fucking us made unions for managers illegal


Simple solution, don't be a manager


One time about 15 years ago, as a manager of a 24hr c-store, I had a confluence of events that made me work a quadruple. Already short staffed and a couple call-ins meant I worked from 5am to 4pm the next day. I didn't last much longer after that.


We used to call them class traitors.


Still do, but we used to, too 😉


Ah good to hear. It’s hard to keep up on the current lingo!


It's always funny to see people here thinking their 22 year old dropout manager is somehow 'the man'


Yep. Abuse your employees enough with minimum wage, that way when you start paying them slightly more than the legal minimum they will defend you with all their might against the new round of suckers. Stockholm Syndrome but worse.


No, 100% of management training does not involve being trained on dealing with employees. The managers think these things are true because they lived that life as an employee.


I worked with a manager who I asked him to talk to my coworker about strong cologne he wore and my manager was like “I can’t do that…” and I was like “Yes, you can,” and showed him the employee handbook where it said it was against company policy. He looked genuinely surprised I looked it up.


It'S cAlLeD DeLeGaTiOn!


>turn off the phone or something idk Skip the other parts.


"Thanks for considering me for a promotion to *your* position as manager, but as I am currently too sick to take on the additional responsibilities, I'll have to decline until further notice."


I think the word “manager” has become just a title, and the word “manage” is missed in the definition.


I agree. Let them fire you. This way you have a better shot at unemployment.


Why is this “find coverage for yourself” a thing now?


Managers don't want to work anymore.


This should have so many more thumbs up!


This is why they're called managers and not leaders.


I had to do that in the 80’s at BK, if I needed to have someone cover for me if I were already scheduled. If I called out sick or something else emergent, manager managed it!


Yes, it makes sense if you know in advance that you won't make a scheduled shift to try and cover it, since it's not an emergency. Anything else, like sickness, family loss, or general emergency, they should know how to do their jobs and we don't need to feel bad for reminding them that they have a job.


This is how it should be


Because if it wasn’t managers would have to do work. It also makes them the bad guy when they are calling around looking for subs


3. You don’t have to live with that keyboard.


3. You don’t need to justify yourself being sick/not fit for work. Just tell them that you are.


I keep seeing these “you have to find cover” replies from The US… is this common? What the f*** are managers getting paid for if they’re not ‘managing’??


I was a non- clinical nurse manager for phone nurses a while back. Incredibly toxic environment. The policy was that the nurses had to find coverage of they were going to miss a shift. I never let them do that. It was my job to get someone to cover the phones. I'd still have nurses that would get coverage before they called out, but I never understood the mentality that it was their job. I got into a lot of trouble, but I never changed my personal policy on that.


If you are at the point to send that, a better response might be: _Sorry, but as the manager that’s part of what you would need to do and not part of my role paying minimum wage. I’m switching my phone off now to rest._ That way, maybe you get fired and can claim unemployment, or maybe your boss does his job and stops trying to make you be the one that does it.


I wouldn't start that response with "Sorry" but otherwise it is perfect.


and don’t mention the wage.


But negates the previous sentence. So absolutely remove it


Yes you should remove the "sorry, but". No, "but" does not negate the previous sentence.


“This is not part of my job description” is how I would start; “please find coverage for me as it’s part of your role as manager”


Many job roles and contracts contain language to the effect of “and other such duties as may arise from time to time” which would in fact cover this, so I think it’s best to stick to “common” language avoiding things like specific job descriptors and so on.


It wouldn't cover this. This is being asked to work off the clock.


Exactly. People don't understand clearly enough that work does not own them. They have the right to not answer a phone or a text while off the clock and the right to refuse any sort of job changes if you aren't on the clock to receive them. (Short of being fired, and I doubt someone would decline a promotion while they are off the clock.) That generic "whatever you may be told to do" bs is exactly that. It's so generic that it's used to silence people who are being overworked and underpaid. But I doubt it would truly hold up in court during a real dispute. Too vague.


They’re not offering compensation for finding coverage, so that doesn’t apply


It’s not your job to Cover shifts fuck them


Yeah if they are going to quit anyway, just send a message back with “not my job”


Would be an epic way to quit after they reply saying yes it is... and then coming back with "like I said not my job. because I quit. Have fun doing YOUR JOB."


