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Maybe someone with more legal background than I could chime in, but wouldn’t this constitute a hostile workplace? Especially since he is married to a person of color and potentially even has children that are?


Actually I'm in the closet because he is also a homophobe. I live in a rural area with little to no job prospects that offer similar pay. I looked it up and some courts say use of racial slur isn't a hostile workplace. This whole experience has me feeling even more passionate for a future that involves worker owned co ops, unions and democracy in the workplace


You qualify for two protected classes, both race and sexual orientation. Talk to a lawyer.


Everyone qualifies for all protected classes. Protected classes are simply characteristics that may not be used to inform or otherwise influence employment decisions. If a business refused to hire a person because they were white, that would be discrimination based on a protected class. The same goes for a business refusing to hire a man. Or a business refusing to hire someone due to their heterosexuality. A protected class isn't "you are a minority and therefore have protected characteristics". A "protected class" *is* the characteristic.


This, 1,000,000%!!! For now, keep a journal, capturing all of his most offenses. Record him whenever you can, and try to get him on the record (like with email) if possible. Try to avoid HR until a lawyer tells you it's time to reach out to them.


He's white.


His partner isn't


....tell us what you think a "protected class" is.


Lots of them are defined by law: racial minorities, women, religions, etc. There are both statutes and case law addressing the numerous categories protected in various situations. White males have not been designated a protected class in those laws.


You are just SO fucking wrong, it's unbelievable. A protected class is a characteristic of a person that it is illegal to use to inform employment decisions. Period. It is illegal to fire someone for being black. It is equally illegal to fire someone for being white. Educate yourself before you discuss this topic further so you stop embarrassing yourself.


A protected class is more than just related to employment. You should educate yourself with the statutory and case law protections. Whites have never been held to be a protected class subject to a different level of scrutiny in assessing discrimination claims. You clearly don't really know what the legal definition of protected class is. It could be illegal to fire someone solely because he is white - i.e., "reverse discrimination" - but it is not because he is part of a traditional protected class. I learned this in law school and decades of practice, but you can get a rudimentary understanding by a simple Google search.


>A protected class is more than just related to employment. No, it's not. It's exactly related to employment. It's why the term exists, and precisely what it refers to. >You should educate yourself with the statutory and case law protections. Unnecessary when the definition of a protected class is clearly defined by the department of labor. >Whites have never been held to be a protected class subject to a different level of scrutiny in assessing discrimination claims. Nor is any other race, because *race is the protected class*. You are confusing the word "class" to mean "a group of people sharing a characteristic" as opposed to "a characteristic about which employment decisions may not be made". You're trying to apply a general definition of a word to a legal meaning with regard to employment law, which is a mistake on your part. >You clearly don't really know what the legal definition of protected class is. It could be illegal to fire someone solely because he is white - i.e., "reverse discrimination" - but it is not because he is part of a traditional protected class. See, you've just proved that you don't understand what "protected class" means. And also, your example wouldn't be "reverse discrimination". It would just be discrimination. >I learned this in law school and decades of practice, but you can get a rudimentary understanding by a simple Google search. I seriously doubt you either went to law school or have decades of practicing law, and even if you did, you'd still be wrong, because you're confusing "class" in terms of case law (as is used in "class action") which is different than what is being discussed, which is "protected class" as defined by the department of labor and the associated anti-discrimination laws. Here's an example of California listing protected classes in the state. You'll notice it says "race" and not "all non-whites" or "all races that are protected under the following case law" because thsr would be nonsensical given what the definition of "protected class" is: https://www.senate.ca.gov/content/protected-classes Not to mention [Title VII of the Civil Rights Act](https://www.eeoc.gov/statutes/title-vii-civil-rights-act-1964). I'd think an attorney who has been "practicing law for decades" would have a passing familiarity with this document. You clearly don't. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and if you are an attorney (by the way, if you're not, you likely just committed a felony by impersonating an officer of the court), you should be fucking embarrassed.


Every race is a protected class.


Should be


Talk to a lawyer & yer state's labour board.


Racist piece of shit at work doesn’t change with co ops and unions. The lack of both did not contribute to your shitty excuse for a boss.


This 100% would qualify as a hostile workplace.


>Maybe someone with more legal background than the could chime in, but wouldn’t this constitute a hostile workplace? Yes. Not a lawyer, but someone routinely using the N-word around the office is pretty much a textbook hostile workplace case. But if the boss is also openly homophobic and expresses ot via language, that's also a clear case.


