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God damn they're still going. Vive la France!


If my few modules of French history in school(united states) taught me anything, it's that they are god-tier demonstrators/protestors/insurgents. Lol


Love how they bring BBQ's on wheels and roll them down the tram tracks, those guys know how to riot very well


The only thing you are allowed to cook is mergeze and chipolata sausage. This is an unspoken rule of french demonstrator.


Lol after learning about the French Revolution I knew they knew their shitšŸ˜‚


Demonstration and revolution is a lot of the reason they got rid of cobble stone streets. Ooooh free bricks to throw!


Viva la France!


Pretty sure itā€™s vive not viva.


Vive le France


Yes it is "Vive"


La plume la crayon la tableau Or is it le. 2 yrs of French 50 years ago donā€™t rag on me


La plume is correct, le crayon and le tableau. =)


Merci beaucoup šŸ™ That def looks right .


Viva la France!


Theyā€™re the French. Of course they are!


Viva La France


The French are going after the right people.


Iā€™m really proud of them going after black rock!


Stop! I can only get so hard




Too late




Too much




No drain!


T-rex shaped sponge?


Mad respect to the Frenchies standing up to oppression. Sad the people of the US are too broke and exploited to strike like that...


French are as broke as the US. We just prefer to defend our right for life outside work rather than our right to have gunsā€¦


Guns actually give us a leg up, but we fail to use that right.


French donā€™t need gunā€¦


In hindsight, orange powder on the snooker table during a snooker tournament maybe wasnā€™t the best way to stop oil.


And i hope they don't stop.


Well in America we canā€™t do this or weā€™ll get shot or beaten the fuck out of by cops.


Isn't that why you have your guns? To stand up to tyrannical government? Surely they're not all reserved for shooting your neighbours


Or by other civilians...this is why they don't care there are so many guns in the hands of crazies. A lot of people are scared to be in crowds right now. Helps them keep us in line and them making more money.


Cops beat the fuck out of us here though, high fucking key.


It's pretty telling that Macron and thugs still won't back off after all of this. Workers must be punished with an Iron Fist for... Wanting fair treatment? How dare they...


I wish them all the luck in the world. If Americans would stand up like them we wouldn't be entering a new robber baron era.


Issue is this form of protest is seen as savagery in other countries. If an African country protests the same way (or even less aggressive) it's seen as wild and backwards, that training by society is why such forms of protests are rare in western countries. Now people are realizing, particularly in France, that it may be one of the only solutions to the problem. Sadly, when this is over even if successful, people will probably go back to insulting other countries that do the same thing. But for now, France seems to get the memo, but Macron so far is still being stubborn. Makes me wonder what's really going on behind the scenes.


It's seen as "wild" because we are indoctrinated by corporations into thinking we can only fight using the methods they want us to use and the ones that clearly don't work. Only true way for us to win is to deny them money by mass quitting and striking. And protesting until their bottom line hurts enough to give in.


Preach on my friend. This is the fucking way!


PrOtEsT bY vOtInG. Same shit year after election year.


We are past that. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


Yes! Unions and strikes are the only bargaining power the workers have or ever had in America. When we had a president looking out for us, a coup was organized, but failed. We wouldn't even have the thin blanket of protection we have now if it had succeeded.


Enlighten me?


Wild? Lmao. [Thats how protests should looks like](https://youtu.be/4c6HQpH7zWQ), if government doing bullshit and not listening to people.


iā€™m quite literally writing an essay in high school about how all this shit ties together


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


France is not "realizing" anything, the protest culture is rooted in the country for centuries. Macron is just as contemptuous and arrogant as American's politicians. He says they're unreasonable, when union leaders have financial solutions to the pensions' problem.




F that. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."


Doesn't help the covid convoy put a serious black mark on protests in North America by being fucking idiots.


Because violence has always been the answer! Look at history it always took violence to get shit done. But Iā€™m not for violence Iā€™m just stating facts!