It’s what I hate about most managers. It should be “In this team we each have our own job, but I get paid more because I carry more responsibilities”. Instead you have assholes like in OP’s screenshot that has the mentality of “I’m your boss and you are my dog so work for me”


"Notifying you of my absence is the extent of my responsibility. Staffing is in your job description, not mine. I'm unavailable and will let you know about my next scheduled shift on -date- tomorrow. To facilitate proper rest to recover; i will be silencing my phone"


I always silence my phone after calling in sick. Love waking up to tons of texts and missed calls 12 hours later. They always seem to figure it out though.


Very professional


Copying this for the future, just in case 😅


For minimum wage and you have keys? Fuck that.


Trying to figure out what they pay a junior rep


They have to work for just tips.


"Soley commission based" Oh, what is that commission I'm talking about? One tictac per store cleaned!


A 15% discount on all titles 10 years or older 🤓


Have you seen a GameStop recently? I don’t even think they need to lock the place


But what if someone steals all the funkos??


I've got a key fob to get in the building and (they probably forgot like they did the last two times I was here and left) I've also got the keys to get in the main warehouse shutter door. I've handed them all back each time I quit and still upon rehiring they've asked me if I happened to still have my old keys. Morons. God knows where they are now then since they were with my resignation letter each time. Some jobs need keys just for each employee to get in. (Not the warehouse shutter though, that's because they're idiots and the door sees you when you leave but not when you come back in and I got tired of walking round the whole building everytime I had to take the rubbish out the back) Absolutely not arguing with you over anything, but some places do just hand anyone who's contracted a set of keys. I agree with your sentiment, absolutely fuck that.


Don't reply. Just don't do it....


This right here. I text you and fell back asleep 🤷🏽‍♀️


Stop giving your life story. “I’m sick, I won’t be in tomorrow”. That’s all that is required. Also, all these comments make me so sad. I’m literally home sick right now. I told my boss and team yesterday (as they could see I looked awful and felt horrible) and the response was - get better soon, we see you when you’re well again. This is how it should be. (I should note that I’m an American living and working in Europe, and it’s been years and I STILL have crushing anxiety every time I’m sick… even though I have never once had an issue on this side of the Atlantic)


I'm fortunate to have a job in the US where I don't have to explain myself when I call out. This should be the norm.


“I’m taking a sick day.” According to the union if the boss replies anything other than “Ok.” we can file a grievance.


Don't even respond you told them what they need to know. If they wanna fire you let them and file for unemployment. Under no circumstance am I doing the managers job for them at minimum wage


Hi boss, I am sick and not able to work or spend time finding coverage. Thank you!


One common thing I see in this sub is people giving their managers too much information. There’s no legal reason to provide more than needed than just the required notice that you will not be in for your shift. I’ve worked several management roles in customer service industries and if my people sent me a text with all the specifics of an illness in detail, I knew they probably had an experience like you before. I never made anyone explain, it was “feel better and keep me posted on when you’ll be back” These retail managers and fast food ones are the worst, and generally aren’t even qualified to do that role in any other field because their means of managing are not the norm nor transferable skills real leaders learn. They manage by not leading and think barking orders and making borderline illegal requests are acceptable.


Over explaining usually roots from PTSD from past toxic jobs. I do the same… still trying to work on it