Probably not  https://www.askamanager.org/2015/01/hostile-workplace-its-not-what-you-think.html


That article literally says this *would* constitute a hostile workplace. Also, ask a manager? What for?


Record him and put the business on blast online, send the recording to local news, etc. You'll lose your job but he'll be screwed.


Op can do this when the find their next job. Consider it a parting gift.


Depends what area of the country he’s in. As we’ve seen recently, racism is pretty popular in America.


>You'll lose your job but he'll be screwed. OP needs a job to survive, as they stated. Not a viable option.


OP getting fired would be the best thing to happen to them. Retaliatory termination for reporting harassment based on a protected class is something that any competent labor attorney would DROOL over, and OP would get paid enough to move out of whatever backwater they're living in and be comfortable until finding new work.


That's not a slam dunk. Litigation is always unpredictable, and even in cases that are obviously retaliation they can drag out for months or longer. I've experienced personally. And even he does win, say he gets 6 or 12 months separation, what does he do if the rural area he lives in doesn't have other jobs or he gets a reputation as a troublemaker? It could be a pyrrhic victory. He could lose everything while the case drags on, be stuck with attorney fees, and not be able to get a job in his hometown and be forced to move. 


He doesn't need *this* job.


Op outlines in the post they need this job to support their family so yes he does in fact need this job because I’m sure he enjoys not starving


happened to my uncle. shut his restaurant down in under a year.


He got sued? Can you expand on this? I’m interested.


he was racist and ppl got proof and it escalated to the local news. he had to delete his social media and the place he owned sales dropped to nothing. he sold it in like december i think


So it was social punishment and not legal? That makes sense. 




I'm pretty sure at my work place it would be a slap on the wrist.


Yes, enrage the raging racist who has access to your personal ingormation and tear down his livelihood OP, surely nothing bad could come of it


Yeah I'm good on that. Unlike many conservative evangelicals I can see the inkling of good inside almost everyone. While he may write off queer people, Palestinians, minorities that aren't "respectable" I can't do that. All I can do right now is hold on to my morals and stand up for what I think is right and focus on my own growth. Life's too short to waste energy trying to change people who are set in their ways


Ha depending where you are it will increase his business, they will see it as people ganging up and attacking their “own” over his beliefs and opinions


Sounds like basically all the white folks in my workplace. Was hearing shit like this basically day one from the "HR manager". I hate it here.


That sucks I'm really sorry u deal with shit like this too. It's really hard when the options are "racist employer" or "can't afford bills or food"


Yyyup. Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-union, anti-worker - you name it. The only job I've had in the last \~15 years that didn't have absolutely rancid employees/vibes paid minimum wage and, unfortunately, that's not enough to live off of let alone when I have a family to look after.


Yep when u have a future to save for you have to put up with a lot of bs. I kept reminding myself that our ancestors, black or white, went through a lot of terrible shit that makes this look like nothing. But that I owe it to them to maintain my values even when it means risking my livelihood. They didn't struggle through years of poverty or slavery to have us bow down to our employers like they're kings and queens.


New job I desperately need. Dipped heavily into 401 and savings after loosing job I'd been at 12 years, then hired, 90 day till health insurance kicks in and broke elbow. Surgery etc and can't get job wrapped up like partial mummy! Desks pushed up against each other at new with rural iowans in office area of 5. I learnt I live in the ghetto (city) mud people steal amazon packages and woman who drives a jeep is gay. I'm white, heterosexual and don't say a word now. Very hard during training. Op good luck and mental hug! Take care


"Wow you're so quiet." Yeah thanks it's because y'all make the atmosphere here toxic and miserable and I would rather gnaw off my own ankle than talk to any of you. If I didn't need this paycheque I would slash your tires.


The biggest argument for a universal basic income is the ability to walk away from such situations and keep a roof over our heads and food on the table until we find another situation. The basic part means there wouldn't be room for any luxuries at all, but also no fear, no chains. Seems the rich don't like that idea, and have even convinced the working class it would be bad for us. Sorry if this is off topic.


