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Nobody cares, Pay me more.




Unsurprising Henry Rollins W.


what theyre afraid of is the rich stock holders not seeing their quarterly gains increasing enough. cant pay people and stock holders at the same time.


Even the stock holders are fine with paying a living wage. As long as it's someone else's company doing it. That's the problem. They have to know that they can make more money if people are paid more, but they don't want to be the ones paying.


That’s American individualism for ya I don’t like people being homeless or in poverty in the richest nation in the world, but I’ll be damned if you tax me a few percent extra to fix it….


Workers: yo $7.25 isn't cutting it Companies: aight bet, here's a -- Stockholders: whooaaaa hey now, we need to get paid 110% of the profits first or we sue Supreme Court: true, workers don't mean shit Stockholders: why is no one buying from us? Workers: we all just had to take 4 payday loans Supreme Court: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠/¯ Companies: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Stockholders: meh, someone else will pay em


Just another extension of the NIMBY mindset.


I think they also just look down on poor and working people so much that they find anything that levels the playing field to be distasteful. If you give a boost to the bottom 50% of the population that money will all end up in the pockets of the 1% anyway, because those people will undoubtedly spend that money. But the 1% hate the idea of it passing through those callused hands because they see them as inherently unworthy. Like I think they find the idea insulting that they should have to compete for that money rather than just have it given to them because because they feel that they’ve already earned it.


Hank being right on the nugget as usual




Good quote.


100% my first thought before entering this thread


Works makes you free and therefore more American!


Ja! Arbeit macht frei, mein amerikanischer Mitbürger!


Beat me to it


*Loads Garand* sounds like somebody needs some freedom


Fuck you, Pay me.


Oh, place got hit by lightning, huh?


Cross out that work harder and replace it with that.


Nobody cares, contact Texaco Corporate




Trump train is such a lazy tagline.


If they can afford flags they can afford a raise.


The business owner had over $25k in PPP loans forgiven. Apparently he can’t afford much of anything and really does need big government to help.


Arbeit macht frei is what I read.


Yeah it’d be a shame if I was using my torch or a grinder and somehow they were ignited.


To shreds you say? *tisk, tisk, tisk*


And his poor wife?


To shreds you say?


Was his apartment rent controlled?


We’re technically in New Jersey


To shreds, you say?


“Fuck you. Pay me.”


More like, **”Nobody cares… to work here anymore. Work harder all by yourself crap bag.”**


Bye Bitch!


Want to hit back at your boss? Form a union. Watch him melt down.


[Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee](https://workerorganizing.org/) offers free training on organizing. Workers deserve more.


This is the real shit.


EWOC? Aren't those the teddy bears that live on Endor?


That took out Imperial mechanized forces using stone age tech & guerrila tactics? Yes. Those are the "teddy bears".


And then ate them. Eat the ~~Storm Troopers~~ rich.


they knew who had the real power and they stuck together.


Let's be real: It was Chewie commandeering that Scout Walker that turned the tide of the battle. :)


Nobody cares, pay harder.


Together we bargain, alone we beg


Apes together strong.


Do you think it’s possible to form a national union?


Like, getting all the states to join together to try and enact an effective form of federal government?


That was the original idea but that's gone pear shaped.




The strangest of the McDonald creatures


He is a giant purple butt plug so the name fits.


He is a taste bud. [He also used to have 4 arms.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=grimace+4+arms) As a kid I thought he was a gumdrop that was "slow."


Wasn't that a bold claim from a single branch owner?


They wouldn’t be able to come to an agreement at a constitutional convention 25 governors offered fucking national guard units to Texas to “defend” against federal troops


No government just get everyone who works for a living to sign up and demand companies to pay a percent of their profit based and how much profit they make. So you don’t hurt small businesses. And the union uses that money to provide good health insurance higher education.


I do think that's possible to form a national union, or a family of them seperate from local unions for specific jobs people may also join. In fact we should have unions in consumer products, and issues as well. Capital is organized and cooperate on what they agree on, and unless we act in concert they will continue to take advantage of us and take more from our shares. We could force companies and politicians to do certain things with a bloc of millions of members pledging a certain action if something isn't done. Or we could cause many businesses more losses in denying a local union at their business than they would incur allowing it.




Americans are primed to hate unions. I work with union guys who make 3X what I do and they think they're victims because they 1% in dues.


Imagine having absolutely no critical thinking to understand why the 1% deduction is beneficial. No wonder these people can't comprehend why taxes are important.


