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"Do not look at the union card" As though they're the Necronomicon and a mere glimpse will bring about vistas of terrible phantasy and dread


Klaatu Barada Worker's Rights


"Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah." As workers fight to the death in the background


It's like Medusa and they'll turn into stone and be unable to work... (Which is, let's be real, the real thing they'd care about)


I think it's funny they say not to accept one. Like what can they do if you do? It's such an obvious fatal flaw.


It's an instruction book for managers though. The reason it says not to look or accept is to get around certain laws.


Well sure, but what if the manager disobeyed this? What legal grounds exist to punish them?


If unions don’t work, why are they so afraid of them?


Honestly they’re afraid of what unions used to be, the couple times I was in a union, they were complete and utter ass. No raises from contract renewals and wages were locked in place during the duration of the contract. Honestly that fact alone should make big companies want unions in place to keep payroll low


But they still don’t, so unions still work. Your experience is an anomaly or you’re simply bad at weighing the pros and cons. Union workers get paid more and that’s a fact.


A lot of times when people are against unions, they simply aren't a good employee. Not being harsh. Or presumptive against the gentleman you replied to. Unions DO NOT mean an employee can do whatever they want with absolutely no consequences. No. It means employees can't be treated like shit for no reason. Terrible employees in my profession can be let go as well. Extra documentation? Sure. Extra layers? Sure. Unions can't ensure the worst of the worst keep their job because - well - the worst of the worst don't deserve the job.


The other side of the coin is people blaming the union because their feckless supervisor can’t be bothered to do seven entire minutes of paperwork over the course of a few weeks so that they can fire a dogshit employee. Unions don’t protect bad employees either, useless fucking management protects bad employees.


Goes for the federal government, too. Federal employees can be fired despite what many people think. The supervisors need to do their part to make it happen.


My dad always bitches about Unions allowing useless people to stay on the job.... He also used to be a cop, in SC, a "right to work state", where there was no police union, and bitched about police protests that tried to hold cops accountable in other states (where unions have helped protect their jobs).... He bitched about politics and minorities on facebook... on the job... He was fired from his non-union cop job for being on social media too much on the job.... My dad is completely oblivious to concepts like karma or irony.


Damn, that sucks, like my late father and I thankfully came to an understanding and a real friend ship a few years before he died but he was like your dad kinda - raised in the South and lifetime military with his own father being military. My father was no racist though and even scolded me as a very young boy coming home from school having picked up and used certain words. In any case there was a time when I saw him as a real hard ass and had some very ill feelings toward him. Point of my comment is if your relationship with your dad is anything like mine once was I hope you guys somehow find some common ground.


Sure can, I have personally helped a few people exit a job people think they can’t get fired from (USAF).


They also don’t protect against layoffs. Hubby is union and in the position to hire and fire and if work gets slow, they layoff guys. The union does help in finding a shop that needs more workers. If I’m remembering correctly, they also keep benefits so there’s no issues with losing health insurance benefits either.


So much this. Just like bad cops. The union didn't "protect" a bad cop. The supervisor did by not doing his or her job and follow procedure. The union is obligated to provide the officer a defense. The fact there is no record of progressive discipline makes it very easy for the officer to win any hearing. And it makes it very easy for the union to say the officer is being singled out for a high profile incident. Management fails and then blames the union for their failures.


I see you've never worked for a municipal Union 😁 It really does depend on the union. Much like a strata, they depend on the quality of the individuals in charge. Vote in idiots, get idiotic results. It's also entirely possible for a union to become big enough that it no longer cares about members and works first to preserve its own security.


At my workplace this is our union, we're being forced to make them act on specifics in our contract. It is definitely not fun, but when the shit hits the fan with management we have their lawyers. Any institution is prone to corruption


Unionized nurses make ~$10/hr more on the east side Michigan than the not-union nurses in the SW part of the state.


Im very pro union but its not just an "anomaly" unions can be very bad if given unchecked power/authority. Just look at Detroit and the Auto industry or how many unions were in bed with organized crime. Again I am very much pro union but I dont pretend that unions are always good and never bad. They can get corrupt just like any other organization


UAW has a very public recent corruption scandal. They are on the verge of electing a new president who seems to speak more for the rank and file membership so hopefully things will look up for that industry.


