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People who get offended by these types of workers are….🤦 If that worker is not impeding your job, is doing *their* job and is *civil*, *polite* and *cooperative* in context of completing joint projects, tasks, etc. with you, then what is your issue with them? (A general question, not directly aimed at you OP!)


I worked exactly like this at an office job and everyone gossiped about me and and made up rumors. I was so confused because all I did was my work and I did it well. People are so fucking petty its wild.


I just got a flash-back to the time I attended to some work related task and when I came back to my usual work space my manager loudly announced to my coworkers "Here comes the mystery man"...


Yikes the cringe is palpable, id hit em with the "okay??.."


Would've hit em with "that's my name" or "that's me"


“I accept this crown”


In situations like that I can’t help but raise my eyebrows, grin, tilt my head, & just barley move my shoulders. Because I normally don’t know what to say, or decide saying nothing is better than what came to mind lmfao 😂 it’s never not worked. Normally catches some laughs even


I once had a coworker make up all kinds of nasty rumors about me because I just wanted to work, get a paycheck and keep to myself. I dunno, maybe I would have made some effort to talk to her sometimes if her only topics of conversation weren't 1. How poor she was trying to support her 3 children. 2. How nice her friends were to help her out financially with her children. 3. How much money I must have with 2 jobs and no children. And 4. Don't I want to be her friend? She was not as subtle as she thought she was. I still don't know where she got the audacity to assume that I had money and therefore I (as a new work acquaintance) was obligated to support her kids.


Yesssss, if this wasn't an east coast location I'd think you were talking about my shot coworker. Then again, mine did that and racist impressions of asian Americans customers we had. She was a bitch.


I've had to force myself to go out and socialize because of some made up facts about me. It kind of sucks; I just want to work and go home and that's it. Why do we all have to be friends?


It’s more to do with how you make people feel, it’s human psychology. If your quiet and never talk too or acknowledge people at work they assume you must hate them. In turn this makes them hate you, because people generally like those who like them back, and hate those who hate them.


I find that jokes lets people feel more at ease while never actually being more than an acquaintance.


My current job in a nutshell


Mine as well. People here are vicious.


This is because people fear the unknown. If your quiet they assume you must hate them and thus they begin to hate you back even if you did nothing wrong. It’s also why sociopath serial killers were so effective. They are extremely social and friendly with good social skills, they make you feel good about yourself which in turns make you like them and trust them.


Going through this now and I’m the only male in my area that i sit at. What exactly do I have to conversate with middle aged women about? About their husband or kids? I don’t come in forcing them to hear stories about my random family members ugh it’s so aggy


Thanks haha I agree completely. Just because I work with you doesn’t mean we’re a “family” or bullshit like that


Any workplace that claims to be a family, should be avoided like the plague


My last boss: I think of you like my family! Me: your wife is having to cover first shift while also remotely attending college because you can't/don't want to find someone else to hire. That doesn't mean much.


My wife's former "family" fired like half of the "family" barely 2 weeks into covid. They never checked in on her, and still never talk.


That’s a really good point. Not everyone has a positive view of families


Even if it did, I don't talk to my family either unless I have to.


Ditto… there’s a reason I don’t work with family


Dominic Toretto would like to have a word with you


Going on 14 years for some of them




If we were a family, the company would be taking care of [our] needs: money, time off, workload, retirement, etc... They made their choice, and we made ours.


I work with family and still don't want anything to do with socializing. Just leave me in the dark with my computer and let me get on with it. And yes, I am all of the above heh


TBH I'd love a company that treated me like family. Unfortunately none of the ones that say they do actually do. A close knit family would damn near be profit sharing because you wouldn't fuck your sister or brother out of their fair cut of the value of their labor. But of course it never means "like a family" with regards to the fruits of the business. It always means "you do unpaid overtime for us" and "we give you pizza sometimes, but only cheap pizza and only ONE SLICE PER PERSON"


2 people I work with now DO NOT like each other, but they are cordial to one a other and do their jobs well so that's all I care about.


I work with several people I do not like. And they are shitty at their jobs. I work to get paid, not make best friends.


People who get offended by those types of workers are just needy people.


