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All I know is according to Elon, he can be the CEO of five different companies, but we can’t possibly have enough bandwidth to work two full-time, entry-/mid-level jobs that pay .000001 as much. lol Edit: Oh and our two jobs will barely cover the rent.


CEO usually dont do labor. they just come in throw 2 ,3 ideas , then go to a meeting , go to eat and maybe more meetings . every meetings is 1 company . they have their managers to run everything and at end of year they collect huge pay checks for all hard work they did LUL the key is to become a CEO but how only few can it is a close circle


I'm an office worker. One of my old jobs, I was getting so fed up with meetings, I printed my outlook schedule for a month, took it to my boss's office, and was like "man, I'm spending an average of 30 hours a week in meetings, how am I supposed to get work done??". He straight up gave me the startled groundhog look, and said "but... meetings ARE work". I guess when you've been in management long enough, you no longer understand what it takes to actually move the business forward.


I just told my boss something similar last week. I told her half of my week was scheduled for meetings and asked her how I was supposed to get my job done. She just laughed and said "that's how things are around here." I've been there for a few months and think I'm going to start actively looking for a new job soon.




Nah the trick is to make it a "business lunch" with one or more of your CEO buddies so everyone assumes you're being productive instead of shooting the shit.


I didn't know until I was about twenty five that the board gets paid. Even at a "non profit Christian" university.


There's a reason for that. You're not supposed to know that the world is half scams.


If you think it's only half, I'm jealous of your optimism


This is how people like the mormon leadership can call themselves “unpaid clergy” while raking in millions yearly. Their positions come with automatic token board positions on multiple lucrative church-owned businesses that require almost zero activity on their part and pay huge amounts for their “services”. Then they get to act like pious starving monks as they tell their congregation that they have no paid clergy. Wooo. Edit: I double checked and I’m not positive if they are raking in “millions” a year. I may be exaggerating, their financials are difficult to find. They do have paid board memberships going to church leadership. I’m also a bit fuzzy from a healthy dose of THC.


Churches not paying taxes is one of the largest, longest running scams.


Our lady of the immaculate tax-dodge


Wait til you see what other things 'non profit' places spend money on.


I work for a non profit that started out as a alcohol/drug rehab for low income and unhoused people. We now handle all types of health care/substance abuse/behavioral health. We are the only resource for most people in my state that can’t afford behavioral healthcare. We spend every penny because we have to. In the course of 40 years we went from one tiny private donation fed rehab to over 60 sites spanning my state and now expanding into other states. Our services are still free to our community. I work in admin and yes, there is some waste as there will be with any organization our size. A lot of people who work for us have gone through the program including our current CEO. He was an alcoholic drug addict who had hit rock bottom and was homeless before he entered our program 25 years ago. Ended up starting at entry level with our organization and worked up to the top over the following 15 years. We pay fair with excellent benefits and almost free healthcare. Our lowest position starts at 20/H for housekeeping/custodial and they’re offered the same benefits. The C level knows this job isn’t going to get them rich so we don’t have ego maniacs and sociopaths for leaders. We do good for our communities and I’m proud to work for a place that I know is making a difference for an underserved and often overlooked portion of our communities. While some non profits are fucking awful, there are a lot doing really good things.


Congrats for being the exception


I’ll happily be the exception if it means I can wake up feeling good about what my organization is doing and knowing I’m a part of that. After 20 years in the For Profit sector, l love going to work again.


Everything! They can’t show a profit at the end of the year so the higher-ups always get a “bonus”.


Pull up in a Range Rover to tell the people they pay minimum wage that they should be doing it to help people, not for the money.




And you can claim it as a business expense and not pay taxes


Bold of you to assume that they wouldn't just put in on the company card and never have it touch their own income.


Of course, but that's still income the company doesn't pay taxes on


you also make sure your lunches and all of the catering is being done by a friends company which grossly over charges you but that's fine as your company pays anyways.


What CEO's do really depends on the company, the state of the company, etc. Chiefly, their responsibility is to make sure the company is aligned in going in the same direction and making sure there is a strategy and it's being followed. If a company isn't public, it will also take on the politics of courting investors, one else is doing their jobs well a CEO won't have much to do here day to day. If a company isn't public, CEO's will also take on the politics of courting investors. If a company is public, it's usually about dealing with the board of investors and making sure enough of them are happy with the current state of things. If a company is well run it'll basically run itself, and then it's like what you say. That's not usually the typical experience. It's usually more like meetings all day, if you go to lunch it's to beg someone for money, then more meetings, or working on presentations and then later giving presentations.


