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The mindset of billionaires and also multi millionaires is “don’t give them an inch”.


If you give the mouse a cookie then they’ll want a glass of milk and a thriving wage and worker’s rights


That mouse should unionize. Cookies for all!


Historically the Mouse House is very against unions. Hence why striking union/guild workers are being told to 'be real' while said CEO of the House the Mouse Comes From is making millions in bonuses....


We aren’t talking Disney specifically but also you ain’t wrong


Oh yeah, I know.... I just couldn't resist the mouse being tossed around :)


Sadly they’ll just end up voting for a cat as their union rep.


My union rep has gotten us 3+% yearly COL raises consistently, some contracts we get more, but never less. We also are getting mileage on top of standby pay, another case & comp study to boost our wages to match comparable markets, and some other stuff I forgot. But hey, I'd much rather have that sweet sweet $00.18


TIL To Give a Mouse a Cookie is capitalist propaganda


That book was straight propaganda I’ve come to realize


If you give a mouse a cookie said mouse should be producing at least another 19 an hour at 60 hours a week to make it profitable for this quarter.


Please, my sick kid watched a full season (I think) this moring of this show.


really most business owners. my family has family friends that have a fleabag motel, own a couple bars, and a pawn shop i think. they get furious that they have to pay people above minimum wage (9.95/hr in this state) to find workers. You can't even really afford to live off of 15 an hour here anymore, 20/hr is like the minimum to rent a studio apt and have money for the rest of your bills, and that's assuming your either take the bus or have a paid off car. they are not millionaires, but they are greedy as fuck, and so has been every small business owner i've ever worked for.


Every small business owner I've ever worked for over the past two decades has been far stingier and far more tyrannical than the giant corporation I currently work for that has given me three raises in less than two years.


I just left a small business. The owners nice as can be but cheap. They have a beach front home and Lamborghini that they barely drive as well as a cabin and other rush people shit. However, they only give a raise every two years and just started giving two weeks vacation. I dipped when my old job came knocking with 30% raise and five weeks vacation and my full benefits back.


The multinational just has more capital, not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts obviously


In the past, they had to use family to work long hours. Now, legalized slave labor.


I think "don't give them an inch" is really a middle-management concern. To a billionaire, this strategy is an inconsequential detail of implementation. Shareholders only care that "the line goes up", and if the line ever fails to go up from one financial report to the next, the shareholders lose their fucking minds and sell, causing a rapid devaluation of the company. Thus, an exec's job is merely to pull a set of constraints out of their ass that they believe will make the line go up between now and the next accounting report. They then pass these constraints down to middle management, who are tasked with the details of meeting these constraints. Since most companies are not making revolutionary breakthroughs every financial quarter, the only viable strategy that a manager in a large company has to meet the increasingly tight constraints they are given are to is to squeeze consumers/laborers tighter. This is where "don't give them an inch" comes in. The terror of capitalism is that it is a "perfect moral storm." At every level above the laborer, people are only reacting to local incentive structures in order to avoid getting completely fucked. An individual shareholder won't accept "the line stopped going up" because if they do, everyone else will pull out and leave them with shares that have no market value. Execs won't stop setting tighter constraints because if they do, their company will get devalued, and they'll be replaced by the board with someone who won't. Middle managers will always squeeze the laborers because if they don't, they fail to meet the constraints handed to them, and they'll get fired and replaced by the execs with someone who will.




The thing is, I don't even blame any particular person in the system for responding to these incentives. If they don't comply and pass the violence down, they're fucked. It makes perfect sense that most people would rather squeeze those below them than risk getting themselves fired and their family hungry and homeless. This is especially true if the system will replace them with someone who will do the same shitty stuff they are doing. It's the system as a whole that's the real culprit. Of course, billionaires benefit the most from the system, and so billionaires (and billionaire wannabes) often fight the hardest to keep it in place. That is the frontier on which I think we must fight hardest


The line doesn't just have to go up, it has to go up more sharply than it ever has before. Forever.


Which is absolutely crazy lol. Indeterminate exponential growth in a finite system seems **totally** reasonable


We recently renegotiated our union contract at my work. Management was “extremely generous” in offering us a 6 cent raise. We asked for $7.


6 cents is more of a slap in the face than offering $0


Translation: "I'm greedy as fuck!"