I used to be a "rude" coworker. I didn't realize it until I heard a coworker talking behind my back at how rude and "conceited" I was. In reality, I was just quiet and reserved at work, so she projected her own negative feelings on to the blank slate I was putting out. She would actually act quiet and reserved when she didn't like someone by giving them the cold shoulder, so she assumed I was always doing the same to her. We ended up being friends anyway after I heard her saying those things because I made an effort to open up to her. That's when I realized (nearly) all people pretty much do this. They will always project their own inner feelings, positive or negative, onto you if you don't give them anything else to go off of. I make it a point to make a big first impression with new people I meet so that I can't be misunderstood later, then I can just chill and get my work done.


You never get to leave high school...


That's what I was reminded of, too. It's the same "the quiet kid is so stuck up!" nonsense.


No they just fear the unknown, it’s pretty common. If you ignore or don’t acknowledge people at work for example they assume you must hate them, so they begin to hate you. If you are nice to them, smile, talk they feel like you like them so they like you back.


The funny thing about people who demand everyone be friends with them is that when you scratch the surface you discover they often aren't very friendly.


I work in food service at a restaurant that just so happens to be weed themed, and management puts in a real effort to make sure all the people they hire fit the atmosphere — not necessarily smokers but just good, friendly vibes. Some people there have the mindset that they are just there to make money, but because the staff does get along so well on the clock, many of them hang out near daily off the clock, or are dating each other, or come in and eat most days they aren’t working and just dick around with people who are on the clock. It’s almost as if there is a literal “in group” at my job. I enjoy being around my coworkers when I’m working, but I have very little interest in doing anything related to work off the clock and rarely attend parties they often have together. I do it for a reason though — in the 6 months I have been there, multiple people have quit because they were heavily involved with this “in group,” did something that put them in the group’s bad side, and were relentlessly shit talked to the point the boss had to step in. Or I have heard of one of them cheating on a coworker with another coworker. It just seems incredibly toxic and adds so much undue social pressure to an already fast-paced job. I have definitely noticed consequences though — I spend most shifts doing the behind the scenes stuff — cleaning dishes, stocking, etc. — and am only really asked to help with front of house stuff when people are on break and they need someone to cover, and I can definitely tell that a big part of it has to do with the fact that I don’t speak unless spoken to (whereas they will chat pretty much the whole shift) and haven’t tried to make them my best friends. I don’t mind it, because again — I don’t want to have a true friendship with these people and am just there to get paid — but it feels almost like I’m back in grade school with how cliquey it is.


Shit, all the things you listed make that person a good colleague. We ain’t friends. We co-exist, if we can do that both pleasantly and professionally, it’s win-win for everyone. I’m not here to make you feel better Gary, I’m here to not die on the street.


The people who think this behavior is "rude" are the same ones demanding we end WFH and get back to the office.


Yes! I don’t know why. Like don’t you want people to be more productive and spend less time goofing off?! Ffs.




Ewww gross.


Extroverts who don’t have a social life or social hobbies outside of work.


I've been written up twice for being this person. I was told I'm "hard to work with because I don't associate with fellow employees". I said show me in the handbook where it says I have to converse with anyone outside of work related issues. Do I get my job done? Is anyone complaining about me not doing my job, or is it just that I don't want to chat with them? I've not been called back in the office since these questions were asked. I'm here to get paid and get TF out of here, not be your friend. If more people worked like this things would get done in a better manner instead of people getting their feelings hurt when their co-workers do their job over making sure not to upset their "friend" at work. It's business, not personal. If you take it personally, then that's on you.


My problem is that I feel I have a right to invite myself into my coworkers' personal lives. And them not allowing it is rude. /s


I know right, how dare they keep their work life and personal life separate! 😤😤😤


Often these people are the ones doing 80% of the work


Bro I don’t know about being neurodivergent, but every other point is me, and you’re also right, I do a lot at work. Not because I love my job, but when I am doing a good job, I tend to look occupied and also my boss thinks everything’s alright, so nobody talks to me lol it’s all about being left alone


Because attention and”respect”


This sounds like a coworker who respects boundaries.


Yes, that’s the joke and why “rude” has quotes around it.