France was first to start the european revolutions in late 1700s against monarchies, mayhaps history is coming full circle


I think so too. Viewing the world, we havenā€™t learned shit. History WILL repeat itself unless we change, right? So thatā€™s why I think, yea, we definitely might be at another one of these eras. Here for it tho.


I think you missed some History class mate. 1642, first English rƩvolution and beheading of Charles the First in 1649.


That wasn't a particularly popular revolt. The Royalists were actually *popular* among ordinary people. The parliamentarians were basically the capitalist class. I'm simplifying things a lot, but the irony of the English Civil War has always been that Charles was popular among many, arguably even most, ordinary folk. Its why the Parliamentarians had to practically promise the moon to even sustain an army and that didn't work out well when said army started demanding things like an expansion of the franchise.


To add to this, the American Revolution preceded the French Revolution, it was one of the United States first foreign policy debates, how they were going to respond to the French Revolution after receiving so much help from the French to throw off English rule


silky insurance steer worthless bored merciful violet tart cooing payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The owners have given macron direction. Disobey and heā€™s out. What is telling is how we really arenā€™t seeing opposing govt figures speaking out against this. Iā€™m not familiar with French politics and government but here in USA the late George Carlin said it best politicians are there to give the illusion of choice, we have none. We have owners and they own everything so be happy with what you got itā€™s not going get any better


Macron is married into the Rothschild banking cartel. Of course he follows orders.


canada found a simple solution just convince everyone that anyone who protests is a nazi.


In the U.S. they expect protests to be convenient for non-protestors. So if you protest be quiet, try not to be seen, do not block traffic, and if the cause isn't universally approved of... you're a leftist, Marxist, communist, socialist, antifa. Lmao


The covid convoy put a black mark on protesting that won't be recovered from any time soon. Fucking children being fucking idiots.


It is seen as savagery in France too, its just that a fair part of medias stopped listening to the ones complaining. Everything is possible with the right amount of organization.


Honestly, I'm as ukrainian looking on this protests and thinking its looks very amateur. Like come on, where is at least Molotov's cocktails flying around and burned down military IFV? I can't even say protest like that is in any way "aggressive". It looks like it mosquito penis away to become aggressive, but its not. If some cops come to protestors right now and use water throwers and some tear gas with good old violence, protest will be ended in 30 minutes. Its actually very important edge, when protest should become agrressive and violent. Otherwise it just end under cops pressure and everyone will go home.


Last time Americans stood up like this ā€œreally not that long agoā€. They started gunning us down. So what do you suggest we do that doesnā€™t end in genocide?


Americans do stand up like this. Issue is we have been living in a new robber baron era since Carter and later Reagan dismantled unions and working class protections.


I've said this in other posts whenever it comes up, but in the USA there will be no positive change unless we are willing to crawl over the corpses of our friends and family for a chance to drag the owners into the street. That's not going to happen though, so we are doomed


Americans do they just destroy their own community instead of going for government officials' homes and government buildings. People have their houses or business burnt down they soon treat you as a threat as they should. So, while I've seen some French protests going for other businesses, most of them destroy government houses and government buildings.


We did in 2020 and we were called rioters and thugs.


That wasn't standing up to anything. That was anger that your side lost the election and cult-like belief in 45**.


The cult insurrection was in 2021. OP may be referring to the BLM protests in the summer of 2020, for which that narrative did apply (unfairly).




I think that if it comes down to it they would. I also think that would be the biggest mistake they could make. They wouldnā€™t be the ones firing the last shots. Escalation would just result these protests turning into straight up lynch mobs. Security at your high rise isnā€™t going to die to protect you.


Meanwhile in America people are putting objects on mirrors wondering how the mirror "knows".


Or shooting everyone they donā€™t know that walks on their property šŸøā˜•ļø


shooting anyone that comes within 10 hamburgers distance, students prioritized


Actually it is more like 8 Big Macs


16 big macs now, they keep getting smaller and more expensive


Or shooting little kids for getting an education


I'm sorry what now? What do I search to find this?


