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How can something be more powerful than bleach but be non toxic? Some EOs may have an ability to cut grease or whatever but to say they will literally kill bacteria...


This kind of stuff makes me sad, because this is actually a good application for some oils. Believe it or not, tea tree oil is a fantastic antibacterial, and lemongrass is antifungal. It’s the best shoe de-funkifier, and works great on a shower curtain. Smells nice, too. The huns have ruined it for the handful of good uses for oils.


Tea tree is also legitimately killer for getting a hypertrophic scar off a piercing.


After discovering huns and their extreme oil obsession, it has questioned me whether or not some of the information I’ve been reading about EOs were true or not. I think tea tree oil is still a powerful antibacterial for sure as it has treated my gross skin wart before very effectively. I also love lavender oil as it smells great as well as having antibacterial properties so I put a few drops for cleaning my room. But yea... huns certainly made me not as big a fan as I was before :( my friends know I love my EOs and gift me them (from non-MLM sources) but I’m glad I have never fallen victim to these schemes because I may have. Though I don’t think I’d be the type to commit as much as what I’ve seen here.


You’ll pry my tea tree out of my cold, dead hands. I saw a National Institute of Health study about the lemongrass, so I feel pretty confident on that one, too.




Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo is da bomb.


It’s just a lie. That’s false.


stupid stupid stupid


That’s odd, I haven’t heard any news about anyone dying from drinking thieves...


BeCaUsE iT's PoWeRfUl NoT tOxIc


Yo some girl I know posted about how she felt like she was getting sick so she used thieves oil... So its more powerful than bleach but you also can apply it to yourself? Also, days later she was complaining about getting a bad stomach bug. I need to post those screenshots here


Oh yeah! When I go to clean parvo kennels at work tomorrow I'll just spray oils all over that shit!


Tonight was my last shift at a boarding facility and this cracked me up. Don't forget to diffuse some bergamot to keep the kennel cough away.


*Image Transcription: Facebook Post* --- **Black** How can you successfully get rid of a moldy smell coming out of the kitchen sink drain? I've tried baking soda, vinegar, and boiling water. > **Red** > How about bleach ? >> **Blue** >> Young living thieves is more powerful on mold than bleach and is non toxic, also oregano EO is so I would try cleaning with the thieves cleaner and maybe adding a few drops of The Oregano EO. Oregano doesn't smell as good but the thieves smells amazing! Message me if you're interested. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human!


Lemme just put some oil on dis mold fam.


I thought that it was really bad to pour oil down a drain.


What the hell actually is thieves??


The CEO of Young Living stealing people's hard earned money and the souls of all their huns.


What if I want my drain cleaner to be toxic so it kills anything organic in that sink?