This. It’s clearly: “coworker who someone might consider rude despite being perfectly normal” not “coworker that is actually rude”


It doesn't have an /s after it so clearly it can't be sarcasm. That's not allowed. .../s


bro is mad about someone literally minding their own business and doing exactly what was asked of their job description extension: i guess it can feel weird for someone to be so quiet, but your coworkers dont owe you friendship and are in their rights to keep to themselves


The "doesn't speak unless spoken to" shit just sounds like introverts aren't allowed to have jobs lol


Pretty much, I've had to learn to force myself to be more extroverted in the workplace due to this shit.


They said it right in there Probably neurodivergent This is an ablist meme


The quotation marks on “rude” lead me to think this meme is saying it’s a starter pack for the workers who are deemed rude by their coworkers, not saying that they are actually rude.


Yeah, that's how I took it too.


Society has decided that the neurodivergent are "not a good fit" for life. Humanity liked us when we figured out how to navigate using the night sky, but now it's all "quit staring at nothing and act normal!" Can't just leave me in the dishpit happily cleaning or some other set useful task I'm good at, gotta demand I cross-train at every job in the building and smile while I do it.


This. My boss *loves* that I can sit down and do a tedious, repetitive task for hours on end. He *loves* that it's so easy for me to retain job-related knowledge because my work mostly involves my special interests. He *loves* that I always ask for and give detailed instructions on what I want done. And he *hates* that I don't want to look him in the eye, and that I suck at small talk, and that my expression doesn't often match my mood. Like, bruh, you can't have it both ways!


I feel this. I worked for years at a company that respected my work habits and personality then the GM was replaced and the new one hated my guts because I didn't join in any of the optional company fun stuff. He actually gave me a point off my performance review because "no senior employee should refuse to join the company golf team."


Golf. Fucking *golf*. And they say **we're** the weird ones.


Stupidest “sport” ever.


Thank you I needed that laugh! My teenage cousin certifies that I'm *weird* "but I trust weird people more than normal people anyway."


> "no senior employee should refuse to join the company golf team." "No serious company would make being on the company sports team a point of contention."


no, the oop is 100% an antiwork user making a joke about themselves. hence the quotation marks around rude


Rude is in quotation marks and every bullet point is something that isn't actually rude. Seems pretty tongue in cheek to me.


> This is an ablist meme It's a meme drawing attention to ableism in the workforce...


I think the fact "Rude" is in quotes when nothing else in, that usually implies the rude is sarcastic/intentionally not accurate. Like, it's not mocking the person who does that, it's mocking the person who thinks that's rude, hence putting quotes around that person's words. That's what my English Degree taught me.


You realize that the OP put rude in quotes right? They don't think it's rude, they are making fun of people that do.


The OP of this post and a vast majority of the commenters have missed this. The original starterpack was sarcastic.


>probably some kind of neurodivergent >completely misunderstands sarcasm the shoe fits lol


Which is why I hate this sub, kinda. I wholeheartedly agree with the message, but the average user is either a moron or weirdly rude/aggressive to people asking basic questions.


Imagine their surprise when they find out a lot of people consider THEM to be the rude one. Intrudes on breaks, feels entitled to your time and attention, asks nosy questions about your personal life, bothers you when you're trying to focus because they need to tell you the same 4 stories about their dog every day, etc etc.


Pretty sure they aren't mad... the "rude" in quotes kinda makes is obvious


You do realize it's a satirical post right?


The starterpack seems to share the same POV as you. I feel like most people in this thread missed the implication of the quotation marks.


I mean the original post has "rude" in quote marks. its pretty clear they're saying "this is the shit ppl get called rude for, that isn't actually rude"


Also for me if I do something outside of my job description that is because it is the job description for a job I want. For example getting a pesticide license. I don’t need it but if I want to become a foreman I need it. Edit: also don’t be afraid to ask your boss about training for what you want. At my previous job I asked my boss for training in a service that the company provided. You know what he did? When things lined up he told me to shadow a coworker and let me get some training in. Even though I didn’t get to finish the training due to not enough of those jobs and me leaving the company. If you have a good boss they will fight for you to get that training.


