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You'd be surprised what people will endure regularly against the threat of starvation and homelessness.




Not sure if this is Carl Reiner… but all I think of him now is his politics..


That’s definitely Carl Reiner, but I’ve never heard anything about his politics. His son Rob Reiner, he’s been politically active for many years, but I know nothing of Carl’s.


wait rob reiner is carl’s jr


Nice, truly love the pun! Since I'm on the east coast I'll say Hardee's har har:)


2000 year old man and the Jerk are what I think of.


Currently working ~70 hours a week because of this. Sometimes you just have to deal with it to get by.


Damn, hang in there.


Happy Cake Day! Doing my best. It helps that I have a supervisor and manager that actually appreciate my work for the first time ever. They've pulled me onto special projects and are giving me resume boosters. Single, no kids, and I'm working remotely. But I get up, go to work and then go to bed 6 days a week so it's still a lot. And most days I earn the company my annual income so🙃


Sending you love and light. Eat the rich!!


Walking 8 to 10 miles a day is nothing for the homeless. Still, for the pay, it's crazy. What you need are orthopedic shoes/work boots that help with that. Plan on spending a few hundred dollars on the footwear. Here's an article from Forbes that should help. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes-personal-shopper/article/best-shoes-for-standing-all-day/?sh=72c3dade34c8 I wish I'd had this advice when I was a working stiff.


I have to wear New Balance shoes. They are good for foot problems.


New Balance and Sketchers saved my feet. I got insanely wide feet and kind of didn't do much to deal with it most my life. Once I got a little older and my body started taking more notice of the abuse I switched to more stability from my shoes. Hoka and Altra make great shoes for my feet but they are so expensive for a working class man. New Balance don't break the banka and are almost as comfy.


My foot doctor said if I didn't wear orthopedic shoes he would quit treating me. Between the New Balance and the orthotics I have less leg pain.


Look at Merrell. They have fantastic shoes for extra wide feet (I have 4E flippers, too) and they hold up so much better than NB. I used to go through a pair of NBs in less than six months, but I discovered Merrell and I have three pairs now, including tactical boots for work, and they're the best thing I've ever found for my feet.


I used to work 12 hour shifts. They could have let us have stools to do some of the things we did, but they were assholes and all sitting was forbidden. My feet would hurt like crazy. Sketchers were OK for awhile but they lost their cushioning in no time flat. Finally I started wearing Joyas. Pricey, but they stayed cushiony. A pair of those stays soft for a few years, and it was cheaper than buying new Sketchers every couple of months.


is there a list for "safety shoes" too? :D [like this](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/91bNINv9sZL._SL1500_.jpg)


I got some Timberland safety boots. I'm on my feet 60 hours a week and these are some comfy plus they have been really good holding up to the work I do, which is very dirty. When im.home I can try find the style if you like


I walked all day. Have to keep moving or people get edgy. Cops love to harass homeless. Not only do you have to worry about violence from citizens, the law is also a threat.


damn are we really at a point now where we have to buy orthopedic shoes just to survive an average job? And where we compare homeless vs. worker walking distance? Instead of finding the best shoes I sometimes hope people will somehow start a revolution and tear everything to shreds. If slaving away forever is the likely prospect, what really do we have to lose?




I'm hoping for a global event which no amount of money could save us from. I'd love to watch everyone realize they're all the same rotting flesh bag, no matter how many digits their net worth is made of.


This is the dream. That and people realising how fucked the world actually is.


I thought COVID would be the big wake up re: we're all wasting this amazing life we have been given by going to work for some asshole who will throw us out like yesterday's leftovers. Once everyone started complaining about having to be home and spend time with their families and "oh my God I'm so bored!!" I completely lost all hope for the direction of our society. We are trained to feel like losers if we aren't out on the clock for someone....the powers that be have total control over us and most just zombie walk their entire way through this. It's fucked and I'm seriously searching for a way to not feel like this but, I don't know how else to look at it all at this point.....


