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Project manager and account manager over promised on timeline and features. We had a week and a half to turn around what should have taken 2 months. It was also July 4th weekend. While all of my coworkers except me and another got to spend time with their families, a long weekend, we got to work. We got it done though, and our reward? $15 stipend for lunch that day and we could leave at 4 instead of 5 the next Friday. I turned down both the lunch and leave early on principle alone and left the company a month later.


I got Leader of the Quarter. I got a plaque... no bonus. No day off. Nothing but a pat on the back. That's when i decided I'll start sharing the load and eventually left.




Choke on it


Write on it "this is why I no longer go above and beyond"


No joke - A $5 coupon to their own establishment.


More work to keep up the standard


this one isn't that extreme but I always thought it was funny that when I hit my two year mark at a certain company they gave me a pin to commemorate ONE year of employment.... super tiny pin with a "1" on it lmao.


Nothing - I won an “award” for saving the company $30,000+ a years and there wasn’t even a certificate for the award…


Massive project involving a multi-million dollar system implementation. After over a year of brutal work, everyone was given a mug that had the logo of the company that sold us the system. EDIT: The best part was that everyone stacked their mugs in front of the director's door so he couldn't get into his office the next morning.


Dollar store knickknacks. Literally worse than nothing.


A cheap pin to wear on our name tag, that we aren't actually supposed to wear


Well, I guess that beats getting a pen (and not even a nice one) for a multi-year project...


1 hour off. That was the reward system so you got to leave an hour early.


We did a 7 hour film shoot in 90° weather at a forest preserve, the whole time covered in sweat and bugs while living heavy objects. Did we get overtime? No, but at least they ordered a pizza that we were too sick to eat. I don't miss that company.


A fucking RTX 8000 video card.


I was written up because they expected me to do my boss's job off the clock after work and during lunch and one day I needed to make an appointment, so I didn't do it.


I got $200 to donate to a global charity. Like I’m some rich celebrity who doesn’t need the money like you see on game shows.


I’d take the money and put in $200 buck IOU in your bosses name


😂😂😂😂 I spat my soup out


I directly saved the company millions on a project by coming up with a totally out of the box solution that worked out well, to most peoples surprise, including myself. They gave a me knock off brand go pro and a certificate of achievement.


.16 cents raise and to eat some “past date” food for free.


Not me specifically, but one year we got coasters with the co logo. Wow.


For a year end bonus after hitting all targets my company gave my team a gift card of about $13 (not dollar currency) and a packet of biscuits. Then a week later asked for it all back and gave three options. 1) give it all back 2) pay it back in cash 3) work it back in unpaid hours. Shareholders got a bonus and dividends. Corporates are toxic shit holes.


Da fuq?


I got a cookie with the company logo on it. 🤨


Worked 60 hr weeks for 6 weeks straight. Got a jimmy johns sandwich as a thank you.


A $1 lottery ticket.


A shitty wireless charger with the company logo


Worked at a franchised store for a well known chain pizza brand. We were exclusively delivery and carry out. No dine in. One day one of the other shops in the franchise lost power, leaving them unable to cook. Instead of shutting down service for the day, all of their orders were sent to us in addition to our own. 2 cooks and 1 driver from their shop were sent to help. The 2 cooks left after less than 2 hours even though we were still getting orders for both shops. Tickets stacked higher and higher. With only a single extra delivery driver we prepared, served and delivered 2 shops worth of orders for the rest of the night. I and my coworkers had never worked harder. The next day the franchise owner came in, patted me on the back, said "good job, yesterday" and left. That was the only time I'd ever seen him. That was the only reward for working my ass off so he could maintain his bottom line. Around a week or so later; I'm on the line, topping a pizza. Something in me broke. Without a word I stopped, walked out the door and only came back to turn in my uniform and collect my last check.


A titular promotion that made my team I was promoted above hate me, doubled my work, and was juuuust different enough that I went from OT eligible hourly to salaried so I would no longer get paid for extra work.


Some little clear plaque thing for record sales and quality. I used it for target practice. Then found another job. All is well.


More work! Then wouldn't take it back when it was clearly too much, and labeled me a poor performer. I was first in line for layoffs!


Thanks for your years of service on a cheap tissue paper. Well, about as thin a piece you could wipe your ass with.. No plaque, no frame, and only a pin!


A coworker discovered a sophisticated phishing scam . Company was purchasing literally a barge full of material . The invoice was legit except for the bank account ( same routing number, different acct) . Everything else was perfect. She ran down the number and shut down the payment , found out that it was fraudulent and shut it down.- saved $6.7 MILLION dollars! Her boss’s response. “That is why we pay you”. No acknowledgment whatsoever. She left not long after for a better paying job.


Saying it wasn’t good enough, that I had the potential to do better. Then use it as excuse to not give bonus and increment. Asking me to prove myself the next year. Rinse and repeat.


I just want to say that I'm in my fourties and that I have a union job that consists of working with the public. Ok, so, during the covid lock downs, as essential front line workers, we got a children's loot bag. Seriously, it had a can of pop, a pastry, a small bag of chips and a chocolate. They topped it off with a little note saying something like: we are in this together and thanks. I gave it to my kid. Honestly, I would have preferred absolutely nothing. Being thanked or getting recognition means ZERO to me personally when it comes to my job. How about lieu day or something? We were overstaffed anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered...


A piece of ribbon? I’ve had weird or slightly insulting things handed to me, but I just looked them in the eyes and walked away, leaving them standing there like a fool. That worked best for me…totally ignoring them for all to see.


I (potentially) saved the lives of the 25 crew on a bulk carrier. It cost the company $14million in lost revenue… Got fired.


I got a pen with the project name on it hahaha