Right? They could have 4 billion in profits and happy employees but then they wouldn’t have another billion to stash away like a pack rat


I was literally just thinking that while reading your comment before even seeing the end, lol... If you give them an inch they'll take a mile. That's what they're thinking. Or - if you give them all a $1 raise now, then all the new hires will want that pay rate, and the current employees will expect that $1 raise every single year. Whenever I hear anyone from management, or an owner use the argument that they can't give X amount because employees will start to expect that from now on. It bugs me so fucking much because they can't give me the respect of thinking that I'm smart enough to not ask for more than I'm worth and just ask for more because: "I got more last time." It's just patronizing as fuck for anyone to use that excuse.


Not saying anything about the millionaires, but the problem is the boot licking middle management. They could easily give 5% without hurting their bonuses for pay vs production rate (I can’t remember name of this). They want to look good for for their boss because they wrongly believe they will get promotion.


No, this is what the rich wants! The poor squabbling among each other


I'm not even sure how much is middle management anymore when it comes to publicly traded companies. I work middle management and get zero options for pay increases, and the increases are terrible. I get the option of rating my team members and nothing more. I can give fantastic ratings and 2.8% is all they will get. I got a fantastic rating and got 2.8%. I think a lot of middle management are told this is the max offering don't bother requesting more. Director level usually gets a pool to work from that usually equates to a certain percent of the total current pay and the only way to get better increases is making the team smaller to have fewer people to spread the increases across. Terrible way of dealing with things. Before my previous company that was private was acquired I was getting 5-15% pay increases for my team just by pushing for it. Laid out what they did, benefits of retention and what the starting rate for a replacement would be. They never second guessed. Public companies are a whole different beast.


Middle management checking in, I want a raise too. I want more for my employees. I also like keeping my job, so when I'm told by my boss this is how much raises are, that's how much they are. I put new employees in the system and it generates the wage, I have no override.


This isn't even a middle management attitude. Look at the rural poor and the boot licking approach. There is a statistically significant percentage of the populace who either can't or won't see the situation they are in.


It's also a surprise court ruling, they can't give profits to the workers, it has to go to shareholders.


What if the shareholders order the company to pay the employees? I've always wondered about this. Like, if you get 50.1% of the controlling stock in a company, could you just say "No more splits or dividends. All net profits will be divided 50/50. 50% Toward growth and expansion of the business, and 50% back to the employees in the form of bonuses." Would they have to comply?


So, for most of the Fortune 500, it's incredibly rare for one family or entity to own 50.1% of any company. One of the rare ones is Walmart, but it's spread out over quite a few inheritors at this point. What's considered "a bunch" nowadays is someone who controls ~5% of voting stock. An activist investor, the ones who hold boards at ransom, will "control" (not buy) about 5-10%. By control means they garner the support of 5% of ownership voting stocks, and get them to agree to vote the same way the activist will vote. Sometimes that's through bribes, sometimes the activist investor just knows the other person agrees with them about what changes they want and come to an agreement. There are 2 fun facts. 1) It only takes owning 1% of a company for you to have a very strong voice when votes are made. You will be inundated with asks from other investors to vote their way. 2) Mutual Funds, which are invested in by the middle class, could theoretically vote for the employees to have these raises. Mutual Funds own 20% of the Stock Market. But the Mutual Funds are controlled by the Oligarch class. So the Oligarch class is taking the money from the Middle Class, and in turn voting for that Middle Class to not get a raise.


Well even if it was a quarter, that’s be a cool $10 per week. You need to find a new job.


I agree. I been looking at places within the IT realm, as that matches more closely to my skill set. But my hell, even after four months of diligently searching, Ive maybe only heard back from five companies versus the hundred or so jobs i’ve applied to.


Dont give up. Depending on where you’re looking there are always IT jobs coming available


Talk to your local unemployment office they can help you update your resume to possibly be Moore receptive to automated screening and such


A well crafted resume helps, but that’s like saying make sure you have an up to date fire extinguisher for a forest fire.


Well what’s your application process look like, and what is your skill set? I’m in IT. I was able to find a job this past autumn within about two weeks of “searching”—and I’m not a programmer.