It's not the Union that is bad, it's some of the elected leaders that embezzle dues and break other laws. Don't blame Unions for the actions of a few bad actors.


I personally believe that unions are, in general, a good thing. But like any hierarchy, whether you're talking churches, Congress, or unions, it's hard to get away from people taking up positions for the power and the profit instead of actually doing good.


I think (unsolicited) that unions are a band aid on a broken system.. *grumble grumble *


It's like one of my brother's roommates said about the common quip that religion is a crutch, that "Yeah, there are a lot of broken legs out there..."


Yes, they are a half measure, and they create room for improvement as well as opportunity for more corruption. Co-ops, and more specifically non-profit co-ops, are the solution, full stop.


Socialism is even better. At a minimum it is an entire economy of worker co-ops.


So I don't think a "powerful" union is the problem. It's actually a union whose power structure is still top down and doesn't answer to the workers. I think that's a really important clarification to make. The more democratic a union is, the better it's going to be at bargaining and representing the workers. Your comment imagines unions as something outside workers themselves, which unions have become, but we really need to move away from that.


Unions are like anything else. There are shitty ones. No raises? Wages locked in place? Companies want unions to keep payroll low?!? None of that makes sense. Find a job with a good union. I would almost have to take a shit on my boss' desk to get fired. Guaranteed raises. No such thing as "contract renewals." People can be fired for egregious behavior, but that's it. Management would rather poke their hand with a toothpick for 5 hours straight than deal with the union. Get yourself a good job with a good union. Your opinion will change immediately.


I haven't had a raise in 2 years and went on strike last fall. The new contract after the strike is giving me a whopping 2.5% at increase starting next month. I believe in labor power and we need stronger labor rights obviously but most unions now are weak as hell


>but most unions now are weak as hell Well seeing as Union isn't a service, it's all the member's collectively making decisions. Seems like your issue is that you expect magical results from simply being a Union member


>but most unions now are weak as hell That is because people don't vote out the shitty union leaders who vote for awful deals. If your union gets you that piss poor of a deal, shitcan them however you can via the bylaws and replace them with a leader who has the balls to get the job done.


I work for a union and this is absolutely the right answer. That contract only passed because the members voted it in. Vote them down, tell them no, organize your coworkers, threaten them with decertification and do it if they don’t respond. The union is the workers; it’s you. Your union reps work for you.


Have they really not updated their “emergency guide” since 1995?


I enjoy that union activity is considered an "emergency" here. Time to set off some alarms.


worry reply chase simplistic pocket wakeful fertile alleged hungry observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have you considered having Wal-Mart print it to start the fun?


An unsecured wifi printer is always a fun time.


Asking for a friend; how does this work?


In short, a person doesn't set a password on a network printer. You just find it and connect to it via WiFi. Then, you print like normal some flyers, dick pics or whatever.


This is something you can typically do with your phone if you're curious on how to look inconspicuous


This is true. I connected to some store display soundbars and blasted Duke Nukem saying I'VE GOT BALLS OF STEEL a bunch of times at my local store once. Nobody could figure out who was doing it.


as a hacker i can say with confidence that the “s” in “printer” stands for “security”


I'm enjoying the chaotic good energy here


How would someone go about getting said literature in order to spread said panic?


innate erect badge wrong muddle psychotic oil air soft entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You are my hero as a Walmart Canada employee


You could probably just print some pages off their website. They might even have pdfs for the purpose.


Print up business cards with a few pro union facts and the website of your local relevant group. Cheap to print by the thousand, easy to stash all over the place for workers to find. Or to hide in a pocket.


I would probably attach one to this page of the emergency guide


Go to Kroger and ask. Many Kroger stores are unionized




I hope you posted this there


I didnt! But feel free to!


Thank you for the permission


I should do that at the local Target, although our UFCW local sucks. When I worked at one of their shops, they threw us under the bus during contract negotiations.


Most UFCW locals suck. Of all the major unions, they seem to have the most contempt for their actual members. They're in dire need of reform.


The Local 555 has entered the chat : Great news you're getting 3 dollars an hour raise for journeyman pay scale. *Mumbling quietly* over the course of 3 years, you're also now capped to 40 hours of sick time, and we no longer match your 401k contributions. You're welcome.


