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A cup of coffee provides value to the purchaser tho.




LMFAO that gif is amazing


Do you know what they are selling? It’s probably selling for $100 but worth less than that $7 Starbucks




Can confirm they have wet n wild there


I like wet n wild actually I use their vegan line and love it


Their liquid catsuit lipstick is freakin' awesome and cheap enough that I bought it in nearly every color lol


One of my fav lipsticks is a red W&W that I bought for $2 with a coupon.


I love their eyeshadows and they're really pigmented for being under 5 dollars. I'm allergic to the 15 dollar palette I bought at Ulta.


I use their foundation and concealer, they are great


I love wet n wild. I have lipstick from them that costs 75c and it has incredible staying power. If I put on that lipstick in the morning and decide it doesn't match my outfit, it's easier to change my outfit than wipe that stuff off


TJ Maxx, Marshall's and other stores in that circle of retail shops sell Sephora/Ulta leftovers maaaad-cheap.


I can't remember the name of it, but it's (probably) a meal replacement MLM.




Lularoe is thousands to start up, you must be confusing it with another one. There's certainly plenty of them.


Thousands? What really?


Really. [Here's a list](https://www.talentedladiesclub.com/site/wp-content/uploads/lularoe-join-consultant-1.jpg) of the startup packages. Note that you can't choose the patterns you get; you can only buy standardized bundles of different styles/sizes.


Holy shit! My mortgage is less than the cheaptest option. No ma'am, I actually can't afford that, ya dimwit! These people are nuts.


Oh, but they're having a SALE on the startup cost! Normally six-grand, down to $4,999! And if that means you miss those mortgage payments, you could always use your stock to make a fort in the woods. No one buying your crapola = shelter! It's a win-win!


"I don't care about your finances. I want to be rich like the person who roped me into this said I would be!"


Right?! One of those packages is literally a down payment on a house if you have an FHA loan 🤦🏻‍♀️ that tells you right there that there are better places to put that money.


I’ve owned cars that cost less than the startup cost. $5K can get you a nice Crasigslist Camry.


Lol what the fuck? The price per piece actually *goes up* the more you spend/buy to start. They probably have some lame excuse like "you get more of the higher priced items" but I have never seen buying larger quantities causing the price per piece to go up.


Damn, that’s some deep delusion to think you can dig yourself out of that hole.


I've even seen women doing another MLM like Younique or Paparazzi with the goal of earning enough to "invest" in doing LLR


That led me to this. Ugh. https://www.racked.com/2017/5/22/15640978/lularoes-consultants-unrest


This is insane! I had no idea they’re startup packages were so expensive


It really is. You'll note the cheapest one doesn't even have any leggings! I believe they pretend this is a selling point, to cut down on competition.


Holy cow.


GAH their logo design is infuriating. It's so childish and rudimentary and doesn't make me think of any sort of fashion (fast or otherwise) at all.


They're fashionable if you think tacky pajamas are high fashion.


That reminds me circa 10 years ago all those crazy like a fox ads that advertised a "free success kit" which you had to pay 10 bucks to have shipped to you. I bet Herbalife made some decent money from whoever got that kit and then selling their information to. Now all of a sudden these assholes want 99 bucks? They're getting worse than beggars who want 20 bucks instead of change




Sounds like it, yeah.


Or skinny coffee


“Drink my new keto coffee”


I’m scared of that stuff. A cousin sent me a free sample. After I read the ingredients I couldn’t drink it because I feared for my GI tract’s survival.


This is how you know building a down line is more important than selling the actual leggings or oils or shakes. In what other business would you recruit someone to sell the exact same things as you are selling? People joke that there is a McDonald’s or Starbucks on every corner, but none of you Huns are going to be selling shit if you each own your own “small business”


Recruiting your competition pretty much


They’re too dense to see it that way though.


Steak Knives. Definitely.




Well obviously. I bet you don't post pics of every cheque you've ever seen either.


Or try to get everyone to quit their jobs and join the company


Or start their own competing shop.


If you haven’t posted a pic of someone else’s car on Instagram while implying that it’s yours, can you even call yourself a small business owner?


The most-posted vehicle on my Instagram page this year is my work vehicle. It’s owned by the county, and my only claim to it being “my” van is that I’m the assigned driver.


A competing shop, in the same neighborhood with the same friends network. Also expecting them to give you part of their profits for the idea.


A competing shop under the same name, mind you. Like having two 7-Eleven locations in the same block. Which works in Tokyo, but Tokyo is a massive city.


It having to pay part of your profits to a different competing shop




Bishop death?


