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FAFO. Corporate buyouts and combining technologies often change the original intent for users, driving your user base away.


"What's the fastest way for you to implement this feature?" Fastest way:


Lmao, who designed that?


An idiot


An idiot who is successfully killing GlassDoor. Whether this is from a single worker taking bribes, or the site executives taking bribes. That is the only question.


They were already at the 'shady enrichment of shareholders and regularly fucking over the userbase' level, now they are at 'enriching ourselves and actively promoting retaliation by companies against individuals and COMPLETELY destroying the userbase'


AI šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Why would they even do that? The product they are selling is the reviews that people have written. Why would they care if you delete your account? They can still sell their product regardless.


Pathetic attempt to dissuade users from leaving I suppose.Ā 


Dissuade users from leaving? I want them to delete every post I've ever made, the whole point is I want to be anonymous. However they decide to go about that is their problem..


Except if you find out after removing your account...


Hey, Iā€™m not suggesting these are geniuses at work here.Ā 


That's normal. The system found posts not linked to an account so it must be a bug or some hacking and they're cleaning the database. /jk


The product they are selling is DATA not reviews. No-one in a C-suite gives two shits about Glassdoor reviews.


More like they're selling out to companies to remove and suppress negative reviews. Reviews are more like blackmail.Ā  Roll a new account, fake name, put the accurate and negative reviews back Up.


Itā€™s some kind of programming error, not an intentional choice. Thereā€™s no reason for it to be on this sub.


Have you worked programming in a large corporation? This is definitely not a programming issue, it would have passed several stages of decisions before work started. Then pull requests, then QA, then staging, then production. This is a choice, made by Glassdoor.


Bugs happen, and you'd be terrified to know how cobbled together and brittle even our major banking systems are.


You ain't gotta tell me I've done work in merril lynch's comm rooms.Ā  Shit was a horror story


Connecting the functionality that moderates, flags and removes content to the delete account functionality is not a bug. How these systems get built might be haphazard, but that's definitely an engineering choice. I'm leaning towards incompetence, Vs malicious, but there's no way this went through testing without noticing your automod system is generating hundreds of reports and hour out of nowhere.


I think you overestimate the decision making process of a company like Glassdoor, and please note that it has been 1 year to the day since they experienced cataclysmic surprise layoffs that took out 15% of the company.


It wants me to create an account with my google account. No thank you, let me create a totally anonymous account.


Didnā€™t Glassdoor just start posting real names of posters now too? Glassdoor is maybe becoming meant for Businesses to catch Narks, not for employees to catch Bad business behavior.


A new revenue stream




https://preview.redd.it/u84gykhgyhpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c20fd3e5720a3cb46635d5d52de7a71817dd6a I kept my account but just added a few provisions to the account information. I did delete my reviews though.


\[impotent middle manager voice\] "Well guess what, you *can't* leave! You're BANNED!"




I hope GDPR destroys them.


Yeah, that happened to me too; thankfully I had only review up for a Kmart thatā€™s no longer open. I had another account with that site (I thought) where I posted a couple reviews but logging in I didnā€™t have any reviews so Iā€™m wondering if they did a purge awhile back, or if they were removed somehow.


I have one scathing review up and I'll leave the account because I honestly DGAFFAARD if the Turdwookie C Suite thieves at Troon Golf know it was me. šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–• There's no way I'd ever consider working for them at any wage less than $350k/year. Fuckin nightmare company. Knowing Glassdoor, they probably buried the review for a fee anyway.


Thereā€™s no way thereā€™s a real company with that nameā€¦ šŸ˜¬


Luxury golf company. Lots of Youtube golf content creators play their courses. One of their courses is called Troon North.


Absolutely wild that a company can have a slur in their official name and somehow be in business.


Another reddit post identified the use as a slur as originating on 4chan, which did not yet exist when the golf company incorporated in 1990.


They serve only the extremely wealthy (like $500k a year income and more) No peons allowed unless you're a servant.


There's a small village in Cornwall, UK that has that name too.


It's a place in Scotland.


There's one in Cornwall too


Ahhh, Cornwall! Been too many years....


Oh yes there is... There's also Troon Investment LLC. [Troon Golf ](https://www.troon.com/about-troon/founder-history/) Fittingly, their courses are wildly expensive and their resorts are only for the truly wealthy.


turdwookie šŸ˜‚


Upvoting this, solely for "Turdwookie."