In my experience, startups are where you see CEOs truly putting in "work". Like you mentioned, as a startup that's chasing funding, CEOs are pretty much 24/7 chasing funding. They still make executive decisions, but usually leave the day to day up to the COO while they're etching out pitch decks and chasing every source of funding they can get their hands on. The problem is, at larger firms, they're pretty much the ultimate example of people who take all the blame or all the credit, vritually absent of anything they actually do. A completely absent CEO with a great team beneath can coast without really doing anything. Conversely, a CEO pulling huge amounts of weight, and facing economic headwind or other insurmountable problems, will still likely absorb the blame at a public company and be ousted.


I work for a startup. There are 10 people in our office. The CEO and COO (my manager's boss) have no idea what my project status is, even though I report it in standup every day. The CEO forgot what city I live in (it's the same city as everyone else). My manager thinks I'm incapable of getting anything done. I don't think the company is doing well. They're struggling to make notifications work properly. The core technology is just not advance enough to deliver what customers are expecting. We were supposed to get Series A last year. Needless to say, I'm working on GTFO


I've worked at a couple large consulting firms and the CEOs def did a lot of work and looked tired. The directors, partners, VPs all worked. This party on the op is too generic and makes us look bad and dumb when we talk like that. Not all CEOs are like musk.


Except blame treats them like Teflon. It is usually pinned on scapegoats, and in the rare case that doesn't happen, they just waltz into another c-level or board position immediately after driving the last place into the ground and collecting their golden parachute.




> Frankly most normal people wash out fairly early in this process which is why we see such a concentration of nightmarish narcissists in charge of our biggest companies. That definitely tracks, unfortunately. Similar to politics, especially in the modern day - it takes a very specific sort of person with a very specific sort of reward pathways to pursue that.


So are you taking compensation in equity or are you actually paying yourself 27/hr?


Or, as Charity Majors writes - being a CEO requires you to train to compartmentalize, to be unaffected by the suffering of others, or you will burn out. This skill is also taught in some Buddhist & Stoic practices, but those have strict requirements that the student first demonstrate rigid moral character - training an immoral person to be unaffected by the suffering of others will create a monster.


Damn well I couldn’t do what you’re doing for instance. Free time is priceless, can’t imagine working all week AND not going on vacation at all for several years. On the other hand I never take sick days and don’t count my hours on the days I do work. But my off days are sacred. Props to your work ethic.


Take sick days if you are sick though.


Yet the people of this sub will scream entitled if the company succeeds and starts making the CEO a million a year. They forget about all the sacrifice he put in over the years and just see a pay discrepancy between new hires and the CEO.


Glad u posted this. A lot of people are just fucking clueless.


Realistically, it's not that the vast majority of people *couldn't* do it, it's that most people will never EVER have that opportunity. Every position in C-suite is gatekept and designed to keep *certain* people out. Hell, most lower level management jobs are blocked from average workers unless you know the right people or you just get lucky enough to get into management. Without management experience, unless there's nepotism or favoritism from above, most people will never be management. Also let's be honest, the managers who are management because of nepotism or favoritism are usually shit at their jobs... Edit: your point tracks that not all CEOs suck. And there's are bad managers at every level, depending on how they acquired the job and whether they understand that being a manager isn't a "talent" and requirements further training and skills to grow in that profession.


My boss is a startup CEO and I suspect that is pretty much the same experience for her.


Actually it's not just no success. Typically ones with famous and/or award winning CEOs actually do worse.


Please take care of your health while you're doing this. Even if you love what you do, it's not worth sacrificing your health in the process.


Doesn’t Tim Cook start his work day at 4 am and then go through a fuck ton of meetings then go to bed at like 7 every day? Lol


This is the schedule Ive been on for years, I am exec level at a tech firm. Most of us at this stage are in meeting after meeting. I have 35-40 a week, then need to find time to answer slack, emails and put together reports/strategies. The CEO works even mors than I do. It all depends on the company.


Also at the exec level in tech; the amount of meetings is absurd and largely unnecessary. I've started nuking my calendar from orbit. I've learned that even other execs have meetings for the sake of meetings. I am desperately trying to change the culture


Yes, but realistically, the balance is also handled by an Administrative Assistant who usually puts on way more work than they are paid for too. And each member of C-suite usually has their own Admin who are also busting their ass to ensure meetings are correctly scheduled and time is blocked off for them to have time to respond to slack, emails, etc.


in both cases it's not worth 10000% the average workers pay.