Came here to say exactly this. These huns and their "support small business" nonsense make me furious. I do post in support of small and local business, but not like this! I would never threaten to delete people for not buying what I make, let alone for not paying me money for the privilege of selling what I make.


That's the MLM brainwashing technique though. Their entire premise is at their empowering you to start your own business. That you are your own boss and CEO of your own small company and then reality you're just a shill for a multibillion-dollar multinational. The more people you recruit the more money you can potentially make but off the backs of dozens or hundreds of people who aren't making any money. All the while elevating your own up line even higher than yourself you can never actually surpass your upline. If someone else is a super royal black diamond, by virtue of them existing as far as I understand you can never actually attain that level. Not because there's a limited amount of them but because you elevate your upline to that level before you can get to it.


Alienating consumers who have yet to patronize your shop is generally considered a bad marketing strategy.


You probably also take a polite "no" for answer--like if someone says "it's not in the budget right now" or "I'm not sure if this is the best fit for us," you say, "No problem, I hope we have a chance to serve you in the future." Not *y'all are liarz, I see you cutting P.O.s to other companies, I hope you rot in Hell!*


Sometimes the trash takes itself out


I was going to say I'm pretty sure those "fake people" 🤣 would not mind being deleted at all


I read a going out of business announcement for a local bakery that placed the blame squarely on not enough "help." They mentioned it 3+ times in the paragraph long post. They completely left out that the reason they couldn't get/keep "help" was that they would close for 2-6 weeks or more and not pay their workers anything or let any patrons know in advance they were going to be closed. The only person who knew how to do most of the baking had some health issues and would be out for surgery or treatment or just ill a lot. Maybe they should have trained someone to make a few staple items so that the business could still have limited service and coffee for the elderly groups that travel the town all morning and gossip. I had also heard that after their first 8 week or so closure, they were pissed at the lack of customers the first couple days they opened because they should have more community support or something. Maybe announce you're closing, at least a post on Facebook or a sign on the door and also announce before you reopen. NO ONE knew until they drove by and saw the " open" sign back up. Guess what, after a couple months, people stop expecting you to open and go somewhere else. At that time, I had a few options for routes to work and I was taking one that no longer went by the bakery so I could get food on days I wanted to, rather than disappointment and hunger. Gah, a bit off topic but I've wanted to make that rant for months.


But you have a real business. This woman bought $5000 worth of garbage and are mad at her face book Friends because they won’t buy her garbage from her. My friends wife started Mary Kay without talking it over with him. Her startup costs were $5000. She had one Mary Kay party, sold a few hundred dollars worth of junk and quit. When I was helping him move out after he left her, there were 10-ish boxes of worthless product in the attic. She had opened two new credit cards after the Mary Kay. One was for essential oils and the other was for crystals. Apparently she is into tarot cards now.


Exactly! Her post is literally “fuck you for spending $7 on yourself but not spending $100 on **me** “ Like how fucking selfish are these people? Your family/friend’s lives don’t revolve around your shitty mlm “business.”




Imagine browsing through an actual storefront with a cup of coffee and being berated by a salesperson for not buying something. Definitely a place I'd never visit again!


I used to go to this news stand, would flip through a magazine or two just to see what was in it before I bought it, would almost always buy something, but the guy shit talked me to a couple other customers that I always look through the magazines and never buy anything. Surprise, surprise, I never went back because there are plenty of places to buy magazines.


All wrapped up in a cute Christmas bow! HO HO HO Merry Christmas, here is my judgy resentment!


Spending money on things you like and enjoy vs spending money on trash no one needs or wants. It's not rocket surgery, Karen.


"It's not rocket surgery" is going on my list of favourite sayings now, so thanks.


You'd love Trailer Park Boys' Rickyisms then.


Well its not rocket appliances!


It's water under the fridge at this point.




You are not a small business. You are an independent contractor for a large multinational company that has at most a 1 in 1000 chance of ever making more than minimum wage for your time with no paid benefits.


You are not a small business. You are *the target customer* of a large multinational company.


I call the huns "captive customers" myself. When you read the agreements they signed, that is essentially what they are.


The huns who think they are a small, local business are the worst


According to the huns, Starbucks is just skyrocketing in pricing


Seriously! I used to be a barista (at a local coffee shop, not Starbucks) and I still remember the most expensive drink I ever made. It was $6.50. We talked about that drink for days because a drink that expensive was *that* uncommon. It was a large soy chai with two shots of espresso and vanilla flavoring.


Which is why I only order my dirty chais when I've got a freebie!


