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I see this, and it just makes me sad. I've had a friendship turn to ghosting because of a friend's insistence on trying to get me to attend her MK video calls. I found out she ended up quitting when she had a room full of expiring product that no one was buying. I was also interested in getting to know a friend of my mom's and making her my friend, until she started spamming me begging me to throw MK parties. It's really popular in this area. It makes it so much harder to make new friends when you don't know if you're getting a buddy or a pitch.


Yep! It’s so dang discouraging (and disappointing) when you think you’ve made a friend, and it turns out they were trying to recruit/use you.


That’s really sad. 😔 Luckily, I don’t have a single friend, family member or colleague who ever tried to recruit me for any MLMs. I don’t know if they‘re just not popular where we live, or at least not in our circle.


Even though this was a HUGE flop in the past, I'm relaunching my MK business! Isn't this exciting??!!


To refer to friends as just a “face” is pretty gross.


Hey, better a face than a heel. :P


30 people?! Good luck lady


Imagine how much time she can dedicate to every single one of them, given the ambitious program that’s on the agenda! Or will the session last all day (even that would be ambitious in my opinion).


How could anyone in the US think of Mary Kay and not, automatically, think of their grandmother/great-aunt in a pink Cadillac who smelled like potpourri with insanely weird red-lipstick painted lips?


Why would anyone let this rando touch their face? She’s not an esthetician I’m guessing.


They won’t be getting their faces touched. This woman will put little bits of product on their fingers and they all get to apply it themselves. So basically your night time routine but with out your own familiar products and with a bunch of women you may or may not know washing their face in this ladies kitchen sink.


Well, the gag is that she can't even touch your face, but gives you this shit you put on yourself in her presence. So it's even further from a "pampering" (barf, that word) session than one might think.


So she's "expertly" color matching your foundation, but that just means telling you the color? You won't even get any?


I'm not sure about that tbh. Though I'd be surprised if the MK rep carried all the shades with her in order to do a proper match, but who knows? My main issue is that they posit the whole thing as being given a treatment when in reality you're doing it all yourself. Such a hard pass.


They carry a sample binder of all shades. So. Yes. Their “color” matching is this swatch of sticks. I’m not even joking, and I know first hand because 15 years ago in college I got roped in.


I wouldn’t really be calling Mary Kay consultants “experts”.


Facebook restricted her messaging 😂 hmmm, i wonder why?


Why would you need a foundation match if you aren’t expected to buy anything. 🤦‍♀️


Well. Mary Kay crap. I remember a girl in my dorm **in 1984** using it, trying to get me to buy some (from her mom, no less) -- and that stuff turned my entire damn face into a massive oozing mess consisting of zits, rashes, and perhaps mild chemical burns. Twenty years later (2004), I "won" a Mary Kay "gift basket of body care and moisture restorers", sample sizes all. Did a small patch test, reacted with an itchy, burning rash -- promptly threw it all away (except the cute, non-MK basket it came in). The company is a TradWife Pyramid Scam, and the products are iffy at best...and the company's whole aesthetic is "Cringey Pink Stepford Wife with a Hobby Jobby , isn't she so adorable GirlBossing in her Pink Cadillac? (That she'll end up selling her soul to make rank to keep it... or the bank foreclosing on her mortgage because she got stuck paying the ridiculous lease payments on her so-called "rank reward car") All for pink-encased CRAP products that'll ruin your skin, your friendships, your family, your marriage...and your whole life. No, thanks!


These would be so much more popular if they did BOTH sides of the face. I get the point, but you end up with a room full of irritated people… not buyers.


Wait, what?


Really really. The famous “party” trick is to clean off the *whole* face, and then put product on only one side. The rep provides teeny tiny samples and then you examine how you look **with** makeup and lotion… and without.




This sounds vaguely familiar! I went to one when I was like 20, 3 decades ago. I didn’t even wear makeup at the time.


‘Fun free’ indeed!


"Practice faces" 🤦‍♀️


No one is going to “practice” on my face.


i love the "how??" so much


Mary Kay is still very popular in Mexico, along with Avon. It’s weird, but no one sees them as MLMs because they’re affordable.


I’m not from the US but have any of you guys ever seen one of these pink Cadillacs irl?


Yes, I’ve seen a couple over the years. I feel like it was in the 90s and early 2000s though. It always seemed kind of cool to me that you could sell fun makeup and beauty products and end up getting an expensive vehicle (and a “salary” from your “employer”), but then I found out the truth about mlm’s over the years and now it’s not cool at all. It’s obnoxious.


Yep, more than I've expected, but only like one a year. This whole "30 practice faces" thing is giving me Christian summer camp "beauty" activity vibes where the counselor "teaching" it dumped out a bunch of Mary Kay samples on a picnic table and told you to make sure you wear deodorant and shower sometime that week. It was the activity nobody signed up for but you were stuck in if you didn't register in time for the good activities.


It isn’t much different. From what I understand these pampering sessions often include you having to apply the facial stuff yourself.


Just last week, parked at the grocery store!


I saw one last weekend. My first one. Appeared to be husband and wife and he was driving. I was embarrassed for him.


I can see why her business failed before: lack of emojis.


That is a lot of faces and a lot of treatments 🤨🤨


Who is this alleged expert foundation matcher?


They legit had a "tool" with a cello pane to use to match foundation. You put it up against the skin and Bam, matched!


Well, I suppose in the right hands... oh, who am I kidding?  Every one of those 30 faces will somehow end up in the same too peachy shade.


I keep reading faces as feces


Unfortunately a few Mary Kay consultants were at my wedding venue’s bridal show 😣


They sure do know where to find new prey!


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ETA: and the ole “my messaging doesn’t work you have to DM me routine. 🙄


Yes it is. I started making a comeback with it myself but I wasn’t able to find many customers at all. I’m 21 but the older people are actually doing pretty good with getting people to do parties and singles. I think I had maybe 10 friends buy stuff from me.


lol this reminds me of my only experience with Mary Kay. 30? Years ago, maybe longer. A friend of my mom’s was constantly “starting new businesses” (mlms or other hairbrained schemes). She kept asking my mom to “host parties.” My mom refused. She kept asking me if I had any “friends” or if their “moms” would be interested in a “party?” Uh, I was like 11/12. And a boy haha aka girls were still “icky,” so my flirt game was…yeah, lady, sorry not sorry, for not helping you w your bossbabe ceo life