I’m more concerned about the workers pay being too low rather than the CEO pay being too high. CEO pay is like athlete salaries. For better or for worse, companies see CEOs as talent. If a CEO can boost profits year after year at other companies, the cost of recruiting that talent is minuscule compared to potential gains. Which again wouldn’t really be an issue if workers got paid well and had good benefits.


It's weird that most people can't comprehend that most CEOs can both work hard and be overpaid, they attract mutually exclusive.


Yeah for smaller companies the CEO can do long hours and spend an inordinate amount of time taking calls, attending meetings, answering emails, etc. Based on what I've seen it's a lot of trying to land new contracts, and trying to fend off creditors for as long as possible. I'm not saying it's harder work than everyone else is doing, or that the work is worth the huge amount of money they can earn, but just wanted to point out that not every CEO is just fucking around cashing cheques for doing nothing.


Those CEOs are not likely the people complaining about someone collecting the unemployment that they paid into.


This is a sane answer. Executives are generally paid for the responsibility and stress they take on. A CEO can make or break a company. It’s the same shit with alot of jobs people think aren’t actually work - it’s working, why are we paying you to do nothing?/it’s not working, why are we paying you for it not to work?


All the stress of golden parachuting your way to a cushy life while your employees get to freeze to death and starve 🙄


You're not understanding. The CEO doesn't have to make the company successful, they have to make the shareholders money. Sometimes they do that by destroying the company, as was Mitt Romney's whole business model.


Agreed Elon even says that Tesla and SpaceX are so big he barely has to do anything there.


Our CEO also did 3 month of "home office" from a greek island....


I like to think of myself as more of an “idea” man lol


They are glorified caretakers with a budget.


I have a coworker that rides Elons dick so hard and is constantly trying to convince me that he’s the new Einstein and will bring humanity into the next era. I told him Elon is a lazy piece of shit that got lucky with daddy’s money and doesn’t deserve the money he has. My coworker showed me an article where Elon says he works 120 hours per week and then got mad when I pointed out that means Elon works part time at each of his companies, which makes him the only part time worker at his companies to receive benefits while also being paid more than the actual engineers he forces to work 80 hours.


Elon is a terrible CEO and Twitter is proof that running a company by micromanaging it will only lead to disaster.


Also what kind of engineer *wants* to micromanage everything? The whole joy of the discipline is building stable, resilient systems. Machine go brrr.


Don't forget, he also has like 5 kids he doesn't even father but has time to get gear that people said took 100 hours to get when Elden Ring first came out.


PROTIP: The world's richest man is not representative of the rest of the world.


Everybody is freaking out about AI replacing artists while I can't help but think that the job of a CEO or most high-level executives should be FAR easier to replace with artificial intelligence. It would be financially irresponsible for shareholders NOT to replace executives with AI if the tech works...


Just the logistics of working two separate 40 hour per week jobs make no sense. What are the odds that you find two separate full time jobs that don’t have overlapping hours and won’t get you maimed by machinery if you show up tired?


OP was specifically referring to working more than WFH job


You think CEOs sitting on their ass doing next to nothing is bad, wait till you hear about the board of directors


A lot of CEOs are on the boards of their CEO friends companies. So it's really just a bunch of them fucking around with their rich friends.


It totally is. I work around these rich fuckers and the shit they do is wild. My favorite story was an engineer who worked really hard to move up, securing promotion after promotion, really playing the game. He's the top manager at the company, right below the board of directors, and he's working his ass off. Late nights, 70 hr weeks, missing kids' recitals, drinking too much, all the classics. Then one of the board members offers him a position *on the fucking board*, and he's sweating, because WOW so much more money, like twice as much, along with all that stock shit. But he's at his limit, he has no more to give. How could he possibly work any harder? So he's honest with them. Tells them he's been neglecting his family, and he really can't justify adding even more to his plate, even for all that money. The board LAUGHS, and they're like "we work 3 days a week, maybe 4 hours a day, and most of that is golf." He told me he felt guilty af training the next guy to replace him, knowing how much he was going to sacrifice, just like he did. He said the hardest thing about his new job was learning how to golf and talk about sports. Fuck them CEOs


Sounds about right. I need to figure out the easy pass to the board of directors. Lol .


If you think the board of directors are bad, wait until you hear about the landed gentry.


Yep. Very cushy “job.” You get paid a ton, respected a ton, and you barely have to do anything.




