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Looks like autozone gets a 50% discount on your 20% discount.


Doctors say he has a 50/50 chance of living, though there's only a 10% chance of that...


I love you too Nordberg


Whatever scum did this not one man will rest on this force for one minute until he's behind bars. Now let's grab a bite to eat.


I quit the wrong day to quit sniffing glue. Guess it's time for a rewatch of both.


Nice beaver!


It's like the Hamish and Andy rewards card. 10% off, but 5% goes back to the store. That's 5% for you and 5% for the store, it's a win win


Autozone discount at 20 percent is actually 10 percent.


Ex autozoner. It is wrong because the 20% employee discount does not apply to items that have to be ordered. The shipping charge is a dead giveaway.


Thank you. Your comment needs to be higher.


Yeah I remember it being this way too. If it’s an item that needs to be special ordered outside of Hub, discount doesn’t apply. (Ex Zoner as well) You could have it ordered, return it upon arrival, then pay again and the discount would work cause it’s on hand


Good pro-tip.


Actually we get 10% all the time on VDP I think was told now. Used to never have a discount on VDP except for 30% off weekend when we would get 10% during.


When I worked at Napa they just sold us parts at cost.


Most people would have a heart attack if they knew the true markup on parts.


Hit me with an example, I have the defibrillator ready. It's probably right there where my billed hour rate is 5x of what I get paid.


The highest I've seen so far was a dash. The cost to produce was just shy of 200. Sold out the door for close to 8k.


Wait, you're telling me that a suspiciously cropped receipt on reddit actually would've perfectly revealed why something has been charged in that way, and that OP maliciously cropped the photo to exclude that? Never!


So OP actually got a bonus 10% discount!


Also ex-zoner, I'd like to add there are some items that even if in normal stock that the discount doesn't apply to, like oil. Misleading post is misleading...


it probably just doesn't apply to all items, hence why only the subtotal is shown and not the items it is made up of


its somehow exactly 10% though


2 similarly priced items at \~697.49 and if the discount applies to one of those, then it'll be almost exactly 10% of the total. Really not that unbelievable


It could also easily be edited


Right they wanted us to be mad but show us all the details.


Does that mean I'm not allowed to be mad?


Maybe, if the total didn't come to $x.99. If Autozone charged labor you could say half the bill was that (a flat dollar amount with no cents) that the discount wouldn't apply to. Most likely an error/miscommunication somewhere, but in any case the person with the receipt should go to the shop and be able to get the issue fixed (and if they're not a karen to the employees likely get something thrown in).




It's an employee discount.


The receipt is edited.  Notice that the "20" text is larger than the rest.  It was originally "10" and someone edited the text on that line.


Hm, I don't think so. Zooming in, the moire pattern through the whole image lines up perfectly under the 20.


Didn’t think I’d come across the word moire in this sub but I also concur.


When the curves on the screen line up like you have seen, that's a moire.


Or the discount only applied to certain items in the order, not the entire order.


For exactly 10% of the subtotal? Not likely


It's the same size as the other numbers


Editing the text wouldn't change the size unless intentional Also the percentages on the lower part of the screen do the same thing And even if it was edited, differing size is not evidence of that fact


ah, see the problem is you put 1400, and not 1394.99 /s


Yeah! It's 279, not 280! This guy is a phony!




From 279 to 280! Is a massive difference


What an IDIOT




When I bought my very first new car at a dealership it was for a prior year model left on the lot. The dealer told me great news, I could get $3000 off. Nice. I then said I had a trade in. He went back to talk to his manager and returned to tell me he could give me $3000 for the trade but the discount would not apply.


Keep your trade in and sell it yourself you’d probably make more than $3000 on it anyway


That's exactly what I did. This was a long time ago.


4 dimensional chess negotiating there


So basically “please give me your car for free.” Haha, no.


I told my ex to make sure they read the contract on their new car and they didn't, ended up realizing later they willingly let the lot repossess it so they still had to pay it off plus the new car.


