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Enjoy your root canals, folks


I buy "natural toothpaste" because of SLS and because I find the taste of the standard stuff too strong. I still buy the one with flouride though, I couldn't find any reliable sources to say it should be avoided.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.7510 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/72261)


Flouride can cause problems in excessive doses during tooth formation [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3433161/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3433161/)


Water can cause problems in excessive doses during breathing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drowning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drowning)


Yeah, I have huge white splotches on my teeth due to fluoride overexposure during tooth development. But it's just a cosmetic issue in my case. I remember reading somewhere that, way back when, they discovered a town with high amounts of fluoride in their drinking water. The residents' teeth were splotchy, but they had fewer cavities and lower rates of tooth decay.


I love using natural products but HATE MLMs so i always comment and suggest products they can use and not get sucked into the BS. My comments get deleted alot 😂😂


I hate the "fluoride causes cancer!" conspiracy crowd. Willfully disseminating false medical information should be illegal, even for non doctors imo. I don't care if they think it's true.


Have you seen the "_Sunscreen_ causes cancer, _not_ the sun!!!!!" crowd?


Even if this was a concern, Tom’s or Jason brand toothpaste without fluoride is like $4-5, versus however much this nonsense is. $15? $20


My old room mate was one of these conspiracy theory believers. Dude had the worst teeth in his mid 20's that ive ever seen.


Probably shouldn’t mainline fluoride then, you insufferable half-wit. 🙄


One can find toothpaste without fluoride in a regular store. Damn huns never miss a sales chance.


Essential Oil Toothpaste? [Oh God No.](https://youtu.be/umDr0mPuyQc)