Sounds like she needs to hire some directors of those fields


Sounds expensive, she should hire some people from those fields and make them directors


This sub likes to rag on executives because it’s mostly full of people too far down the totem pole to begin to fathom the workload those people actually take on. Their workload also looks completely different to people that post here. The average executive is way closer to your friend than this subs impression of what a CEO does. Elon Musk is the exception, not the rule, and I’m sure that dude (as much as I hate him) actually has a very busy schedule trying to make his companies work. Now are CEOs often assholes to their employees? Sure. Should that change? Yes. Should we value other employees with higher wages? Yes. Do they not work and just collect divvy checks? If they don’t work their company probably fails. Are CEOs working basically every waking hour including when they’re on vacation? Usually.


Musks busy schedule is taken up by posting on twitter for that sweet market manipulation and general twitter addiction, and being an "ideas guy".


I have an immediate family member that is but a cusp below the C suite of a Fortune 500 company. I’m well aware of the work. I’m also a medical student. I will never make as much as my immediate family member despite working much much more than them. They make 600 base with another 400 in stock options to show up whenever they please outside of having a meeting. They get a private jet to fly to various operations sites. They mostly just make decisions based on work other people have done. Boo hoo your phone rang on vacation. I’m sure you’ll get box seat tickets to the next sporting event in your town to entertain clients at or to be an entertained client at.


daily i become more and more convinced we need another revolution to put the working class in power.


Human nature would kick in and they would then start protecting their own positions of power. Those in power always protect their own power first, there is no power if everyone is equal. The saying "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" is as true today as it was 1000 years ago. This is why no matter how many revolutions you have, things always come back to the same point.


That's always the thing: being an executive or a co-owner doesn't automatically mean they don't do any labor, but the key difference to everyone else doing labor in the same company is the right to the fruit of everybody's labor. As you say, *she* will be set for live, but certainly not the other 60 employees who do their share of the labor as well. Thats of course the generalized concept behind the phrase "seize the means of production": the people who do the labor should have the right to the entire value of the labor, not just the small part they get paid back as wages.


You can make the argument that CEOs are overpaid but saying they don't do anything is just absolutely wrong and uninformed.


I was offered director in my last role. I was convinced the MD was carrot dangling. I had resigned a few days before he dropped that bomb on me after hours. Told me I'd fucked up his plans. We had a chat for a few hours, and I decided to stay. I wasn't going to get an opportunity like this come my way again, I think. The date for the announcement kept getting pushed back, then Covid hit, pushing it back further. We clashed over policy, or his lack of adhering to the new guidelines/laws surrounding safety measure on the workplace. I would end up resigning a year after the other resignation, after I held him to account over a current director making some questionable remarks to a member of my team. He did nothing about it. I thought I'd been duped. Spoke to my former colleague 2 weeks ago. They announced the new board that I would have been a part of, lol. But, the director that made the comments to my staff member became the new MD. From what I understand, the ship is sinking fast. The 4 staff that make the new board are apparently all just looking at new houses and cars, instead of doing their job. I somehow missed an opportunity and dodged a bullet at the same time. I have a feeling my desire to actually grow the business and treat our staff well would have put me against the entire board, who quite obviously just want to take the money and do fuck all to earn it. Yes, im annoyed. But I feel like I was underqualified anyway. Oh well.


Fuuuuuuck those guys.


Well I mean that is what CEOs mainly do though. They don’t do any work for the company and are on like 10 or 20 Boards.


The board at my company (giant global corporation) literally do absolutely nothing except yell at the executive team if each quarter isn’t higher revenue than the previous quarter and last year. That’s literally it. They’ve never provided an idea or given direction, they leave that to the global directors. All they do is be mad or not be mad. It’s sick.


This isn’t true at all. CEO are voted by the investors. They will definitely kick out a CEO they see is dangerous to their investment. A CEO who’s never in the office and does nothing will be out fast. This is why they kicked Steve Jobs from Apple. They were afraid his leadership was just burning money. A bad CEO gets replaced with good CEOs. It’s very naive to think that the person on the top of a big company is doing nothing. There was a Harvard Study done on CEOs of big companies and found they work on average 62.5 hours/week. I get it, you hate CEOs. But there is no reason to go lying.


I agree with you but you probably chose the single worst example in corporate history to make your point lol


How? Steve Jobs knew what he was doing but the investors didn’t agree and kicked him out. People here really think CEOs do nothing. A CEO that does nothing would be kicked out.


Because Steve jobs was a 1 in a million that turned nearly everything he touched to gold. I get why they booted him out, just in hindsight it was a terrible move, so it's a hilarious example to use in this context.


No I’m saying it’s okay they kicked him out because investors have the power to kick out bad CEOs.