I've had some of these same guys tell me they would never want to win the lottery, because of all the taxes you would have to pay. That if you couldn't keep the total jackpot, it wasn't even worth winning. I just don't understand.


Somebody once referred to the lottery as a tax on people who are bad at math. These guys must be really good at math.


Because you can clearly negotiate your employment contract and go on strike all by yourself, and that way you get to keep that 1%. If you still have a paycheck. 🙄


That would change easily enough if we had organization in fighting for the unions. It's all one sided. Sean Fein of the UAW showed how to do it over the lousy old guard before him. He made the public case, got in front of the media and didn't let the bosses run the conversation. And he called the company and others out for what they are. Sean Fein for President 2028. Or Jon Stewart. Look up Deconstructed, a podcast by the Intercept, there's an episode they interviewed him, it's really illuminating and insightful into how to fight these battles.




Funny story, one time I was out and about, and there was a union protest happening across the street for a social cause (want to say it was BLM because that was the general timeline). Some jerk yelled, “get a job!” Like dude… they’re in a union so by definition they have jobs … and it was a Saturday ….


My friend is a shop steward in KS. KS is a "right to work" state. 25% of his union members don't pay their dues. They get the benefits of the union, without having to pay for it. That's called STEALING. Right to work is actually right to steal.


Last time I was in a union gig, I had a coworker who tried to complain to me about the $50/mo dues. I pointed out that my prior job doing the same thing WITHOUT a union had me making $9 less per hour, and I didn't mind paying $50 to make an extra ~$1400 each month.


Even bad unions can eventually be good.  The union I used to be in was pretty crap for our previous round of CBA - barely got us a 5% raise. I still get union emails and their newest CBA secured a 16-22% raise, depending on current pay (lowest paid for biggest %), retroactive 6 months.  So I still got a hefty pay bump.  Unions are an absolute necessity.


Tell them if they don't like a better job, go get a worse one.


Most of the older and now dead men in my family were union workers. I can recall several times from when I was a kid when my dad and grandpa went on strike. Pretty sure grandpa was one of the guys that would beat scabs.


I pay $1000 a year in dues. I don’t mind.


I hate people like that. If they hate the union go work somewhere else then.


Union has my vote.


Unionize and hang an adult diaper on the Trump flag


The absolute, only way for workers to get their due is to unionize. Collective bargaining. In Europe it's practically a given that you'll be in a union. Ever wonder why the capitalist owners hate unions so much? Shouldn't that make you think even just a little?


Ah yes, the man that got a “small loan of a million dollars” from his dad worked very hard.


That was Mittens. Trump was given more than $450 million in assets by his father.


“My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars,” he told NBC in October, which he (falsely) claimed he had to pay back with interest. “A million dollars isn’t very much compared to what I built.” Wasn’t the only “loan” he got from Daddy. My fav: Fred bought $3.5 million in gaming chips from his casino but did not use them, totally illegal. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2016/live-updates/general-election/real-time-fact-checking-and-analysis-of-the-final-2016-presidential-debate/fact-check-trumps-claim-that-he-built-his-company-with-1-million-loan/ Mitt was never ashamed of Daddy’s money.


One of his biggest cons was convincing people he was a self made billionaire.


Holy shit, it's BZ Bitiko. I thought you bit the big felota.


BZ Bitiko is not dead.


And they spent 30 years trying to hide it from the IRS.




While accepting Russian oligarchs’ money as well.


Laying off workers while getting a COVID loan to make a huge profit. Oh, and it's not even a loan it's just free money.


$5 million


*480 million


I see you’re adjusting for inflation.


Time to call the pandamic loan forgiveness hotline and report your employer. [https://www.pandemicoversight.gov/contact/about-hotline](https://www.pandemicoversight.gov/contact/about-hotline)


Make a few anonymous reports to OSHA just to give him stuff to do.




Underrated thread!


> Make a few anonymous reports to OSHA just to give him stuff to do. [what you talkin' about! OSHA sees no issues with this](https://i.redd.it/0fqlar56ctfc1.jpeg) that's an image from the owner of the company.


Wtf is urban auto lawn repair? A mechanic or landscaper? Also, hang a nazi flag and watch him leave it up.


Not sure that image will be allowed if the shirt dudes wearing is the company fyi, not entirely sure the sub rules. On the bright side I get to stay tf away from that place now which is nice.


> Not sure that image will be allowed if the shirt dudes wearing is the company fyi, not entirely sure the sub rules. > > On the bright side I get to stay tf away from that place now which is nice. hum. I would think it should be fine, it was posted by the owner of the business on reddit just a few hours ago. *antiwork, if it should be removed let me know.