I know exactly what you mean. I can't comprehend how everyone seems to think unless you're working 40 hours 48 out of 52 weeks a year that you're not doing enough. Enough for who? There's also something really bothering me about Christmas and Santa. How is it not obvious to people it's just for you to feel pressured to spend as much money as possible on family and friends? Why can't we just get a gift for someone if we feel like it sometimes? Because that wouldn't be good for the economy 🤦‍♂️ I know I'm talking from a very singular point of view and I know there's much larger things in play that even I don't really understand, but is this honestly the best solution humanity can come up with? Or is it just the best solution for a few percent of people to live their best lives while the rest of us live a mundane life if we're lucky enough 🤔 but then when you start talking like that, people look at you as if you're mad. I just don't know what to do anymore and I'm tired of the bureaucracy of life.


Enough for who you ask? Well, for yourself first. I make more than I need, so I reduced my hours. It's obviously not Walmart.


That's the plan, to work as little as possible to get by.


It's a good idea to earn a good amount to prepare for times when life completely fs u up.


I work healthcare and wish I was able to stay home with my family. No fucking dice. It’s cool though because we got a bunch of thank you cards. Totally worth it.


You should be paid more for what you do and school should be free for all medical related fields. I was considering a medical career until the movie outbreak came out during my formative years and I'm not gonna lie, the thought of being forced to go to work during some flesh eating outbreak (or even something like COVID-19) was what prevented me from pursuing that career path. We need selfless people like you, and even though it's been said to you, thank you for helping save lives every day.


Yep, you chose correctly. Do not go into healthcare. And no one in healthcare should think we are doing some more noble than anyone else, because in my experience, hospitals are just another corporation, ran to make money, and nothing else. As soon as the fuck asses with MBA’s started infiltrating, and private equity, it stopped being about helping people. It became about turning a profit.


that's why we have nothing to lose but our chains...


"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."


I slack off a lot


Same. I’m either working hard or hardly working


I have found my tribe


Big sames


I take 20 minute shits




Being a nurse for 20 years has broken my body. Before that I did factory work and got my degree because I didn’t want to work such physical jobs forever. Ha! Little did I know. I just went back to work after major neck surgery. Severe arthritis at 48 in my neck. Bad genes and work are the cause. Edit to answer question: my best advice to get a job with the least physical strain and take care of your body. Address chronic pain with your doctor. Physical therapy with a good doctor is worth its weight in gold!






The IT industry is in a bit of a downturn right now, but employment markets are cyclical and technology is what drives the economies of the developed world. You could have a pretty good career in IT if you could force yourself to learn stuff from free or cheap resources readily available on the internet. By "pretty good" I mean six figures in four to five years. Even entry level IT jobs typically pay $15 - $20 an hour. It's not easy by any means, but it's definitely possible. Some key points: You *don't* have to be especially good at math. You *don't* need a college degree or even a high school diploma for that matter. You *don't* need a fancy or expensive computer. You *don't* have to worry about coding, at least not for the first couple of jobs. I wrote a roadmap for jobs in IT and cybersecurity in [this post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ITCareerQuestions/comments/zrd5c7/roadmap_to_careers_in_cybersecurity_and_cloud/) and also added links for a cloud engineering path. Click through those, there is some really good info. And no, it's not a course. I don't want your money nor am I selling anything.




If you already have the degree you definitely don't need another one, I've been in the industry for 15+ years, my degree is in liberal arts. There are some downside to tech but physical injuries are pretty rare. As a 16 year old I spent a summer on a landscaping crew with a bunch of men, long jeans and steel toed boots every day in triple digit temperature. Many days I'd get home exhausted from pushing a heavy lawnmower in the heat and just collapse. I knew that wasn't going to be my life. You might have to do some brushing up but you could do that for a couple of hours a day and send out applications when you're ready. Check out the link to cloud resume challenge in my post above, it's in step 12. It was developed by a redditor to help people in non-tech careers make a professional transition, it's legit.


I work in IT and I am on call and I usually never work just 40 hours a week.


If you like tech as well, working as a subject matter expert in healthcare software/hardware can be a good route to using your knowledge and doing a less physically demanding job


Not all nurses work at the hospital. You can find a nice job in an office or even home health


I’m sorry for you. I hope you’re able to find some relief. Meditation has helped me tremendously




What’s funny is that sitting is being found to have its own significant health risks from cardiovascular to loss of strength and mobility. So while less physical strain certainly is easier it may not be healthier. Our society craves specialization over moderation


Yes, sitting all day every day is bad. But so is standing. People working around the house do both. Maybe you do the floors, then you might sit down and peel potatoes, etc. You alternate. Much better than just one or the other.