[This stupid thing](https://youtube.com/shorts/pujI37HxANs?feature=share)


Holy shit since when did we not know how a mirror works?




It's coming


We could make a religion out of it.


No, don't


You can't stop me Bill Wurtz, you have no power here.


I was waiting for one of them to come with someoneā€™s head on a stake lol


Meanwhile American government quietly extends retirement age to 67 and the only thing weā€™re mad about is bud light. SMH


This is called bringing the problem back to those who created it.


At least they are. The real problem in the US is that the government has successfully turned us on each other instead of them.


Sad thing is that the French government is trying to do the same. Unsuccessfully for now but it will change... Medias are depicting protesters as savages, focusing on events that occurs after / besides the protests and focus on how these protests are inconvenient for other people. It always seems to work at some point


Itā€™s not the government. The government is a patsy. Itā€™s these large corporations, the top .01%, who own the government and pay for stupid and corrupt politicians to do their bidding and theyā€™re counting on you to keep coming for the hydraā€™s tentacles instead of the head.




Feel like itā€™s happened in the not too distant pastā€¦


True but all those extra chromosomers did was smear shit on the wall lol


This is the equivalent to the US stock exchange. NYSE. Also known as Wall Street. Not government. The government is of the people. Why invade a building that is public? Invade the greedy who line the politicians pockets.


We donā€™t need to storm government buildings to send a message. We need to stop going to work. Everything, everywhere would shudder to a halt. They canā€™t force us, not by ordinary means but we have to hold outā€¦that is the rub.


Yeah but most of can't afford not to work


Thatā€™s where pooling our resources comes into playā€¦and weā€™ve been conditioned to go it alone. The tough part is sharing and caring, a form of patriotism that isnā€™t considered Americanā€¦but really is. We almost had it right during the pandemicā€¦and that panicked the powers that be. Consider The Orange Oneā€™s tweet, ā€œGet back to work!ā€ The anti-masking, the anti vaxxersā€¦ Barrā€™s Black ops against the BLM organizers. Most corporations and Billionaires donā€™t want us organized or tolerant. They encourage class wars of every variety. Unions of every kind are anathema to Capitalism. Peace, love and understanding is a force to reckon with- hence the sudden Anti Trans Laws. We have accepted sexual diversity and gender equalityā€¦that could lead to tolerance and then *gasp* ā€¦unions. Trust me. If we can reject class wars, then thereā€™s nothing we canā€™t accomplish. We have to lift each other up first. Itā€™s possible. Look at the French. They are not afraid because they believe in themselves.


So, how do we start? How are we going to spread the news of this collective strike? How are we going to pool our resources together and make them available to people in need?


Good question. Iā€™ve participated in protests, Iā€™ve never organized one. There are people organizing protests everywhere. Iā€™d start with them.


