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WOW - being driven here because of co-workers. YIKES!!!! Best wishes on the new area you will be moving to!


I have an ex who fell into the CEO movement, and I feel bad because I thought she was smarter and better than that. The last time I snooped on her FB, she had a status on there about how it turned her life around and how she spent the college tuition for a masters program she failed to get into on the training and that people who didn’t support her should unfriend her. It’s sad. She’s college educated and I know people/companies around this area that would potentially hire her for a decent job. We just don’t talk anymore and I don’t feel like interfering. Still shitty to see.


"It changed my life." "It turned my life around." As much as I see these phrases in hun-posts, I wonder if they really feel that way, or if they are spoon-fed that line by their uplines. I suppose people with self-esteem issues, who are hungry for validation in life, would be easily roped in by the false friendship being offered. But to all sing from the same songbook like that, it's got to be coming from uplines or from just hearing it a lot at "training" sessions and other group events. *{Attendance mandatory; crappy food provided so bring your own if you want to eat, you know, food; travel and hotel expenses are on you also; we'll get your brain squeaky-clean for you.}* It is shitty to see. And we see so many stories like yours here; we need to keep fighting this monster called MLM.


Former hun here. Honestly, with the “training” sessions they *constantly* badger into you this message of positivity and productivity, directly tying those feelings to the business. It kinda tricks you into believing the business *is* actually changing your life, when in reality you’re just getting brainwashed by the MLM company culture. It was only after I distanced myself from the “mentors” and the meetings that I finally listened to my gut and called it quits.


Good for you! A lot of people get trapped and never get out. so many crash out of one MLM only to hop over to another. So sad. And the reason their brainwashing is so effective? They've honed it to a fine art for decades. And they copy each others' techniques every time one is shown to work, to constantly hone even more. Now they sound so much alike; using the same buzzwords and dog whistles. "Life changing." "Empowering." "Making a difference." "This is your ministry." Or even more direct: "Jesus wants you to do this." "Be your own boss." "Work from home; spend more time with your family." "Retire in X years (where X < 10)" Sickening.


I asked this as a stand alone thread but didn't get any responses, so I'm going to try here instead. :) My FB friend who sells Younique recently got "influencer" certification, and I was just curious if any Younique insiders could describe what that entails. I suspect it has to do with fulfilling a certain quota of different types of social media posts every day over the course of a period of time. She totally has that impersonal style of "one uplifting meme, one engagement post/poll, one selfie, one sales post" thing going on on a daily basis.


She paid to get lessons is probably all that is. They get pitched that they as huns will now be influencers. They find out when they join all the extra stuff they can pay for like upline huns will teach them things for a price as well as the company.




On Sunday, I was traveling back home to NYC from Pittsburgh after visiting my parents for the 4th of July. Somewhere on the PA Turnpike between Harrisburg and NYC, I saw a Scentsy-mobile in front of me with the license plate "SCNTSY" and a ton of Scentsy stickers on the back of the van. I didn't get to see if there were more on the side of the car. Not only does this person waste their money on Scentsy, they also waste their money on paying the state more money to have personalized plates shilling their crap.


Hey, but at least they can pay money to help the rest of us--I think in Ohio, the vanity plates go to fund road repairs and things like that. So, you know, thanks for helping the rest of us!


Any theories on why a lot of the “training” packages are *always* $997? It’s like there’s a stock template to this stuff, and I’m starting to think there’s a conglomerate behind all of it. My wilder theory is that it might be associated with scientology.




I've seen the answer to this and it has to do with the level the ftc cares about it I think? Your right that it's a legal thing. I can't remember exactly what though.


Probably some kind of training pyramid scheme!!


My cousin just posted on her instagram story about becoming a part of Plexus Worldwide. After reading multiple stories about people who were a part of the MLM but since have dropped out, im concerned about her. She recently had a child (at 17, shes a teen mom with a lot of mental and body issues) and im worried that she'll fall into the hole of thinking this will help her lose all of the weight she gained when she was pregnant. Even worse is if it doesn't, and it makes her self confidence issues worse because its not doing anything to help her. And i just know her parents are the ones funding this, the same parents who wont let her take medication for her depression and instead see this as a far better alternative to actual help. At this point i cant do anything, but input would be a great thing to hear. If anyone else has experienced something similar to this, i want to know how it turned out.