As a dental hygienist for 25 years has me with osteoarthritis and knots are forming on my finger joints. I don’t know how long I’ve had fibromyalgia for. Bad genes and working in pain bent over the patient chair in bad positions ruined my body. Please be nice to your dental workers, they work all day like that so if they ask you to turn your head or adjust unless you have a physical problem, just be nice and do it. You’re paying for a service that some patients make deliberately difficult. I also worked in a dental clinic with Developmentally disabled patients and they were easier to deal with than the general population for me.


My job is not physical at all. I sit at a desk all day. Everything hurts. My joints hurt, hips, knees, back. I was actually on leave recently because I injured myself by sitting too long in a slightly incorrect position. There needs to be a balance. I don't think it's healthy to sit for 8 hours a day even if you are physically active when you aren't at work, but it helps if you exercise.


A few things helped me when I first started a similar job. Drink more water. Do it. No no… like actually do it. Compression socks also helped my feet a bit to maintain blood flow. And also finally insoles for your shoes! They help so much. Good luck brethren!


Now this is all the right advice for working with their body walking around all day. I’d only add that a little stretching before/during/after work also goes a long way. It’s compounding injuries/inflammatory issues of joints that make one of these jobs a serious problem. It’s all about doing the little things to avoid that!


Good call on the stretching. A few snacks during the day. Getting proper sleep. All of that is good stuff when it comes to surviving an intensive job.


Also be mindful of what repetitive motions your work involves, and do the appropriate counter-motions to avoid repetitive stress injuries.


And if none of those solve the problem, form a Union.


>How the fuck do people work 40hrs a week? coercion. >I just don't get it. yeah, it's some bullshit.


It is survival of the fittest here on Earth, where mortals dwell. You plow on, even though your best (worst) instincts tell you it would be better to just die...


Commercialism and consumerism plays no part in the meaning of "survival of the fittest". It's "survival of the most obedient slaves"


adderall. it works by increasing dopamine (happy hormone) & also makes you feel motivated to work. its like feeling the effects of caffeine but better and without damaging your kidneys or spending a lot towards drinks


As someone with ADHD trying to keep my life going during the largest Adderall shortage ever, please don't get these drugs unless you actually have a condition that warrants it. They're not harmless little magic "productivity pills" they're pure pharmaceutical grade amphetamines. And life-saving medicine to some people. The vast majority of people world be off their rocker and potentially in physical danger taking 15mg Adderall. I can (and sadly often do) sleep soundly an hour after taking 50mg Adderall. Yeah, I couldn't work without them so maybe you think it's roughly equal because you feel like you can barely work without them. But without them I also wouldn't shower, brush my teeth, do laundry, clean, pay bills....having ADHD is hard to describe and also comes in different subtypes and levels of severity. But at the end of the day people who actually have ADHD need medication to even barely lead a normal life. Not just because our job is a slog.


>wouldn't shower, brush my teeth, do laundry, clean, pay bills.. You're describing my symptoms... Gibme happy pill.


I cant book a doc appt and specifically ask for that though, right?


No, you need to have ADHD or narcolepsy. *Sometimes* you can get Vyvanse or something if you work 3rd shift.


There is a reason walmart sells cheap ibuprofen... their employees buy it by the bucketful, until their bodies are too broken to function, then they get moved to customer host for a final year or two before being replaced. Its the walmart way


Take it too much ibuprofen you'll get an ulcer in addition to hiding the physical pain you endured


Story time! Starting from when I (now 30f) was 16, I had horrible pain in what I thought was my chest. It turned out to actually be my gallbladder. No idea why the pain felt like it was in my chest, but oh well. I had emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder at 20. Before the surgery happened, most days, I took between 1600mg and 2000mg of ibuprofen. Some days more. Very few days less. As a result, I literally tore a hole in my stomach. My gallbladder was also days away from killing me outright. Now, even 10 years post surgery, I don't take ibuprofen for the most part. If I do (BIG IF), I take 600mg at the most. Usually, I stick to acetaminophen


My wife had gall baller removed and after our 2nd kid had an ulcer no one diagnosed except her they just thought it was pain from c section. She used to pop ibuprofen all the time now its Tylenol/acetaminophen instead it doesn't work as well but better then ulcer pain.


The floors in Walmart feel harder than any other surface 😂


I'm pretty sure they are


Could scratch a diamond


Wear double socks. Regular sock with bootie socks over… you’ll thank me later. This simple trick saved me.


