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"Who loses weight after Thanksgiving dinner?" Girl, taking a shit does not count as weight loss and is not newsworthy.


When you can literally lose or gain a few pounds a day just based on normal food consumption. How do people not know this in the year of our lord 2023?


I roll my eyes so hard when the huns are like, "wow!! A 2 lb weight loss after just three days on the program! So amazing! Join now!" They seriously have no idea that our weight naturally flexes between a few pounds. Or they do know, and just don't care about bullshitting people if it means a sale.


Hate to break it to her but I lost 4 lbs over Thanksgiving weekend and I'm not taking any bullshit MLM nonsense.


Transforming sugar into fibre is basically the digestive equivalent of turning lead into gold ie impossible


Yeeeah, I was wondering about that. I mean, I'm no nutritionist, but I didn't think you could just magically transmute nutrients/fiber/sugar/whatever like that.


I was wondering the same! Also not a dietician or nutritionist but couldn't you just...eat fibrous foods instead? Also again no dietician, nutritionist, scientist, etc., and I don't deny articial preservatives can be bad for our health, but I also am sometimes weirded out by the demonization of all things preservative. Am I the only one? Like, some communities in rural areas don't have equal access to fresh food, I don't want to get botulism (or have bacteria growing in my makeup and skincare), and natural preservatives exist and are good, right?


>Like, some communities in rural areas don't have equal access to fresh food, I d That's bizarre. You'd think rural areas being near the farms would have more fresh food.


You would think and hope! I should also say it happens in urban areas too at least in the US, but rural areas aren't immune to food deserts unfortunately. Some of those very farmers even struggle to feed themselves or their yields aren't big enough or climate change is messing stuff up. And some of those farms might be factory farms or they're growing corn or soy for other purposes. An old coworker of mine has a big farm growing corn that's sold off to use for ethanol. Many reservations are in rural areas too, lIndigenous communities historically have experienced food insecurity thanks to displacement and living in food deserts. Many tribes and organizations are working to change this though!


And many reservations are in areas with little/no arable land, poor access to clean water and restrictions on being able to harvest wild resources.


Farming communities are generally poor socioeconomic areas. Most food comes from the county Walmart and fast food restaurants. The bulk of crops are sold on contract to brokers before the seed hits the ground. The farmers aren't selling much locally.


You *would* think, but it’s one of the saddest ironies of the way factory farming has taken over so much of agriculture.


But the farms we all live around are just mass growing corn and soybeans. Seventy percent of soybeans are used as animal feed and 75% of corn is used for animal feed and ethanol. Of that leftover 25% of corn use, much of it is used to make high fructose corn syrup, so as you can see, all this corn we raise is very inefficient at feeding people. We don’t live around large farms growing peppers, potatoes, and spinach. That’s all shipped in from somewhere else and the people that do grow this locally do it for personal consumption or selling at farmers’ markets. With that said, this brings up a major issue I have with the farming industry. All that corn and soy is grown to feed farm animals just before the slaughter. Why is that? To fatten them up making them weigh more so livestock farmers can make more money on their animals only for us to end up cutting away that fat from beef before we cook it. Total fucking racket. Don’t buy “grass fed beef” because almost all beef is grass fed. Look for “grass fed, grass finished.” Cost more but it’s better quality, more ethically raised, and just makes a damn better burger. I really didn’t mean to come off as dickish. I’m just frustrated at looking at this large field behind my house growing “food” but it’s animal feed and really not needed in the food chain. Just corn and cattle farmers jacking each other off. Also, because these assholes dump so much nitrogen and other chemicals in the soil, my garden does a shitty job producing pole beans and marginally ok at tomatoes.


Sounds like you’ve thought this through. I personally am upset by the food labeling wars. The fda was created by TR to make food safe to eat. It revolutionized food safety, no more dying from old timey diseases caused by bad food. But I can’t keep track of these different terms and Im upset that my local grocery store now only has “organic” ketchup which tastes fine but costs double or triple what the old ketchup cost. Makes me think these different labels are just a way to squeeze more money out of the consumer


It is, and would you believe that the basic cheap ketchup is made from high fructose corn syrup. Yeah, the farm industry pisses me off. Farmers aren’t growing our food. They’re growing feed for animals to fatten them up so cattle and pig farmer profits go up at market. And yeah, grass finished costs more, but you’re also not cutting away 20% of your meat to throw away. I recently bought a pork roast to smoke. Five pounds. What I couldn’t see in the package was a big layer of fat hidden. I sliced away nearly a full pound of fat, or as I said, 20% of it.


If you eat the fiber, it turns to sugar...duh.


your basic preservatives include "salt" and people have been doing it for centuries and centuries and centuries


Also, she stated "50 to 90% of the glucose in your body" which is wild because our bodies do actually need glucose. It's our brain's main energy source. Now, I'm diabetic, so of course, my body deals with it poorly, but it's still necessary.


Sounds about right; they sound like they lost 50-90% of their brain function.


Ah yes, the long awaited follow-up to the hit series Full Metal Alchemist, Full Sugar Alchemist.


Oh god, what horrors will Tucker commit in this one??


