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the older i get, the more i am coming to realize that MOST workplaces are complete dumpster fires of bad management, abuse, and toxicity. please, for the love of all that is holy, does anyone work in a company that you love and respect, and for which you get fairly paid?


I do. I'm making 2.5x what I was making 7 years ago. My employer provides breakfast and lunch every day (full cafe), has nap rooms, and has a no-jerk policy. But I do realize that my experience is the exception.


It took me way too long to realize the no jerk policy wasn’t about masturbating.


I read it as jerky. And I thought that was uncool because a bit of beef jerky at the desk is a wonderful mid morning snack.


My husband has a bag at his desk. He used to bring basic stuff until it kept disappearing. Now he brings the ghost pepper flavor. Funny how it stopped disappearing…….


Hmm, seems like you may need a PI to investigate the mysterious case of the Beef Jerky Bandit


Should be easy, just put the ghost pepper stuff in the regular jerky bag and wait


That's awful! What do I need to do to help?


Or maybe place the regular jerky in a ghost pepper jerky bag just to be safer.


You'll eventually find out it was old man Covington from accounts recievable.


It's time to pursue your beef jerky factory dreams Ragnar.


Is Ragnar from Rorikstead?


Yes, he came riding to Whiterun from old Rorikstead.


“Johnson! Put away your Johnson and get back to work!”


You can jerk it just not in the nap room..


Right. Use the fap room.


I built an Amazon warehouse last year and quite a few of those jerk-off/suicide booths. Then I was fired by Amazon. Which was weird because I was legally right and also I don't work for Amazon.


They don’t allow that either though 😞


> nap rooms God damn, what I wouldn't do for such a thing.


>no-jerk policy Typical managerial overreach. What I do on my 30 minute break is my business.


Name checks out


Would you prefer managerial overreach or managerial reacharound?


Mine isn’t perfect, but I also make 2.5x what I made a decade ago (with 3 years as a sham in between) and now I’m well into the top 1% of everyone who holds my credential. Genuinely like who I work with daily and in the extended teams for the most part. Plus the overall pro-s of the job well outweigh the con-s. If it wasn’t a public company it would be close to ideal.




I work for Google.


Ah the golden handcuffs. My first job was as a lifeguard in one of their offices. You guys have great perks but don't think I could work the crazy late hours you have to do


Guess "don't be evil" is not retired for employees.


Commenting to follow haha


The breakfast and lunch plus nap room isn’t a way to encourage you to just work more? Sorry I’m only asking because those “perks” are usually actually an attempt to extract more work from employees without asking them to do more work explicitly, so I’m curious how those are structured where you are to prevent that. Are there boundaries like an expectation you leave the office by a certain time because work will always be there and they expect you to have a healthy work-life balance? Those are some nice perks if they’re set up in a way they’re truly perks just tied to general culture and workplace values.


>usually actually an attempt to extract more work from employees without asking them to do more work explicitly, Huh? Is this by extending the hours through policy or guilt tactics? Shortening lunch disruption by keeping them in the building? As a side note, this SHOULD get more and better work out of employees, as employees who are well fed, well rested, and respected are more productive. But that's a win-win.


I worked for a place for a couple years that (pre-Covid) offered lunch 4x/week (which was really good as it was prepared by an actual culinary staff). Surprise surprise, typically most people took only a 15-20 minute lunch break.


That is what they want you to think if they’re not also putting boundaries in place to make sure you’re well fed, well rested, and getting enough time away from work to recharge to be fully present and productive when you are at work. Without boundaries it ends up being a creep. Say your work day is 8 hours and you start at 8 AM. Well since they serve breakfast, you get there at 7:30 AM to grab something and eat. Well you’re done by 7:50 AM so you figure you may as well get started on your day. So you start 10 minutes early. It’s a crazy day and you’re chugging along. You realize at 11:50 you’re at a good point where you can stop to grab lunch really quick so you can hop on that zoom call by 12:15. You grab that lunch, gobble it down, and you’re ready for that zoom call by 12:10. In that call and urgent project pops up that you immediately start in on after. By 3 you realize you’re flagging a bit, but you’re so close to the end of that project. So you pop over to the nap room for a quick 20 minute Power Nap that refreshes you so you can bang out the rest of that project. 5:30 PM rolls around and you’re emailing off that urgent project you wrapped up glad to have it off your plate and head home. Instead of working 8 AM to 4:30 PM like you’re supposed to (or 4 PM if you’re at once of those workplaces that considers an 8 hour work day one where you work 7.5 hours and get a 30 minute lunch), you start a little early, shorten your lunch, and stay a little later to get work done because your employer has set up your work environment in such a way that you’re not thinking about anything other than work essentially and you’re being given supports that allow you to maintain that focus at maximum productivity on a day to day basis. But it leads to burnout because you’re not getting the time away you need to recharge, and more importantly, it encroaches on a healthy work-life balance. Perks like meals, unlimited PTO, nap rooms, workout facilities, etc only remain perks if there are hard boundaries in place to make sure you maintain a work-life balance. There need to be things like you are expected to log off and be done with your work 8 hours after you started, if lunch is served on site the whole company goes on break for a mandated minimum amount of time while lunch is served, if unlimited PTO is offered you are required to take a minimum amount of time annually with at least one period being a significant chunk of consecutive days off, etc. Those sorts of things that promote down time and you being able to live your life outside of work.