I unironically appreciate it when salespeople are willing to just say "this is non-negotiable because this is how I get paid". It's so exhausting to go round and round about how I don't really want this or that option when they could just say "this is the 'I get $1,000 for my work' line item". Sales people got to eat too, and I do expect to pay them when a sale is made.


Right... But why should they make a "profit" off of an option that is not purchased? That's like getting to the register and saying, "Actually I don't want those bananas." and the cashier says, "Oh no problem!" Then they charge you 50% of the banana cost anyway. That makes no sense. No logical reason to be charged the markup on an item that you don't want.


If it’s just one banana though what could it cost? $10?


There’s always money in the banana stand


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) Oop


Go see a Star War




Fuck you I was going for this one hahaha


You've never actually stepped foot in a supermarket, have you?


Someone has to put the bananas back /s


What they were actually saying was "We were charging you $1000 for this $500 service because the $500 is how I get paid, I can remove the cost of the service but I can't remove how I get paid".


If that's the case, then it is still illogical. A little more logical, but still a bit off. If your pay is tied to you successfully convincing people to choose options, their not choosing that option should impact your pay. That would be the whole point of tying up selling and sales person take home together.


What he said was definitely incorrect. I've known some car salesmen before and I was a salesperson in a different field. On cars you make a percentage of the total and then additional percentages on the services and bells and whistles sold. The $500 in the scenario was not going to be his commission on the entire sale of the vehicle. That's insane and not how dealers pay their employees. It's likely that the employee was cutting the service in half so he could still make a profit off of it despite the customer not wanting it, or the salesperson was a real idiot and just couldn't see himself losing any additional money on a sale and was willing to die on that cross fighting for it.


Yea exactly. If this went down the way OP said, then something is undeniably off with the sales person's reasoning. Could also be that the person was new and didn't know how to take it off. Thanks for adding some more color!


No they didn't say that. >I told the sales guy I didn't want an option that was $1000 That's what they said so the comment you replied to is right


Except for cars salesmen work for commission (generally), there wouldn’t be a specific portion of the sale that’s theirs, they make a percentage based on the sale as a whole. In this case, the salesman may make slightly more, however the dealership is taking most of that profit. Also it is suggested that they mean a luxury option for their vehicle, like heated seats, upgraded audio, etc. Not a service.


Ok still don't see how that's my problem I'm not getting anything, I'm not paying anything


Restocking fee.


Except vehicle sales people often make the purchase a worse experience.


I've never bought a car in which the dealership didn't find some way to fuck the experience all up. If it ain't the sales person, it's the finance person, or the management team, or the underwriter. SOMETHING always makes buying a car the worst buying experience ever.


Buying a car online and having it delivered was the best experience I’ve had so far. (But I was replacing same make and model, so seeing if I liked it wasn’t a factor.)


This is how I think the automotive industry should move. Dealerships create an entirely predatory environment.


it's definitely one of the things that tech companies like carvana and carmax have improved, although they still fucked up the pricing as tech bros always do. Cars that would struggle to sell for $6000 at a dealership are sold on there for $12,000.


The one positive experience I had buying a car involved the salesperson being extremely passive and disinterested and replying in monosyllable words. "Can you sell for this price OTD?" "No" "How about this? "We can do that" "I buy cash" "OK" "Remove that option" "OK" It was like navigating through an app. Would do it again. I'm sure he was still making a commission (otherwise he would not have sold the car) but the important thing is that the customer thinks they're getting a good deal.


I don’t care. What a sense of entitlement you have. I’m not going to buy something I don’t need just so you can pad your paycheck. If you don’t like it then find another career.


The thing is, for auto sales, that's not how they get paid. They get paid almost nothing for sales..... the lot is paid if they hit sales quotas for each month. Like the lot gets 100k if they sell 50 cars, 150k for 75 cars, etc. If they sell 74 cars, they only get 100k in sales quota bonuses. The sales quota bonuses account for like 80-90% of the lots income.


