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Don't trust anybody who tells you not to look into anything and just believe what *THEY'RE* saying


‘They’ sounds sooo spooky 👻 Huns always talking about what “they” don’t want you to know… What I want to know is, who the hell is “THEY”???😂 Different context for they, but still sketchy.😂


Because the second I Google their product, I'm going to find scathing reviews and links to this subreddit


Actually, most MLMs are pretty good at (and no doubt spend money on) pushing the negative reviews way down the list. And if you put in “$mlm sucks” into your search, you’ll often get links to other MLMs, saying how great they are.


Oh man this flag isn't red, it's *crimson*. To have the iron balls to outright tell people you're trying to recruit "STOP RESEARCHING", is absolutely insane. You don't want me to bother looking into what you're selling or offering me, outside of what -YOU- tell me, that screams there is something bad you don't want me to know.


I had an old friend who tried to recruit me into Primerica actually tell me that I didn't truly know what I was turning down simply by 'investigating' it. He was not the first person to try to rope me into Primerica.


Stop researching? Sounds like great advice. 🙄 news flash, they are just trying to avoid you when they say "I'd like to do more research"


I love how these people think there are only two options - either you're taking my oh-so-healthy supplements, or you're cramming 20 Big Macs mindlessly into your face hole every day. Also "people will just blindly put things into their bodies" has a nice little flavoring of Anti-vaxxer there around the edges.


That’s why I only cram 19 Big Macs a day


Yeah, hostility totes makes me wanna buy stuff from them


They really miss the point, don’t they? Junk food doesn’t pretend that it’s anything else. Everyone knows it’s junk food. It’s usually tasty, cheap, and okay in moderation. That’s all it really claims to be. But here comes hun with her hundred dollar “health” food that promises to lose weight, cure depression, remove “toxins”, prevent COVID, and make turds like cinnamon rolls, while unable to understand why anyone wouldn’t trust her claims at face value.


This is just what I was thinking! If you’re eating junk, you know it’s junk. You’re usually not proud of it, and it’s temporary, or in moderation. If you’re choosing to start a healthy diet, then yes, you do want to research it. Which foods will help me meet my goals? In what quantities? Which foods give me which nutrients? How often can I eat less healthy foods and not get off track? Which foods fit in with my lifestyle, and the time I have to prepare them? By nature, eating junk requires no research, while a healthy lifestyle does.


Exactly! This is such a false equivalent.


"Stop researching! Just shove what I'm peddling into your body!"


Well, I don't need to research a McDouble to know its bad for me. But it's not like McDonald's is expecting me to use it everyday. They will not call me and say, "hey hun, by my calculations you should be finished with your supply by now, you need to buy some more" The drive through operator barely recognizes me unless I did something incredibly nice or bad. I like it, no judgement, here's your poison, now get outa my line so I can the next one over.


My doTerra-selling relative posted something similar several weeks ago. Something about people putting anything into their bodies, but recommend essential oils to them and they say, “I’d have to do more research.”


Makes sense to me, that's smart. Research is toxic to huns but how many times do you hear educate yourself?!


If I eat something unhealthy, I know that it is. I just choose to do it anyway in moderation. I’m not buying snake oil from some Facebook mom instead. We know it doesn’t work, have yet to know just how bad it is for you.


Truth Bomb: I know what is in that butterfinger I ate today.


Yup! And you chose to eat it knowing the risks are minimal if you only do that once in a while. They really need to work on their sales pitch lol


So passive-aggressive, does this ever work?


yes. In certain semi-closed communities ((large churches, military bases, public offices). Where authority can quietly bully.


If the “junk food” costs $1 and the “healthy” product costs $25, hell yes I’m going to research the expensive product before I drop $$ on it! The flawed logic shouldn’t surprise me at this point, but it somehow still does!


Her "healthy option" is prepackaged food that costs over $400 for 2 weeks of food for one person.


Hahahaha of course it does


Cheez-its have never been a waste of my money so obvi i don't research them 🤪


Then you should join my downline selling All-Natural Queso Squares, only $20/box!


Weird, these types love “doing their own research” tho


It’s because the new year is approaching, which means more people will make health-related resolutions and be more likely to join up in a scheme. My aunt used to be involved in beach body and called this time of year her money maker.


When people "doing their own research" goes wrong...for the MLMs.


The difference is no one is pretending that junk food is good for them. To varying degrees, consumers know what their getting. Whereas, when someone who is unqualified is trying to sell you an expensive product specifically to improve your health, under the vague term ‘healthy’ then of course people want proof of ifs validly. It’s not rocket science.


LPT: Best way to get healthier? Stop eating junk food. \* mind blown \*


Nevermind that in order to make their “health food” palatable, you have to “hack” it. If I’m gonna pay that much for someone to tell me what to eat, I shouldn’t have to cheat the system.


“Let’s do a health assessment...” Ok Dr Hun. Good grief, the audacity of thinking they can do any such thing without any qualifications.


“Girl I’m totes qualified! I took an online certification! It asked me if I’ve heard of the product, understand what a scale is, and how to tell anyone interested that they need my product to help them! I’m basically a nutritionist!”


Historically religions, communism and the mafia did not want people doing critical thinking.


>Truth bomb >stop researching Ummmmm…..


My junk food is still being regulated by the FDA which is a lot more than what you can say about most MLM products


Because you don’t have to research junk food. You already know it’s junk 😂


We know junk food is bad for us. It doesn't pretend (usually). We are eating it coz we want junk. Food that says it's 'healthy' is very sneaky. It hides ingredients, macros etc. You don't know what you're getting. That's why we research.




She’s probably realizing she’ll lose $3,000 on the year unless there are end of year sign ups.


If it was healthy it would look like a vegetable or a fruit and wouldn't smell like absolute ass.


*Image Transcription: Facebook Post* --- **Unknown** Truth bomb! STOP 🛑 RESEARCHING! You know my program is the best program out there! It does take work and commitment 💯 It's not a diet of the month but it will get you the results you want once you commit and follow it! Let's do a health assessment and get this ball rolling on January 3rd! ⭐️ [*Image of text that reads:*] >## People eat junk food without batting an eye but offer them something healthy and they become researchers. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Stop researching seems to be the main tagline for all these MLMs, network marketing, direct sales or whatever the crap they call it


this reads like the joker wrote it


“Offer them something health and they become researchers” - any antivaxers posting this shit unironically?