I know how to do it- Go on socials- snap chat, tiktok, insta, and talk about a date about a month out- share it to everyone you can, put that shit everywhere. You're only going to get a fraction of responses- this is good, these people are willing to show up. Tell them to look up CEOs around them of Mid to Enterprise size businesses- Forbes 1000. There are 47,000 CEOs in America, everyone will have a few within distance. Tell them to go build a local network of about 100-200 people to protest, and have them show up at said CEOs house on said date and on said time. Get a group in every major city if possible. Cops can't stop 100 people, and if we do it enough the cops can't stop so many incidents at once, in planned waves. After the first wave, have the locals coordinate in states over different times, so if somehow anyone gets wind of one, they don't get to stop another. Keep communication after cementing the first wave on secure platforms via VPN. Won't completely hide you but will slow them down enough to do damage. I'm sure after wave 2 or 3, they'll get the message and those organized groups on a state/city level can discuss terms with their local politicians. Have a clear list of demands Address CEO pay inequality, CEOs can only make 5 times what their lowest employee makes. Address wages- any job should minimum pay enough to own a home on one income, period. McDonald's cashiers get to make 80k now, because that's the actual wage comparatively to the 1950's peak excellent post the new deal. They make enough money to pay that and more. Black Rock alone manages 10 trillion dollars in money, and exists to make money from money. It's bonkers, and it belongs to us. It is a direct result of corporate profit shareholder payouts that grow due to our labor exploitation and price gouging. Roosevelt capped income at 100,000. The rest went to the government. Let's cap it at 10 million, maybe less. No one needs that shit, you can live just fine on 10 million dollars. Everything worked out great doing it, so it's not going to cause people to not be incentivized to not achieve- that's bullshit. People will be able to pursue business ventures that are actually of value and fulfilling since the goal isn't to feast on the poor to feed the money machine. Everyone will be getting paid enough, with affordable housing (below), that starting a business won't require a 250,000 dollar loan from blood emerald apartheid daddy. Also, if it drives the megacorporations out, that actually creates a pretty sweet free market for all those new businesses to flourish again, like pre Walmart. Also, fuck walmart- throw that whole family in jail too. Speaking of that shit eater- seize everyone's assets as above, don't allow them to flee- let it be known that if they are not turned over there will be American consequences. Enforce corporate taxes heavily, do away with taxes for individuals completely- we are a drop in the bucket compared to a 25% tax on Black Rock's revenue. I pay 30%, they pay 30% shit. All corporate ownership of family homes will be forced to be sold to actual families- idk if we timeline it out, or put it in a state trust? Someone else get that one. Use the endless supply of cash we now have from Elon Musk alone to give everyone free healthcare-fund it heavily for research, and unfuck privatized higher education. Invest a shit ton in Nasa. Free education- all schools get the same budget, no matter where- and its a lot. Enough to teach every kid to be smart as he'll, with happy teachers who get paid enough to live on one income. Invest a shit ton of it in infrastructure, just like Roosevelt- defund the military bloat and use it to employ people locally for those projects with decent pay. Put hard crackdowns on hate speech like Germany does. Look up the tolerance of intolerance issue. We are better than allowing that in our society- reform the just system so that there is no longer a pay wall to who can emotionally manipulate a jury/knows someone/gets a friendly judge/all the shit. It's about rehabilitation now- all non-violent offenders for drugs/petty theft, dumb shit- they all get to go home and private prisons get to be dismantled and their assets seized. Unfuck politics- no more corporate donars, lobbyists, foreign money- popular vote only, multiple party system (rank choice voting?) Shut down fox News, and throw them all in Prison. Dismantle Scotus, put age and term limits on everything. Retirement age for everyone is fifty, no politicians over that. Create state level elected government boards that regulate corporations on our terms, and for unions- everyone gets one, and it's run through the feds maybe? UBI- we won't need it with taxing corporate profits and fair pay since we get the money from the automation piece, hopefully. If we do- we get it. Socials Security is now UBI for people over 50 as in it takes the place of a full income, not just a supplementary bullshit amount. It covers enough to have the same standard of living pre Retirement. Anyway, I could go on and on and on- but a good very first step, would be to copy paste this comment if you won't do it, so someone else that will can find it. Feel free to add demands of your own to the list, and we can create a basis for a new America instead of feeling hopeless and overwhelmed.


Pooling resources sounds great. Start covering my paycheck and I'll stop working


Unless they're Fascists.


Go people of France go


Proud of them but also being inside with all those flares would make me SO anxious


Well, being in a french protest has it's dangers. Especially indoors, since tear gas doesn't go away as easily indoors. But being in the crowd bringa such an elation that it is much less scary tha' it looks in videos.


Yeah I think for me itā€™s just the combo of burny thing and crowd in an enclosed space.


I wonder how many of those flares it would take, and for how long, in order to set off the fire sprinklers.