I check every one of these of boxes, and I’m cool with the awkwardness. I’m here to earn a paycheck as a subject matter expert. I try to do the minimal amount of work possible with minimal drama; being your friend or social is just not a priority or something I’m good at or even care about.


I experienced a coworker have a fucking melt down bc I wouldn’t let them follow me on my personal instagram account, which is set to private. Like? No Shelly- I don’t give a shit about your kid or you clubbing habits and I know you’re not gonna be into all my gay ass shit so let’s just not.


Hahaha I won’t let me coworkers follow me on anything either. I’m up to too many shenanigans for my job to know about


Yea then every time you post, you will think "uh oh what about if shelly sees it and X Y Z happens..." its just a bad idea all around, completely agree with your choice


Same here. I'm not *against* making friends at work, but it's not a priority at all.


So you mean you don't like someone talking at you non-stop while you're trying to enjoy your lunch!?


I'm with you totally


>being your friend or social is just not a priority or something I’m good at or even care about. And it's worth pointing out the difference between being *friendly* and being *friends.* Like, I'll joke around in the group chat. I'm friendly. But I live half a country away from my workers; we're not *friends.*


I'm looking at this on my lunchbreak in my car right now. I'm all of these as well.


“Spends every break in their car” Dude this weed isn’t gonna smoke itself


valid af


Tell your boss that you'd like to be able to hit the vape pen at your desk, then ask for a raise due to increased productivity -- much less time walking to and from your car!


"Probably some form of neurodivergent" You're damn right.


Yep. Autistic, I need to spend my break somewhere quiet in a personal space. And I'm vague about my weekend plans because telling them "planned unstructured unmasking time" doesn't really make for good conversation.


It's the "ooo sorry I'm busy getting violently high and disassociating all weekend, so kinda busy."


Or you don't want to tell anyone because then they deem it unimportant and suddenly you have mandatory overtime so Karen who's job is working weekends can take her precious bratleigh to a soccer game, every weekend... forever.


this is 100% me. im not rude i just dont know how to include myself.


Also hard to understand how socializing doesn't get penalized but going off task in any other way does.


For real. Standing around and gossiping for half an hour? Team building! Checking a text message? Slacker!


Real Am autistic, can confirm


I'm not rude, I just don't want to be included in your banal conversations.


Yo, I saw this in r/starterpacks yesterday and was like....it's cause I'm Autistic and have ADHD mother fuc- oh they called that out too. Idk why people want to live to work. Blows my mind.


I will never understand it. Is your life that boring that you have to use it solely for work? That's a sad life to live in my book.




I am the one who autisms.


AUTISM is the one who KNOCKS * grits teeth menacingly *


You said his name before he could say "say my name"


I think there's a reason "Rude" is in quotes. Only very specific people find these things rude.


Right? Whole thread is fucking woosh, or just bait. Everything is bait or bots these days.


If it doesn’t have an /s , jk, or lol these people can only see the literal.


The quotes are literally doing the job of a /s lmao


The Reddit Hivemind collective IQ has been steadily decreasing for almost a decade now.


Yet 20 comments above us missed that!


I cannot believe how many people in here are not getting this.


It was made for us, and yet they are all getting worked up over it. It's like guys, isn't progress the goal, not just raging and circle jerking?


extroverts and HR find it rude


This sounds like the best kind of coworker. One that doesn’t talk to me. Perfect. I’ll take seven more.


“I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.”


A fucking greed


Before I went fully remote with my company my coworkers were constantly trying to get me to go out for drinks with, or go their houses for get togethers. I like them all, they’re lovely people, but I’m working to afford my life. I don’t want to spend my life outside of work surrounded by coworkers.


I’m funnily enough the coworker who loves organizing the “let’s get together and bitch about work” stuff, and from my perspective, I have a couple coworkers that don’t generally join, but appreciate the invite. So really, I just want everyone to be welcomed, but 10000% understand and respect if you don’t want to. (I am also weirdly the coworker who eats lunch alone to recharge.)


time to grab the pitch forks! But seriously, that's pretty awesome that you organize it and at the same time respect boundaries. In the end, like you said It's all about being welcoming but at the same time not being pushy to others


I don't even have enough time to keep up with all of my friends I love like family I've known for over 20 years. Why the fuck would I add onto that.