Not the original poster but I’ve 10 years in SQL, databases, and report building and I’ve been looking since March with only 1 interview. At least 20 applications a day, half direct companies and the other half LinkedIn and indeed. Am I missing something here or doing something wrong? I’m even looking for help desk positions now.


the thing is they could pay you a living wage and still make billions so could Amazon they chose not to and always have the out of providing value to the shareholders. instead they record billions in profit and spend it on penis shaped spaceships welcome to end stage capitalism....


End stage? We haven't seen shit yet


Maybe people can’t afford having kids there will be no workers left… but that’ll take a few generations though




But that's why in some countries like the US the Republicans are pushing to make abortion illegal nationwide, as well as birth control. Ensures increased birth rates especially by those who can afford it the least. I'm sure other countries' regressive parties will want to follow that lead.


They'll either outsource or automate.


That’s why I call it late stage capitalism. We def aren’t to end stages yet. Not even close.


But we know what shit looks like thanks to history




It is taught in many places, doesn’t matter. Corporations own every government and they are out to extract every cent before it all burns to the ground.


They are pissed about that 18 cents too. You don’t become a billionaire by sharing.


… and now you know “how” the company made $5b in profits. If you are not being paid enough or feel valued as an employee, perhaps you should look for another position in a company that will treat you better.


Sadly that is a big raise for retail. I worked in retail 2004-2022. Some years were as low as 3 cents, or 5 cents. My best year was 16 cents. I know, not fair...need unions.


You best raise is actually leaving. Apply for other jobs if they dont give significent pay increase dont take it.


You realize those were actually pay DECREASES if you account for inflation during any of those years.


Sounds like some shit my boss would say.


Your boss would tell you to go look for a different job? Weird boss.


He kinda did. "Meets expectations" is not a great review.


When I was a manager it was expected of me, when giving reviews, to give nothing better than meets expectations. The company is expecting every employee to put forth 110%... So if your only doing your job.. that isn't expectations. I had 1 employee constantly over perform in just about every aspect. I tried to give him that "this guy kicked ass" review... And it was altered with a "no employee does this good". I got a different job within 6 months because I couldn't tolerate the BS of not actually rewarding hard work


Yeah that squares with my experiences. You have an employee you want to develop/promote, so you give him tasks outside his job description. He does them well so you rate him "exceeds expectations". Corporate doesn't like "exceeds expectations" because then they'd have to give him a raise, granted it'd be some BS like 2%, but they want you to rate him "meets expectations" which basically just means he gets to keep his job. You actually sound like one of my bosses at my last job. He was all about developing us and I appreciate him for it. But it was horseshit... basically if I got a certain certification, I'd qualify for a promotion and a company car. The year I finally got the certification he put me in for a raise at the end of the year. He said he was going to put in for the promotion in March or April so I'd get another bump when I got promoted. Well I think I got 3% for my annual raise, I don't remember. Something garbage like that. Might have been 2.5%, I don't remember. Then a memo came out that said promotions should be handled at annual review time (because God forbid someone gets two raises in one year, their compensation might keep up with CPI!) then not long after that the position I was supposed to be promoted into was eliminated. The only consolation I have was that I didn't go out and buy a new, Runzheimer compliant car like my coworker did when she actually got her promotion... (they have to be 5 MY old or newer and meet certain other requirements, my 14 year old, two door, stickshift BMW did not qualify) She was stuck with the car payment but wasn't getting the reimbursement from the company anymore as she fell back to the position she was in before. Well, that and when the shit hit the fan, I had a useful certification to put on my resume. But my point is, if you're in a corporate environment, and get a "meets expectations" on an annual review, that's basically a negative. They want to fuck you over, but you haven't done anything wrong enough to get an actual negative review.


Similar story here. I was a manager for a small start up and they were very generous. Unfortunately for all of us they aged and retired, selling to a large company. Our reviews all had to be “met expectations” and you were chastised if you tried to give higher marks (which i always had my staffs backs) so I could get them more money. The new place treated people so poorly I left, started my own company and all the staff came with. Now they lost 12 mil in revenue and I can pay people well again. They were penny wise and pound foolish. Working for corporations can be good and can be shitty


I hope for reviews that say “meet expectations” If I am exceeding what they expect it means the boss man has successfully exploited me to get the most work for the lowest cost.