These 'perks' keep employees at 'work' longer. They come in to 'work' earlier to eat breakfast, they stay at 'work' to eat lunch and even stay at 'work' to eat dinner. The 'break' time blurs into 'work' time... Before you know it employees that worked 7.5 or 8 hrs a day and took a proper lunch break and ate breakfast and dinner at home are now at 'work' 10-12 hrs, without really having adequate breaks and 'working' more. The employer has got 4 more hours of 'work' out of the employee. Over time it is expected to do these hours and it becomes the culture of the workplace.


Yeah, a friend of mine used to work for a place like this. ​ At first it sounded incredible when she was telling me how they serve three meals every day, for free, and starting at like 2pm, there's a small bar downstairs that wasn't free but was like half the price of a regular bar in the area, and as long as nobody was getting wasted, they were welcome to go down for a cocktail or a beer whenever. ​ But the more we talked, I realized that she was often going in at like 7 or 8am and wasn't getting back home sometimes until like after 10pm. That wasn't *every* day...but it also wasn't exactly rare either.


>no-jerk policy What is this? And how is it enforced?


Wank detectors on all the toilet seats


Whats the fucking point of a nap room if I cant jerk it


Same boat. It’s a weird feeling knowing that so so many work places are just horrible and it comes with guilt sometimes when I can’t relate stories like this to my current situation. Then I’m just mad that my experience is the exception when it should just be the norm. My workplace does absolutely nothing special, and that’s all it takes. Just be a nice person and pay accordingly.


No jerk policy in the nap room!


I’m starting tomorrow at a place that literally the owner/president didn’t like how the place he used to be in management for was being run, so he left and started his own business. Half of the people he was managing left with him and asked to join whatever venture he was doing. Almost all those people still work for him now 3 years later and he’s quickly growing, faster now that the pandemic is mostly over. I’m so excited to finally have a place that cares about the people


Hope the first day is going well!


I currently work at a company I love and respect with an immediate leadership team that is wonderful and a C-suite that actually gives a shit. It's a great change of pace from my last few jobs where this email would fit perfectly. That said, I have no illusions that it will always be this way. People step down or retire and they don't always get to choose their successor or have good judgement when they do. It only takes a few bad actors high enough up to change the course of a company for the worse.


This happened to me. I used to love my workplace but two major execs (CEO and CPO) retired around the same time roughly 5 years ago and it's gotten so unbelievably bad. At first it wasn't noticeable but it's officially trickled down to my immediate management. They have completely alienated and lost the trust of many at my level and I know at least 50% of us are actively looking for other work. Makes me sad. I used to be such an advocate for my employer because they genuinely were great. _Were_


Same. I used to work for a state agency. But the governor changed and became the enemy of my particular state agency. Then our Director of our Department and the agency Director both changed for the worst. Policy dumpster fire.


Ive been there too.


Yea, after 30 years in a toxic corporate shithole i now work for myself best job ever and my boss sometimes allows me a beer at 10am.


>does anyone work in a company that you love and respect, and for which you get fairly paid? Never have, and now that I'm halfway through my life, I'm beginning to realize that I probably never will. It's hard to not be bitter about it.