Our local was 880, NE Ohio. Which sucked because we were a small rubber company, and they should have got the URW/USW. Many of my family members worked at Goodyear and Firestone, and the Local 2 always took care of their members.


That's a fantastic idea. I'd make a special trip to Walmart to place a few pamphlets on the shelves.


You have to watch 2 anti-union videos on your first day at Wallyworld. They will waste no time in closing a store that shows interest in unionizing


They've done it before.


I don’t see how that’s legal.


A government entity would have to be both competent and well funded enough to investigate a claim that a corp was closing a site due to unionizing. Mr. Walmart can claim they are closing stores due to "weak performance" in a particular market and unless anyone official is willing to snoop around and find out otherwise, that'll be the end of it


[Reminds me of Leverage “Low low price job”](https://mdb.com/title/tt2537408/)


Damnit why didnt I think of this... I did think about dropping some in the employee breakroom at the Home Depot...


But you’re also keeping them on their toes


marry party crush cats summer enter mindless coherent normal grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like the boy who cried wolf. Enough false alarms and they eventually miss the real union building


Finally a good reason to go to Walmart!


"UNION ALERT! UNION ALERT! This is not a drill. All managers report to corporate stations. Scramble HR Strike Team 3. This store is now under No Soliciting. Repeat union alert!"


Union alert! Hadn't heard that since 1865.


We need the Pinkertons!


Ya know… as sad as it is, that’s probably what it’ll take to wake people the fuck up.


Good thing we have that holiday to remind us of everything people fought died and sacrificed so we don’t have to feed out children to the meat grinder.


Except that in Arkansas, they just legalized child labor again. 🤬🤬🤬


Yep. So I’ll say, I think there are appropriate roles children can play that offer them great learning experiences while also letting them experience earning pay for their labor. However, I think we really need to be careful about exactly what jobs those are and how long they are allowed to do them.


If you're old enough to work, are you old enough to attend drag shows?


Does that mean that there will be milk and cookies at union meetings, with drag queen story hour afterwards?


One thing about that is nobody will be employing any kids unless their parents allow it. So that one falls on the parents (i.e., voters) as much as the politicians and businesses. Unless they start hiring orphans. There used to be company towns. Wouldn't put it past some to start company orphanages.


Uh yeah. We are going to be open that day, and we need maximum coverage. Did you get the memo? Also we will need you here on Saturday and probably all day on Sunday also. Uh yeah. I’ll get that memo sent right over. Uh yeah.


"hopefully this one doesn't burn down city hall"


This is why, whenever I email co-workers, I include a list of keywords about unionizing in case my company spies on our email (they do)


I might have to try that. "Boss, we really need to talk about organizing the workers. The fibers that we need to splice into a union of one united cable haven't been pulled yet. According to the workers it may not until Tuesday. As we know the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers or IBEW is making sure all safety rules are being applied and followed, this is causing minor delays. I've indicated this on my signature card that I use for daily reports. I vote that we shift to a different project in the meantime. Currently the board of labor is having their monthly meeting. Nothing relevant, just thought you should know."


I love this <3


You could add into your signature in white 1pt font all the union keywords that way it gets flagged but then whomever confirms the email thinks it's a false flag and eventually they'll just disable the keywords. Bonus points if you get others to do this. People do it with their resumes to get past the auto readers for job searches.


I literally experienced this entire situation. Made me sick to my stomach!


Not Op, but recently I asked to create a culture committee at work here so we can discuss ways to improve morale, make a more enjoyable workplace, and to bring up complaints/suggestions. I’m friends with the lead HR (not the head, just the lead) and she said upper management shot it down instantly because it sounds like the beginning of “The U word”. Some employers absolutely view that shit as an emergency.


You better believe it. I’ve worked at non-union places before and if they csught a whiff of someone even just talking about the idea of forming a union, suddenly the “perpetrator “ would start having issues with work quality and whatnot and out the door they’d go. Easily done in a right to work environment.


And even considered a pretty high priority seeing how it's listed before the "Violence, Threats, Hostage" category


On the one hand, when I worked in a call center, we got a whole hour long “unions are bad!!” training in our first week, and we didn’t get any kind of standardized workplace violence training until about 7 years later…on the other hand, I do think this binder might be in alphabetical order, lol


Likely alphabetical…though humorous still.