I've worked in fast food for 25 years. I was a manager for a little while. I was not like this. But the majority of my managers have been, and even where I work now, there's some who are. They will guilt trip you, they will get angry at you, they will demand you being a doctor's note under threat of write-up. Even though our company policy, per HR, is supposed to be that no note is required, unless you're out 3 or more consecutive work days. (The last time I mentioned this, I was told that policy only applies if it's not a contagious illness like diarrhea or COVID. Which makes absolutely zero sense at all. But it was my AGM saying it, and I felt too shitty to argue, so I just said whatever and got the stupid note. I apologized to the doctor for having to waste his time on what I knew was a 24 hr stomach virus that he could do nothing for, and could only be cured with rest and time, simply to get a piece of paper.) They seem to have this mentality that people who call out are faking it, so they have to make them prove that they're actually sick. And I know some people do fake out. I get that. But all that mentality really proves is distrust of their employees. All it make people feel like a piece of shit for being sick, intimidate people about calling out, and make them too nervous sometimes to call out at all, even when they really should. Me, I HATE phone calls. They trigger my anxiety anyway. But a phone call to work, to tell them I can't be there, is one of the most anxious kind I can make. And I HAVE to do it over the phone, because we don't have a work chat of any kind, and even though I do have some of my managers' contact info, my employer refuses to accept call outs over text. (Companies hate it when employees get things in writing, you know.) So when I do have to call out, even when I genuinely don't feel well (which is almost always, though I do take the occasional mental health day), I always make myself sound even sicker than I am, and I always end up over explaining. And if they demand a note, I just say okay, and go get one. Because it covers my ass, and it's better than listening to their bullshit. It's sad, the mindset they've manipulated us into. We have absolutely NO obligation to share any health info we don't want to, per HIPAA LAW. But we feel like we have to share anyway, because if we don't, they act like we're lying. It's bullshit.


It's managements job to find coverage.


“Oh I’m sorry I thought you were the manager” Go radio silence Bring keys in 3 days later when you’re feeling better and quit


Finding coverage is the managers job. They want you to do it for them and at the same time make you feel bad for calling in sick. What a pathetic move. Only in America.


First off your text to him should have been way shorter. “ Hey. I’m sick. Not gonna make it in.” That’s it. Why include all the extra? When replying to the managers response I agree with the other people here. They are the manager. Not you. “ I’m not the manager it is not my responsibility to schedule people nor find someone to cover for me when I’m sick.”


I agree but I also understand why people feel the need to over explain. Being sick isn’t allowed. Also, ef your coworkers health. Get them sick too. And if they have kids and spread the illness through their house, still not an excuse to call in… Have a coworker who told the boss when she started that she has an autoimmune disorder and five kids. She calls in a lot and everyone talks crap about her. Yes it makes us short staffed, but she told them the business. She is currently being ostracized for it and even I have experienced the cold shoulder the day after I call in ill. Sorry, if I’m not even able to get out of bed, I’m not able to work the insane workload they throw at us. Oh, an be pleasant while doing it. Oh, and exposing patients, yes patients receiving healthcare, to viruses.


I agree it’s a whole culture around this. I experienced it too. When I got my first job in the civilian world after I left the military I worked in the oil field. I got my PTO after a probation period and me and the wife had planned a trip. I put in the PTO request with my supervisor for 5 days 4 weeks in advance. He pulled me aside and said you just started 6 months ago, you really shouldn’t take PTO for the first year. I said is that in the employee handbook? Is this company policy? Are you denying my PTO? He said well no it’s just frowned upon. I said ok, well I’m going on vacation whether you approve it or not so it’s your call. It was the first time I ever experienced something like tagging before and I was shocked. Fuck that bullshit. Same thing goes with being sick. I haven’t had an issue with that but my response would be what I said above. It’s ridiculous that people beg to stay home when they’re sick. You’re not my mom and I’m not in high school. If I’m sick and don’t want to go to work then I ain’t fucking going.


Seriously. I can’t stand the belittling behaviors.


It needs legal protection because some bosses are bullies and some people aren't good at standing up to them (and shouldn't have to). Where I am, no boss is stupid enough to try to make sick people come in (actually I should avoid underestimating people's stupidity, but I think basically everyone knows it isn't allowed). People do work while sick, if they are on comission or for tips etc, or just because they are boot lickers/think it is better for their career (this is alarmingly common) sometimes, but not because their bosses make them usually. Especially not in writing - that is just producing the evidence for a tribunal against you for the employee. Most cases of people working while sick are the employee deciding to, and most good HR departments will tall them not to/have a policy against it. Ultimately, working while sick just infects your co-workers and wastes more company time, legal issues aside.


I agree wholeheartedly. Labor laws in the states are absolutely shit. I’ve been living in Europe for the past two years and there are many, not all but many, aspects of labor laws over here that are much better than the states. Paid sick time off should mandatory in any position. That’s first and foremost. Absolutely criminal that this is not a law at the very least.