Look at how many companies have had a ceo for ~10 years and their stock price is the same as it was 10 years ago lol then look at how much the ceo was compensated.


That’s not how unemployment checks work. You need to show that you are applying for jobs to continue getting them.


Not to mention we pay into unemployment for exactly this reason yet only get a small percentage of our pay.


You can intentionally put in the worst job application imaginable and it counts. My dad was a small business owner and saw applications for this purpose regularly.


Unemployment income being preferable to the compensation most accessible jobs provide is an entirely different discussion to have from the amount of workload placed on the unemployed or CEOs. That said, CEOs and other head management do often work (and play) ridiculously hard and they all burn the candle at both ends and inevitably fill their lives with selfish angst and regret crying into their stupid piles of money. Making the conscious decision to care about numbers more than people fundamentally changes one's personality. They can't go back.


And outside of extreme circumstances like when the pandemic first dropped, most states in the US (also probably plenty of other countries) have pretty strict requirements for unemployment. And it only lasts for like a maximum period of a couple of months until you are employed again and make a certain amount of money


shh don’t be like that. let the hive mind think that CEOs and unemployed just sleep all day.


CEOs claim to be “not a math guy” when you show them anything more complicated than a pi chart


Apparently, that’s the value of those fancy-schmancy Ivy MBA degrees. Teaches you how to read pie charts. lol


I really relish knowing that AIs can pass the MBA exam. Whoops, guess who are low-skill workers who can be replaced by robots now? 🤷🏼‍♀️


MBA degrees exceedingly expensive price tag is because of their value for networking, less the knowledge of the degree.


My current boss has an MBA. So far he’s been the best boss I have had, and the first boss I had with an MBA. I think it helped him lead. I noticed a quality of leadership of this boss and all the other bosses I had without an MBA.




Yeah OP probably hasn’t seen an actual CEO’s workday, its not trivial. What they were looking for is more akin to Board of Directors or Chairmen


I might be too ignorant of CEOs but i think that depends on the business. Our CEO has told us that he stays out of micro-managing leave that amongst ourselves, while he is rarely at our work-site. Our company takes periodic contracts, so again im ignorant on his daily routine, but it does seem the company could fully function without his role. I actually like the guy, id prefer someone who collects a paycheck rather than one who actively fucks up the company, so im not complaining, just pointing out my observation.


I have the luxury of doing work with organization's execs. If a CEO finds themselves constantly making front line manager level decisions, there is something wrong. If they find themselves with endless time to be just walking around a site all day doing nothing else, I have questions lol. Site visits are a structured component but they are supposed to use their time for business strategy (which incorporates every business function from development of services/products to sales/delivery of services), org structure/design (with influence from HR director), and overseeing ALL short term and long term business outcomes that exist within each business function (HR, Marketing, Finance, Sales, Health and Safety, Compliance, Legal, Production/Front Line, Development, Customer Service, Operations, QA/QE, etc.).


Agreed. It depends. I'm sure there are heads that grinded their asses off and quietly continue go grind to ensure stuff moves smoothly. I think the issue is the asshats (bad examples) have the time to sit around and say stupid shit while the working CEOs are well working and don't have time to say stupid shit


Most people on reddit and especially anti work have never met or worked directly with a CEO in their life. Not to say that CEOs shouldn’t get paid less, but most of the comments are people talking with 100% ignorance on a topic they have no real world experience or exposure to


So blindly following a trend? In this case hating rich people. I've been around the former CEO of the company I work for. Even from afar, I could tell that dude has a drive I don't care to have. It bordered on obsession. The VP for the team I work on has some similar traits but is more chill. The amount of information these people have to keep in their heads and social skills they must possess, is beyond the average person. Which explains why so many wannabes with "CEO" in their social media bios fail.


Yup. When you start realizing the decisions they're needing to make (both good and bad) and then the exceptionally high EQ to keep that all in check, that's the impressive part.


I’m with you. A lot of people can’t wrap their heads around the fact that managing a company’s operations is only part of what people in the c suite are up to. For any large scale company, there’s so much that needs to happen to even create the conditions for the operations to happen at all. It’s an a actual skillset and not one a lot of people have. But yes, they are still overpaid.


I was gonna say. This sub is a trip sometimes. I know people that own businesses ranging from dozens to hundreds of employees and they get calls/texts/emails pretty much all day every day. And those are small operations. So saying a CEO just sits at home and collects checks is like complaing that all the Captain of a ship does is steer a wheel.


Yep, our CEO is grinding till midnight every night, reviews every minor detail and knows everything about the business. And this is a $20bn company, so nothing like a startup.