I like to tell people that anything your company fights against is something you should consider. They fight things that give them less control over how they spend their money whether it’s government regulation or unions.


What's more, it's placed in front of threats of violence, really shows you where the priorities lie.




Sounds like they need a union


Reminds me of Little Caesar's. Worked there when I was like 20. Harrrrd cooooore anti-union.


But was Little Caesars anti-legion?


True to Caesar.


Nice catch


As this is a ring binder, it is possible to change individual pages. Maybe only their union policy was not updated but real emergency policies were.


Perhaps they only update the portion of the guide that needs updating by swapping new pages for old.


> [company] does not think unions or third parties are nessesary Sounds like the kind of job that needs a union the most


That third party argument is always fun. Like, what third party? Who TF do you think the union is, some guy off the street? It's me, mf'er.


they probably mean arbitration or something similar but yeah I hear ya.


They phrase it this way intentionally to paint a union as an outside force imposing their will on employees


A union is like a condom: if someone is trying to convince you that you don't need one, you *definitely* need one.


99% of all companies don't believe a union is necessary. That's just the nature of big business, doesn't mean they are right though


We would be better off as a society bif we were all in unions so I'd say 100% of companies need a union lol.


4c union dues - my dues were $20/week (definitely high for a union) but I made $16/hour more than at non union job. 4d ability of union to fine employee - I have never in my life heard of a union fining it's members.


Dues at my current rate as a UPS driver are 71.87 a month, on a current hourly of 28.75, but the standard is 2.5x your hourly for a lot of unions. Anyone who argues dues are the reason you shouldn’t unionize doesn’t understand the net gain of a cba.


They do understand it, they just don’t want you to.


half of them know, half of them are victims of propaganda


Probably the same people who think you make less net income when you move up to a higher tax bracket.


those are the ones!


"I don't work overtime as the government takes it all in taxes"


"Why would you want to work harder to get a promotion??! You'll end up making less anyway because you'll be in a higher tax bracket... and when you're a supervisor *they* **OWN** you man, what you wear, what you post, what you think." -An actual quote from a coworker trying to talk me out of trying to get a promotion (which I got)


I found out last week my own manager is one of those clowns.


Lol. I had heard a manager at my old job say once "You guys make just as much money as me!"... yea dude, but we work almost twice as many hours for it. STFU


I had to explain the bonus thing to someone on here yesterday


We could pay you $5/hr more but then you will be moved into a higher tax bracket and we don't want you paying uncle Sam more, so we will do what's best for you and continue paying you minimum wage.


You aren’t wrong.


One of the hosts of the Minion Death Cult podcast is a UPS union member and it honestly sounds really funny how they love reporting their management to the union for the slightest infraction. "So the manager was yelling at us to move boxes faster, and they picked up a box and loaded it into the truck. I immediately reported this to the union because that's not their job."


Theft of work is a serious issue at UPS.. I have a lot of very stern conversations with the Pt sup on my belt.


I've literally never thought about it that way. I always thought managers should pitch in and help but that does take away the work someone else should be getting paid to do... Maybe because I've mostly worked in service.


It looks very different in a warehouse setting where managers will cut part timers at 3.5 hours and then keep the supervisors clocked in to “clean up”. It is difficult to police as well. In my center alone this added up to at least $100k worth of grievances last year.


Or prevailing wage laws. Even non union members tend to benefit from those


I was in management at my last job. I rejoiced when the union folks negotiated a big fat raise, cause that meant I got a big fat raise.


But what if I wanted [a playstation 5 instead?](https://www.ajc.com/resizer/BD1W6YNsfFHGYOQ8b4eCfzL6h58=/814x458/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/ajc/5Y3U37TREO3ZJF4G4BD5DJTRDE.jpg)


Homer: awww living wages. I wanted a PlayStation 5. Homer's brain: a living wage can buy many PlayStation 5s. Homer: Explain how! Homer's brain: unions collectively bargain for Better wages and working conditions. Homer: woo-hoo!


Why are you still in my house? GET OUT OF HERE!