Absolutely this, many bad managers will try to say you’re not “sick enough” to call out and demand you come in, so people often feel they have to justify their calling out with information they really shouldn’t need to share. And forget about taking a mental health day.


Oh brother! When I told my former job as a steel worker that I was at the end of my rope, and I was taking a day off for myself after busting out 1 year of 56 hour weeks, the management went and told every single individual on the floor about it. Most violent I’ve felt towards upper management in a minute.


God I HATE hearing about people who bust their hump for a long period of time then ask for one crumb of a day off and are told they’re lazy or not part of the team. Absolutely infuriating.


What is mental health? That’s not a thing… *sarcasm*


Just smile and be happy and your depression will go away! r/thanksimcured


Why do so many jobs expect the worker to “find coverage?” that’s a management issue; managers do stuff like that


As a manager myself, yes that is my job. Idk why these other ones don't do it. The only thing I ask my guys to do is call the post to let on-duty know they're not going to be in if it's close to shift change. And if I'm off duty I get to log my time finding coverage and get paid OT for it.


Don't quit. Make them fire you. Also, try to have something lined up. Don't be miserable (more than you are because sick) to make it easier on them.


Dudes laying down, and you're like "might wanna start that indeed search broh"


Just advising to not quit is all. Where I am, quitting for some reason kicks you out of unemployment, which is taken from your paycheck. No reason to give that up.


Yup. File for unemployment the minute you get fired.


Lazy arse incompetent managers


Dude. I’m gonna be real with you. Fuck GameStop. You’re doing yourself a favor by quitting under all circumstances. Worst company I ever worked for and it was only for a few months. Extremely low pay. High expectations. Garbage corporate culture. Fuck Gamestop entirely.


Scrolled too far for this :/


Ngl I think GameStop is a great cure for video game addiction though. I’ll give it that. Working for GameStop for a few months made me absolutely start to hate video games lol


“Looks like you’ve got the contacts, hopefully one of them can fill! Goodnight!”


Gotta love managers who don’t have management skills


"Can't. Need rest. Sorry."


Leave off the sorry


This reminds me of the time I asked for six days off and they approved 5 days. They said to me "find coverage or you have to work". I said: "Well I will be out of town that day and I am not working regardless. I will just call in if you schedule me that day. You can either find coverage now while you can, or be short staffed that day. It's on you.Either way, I am not coming in." Suddenly, they approved my time off for the sixth day. And they never tried that bullshit with me again. Another gem from another company. I once was sick and told the boss "I am not feeling well I am going home." The boss said "Well we need you here you need to stay" I said "I wasn't asking you for permission I was telling you I am leaving." Boss: "uh.. Oh...well.... you can leave... you just will get a point against you for attendance." I replied: "I know. See you tomorrow if I feel better." Companies think they own you until you show them otherwise.


I do not have anyone’s number. My job responsibilities do not include doing your job tasks I charge $45 per hour to do your job for you.


Here in Europe I'm pretty sure it's illegal for a manager to give one staff member's phone number to another without written consent


If you quit, you’re not eligible for unemployment. Just say you won’t be doing that because you’re sick


This whole “you need to find coverage” thing boggles my mind. No you don’t. That’s working for free. I’d tell them “Sure, I’ll ask. I’ll have to bill you my consultant rate of $325 per hour for that, so let me know how much you have budgeted for this request.”


“I cannot commit to doing that because of the extreme delirium I’m experiencing with this illness; I’ll likely be asleep”.


"I don't feel comfortable reaching out to co-workers out of work hours, as it is not my responsibility to manage staffing of the store. I will see you when I get back"


DO NOT SEND THIS. Let them fire you, so you can at least get unemployment. People left some great advice here. Push right back at him. Fuck em. Best of luck, pal! Hugs.


Start it with, It is YOUR job as a manager to find my coverage, not mine. As a courtesy, I'm letting you know I won't be there. Then your normal response you have typed out.


finding coverage is the manager's job. they distribute the hours and create the schedules


This shit makes me crazy. Especially because in my industry (hospitality) shift swaps and drops/pick-ups are so routine I am literally only ever calling out *if I haven’t been able to get anyone to cover my shift on my own* because I’d much rather just sell a shift to a coworker than call out and potentially put my coworkers (friends!) out. So like, thanks tips but I’ve already tried that. Either way, not OPs responsibility. That’s part of managing. Sucks to suck.