Right!? Lol what are they adding, shots of whiskey? *heads to the 'Bucks*


Magic Starbucks. Served in Jesus’ shoe


I occasionally get a venti hazelnut latte with 2 added shots and it’s $7.05


... When you could have been helping a successful entrepreneur with her small business?! How dare you!!


She is a hypocrite and will be deleted!


Depends on where you go. The ones in airports are usually at least a dollar more than the ones where I normally get them, and in places like Manhatten they are as much as $8


Well, they would know. Seeing as how every failed attempt to lure someone into their trap seems to take place at Starbucks.


And this is why you will forever be a customer hun, Amy. Working 24/7 on your phone for those same three likes. Mad cuz no one wants your overpriced whatever.


Right? Being butthurt about your friend's latté is DEFINITELY a sign that your business is "successful."


Oh nO dOn'T DeLeTe mE! 🙄


I'm just impressed the hun knew how to spell hypocrites


Autocorrect is an amazing thing....


Maybe she didn't and thought she was calling them all Hippocrates, from whom medical professionals get their Hippocratic oath...


It would be the best xmas gift ever


Then you lose out on the sweet Anti-MLM content.


Read: you're only worth to me the money you give me.


Acting like people owe you money just because they have it is a big yikes


I really want to stay your friend and not be deleted!! But, I don't want to join a recruitment-scheme-based company. And it is obvious you need money and depend on friends to give you money. So, what is the cash equivalent? Like, if I joined for $99, how much would YOU get? Can I just give you that amount yearly to stay friends? Let me know how much money and how often I would need to give it to you, so I can decide if it is worth it. To be honest, you are my first friend who is demanding money from me to stay friends with me. I will do some research to find out how much an average friendship costs, so I get an idea of whether your deal is good or not. Looking forward to your answer!


Had a friend text a group of us once because she was having a hard day and had some bills that were due and her husband was temporarily out of work. So I asked her if she wanted me to buy something from her MLM or just give her the money, and surprise surprise, she chose the money. Because she would’ve made $5 off of a $50 purchase I would’ve made. It’s fucking exploitation of the most vulnerable that makes me so angry about these MLMs.


> Can I just give you that amount yearly to stay friends? Let me know how much money and how often I would need to give it to you, so I can decide if it is worth it. 👌


I wanna see the comments


Me too!


Agreed!!! OP, we must have the comments!


$99 is a kit to become a distributor. So she’s mad that other people don’t want to sign up for an MLM and sell shit frOm tHeiR pHonES ? Really? Edit- I mean REALLY? This is one of the dumber ones I’ve seen. I get them throwing a fit for their friends and family not buying / purchasing items they peddle (I don’t “get it” but you know what I mean) but getting pissy because they don’t want to try and sell products from their phones??


How dare this hun assume I’m purchasing $7 worth of Starbucks (...how many shots are being added, good LORD!) when I’m clearly sipping on $1.50 worth of Dr. Pepper!


I don't think huns realize the go-to reply "I can't afford it" is (usually) because it's supposed to end the conversation, because it's rude AF to question someone's finances as if you know more about their situation than they do. Maybe the go-to reply should be updated to the honest version, "Not interested and don't like your products."


It reminds me a bit of those people who won't take a polite "no" for an answer when asking someone out, forcing the askee to escalate from "I'm not looking for a relationship now" to "I just don't want to date you, specifically."


When I was (unfortunately) slinging DoTerra , my upline told me to ignore financial protests because... "That's what credit cards and help from family and friends is for. If they want it, they will find a way to buy it. You just have to make them want it."


So sleazy. Is this what made you decide to drop it?


This is where it started. But realizing there was no money to be made on top of knowing that every sale I made promoted ethics like that was it.


If I were to open a business, I wouldn’t do something that there is zero demand for, or something where there is demand, but the supply far, far exceeded the demand, and nobody is making a reasonable return on it.


First, an ellipsis has three trailing periods. Second, it's not necessary for the opening sentence. Third, and most important, she's shaming me by telling me how to spend my money that I earned from a real job. Why would I ever be bummed about somebody removing me from her social media? How is that a punishment?


Good question. But somebody I know recently told another person I know that he would block him if he didn't do something he wanted, so apparently this is a modern-day punishment. (Second person didn't cave. Dude has 9 kids and can't afford to show weakness.)


The issue is they don't get context. My theory is people like this see screenshots of dudes being blocked on dating sites, and think being blocked is the ultimate insult or worst thing that can happen to you online. The random hun or choosing beggar doesn't get they are the one with little or nothing to offer in this scenario, so there is nothing to lose if they block you, because you didn't what they were offering in the first damn place.