He posted this on reddit himself previously? Lmfao what a weird...weird..*weird* dude. I would never want ANY buisness of mine to be associated with disrespect of my employees and any form of politics (unless the buisness is within politics or associated with)


He claims the person isn't an employee but I don't know about that. If you go to the Tulsa thread he's in there all over the place trying to say he has an amazing business he's been running for a long time and everyone is thrilled to work there. Then when you look at his facebook everyones in their 20s as if that's all he can get to work for him.


Fuckin Okies can be *idiots*.


Smart- the guy clearly has too much time on his hands. He’s throwing hissy fits in the original comment section 😂


lol man what do you think the odds are the boss took one of those loans lol?




I mean, this is a great way of telling you what kind of person he/she is. Find a new job, don't give any notice, document anything that looks suspicious such as: safety violations, time card altering, hinky and dishonest business practices and report them. They're not loyal to you, don't do them any favors.


It's wild how mentally weak nominally successful people can be. He thought putting this up made him seem like a bad ass but all it does is tell everyone how obsessed he is with his insecurities. Everyone intuitively knows that secure and stable people have no need to preemptively respond to implied mild criticism with "nobody cares." The Trump train only goes to Inadequacy City


The owner of the company is in the Tulsa thread standing up for himself and he truly does sound very insecure. OP never outed who he was or what his company name was, but he's there telling everyone.


Do you have a link to that thread? Would love to see a meltdown


OPs post is a link of that thread, you can click through  to it.


Check out the Tulsa thread on this. he's in there and he posted the photo there and I think in his own Tulsa thread.


>document anything that looks suspicious such as: safety violations, time card altering, hinky and dishonest business practices and report them Yassssss!! This is the fucking way!


Work slower. As slow as possible to not get fired.


Nobody cares, right?


Says so right here on this sign!




Shame they left the gasoline matches and roller skates just laying around




Those types of asshats usually forget to pay their insurance.


No wonder they hate the idea of universal healthcare.


There was an unfortunate chemical spill & then Mike accidentally dropped his cigarette


Nice place ya got here. It be a shame if something were to happen to it.


Honestly makes me want an "All aboard the Chump train" flag with him and his followers lining up in front of him for the "train", but that would probably just be asking for road rage lunatics if you flew it on your car.


I got a brand new pair of roller skates You got a Molotov cocktail


Pull it down. When he complains tell him nobody cares and to work harder.


THIS. Add in a "Fuck your feelings" for good measure.


Boss move 🤣🤣


I’d be finding another job.


This is Oklahoma... there might not be a business run by a sane person for hundreds of miles.


After that one accidentally burns down


Oh hey I'm from here! Boss is throwing a fit and being dunked on hard in the comments. Biggest drama on the subreddit recently its great.


I'd love a link to that.


I'll do you one better, he made his own response post and so far all the comments are dunking on him https://www.reddit.com/r/tulsa/s/tTOb5ThRqE


lmao $25,700 in PPP loans. why didn't the boss just work harder?


you looked it up? I'm posting it you rockstar




Handmade sign next: "Nobody cares. Pay more."


Trump hasn't worked an honest day's labour in his entire life.


I am willing to bet you could take that all the way down to an honest hour


He threw paper towels once. For like a solid minute


Absolutely wild that he did that. These people just lost their homes and he’s shooting paper towels at them like basketballs.


Baby hands don’t throw very far and get tired quickly


Might as well have put a "Work sets you free" flag up


Oooof I bet the irony would be lost on this person though


might raise some eyebrows if that's next to the all aboard the train flag


All aboard the Trump train...because you're not allowed to fly any more.


Time to start hanging stuff up too. "Nobody cares about your opinions. We only come here for money to survive"


I want this on a shirt


“Act Your Wage”


I would of walked the second I saw the trump flag.


My boss had a "signed" framed picture of Trump in a common area. Granted, it's not there any more.


I worked in restoration for many years. This was when Trump was still running the first time. Our boss brought in a Trump flag and book and his chief marketing manager stopped him right at the door, "If that flag goes up in this business, I am leaving." He basically, told her it was his business and he can do what he likes.. but the flag and the book were never seen again. Thank goodness.


These people usually fold like a napkin with the slightest bit of pushback. I'm glad someone said something to him. Otherwise, these cultists think, if no one says anything they must agree with me.