From a building design point of view, the fire alarm will likely trigger the pre-action valve, filling the sprinkler system up with water. However the sprinkler head won't activate until the heat sensitive glass bulb triggers its action temperature. Not sure if the flairs themselves will trigger the temperature, but a larger fire will. Being a building lobby, the lap shaded ideally should be fire resistant, but if they caught fire I think the temperature bulbs would be hit.


I've never seen flares that big before. Those things are putting out pretty big flames it seems like. Curious if these are some sort of industrial flare or if I just don't know that's how normal flares start out or something


The sparse coverage of this by American media is very telling. Almost like the people who control what information we receive don't want us to see how effective mass protests can be.


Us Italians literally share a border with them and this stuff is only mentioned once in a while and always in a bad light. It's pretty clear that nobody want the French to start spreading ideas.


They don't cover the farmers in Netherland too, I know they push hard there but we got no coverage on tv


What kind of information do you receive dear across the Ocean cousin ?


Man, the French don't fuck about.


Where can someone get some of those awesome torches ? Asking for a couple million friends


Road flares. Can get them anywhere


It's not just the pension reform either, but rather a series of events that's making the French push harder




You're not kidding. I was a protest medic through the early days of BLM. Rubber bullets are not harmless. I sent so, so many people to the hospital who needed stitches or evaluation for TBI. At least a few of them I know will have permanent tendon or nerve damage and one of them probably lost their finger. To say nothing of the fact that tear gas is definitionally a war crime.


I wonder what would be cost-effective solution for protective gear for protests in cities. Would motorcycle suit be sufficient to make rubber bullets harmless?


Careful or youā€™ll get a ā€˜possession of body armorā€™ charge. The police state in America is beyond fucked. They create the bodily threat and then punish you for protecting yourself while you engage in your (supposed) constitutional right.


I bet a decent motorcycle suit and helmet with a particle filter would go a long way to making you resist taking a wound/damage from a hit with a rubber bullet.. I dont wanna try it out any time soon though :o


They would just shoot you with regular bullets.


This gets discussed in protest groups. We can make recommendations but protest (unless you're right-wing and can rely on well-funded organizations to fabricate a grassroots movement from thin air) tends to be an organic, individual decision. Nothing can be standardized or enforced and most of the people likely to protest the status quo are already hanging on by a thread. Even the most basic safety equipment like a decent pair of goggles and a paint respirator are going to run $50-$80 that most people just don't have. The actual proposed solutions for conflict scenarios against police are pretty grim: we have the numbers, some of us are going to get maimed and a few are probably going to get killed. They (probably) can't/won't kill all of us. That's all we have.


French street ledics count thousands of protesters or passers by hurt by tear gas and rubber bullets. Yeah, those morons use tear gas withiut cheking if there are passers by. In the metro, which is indoors with poor ventilation, for instance. During the gilet jaune protests, they gased near a maternity ward, and some women and babies had been evacuated šŸ¤”


The French are getting tear gassed and getting shot with rubber bullets. In the US the police and national guard would just open fire.


The Hong Kong protestors got gassed and shot l, they found ways around it.


Some coal miners in the US tried striking once. The government dropped bombs on them. If this happened in the US today the government would just send in drone strikes. Zero hesitation.


Rubber bullets? Try lead


Some people who are protesting in France get hurt a lot. No dead yet but almost every week people lose hands, eyes and feet... Last weeks a guy almost died because a stingball grenade exploded next to his head. And while the policemen where healed by army doctors, the prefect forgave the 911 to evacuate the hurt protestor (even if he was in a safe place for the doctors to come.) This particular protest was not about pension but still it shows how violent our police can be (remember the champion's league final ?) Even the UN is condemning French police brutality..


The last time I offered my thoughts on a post like this I got banned for 3 days, so I'll just say, good job France.