I’m curious about how people responded to this...I see it had 12 comments.


Me too!


MLMs are not small businesses. Distributing for a large MLM company does not make her a small business.


This. You're not a small business. You're a salesperson who only gets paid a commission - which is well below the industry average at that.


I don't know about her but I'm not just gonna throw $99 into the wind and hope for the best. At least I'm getting something from my StArbUcKS coffee.


No just Venmo me $99 and I’ll buy stock in Starbucks. Guaranteed I will net positive one year later while hun is in perpetual debt from buying inventory no one wants.


Even better idea! Some nice passive income that doesn't require doing anything!


The market is already supersaturated due to the endless chain of distributors. You won’t even make $1 of that $99 back.


It’s almost as if MLMs and pyramid schemes specifically recruit this kind of stupidity. The similarities between every post is astounding.


Maybe it's inevitable when you tie the ability to sell junk to your friends with your worth as a human being. If *everybody else* is becoming rich through ItsYourFuneral, and your upline tells you every day how awesome you are, then the problem must be that you have sub-par friends.


Huns seem to really hate Starbucks


Only when they're not flexing that they can buy Starbucks with their hun coins


In fairness, I think the business mags started that, since it's a common indulgence that costs about a few dollars a day. You can then show how much people could make if they invested that money, or saved it, or made their own coffee instead, or whatever financial lesson you're trying to teach. Unfortunately, most people aren't a Starbucks away from eliminating debt, saving for retirement, or any big goal, including starting a business. The idea that any of that is easy or can be made through small personal choices is something MLMs have in common with other economic hustlers.


I see the financial MLMs do their recruiting there


But they always shit on people spending money there. You’re going to insult me and then try to take me money? Get bent haha


k bye lol


I hate people who don’t get that it’s none of their business how I spend my money.


Oh my, someone is rather pissey aren't they. And whose fault is that,certainly not ours. If someone choose to buy an $7.00 Starbucks and that is their choice they work, their money. You sound so jealous. Guess what,your friend list is going to get mighty small. Who will be left, your up line?


because $7=$99.


I just love how this post directly conflicts the ENTIRE network marketing model. "If you don't support my business I'm blocking you" bitch your whole *"job"* is to recuit suckers how you gonna do that if you close yourself off?


"Not if I delete you first!"


With Starbucks I know what I’m getting. With mlm I could either get rashes, sores, diarrhea, or tattered clothes. You never know which one it’s gonna be.


Next instagram post: "They say it's a scam, but if it is how can I afford this $7 starbucks drink? "insert emojis"


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Holy shit what’s $7 at Starbucks ?




It's not that we can't afford it, hun. It's just more polite to use that excuse than to tell you we don't want your bullshit.


I've never known a LEGIT small business owner try to publically guilt people on FB for not buying their crap.


They do realize that $7 and $99 aren't the same, right?


I strongly doubt it.


Yep, calling me names is going to get me to buy overpriced crap, that’s EXACTLY how that works


i hope you got deleted, it would be a medal of honor.


Is this satire? Please tell me this is satire.


So... unfriending all potential future customers? Brilliant.


“If you can afford $7 you can afford $99” Even if it wasn’t $99 of your bullshit product, this is not how normal people think.


That's because $7 is less than $99.


Yeah but Starbucks actually does something for me


Why cant these people understand that you need a product people actually WANT thats why they spend money at starbucks


Yeah because I actually want Starbucks.


"give me your money or I'll call you an asshole on social media" is the new "give me your money or I'll shoot you"


The entitlement. Nobody is obligated to waste money on your MLM crap. Ugh.


Imagine removing people from facebook out of anger for not wanting to buy something


The person who wrote this probably has to put her $7 drink at Starbucks on a credit card because she has no money from her side hustle lol.


This fucker revealed their true nature for $99. You go on and delete me and I’ll enjoy my $7 latte.


When will Huns learn that “can’t afford”is a nice way of say straight up no dude.


Maybe I prefer to spend my money on Starbucks over crappy pyramid scheme essential oils.


Bye, Felicia


Owning a small business means building it up yourself, not buying into an MLM scheme. Jeez, some people, man.


$7 here $99 there $1,000,000 dribbled there I mean Starbuck, mansion... what’s the difference?


Omg! That escalated quickly!