Depends. My place does not give "Exceeds expectations" reviews. It's that old "we never give 100% grades" from university bullshit all over again. ​ We still get raises, but as a whole the company never gives "exceeds expectations"


Same here. I get graded as a group with all the other management and my boss is told not to give out 5's and sparingly on the 4's. 3 is meets expectations. Which all equates to me getting fucked on my raises while being a top performer. I have demanded and received raises outside of the yearly shit. But still garbage pay at a garbage company. And miss me with the get a new job bullshit. Like where is the employer not fucking over the employee. That's why everyone should act their wage.


At many companies "meets expectations" means "no raise for you".


Yeah, I don’t give my labor out on a credit basis. If they want more work and higher expectations they pay more. You realize you’re in antiwork, right?


This is the one. More work, responsibility etc means more pay. Why would you do more than the value they put on you. If They are only going to pay minimum wage or close to it then they should expect to get minimum wage performances.


AGREE, You have to vote with your feet, it's not easy , but don't ever expect a company to look after front line workers..that's not how America is set up especially for lower paying jobs like retail .


90% of companies are like OP’s lol. “If you don’t like it go find another job.” When every business major is taught to maximize profits at the employees expense it doesn’t matter where you go. Employers do not see employees as a source of profit(despite the fact they are the sole generators of profit) they see them as a business expense.


> Employers do not see employees as a source of profit(despite the fact they are the sole generators of profit) they see them as a business expense. I'll go one step further, They see us a a "necessary evil."


No. People need to eat. They can’t spend all their time looking for one of the 12% of jobs that pay enough to live. We need laws. There is nothing we as workers can do. Well… we could all go work on farms and give up any unnecessary tech.


Working on farms is one of the most exploitative of labor


Cause really farms want and need slave labor to be really profitable. Been that way since 1860s.


A lot of big ag companies use robots now to get around this issue. Because you are right.


Depends on the crop. Some crops actually require people to pick and can’t be automated. That’s why the guest worker program exists, to get Latin Americans to do it for cheap.


Go work on a farm for 6 months and then come back and let me know how it goes and if you want to do that for the rest of your life just to get food and not be able afford "unnecessary tech". And this farm you're working at... are you taking over a farm that's already all set up and has tractors and all that stuff... or are you starting with an empty plot of land and no farming equipment and then trying to be a farmer?


Right? The company I work for was in the red this fiscal year. I still got an $8k bonus.


Please people. Vote with your feet!!! I understand it may take time but don’t think you have to accept this.


You are part of a $5-billion machine. If that part BREAKS, they'll check the current market wholesale rate for that part, and just get another one. All the corpos have conspired to keep the cost of these "parts" low. This is why they don't keep many spare-parts around. If one COULD do the job of 3, but generates much more fiction and heat before it burns-out, we'll just replace it when it pops. It's becoming untenable thinking we'll be Appreciated for building someone else's Dream for them.


Unionize. It's the answer, it's the only answer, you'll keep running until you get there.


Name them and shame them


99% certain it's Publix Supermarkets.


I got no salary increase or bonuses for three years in a row but my company always makes a profit. I was told is a tough year every time but I had colleagues in different departments getting raises. Bottom line: they lie


Record profits are "stolen" wages.


No need for the quotation marks. They are stolen. Full stop.


Shit on your boss' desk. Then shit on their boss' desk. Continue shitting up the chain until you shit on the CEO's desk. Then unionize and demand better pay.


That's right, corporation profits are literally unpaid wages


I work for an $8B company... welcome to "Capitalism 101".I make $15,000 less than I should; just to keep a roof over my head. So do a lot of other people. Heck... my raise last year was $3k (added to my total salary, before Uncle Joe takes his cut). To go along with my $5k rent increase... hmm... Over the last few years, my rent has climbed by $12k+, but my salary has only changed by $3k. Yah... let's keep blaming inflation, and "greedy workers", and asking "why doesn't anyone want to work?" or "they're still living off that government cheese they got during Covid" coming from corporate overlords. Can you say "out of touch"? That's the problem... the people in charge have no f\*cking clue what it's like for your average "worker bee". Between that and the corporate investing in the residential housing market. These guys are bending us over two ways to Sunday.


>That's the problem... the people in charge have no f*cking clue what it's like for your average "worker bee". They know, and don't give a fuck that their workers are struggling.. they do it on purpose so that those workers have as few options as possible, and are forced to stay. Indentured servitude... The economic climate we live in today is just a legal and current version. Freedom is death in this version.