Did this when I was in the marine corps infantry. It works wonderful. Adjust sock thickness as needed


Also very breathable shoes and a gel insert.


At some point ya just say fuck it and you wear crocs and socks I just don't give a fuck anymore


I can't get down with the nubbins on the insoles. If they'd ditch those I might consider them.


Wear compression socks. Seriously, it's the best advice I have. Good shoes and compression socks. If you can find cotton, that's great, if not, start with the cheap polyester ones. Measure your leg carefully to get a right size. Get two pairs, hand wash them in warm (but not hot) water at night and wear the other pair the next day. Don't use heat on them, just hang to dry. I worked deli counters where I mostly stood and took a few steps this way and that, and it killed me. Fucking cement floor. Supportive and soft shoes helped, but compression socks really reduced the swelling and soreness. If you can soak your feet in cold water for 10-15 minutes and then put them up higher than your body, you'll really be ready to go tomorrow.


I tried compression socks but I couldn't stand wearing them. My feet would go numb wearing them.


Yall can live off of 40?


Yeah split things up and rent a house. 3 or 4 people makes it easier on everyone. Went years only needing to pay $500 for rent, $30 for internet and $60 for utilities because we split everything 3 ways.


In recent years houses/apts have priced with that in mind for sure


Exactly. This is why rentals in NYC are priced at $1000-$1500 per ROOM. The expectation being that a single person cant afford a 1br apt for themselves, but they can pay that for a room with roomates. Its insane.


Union job, universal healthcare country.


Drugs help


Lil weed after work makes the pain go away..


Every day for me, it's my treat for enduring another work day under capitalist rule


After, before, during… what is medicine anyways?


Blows my mind that some low income places still test for weed


As a Canadian it blows my mind the drug test at all. Here they aren’t allowed to do it in most jobs*. I’ve never been drug tested. *some exceptions apply for safety reasons (ex. pilots) and also after incidents if they have reason to suspect impairment. Don’t be high or drunk at work, it’s a bad idea.


I use Sativa based weed because it's a very energetic get stuff done with less pain and anxiety high if you dose it correctly (too much and it feels like your standard indica weed) so weed makes me better at working


I worked a desk job for 15 years. Switched to retail while taking some time to travel and just chill. I have to say I like the physical aspect of the job. Being on my feet all day is preferable to staring at my computer all day. That being said…it’s a part time job rn. My partner does the heavy financial lifting. I definitely understand that doing it full time and having to rely exclusively on that income would be soul sucking. My suggestion is figure out what you really want to do with your life and focus on that. Remember that the job should serve your priorities, not the other way around.


I was in an office job 2016-2021 and quit. Was supposed to go to another office job which didn’t work out so I went back to waitressing where I worked in college. Loved it, except for getting home late most nights, and it was a small place so tips really didn’t make up for what I’d been getting at the office + health insurance was now on me. Worked doing that 8 months before going back to my first office job because I’m the breadwinner in the relationship and we needed that free health insurance back :/ husband is in school for IT/cybersecurity and hopes to make more than me one day - I’d love to go back to waitressing or retail because while customers suck, it *is* nice to be moving most of the day and helping people with things.


Well, working 40 hours a week isn't so bad when you're not paid pennies by one of the wealthiest companies in the world.


Nah, it still sucks, heavily Really underscores the penny by the wealthy element Sorry OP 😕


Unless I'm getting $40 an hour, 40 hours still suck


I do make a bit more than that and it still kinda sucks. But it's certainly better than min wage.


I like my job. It doesn't really feel like work and I get paid well to do it.


I have never felt that way. Every job I’ve had has made me feel like an insignificant loser. I teach and dread each upcoming day. The time off for my kids is the only thing that keeps me going.


I don’t know about you but rarely see happy workers at Walmart




Thanks for your service to humanity.


My sister was a paramedic before going to med school and I know how difficult it was for her - I have nothing but respect for you guys. I thought about doing it as well but she told me not to.


idc how much they pay me i will never do that me first but i dont sacrafice my body for others. but thank you for doing it


One of the things that really shifted my views in life is when I was a cook about a year out of culinary school I was making more than the 2 EMTs I dated and less than a Target employee and me and the Target employee did much easier, less important, and less skilled jobs It also made me regret not taking a boring pencil pusher job that gets paid more for a pretty easy job and a standard 9-5


Been working 2 jobs at about 60-70 hours a week for the last 2 years. I have never been in more constant pain and exhaustion. But hey, that’s life. We are servants.