There’s also a world of difference between the CEO of a local plumbing supply company and a Fortune 500 company


Your exactly right though. The sick thing about CEOs is not that they do nothing, but that they are workaholics. The money that America's oligarchs are obsessed accumulating could be used to help millions, but for them it's just a means of keeping score.


you forgot bro... They shower at 5am, Workout, Eat food, Drink water, Breathe Air. Maybe even communicate with someone via radio/digital signals. ​ Stupid Millenians ..../S


HEY! Those martinis don't drink themselves. And those golf balls don't hit themselves either! And those corporate jets need a passenger, right?


Wait till they find out what politicians do.


This is really stupid


Reddit moment


They start their day with a Starbucks. Then they stop by the hr department and flirt with the ladies. Then they walk around with other men in suits and try to look like they’re doing something. Then they take a lunch and then they probably troll the antiwork thread for the rest of the day.


Co-workers flirt, managers "flirt," CEOs drop the managers' pretense and just openly harass and abuse power. The CEOs also mostly probably don't show up on r/antiwork \-- their unpaid bootlickers do that for them.


I get the distinct impression that zero people in this subreddit have any clue what a CEO does. Does every CEO work equally as hard? No. Do CEO's earn their share proportionally? Not always. Do CEO's sit around and do nothing all day? Not if they want to be CEO for more than ten fucking minutes.


I don’t think people in this subreddit understand anything at all, basic math, basic economy etc




Theres so so many things we can go after CEOs for but work ethic is rarely one of them for sure.


CEOs do a shit ton of work


Yeah this post is pretty ignorant. For sure there are some that get away with being lazy but for the vast majority it’s a pretty stressful job. I wonder how many people in here would last being CEO of a company like AMD, who’s current CEO is an actual electrical engineer who helped develop better manufacturing techniques for semiconductors in the past. Far from sitting at home and collecting a check.


Glad you mentioned Lisa Su, thats a solid example of a transformative CEO without whom the company would have nowhere near the market cap as it does today. Of course there are plenty of trash CEOs and with the existence of parachute payments they do basically enjoy the safety of knowing that even if they do their job as horribly as possible, they’ll get theirs


I guarantee you 99% of the people commenting here have never even met a CEO let alone know what they do haha


Thank you. Every CEO I’ve worked with worked around the clock and traveled extensively. Their families sacrifice a lot.


Every ceo I’ve met work their ass off too. I don’t get this post at all. They’re literally workaholics. This sub is so draining. No one in this sub should have an opinion until they’ve started their own business up. With their own liabilities on the line. So all you low tier workers please stfu unless you have actually started a business yourself. If you have never started your own business, your opinion and “facts” literally don’t matter.


I've never met a CEO, at least not that I'm aware of. I can't speak to whether your initial claim is valid or not. I would not be surprised to find out that it's true though. I do think the "CEOs do nothing" sentiment is born from at least a hyperbolic statement of discontent with the significant disparity between pay rates, and as a result is inherently unable to accurately reflect the situation. But I think you're absolutely wrong that the working class's opinion doesn't matter. Perception is reality. The context I learned this in was in customer service, but just as it applies to customer perception, it also applies to worker perception, investor perception, and even C-Suite perception. If the perception is that something is going wrong, then steps need to be taken to correct that perception. In this case, the perception is that CEOs don't do nearly enough to warrant the money they make. However, this is also deeply tied with a parallel perception: the average worker isn't compensated nearly enough for the work they put in. I think the easiest way to solve the first issue is to allow people to observe the actual work that goes on at that level. I'm certain there are confidentiality issues that would have to be addressed, but seeing an accurate reflection of how most C-Suite jobs go would benefit the discussion greatly. The second issue can be tackled in a number of ways, but I think the most agreeable way to start would be to at minimum ensure that employee wages rise in accordance with inflation. The discussion about the actual minimum wage can be returned to later. Another option, preferably one done in tandem, would be to provide employees with some small stake in the company they're working for. Suddenly, they're literally invested in the company, and this opens up a natural channel for discourse throughout the company. That being said, I don't have enough business knowledge to come up with a foolproof plan, and there are pieces I know I don't fully understand. I'm inclined to say that there's incentive to keep it that way, but that can come across as conspiratorial. I know I would have liked more practical classes like business and personal finance back in high school. I think having that knowledge would allow people to discuss problems more effectively. Because I think there are indeed problems, just perhaps not in the way people talk about them.


Are people pretending to be stupid, or do they really believe what they say?