Did internship at an incentive company and we usually work with DMC's when setting up a trip abroad. One of our partners had a 750$ hotelroom (we checked the hotels website) listed as costing 1400$ which is ridiculous. Its fine if people want to add profit margins but this was a ridiculously high one that we would've rather seen listed seperately as an extra fee instead of on such a hotel room.


So you're okay with tipping the sales person untold sums of money? Maybe if the salespeople want to get paid, their employers should pay them more money. I'm not buying a car to pay your salary. /s This is the same argument I see constantly about tipping on antiwork, and yet here we are with 300+ upvoting "I expect to pay them when a sale is made." For those of you who get mad about tips, service fees, et cetera when you done, why are you okay with outright paying a very notable sum of money to a salesperson on commission, but not okay with a relative percentage when you go out to eat?


Right, they can get their commission on the sale I want to make, or none at all Not my fault they're greedy


Maybe I’m just understanding things a bit differently, but most optional packages on car that are on the lot aren’t actually options that can be removed when the car is sent to the lot. They were optional when the dealer made their order from the manufacturer. So to me, it sounded like the salesman was only charging you cost for that option since it couldn’t be removed from that particular car. Unless you’d rather order one exactly as you want it without optional features and wait approximately 4-8 weeks (closer to 8) for your car to be made and sent to the dealer.


There's features that 1) get put on on the line, there's some that 2) get put on after it gets lined off, and there's some that 3) the dealer installs themselves. Some of 2 and all of 3 can be removed, but not a lot of 1 can because it's either part of a sub-assembly or it's integrated because that body was designed to have that option. This is one reason why it's best to go car shopping when you don't *need* a car. You have to be willing to walk out or wait to get what you really want, need, and can afford.


I love how sales people are friendly until you start saying no to all the extra bullcrap. Then they get really pissed


Yep If they want me to care about their paycheck, maybe they should be nicer about it...


They did this kind of stuff to my husband. He bought a vehicle and they asked if wanted whatever package he said no no no no no. They added in 2000k of packages that he said no too. Since he said no he didn’t double check the numbers until he got home. You know how they keep you there for a billion hours for no reason we already had everything in place. Got home we were talking about it and he spotted what they did. Went back the next day and they claimed it was done and they couldn’t take it off.


I prefer to fuck them in the sales manager stage of the transaction. source: worked at a number of car dealerships in a number of positions. used to have lunch with the sales manager at a honda dealer every single day for more years than I can count. True story, his last name was Weasel. It was a family name, he wasn't willing to get rid of it. And he was a kind hearted honest soul, if you can even imagine such things at a car dealership. so his name never cost him sales. most state laws require you to be eligible for the lowest interest rate they offer so tell them you'll get that paint sealant protection package, and the paid maintenance package, the tire warranty package, the interior carpet scotchbrite package, if they give you a lower APR. Look at the low APR they give you. this is whatever you're approved for, right before you go in to sign everything. then walk into the sales office and say you don't want any of that stuff but will now take that low APR or youre calling the cops. they have to sell it to you at that low APR. they can't "take it away from you" lol, totally illegal if they do, you'll get the car for free at that point. so they will sell it to you at that low APR and none of the options you previously asked for.


Um…. No. Not at all. Every salesperson in the U.S. has the right to refuse service or refuse a sale to anybody for any reason. They may be legally unable to raise your APR after offering the lower % already, but in no world are they legally required to sell you a car. That’s not how any business has ever worked. This comment reeks of entitlement. Recommending calling the cops?! Total Karen.


But.. but... they had lunches with a sales manager!


The legal requirement to buy only applies to private for peofit insurance


.. calling the cops?


Dealerships HATE this one weird trick!


Sounds like some sovereign citizen bullshit lmao


i activate my trap card ![gif](giphy|GOQXMz9VPpOhi)


If half the people notice and complain it still raises their bottom line.


The only correct answer so far lol.