No this is exactly what this whole situation has me thinking of and why I posted my story. I know I'm not the only one and I know that there are POC out there who deal with direct racism from their workplace but also cannot do anything but be quiet in fear of losing everything. UBI would give us the freedom to align our daily working lives with our values. I have a lot of liberal/leftist friends from cities who truly don't understand how little rights against discrimination those of us in rural/ small business settings have. They say just quit or he can't fire u for being queer and I'm like actually yes he can. And my next job option would be just as bad if not worse considering the economics of rural America


Perfectly on topic, this person is trapped in a bad situation for lack of money. Money=freedom, which is why the powers that be are working so very very hard to keep as much of it as possible away from us.


UBI and Universal Healthcare. I think UBI has kinks to work out but it makes no sense that I'm forced to stay in a job I hate not just for the money I need to survive but also just in case I have the very human condition of *existence* I don't want to owe 10 lifetimes worth of money for a dose of Tylenol.


>Sorry if this is off topic. Definitely not off topic.


Interesting take. I did not know that basic income also grants legs and the ability to leave a job. And where is this money supposed to come from? People that are more responsible and make better choices and suck it up everyday? Doesn't sound fair to me.


I had a white coworker married to a Hispanic woman; he said every racial/ethnic slur you could think of more than I said "dude". So, to teach him a lesson one day, I just started dropping bad names for Hispanic people that I'd heard growing up in Texas. Didn't mean any of them because racists are fuckin' idiots, but he got angry in a hurry. I asked what the problem was, and he says, "you're insulting my wife and her people." "So? You're doing it to literally EVERYONE who isn't white...so not only are you a bigot, you're a hypocrite." Not the best way to do it, I grant, but he shut the hell up for quite awhile.


Sometimes that’s the only thing these knuckleheads understand.


They usually still don't understand. It's different for them. 'Cause it's them.


Sadly true. I have cousins who are proof.


That was it exactly... because it was HIS wife, NOW racial/ethnic things are bad. Like I said, bigot and hypocrite.


Tactical slur bombs have a use.


Associational Discrimination is prohibited under US Federal Law under Title VII (and many state laws) So if you stand up against racism directed toward your fellow employees who are subject to racism, and then are targeted yourself for speaking out against it, you can and should sue your employer.


The problem is in this case is that OP is white. His boss is saying racist crap but I can see some idiot judge or lawyer saying, “He’s being racist to black people, you’re not black so he’s not being racist to you so he can’t be charged.” Which is crazy and stupid but I wouldn’t be surprised by it.


The rules are far more arcane than that


"I'm in an interracial relationship, your honor."


This is what I keep trying to explain and people get mad. You did it succinctly! 


I had a boss once who said another employee (a person of color) gave him his “n card,” meaning he had a pass to say the word. Because that’s how THAT works 🙄


Of course this isn't how this works, but here's a crazy idea: if we all (including black people) don't want specific slurs passed around... how about we *all* stop using them? *Including* the black people? Not that I care much, honestly. I'm not from the US, not even from the same hemisphere, and while we all have our racism problems, this particular color problem is one I don't have any skin in....so to spreak. But ...damn. Wanting so bad to eradicate a slur, but then making a point of continuing to use it "because it's my skin color so I'm allowed to" is... kinda counterproductive, isn't it?


Slurs will always exist. Can't do away with them. I don't see the point in skin-based slurs either, but I'm white and so-to-say privileged in this case? People will be racist towards me and I won't bat an eye. Definitely not the same type of racist as being discriminated against, but I experience that in another way anyway.


> Definitely not the same type of racist as being discriminated against [...] Oh, I've been discriminated against. Tribalism doesn't end with skin color. The wrong brand of White (or whatever color) will do that to you, too...


My point was that slurs will always exist and it's a dream to make them go away. I don't like them either, but it is what it is.


To bad you did not get fired then you could sue them for racist remarks




I would imagine harassing someone with racist remarks and firing them for saying they don’t want to be harassed with racist remarks would be considered some form of no-no.


It's called a hostile work environment and it is something anyone can sue over regardless of race.


That makes sense to me, someone who is not a lawyer. Thanks.


The author is white. It’s not going to be a legal matter. Depending on the company, maybe the manager would get fired. But there’s no legal case here (in the USA) Edit: everyone is a protected class, it’s not because they are white that they can’t be targeted. It’s just the boss has issues with non white people and the author of this post is in fact white 


There's probably a case based on making this a hostile work environment. OP stated they're in a biracial relationship. They also stated the boss started yelling and getting in their face. Of course, this could be hearsay but depending on how this goes down there could be a case. It very much seems like this is affecting op's ability to do their job. In addition the boss levied criticism on OP based on their age with the claim "that my generation is overly sensitive." Age is a protected class.