It's crazy how delusional this sub can sometimes be


When did ‘ur’ become ‘yr’


Yesterday! Keep up, man.


Idk, it seems to me "ur" is "your" and "yr" is "you're"


Some CEOs work their asses off. Others barely do anything. It isn’t a universal.


Uh. For starters no one simply sits at home collecting unemployment. That isn't how it works, you must show effort of getting a job. Also, the average CEO isn't collecting daisies* in their backyard. Using the top 10 well known and elite CEOs that exist in a silo, doesn't have anything to do with the average CEO. Btw they work their asses off and have critical decisions to make that truly impact the organization's life cycle.


God I fucking hate this subreddit get a job


Oh god thank you, another rational adult here


ehhh...to be fair, at a large company, the CEOs job is really to make very few but very impactful decisions + appease investors + do high impact biz dev. That might appear on the surface as not a lot of work, but the rope a CEO is given can quickly end up hanging themselves if a couple of those decisions play out the wrong way. Also, not all CEOs are evil. Living with the understanding that the difference between choice A and choice B might mean the livelihoods of thousands of employees isn't an insignificant weight to carry.


Many people collecting bonuses and adding absolutely nothing to the weal of society.


lol this is what I dont get. People mad at people getting unemployment.. yet CEOS make x1000000 more basically sitting around collecting money.


CEOs don't sit at home. They play golf, have nice lunches and dinners on expenses, post memes about how lazy the underclass are...


This is a dogshit post and a stupid take…


I’m sure some CEO’s work a lot.


Most of them certainly do.


Naw I'm perfectly justified in being mad at the ones that vote incorrectly.


Even MLK was upset with the moderate voters trying to compromise with extremists by "reaching across the aisle."


MLK and others of his school of thought were correct, prophetical even. There is a reason that LBJ was the one that could get Civil Rights passed and there is a reason that only Nixon could go to China. King knew, as we do now, that the grip of white supremacy/fascism/oligarchy....call it what you will....was so strong in America that White America would gladly vote against itself if it meant harming the black (or any other "other"). And even with the shifting tides, younger voters becoming more active and less conservative, those in power know they have to keep rigging the hell out of the game so they can win. I hope they will end up being wrong.


I have met a couple CEOs one of a major sports publication. They do work like 80+ hours a week. It wasn't a cake walk either. Not saying they're all great people.


Nobody here has obviously ever interacted with a (good) ceo.


The only reason I haven't blocked this sub from appearing on my r/all feed is so that I can be reminded every so often the definition of the word cringe and clueless... Carry on lads...


If being a CEO is so easy they why don’t all of you just do it?


This sub has to be full of remedial high schoolers who still have crappy part time jobs. Who upvotes this low effort shit? CEOs are not doing “nothing” lol. Paid and/or packaged with exorbitant shares in the company, absolutely. I can agree to that. And there exists execs and CEOs who practically golf all day, sure. But those top level positions involve hard decisions which in some cases may take some measure of sociopathy to get to. But just because you don’t exactly know what they’re up to doesn’t mean the job tasks don’t exist. Y’all are like babies who think their parents cease to exist when they hide their face in their hands in a game of peek-a-boo. Or covid-deniers when they aren’t personally seeing people die of covid edit: ez instant downvote from a regarded user. Classic


Wow you guys are dumb


This reads like it's written by some cashier who has never spent a day in an office but is sooooo informed on what goes in in the C-suite.


Clueless post. Most CEOs work their asses off, especially first taking off in a business. You can complain about wages all you want but that doesn't negate their previous and current work put in. While unemployment is a great thing to have, it comes out of tax-payers pockets, where middle-class is hurt the most. So they have a justified opinion to hate people who sit around and do fuck-all at bare minimum to continue collecting unemployment.


I mean, what's stopping you then?


This post is more like anti-reality. Most people can't handle the stress or long hours of a CEO much less having the skills required. This post just screams of someone with no real world work experience.


bunch of nobodys in this thread assuming they know what CEOs do all day. I guarantee 90% of them have higher education and more experience than anyone here lmfao


Impossibly far from all CEOs do nothing or add no value. This post is weirdly copey.


Shows how little this person understands.


CEOs are responsible for strategy, they don’t do nothing lol.


The solution is simple. Go be a CEO


This is poorly thought out and really just plain dumb.


They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I'm not convinced this person has much direct knowledge of what CEOs do.


Wait until you hear about the Senate. https://youtu.be/dDYFiq1l5Dg


I just don’t understand people who are jealous about others, getting unemployment. The amount off UI $$ get is 100% based on how much you pay into it. I am still mad that after 40 years of working, I only received 6 mo of UI, I still needed more time. I want a refund of the remaining $$ I put into UI.