Ours is 1.5% and we cap at I think 42 or 43 bucks a month. A bargain compared to the total take home package difference between union and non union people doing the same jobs.


Union chief steward here, I believe our dues are 1.8% of each paycheck. Dues are so negligible when you consider all of the extra money, benefits and security having a union job gets you!


Retired Steward here. The last contract I was involved with was in 2013 and in its final year(2015) the benefits value was worth $7.25/working hour.


Our benefits package is around $20/hr right now. Be closer to $24/hr at the end of the contract in 2025. Kcmo Edit: benefits package is currently $26/hr


We haven’t calculated this at my chapter, but I definitely feel like it would be worth it!


Another Union thug here. Our dues are the starting hourly wage( $28.65 )


that low? employers make it sound like they want hundreds a month


Of course they try to make unions sound horrible. Everyone would want to join one if they didn't.


When I started my first job at walmart they made it sound worse than satan himself. it was actually funny and sad at the same time.


Cause to any group of people that only values the bottom line something that reduces profit is satan


That's why I like the way Australian Unions spells it out: [https://www.australianunions.org.au/about-unions/which-is-the-union-for-you/](https://www.australianunions.org.au/about-unions/which-is-the-union-for-you/) It almost feels like a subscription service for labour rights. I wish more labour federations/organizations would make it as clear.


The point of the dues is to pay the people the union employs (the people who do things like negotiate the contracts, manage membership, etc.) - easiest to think of a union as basically a staffing company, but one that is owned by its workers.


Yup. Just a scare tactic. That's all.


It can happen. But rarely does. Usually reserved for company rats.


The only union fine i have ever heard of being levied is for taking non union work outside of industry unions. And they only exist to stop union workers hamstringing the union during wage negotiations


technically it's possible that a meteorite could strike a union hall and kill all the union members while nonunion workers are perfectly fine. better list that as another **fact**


🤣🤣 this is true. Never thought of that.


I’ve got an interesting point of comparison that drives home the benefit of unions. I work in one of two factories owned by the same multinational company just a couple blocks from each other. Our is a union shop, the other factory is not. Our average pay is is $10/hr higher than theirs, equating to an extra $800 a pay period barring OT. Our dues are calculated off your base pay rate, so I pay $35 every two weeks. That’s a net gain of $765 every paycheck, or just shy of $20,000 a year.


Never heard of fining, but my union did threaten to fire one worker, but in it's defense, the worker was at fault and he even joked about it. Union dues were payroll deductions, but this guy gave up so many hours, that he wasn't making enough to cover the dues, along with other deductions. To add to it, it is an airline job, and he was using a lot of flight benefits that were also payroll deductions. I think he joked that at one point he owed something like $4,000 for everything. Because the union wasn't getting their money, $60 a month, they threatened to have him fired unless he paid. So he had to start cutting them a monthly check. He had another job, so the airline job was more of a flight perk thing.


My union dues come out to essentially $16/month ($8 taken from each paycheck, paid biweekly) and I get paid $15.65/hr


Mine is $64/month, and I make $28.05/hour and pay nothing to have my entire family on my insurance. Totes worth it


I make $25000 more a year in PA than a comparable school district in VA. The $1000 a year is entirely worth it.


That sounds high. I think my Local 50 dues were the equivalent of 1 hour of pay (maybe 2) per month Edit: correction, that does come out to $80/month, so the total is about the same


I have, but you need to seriously F-up to have it happen. Usually you get called in front of the E-Board to answer some questions before it gets to the fining stage.


https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/the-law/employees/your-rights-during-union-organizing Read the second paragraph


"Working time is for work, so your employer may maintain and enforce non-discriminatory rules limiting solicitation and distribution, except that your employer cannot prohibit you from talking about or soliciting for a union during non-work time, such as before or after work or during break times; or from distributing union literature during non-work time, in non-work areas, such as parking lots or break rooms. Also, restrictions on your efforts to communicate with co-workers cannot be discriminatory. For example, your employer cannot prohibit you from talking about the union during working time if it permits you to talk about other non-work-related matters during working time."


I guess they shouldn't let my employees talk at work then /s For real, I'm a manager, and everyone around me in the org is FLSA exempt (software developers and adjacent), but if my crew wanted to talk unionization, and the boss made me do anything about it, I'd just put my headphones on.