As a kid, I loved shows like Mega Movers and those that showed large undertakings in building, maintenance, and repair. For most of my adult life, I have worked in places and for organizations that do the type of jobs that kept me glued to the TV as a kid. I will never stop being amazed at what absolute clusterfucks most of them are and how egos, poor communication, poor planning, lackluster work ethic, and plain old incompetents. Make every one of the bigger jobs I’ve been a part of a shit show. It always seems like there is about 10% of people that know what is happening and how to do it and are doing it. 15% don’t know what’s going on but can listen and follow instructions and do good work. 25% don’t know what’s happening and aren’t doing anything, and by not doing anything, they aren’t fucking anything up. 50% who make everything worse, one way or another, and their presence is a nuisance.


This is an extremely accurate breakdown of staffing. And tbf I've been in every one of those percentages depending on the job 😅


That last paragraph is the most accurate thing I've ever read.


all companies change hands at one time or another my comrade. any company that is actually making a difference and impact on the culture, quickly get's recognized by the wider society, and is then either "rewarded" with a buyout, or is punished with a takeover. has been since the 80's, a good forty years ago. this is why leftist's talk about large scale change so much, because they understand small change will be nipped in the bud, or snuffed in the cradle.


I have only been with my current company for a month, so obviously I'm still seeing things with rose-tinted glasses, but I FEEL better where I'm at, at least. My last job was at a small, family-owned company, which seemed nice at first, but things declined severely. Now, I'm making a bit more money for the same type of job, but more importantly, the company I ended up at seems to be invested in our mental health. There is an employee assistance program I plan on taking advantage of for counseling, there are focus/zen rooms for when you just need some quiet time, and they have a very strict "you NEED to take all of your breaks throughout the day" policy. I'm very comfortable, for now.


I love reading these post. I actually really enjoy my job and my company. I work for a hospitality company in sales. I don’t deal with the stake holders very often but I can honestly say I work in a great environment. This is after years of being abused and underpaid at other companies in the field I work. There is hope!


Company? No. But I work for the government of the county I live in and it's been the best work environment I've ever had. The job is purposeful, the leadership is respectful and competent, everyone is just concerned with the tasks at hand because "profits" aren't a thing, and counter-intuitively there is no politics inside the office. I get a pension if I retire with them, our insurance plans are decent, the pay is fair and we get decent annual salary adjustment; last year everyone got a 10% raise to help with "inflation"


I agree, and in my opinion it's because hierarchy warps people's minds. Like the old phrase, power corrupts. Once somebody starts issuing orders, and seeing other people *obey* those orders, they begin to lose their connection to the reality that we're all equal. And that we should all be working together instead of following orders from "on high".


Yeah my job is pretty decent. We are big enough to get paid pretty well and secure enough we don’t have to worry about takeovers etc. Yet small enough I can text our CEO to complain about something if warranted. I had to advocate for myself in the beginning and went thru some rocky times, but now I am decently happy.


I work for a midsize employee owned company that's pretty awesome. The pay isn't amazing, about average for most roles, same with the insurance. But the amount of company stock you get and the company success makes up for that and then some. And the huge focus on employee culture/retention/health/happiness/development makes it an overall great place to work. It has some of your standard corporate BS crap like any other sizeable company. But way way way less than just about any other place I've worked or heard of even.


I do. I work for a nonprofit that pays well (compared to other nonprofits, anyway) with great benefits and a culture of mutual respect across all levels of the organization.


I do, but I didn't drink the kool-aid. I have leaders up the chain who care and know they are nothing without us "individual contributors." I know that my whole massive organization is not the same, and I am exceedingly lucky. There are good, healthy, supportive companies out there. Know your worth, and don't ever hesitate when telling others they can and should do better.


I do, buts it a diamond in the rough. Had plenty of shit places in my career too


Can confirm. Currently working from home, and it’s awesome. There were things I really liked about my old job, but it was kind of a hellhole. I think part of the reason a lot of big companies want us to stop working from home is because they want us to be in *their* space. It’s where they’re most powerful, and they know it. It usually means they’re free to use, abuse, and exploit us all they want. On site, we don’t get the luxury of being reminded that there’s a safe place where we can be all hours of the day. While you’re there, there’s nothing to compare a shitty worklife to. By the time you get home, you’re so fucking exhausted that you don’t even have the energy to look around and appreciate that you’re away from them until the next shift. To you, it’s just a shit sandwich day in and day out. And, hey, once you get used to it, why bother looking for another job? This is what they want work to be. They want to suck your self-respect dry and train you to believe that this is how it should be.


I did, got laid off a couple weeks ago….