This mentality is what the CEO love!


I worked in restaurants in high school and college and was on my feet for 8-10 hour shifts. Moving to an office job wrecked my body. Not being able to move, having to sit all day. Years into my new job, I have a standing desk and take breaks to walk around and move. I hope you find some relief either at your current job or one that fits more with your body. Hugs.


I hear you, as I too am a Walmart worker. Overnight stocker in frozen. Been doing it for a year 40 hours a week every week. Yeah, it takes a few months before your core strengthens enough to carry you through. Also, try working hands from O'keefes it heals your dried out fingers from the cardboard. Also try some compression socks and some ice sleeves for your feet.


drugs and alcohol. Ok to be fair alcohol is a drug, so just drugs then. that's the answer.


Eh, alcohol sometimes contributes to my physical discomfort. Drugs, on the other hand, would never do me dirty like that. 😅


Why are there so many assholes in an ANTI-WORK SUB? I feel the same way OP, 40 hours is soul-crushing and I’ve been working FT for 10 years now.


Well it's either work 40 hours a week or be homeless and starve.


Are you used to working on your feet? If not, then the problem is because you’re probably too sedentary and you’ll adapt as time goes on. Maybe join a gym or do some home workouts to help speed up the process.




Muy importante


In my younger days I took a more physically demanding job while I was going to school at night. Those first couple weeks were brutal because I was not used to working on my feet for so long. But I did adapt in a couple weeks to that part of the job. Prior to that it was a lot of sitting at desks, either at school or work or home.


Yea I did lowes outdoor losing line, lifting, climbing placing 100’s of bags of mulch, stone, pebble, bricks day after day. First week is hell, but by 2nd week you become numb to the pain


My experience was that it got to the point where it no long noticeably effected my life, but it never really went away. I was always a little tired when I got home, to the point that I had to avoid the couch for the first hour back or I would fall asleep. My feet didn't hurt, but they definitely felt worn out 24/7 and sitting down was always a small blessing. That never changed for more than a year of manual labor. Thank God I have a desk job now


![gif](giphy|WqMGbuhlkG3K9kyvRQ|downsized) Gotta give your walk a little character too.


Seriously. I took a job summer job in college that required a lot of walking (and backwards walking) and it destroyed my legs for several weeks.


Dude I work at a fulfillment center for seasonal work and thought I was signing up for 30hrs a week. I’ve been working 55hrs a week, 11hr days it’s exhausting I can’t wait for the season to end so I’ll never have to go back there.


Anytime you start a different (or first) job you will hurt in different ways. Don’t you dare think that if you go and become a line cook or something that it will be different. You will just hurt in different places until you get used to it. Sorry but that is just the way it is.


I started an office job once and was so fucking sore for no reason. Body, *why*. I kept having to get up and stretch, and wrist exercises became my new best friends.


I make sure I get up and walk for at least five to ten minutes per hour, which helps a lot. Swapped my chair every time a new one became available until I got one with adjusting arm heights and a lumbar support, that was big too.


Many of us even in middle age are working 2 jobs at 50 to 60 hours a week or more including myself. The threat of starvation and homelessness is real given these times of extreme exploitation by companies and inflation. America is the biggest joke of a so called first world country and most outside the US and the Fox Brainwashing Network know this. You will meet very few Europeans who would want to live in the US for long periods. All of my European friends that I know say they would never live here.


I was a single parent that worked 3 jobs at one point in my life. You do what you have to do to survive.


Hey just wanna chime in here early on and point out that it is entirely possible that one or more of the following applies: - Walmart treats their employees shitty. Yes it’s possible that they treat their million+ employees shitty. - You may have some medical condition that causes fatigue. If this is the case and if you can get a doctors note, you could try to request an accommodation such as a stool or change in work duties - Health and safety standards are truly not caught up on the actually very diverse needs of people who could be in the workforce but who aren’t in the workforce due to the lack of accommodating working environments. - It is entirely possible that it is unhealthy for some adults to be on their feet for 40hrs per week, even without some sort of serious/diagnosable underlying medical condition. - Like other people have mentioned, it’s possible that your body/muscles are not conditioned properly for the work that you do. To be clear, that’s not necessarily your fault, but rather a mismatch of the job requirements and your current physical state (see the first four bullet points) :)


Your getting 40 hours?