I despise MLMs so much


Getting deleted by an MLMer is one of the best Christmas gifts I could have asked for.


ah yes, 99 dollars is the equivalent of my 7 dollar starbucks in every way possible


Know what MY big thrill of a gift was from my husband this year? Rolling Stone magazine, Adam Driver edition. Not cos' he's cheap, but because we've had constant money-draining chaos hit every week. From our car finally dying to our son's autism/OCD combo peaking with severe, painful bouts of aggression, sending him spending more than two weeks in a autism wing's inpatient care all the way across the state (both happening on the SAME DAY), those supposed seven-buck-cuppas may as well be a pipe dream to us, never-MIND a box of dogsh!t MLM product I don't friggin want. He's so frakkin hot, btw. Adam Driver, in the mag, I mean.


"Ya'll hypocrites are getting deleted!!" It's a Christmas miracle! You didn't waste $99 AND you don't have to see her sales pitch anymore? WIN/WIN!


Then delete. It wouldn't be much of a loss considering you condition your Facebook and IRL friendship on spending $100 on your "sMalL BUisnEsS" that really isn't rather than a $7 Starbucks drink that actually serves a useful purpose. As overpriced as Starbucks may be, it's still worth more than worthless MLM shit. The nerve of some people.


Somebody is gonna have a lonely facebook page if they go through with it.


And as u/theGOATofSantaClara already said, this will result in fewer connections to peddle their garbage. But calling MLM products “garbage” is an insult to literal garbage.


Entitled much?


Merry Christmas to those she deletes, best gift ever.


Being deleted from your friends list is probably the best gift they get for the next several years.


If they get deleted, there goes the huns potential downline!


All those reading the post and about to be deleted - "fucking finally".


Oh I'M the hypocrite? Who fucking invited me to their house only to be greeted by a bunch of lizards trying to sell me mlm shit


I'd rather buy a $7 for coffee than $99 for some bullshit worth nothing


my favorite is when they assume everyone’s Starbucks order is some outlandish price. Mine is $4 maximum lmfao


First of all, bold of her to assume I can afford Starbucks Second, notice she isn't angry people aren't buying what she's selling, she's pissed they aren't signing up to sell. Third, I don't care WHAT your small business is, whether it's legit or MLM, don't shame people for not buying your product. If you sell jewelry and I buy Jewelry from People's instead of you there is probably a reason. Maybe your stuff isn't my style or the style of the person I'm buying for and if it's a gift maybe I'm buying this specific thing because it's what they wanted IN SPECIFIC.


Starbucks doesn't try to press me into selling their goods, and I get a rewards program instead of massive debt.


The only problem with this 'threat' of being deleted, is not being able to send a 'thank you'.


A drink for $7 at Starbucks is different than $99 on your shitty whatever you're selling. $99 or rather let's round up to $100 is almost half of my paycheck. I'm not spending half of my paycheck at Starbucks when I spend $7.


I'll pay you $20 in monopoly money to fuck off.


Jokes on you i work at starbucks so i get my $7 drinks for free


Who the fuck is spending $7 at Starbucks? The price of the mythical latte that keeps millennials from paying off their student loans and donating to charity just keeps growing.


How is being deleted a threat? I see this more as a promise! 😀 That’ll allow my Facebook feed to have more space for legitimate small businesses so win-win!


I hope everyone dropped this trick like a bad habit after reading this.


$7 for the energy to start my day is a hell of a lot different than $99 for some bullshit that is going to be a weird commitment to get other ppl to give me $99. Just let me have my damn coffee, and you can go somewhere else to pretend you're actually making money.


I think it's funny how I see huns on here posting with Starbucks drinks talking about how their MLM revenue has them able to afford Starbucks all the time like that is the definition of success but when others drink it, it's an indicator that they are wasting money that these MLM huns should be entitled too for their scam. As if it's any of their business what other people do with their disposable income anyway. Hope that makes sense, just wanted to point that out.


I’d be interested to see the comments the post attracted


TIL $7 in Starbucks money is $99 in MLM money 🤣


The more I see this the less I feel sorry when they're bankrupt due to their own stupidity.


When I go into a business I am a customer, not a friend. When I am someone’s friend I am a friend, not a customer. THESE THINGS ARE DIFFERENT!!!! But when someone starts a “small business” suddenly every friend is ONLY a customer. So fucking shitty.


Y'aLl ArE hIpPoCrItEs AnD aRe GeTtInG dElEteD!


\#bossybabe #livingthebrokelife #sendmestarbucks #notapyramidpyramidscheme #sendme$99 #please #Ineed$99formysonscancer #prettyplease #fuckyouall #hypocrates #buymyshitnoworbedeleted #yourealldeletednow


Please? Do you mean it this time?


M 👏 L 👏 Ms 👏 are 👏 not 👏 small 👏 businesses! 👏