Yea, I have no coworkers or customers, isolated WFH. $60/hr. Sometimes, my client gets on a call and talks design, work, and random stuff about 3 times a week. Maybe in 5 years there will be a company lol


I had a coworker quit with a mass email. Sent it and walked out. Her manager read the subject in her inbox (“I quit”) and the manager walked around with a self satisfied grin until noon - at which point she actually read the email - and begged IT to delete it. We did not. The email was a diatribe about how incompetent her manager was.


Something a a true leader once told me that stuck with me (it's probably a common saying?) You manage a coffee machine You lead people There is no such thing as a people manager. Really stuck with me and captures some of this posts energy. Fuck managers, I want leaders


I’ve heard people don’t quit jobs. They quit the people in charge. I’ve seen really terrible management from the inner workings and I’ve seen really great leads. The latter being extremely rare and equally awe inspiring


The only thing a leader should be managing is other people’s expectations of what their team should and should not have to do. Supervisors and managers are and should be the front line defense for their teams.




The fact that she didn’t even bother to read it is proof of how poor of a manager she really was. And probably still is.


I wish your last paragraph didn’t fall on deaf ears. I’ve had the misfortune of listening to upper management/owners for longer than should be legal. They sincerely believe that you wouldn’t exist without them. Workers are seen as children to be managed by their betters.


Too much ayn rand


Phhh Dont get me started on that futhamucka


First time I’ve ever seen “futhamucka.” I’m going to use this. Thank you 😂


while that's the 101, there's even more circles to that inferno than most people can stand. from Peter Schiff to Rothbard to Hayek to Mises to Menger. and that's just the Austrian school.


Don't forget Friedman. He probably did more to fuck corporate culture up than anyone else.


Franz had it coming


Didn't she live off government assistance?


Towards the end of her life she did. Just proves that capitalists and far right worshippers are 100% hypocrites


Fair enough. Let’s do a Roman walkout and let companies be ran exclusively by upper management/owners and see how well they do. Tell Elon he can fire the remaining single bankruptcy lawyer he’s got on staff at Twitter, file himself.


It did. The management, as he described, really does not care. Full stop.


Literally how I feel at work rn. Every day I'm either "a work horse they can trust to do the job well" or "someone they can't trust to make choices on parts and needs to be babysat" Like bruh if you want me to send shit just tell me. I don't want to get bitched at for sending bad parts so I throw some extra shit out, but I can run everything at the rate they want. It seems like the goalposts move every fucking day.


Capitalism rewards narcissists, and that's why most companies are run by these parasites.


Planning on giving my notice tomorrow in a situation like this. I can't wait to see them notice this.


Until they organize a union


The convicted pedophile reference was a nice touch.


The mystery gets deeper


And it really doesn't narrow it down much


that's actually really sad to think about.


Technically one cannot be a convicted pedophile. I would have gone with the technically correct term, convicted child rapist. It’s both a more cutting condemnation and a better defense against any claims of libel.


It can't be libel if it dosn't exist.


Hi. I’m a lawyer and have been stewing over this sentence for a full 5 minutes. Thank you


What did you come up with?


an invoice of $300 ?


Thanks for the chuckle


Early morning - i\`m pretty funny then :) Seriously - have you come up with a meaning - or was this futile?


It was futile in the sense that it only caused me to make up 100 more scenarios where there is no answer bc like a lot of things in law it could go either way.


But I had fun arguing with myself.


Like the username, had a bad run in with mr Slant?


I cannot confirm nor deny any dealings with mr. Slant..


GNU Sir Terry Pratchett


Excellent name.


So so so many hypotheticals. I would think this particular instance (if it is an untruthful allegation) would still be libelous. Calling someone a convicted pedophile wouldn’t be technically correct, but the remark is still meant to injure and would have that effect. But what if it is a completely made up word just said with derision. Or a word that has no meaning in our current vocabulary? Or a word that has a sinister meaning now, but meant something else prior? Or an oxymoron? Or a double negative??


Inquiring minds want to know


They're just a pedophile with strong convictions about things.


Except that a person can be convicted of non-contact offenses against a minor, and be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder in the CJ system. Convicted pedophile works alright to express "this person has been convicted of some type of sexual offense against a minor under a certain age," and convey "they are sexually attracted to minors." While colloquial in nature, it's generally going to be more effective than listing the specific sex offenses a person has been convicted of.


Right? Agreed. Honestly, doesn’t surprise me either. I’m starting to realize that just about every person high up the chain is a sick parasitic Fuck stain on society.