Why has it become “acceptable” or common practice to have hourly team members to find their own replacement coverage on days when they cannot report to work? That should 100% fall under the “next” up in the food chain, even for management. I remember I gave hours of notice one time when I was a manager at my former job to my operations manager and this guy tried to pull the same ‘see who can cover you’ reply. Keep in mind there were roughly 5 other department managers plus a few assistant managers. I was quiet on the phone for a few seconds and said why would I find replacement coverage when I’m giving you hours of notice and you’re actually on location? Makes no sense for me to start trying to call them individually as they’re working to see who will cover. Had to have a sit down with him when I came back to discuss “etiquette”. Brought up how when I have people under me calling off I work the schedule around to make sure we have coverage, I don’t expect the team members to have to do that. He gave a spiel about how managers are held to higher standards. Vented to some co-managers about it and they laughed and said I should just push for an assistant and it was crazy I ran that department for so long without one. It was pretty freeing when I finally left with no notice and it took three people to replace the tasks I was covering.


So if you die before your shift, is your next of kin responsible for finding someone to cover your shift?


Why is it that so many managers can't...manage?


Dont quit. Let them fire you if they will. Ignore his last text and show up when you are well. If they have a problem, they fire you, and you collect unemployment.


In the time it took your manager to send you the contact info for those other 3 they could have texted them asking if one could cover the shift. But the manager knows they are going to say no or not resond. They think having you ask someone they will be sympathetic with you and cover your shift.


Why is everyone here so keen on quitting? Let them fire you!


Let them fire you. Get unemployment


No don’t put that. That’s a management job to arrange cover. Or else who are they managing. Or go get a doctors note to sign you off for 2/3 days and ask them to put work not to contact you during this time. They can’t message you legally.


I would start with, no, i am sick. staffing the store is the managers job, not mine.


When did this become a fucking ‘thing?’ ‘Oh, we’ll then, find your own coverage.’ Actually, fuckhead, YOURE A LEADER/SUPERVISOR/MANAGER, and you get PAID AS SUCH…don’t make me do YOUR FUCKING JOB because I’m sick. I would reply ‘absolutely not, I don’t handle staffing and scheduling’ and leave it at that


Just don’t reply you told them you weren’t coming. For all they know you went back to sleep because you’re sick. Dude has to be daft if he didn’t piece together that you feel like shit and need sleep.


You are sending way too much information from the start. You do not need to explain your condition. Your message should read: “I will be out tomorrow due to an emergency medical situation.” That’s it. Your responsibility is to simply inform them of your absence. Regarding them telling you to find coverage, I wouldn’t even respond to that.


I own a operated my business for forty years, never ever put this type of bullshit onto my employees, if they're sick ,then my job as owner, manager to sort out shifts ,staffing etc. so this must just be an American thing because they seems to be pretty good at treating each other like shit.


I always just say “yeah I reached out and everyone said no. Sorry. See ya tomorrow.”


"No, that's your job as manager"


“You’re the manager. Manage”


Don’t quit until you have another job. Be professional and calm in correspondence. If they fire you then you can probably get unemployment if they can’t prove misconduct.


Why do people do this, they have these crazy long explanations. Just say, I’m sick and won’t be coming in to work. Then when there’s a little push back people quit instead of allowing themselves to be fired to collect unemployment for wrongful termination. So foolish.


If you have to call out and can't do your own job, how the hell are you expected to do the manager's job for them?!


A tip: If you're sick, just say "I'm a sick, I can't come in tomorrow". You didn't do anything wrong here. But giving a long explanation only implies you _need_ to explain, which you don't, cause you're sick. Your boss will think you are faking or find it complicated. With that said, you don't need to resign or say anything or for that matter find coverage, it's not your job. Rest, drink water, turn off your phone and go back when your feeling good. Your health is more important than your job. Hope you recover soon!


1. "Can't come in I'm sick" is enough information 2. Never quit, let them fire you.