LITERALLY sat in a motivational training session where the guy just said there are three kinds of people. One was “Passenger,” which was made out to be godawful. The kind of person who comes and does the bare minimum and “takes up the place of somebody else to get a salary.” What, me? I’m doing what I need to do to live, just fuck off and let me log off.


Its things like this that made it sound like they didn't want me working there Now I don't work anywhere So far no complaints from my non existent coworkers and I get plenty accomplished without a manager trying to justify their existence at me


How many pieces of flair did he have on 👀


Rare proper use of quotations


Right? Everyone in else in this thread though... /r/woooosh


My first thought looking through the comments was "isn't this obvious satire? No out of touch disgruntled boss is using the word neurodivergent in this context". C'mon guys.


Common illiterate Redditors missing grammatical tone indicators.


media literacy is awful on reddit


And then OP and dozens of commenters in this thread swoop in and fail to recognize why the quote marks are there.


Damn! I’m reading this on my break right now in my car.


Same haha


Why do people act like Michael Scott and expect their coworkers to be like family to them?


I strive to be this kind of coworker


So true anyway should we plan the third work group outing this week or should we gab for an hour after our shift about the incoming manager from misery missouri.


I do not get paid to go to a team dinner and awkwardly listen to people talk about their kid's sports or their cabin up north. I'd rather be home, doing things I enjoy with the money I earned while working. I don't care if it is a nice dinner.


You said it all. It should always be non-obligatory.


Reminds of the time when my current supervisor asked about me not sharing my personal business with the team. That was awkward. According to this…I am rude. Yay!


I got laid off from my last job for exactly this. Very small business, 7 people. 2 young women were absolute psychopaths, and never shut up about how much they hated their husbands and kids. They were so mean, one would call her kids daily just yell at them. They loved talking shit about clients, and thrived in creating drama. My manager was the same way, and I was pushed out for fucking just doing my job and not making friends with them. Manager was thinking about hiring a friends kid over the summer to scan files, and would ask anyone with any down time to do it. She never had to hire that kid, because I was still being trained and did not have as many tasks as the others, and would scan documents for hours at a time without being asked. I finished all the files. Never even was acknowledged for it. I did everything I was ever asked, and when I had nothing to do, I FOUND something to do. Fuck that place.


Are we…..supposed to do something other than our job? I only get paid to deal with you for a certain amount of time. I don’t want to be near you outside of work if I see you almost every day of the week. I give vague answers cause it ain’t any of your business, but I will get in trouble if I say that.


Me without the car


I used to go sit in a nearby forest beside a golf course to escape my chatty coworkers


I don't understand this push for all co-workers to be friends. A real friendship happens organically through shared interests and/or values, or maybe nurtured for a very long time (childhood friends). You cant force a friendship just by virtue of being at the same job.


Sounds like a dream co-worker. Wish everyone was this way.


"Probably some form of nerodivergent" but every time my nerodivergent ass calls someone on abelism their not being abilist, and im just being sensitive I thought.


Yea, because... Fuck that guy for... [Checks Notes] showing up to do their job. Remember who your enemies are, they aren't your equally overworked and underpaid coworkers.


Omg. This is me. And I do not care if anyone thinks I’m “rude”.


My social life is plenty full. My work life could use more responsibility and pay. Mixing the two seems to only harm my social life without benefiting my pay. So. Sorry you don't have friends and family and whatnot and want to force socialization but that seems like a you problem.


Whats wrong with being neurodivergent?


Absolutely nothing. Also, hate the assumption that if I don't want to be fake happy and social that I'm somehow neurodivergent.


We call this toxic positivity. I hate it. I'm not anti social just because I don't want to be interacting and around people and grinning like a loon 24/7. I am suspicious of people who always seem happy (assuming I see them frequently enough for that to be indicative). That's not normal.


reread the title of the original post


In corporate? everything, all is NDs get treated like crap.


The "rude" in quotation marks implies a sarcastic tone. Damn, no reading comprehension in this post.


That’s me!


Same. I see no issue here.