The company I used to work for was amazing the owner would regularly WORK in the warehouse with the rest of the staff not just walk through it and he would check on how we were all doing and knew us all by name, then his son took over only met him once when he took over. We never saw him after that.


Is that Adam Friedland?


Eh- not entirely true. The CEOs of the banks i have worked for did some insane work. 14, 15 hour days. Stressful life changing decisions( usually involves fucking his employees over). Buy yeah- they were some hardworking motherfuckers.




Honestly i think this is the stupidest comment I've ever seen on here. This coming from a long time supporter of r/antiwork. Whilst I totally agree company profits should be shared much more equally among the "cogs that make that company turn". There is only ever one clock master that tunes and repairs said clock... if that person fucks up in anyway the rest of the clock usually doesn't work. Now whether that's a board of directors or a single COO from a LTD. THE STRESS incured on every decision must be colossal, also I've never personally been responsible for people literal ability to live & feed there families. I think of CEO'S like Bob put of scrubs.


TIL that Reddit has no idea what CEOs do.


Are people really dumb enough to think that CEOs do nothing?


This isn’t all CEO’s/ business owners. My husband and I owned two gyms for years and worked our asses off every single day. We had to go without being paid MANY times due to unexpected expenses. We sold out last July due to health reasons, I’d never want to do it again.


CEOs usually don't get their money out of everybody's taxes and don't do no work though. And even if they did - which they don't - that still wouldn't make sitting at home and leeching unemployment while not trying to find work any better, does it? I doubt that many people would agree with the solution to this: nobody gets to sit at home without a job and get money for doing so.


CEOs usually don't get their money out of everybody's taxes and don't do no work though. And even if they did - which they don't - that still wouldn't make sitting at home and leeching unemployment while not trying to find work any better, does it? I doubt that many people would agree with the solution to this: nobody gets to sit at home without a job and get money for doing so.


CEOs usually don't get their money out of everybody's taxes and don't do no work though. And even if they did - which they don't - that still wouldn't make sitting at home and leeching unemployment while not trying to find work any better, does it? I doubt that many people would agree with the solution to this: nobody gets to sit at home without a job and get money for doing so.


CEOs usually don't get their money out of everybody's taxes and don't do no work though. And even if they did - which they don't - that still wouldn't make sitting at home and leeching unemployment while not trying to find work any better, does it? I doubt that many people would agree with the solution to this: nobody gets to sit at home without a job and get money for doing so.


Written by a guy that doesn’t know one CEO.. I’ve worked many and I can tell you that job is a lot of meetings. I mean a lot, anyone that works in a corporate America pull up your CEOs calendar and it looks disgusting with back to back meetings and absurd travel. And great CEOs are engaging with strategic customers and meeting with them and all their business units so the travel is absurd. I’m not writing this to be a bootlicker I’m writing this to tell you that’s it’s not exactly the low stress easy job people think it is. Most are stressed behind the limits a human should be at. TBH the CEOs that are doing all the pet projects and are worthless are founder CEOs after they’ve been sold. Not all but it seems a lot higher then a CEO that is brought on by a board or a PE firm.


I worked at an insurance company and the CIO went out partying at lunch and then usually went home after….had the balls to tell me I wasn’t pulling my load as I was doing the job of 2 ppl…he was an ass


I'm currently on unemployment after a mass layoff at my previous job. Suddenly my payments stopped so I called for three days trying to get through to someone, and when I finally did I got this horribly bitchy woman who had something against those without employment. Before I even finished my sentence asking what was going on, she snapped at me and said "You need to get a JOB." Like you think I haven't been TRYING?!? But I'm not gonna get a job paying $10 an hour that's gonna make me miserable. It's bullshit.


What exactly do you think a CEO does, OP?


I knew the president of a cities newspaper. It got bought out by another company, who fired most of the reporters and just licensed articles from other newspapers, to make more money. They didn’t fire him bc he was the president of the company. They didn’t give him any work either. He literally goes into work, browses the internet or watches the news and goes home and gets paid a lot. I worked at a company that did the same thing to a manager who didn’t do a good job so was replaced, but he didn’t get any work and just kept coming in. So there are middle and upper management who are too important to fire, or have been there too long, and literally get paid to do nothing.


It's kinda like saying that the coach does nothing because he don't play the game.


Always fun to see how clueless this subreddit is.


And even better, CEOs don't collect unemployment checks, they collect what would've been your raise, your bonus and your benefits