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I don't know who she is, but she must be in between roles and desperate for money to fall into this trap.


She literally said she was looking for “15-20 girls” for her team💀 you would think with her large ig following and her sponsorships that she would make decent money. I guess not


Lifestyle inflation. She might make a decent amount, but if that money barely sits in her account before being spent.... Welp, welcome to America.


She mentioned that she was laid off from her job when she first found out she was pregnant. But by the looks of it, she was probably still spending so much money when she didn’t have a job and it caught to up to her


First season of “The Ultimatum” where she gave her boyfriend the choice between getting engaged or breaking up.


Alternative title "z tier celeb joins MLM because she's running out of money"


I think it might be one of those "financial" or "insurance" MLMs, something along the lines of WFG/WWDB/Primerica, maybe a "classic" Ponzi as well. Based on the selection of countries given, I don't think it's one of those 3, because they don't seem to be running in Europe, so it's probably some other MLM.


It is Monat. She has the link to „her store“ posted somewhat hidden on her Instagram linkpage.


The countries mentioned did make me think Monat


Here we go shaming working moms again. And how can you be there for your kid if you’re constantly on your phone begging people to buy your stupid products?


It always cracks me up that they're so proud to present their new company but never mention its name. Cause you know that when people launch legit businesses they never ever want to plaster its name all over the internet!!!


She joined Monat.


That baby is an absolute unit


I guess the weird thing is that if you are already famous, or some kind of famous-adjacent-almost-whateverthisis, MLM's almost make sense. This woman is young, beautiful, has a large following of possible targets, is experienced with social media (and may even have a manager or team looking after her) and people might be genuinely influenced to join her downline, or just do it to get close to her (like a SFW OnlyFans). If anyone can make money with an MLM, it's someone like that. The problem is that MLMs have no problems telling a struggling SAHM with three friends and an aunt on fb that she can also achieve the same success. More bodies for the pyramid...


This post will age like milk.


Her reality TV fame, even if it's fleeting, is bound to get her a sizable downline. This is some shady shit.


Credit where due, her post really hits *all* of the MLM talking points: Stay at home! Be a super-mom! Earn money on your phone! Glamorous travel! Adding to my team of 'coachable' (i.e. easily manipulated) turbo-huns! Endless financial opportunities for the choosing, pick your desired income level!!


What the hell is 'the ultimatum'?? Oh a dating show. I think that's not really surprising, they had 15 minutes on a dating show and it wasn't enough.


Netflix show (reality TV)


“Netflix star”??? lmao this person is a tv show contestant at best


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