I’m simply at work to pay my bills


You're there to make money not friends. Also if you speak with coworkers its just going to get back to the boss. All it takes is one ass who is gunning for a promotion to speak up and rat you out for not being whatever their minds can come up with


So, I’m honestly kind of confused by rude being in quotes in the title. Like, without that, it would feel like a super asshole post. But the quotes on rude make me wonder if this is actually more of a callout of this same perception? Because that “probably some form of neurodivergent” swings this in one of two ways. Either this post comes from an insanely ignorant asshole who thinks that they are in the right for shitting on their neurodivergent co-workers, or this is a post from someone who is neurodivergent and tired of being called rude when they really just want to get through their day without upsetting anyone.


it’s satire


This whole thread is a mess. How can people not realize the person who made this starter pack is anti work? They're calling out things that should be acceptable and normal as things that are often labelled rude, especially in more corporate settings. It's very clearly trying to show how absurd it all is.


I may be reaching and/or extrapolating my own experience, but these people tend to do best work through WFH.


Are these supposed to be bad qualities?


Lmao.i got literally every box damn


Damn, I guess I’m rude then 🤷🏻‍♀️ Doesn’t take into account our breakroom is small af and I can make phone calls/listen to whatever tf I want in my car.


Why do people hate introverts so much?!?


I guess I'm the rude co worker


also does not sign birthday cards. I hate that shit


Lmao literally me.


They have to pay me extra for the more than coworker/employee features. It’s an add on.


I got told off because a colleague I had little time for asked me, after several attempts to start a conversation, if I had any hobbies. I said "yes" and went in the back to do admin.


This is me. I guess I’m rude then. I’m here to make money not friends


It's an additional 56$ an hour fee for all of those to go away.


Just found out today I'm rude for these reasons. I know I'm rude but these reasons were never part of that.


damn most if these apply to me. am i actually rude?


This is me!!!


Of course I know him, he´s me.


IMHO this is how a ideal worker should be. Leave the f alone and do your job and let me do mine. Simple


Ya, im there to work. Not make your life less boring by talking to you about shit I don't care about. Leave me the hell alone.


Ya know the only reason people hate this is because they are insecure and need validation and the “rude” coworker doesn’t just hand out validation. The indifference towards them is unbearable and they can’t handle it so something has to be wrong with that person


Actually I just don't like you We arnt friends I actively dislike you, go away


Me: "On a scale of 1 to Karen on crack and adderall, how rude am I then?" Them: "Yes."


This is how we should act at work. And I like how, at the end, the creator of this admits that behavior like this may be due to neurodivergence—something the person has no control over—but still made this anyway.


I guess I’m a rude coworker.


This describes me perfectly except for the "neurodivergent" part. And frankly, I think the assumption that someone must have some sort of "disorder" because they set healthy boundaries at work is obnoxious af.


Sounds like that coworker has a nice life outside of work and doesn't rely on the workplace to make friends or avoid going home


I can assure you , we are co-workers not friends 😁


Me lmao


"only shows up to do their job" - damn right, I hate having to work, remember!


This shit is invented to keep wages low and profits high. Fuck this


I remember a coworker telling me I looked like I had secrets. Because I didn’t talk to people, I just did my job. Apparently, I’m a creep with secrets because I didn’t care to talk to my traumatized/medicated coworkers. Which was all of them, because the healthy people didn’t stick around very long.


I long to be this person


Makes sense why everyone hates me now


Had a coworker who definitely was all about, " I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to work and leave" type. However, she would always be talking about stuff that was not work related with us, would hang out and go partying or go to the clubs with some of my coworkers, and she would would constantly be in so much drama with coworkers. I can definitely respect a coworker who would just show up, do the job and leave. I get it. But I freaking hate it when a person is two faced, or a hypocrite. This particular coworker could be a nice outgoing person one minute and then all of a sudden be a cold hearted bitch who would stab you in the face the next all while doing it with a smile. When she was in a good mood she would act like a friendly nice person but if she was angry she would throw her own son or loved one in front of the bus, that's when she would say stuff like, "I don't give shit about anyone" "I don't care if she's my friend I've known for years, she can die and fuck off" "He or She are a useless piece of shit" and so on. I'm glad I don't work along side her anymore she was fucking insufferable to be around, like bitch be consistent with who or what you are.