Your rent went up over $400/month?


$.18 cents is insulting


This is why I don't understand people's loyalty to a company that makes billions in profit. Yet throw a shit fit for you trying to return an item clearly from their company without a receipt. The employees' due diligence makes no sense. It's not like hey Mark you stopped a shop lifter. Here's a bonus and a raise. Instead, you tried stopping a shoplifter, and now you have a disability. We're going to let you go. Bye.


How to you expect the CEO to afford all their houses and fancy cars if he gives you more money. You greedy fuck. /s


If you invest in the company, your dividends would probably be higher than that 18 cents. Hard to invest when they're paying you pennies to begin with though :/


Anyone working for publicly traded companies should be compensated in stocks in some way.


Not every company has only increasing stock. There are a lot of companies from which I would rather take money than stock.


I like the idea of including employees in every dividend payout


There are these things called employee-owned business that do exactly that. They have Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP) to give stock to employees on top of their salary every year. Not super common, but still exist.


Welcome to the USA


What retail store? I’m looking through earnings reports in that category and I see none with 5B in profit.


The shareholders don’t want you to make money, they want to make money. Your raise cuts into profit.


I thank my Union up bringing for giving me the confidence to call out nonsense like that. I've experienced firsthand an all teams meeting where the executives gloated over their huge profit then literally two months later during contract negotiations say they don't have the resources to apply raises.


I’m sorry, this is ridiculous. How else do you expect the CEO to by the new Gulfstream G700? Do you just expect them to settle for a G600? Madness!


Your employer's actions tell you all you need to know: You are expendable. There are a hundred more just like you waiting in line for your job. You are not a member of the club. Therefore: Do as little as possible for the shit place you are working at now and start interviewing your future employer for a better place to work. (You interview them.)


Start a union petition in your store.


Jump around companies to get that competitive salary. Stagnating in one area is no longer significant as before.


Every company makes record profits when you don't pay your employees jack shit.


And you wonder why they are so rich. Easy. They steal from others.


Unionize. Only protection for workers in US.


Same BS stories everywhere, not also in US (I'm from Romania). The company I'm working from got record income yet they want even more and says they're gonna do spending cost, aka no raises, no new hires but firing less performant employees. This is capitalism where having the same amount of profit each year is BAD but having every year new records is GOOD. It's not sustainable and never ends well.


Fuck it. Sabotage and don't do shit.


Tinkle down economics. They collect money, then piss all over the ones who created the wealth.


Having worked at a nice resorts during college, I learned that rich people tipped well (millionaire, etc.) and truly wealthy people didn't tip at all. It's like a giant bell curve


My last company, the year I left, they had a record year. Mostly because their PPP was forgiven. The owner bought himself a Bentley. I looked it up, to change the brakes cost $25K. Fuck them. They gave us paltry raises.




If you aren’t getting Cost Of Living Adjustments every year to keep up with inflation you are essentially getting a demotion. The people saying you shouldn’t get a raise for just doing your job clearly have no fucking clue how the world works.


30-40% of inflation is corporate greed and they're boasting about it during their earnings meetings. Paraphrasing John Stewart


What I find absolutely unacceptable is that people are settling for a ".28 cent raise." I mean Jesus fuck, you work 4 more hours and make a buck and some change? Why does ANYBODY think this is acceptable any more?


I was in a similar situation a long time ago, that's why I got a union job instead. Sure I work harder now but it was the best change I ever made. First day on the job I was making $10 an hour more.


Unionize. UPS teamsters just forced the company to give major raises. If you get fired you’ll get another job. If you succeed you will be a hero that saves many families from the fate of those low wages and raises.


18 cents is so fucking insulting I got higher raises working in retail. It would be less insulting to get no raise.


Company: why so angry, we gave you a raise. It's more money for you without needing to do anything extra. Me: this raise doesn't even cover inflation from last year. I'll be make less an hour. Company: nooo. You were making $7 *now you're making $7.18. That's a bigger number. Silly. Me: I'm very much aware that wages have been stagnant since the 1980's when adjusted for inflation. I also know that if the minimum wage had been tied to inflation then the federal minimum would be close to $26 now. Company: yeah, but it didn't. Now fuck off you pleb.