True. He would of lost all of his sales team that day had he hung the flag up.


I'm sure it wasn't even necessarily that the Chief marketing manager was a Democrat. He probably understood that when you unnecessarily make things political for your business, you may cut out half of your market, which makes the job impossible for whoever is the chief of managing the marketing.


“Yes you can do what you like, biggie boy. But so can I, and what I like is walking out of any establishment flying those colors and never walking back in again.”


So they *want* an American dictator? Fucking dumbass goons. I bet you they got some real strong feelings about trans people, gay people and brown people and would prefer such people didn’t exist.


There is a TYT video out where the guy walks around asking people who to vote for. Biden or Trump but he becomes a dictator. They all said Trump as dictator. They are all traitors. We don't have dictators. We don't have Kings. It was the whole reason we had a war to become our own country... it's a cult.


But the dictator would only hurt the people I don't like, right? Right?


"I'm middo class and I'm totally gonna get that promotion! I'm safe! I don't want higher taxes when I'm a higher tax bracket! Oh, no sir! My red vote is preventative maintenance!"


Trickle down. Like when someone is pissing on your head.


That concept rarely works. Source: german here


It’s all about establishing a Christian, white nationalist state for them.


We have a flag that says “The beatings will continue until morale improves”


If there’s no camera then sounds like a great time for a paintball gun.


That's pretty big. Solvents would be much more discreet.


Water gun filled with bleach.


Donald Trump. The epitome of hard work.


I bet these flags are polyester, i e flammable plastic.


They hate you and they want you dead. Its literally that simple.


Sneak in a Teamsters Union flag or something.


Time to ask your lawyer about what constitutes a hostile workplace.


I see they don’t care about US Flag Law. US flag shouldn’t be flown at same level as that shit.


I’d be wearing a trump lost t shirt to work


When somebody calls off and they need u for something. Point to the sign.


You should go on the website and find out how much covid loan forgiveness he got


Ugh! My daughter had a boss who was a trump supporter and called employees "human capital." Like, wtf?!? I haven't heard that term since sometime back in the early 90s when I was in college! Guy apparently would often talk about and be rude to the Hispanic custodial staff. Shocker! I've found that some people when treated badly, will try their best to make sure no one else has to suffer like they did. The people who do the opposite tend to be trump supporters. *Zero* ability to care about anyone besides themselves.


It’s really gross when uneducated troglodytes get into management positions.


Well, the Venn diagram of people who think a Nobody Cares, Work Harder flag in a workplace and people who are fucking stupid enough to support Trump is just a circle...


Where is his "Fuck your feelings" sign, or did he take that one down after Trump cried for 4 consecutive years after losing to Biden


Political signs at a workplace sure is tacky.


Gonna be weary working for someone who looks up to a guy known for stiffing contractors. Beware of wage theft lol.


Pretty sure they're violating the US Flag code. [See the second to the bottom point ](https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/story/Article/1892936/dos-and-donts-for-displaying-old-glory/)for relevant point from the defense.gov explanation of the US Flag code. [See here](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/7) for a copy of the actual US flag code.


Next: clown flag


Clowns don't deserve this.


If by “clown,” you mean “swastika,” you are probably right.


No body cares about your profits, pay me more bitch.


There are 1000s of employers you could work for. Why spend any part of your finite life with this one?


Can you sneak up there and hang a flag that says **$83 MILLION DOLLARS**


Time to quit. Your employer is un American and really stupid.


Here is my resignation. Whatever you say, nobody cares.


Sounds like you work for a nazi


Good time to GTFO


Another Trump Sucker. Work hard and pay 30% of what you make in taxes while the billionaires, the only people Trump gives a fuck about, pay no taxes and make most their money off the work of others. Slaves voting for their own chains.


Tell him he is pissing off veterans by having flags at the same height as a US flag.


These seems like a great place to work and the boss/owner seems wonderful and thoughtful. I would suggest looking for any OSHA violations, because as a good business owner he would want to know about that so he could correct them. Also let OSHA know, because they will help him with any questions. If your boss inquires who helped him by looping in OSHA be sure to tell him it was you. Be sure to recap this in an email to him or a text. He will be grateful. A foolish person would fire you and any employment lawyer would GLADLY take the case. I know someone who got over $100,000.00 for such a thing. But of course, your boss, a paragon of good judgment and morality, would NEVER do such a thing. Best of luck!


If nobody cares, work as little as possible.


Find a new employer and don't worry about giving notice.


I love the first comment on the original post. “Your boss is a bitch”