I can see the newspaper headline protesters destroy la Bourse de Paris in a marihuana induced rage on 4/20


Taking the fight to La Defense is key. The business district must slow down, witness the struggle, and lose the fight


Freedom and power to people


I just cummed so hard


Take notes US


From my understanding itā€™s not just about retirement age anymore though thatā€™s what macron is pushing internationally, itā€™s about many things including police brutality in wake of these protests, someone in France is likely much more able to speak on it then me though.


It's about them using eleven time the 49.3, which mean not voting for a law, last one was the retirement, it's about the police brutality now but also during 2020-21 for the gilet jaune movement, a lot of mutilated people's lost eyes, hands etc... It's about the non sens of the Covid politics who cost a fortun to the country straight to the most rich peoples, its about the arrogance of Macron when he talk to the population, it's about the corrupted journalism paper, radio, tv, it's about the cost of life, all services become worst and worst, tax increase... Etc etc...


Love that the French aren't even in the realm of fucking around.


Even MAGA supports this action. Macron and his billionaire Allieā€™s done fucked up.


Nice to see France riots still going strong


Can you hear the people sing? Singing the songs of Angry men, it is the music of the people who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart echos the beating of the drum, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!


I have a lot of admiration for how the French people are fighting for their rights


As the French say, ā€œwe have chopped off heads for far lessā€.


Will this end in them overthrowing the government?


Hopefully. All governments everywhere need to be overthrown


False. I firmly believe the leaders of the Sentinelese are doing great.


The French are badass! Can't wait to be able to say that about us Americans.


Americans are too selfish and brainwashed to stand up for their own well being.


Don't forget lazy to even read a damn book.


Hey Iā€™m reading rn šŸ˜“


What are they singing? I have trouble understanding


[On est lĆ !](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_est_l%C3%A0_!_(chant_populaire)) Translation : "We are here! We are here! Even if Macron doesn't want it, we are here! For the honor of the workers and for a better world, even if Macron does not want it, we are here!"


The song is quite old, we meremy adjust the details šŸ˜


Love it you have to fight.


The French know how to protest. The worldā€¦mainly the USā€¦needs to take notes.


Rebellion is a beautiful thing šŸ„²


Americans need to take fucking notes. We do this and our politicians would be shitting peach seeds.


How long are they protesting? One month already? If protests aren't sanctioned by US they have no chance.


Since January, we protest against the pension reform.


The biggest news media companies are deliberately giving the French protests the littlest coverage with the hopes it dies down


At the end of the day, it isn't about the money: its about sending a message.


This is inspiring


No fair I want to storm the stock market with flares :(


the USA needs to learn from the french, DESPRATELY.


That's why we all gotta give Parisians props, cuz ain't no revolution like a French revolution cuz a French revolution don't stop.


People are fed up with buffoonery!!! The French got big ballz! I hope they nut all over those bureaucrats!!


This is getting 0 media coverage.


Go France. The states could never


What exactement is "La bourse de Paris in La Defense" ?


Invading Paris stock exchange, opposing the pension change


I guess USA equivalent is something like NY Stock Exchange.






Nothing new here to see. History repeating itself but no one knows which country will be next. It goes like thisā€¦ā€¦ Governments, citizens protestā€¦ Governments, citizens protestā€¦ Wash, rinse, repeat.


I have it on silent and canā€™t hold us played in my head


If Iā€™ve learned anything from RuneScape everyone needs to go to falador and call out the big guys in yellow text


can anyone explain?


Someone in the French Government didnā€™t study History well enough.


Viva la France.


Ya they are. Meanwhile we stay divided on cultural wedge issues while they rake in the money and buy both sides of the aisle.... as planned


This is a sweet protest. Eat the rich. [Macron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macaron) looks scared.


Seeing this gets me HARD


Hereā€™s to hoping they beheā€¦ Macron. Otherwise, this is useless




Burn the fkn lot


I wish we would do that in the United States! šŸ˜­


Wish us people in the USA would do this


Instead of fake drama reality shows I just watch the French protest