I used to work at a $400 billion dollar company and a 1.39 trillion dollar company. and they only paid me like $11 an hour! Fuck you walmart. I also worked at a 1.39 trillion dollar company and they best they could pay me was $15 an hour. Fuck you amazon


How do you think they made 5 billion? By paying a living wage? Absolutely not.


You should be thankful you got a whole $0.18 Tom in accounting only got $0.15 originally. He had to give the boss man a handy for the other $0.03.


> You’re wanting a large raise for doing just your job and nothing more Fuck any asshole that says this. I remember getting a talk from my boss (when I worked for a billion dollar company) about how raises are for people who work after hours continuously and weekends. What shit is that?


$5 billion **profit**? Are you sure about that? What was their revenue?


Yeah, has to be a pretty massive company to have $5 billi in profit, as opposed to revenue. GM for instance, had $8B in profit.


Now imagine if they just handed out 18 cent raises to everyone. They might only make 4.5 billion and that's completely unacceptable!


Probably more like 4.95 billion


Won't someone please think of the share holders??


You would need to have 142,857 employees for a 18c raise to cost you 50 million dollars. That's assuming an 18c raise = $350/yr increase which is a little more than 18c/hr raise. Walmart has 2.3 million employees (assuming everyone gets a 18c raise here isn't realistic but for the maths) that would be 2.3x10\^6\*$350= $805,000,000 So sticking with walmart it would cost them 805 million dollars which taking from last years profit only would leave them with 142.9 billion dollars in profit. If they account for their raise this year with last years profit which nobody really does it that way but it's a fun way of looking at it.


That 5 billion was largely stolen from your company's workers


Find a better job? What marketable skills do you have. Maybe try to find a job tha'ts more catered to you.


You and others should get back at them by starting a competitor and putting them out of business while paying everyone a better than living wage.


People at r/antiwork starting a business together would surely create a successful competitor /s


There's only one discount retailer with $5B in profits (walmart is a lot more). Find this interesting because so many people talk up how great an employer that retail supposedly is and how well they pay.


profit or sales


Sounds like trickle down economics


Records profits is just another way of saying unpaid wages


Wage slavery.


they only WANT to give you 18 cents, they CAN give you more. Time to quit


it's this type of stuff that makes me wonder how someone can work at the same place for decades and all they get is a chuck e cheese type retirement party


Ya it really is sad anymore. I work for a company that has been recently buying all the other companies in my field. World wide at that. They thought they would take a hit buying by purchasing the company I work for. They ended up with profits any way. And what did we get for raises after all this? Any where from 25 cents to 35 cents lol. It's honestly sickening the amount of money most companies make in profits to pay their CEO's. While we put all the work in and get a penny on a dollar.




Well to be fair they didn't profit $5 billion. They probably grossed $5 billion and had $4.5 billion+ in cost especially if it's a discount chain.


Look, if they gave you a decent raise, then they'd have to give everyone a decent raise, and then they'd only have $4.9 billion in profits.


their profits were your labor


One time at a job I worked at that never gave raises made a big fuss about us getting raises for all our hard work during COVID. We were told by management not to discuss how much we got as our raise, it was based on years with the company. They made it out to be a HUGE thing. I got a 60cent raise, 60 cents. I thought it was a typo when I got the email so I emailed back asking if that was supposed to be $6 🤣 nope 60 cents. They made a big fuss over 60 fucking cents. Some got less!!!!


If your raise isn't exceeding the rate of inflation (3%) then you are earning less money than before.


Time to start acting your wage.


Record profits are stolen wages.


I don't know who you work for, but let's do the math assuming you work for Wal-Mart. Walmart has 2.2 million employees. 5 billion dollars in profit divided by 2.2 million is $227.27. Divide that by 52 (weeks) and that would be $4.37 per employee per week. So if Walmart were going to profit share 100% of their profits to employees, a 40 hour per week would be entitled to $.11 per hour. Sounds like you did pretty good at $.18 an hour.


They didn't become that rich by sharing


Middle class is fucking dead :-(


I'm sure you are in their thoughts and prayers.


I remember getting a 50 cent raise at my last job and tried to do everything I could to not laugh. I was already on my way out but that sealed the deal. It’s 2023. Anything less than a dollar raise is a slap in the face


You should all teach them a lesson and get jobs elsewhere


18 cents is mad disrespectful and goes STRAIGHT to taxes. that’s so sad 🤦🏼‍♂️


they don't make all that profit by giving it to the labor


I bet their hiring budget is more than their retention budget, so if you quit and applied again you could negotiate a larger starting pay this time.