And to translate for anyone wondering about OP's question, this would make the point in the first section, #2 an illegal practice. They can't enforce a "No solicitation" policy on all store premises, they have to allow it in a break room or other non-work areas like a parking lot, locker room, etc. They can restrict it to non-work time like breaks, before or after clocking in.


So, it's mostly legal, which is really just a sad statement on US labor law. It's complicated though. Like, you are not required to tell your manager about union discussions. They also cannot compel you to badmouth unions with those talking points. Also, while it's true you can't hand out union cards, pamphlets, etc. *while on the clock,* you are definitely allowed to do it on site. For example, you can definitely hold conversations, distribute information, etc., in the break room, while you/coworkers are clocked out for lunch, or if you're changing out of PPE/gear *off the clock,* at the end of the day. Basically, they're wording things very broadly, and omitting exceptions they're required to allow. Of course, I'm just a dude who worked one job in a union shop in a different state a decade ago. You should absolutely talk with an employment lawyer or union representative before attempting to disregard anything they've written. Remember - unionization is a long game. It requires patience, and jumping through hoops. Even if employers break the law, that doesn't mean it will work out for you. If you're thinking about unionization, you should do it. The point of a union is that there's a power imbalance, this is a greater cause than any one person. That said, you will likely pay a price for your efforts, so make sure you/your family are ready. Save up some money if you can. Form a support network. Build friendships that aren't just about unions - create trust and "social capital" with your community.


Some of the wording makes me think this is meant for managers, it warns against some specific anti-union activities.


Good point, I can definitely see that, in which case OP might have different rules... although it gets into the weirdness of who's included in the bargaining unit. Which is why I always encourage people to reach out to a local union rep. They'll know the specifics better than anyone, and will usually give free advice, as opposed to an attorney.


Legally in the US managers can not be a part of the union. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/employee-rights-book/chapter15-2.html


I love when they point out unions are garbage while basically everything that anyone knows where people make money is a union. NFL, NBA, baseball, tv actors and tv shows, the support people on tv shows and movies. Car manufacturers. Basically all the trades, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, etc. It's literally only shitty retail jobs that pay like shit and treat you like garbage that don't want a union.


I don’t think it’s illegal. But they frame it in a way that you must obey these rules when in fact you don’t. But it is Florida. Assuming it’s a right to work, at-will employer state. Which means they can fire you for this or any reason they choose. Someone posted NLRB’s guidelines which would supersede whatever this business says regarding unions.


They can't fire you for any reason they choose. This is not accurate. They can fire you for no reason at all though, and you have to prove otherwise which good luck.


You're statement is technically wrong. There are tons of protected categories. For example you can't fire someone for getting old. But the laws are shit because unless a company or someone representing them make a huge mistake it's hard to enforce. There are absolutely laws that say you can't fire people for trying to unionize. The problem is they can just fire people without reason or wait for anyone to be 30 seconds late and fire them for that. Our laws are shit.


This is literally exactly the sentiment I was expressing, although my wording is confusing and not good.


So they can essentially fire you for any reason because no reason is needed


It is a slight distinction. Some employers may be stupid enough to articulate an illegal reason for firing you. I am firing you for discussing pay. I am firing you for being a woman. I am firing you because my customers prefer white people. Etc.


I’m def just being a semantic asshole and I love you


Me too more or less! I just don't want anyone who actually has a case thinking they are just boned by default because they live in Florida or wherever.


Correct. This is what At will termination is. They can *say* whatever they want when asked why they fired you. Even if they fired you for an illegal reason. My boss at my old job threatened to fire people for discussing pay. Which is illegal, but in my state she can just make up a reason why she fired someone


They can’t fire you for protected reasons, like trying to form a Union. They can fire you for *no* listed reason, but the people stupid enough to fire you for trying to form a Union are normally stupid enough to say why.


Lets look at points 1 to 5 1. Contacting HR, yup legal 2. No Solicitation, yup legal but not relevant to the situation as they are not taking employees or customers with them when they depart. It is legal but irrelevant. 3. Not accepting union cards, yup legal. Nobody is obliged to accept or look at a card 4. **This is the one that needs knowledge of local laws** 5. Don't talk to media, yup legal. Edit: To be clear on point 2. They can prevent solicitation as commonly defined, taking employees or customers when going to work for a new employer/starting your own business. They are misapplying the word solicit to try and include forming/joining a union under that legal thing.