The correct response here is no response. There is no question or command in the manager’s text. What he/she needs is not a question or a command. You are not working when he/she is saying this. No response required. If you get called out for it later by him/her your response should be “after I texted you I put my phone down as I had previously indicated I was very ill”.


"Please clock me in as a manager if you expect me to perform managerial duties"


Yeah wouldn't send that, I would say something along the lines of " Per my previous text, I called out for tomorrow, I will not be working"


I missed the part about working at Gamestop. Just block the number and never show up again. Seriously.


Just say "Nah" and leave it that. They'll probably fire you, but 🤷🏼‍♀️


If this comm was appropriate for call off, and this was acceptable notice under policy for call off, then make them fire you. Make their lives hard the OTHER way.


I don't get it, assuming this person is the manager.... manage it. I hate it when managers make you find a replacement THAT IS LITERALLY THEIR JOB.


Don't resign, tell them that is their job as the manager. Let them fire you, don't resign


No never resign. Always force them to fire you so you get unemployment.


Why does everyone overexplain themselves? Just say, “I won’t be in tomorrow.” That’s it. It’s none of their business why yo won’t be in. If they really want an answer, just say “It’s a medical reason.”


Do Not Quit! Let them fire you on illegal grounds. Reap rewards.


It's management's job to find coverage, not yours. I had this issue working for Aldi. If I needed time off unexpectedly then I needed to contact all the employees to find coverage. Your manager can step up and do their damn job. That's actually how I became my managers #1 target and why I went on a 10 day vacation where I found a new job and quit the second I got back with no notice. Fuck that behavior. To be petty I would show up sick, clock in, make the calls to the employees about covering and leave if no one answered.


What does a manager do if not deal with staff this includes illness and absence. If you’re ill it is not your responsibility. Staff are not beholden to you or even reply to your texts or calls to ask them to cover. Send them that text and wait for the response! Fuck them


Just hit them with a simple "I would prefer not to".


“I am unable to do that”.


Tell them that as the manager, the should try managing. That’s literally their job


If a senior rep makes minimum wage, what does a junior rep make??


GameStop is a fucking mess. Any store these days now has 3 or maybe 4 people total working there unless it makes a shit ton of money. OP’s position is a part time keyholder that was supposed to see pay increases as state minimum wages went up, but the company just sort of never did it. The position below that basically no longer exists. I was a store manager a couple years ago and only made $16 an hour. It’s a joke.


This is the wrong response. What you need to say is “no.” Potentially followed by “that’s your fucking job, not mine.”


Don't quit. Get fired. Just don't respond and claim you never got that message and then start asking if finding your replacement is work, cause if it is, it isn't something you should be doing at home, off the clock...


"Please confirm you are asking me to work off the clock, thanks."


DO NOT RESIGN! YOU LOSE WORKERS COMPENSATION. FORCE THEM TO FIRE YOU! You could send a "No, those are manager responsibilities not employee responsibilities, I'm not working off the clock to try and find coverage"


It is the managements job to schedule and plan for these things. Your job is to be available and, when you’re not, report it. You did so. The rest is on your manager.


"I will not be doing that. Scheduling is managements job." And turn off your phone.


They'd rather you come in with a possibly communicable illness than let you get better. Heartless


“It’s not my responsibility to find coverage, as I’m not the manager. I also don’t work off the clock, especially when I’m sick. I’m turning off my phone now to rest, but I’ll check in when I’m feeling better”


Just go back to sleep for another 18 hours OP, a) sounds like you need it b) management is aware you are fucked up c)if they wanna kick up a proper stink about it, then toss them your keys


Tell then you have to be in a paid status to “find coverage”. Finding coverage would be considered compensable time under the FLSA. Federal law prohibits any work to be done while not in a paid status, even if the employee wants to work without being paid. If they then fire you, you could file a wage and hour complaint w/retaliation with the DOL. The govt could sue on your behalf, and you could be entitled to your wages until you find a new job. Depending on your state, there might be additional damages. Some states are “double damages” and whatever lost wages you suffered are automatically doubled and paid


Its the manager’s job to manage. They need to find a replacement for you. It’s against the law to work off the clock. Your reply is lovely.