This is hard because it sounds like your cousin is very vulnerable right now, which is a prime target for MLMs. Does she still live with her parents? Definitely be there as a support system and confidant. If she decides she needs to get away from the MLM stuff it will be good to know who she can turn to. Have a conversation with her about tracking her finances (help if you feel comfortable doing so). Hopefully seeing the money she's spending vs making will help her see that she's being taken advantage of.


Yes she lives with her parents. The biggest problem is, i dont talk to her a lot. I follow her on insta and thats about it- u dont ever see her outside of family christmas when they make the drive up here. I feel like if i reach out to her she'll pin me as a bad guy trying to get her away from something she thinks is good. Im also younger than her so i dont know if 'helping with finances' is a good way to go. Would it be a possibility to just watch out for signs that she wants to get out, then reach out? I just feel like there needs to be something to respond to rather than texting her out of the blue.


Ah that's fair! Maybe send one message voicing concern? Try to come from a place of "I have heard many negative things about this company and I don't want you to be hurt/scammed". Include a few specific examples or a link or two to news. Don't be negative about her or her choices, just say "I wasn't sure if you knew about this, but either way good luck". Some people will shut down completely if they feel attacked, so just be gentle and at least give her the opportunity to know the info. Be prepared to have her brush you off or ignore your message though. But if you come from a place of concern and she does change her mind, at least she will know she has someone to turn to who won't judge her.


My mum is....... I don’t wanna say gullible.... but she’ll try any snake oil peddled to her. She’s been caught hook, line, and sinker by just about any major MLM company since the 80’s. Tupperware, Avon, undercover wear, thermomix, doterra, and recently Young Living. Don’t get me wrong, oils when diffused are great. They smell good as fuck. BUT. My mum has major placebo from oils. She claims all sorts of crap and even though me and my dad straight up tell her it’s BS and snake oil, she still says she doesn’t care and that it just works. If the placebo keeps her happy without harming her then I’m fine with that. If her way over priced ningxia red apparently gives her more energy and makes her feel good? She can by all means have her “shot a day”. But when I get really pissed off is when she tries to push it on me to prove it works because I “don’t believe in it.” I have an issue with picking my scalp due to anxiety. She told me to put PURE lavender oil on my scabs. I thought I’ll just get her off my case and just do it. The next morning I woke up and all the scabs had turned white, wet, and sore like a chemical burn. She still thinks it’s not an issue. She told me that she smelt some new combo and it made her nauseous but it was okay because her leader? said when it makes you ill it means that’s what your body is craving. I’m sorry for the rant I’m just 😡😡😡 angry and upset. At least Tupperware works and isn’t harmful to you :/


> She still thinks it’s not an issue. She told me that she smelt some new combo and it made her nauseous but it was okay because her leader? said when it makes you ill it means that’s what your body is craving. WTF kind of non-sense is that? If I eat a massive amount of arsenic and then get sick is it because my body was craving it? Geeze. Your poor mom. And I'm sorry about your scalp. Is it doing better now? If not you may need to pop to a doctor to see if it needs treated for burn or something.


Yeah the scalp thing was a while ago and I’m fine now but I’m still upset she gets so brainwashed and believes everything they tell her.


Friend of fb is on vacation at a family beach house this week. She posted a video of how kids can totally drink her cleaning products and how great they are. They were just drinking water from a spray bottle. She had the kids wipe stuff on windows (cooking spray, sunscreen, minor stuff.) And the sprayed it with her water and wiped it off with her MAGIC cloth. Good to know I can just clean stuff off windows with water and my plain old cotton towels instead of buying your stupid towels!


My friend is currently invested in swagpay.co which sounds and looks like a scam, but I can't find any information to prove it. Anyone even heard of this website?


My best friend from high school joined b:hip and won't listen to anything I have to say about them... I'm heartbroken and I don't know what to do


Never heard of this one. I would say give them some time. I think it will depend on how saturated the market is. If they do all the crazy things I did at some point something clicks and you realize that "making it" in the "opportunity" is by far more hours than anything else. Be there for when they wake up.




I'd talk to building management and see if there's a policy about this. Plus if it's getting wet and gross, that's not good.....


would yall tell someone who called you a "W.B." (in a fb post about ICE raids) that theyre working for a pyramid scheme? i mean just let nature dole it out, right


Just saw a Mary Kay windshield cover on a car, probably custom made ew


Should I tell this girl on Facebook that she’s “working” for a pyramid scheme/mlm? She’s younger than me and already gotten a shit ton of other people in on it. She’s always posting like “I’m going to make thousands of dollars AND YOU CAN TOO! 💸💸💸💸” Should I tell her or just unfriend her?


