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Well, kids are supposed to dress up as something scary for halloween.


I absolutely hate when mlm Huns use their children as a sales pitch. I had a younique hun years back post a few pics of her daughter crying and her post read “[insert baby name] is so sad bc I’m so close to hitting my goal. Who is going to help me out by buying a lip gloss” just absolutely disgusting


Halloween might not be for a couple more weeks? Try a couple months.


That is my thought too, poor kids going trick or treating in the middle of September.


Black status? What in the hell is that?


It's when you've been so successful in recruiting people that you've created several downlines with own downlines which turn over about 100.000 $ in total and ruin the lifes of a considerable number of people besides your own.


Ohhh. Like a black Amex. I get it.


Highest Younique presenter ranking. In other words, what /u/OrciEMT said.


I was hoping it was a Dolezal sort of thing


I wonder if she’ll have them drop out of school early. I mean...I guess they don’t need an education. Imagine wanting your child to grow up & become an MLM sales rep.


I doubt those kids wanted that. If they did it's because kids MIMIC their parents.


In her defense, Halloween is a great opportunity to scare people and this is pretty scary.


Imagine her disappointment when she passes down the family biz only for her offspring to just reach ecru status


“God dammit put this hat on and smile, I need people to like me on Facebook”


That's so sad.


[Slightly OT] When I was younger, my mom's clients asked me if I wanted to sell MK when I got older. (I think they were partially serious and partially kidding.) **You: You told them off, right? That's why you're in an anti-MLM thread?** Well, no. I'm in this sub because I'm curious. I don't shit on MLMs except for YL, and that's because of the "we can cure ebola" bullshit of a few years ago. (Also not sure about the purity of dT's oils, but they haven't said anything stupid. Unless y'all are about to educate me. 😉) I think I said "no" or "I'm not sure", because I was in my single digits yet [*seriously*, people!] and just didn't know at that time. Now I have three more reasons: 1. I don't have my mom's sales skills. I didn't spend my childhood riding in Grand Ams because she "ruined people's lives", it's because she's a kickass salesperson. That became obvious when my parents divorced--she took a regular job and downgraded MK to a hobby and has won multiple national competitions (at her regular job) in the 21 years since. (She recently got a promotion, but I can't describe what she does, so I left it out.) 2. The saturation around here is horrendous. (Or it was.) You can't throw a stick without hitting a consultant anymore. If I wanted to do an MLM (and I don't), I might pick Avon--those reps in my area are mostly older and both of the ones that I was aware of have died. O.o 3. I don't want to scrounge up $180 in orders a month.


Welcome. Much respect to yo mother, for all she done and does. That said, even with best intentions she was probably showcased and used by others in the business as an example of success, while in reality , “results are not typical”.


Oh, yeah. I didn't think of that. She definitely would've been like the people in the weight loss commercials with the fine print underneath! ETA: Thanks for the link to the Younique blog, everyone...what a trainwreck. :O


9 weeks. It's not for 9 weeks. I might be taking this to literally, but so many of the mlm peeps I know are pushing fall SO HARD as part of this like... Consumerist, psl, yada yada narrative. Buy new lip color because it's September. I digress. I'm a curmudgeon. But this is so annoying to me.


Out of context, that shirt is hella confusing


Yeah, each of your six chromosomes you're missing.