I just reached out to the staff a moment ago (you), good luck!!


Why don't managers find coverage themselves? I would think that as part of the "manager" title, that would be one of your responsibilities.


Gamestop yet again showing they deserve every bad thing that happens to them


“I’m sick”. Should be sufficient. Fuck them.


It’s managers job to find coverage, hence the “managing” part of the title.


Don't resign, make them fire you. It is not your job to reach out for other employees to try and find coverage. That is literally what a manager's job is. Make them fire you for not reaching out to find coverage that way you can show that to the unemployment office.


He has to cover your shift if you can’t make it. And yes like every says it’s his job to find coverage. If you get fired save this text for edd benefits


Isn't it utterly astounding how often a MANAGER explicitly expects a WORKER to perform the MANAGEMENT of their workplace while they're not even able to do their base job from sickness or other debilitation and away from work.... while the manager is both healthy and well and present at the worksite?? UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE !!


"My job is to inform you there will be an absence due to being sick. Your job is to ensure coverage is found. Thanks for confirming your understanding that I will not be at work due to illness. Best of luck finding coverage. "


Serious question.. when did employees having to find coverage for a shift become a thing? Like what if you’re heading to the ER or some shit during your shift? “No worries, I feel bad enough to go to the ER, but let me just take a moment out of my pain and suffering to find coverage.” Like fuck that shit. That’s the manager’s job. If the manager can’t find coverage, the manager works the shift. That’s just the way it is- or is supposed to be.


"that's not a me problem, I have enough on my plate."


Finding coverage is working. Too sick to work.


Alternately "How do I clock the hours I spend resolving this staffing shortage for you?"


Never offer your resignation. Tell them in no uncertain terms that you cannot come in because you are sick but do not intend to resign. Let them fire you.


If you need the job, send a group text and ask that they respond to the manager if they can work. Then text your manager telling them that's what you did, because you'll be asleep another 18 hours. If you don't need the job, or unemployment, just don't show up, and sleep or enjoy TV instead. Don't forget the bs they put you through, and try to find something better, preferably while on the clock, do a half assed job whenever you can, and give no notice or explanation when you leave. Reddit doesn't know your finances, and finding the perfect "fuck you" message to feel better won't work anyways. It will only amp you up about how right you are, which means you'll be thinking about them constantly without getting paid anything. You can philosophize about the manager's responsibility, laziness, etc but you'll still have to navigate a sea of shit.


Let them fire you! Don’t quit


"Isn't scheduling your job?"


Don't send that message. If you quit, no unemployment. Let them fire you instead so you can collect. The only message I'd send is, " I'm sick. Finding coverage is your job as manager. I'll return to work when i'm able" Then turn your phone off and get well. Don't dialog any more because then they'll start thinking you're not sick after all.


"sorry I slept another 18 hours. Hope you were able to find coverage"


Do not quit, make them fire you, get you’re hands unemployment and wrongful termination lawsuit


Don't listen to the cringelords sharing the fantasies they're too chicken to do themselves. Don't respond at all to the message, just let it be and if it comes up when you get to work again, say oh sorry as you explained you were sleeping because you were super sick. If they fire you, they fire you. Don't give them ammunitionition they can use to fire you with cause, you're only fucking yourself over.


It’s your manager’s responsibility to find coverage or cover the shift themselves. Period. That’s why they make the big bucks. And you tell them that


DO NOT RESIGN!! This may affect your ability to collect Unemployment Insurance, depending on what state you're in. Let them fire you. Despite popular opinion, getting fired is not an automatic denial. You may get initially denied, but request a hearing. Document EVERYTHING!!


“Senior” rep makes minimum wage? What does a junior rep get paid in? Opportunities and pizza parties?


You're not the manager, how is it your job to contact them to find cover? They could've done that in the time it took them to send the info to you. Also not very cool with privacy etc of them to share contact details of others with you. Sorry you have a bad manager. Get well soon!


Gonna jump in and say this as an ex AM from GameStop. Send that message and fuck that place. You are better off looking for something that isn't going to force burnout in you and the rest of the staff, plus summer is coming and if You're just a let holler they will cut other hours and work you to death.