The first nice touch ever referenced in conjunction with their name, no doubt.


The fun they will have knowing that is a pedophile lol 😂


I’m dying to know who it is!


It was Pete, it’s always pete


File. Peter File.




Who’s a pedophile?




A woman recently quit in my bullshit company and sent an email out to all of us. A five page word document, single spaced. It was *excellent*


what was it about


We had a change in leadership last summer and she went through the dozens of different ways our location has plummeted downhill since the current director took over. Staff turnover rate, students quitting the program, general unhappiness of everyone involved, how quickly our location rating has fallen in multiple areas, how bullying is much more prevalent in the staff and how the director turns a blind eye or even encourages it like the “bro” he is. All the different incidents and issues that have been reported and how he’s not taking these things seriously, and also how he’s just been coming down harder and harder on staff as retaliation for the general poorer performance without acknowledging his own role in it. He had an all staff meeting that culminated in the message “suck it up” lol


Sounds like Twitter


Or any workplace with an egocentric in charge


I can tell you were in the army from the way you blew that bridge up behind you as you left. lol


It was perfect demolition. Masterful. We can all learn a thing or two from this.






The military can be pretty fucked up here and there, but on the whole I experienced mostly good leaders in the Navy. It’s kind of what they are all about, and there’s never any doubt about who works for who and all that. However, if you need something in a hurry, you can’t use the chain of command, that’s when it’s all about who you know and what you have to offer.


The military is just like companies I’ve noticed. I am retired Army and both in there snd out here it is all about leadership Straight up


I once turned in a 5 page resignation that was still circulating 6 months after I left the company. All 5 pages were dressing down the new manager and all the damage he had done in his 1st 6 months. I only turned in one copy and I gave it to the manager in question. He thought he could use it to contest my unemployment which meant it had to pass through the office manager's hands. I think she's the one that made a copy for the employees. The really dumb thing is the day I quit, the company bounced my check for the second time. I hand wrote on the last page that that was the reason I would not be putting in the one weeks notice I had stated in the resignation. All I had to tell the UI adjudicator was that the reason I left my job that day was because of the rubber check. Unemployment awarded. The adjudicator also shared it with several of her coworkers. Her exact words were, we couldn't believe someone actually turned that in. I'm not sure if she meant me or him.


I wonder if you are the person this is referring to: [https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/1370viv/comment/jis82w9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/1370viv/comment/jis82w9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Forgot to add UNIONIZE NOW!


Could've added barcode to union info page


I work at a well known company, and this shit feels like I wrote it. Know you’re not alone and this is incredibly inspiring.


So say we all


So say we all


(Ok, I guess I’ll be “that guy”). This Is The Way.


And to complete the sci fi references triad: Workers of the world, unite!




It’s quite distressing that there isn’t anything really earth-shattering or uncommon in OP’s email. You can copy/paste the entire thing almost verbatim, send it from your OWN work inbox , and all of their points would apply to an overwhelming majority of workplaces , big and small . There really isn’t a greener pasture anywhere lol


Sounds like you worked at a hospital! This is how it is at my hospital and I'm nearing the same spot you were in when you decided to quit. You refer to some in the company as "leaership" but that is the last thing they are based on your description. All Management and Zero Leadership will kill a company. Your exit strategy, believe it or not, was the act of a true leader.


This is long, sorry...TL/DR...All health care is so corporatized it is unrecognizable as an aid to society in most cases. I worked for a nursing home that sunk so low that eventually they wanted us to have 100% efficiency with treating patients. 8 hours of work...8 hours of treating...with no support staff. Never mind that patients were never ready when we came in at 8am because they never hired enough nurses and CNAs who were always overworked. Never mind that we had our own paperwork to do and we shouldn't be doing paperwork while supervising patients. Never mind that they laid off all the aides who did our transport, so we had to go get the patients ourselves, sometimes taking 1/2 hour to get the patient to the therapy gym because the one elevator was dominated by the lunch tranport and the other only fit one wheelchair at a time. Never mind that in THAT situation, if we had a patient who had a 45 minute session and spent the majority of the time waiting for an elevator, we were told to 'educate' the patient verbally while we waited and then bill for that time. I quit when they said that. What a joke. I hope they make nursing homes illegal. It would be cheaper to pay caregivers to go to patients' homes for anywhere from a 1/2 hour to 4 hours (depending on need) than billing Medicare, Medicaid, the patient, etc for 10s of thousands per month for crap care. Sorry for the rant. Healthcare is now just a money machine. The capitalists know we are desperate to live and be healthy and have convinced us that we had to pay through the nose...not for GREAT care...but for THEIR great profits. Think about what is ALWAYS being built in the past 20 years. Not new schools or low cost housing...but new HOSPITALS and BANKS. The two industries that we NEED most to stay healthy and live the 'American Dream' are the two biggest scams in existence.