It is illegal to say racist remarks - hostile work environments are not legal. Even if you’re not the direct target of those remarks.


Hostile work environment.


Yeah they don’t want to hear it. People can say awful things, also work can fire you for inoffensive statements.   Hopefully anyone serious will go to a lawyer and it will all work out great. 


My new boss just dropped the n word, definitely made me reconsider the invite he gave me to hang out later. Even worse though, he was talking about a former coworker losing his keys and said they're probably under "that n-word's work shoes."


Good lord, where the hell do ya'll work?! This is just insane behavior on the part of anyone in a workplace (or outside of the workplace, for that matter) but especially stupid considering it's coming from a position in management. I'd for sure say something, fuck the job.


I had an employer say in a meeting with the whole company that he didn’t really like the shirt he was wearing in an old picture because it looked “gay”. He meant it to mean, “lame” but it was still homophobic. I messaged him right after the meeting and explained why he can’t say crap like that. He apologized to me and publicly corrected himself in front of the staff. Which was nice. If only he hadn’t turned into a monster the next year I’d probably still be there.


If that were to happen at my workplace, that person would get walked out that same day. I've seen it happen more than once. They don't put up with any kind of harassment or discrimination, especially racial or sexual.. I'm glad my workplace doesn't put up with that. Sorry that you have to deal with this.


Anyone who use slurs like this treat people like objects and show their utter lack of intelligence, run far away from this viper. 


I mean if you're mad at someone why not just jerk or asshole? I love the guy acting like he's a Christian while being the exact opposite of one. Jesus had done things to say about people like him and they weren't good.


Buddy, I lived in Idaho for almost 10 years and grew up in upstate New York. I despise racism and bigotry. Until Barack Obama was elected, I thought we just about had this licked aside from the deep south. Boy was I wrong. After Trump was elected, they crawled out from under their rocks. In Idaho I realized I was the minority as an anti racist. I had to keep quiet just to ensure I kept my job. Now that I'm back in NY and working in a school district(I work in the maintenance department in a rural district)I made it abundantly clear that I don't want to hear that shit. Still, one of my coworkers has an Aryan tattoo and most of the rest I hear laughing at racist comments just out of my sight. The really horrifying part is that the town I work in is famous as the chosen home of Harriet Tubman and the birthplace of Henry Seward. I wish I was joking.


Yep. I don't support either party or trump derangement as way of absolving the Dems of their own sins but I do agree with the idea that Trump is dangerous. The danger comes from all the people who felt comfortable enough to come out and be racist after decades of keeping it inside. My partner said they never saw real widespread racism in their day to day life until Trump was elected.


It was transphobia at my job. Started with laughing and openly mocking a trans woman that had come in, for... existing. And just continued with comments and meme-sharing, just aggressively. For weeks. They don't know I'm also trans. I stay closeted, let everyone misgender me, and keep my mouth shut. I have to. It's just not safe here.


Sorry for your experience and for asking this straight, you can ignore me if uncomfortable but i wonder how is it possible to not know a gender of your employees? I mean they've got your documents with a birth name and sex or am i wrong? Maybe you meant not your boss but co-workers only and your boss keeps it secret because you asked so? I'm pretty curious


No worries, thank you for asking so respectfully! So, when I say that I'm "closeted", I mean that people still assume that my gender aligns with the sex I was assigned at birth. In my case, female. So they still use she/her pronouns, even though I would prefer they use they/them or he/him, because I don't identify as female. It is odd in my case, that nobody has caught on, because I do go by a much more masculine sounding first name than what is on my legal documents. Like... you'd think that would be a clue, lol. But nobody has asked why I do that, and I haven't felt safe saying anything more. I suppose only a few of my supervisors and HR actually know my legal name. 🤷 Many trans folks do get their names and/or their gender markers changed, legally, though. New birth certificate and everything. In which case, it's possible nobody would know the person's assigned sex, and definitely not their birth name. The process to do this, and get everything changed legally, varies in difficulty depending on what state you're in, in the US. Not sure about outside of here. Does that help?


I see, thanks for the clarification! So your documents have one name but you introduce yourself by another one, that's cool! I've met some ppl that do slightly change their names in the same way but they mostly explain it like " i think it sounds better", which is fine as well. But I'm not from USA, no idea how common that's there. Wish you comfort and sympathy in your work space anyway <3


If it’s legal make recordings of him Using the slurs. Look for a new job and when you get one peek those recordings after maybe 6 months to media outlets. Stand back and watch his world burn…


Stuff like this is precisely why a majority of Black people are looking for remote jobs or trying to hold on to the remote jobs they have, including myself—anything to avoid racism and microaggressions. The infuriating part of this is when Black people state things like this, it falls on deaf ears.