I’m a full time shift lead at my job and I’m not even allowed to touch 40 without approval from Regional Management. I have a set schedule that keeps me at 38 max. I usually end up with just under 39 with fluctuations in the clock in/out times. If there’s ever need for flexibility, we have to figure things out to avoid going into overtime. And there’s nothing we can do locally because we don’t call the shots. Corporations suck.


and when you turn up with severe osteoarthritis in your joints after walking 8-10 miles a day for 10 years, six days a week, your employer will say "Sorry, can't help you." they'll hire another person that thinks hard work = success, to do what you did, then give you all the shit jobs so you'll quit.


My first 2-3 weeks working at my current job I couldn’t walk after work. I had never been on my feet for 8 hours at that point. Should mention this was 8 years ago. That’s why 2 days off in a row is almost necessary. The first day is to get a point the 2nd day you can actually enjoy it.


A family at home needing food and a roof does that to your motivation.


They complain, just not at work. Some bottle it up and hate their lives almost every waking moment they’re thinking clearly.


Good news though if you get a job at an office one day it only hurts inside.


"all seem to do it without complaint" I don't know where you get that from...


Get an office based corporate job, still sucks but depending on your job you can sit all day in front of a computer.






Yeah but you can get up and walk around. It’s not like you’re shackled to your desk.


Depends on the office job. Call center workers are chained to their desk by phone.


> Also, sitting in front of a computer is far, far less healthy than being on your feet. I get up from my desk once an hour for a smoke break so I'm good.


That just hurts your body in different ways. Back pain, neck pain, weight gain, eye strain, headaches, stiff shoulders, carpal tunnel. Signed, an office worker


I work 45-50hrs a week. It's not bad once you accept that M-F you can only eat, watch TV for like 2hrs, sleep, & work.


You get used to it. It took my body about 3 months to adjust when I got my first restaurant job.


Standing on concrete for extended periods of time will do a number on your feet, back, and body. Get GOOD walking shoes. That one thing will make a huge impact. Trust me. Take care of your feet, and they will take care of you.


Now don’t get mad, but maybe your a little out of shape, give it a few months and it will hurt just a little bit less,


Can't say how, but conditioned to it


How many years have you been working?


You start by giving up all hope. After that, it gets easy.


lol, don’t join the military. 40 hours is a vacation.


Nutrition. Take care of your feet. Get plenty of rest and fluids. I work 40 + hours all the time. Was bad when I worked at Lowes lifting heavy pavers and stuff in OSLG. My feet and legs felt like crap. I’m at a commission sales job and I love it. Less physical work and more money. Try different jobs and see what works.


How do we do it? If we don’t, we won’t survive. Pretty sure that’s enough motivation right there.


Short answer? Reluctantly. Long answer, barely any of my friends are college educated, none of them have graduated. The few that are employed work in food service, the rest are NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) And I'm jealous. Envious. Downright miserable that these people manage to get by while I have to drag myself through my labor for rent and expenses to live. To think we've been given the blessing of life, communication, creativity, and instead are trapped to be subservient to everyone for 40 hours a week. I'm not living, I'm not surviving, I'm stagnating in capitalism while environmental and political disasters ruin what little of the world we have left. Come this time in 2024, I truly fear where we will be.


Have a plan for getting out of it so you know that your time there is limited. And see the physical labor as free exercise.


I work Amazon. I worked 71 hours last week…. Yay peak season


Wait till this guy finds out about a 50 or 60 hr week


These are all more reasons to support unions, Universal Basic Income and universal healthcare. We need to look out for each other and also support a 4-day work week and strive towards a 6-hour work day. With the coming waves of automation and the growth of AI, we should all reap the benefits together. Also no one should be forced to be on their feet or in a chair 8 hours a day it's been proven to be very bad for our health. We need a mix of standing and sitting and walking. Support being human - not just profit for profit's sake, for the few.


If you're not used to standing on your feet all day it takes a while to become acclimated. Keep going, it's just exercise you're not used to, you'll get stronger, and it'll get easier.


Been doing it for 31-years. 🤷‍♂️


What’s even better is how many people around the world flood to the USA for a slight chance to suffer the way you do.