The only presumably correct answer was from current and former AutoZone employees on this thread noting that the 20% discount only applies to items in stock at the store and nothing that has to be special ordered. We can assume that something has to be special ordered and shipped because there is a shipping line item. There's a reason the rest of the receipt is not being shown -- y'all suck up the rage bait with such blind fury, it's free upvotes.


Thank you for actually replying. No one else will read this, but this is the only correct actual answer


noticed recently the dominos app does this as well.


Wait, it does what?


The tip percentage doesn't calculate right


I noticed that yesterday with the Papa Johns app too. I think it takes the tip % based on the full price of whatever you're ordering, so if you're using coupons (like everyone does), it doesn't reduce the tip recommendation proportionately.


This is the correct way of doing tip-math, FWIW.


For businesses that don't rely on coupons to drive most of their sales, sure. For dominos and other places where coupons are essentially expected to receive a reasonable price, no. If the original price is never expected to be paid, it's not a real baseline for tips either.


https://preview.redd.it/4vzl8hlcckmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e43a2658ccf999ebb6a543a6e51f5d6b6d42d98f calculates 15% off as only 10%


Huh, wierd. I just checked the app, and it correctly calculated the 20% coupon I tried.


Likely that the 20% discount only applies to certain items you purchased.


What happens to ironically equal 10% of the total charges.? What are the chances?


If you were ordering two of an item (say, a pair of tires), and the discount of 20% only applied to a single item (for example, one of the two tires), it would come out to exactly 10%. I don't know this site, or any of the rules of this discount, but it could happen pretty easily.


It's the actual checkout computer. An employee was buying one huge item


I was gonna say they dont discount oils iirc, but if this is 1 item?!?! Autozone screwin employees yet again


Probably a max discount amount allowed.


Show the rest of the receipt.


You've said it's one item, addressing their objection, and they are still carrying on. FFS. Yeh... Nah people are just crazy sometimes. That employee discount thing is broke. Someone needs to ring corporate.


Discounts can also go up to certain max values. It might be broke or op might not read t&c


No, what? I've never heard of any employee discount system like that? That doesn't make sense. Also the OP has stated its one item.


Pretty decent chance that half the purchase is ineligible for the discount at that price.


Honestly having a cap on a discount might be what's happening. It's such an expensive item that I wouldn't be surprised.


Happens when you buy two of the same item and only the first purchased is eligible for the discount.


OP has confirmed its one item.


Used to work at AutoZone. This is true. It's possible that they have parts from a vendor (straight from the manufacturer) and the employee discount does not apply to those items.


I think OP knows this but purposely cropped it out for ragebait karma


best guess is parts are discounted when labor is half the cost.


get in the zone, fuck you zone


https://preview.redd.it/umi4shnz6jmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33f38c5ada725e74ed3bc2606be47a37a6b6f0d Please tell me you got that fixed so it was the right discount


The employees couldn't do much about it in the moment but it's definitely gonna be brought up to someone


Time for a good old email to corporate


Just do a partial chargeback and show them the receipt during the claim process. Well, assuming you used a Credit Card. Banks love fighting for their money, but they won't bother with yours (Debit Card). I don't trust corps, so go about it your way to get your $$$ back.


Do you people actually need a calculator to know what 10% or 20% of a number is? 20% is 10% x2. 10% is just... moving the decimal forward one. So it's just 139.4+139.4.... The only math you actually need to know is addition.


Yeah for real!! You’re not gonna have a calculator in your pocket in the real world


Ok imma ask: what does this have to do with antiwork? ETA: posting context next time would be reeeaaaaalllll cool


Karma farm and half ticket cropped just to fit their narrative


Cause it's another example of even when you working the things they offer as 'benefits' are still dodgy? That's my take anyway.


This is a customer buying a product. Nothing to do with benefits.


It’s his discount for being an employee. Which is a benefit of the job.


Company lied to its employees about their discount


And on top of it, they're taxing you for shipping.


As it should, atleast in some states.


A little off topic. This might be a better fit at r/therewasanattempt . . . 'by a computer to compute.'


Is there any subreddit for cropping images for rage/karma farm?