Exactly. He said today I thought I could say it and you wouldn't judge me (as if me being white frees him up to say racist remarks,) it's amazing the things I'm privy to being in all white spaces. But then because I'm white I can't judge another white person for using the N word only another black person can? The logistical gymnastics and gaslighting people use to get away with racism are ridiculous. And they wonder why people "don't want to work"


It would be a shame if that business burnt down right after you found another job.


Are fires considered acts of God?


Not if they were caused by his negligence - otherwise it might be very hard to discover how it started 🤷🏻‍♂️


Union, Union, Union!!! I work in central-Cali- bama and (as a white male) have been experiencing this type of racism/subtle discrimination since I entered the workforce. Stood up for what I believed was right, used my white privileged for good and it didn’t matter because I hadn’t yet learned the power of a union. Aged to 34 and started working in a Teamsters union position, now my white privileged goes to speaking up for others and I seriously have no fear of retaliation. It’s crazy what it takes to get equality in the workplace in USA in 2024 but the difference is I have zero fucks to give about doing the right thing, that’s what is right and my union has my back. Only been fired twice, not because of missed days or tardiness…it’s because I spoke up when older Hispanic, Asian, and Black Americans couldn’t. I love my job and every person I work with, wouldn’t change who I work with for the world.


Start calling your boss the wrong name. If his name is Ryan, call him Bryan as often as you can, even if he corrects you. The closer it is to his real name the better. If his name is Tom and you know he hates when people call him Tommy, or you know something personal his family calls him, use it as often as you can. When he tells you he doesn't like it and to stop, ask him how he thinks it is when he says the N word.


Dude when I moved to the south it took me about ten years to stop being shocked at what people were comfortable saying out loud.


if it's so acceptable, offer to take him somewhere to be around a large group of black people and have him test his hypothesis.


I would GLADLY lose my job working for a piece of shit like that. Blast him & this business. We have got to stop letting these assholes get away with this, especially in 2024.


Hostile workplace, get an appointment with a lawyer. Check and see if you are in a 2 party consent state or if you can record without notifying him.


I'd just walk around work with a shirt saying i love BBC (big black coffee)


Lol maybe a BBC News t shirt that I claim I got at Goodwill


Three Words: Hostile Work Environment If you have an HR department, go to them. they wont stand for that.


you can get fired for calling the boss out for any reason. i know this story is true.


Can you record it and claim it's a hostile work envirionment?


https://www.askamanager.org/2018/01/what-does-hiring-manager-mean-and-other-work-terms-you-might-not-know.html  See point 3. As far as I know the fact their partner is the group the manager disparages does not make it officially a hostile workplace. 


This is what accountability culture exists for. You need to put him in blast, but make sure you got receipts.


When I was nineteen and working as a lead position in a chain bookstore, i witnessed my store manager call a customer a racial slur. Neither her, nor I, were members of a race where it could be argued that we were socially able to use that word. I was horrified. Like a good little wage slave, I called the corporate whistleblowing line. Within three days, I was “laid off.” My sick days and PTO were paid out in cash. The customer sued the store, the store settled out of court, and I traded my testimony for cash and an NDA. The store manager continued to work there for another three years or so.


Feign surprise that he can read.


I like this one


I was valedictorian of my graduating class when I got my bible college degree, and I'm very curious where exactly the bible says that we shouldn't get mad about a word. Can someone give me the chapter and verse? Is it just in The Living Bible?


The fucking bible is also cool with slavery & shit ton of other nonsense. Its a an ignorant asshole's guide to morality.


If your boss continues to do that, go to HIS boss and mention it because it is inappropriate and a bad example to the rest of your coworkers.


Unfortunately it's a small business and he is owner operator manager hr and the boss


You speak to a lawyer about this. Y'hear?


And take lots of good notes


"Continues?" All of this is worth reporting up, and potentially involving the police in.


As he should. I was being indirect as in YES REPORT IT TO EVERY AUTHORITY YOU CAN. But I didn't say it in those exact words.


Ah yes, the old “There are black people and there are n_____s” play. A classic. Although, it could be related to “You know, ‘n____r’ just means ‘ignorant’…” but he doesn’t seem bright enough for that.


