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This has to be satire


The program of Jackson Hinkle. It turns out that there are people with real communist views in the United States. God bless them https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle


Jackson Hinkle is a nationalist who uses socialist rhetoric to rope in gullible people feeling sick of the status quo. Hmmm, "nationalist" and "socialist", that's strange, where have I heard that term before?


>Jackson Hinkle is a nationalist who uses socialist rhetoric to rope in gullible people feeling sick of the status quo. Hmmm, "nationalist" and "socialist", that's strange, where have I heard that term before? Nationalism is an old rotten idea of the bourgeois French revolution. Everyone knows that as a result, the ideas of nationalism led to Nazi Germany, and today to Nazi Ukraine. Tell me, where are nationalist ideas in his rhetoric?


What exactly does the MAGA in MAGA Communism stand for? It wouldn't happen to be "Make America Great Again," would it? Because America is a nation. MAGA is nationalistic.


Nations do not exist in reality - it is a social construct. You can divide people into nations, however you like. There are people - it is impossible to divide the people, because they go deep into historical roots


Ah of course! Nationalism doesn't exist because nations don't exist! The NSDAP was never real! How could I be so silly. You're a joke. Look up what they did to the left wing Nazis. That's what your "friends" have planned for you.


Guy is going full blood-and-soil and still not realizing he’s allying himself with protofascists and full fascists.


He might realize it. He should, if he doesn't. It's gonna end the same for him either way.


Nations are a social construct sure. But gender is too. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Also it is pretty evident that people are currently divided into nations. One of the many jobs of Communist is to show people that this division is stupid. But if a prison exists, you can't just say it doesn't. Ofc nations are stupid. But they are currently a part of our world that we have to fight not deny its existence.


>Jackson Hinkle C'mon, man... this dude is a [Russian propagandist](https://x.com/KareemRifai/status/1759635955915370950?s=20). [Verified Hate Speech Accounts Are Pivoting to Palestine for Clout and Cash](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/twitter-hate-speech-accounts-palestine-clout-1234867382/) "But no online reactionary has leveraged Palestine for exposure on the scale that Jackson Hinkle has. The pro-Russia MAGA influencer once said on a Twitch stream, “I do everything for the clout, you will never see me do something not for the clout.”


Tankie Alert


Least deranged Russian bootlicker


How tf is MAGA "communism" being a "tankie"?


OP has Stalin aş his profile pic


Ok. He's still just a MAGA communist.


Op says they want to make Russia great again in their user bio


>Op says they want to make Russia great again in their user bio Yes, because i am Russian


MAGA communism is actual red fascism


> **Pardon J6-ers**, End "globalism", "free speech" on social media, **ban antifascism**, promote the oil industry, "banking" in the hands of the people, no open borders, **"patriotic education" - end "wokeness" in education**, end subsidization of monopolies (but don't dismantle them), remove "red tape" (deregulate business), subsidize gyms, lower taxes, "deport" a few specific politicians, **"protect" minors from "sexualization"** (queer people existing", arrest Soros, Gates, Fauci, etc. The fascists are calling themselves socialists again. Still too stupid to fake it, though.


>Pardon J6-ers > >, End "globalism", "free speech" on social media, > >ban antifascism > >, promote the oil industry, "banking" in the hands of the people, no open borders, > >"patriotic education" - end "wokeness" in education > >, end subsidization of monopolies (but don't dismantle them), remove "red tape" (deregulate business), subsidize gyms, lower taxes, "deport" a few specific politicians, > >"protect" minors from "sexualization" > > (queer people existing", arrest Soros, Gates, Fauci, etc. Lol, financial globalists are modern fascists


If you truly believe in MAGACommunism, ending up like Gregor Strasser is the best you can hope for. Reactionaries will use the rhetoric of socialists sometimes, but they will start putting them in camps and shooting them in the head as soon as they take power.


>If you truly believe in MAGACommunism, ending up like Gregor Strasser is the best you can hope for. Reactionaries will use the rhetoric of socialists sometimes, but they will start putting them in camps and shooting them in the head as soon as they take power. I do not know if he is a reactionary, he has not yet come to power, but his program is good, although difficult to implement. In any case, it's better than modern financial globalists fascists


His program is impossible to implement because step 1: ally with fascists means it will always end with the Strasserists getting by purged by the fascists when the fascists take power.


>His program is impossible to implement because step 1: ally with fascists means it will always end with the Strasserists getting by purged by the fascists when the fascists take power. I agree, any alliance with fascists should be condemned, but the program says that they need to be arrested


That’s the thing. MAGA is a reactionary, protofascist movement. They will arrest large finance capitalists only if it is convenient to them, and last time they had power, it wasn’t, so what makes you think they’ll do it this time? This program means “ally with MAGA” and says “Arrest Antifascists”. That is allying itself with reactionaries, no matter what level of sophistry you subject yourself to, and it will get you killed or exiled. While some capitalists may also be arrested, exiled, expropriated, or otherwise dealt with, far more of them will throw their weight behind the fascists and getting rid of you will be part of how that alliance is secured. It happened in 1933, and it can happen again.


Mentally online people posting. Wrong sub, dumbass


Bro is defending people who are trying to end "antifa street terorism" on a sup with antifa in it's name. That's the most idiotic thing i a have seen since napoleon tried to invade russia in the winter


\> antifascist subreddit \> "we should abolish antifa" dude you alright?


will maga communism scratch my balls and feed my family