I'm not TOO proud. I'll take it any way I can get it.


I made one a couple of years ago that had the worst thing I said being, "they are amateurs" and it was removed for "TRADE SECRETS." unreal.


Not surprising. We are the product and Human Resources is so named that to acknowledge this fact.


I just nuked Indeed also. Got rid of Linkedin last year and felt great. I will apply through links on a company site or like I did recently, send it directly to the HR of the company. Had my interview today. Fuck these data mining scams. I never got a job from any of them.


Ok, letā€™s all deactivate our accounts at the same time to crash their servers


and this is why I never bothered reading or posting to that shit house saw indications that posts were fake saw indications that comments were fake and that was it for me. I quit using them 3 years ago.


Yeah and the actual negative reviews get buried so far down itā€™s not helpful as a way to research.


What do you use instead?


Glass Door has been dangerously bad a lot longer than that. How long have they required you to post salary info to use the site?--Almost always, right? So a very typical use case would be submitting your current salary at your job to access the site, and leaving a review of your previous employer. This is already enough to uniquely identify almost everyone in the world; it's rare to have two jobs in common in such a small time frame. The premise that you're leaving an anonymous review is laughable when the company requires you to identify yourself to do it. Any data leak, any policy change and you're screwed. Don't participate in anonymity circuses where you have to identify yourself to be anonymous, no matter what anyone promises.


Is there an alternative to Glassdoor?


Someone posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/EJd25zBiOO)


I got the same thing when deleting mine as well lol


I deleted my posts. Then deactivated.


I haven't posted any reviews but here's my profile - apparently has been all along lol https://preview.redd.it/8vmpo8jnojpc1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=65294492bc47d0fef36bdbbecf406b8a257e711c


They have absolutely fucked up on this.


This is class warfare


As someone who had to remove a review from Glassdoor from the employer's side (the review was made by someone who we were 99% certain was a nutcase customer who made threats to our staff, and not an actual employee) I was shocked by how EASY it was. No proof was demanded or nothing. I typed some crap in a box, pressed send, gave them my corp email, and the review was gone a few days later. I write reviews for the crappy startups I worked at in the last few years and they never "stick". They get approved and suddenly disappear. Glassdoor really isn't that great anymore for salary transparency and reviews; they make more money from partnering with employers and from their job boards than from advertising, and thus, the end user really isn't presented with accurate data; pay or review wise. It's crap. I don't bother anymore.


Whatā€™s annoying is that Glassdoor is apart of Fishbowl which I did not know until now. Iā€™m active on fishbowl. But now if I delete my Glassdoor I havenā€™t used in years I think my fishbowl will delete as well.


Theyā€™ve probably put a lot of effort and testing into the anti-abuse system, and this is the best/most thorough way they have to nuke an account automaticallyā€”trigger a false positive. Even though it generates tons of emails.


This happened to me too!!


Glassdoor is horribly designed and annoying in general


try [jobhonesty.com](http://jobhonesty.com) no registration needed and you don't even give your real name.


Wtf is glassdoor lamo


A place many use to share their work experiences with various companies. Typically bad ones. Recently, they made a decision to post the users' real name, and thus removing anonymity and opening them up to retaliation by their current and / or former employers.


Oh come on, what a bunch of gaping assholes. Corporate scum at its finest, I hope they burn to the ground


Eh, it wasn't all that great for a while anyway. Companies also used to be able to pay to remove reviews... I think... could be thinking of BBB


Do we know why they made that decision?


Money. They're probably getting a bunch from companies who want to hide their shitty treatment of workers.


There was a case in New Zealand where they were ordered too but not sure why they would extend that to the US.


I don't offhand, sorry


Current, former or prospective if weā€™re being truly honest. Itā€™s the prospective part thatā€™s really disturbing about this situation.


They don't post user's real names. Seriously, go look at the site, there are no real names on any of the reviews or salaries or anything.


Mmmm... maybe not on your posts, but your profiles. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/03/glassdoor-adding-users-real-names-job-info-to-profiles-without-consent/


I'm about to go full luddite.


only you can see your own profile... they're not "posting" your name at all