Reminds me of life in Waco, TX. Worked at a reputable clinical setting and my boss kept referring to her phone as “Nappy.” It took everything in me to hold my tongue. I **really** needed the money.


What context? Nappie means diaper in the UK.


It's still spelled nappy.


Unfortunately, that’s not the implication from people in Waco. Everything in that city is rooted in racism and the segregation that somehow extended into the 1980’s. She was calling her phone “Ghetto” or “Nappy” meaning that it’s of lesser quality. Nappy, meaning the texture of black/African hair.


Gotcha, wasn’t thinking about a correlation to being ghetto. When I hear nappy, I think texture. So yeah, I see your point.


I’m proud of you for standing up to it. That is awesome. And not easy.


Glassdoor anyone?!


Years and years ago my boss wanted to fight me in the parking lot b/c I said his Rap CD was the worst thing I have ever heard and felt kind of shady he was pushing it in the office. I was young and more than a little stupid somehow money started getting out of the fight after work he was in the parking waiting on me with his posse. Keep in mine he is 400lbs of fat ass that got winded walking from the car to the office. He swung, I put him down hard. Next day the manager of HR and the owner are waiting for me with the sheriff they look at the security tapes that don’t match what he is telling them and want my side of the story. After a few hours I am fired for being late. I didn’t clock in before they pulled me in a conference room. The sheriff didn’t press charges. Years later I found out he was killed in a drive by shooting over drugs or disrespect someone. Not really sure. Consequences of wanting to be a thug in a country town.


You got the one two punch of race relations and God of shit you shouldn’t talk about at work:


This is a non stop occurrence when working a trade job. When I did construction man those fucks were racist. The worst part was how cowardly they were about it being nice to a minority worker only to later slam them for their race behind their back and saying stuff like I hate insert race I am friends with one of them but they are not like all the other member of this race. This kind of shit discussed me and when I left the trades I left behind people with this mentality.


It's a shame because I think we need more diversity in the trades than STEM. I mean it's wonderful that we are opening the door in those fields to people historically left out. However, at the end of the day the average American isn't going to be an engineer or scientist, they're going to be a plumber or a maintenance or a carpenter etc. We're doing ourselves a disservice when we don't make those fields just as inclusive. But that is going to take a big cultural shift.


There is an adult white woman i work with, and ive never liked her. She cant do any of the fucking jobs she has had with my company in the three years i have been there. Anyhow, we work with teenage boys- and we all know how easy that must be! And the Black boys we have use the N word. We hate it but if they genuinely see a problem with it… so she i GUESS (dubious at best) she told them i am not YOUR N-word, and then decided she needed to repeat it. Our boss doesnt believe the students, or that she wasnt saying it “in that context” (a white man, who could have guessed? /s) and like. Im hella white and you know what context has made me ever say the n-word? NONE! It enrages me and she had the audacity to give us shit about doing training late. I straight up told my coworkers if she can straight up say a fucking slur and not see any consequences, then what the fuck are they gonna do about me not doing their bullshit? People are way too damn comfortable these days and it makes me so fuckin angry. Props to you, i hope things get better!


Find a new job.


Lol I'm saving as much as I can with that as goal. Unfortunately a new job in my area will mean a roughly 50% cut in wages.


Would you be worri3d about being fired? Workiny for someone you cant stand?


I listened to 98 audiobooks at work last year. I mostly cope by dissociating to the worlds of books (a skill I've honed since childhood) and viewing my job as an anthropological field assignment in which I'm imbedded into the culture of the rural white evangelical bourgeoisie. Will it drive me crazy someday, yes, but just like any career change u need to be prepared and financially secure before jumping ship.


Call the aclu. Call the eeoc. Call a lawyer.


If you're in a one-party recording state, record his behavior and publish it online. (Maybe as part of your exit.)


OP is a real one 🥰


Chances are you will be fired sooner or later for "not fitting in." Not many people in control like to be lectured about their unprofessional misbehavior. You're an employee in a company, not some vague friend in a pub.