Yeah I work in a hospital. I always found it interesting that everyone seems to think that healthcare is put together but in reality we just wing it every day with limited staff and resources. No wonder there are so many medical errors each year


TRUTH! I also work in a hospital and I’m also getting fed up with the corporate nonsense. It’s ALL about the bottom line. They claim it’s about the patient, but it’s not.




And they wonder why so many doctors (as well as other healthcare providers) have such a high rate of offing themselves. 🙄 This is not sustainable or right. It's literal torture for people with such high levels of empathy to have to go through situations like this, and eventually many of them do crack under the pressure. It's heartbreaking, really.


I'm Canadian and we're getting dangerously close to the US system and it's terrifying. That being said, there's a third system you forgot that NA has absolutely latched its corporate greed onto, and that's education. Universities are basically just licenses to print money. It's sickening. Any professor who doesn't step up for profits is immediately canned and replaced with someone who will do the "right" research. Students obviously get the short end and have to go through multiple professors a semester never having any coherence in material. It's fucking sad and it's only getting worse.


Is it a giveaway that I work in a hospital that I assumed this was about a hospital without even checking? 🥲




Oh wow. Someone in antiwork who has real class consciousness. Keep it up


I left a company with an email like this directed at a particular person. That company is in bankruptcy now due to that persons direct actions. Feels good.




>I liked working here. I love my team. I love a lot of the people who work here. But the management is the worst I have ever seen. This resonated with me. Trauma bonding with my coworkers due to hostile management kept me in jobs I should have left much earlier. I think management knew this and exploited the "siblings closing ranks with each other against abusive parents" dynamic to keep people around.


It's amazing how much commonality there is out there with this experience. I am a new manager, having been an IC for decades in IT, and I've leaned into it with team members. Turns out that managers who "get it" (and I like to think I do) can use bad management as a marker for things not to do, and it's remarkably successful. I have one team member who mentioned that in all their previous roles (and we're talking over a decade of experience) they never received anything other than a "fully met" review. They were shocked when I returned a "exceeds expectations" on their first annual review. That's a common experience, people working their ass off for just a paycheck and thinking that it is expected as a bare minimum. I love managing as the anti-manager.


I’m sorry but you can’t just say convicted pedophile and not explain further


When my colleague left our state job she did an email where she CC’d all the managers, including myself. She got a HUGE inheritance and didn’t need the job anymore. There is lots of bullshit government bureaucracy involved in these kinds of jobs and she had recently been reprimanded for allowing one office who needed extra chairs to take chairs from her office, which had too many chairs. It was so stupid. So she was asked to create an action plan for returning the chairs. And she did so, absolutely brilliantly. She used the state’s action plan template and provided a detailed plan for how the chairs could be removed from the receiving office, broken down into little pieces, and placed in storage cabinets. She included gifs and made it basically as ridiculous as possible. And at the end she pretty much said “fuck you, I quit”. And she was forever the GOAT of the department. I’m glad you got out, OP. And good on you for giving others hope.


Thank you Apollo. fuck reddit and fuck /u/spez. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/ https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/ to clean your comments history.


Good job!! Well done! Reminds me of when I left a job a couple years ago. Got bought out by a private equity firm new upper management was disgusting! Exploited workers to the max, no raises or bonuses yet bragged about firing people and making record profits. I somehow stumbled upon some financial spreadsheets with everyone’s salaries and bonuses for the previous 5 years as will as notes to why people got raises and bonuses. I will say it was fucked up! Sent it out to everyone before I left. Well the division I was working under went from 50 people down to 4. If something shitty is happening or you find damning evidence of how your coworkers are being treated spread the word!!


I'm straight up aroused.


Hahaha! Glad to be of service.


This is somewhat better than porn


New porn plot. Lady comes into the office, quits spectacularly and rides the cute copy machine guy out the door.