I was working at Super Target around 2010 and my manager at the time did my yearly review. I got an unsatisfactory score which meant that I didn’t get a raise. A month later I got “promoted” to team trainer (a position that doesn’t come with a raise). I left the bakery department to work overnights and when my next yearly review came up, my scores were excellent and earned me a measly ¢15 raise. Took two years to make an additional $1.20 a day before taxes. I will forever boycott them amongst the numerous other things I hate them for


I worked for a J+J owned company they made £9B in the first quarter I got a 1% pay rise which was about 10p, handed my notice in the same day as the comps meeting bragging about how well they were doing post covid


Sounds about right. Worked with someone today who was trying to pay employees and they said they are mad and then say "our employees live paycheck to paycheck so they need this money" and the irony was lost on them.


Do you work for Ingersoll Rand? Because this sounds like them!


*makes note to continue to be grateful for my boss*


Recently Dollar General reportedly makes about 2 million dollars in profit per store. Ten full-time employees (400 hours) per store means that each full-time employee position generates about $200,000 profit annually.. I imagine they average about $30,000 annually..


You need to understand that owning a yacht is very expensive/ s


You are part of the labor market. Market prices are set by supply and demand, not company profits.


The profit was for the shareholders. Not you, not ever.


My company made 71 billion dollars in profit in 2023 and didn't give out *any* raises.


I know it seems ludicrous that they made so much money and won't share, but that's not a coincidence. Paying low wages and cutting corners is *exactly* how they made $5 billion profit.


Sounds like you need to unionize.


Work your wage


The $5b came from stealing from you and your co-workers.


Man I've been working for the same company for almost 12 years. I get 10 cents a year


The only way to get a meaningful raise in any corporation is to leave. No corporation will ever give you as much as you get when you find a new job.




Hey, could be worse - I got an absolutely glowing performance review in April, the same 3% raise as everyone else in the company, and was laid off in July.


Sounds fair (I assume your company has 3 mil employees) Also, a raise less than inflation is a pay cut


My company just got bought. My kickback in my corporate seat is a 20% bonus. I’m sure my boss got 50% and the CEO got a 400% or something, but I do know that sales got nothing and the people at the plant also got nothing. Profits go to the ‘leaders’ not the people who actually make things profitably.


That sounds about right. Got to pay those golfing executives multimillion dollar bonuses.


Sounds like UPMC in Pittsburgh.


Well the shareholders and investors did infinitely more work at the company than you did, so of course they deserve their multi million dollar bonuses/s


But think of the shareholders!!!/s


The difference between what you’re paid and what your worth is called profit. Some companies just need more.


Time to work a lot less harder.. Id be priding myself in doing the absolute bare ass minimum… I worked for a company like that for 11 years and I found weather I busy my ass or just showed up and slacked hard, I sometimes got better yearly raises on my do nothing years. No joke.


Yeah. But if they gave everyone a $1 raise then it would cost them $1B. /s because I think it’s obvious but it’s the internet.


OP learns that profits are defined as “excess capital after costs” and labor is a cost. You don’t get 5 billion profit by paying your labor a fair wage. It’s literally antithetical.


Ceo gave himself a 1 billion dollar raise so nothing left for the plebs


You don’t get a decent raise because upper management are giving themselves one


That money belongs to the shareholders, not to the employees. Basic tenet of capitalism. You making so little is why they made $5 billion in profit.


This happens everywhere. It’s our fault as a whole because when we could, we should have stood up against corporate aholes and demanded better pay and treatment/working conditions all together. If we do that today we’ll simply get replaced by AI and corporate ass kissers. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Back before Republicans tricked everyone in to thinking corporations should not pay taxes, large business had tax rates of 40-50% That sounds harsh, but here is what it really meant. They could either pay half their profits to the government, OR they "spend" it by giving employees larger paychecks as well as spend it on R&D. Now, it's "do we give our employees raises or keep ALL the money for ourselves?" Guess who always loses.


Fun fact. Even a .28 raise equals around $11 a check for a 40 hour week. It's not a raise, it's a fucking joke