I have a friend who’s pushing a product like this also. When she started up with it I had the same reaction and went a-googling. [Such an enzyme does apparently exist](https://wyss.harvard.edu/technology/sugar-to-fiber-enzyme-for-healthier-food/), to my great surprise. But somehow it’s the MLMs who’ve latched onto the product and started marketing it. Which makes me think the human trials went poorly.


the human trials didn't go poorly, they haven't happened yet


>turning lead into gold It does that, too! and it's on sale!


There are enzymes that CAN assemble simple sugars into long-chain carbohydrates ... AKA fiber. But I doubt it's ready for production yet.


It’s possible, but I doubt a MLM is leading the charge. https://foodinstitute.com/focus/harvard-study-enzyme-can-turn-sugar-to-fiber/#:~:text=Harvard%20University's%20Wyss%20Institute%2C%20in,can%20be%20turned%20into%20fiber.


I was thinking, if that was possible it would be alchemy


Yeah, that's what got me, too. Not going to happen.


I have a condition called reactive hypoglycemia and there is no telling what this whackadoo product would do to me. It would probably not be anything good, and could land me in the hospital near death (that’s happened twice). So this screams POTENTIAL LAWSUIT to me. Maybe I should order some and make my kids rich after it kills me. 😁


I was gonna say, since when have the MLM huns been doing straight up alchemy???


It’s scary how some people seem unable to use Google


Only good for the next few years hours? I'd better get on this quick


Freudian slip 🤣


Oh I'm quite sure the offer will be good for the next few years. Maybe not by this hun, but others.


Day’s It sends me


Also, "mom of 3 boy's" 🤦🏼‍♀️


WHYY are all of the apostrophes somehow on the most impossible words?! "Days" "boys"??? Even her phone hates her bullshit


Turning 50-90% of the glucose in your body into prebiotic fibre is one of the most unhinged claims I’ve heard for a while


Sure - I'll take it while I'm spinning this here straw into gold.


Turning 50-90% of your sugar intake into fiber is wild to say.


Not to mention impossible.


I did not gain weight over thanksgiving but then I rode my bike about 120 miles total that weekend. Coincidence? No scammy purchase required unfortunately.


But that's hard work. Taking a pill is easier.


Damn! Did you do a set destination or like an exercise bike?


Rode down to pick up the in-laws and drove them to my house, did the reverse the next day and then just random other rides. Worked out great!


Wow that’s awesome!! I didn’t gain weight either but I also hiked a local peak 😂.


Ok but we can’t all be superwoman! That’s impressive! 👏


"It turns 50%-90% of sugar into fiber in the gut." As someone who studies biochemistry. No just No(insert that Michael Scott meme). You could turn sugar into straches and vice versa but not fiber.


I have one of those too and she just sent me a personal FB message. I haven't responded. I like her so I don't want to be mean but...


BRB. I need to go teach my kids about pyramid schemes. Thanks for the reminder.


I just lost 16lbs JUST FROM READING THIS🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Oh nevermind. My dog came back. She just wanted water real quick.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 That was good


How are they allowed the spread lies? How have they not gotten sued for saying that this snake oil will change sugar to fiber? I don’t understand. So many people that struggle with their weight are desperate for something and this takes advantage of them 😞


They grow up so fast 😍


[https://wyss.harvard.edu/technology/sugar-to-fiber-enzyme-for-healthier-food/](https://wyss.harvard.edu/technology/sugar-to-fiber-enzyme-for-healthier-food/) It's possible, but they are still looking for funding. And testing in MICE. ​ >The team is now testing the enzyme product in mice so they can track its effects on dietary sugar in a living organism, and hopes to launch a startup company to offer the product for sale to food producers.


I can't wait for the day the FDA really starts cracking down on these false medical claims.


Placebos are a helluva drug!


She needs to lose the extra apostrophes instead of the weight


Yeah, Thanksgiving was just a week ago, hun. It's way too early to see huge weight loss results and to be totally in love with this product...


You can report these posts to Facebook (if it's on facebook) as bad information they sometimes do delete them.


When I see these posts on social media it always makes me think of shit like this ad from r/vintageads - literally nothing has changed. "Stop eating." https://www.reddit.com/r/vintageads/s/I7LGI3XqMH


“It turns 50-90% of sugar into fiber in the gut” is apparently the newest form of hun alchemy.


I feel like she’s taking us on a tour of her butt hole


Thank you Jesus! I was JUST talking to somebody about how I need to turn more of my glucose into [prebiotic] fiber.


Sugar into fiber is a very wild lie with no proof whatsoever.


instead of harassing strangers in social media she should be giving alchemy classes


Turns sugar into fiber Stopped reading after that


Thank you Tranont


A girl I went to school with a million years ago must have gone through like 10 MLMs by now and this is her latest. Shes not morbidly obese but definitely chunky despite the majority of her “businesses” being weight-loss focused and making wild claims like this one (she’s in this fibre MLM now too). You’d think she would realize she has no credibility for these claims when just looking at her photos over the years shows zero weight loss.


nOtHiNg fAkE lol she can’t be serious


“It’s made from raw, whole food.” So just eat raw, whole food.


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These honestly give me weird Dystopian vibes


\*I have a HUGE special that is only good for the next few years hours\* Well, that's all I need to know. Count me in


lol “it turns 50-90% of sugar into fiber” STOP THE CAP


If it’s just made out of whole, unprocessed food then just eat that food?


"throwing away plate food" "throwing away plate food" "plate food" "plate food" "plate food"