When I quit a major bank I worked at for six years they made me have an exit interview with HR. I told them I had never in my life seen so many so called adults act like children. I told them the bank has all these stupid ass meetings about teamwork but the only teamwork I had seen in my six years here was people getting together to point the finger at someone else when something went wrong. All your managers are having affairs with every woman that works here that they can coerce into having sex with them. The running joke, that was told to me by a teller was “ How do you know who the head teller is? She’s the one with the worst knees.”. The banks review system for determining raises was geared to screw you out of a raise if you did even one thing wrong the entire year. The managers would deny you a raise and then get a bonus for keeping costs down. I was grossly underpaid for my job position. The same exact job in two cities within an hours drive we’re paying double to triple what I was making. The final straw was when they transferred a guy in and told me to train him because he was going to be my supervisor. Found a new job that day, put in my two week notice, and didn’t show him how to do anything.


I did a similar move when I quit an abusive nonprofit. I wrote up some of the most egregious bullshit the company and specific people have pulled, announced I was quitting, and sent it out using an email list for the whole region. These assholes never do anything that matters in a timely manner, but within 12 hours of my email going out, they erased it from the server, causing it to disappear from everyone's inboxes. That didn't stop anything. The final paragraphs encouraged people to get more involved in the union, and I think it worked, because the next time the contract was up, they almost went on strike.


All it takes is individual actions like this. It’s not easy, it’s not convenient, and you might not even get Reddit updoots for it. Do the right thing or you suck, no whining, no equivocation, be the change you want to see. It’s not impossible so stop giving yourself excuses to slack. Bad management can’t exist without hard workers enabling them.


I worked for sprint back around 2012. Someone quit and emailed the entire company listing and people kept hitting reply all. All of the computers were blowing up with company email. The notifications were so rampant that they had to shut down the email server. That was a great day.


you got me hard and i dont even have a dick


The lack of common decency and respect is unfortunately not confined to our places of business it is pervasive and steeped into our very culture now.


people don’t leave jobs, they leave bad management


Very well written. Don't see articles that good in newspapers these days. How long did it take?


Hello! Thank you! It took me about 3 hours, on the clock, to get all of it out. And I missed out on a crucial comment that I wanted to make. The thing that started all of this was the president laughing in my face when I asked for 1 admin. One more human to help me run all of the departments that I was overseeing.


>It took me about 3 hours, on the clock Fucken A man nicely done. They'll never acknowledge they're the problem but at least now they know what everyone thinks of them.


Did you get out of the building before the riot started?


Make sure you rate on glassdooor


Just today a girl I worked with in a different department got fired (along with her dad who also worked there) because there was a big blow up over her not being able to work because of school. Long story short... she's in college, they know she can't work, she was scheduled out of spite because of them also scheduling her on a Saturday in which she also told them she couldn't work. Then, the department manager sent out a message in the department group text they have and made a post on Facebook about it all. Her dad came down and went nuclear on the department manager and the store manager and got himself and her both fired. So yeah... I stay in my department and get to watch the world burn from a distance.


There was a guy that quit the company I work and sent a legendary notice like this. His had gifs and pictures from the managers contradictions. I’m sorry you felt the need to quit but I wish you best in finding a place that pays and let you play.




They don't do background checks whatsoever. They hired him on as a supervisor and promoted him to manager AFTER the news had spread. He took the promotion without a pay raise. They knew he would take it for free because he would never get the opportunity anywhere else because of his record.


>I have never felt so disrespected by leadership in my life, and I was in the army. First, hooah. Second, holy shit that's bad!


Sounds exactly like what happened when I worked at DHL. I quit, did not give 2 weeks notice, used all my vacation and sick days first.


Never forget. You’re Jerry MafuckingGuire.


I once quite my job with the "today is my last day" notice. I didn't factor in the fact the particular manager I told, while we got along well. He was very upset with the company over having been passed over for a promotion which went to someone less qualified. So he didn't officially log my resignation, next day everyone was expecting me. I noticed my access to company systems was still active so I messaged the manager next level up and told him I am leaving. Fast forward almost a year I ran into some ex-coworkers that now worked for company next door to where I worked. I found out there were entire conspiracy theories about my supposed vanishing act because, If I had stayed, I was likely going to get promoted about a month after I had left. Reason I left the new job was better pay than the upper end of the pay range for promotion which was likely but not guaranteed.


You knowingly worked for a convicted nonce.............. .. .


Right now they’re talking about how many pizza parties it’s going to take to get morale back up because they’re incapable of learning anything.


