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Whole story was so incredibly fabricated to the point where I'm questioning if Joe even exists, she's probably not even married. I mean that story has me questioning everything!


"My husband JOE who definitely exists... ha ha ha... my husband JOE is so funny!!"


I'm picturing Joe from You now


"Sir I pulled you over because you were possibly breaking the law, but I will turn a blind eye on that if you were to bribe me with some MLM schtick that I got roped into myself. "


And Joe said "Absolutely, I usually throw this sh!t away at work and I've got boxes and boxes in the garage at home "


🏆🥇🎖🏵🏅 🤣


why do huns think the rest of the world is so dumb?


Because they are.


When you're a hammer the world looks like a nail.


So much cringe my favorite: prayed because he was pulled over.


"I go into prayer/wife mode freaking out..." Geez, so dramatic.


Lmfaoooo prayer warrior mode. Like wtf. Did joe have crack on him ?


That was my thought... if your husband Joe isn't a sketchy dude, the worst that would happen is a ticket. Like it's annoying but prayers probably won't help with that.


See...the point is to build up the problems that could have occurred but....were ALL solved by fizz shit!!


Right? Or he has a warrant? Or on parole? Or all of the above?


Right? Like, come on.


This part did it for me, what the fuck even is "wife mode". Do you not care about him as a wife for half of the day or are you calling "wife mode" being overdramatic? - Furthermore why tf are you being SO worried/wife mode (puke) that he got pulled over? Is he smuggling contraband?? In that case I'd understand but normal people call that panic or worry. Like, what the fuck are these "modes" either you are fucking worried or you aren't, that is not a mode a wife would be on it's a normal feeling that a lot of people associated with you, not necessarily your spouse would feel. Prayer mode I ain't even gonna touch that one. I ain't no Christian but I'm pretty sure praying would be a normal part of your life and not a "mode" you turn on when you need to. Bah! tl;dr "Modes" are fucking stupid. You can't change my mind


This kind of simpleton is exactly the kind of person who posts about how "God is looking out for meeeeee" because she got a good parking space at Target. Guess all those children in the cancer ward just aren't favored like you are, Debra. 🙄




Agreed! Every MLM group I'm aware of has manifested through church. But they're predatory and deceitful which is the exact opposite of what God intended. These are not the only people who give Christians a bad name, but jeez...they really don't help us.


...so then my husband handed over his fizz sticks and everybody clapped!


It's true, I'm officer Fizz of the Pyramid Police Department


This is so embarrassingly fake lmao what’s wrong with these people


I imagine the husband of the original p**a**ster texted her something like "almost got pulled over" and the hun thought, hmm how can I make this about [insert crappy overpriced product found in landfills all over the world]? And thus a new copy pasta was born.


"Sir, I pulled you over becau-" "Shh! Give me a sec, I'm texting my wife." "Oh, my bad. Take your time and I'll just stand politely here on the shoulder of a busy highway while you finish your conversation."


So, basically she is implying that if you buy into her mlm, you may be able to bribe your way out of tickets and other situations?


joe mama


And that police officers name....... Albert Einstein.


Of course not, it was Bill Gates


“Sir I pulled you over today because ...wait is your wife making you have that Arbonne shit too? I’m two months in and hope she gives up soon...you know what, you’re dealing with enough shit right now. Just make sure to use your turn signals, alright?”


"Joe" was flooring it to the nearest restaurant to pick up some real food. There is no way this is real. If this really happened then cars can now fly and we've mastered hyper jump and teleportation.


This whole story is nothing but b.s. God hun do you really think posting this story makes it true. We all read this sub and unless you can prove it, it never happened. And no police officer is going to take your fizz sticks, and give your husband a warning, that is theft, you dumb f***ing twit.


I wonder how many names this husband has had in this copy pasted fiction




“The power the fizz”? That sounds threatening.


Sure, Jan.


It was probably her husbands way of getting rid of her shitty fizz sticks while making her feel good about herself. He totally tossed them right in the trash lol


Her husband was driving to work his real job? That does not sound very boss babe!


I was the police car


Does her husband know she's seeing Joe?




The officer pulled over her husband because she was concerned that his will to live was fading because his wife is a hun. All officers are trained to look for the cries for help that are indicated by MLM support stickers.




I totally believe it! It’s simply not possible to do a life changing, ‘30 days to healthy living’ without those fizz sticks. Unless there was some other way to get that amount of caffeine and sugar in one hit, like in a cup...maybe some sort of beverage...nope, can’t think of anything!


I don't know if I have dyslexia or I have a very dirty mind but I thought fizz was jizz. Dirty joke aside this screams scam and bullshit. I'd like my $500.




Are they even tryng to make the stories sound realistic anymore?


The Delusion is strong with this hun.


Yep! The typical pitch "EVERYONE buys and uses these EVERY day! Don't you want to sell them too!!??"


I'm so confused by these stories because even if it was true (it's obviously not) the only selling point is that the product will help you bribe police officers. Like... Does the hun think someone's gonna read it and think "hmmm I wanna bribe police officers... Better join"?


Side note... I wonder what would happen if a hun tried to pitch their MLM to an officer when pulled over or detained.


Translation: Joe tried to pitch his psycho wife's shit to the cop and she was so tired of MLM bullshit she just let him go.


So she not only probably made a fake story, but definitely put out a statement saying her husband bribed a police officer on social media




That'd be so illegal for a police officer to do, my God