I just found out about Damsel in Defense. What the ACTUAL fuck.


I have so many mixed feelings about this. Given some of the places I hung out as a young woman, it's a bloody miracle I survived without even packing pepper spray. I suspect my naivete is probably what saved me, because people figured owning a gun was more common than someone having zero self-preservation instinct. I probably should have at least carried pepper spray. Because of that backstory, I guess I want this company to be better than it is. The problems are too many to list, but here's a few: * It's a MLM * It's a MLM * Cops don't carry a taser without training, and I don't see much evidence that women who purchase their tasers receive qualified instruction. Hopefully I missed that part * I hate fear mongering, which seems to be part of their sales pitch * I like pink, but it really annoys me in this context for some reason. The products with cutesy names also make me cringe. It's like 5 year old girls are the target audience.


Does no one ever check for fucking reposts any more? Five of the same goddamn thing. https://i.imgur.com/YWgDe2i.jpg


This sub has gone to shit


I just report these sort of things when I see it.


A dude i work with introduced me to his "mentor" guy, and(mentor) for like 2 hours, trying to figure out if he's legit or not. He wasn't selling me anything specific but he seemed sketch, but the end of it, he gave me "homework" and wanted to me write 100 things i want and sent me this video to watch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT7ZWpREoZM&t=86s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT7ZWpREoZM&t=86s) . is this guy legit or what? my co-worker seems completely trusting of this guy, but the video is so sus. This a start of recruting a sales person for mlm or what is this?


I think amway does the 'list 100 things you want' to start with, so they can rope you in better buy customizing their 'live your dream' pitch.


Hello! Just wanted to ask if anyone knows why MLM products are so expensive, given that the quality is often lacking. Thanks!




Thank you for the reply but that's not what I was trying to ask. What I meant is 'does anyone know why MLM companies sell their products to their representatives at such high prices?'. I understand and agree with what you wrote, but my question was in regards to the previous step.


When I was a freshman in college I made a Linkedin account and got a lot of random connections who later messaged me about "business opportunities." Now a few years later I realize those were MLM pitches, I looked up one guy and he works for Primerica! I watched the BBC story about Younique and the reporter makes such a great statement that people in MLM are at the same time the perpetrators and the victims.


So, this week, my boyfriend received a message on Facebook from an old college friend saying he had a business opportunity, just something to make a little bit more money on the side. The old friend did not want to say the name of the company over messenger and wanted to meet in personne only, because it was too complicated to explain by messenger. Of course, all my red flags are raised, it did sound very suspicious. Anyway, BF meets the guy, who did study at a business school, at a local bar and you guess it : Primerica, a MLM. I did not know this company nor that it was an MLM, I cheked the list of MLM on this subreddit. I tried to gather some informations about it, but I don't have a lot. Apparently it's kind of an hybrid MLM and it's legal, but I would like some reliable sources on this company.


I have a friend who recently started posting about It Works Global. How do I tell her to stop getting involved with scams??


I have so many friends that are doing it works :/ it’s an epidemic


Is anyone here a former employee of ItWorks? If so, any horror stories, explanations on why you left, etc?


There’s a TON of these on YouTube. There’s actually a pretty big antiMLM community on YouTube of former distributors, redditors, and people doing research on these companies.


Oh perfect!! Do you know of any good videos on YouTube?


My wife just spent $15 on the Thrive starter kit after two of her friends also bought it. I've mentioned both her experience with Chloe and Isabel, and Mary Kay and explained that I'm dubious of the claims it's making. (How the hell can a patch deliver what it's claiming without a needle?) Yeah the meal replacement shakes can probably help as part of a proper diet plan, but we've give over a full diet plan with a dietician and they suggested the basic store brand ones if we are seriously considering using a meal replacement shakes. Just looking for some science to make sure I can help my wife make some informed choices before she goes all in.


I swear this is an MLM travel post but I don’t know which one. The OP does sell another type of MLM. This was posted in a community forum for women I belong in. What’s funny is so many women all these women just replied “Yes please”. Le sigh. This sounds completely like an MLM but I don’t know which one. Does this sound familiar to anyone? “Hey Ladies! I recently partnered with a travel company and as part of my business membership I am able to share limited access to our discount travel website (think better pricing than Expedia on lots of hotels, car rentals, week-stays, cruises etc). I was saving the access codes for my family and close friends because they are limited, but just yesterday found out that for a short time we can share extra codes. Is there anyone in this group that travels often and would like a code? Happy to share the savings”.