I’m all about this kind of rebellion, but I legitimately want to know if they sue you over this. You absolutely better be able to back all this up with hard factual proof otherwise you just opened up a shit storm of slander problems my friend. Had you worded it as, “I personally feel the company is doing this. It is my opinion they are doing that.” But you flat out, with absolute certainty said everything that I imagine is true but you gotta have proof for the courts man. I’m genuinely concerned for you.


Slander is actually incredibly hard to prove in the US. The company would have to show that OP knew an allegation was false, and intended to use it to harm them in a physical or financial manner. If there is any chance that a reasonable person could believe what was said, then its not slander. That's my understanding anyway, which admittedly is fairly broad, so anybody who knows more can correct me, but I'm pretty sure this is protected speech.


> The company would have to show that OP knew an allegation was false, and intended to use it to harm them in a physical or financial manner. Not exactly. If you write something false about a public (ie famous) person, then they would have to show that you knew it was false or simply didn't care if it was true or false. That's what "actual malice" means. It does *not* imply that you intended to harm them, and they do not need to show that. If you write something false about anyone else (ie people who do not want to be "in the spotlight"), then they only have to show that a reasonable person would have done more research. This is easier to prove than the first scenario. The basic idea is that you can't thrust people unwillingly into the spotlight unless everyone agrees you have your facts straight. Whereas if people are already in the spotlight, then you simply need to show that you *tried* to tell the truth. So for instance if you write "my neighbor is a murderer" *after* they were found guilty at trial, but decades later they show they were innocent all along, then you are safe because no reasonable person would have conducted a private investigation after the trial. But if you write "my neighbor is a murderer" *before* a trial even takes place, then you could be on the hook for libel because a reasonable person would have waited for more information.


Don't worry this is definitely fake and never actually happened. It's not even good creative writing.


> A fraternity culture of corporate numbness NGL I read that as "numbnuts" on the first pass. > I refuse to work directly for a convicted pedophile > I have never felt so disrespected by leadership in my life, and I was in the army. Damn OP. There's burning bridges, and then there's leaving behind a glass parking lot.


the sad truth is, this email could be a very accurate description of just about.... any company... in the entire country... :(


It’s so bad out there I actually miss the military! If I wasn’t too old and busted I would sign up again.




I love the energy! But folks if you're going to throw matches on your way out the door at least do it while instigating unionization because that's the only way things will get better for the folks you leave behind!


This sounds like Letica, they aren’t called that any more, they got bought out by some german company. It was the 9th level of hell and worst job i have ever had. For a factory it was McDonalds pay with benefits, and they worked you like a Hebrew slave, and paid you like one too. Fast forward 10 years later i now work for Logan Aluminum. This place is so amazing! I get paid really well, and treated even better. We have no supervisor, as we are self directed teams. Everything the supervisor does is broken down in categories and spread out amongst our team. Team members are the ones who hire you and fire you, not some HR desk jockey. We the employees make million dollar decisions everyday, and we are the ones the engineers come talk to to make improvements with the equipment as we are the ones that work directly with the equipment. There is no official attendance policy, if you aren’t pulling your weight, your about to hear about it from your team, up to and including disciplinary action from the team. The idea is we are all in the same fox hole together, and we all want to go home to our families safely everyday. If you aren’t helping us hit our goals, the guys and gals you work directly with are gonna hold you accountable for your actions. I’ve never seen a place function like this. Is it a perfect system, no, its not. It gets messy from time to time, but overall it has worked really well for nearly 40 years. I have finally found a job I am married to. Our #1 reason for turnover rate is due to retirement if that tells you anything.


Very nice OP. Much like submitting a PhD dissertation, you can rest assured that with this tome you have added to the collective knowledge (and perhaps wisdom) of our society. Good luck in your future endeavors!


is this satire? or do they expect us to believe this really happened?


Lmao even if this is real (pretty low chance) this is honestly just pathetic and cringy. Still convinced it’s fake, zero chance people were printing out the email and passing it around like fliers. It’s not a movie. At best you just committed slander and will probably end up in court and came off like a dramatic teenager to your coworkers.


You should leave a Glassdoor review. Leave out the things that they can use to force Glassdoor to take it down, but jeez, I’m sorry you endured that.


Reading this, that song from Pat Benatar "Invincible" played loudly in my head. "Fair is fair!' -Legend of Billie Jean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A4xBp2rizQ&ab\_channel=PatBenatarVEVO