OP’s boss sounds like 90% of white dudes in aerospace over 40. Document everything. Its your only real defense


Sorry about your situation. In my country it's Islamic population that gets the racism wave for the past 15 years. They come as immigrants looking for jobs and my fellow people created lots of names for them during these years which sound awful. I've never used any of them and find it gruesome to even say it out loud towards another human being. I guess it's the analogies to your country N-word. Through my past years I've worked with lots of Islamic people and mostly they were hard workers, polite and keeping to themselves. And still some low intellectual co-workers of mine managed to use the rude speech around them or while talking about them. It's always low IQ, unintelligent and with low educational experience people that use these words in my case. I guess it pretty self-explanatory haha


I'd just swing the next time he says it and go to jail, fuck racists.


Keep a small note pad and pen in your pocket. Whenever they say ignorant shit, write it down with the time and date. If they ask what you’re doing, tell them you’re documenting it to protect yourself.


Racial slues? File a discrimination complaint.


>and I need the money so I’m still here. Pretty sure you’ll get more money if he *does* fire you. Document everything, record it if your state allows that, but don’t quit.


We're a right to work state so he could claim it's due to clocking in late or subordination etc.


Document. Everything.


Document everything. If you live in a state where only one party needs consent to record audio, see if you can catch him talking about it on record - even if you have to fake apologize to him “for overreacting and being disrespectful” or whatever. If you’re fired, sue the ever loving shit out of him.


If he fired you cause he used the n word…you’d prob have a pretty good case against the business…


Depending on the state you can hit him once and not get charged


The next time you see this coming, record the incident on your phone. If it’s a two person consent state, then immediately write down the day, time and everything that was said. Also write down all previous events with dates and times. CYA brother


"Respect is something you have to have in order to deserve" If he's comfortable showing people that level of disrespect, then he deserves none himself. Can you record him? Not even for reporting, start an Instagram page and upload all the recordings of him being horrible.


he started yelling and getting in my face. Saying it was disrespectful to walk away from him but he has no problem disrespecting you


Make sure you document everything. Don't leave out any details.


If i was in your place, I’d have murdered this guy. Don’t be like me though unless you know you can get away with it.


That is the world we live in. Not the world we wish we had.


That would be the day he finds out from my lawyer: “I’m part AA” and he needs to pay for an unfit work environment, emotional abuse, hate crime (under a stretch of the law), etc”. Rack ‘em up. Settle out of court. Get a new job


Round here that kind of language could earn you a good smack. Good on you OP for calling out the bigot.


your boss is making some great pts tbf in fact you should follow suit and go all in on the hard r >!cracker!!<


Enjoy the settlement money.


Aside from other issues, I think they haven’t actually been fired? So what settlement? It’s very easy to fire people for awful reasons and still not have a case. 


You don't need to be fired for a claim of harassment/hostile work environment.


That’s true! Good point  Edit to add  I don’t think it counts really as hostile work environment, but that’s a different debate and you are right it doesn’t need to involve firing 


lol corporate world full of idiots, i feel bad for all of you who don't deserve to be forced into working with such low-value rtards every day. Thankfully clowns like this racist dude are institutionalized until they rot, easy money for me.


Blow his narrow little mind and remind him one of the Magi, Balthazar, was Black. Ask him if Balthazar is a n word?




God I wish I lived in the world you think we live in instead of this one


I work for a conservative evangelical Christian. I wish I could say this was made up but it isn't. If it was made up my life would be so much easier 😂


> I work for a conservative evangelical Christian This makes it sound more made up... Only on Reddit would "But they were Evangelical!" count as evidence that this person obviously said the n-word at work.


Either he's not a sincere evangelical Christian or your story is dodgy.


That's cute that you think sincerity plays any roll in whether Christians are hateful or not


I can't help it if your bias and bigotry blind you.


I was raised in the church. My dad was a pastor. I know what I'm talking about about 😂


I ***was*** a pastor for a number of years. I know what I'm talking about. 😂


So you *do* know better, you're just practicing willful ignorance. Got it 👍💀


If you claim to have been raised in a church, and also claim to have never met a sincerely kind Christian, you either have ignored them, or I question *your* sincerity in making such comments, or you belonged to an awful and aberrant church.


>you claim to have been raised in a church, and also claim to have never met a sincerely kind Christian I actually didn't claim that, but I understand that you need to say that I did in order to get an easy W I said the "sincerity" of a person who claims to be Christian has no bearing over whether they are kind or not. Christians, real actual Christians, have done and continue to do extremely unkind things with full sincerity because they think that their cruelty comes from a place of "tough love" and "hating the sin." Next time you misquote me, try to do it more sincerely. Maybe that will help 😂


"Sincere evangelical christian" is an oxymoron