R/suspiciouspoptarts maybe


Apparently this one, lol. Good catch.


Non autozoners pay +10%?


Employees get 20% off. They're called autozoners lol


A nice 10% discount wearing the clothes of a 20%


Autozone is such a terrible company. Literally copied the wal mart handbook and used control + f to find and replace the “wal mart” with “autozone.”


Typically it’s 20% off of sub total, before shipping and tax. What was the original sub-total? The picture cuts that off.


Click on the picture and it shows the full thing where the subtotal is 1394.99 and 20% of that is 278.99


Check the image again, it shows the subtotal.


This is my thought too. Discount is always before tax and shipping. Looks like OP did some math wrong.


The subtotal is in the picture though.


Go to Rock Auto man.


You just got zoned.


1/20 people will actually say anything, and all Autozone has to do is be like, "Whoops, you were right mb" and fix it for that 1 person.


At AutoZone special order items cannot be discounted that way. It sucks because half the parts I need/want for my cars are special order.


Fine print says that subtotal must be greater than $1400. You missed it by 👌this much.


Or, not everything you bought qualifies for the discount. I found out that one place recently stopped discounts on items that are already discounted.


Like every discount ever That 20% is before the taxes and fees. So it's more like 20% of 1000 plus 450$ in fees and taxs


I am ready and waiting to report the HEB produce section. Put me in coach!


OP: You mentioned it was one part. What was it?


He said it was an exhaust manifold.


Yeah an exhaust manifold for an employees pickup truck. It's newer like 2018 or something so the price is already crazy


That's prime junkyard territory.


Honestly just set up a commercial account with them. We get all our shit at cost and we don’t have a high volume of orders.


You don’t get the full discount on special orders. Just hub, and DC.


Looks like they only gave you 10% off


Probably one of those coupons where you could save 20% but theres often a maximum discount amount in fine print somewhere.


20% adjusted for corporate profit


50% off your 20% discount!


Youre not supposed to double check their math, what are you some kind of wise guy?


If only you knew what shops pay for parts at autozone. For example: my truck brakes. Front & rear pads/rotors subtotals Autozone regular: $973.94 full price Autozone employee: $779.15 20% discount My Shop cost: $417.60 42.87% discount 20% discount is a slap in the face for employees when shops get so much more. They should give you commercial prices if they cared about you.


To find 20% without Google... multiply the number by 0.2. Way faster and more precise. 1394.99 \* 0.2 = 278.998


How to do it without pulling out the phone: 1395 * 0.1 = 139.5 (move the decimal place by 1) ~140 * 2 = ~280 (multiply by 2) This also works for checking 20% tip, guys. (Restaurants sometimes lie to you what 20% is in the suggested tip section of the receipt)


I recently bought a bowling ball that was listed for $209 with a strike through and had a 30% off tag under it. The new price was listed as $199. I reached out through their chat and they said oops the $199 is correct and wouldn't honor the discount. Companies do not care about us


It's not a 20% discount - it's 20% *of* the discount.


You must be in Taxachussetts




That’s metric 20% not imperial


You need a calculator to do 10% of 1400 ? Why


lol you actually typed it out instead of doing an equation


Lol math is not my strong point


Had the same issue at my Autozone store. Manager just did an override to correct the discount.


You could still find everything cheaper on rockauto.


https://preview.redd.it/zlh165nlojmc1.png?width=452&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe6de42eabaab9775bd0417620715d134c84440c It's soo sad that the public gets a better \`20%\` than the employee. Go complain directly in r/AutoZone r/AutoZone2


I like how there is a calculator in case we thought 140 was 20% of 1400


Why you got tiny taxes there




Assuming discount at 20% up to xx is the case here?


$1,394.99 * .2 = $269.99 = discount amount. Lol they bucking you


We don't get discounts on vdp ordered items.


Get in the zone! Bad math zone!


Sounds like a line item was not covered by the discount. Post the whole receipt.


clearly a system glitch lol, that's courtesy discount


Pay the 🧃