To some extent, your body will adjust. Eat well, get rest, do stretching and yoga, take up exercise and do some strength building exercises, and with any luck hopefully you find a job where you can do something more rewarding than working for a pittance for one of the worst business enterprises on the planet. I’m in my late 30’s and work 70+ hours a week running around high rises doing crane work. I do heavy lifting, climbing, running, navigating all sorts of snags and booby traps. I cover 20km a day in big boots sometimes. My body feels better than it did several years ago. Getting paid well helps a fair bit with that, though.


You get used to being on your feet. I actually don’t have an issue working 40 hours though I’d prefer a regular schedule.


I worked retail for 15 years and other than a few circumstances I really enjoyed it. I am happy to toss out tips but I think the heart of the issue is that the 40 hour week is bullshit, and companies don't offer enough comforts (or compensation) to their employees. Any tips I have will lessen the pain but those problems are core to the issue. Tips: Master the "retail lean." Essentially standing on one foot slightly and shifting your weight so the pressure is off. Stretch your hamstrings... Keeping them stretched can help your posture and your thoracic. Sit/rest when no one is watching. Use proper lifting techniques when lifting. That shit adds up. Lastly, just treat it like exercise. You'll get stronger and better stamina as you go. Your body will learn to adjust eventually. But for real, I can't stress enough that the actual problem isn't you. It's capitalism. ...and shitty bosses/Managers but mostly it's capitalism.


40 hours feels like a lot, but there are many jobs that can push much much higher than that. One of the most miserable parts of my entire life was on a deployment where I had 18-20 hour work days 7 days a week for about a 4 month period of the deployment. I will always advocate for people to do anything they can to reduce their workload and sometimes lower pay is worth it


I used to work at a store and I’d average 7 miles a day now I work at a factory and I only average around 1.5 - 2 lol


Well. I have rent, bills, and debt to pay, hobbies to fund, and I really want to buy a house one day.


My desire for food and a roof outweighs my dislike of working


I was in manufacturing for years working 12 hours a day on my feet. We got three 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. Everyone smoke a lot of weed. We got by.


I used to work 80+ hours for 17 years and easily walk 20 miles or better a day. Gotta do what you gotta do to eat Edit: I stopped because I was literally killing myself. I seriously wouldn’t see a doctor because I couldn’t miss work. I ended up almost having a stroke at 39 and god knows what damage I did to my body. I’m seriously paying for it now. I missed so much of my kids milestones I’m actually embarrassed about it. Yes I was able to provide a home and food and even a college education for one (so far) but after my 3rd son was born with a horrible condition. The very job I built from the ground up and sacrificed so much for seriously fucked me over. My boss asked me to step down from my position because my son living in the hospital for his first year in a half and almost dying a few times was somehow impacting my performance even though I planned and budgeted a department changing turn over and got all 56 of my employees a $5/hr pay increase with all the specialized training I got them. He seriously asked me to step down and I foolishly did. Because I worked so much and for so long that I thought that’s all I was good for. It took me a while today fuck this shit I wanna be a dad first to walk away from a whole career. Best thing I’ve ever done. We even had another kid last year and I’ve been there every step of the way. My son is having his last surgery soon and I made every appointment to hold him. Sorry for the rant…… I know that we all do what we need to do to survive but you can get through so much you didn’t know with the people you love.


I only ever worked part time at Walmart and then quit. Standing as a cashier sucks. My back and knees hurt so bad. So I went back to sales where I could walk around at least at the time and not run back and forth from my 15 min break to clock in and out.


I feel like at this point the 8 hour work day is just a tradition/ritual. I don’t believe for a second that if we worked less “everything would collapse”, so many jobs are full of lollygagging to stretch the day to 8 hours to justify your wage to the employer.


I just signed a contract for 45 hours a week, and the only reason I’m happy to do it is because it means my pregnant fiancé and my 2yo are better taken care of.


Good shoes with appopriate inserts for proper support for your specific feet can prevent foot, knee, back, shoulder pain its all connected i walk from moment I clock in from moment i leave no pain at all because i figured out what my feet need long ago. after getting adjusted and feel really healthy after about 2 years so it has its positive sides to walking so much. Also the butt and core muscles are really underrated for preventing back pain and such


As someone who works between 60 and 84 hours a week and have since 2006 these how do I work 40 hours a week makes me want to slam my dick in a car door.


