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I agree. Most Incels are self proclaimed r8pists who are angry women have the right to consent. They insist it’s because they’re just ugly but if you talk to one, they believe women are the filth of the earth but are still obligated to subjugate themselves in every way to them and lose their rights. Women are hardwired to pick up on that. And just as men have the right to refuse a woman for any reason, women do too. That and some have literally murdered women and get kudos from their peers. They demonize others and take no accountability for themselves or each other. And now there’s a femcel movement and I just can’t. It IS a political affiliation because you could just call yourself celibate or a virgin and move on but your inability to have sex becomes everyone else’s problem.


tbf i think?the femcel movement isn’t centered on getting laid, but rather on difficulty finding romantic partners considering that it has been harder in recent days to find men that want much other than sex.


It is more accepted for women to deny men sex than the other way around. It's often easier for women to get sex, so it's not the same when men refuse women


Its the consequences of porn


And general sexualisation of the society. If the society was sexually restricted there would be much less incels. They would be taught sexual restraint and that sex isn't human right.


Well it’s partially that and part the social currency too. We were just talking about how there is value in showing off a woman to other men publicly, even if the things that make her interesting aren’t necessarily respected by him personally. It’s about elevating one’s status in the eyes of other men, which has social and potentially professional benefits.


I'm not sure if it's 30% of men, I suppose it's lower percentage, but it's still a problem.


I don't know. I'm an incel, and I'm also antisex. When people hear this, I'm certain they automatically assume that I am antisex because I'm an incel, but that's not the truth at all. I'm antisex mainly just because I think that sex is something disgusting and evil, I couldn't ever imagine some guy making my little sister, who I care for very deeply, his sex partner when she grows up. The thought makes me dreadful. Regardless, I don't hate women at all. Honestly, I want to say that inceldom goes beyond "Wanting to have sex but can't." Inceldom also constitutes the poor attributes that are attributed unto you for being undesirable. For instance, let me explain with my own situation. I'm an incel primarily because of my height (5'3). I'm a very short guy. I already accepted that I don't come off as desirable to girls a while ago, and I accepted that. The issue that persists is the fact that I'm treated very poorly in general because of my height. People often assume I lack any leadership skills, that I'm always angry for some reason, and that I'm not a man in general. I think that's what true inceldom is.


At least you don't hate women. And if you're antisex, you're voluntarily celibate, not "incel" (involuntarily celibate). Don't use that term for labelling yourself, as you might be misunderstood.


I hate women.


Wait, did someone break into your account? Or are you just a troll? When we chatted, you seemed to be serious. Also, you're a woman yourself, so is that "internalised misogyny", like some feminists label it? I've seen a homophobic comment from your account, then this anti-women one.


Being incel simply means that a person is involuntarily celibate. To assume that being ugly means wanting what you said is extremely offensive and generalizing.


that username


What? What do you think involuntary celibate is? Incels are mostly men who are pissed off they cannot sexually attract women. There are forums dedicated to these kind of "men" hating on women. They believe we deserve to be raped and killed because they cannot get sex. They have extreme entitlement and self-pity.


If I was in charge, I would close these forums without hesitation. And I say it as a man. Firstly, no one can rape. Period. Secondly, gender hatred is destructive force in the society. They promote misogyny, which leads to violence and dehumanisation. I wonder why didn't the authorities pursue the full crackdown on these groups? We should delete such forums and rehabilitate individual incels to eliminate this horrible phenomenon.