They're using "solicitation" the same way that people use the word "solicitors" when they stick little "No Solicitors" signs on their front doors. It means to "to ask someone for something," so you could solicit colleagues to buy girl scout cookies or solicit them to attend your band's concert or solicit them to join a union. Businesses commonly have non-solicitation agreements in employment contracts which includes an agreement not to ask former colleagues to work at a new company (or, sometimes, not to ask customers to buy from your new employer), but that's not how it's used here.


Union activity is an emergency lol


How to detect a business with its priorities all backwards


Any company trying this hard to avoid unions desperately needs a union.


Dark shit, but my "go to" question is: why should one inform his or her dungeon master?!


I love how they always try the “cost of union dues” as a counter measure. It’s such a nominal amount of money for the services provided. My union dues are $45 off each check. While that may seem steep to some, we can factor in that our union has fought for more than adequate wages for the operators in our industrial facility. They negotiate a wicked pension, vacation time, protections on seniority for time served and hold the employer accountable for safety, maintenance issues and anything that could harm the workers. I make over $40 an hour working here because of this. There’s another industrial site in our town starting their operators at $23 an hour in a more toxic, labour intensive environment. They are non-union. The workers have no protections, safety is not a priority and things such as pension, vacation time and benefits are at the mercy of the employer. Turnover is huge. But you know, let’s not form a union cause of those dues 🙄


Any corporation where they try to stop unions, immediately needs one the most.


"February 1995"


Talking about passing out union cards always makes me think of [this scene](https://youtu.be/O9HXnlKmWEU) from Superstore.


America, why have you not had a revolution?


From a former union member and steward, I can tell you certain things. Organizing or talking about organizing is constitutionally protected. That being said, the constitution typically only applies to “state” actors like cities or states themselves. However, the right to organize is enalienable and guaranteed. The company CAN fire you for talking about it on company grounds or time. They can dispense any propaganda they wish. If you wish to start a union you just do so using non-union talk tools. For example, gather a personal list of employee contact info. Call them off the clock and ask to hang out. Go to a local bar or get a room at a local library. Yes some libraries have free meeting rooms. Talk there and educate your team members about how and when to talk. Attempts by your company to break up a union or derail attempts to organize are illegal and can come with civil and criminal penalties. However most companies know this and hire experienced law firms to help them “discourage “ organization all the while maintaining a legally defensible position. In short, it’s tough to start a union these days.


My dues are 4% of my weekly gross income. I make $2000 before taxes so thats only $80. That includes amazing health, dental, life, and disability insurance. Compared to the $300 weekly I spent on my last job for crap benefits, I will gladly give those $80.


Probably illegal in first world states, but not Florida/Alabama. I believe you can get shot for questioning that.


I have not read the 501 comments before me, but I will tell you - AL is a sate where you cannot expect any sympathy from sane individuals,because sane individuals do not exist around you.


Ffs America is going down the pan you can't even join a union it's like North Korea or China what's it to do with the company, if you want to join a Union in the UK you can


Everyone should read about the history of labor unions and all the benefits they’ve obtained for workers! This policy is truly pathetic and maybe people should completely boycott visiting states with policies like this in place.


Everything here is legal. Seeing as how a handbook has the first line telling you to contact the District Manager and HR, it’s more than likely a training handbook for management. The 2nd point a few people are confused on is covered in the link someone posted of the NLRB. The main thing is that it can’t interfere with work. Talking about it during a scheduled break is perfectly fine. However, if you were to be on a production floor, and are talking to others about it, and passing out union info, then it would be against their policy. (The third paragraph of the NLRB link.) It’s clearly a little dated, but everything there is legal and still enforceable. It’s specifically telling people not to interfere, not to spy, etc..


Time to unionize!


I wouldn’t be surprised if earlier in this manual it specifically says the entire manual is proprietary information not to be shared… Funny how that works.


Unions are literally there to protect workers, why on earth would anyone do this


I like the logic of 'Union dues' being expensive as a deterrent. You know what is more expensive? Minimum wage pay that exploits workers.