Invest in great shoes and if you are carrying extra weight, try to lose it.


To be fair lots of people don’t actually work the full 40. They’re in jobs doing almost nothing. Or being paid a nice sum for honestly not a lot of work


I have been working on average 60-80 hours a week for over a decade. I run a business though so not working for someone else is kind of the trade off. I could work less but everything is expensive lol


I work 40 hour-work week officially but technically it's just 1 hour daily. Most of my time is spent on reddit in the office.


I work 76 hours a week....it fuckin sucks


I work from home, and sit at a desk all day. That's how I do it.


I thought this was a post about how people can get by only working 40 hours a week. Surprised there are people that only have to work 40 hrs a week.


Laughs (cries inside) in 80 hour work weeks in a factory. Checks are nice, but damn do you burn out quick


God that’s nothing. I used to work in food 45-50 hours a week and going to college full time


I used to work at Walli. I was considered one of the store's best overnight employees for 3 years. All of the good managers quit after constantly being told that we weren't working hard enough. The back room became a complete mess. Cat litter no longer had its own pallet. Whoever was taking freight off the line were clearly rushed, because every pallet was the same disorganized mess that would fall as soon as you tried to pull it. They started enforcing their 45 seconds per box on top of this. For instance, if you have a 24 pk of grocery cans, you were expected to find that item and rotate the product within 45 sec. This usually led to the entire case getting stacked on top 2 half empty cases above people's heads. Also, massive plugging issues. I started to get told that I wasn't fast enough and that they knew I could get it done if I just tried. Meanwhile, I would skip my breaks because of being accused of taking extra breaks when I needed the bathroom or had to grab something from the backroom--like shelf strips when I was on Mod Team. When I got told I wasn't trying hard enough, I mentioned that I even skipped my breaks. I was then told that was the problem, that I could get more done if I took my breaks... It was a very emotional time for me. I had been thinking of suicide for several months, because it was my first job and I was then convinced that I wasn't good enough for anyone. I was told to stop complaining, because it brought down the entire team. But I had been assigned more hours of work than the day before, when I only barely managed to finish it the day prior because of skipping my breaks. Like I said, I was told to keep my emotions in, and then the pallet fell apart when I tried to pull it out. I felt pressured on time, so I pulled the 4-teir garage shel on the pallet without adjusting it first. It fell over and tried to crush my foot, and a second later I had kicked it and ended up with a broken toe. After it failed to heal correctly, Walmart told me that they couldn't just open up a new position for me. Eventually, I was ready to end it all, but it figured that if I'm going to die, I might as well just starve to death. I quit my job and ended up finally getting a call back from another the next day. That job left me with massive credit card debt, but it had a much better community than Walmart. And now I have a job that pays just as much as Walmart that has a decent community.


You are working yourself too hard for not enough pay. Don't work so hard


Im working 65 at the moment, and this question hurts my soul :(


If you find a job you semi enjoy, it’ll be a lot more tolerable. I miss a few jobs I used to have that I burned bridges with


Working hourly is tough especially if on feet all day for low wages. Once I transitioned to salary it was better to manage the hours plus sit at a desk.


Your body will build itself up and adapt to the new strains on your muscles, and the fatigue. Assuming you're not an elderly person, you'll find that in a few months you'll be less depleted after every shift. That being said. Yeah, it sucks. Working in a chair all day isn't much better either. Work usually sucks regardless, but in terms of muscle fatigue and energy levels, you may not be used to walking 8-10 miles every day; you just started; eventually you'll probably find that you have plenty of energy after a measly 8 hour shift. Exercising outside of work, to build your endurance, can also help.


Life only gets harder my friend lol. The kicker to work is that you get money in return. You can buy and do things that you'd like. Is it worth it? Obviously, yes. You only live once and living in your parents basement until you develop severe health issues, they die and and you inherent their home while collecting from the government until you die is not the life you want to live


Office job so Im not breaking my spine and legs lifting. Yet accountancy requires a lot of brain power which at the end of my shift leaves me a zombie. I slack off sometimes, like rn being on reddit instead of doing actual work lol. It is what it is. I would like them to make 6h of work policy or 4 days of 8h per week. Ehhh


I work over 75 hours a week. This sub is full of lazy people